Our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours who when first said these words. Our cause is right

This call, with some variations, as well as in parts, was repeatedly repeated in print publications and oral appeals until the end of the war. I. V. Stalin repeated it in his first radio speech on July 3, 1941: “... all the peoples of our country, all the best people Europe, America and Asia, finally, all the best people in Germany ... see that our cause is right that the enemy will be defeated, that we must win".

It is often mistakenly believed that Stalin was the first to utter this slogan. The text of Molotov's appeal was agreed with Stalin.

When used, the phrase is often abbreviated, for example: "our cause is just, we will win".

The slogan received a second life in 1945 when the medals "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" and "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" were established. The inscription around the chest image of Stalin read: "Our cause is just - We won."

Already after the war, in the late 40s and 50s, people received certificates of honor with this slogan.
The quote is made up of clichés common for the era of the First World War and the Civil War, for example: “Our cause is a just cause” (P. N. Milyukov’s speech in State Duma July 26, 1914). "New time", 27 July. "Our cause is right and we will win!" Article "Our victories" in the "white" newspaper "Kubansky Krai", January 8, 1919, "The enemy will be defeated." Appeal of General A.N. Pepelyaev to the population of the Perm province, July 1919, leaflet.
The expression “Our cause is just” is found in Lenin’s 1903 work “To the rural poor”: “... The workers do not give up. They continue to fight. They say: no persecution, no prison, no exile, no penal servitude, no death will frighten us. Our cause is right. We fight for the freedom and happiness of all who work. We are fighting for deliverance from violence, from oppression, from the poverty of tens and hundreds of millions of people. The workers are becoming more and more conscious. The number of Social Democrats is rapidly increasing in all countries. We will win no matter what persecution."

"Our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours" - final phrase appeals to the Soviet people, which the Deputy Chairman of the Council people's commissars USSR V. M. Molotov read out at 12 noon on June 22, 1941 - the day the Great Patriotic War began.

This call, with some variations, as well as in parts, was repeatedly repeated in print publications and oral appeals until the end of the war. I. V. Stalin repeated it in his first radio speech on July 3, 1941: “... all the peoples of our country, all the best people of Europe, America and Asia, finally, all the best people of Germany ... see that our cause is just, that the enemy will be defeated, that we must win”.

It is often mistakenly believed that Stalin was the first to utter this slogan. The text of Molotov's appeal was agreed with Stalin.

When used, the phrase is often abbreviated, for example: "our cause is just, we will win".

The slogan received a second life in 1945 when the medals "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" and "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" were established. The inscription around the chest image of Stalin read: "Our cause is just - We won."

Already after the war, in the late 40s and 50s, people received diplomas with this slogan for good work ((#if:||

The quote is made up of cliches common for the era of the First World War and the Civil War, for example: “Our cause is a just cause” (P. N. Milyukov’s speech in the State Duma on July 26, 1914). "New time", 27 July. "Our cause is right and we will win!" Article "Our victories" in the "white" newspaper "Kubansky Krai", January 8, 1919, "The enemy will be defeated." Appeal of General A.N. Pepelyaev to the population of the Perm province, July 1919, leaflet. Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich Quotes from Russian history. From calling the Varangians to the present day. Directory
The expression “Our cause is just” is found in Lenin’s 1903 work “To the rural poor”: “... The workers do not give up. They continue to fight. They say: no persecution, no prison, no exile, no penal servitude, no death will frighten us. Our cause is right. We fight for the freedom and happiness of all who work. We are fighting for deliverance from violence, from oppression, from the poverty of tens and hundreds of millions of people. The workers are becoming more and more conscious. The number of Social Democrats is rapidly increasing in all countries. We will win no matter what persecution." "To the rural poor".

  • The slogan of the Russian party "Union of Right Forces"
  • The slogan of the Russian party "Just Cause" (2014-2016)


Unknown extension tag "references"


  • To the 200th anniversary of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Molotov V. M. // magazine "Diplomatic Bulletin", July 2002
  • G. N. Peskov.

From the speech of the People's Commissar (Minister) of Foreign Affairs (1939 1949; 1953 1956) of the USSR Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov (party pseudonym V. M. Scriabin, 1890 1986), which he delivered on the radio on the day the Great Patriotic War began on June 22 ... ... Vocabulary winged words and expressions

- "Our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours" the final phrase of the appeal to the Soviet people, which the Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars USSR and People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs V. M. Molotov read out at 12 ... ... Wikipedia

case- , a, cf. 1. Work, creative activity. ◘ Rabbit breeding should be your business, pioneer. Peony, pr., 08/17/80. == Good deeds. pathet. ◘ In all good deeds all the Soviet people and all progressive mankind saw ... ... Dictionary the language of the Soviets

just cause- Truth, justice. Our pilots are braver, more fearless. They are fighting for a just cause and therefore they will win (G. Sholokhov Sinyavsky. Volgins). Type drank compote in one gulp and went to complain about Ivan to the dietitian. “Nothing, let’s break it down, I decided to myself ... ... Phrasebook Russian literary language

This term has other meanings, see Just cause (meanings). Right Cause is a democratic right-wing coalition of about 30 organizations that existed from December 10, 1998 to May 2000. The forerunners of the Right Cause coalition ... ... Wikipedia

case- a; pl. deeds /, deeds, deeds / m; cf. see also business, business, business 1) a) Work, occupation, activity. Economic affairs. Urgent, urgent de/lo ... Dictionary of many expressions

BUT; pl. deeds, deeds, deeds; cf. 1. Work, occupation, activity. Economic affairs. Urgent, urgent e. On business. Get down to business. Get down to business. Do household chores. D. argues, boils. Stop someone. for business. Sit,… … encyclopedic Dictionary

Soviet poster with the slogan. Klutsis G.G., 1931 "Work in the USSR is a matter of honor, glory, valor and heroism" Soviet slogan formed from a political report Central Committee... Wikipedia

Photo "Friend of children", in the picture of Gel Markizov, whose parents were subsequently repressed. ... Wikipedia

A device for making bodies of revolution from wood and other hard materials, called a lathe (un tour, turning lathe, Drehbank), has been known since ancient times; only a potter's wheel, which is used to make round clay vessels, ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron


  • "Our cause is right." Countries and leaders in the socio-cultural and philosophical-historical dimensions. Collection of articles for the 70th anniversary of the Victory, . Collection of articles submitted by the participants of the Interregional scientific conference with international participation""Our cause is right": countries and leaders anti-Hitler coalition in sociocultural and...
  • Our cause is just, Nick Perumov, Vera Kamsha, Eleonora and Sergei Ratkevich. "Which of us has never heard that great people do not exist, that feats, in fact, are not such feats - because they are done out of fear or selfish calculation? That there is no courage and ...

These are the words from an appeal to the Soviet people, which the Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR Union and People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs V. M. Molotov read out on the day of the attack Nazi Germany to the Soviet Union, at 12 noon on June 22, 1941. The text was agreed with Supreme Commander I.V. Stalin. Later, these words were repeated by Stalin himself in one of his speeches. And at the end of the Great Patriotic War, the words “Our cause is just. We won" were knocked out on the medal "For the victory over Germany".

The simple Soviet people, once called God-bearing, even led by godless authorities, but, according to the 1937 census, for the most part did not forget Christ, this people defeated the Nazi scum, laying millions of their sons and daughters on the altar of holy Victory.

It was after Stalin began to open churches and parishes, that is, he actually turned to God for help, that a victorious turning point occurred in the most terrible of wars in the history of mankind.

God's Providence managed so that our people were saved from fascist enslavement of all mankind.

Therefore, I think, no matter how you relate to that power and the figure of Stalin, the words engraved on the honorary award can be considered quite blessed.

And now, grown up like the sown teeth of a dragon, the last of Hitler's evil spirits - Bandera's evil spirits - which, from mockery of the graves of the fallen Soviet soldiers moved to Nazi revenge in Ukraine, - the words with which they went to death are again relevant true heroes to wipe this rubbish off the face of the earth.

Evil, lost human form scum and murderers unleash now civil war, calling it a "civilized revolution" for the sake of entering the " civilized Europe". It is useless to remind them that Hitler, seizing our lands, also announced that he had brought civilization to the wild Slavic tribes. Then it was the “civilization of the Third Reich”, now it is a dissolute, Sodomite and godless “civilization” of the last time, which is preparing for the coming of the Antichrist.

I would like to say a few words for those naive people who sincerely believe the pretentious Maidan screamers and believe that such revolutions are a boon and almost the salvation of our country from "gangster power" and corrupt officials.

An unshakable, one might even say, condo counter-revolutionary.

For I am convinced that Otto von Bismarck is right, a saying that has long become commonplace: “The revolution is conceived by idealists, executed by executioners, and scoundrels use its fruits” (there are some discrepancies that do not really affect the meaning: “geniuses-romantics are executioners”, etc.)

As for the idealists, however, I would argue. No idealism, for example, in the actions of the organizers coup d'état in Ukraine, in my opinion, is not observed. There is unscrupulousness, absolute cynicism, greed and grandiloquent lies, as well as many proven mind control technologies that zombify people and turn them into an obedient brutalized herd.

Although, if the ideals of the organizers of the current putsch are considered to be chairs of power and the golden calf, then yes, they are idealists.

If we talk about the moral and psychological aspects of the revolution, then it is associated with pride, vanity, envy, greed and, as a result, hatred generated by these eternal vices. Hatred, directed first at opponents, and then, in the event of a successful uprising, at their own comrades-in-arms, who became competitors in the division of power.

It is thanks to these characteristic features successful rebellions, another common phrase was born that "the revolution devours its children." And I don’t have a single doubt that in the event, God forbid, the victory of this “civilized” rebellion, the whole frenzied gang of Maidan cooperators would immediately begin to tear each other apart. We have already seen how the gop company behaved (then there is a company of "gopniks") Tymoshenko, Yushchenko and others, when they seized power after the "Orange" revolution.

Even if the initiators of the uprising manage to convince not only the crowd, but also themselves, that they are trying for the people's good, this is still a diabolical self-deception. Believers know that such a state is called "demonic delusion."

The very first revolutionaries, as is known, were the enemy of mankind and his Aggels who had fallen away from God. And therefore, in earthly revolutions, there are the above-mentioned vices, inspired by evil spirits to people.

And the first counter-revolutionary, I think, can be considered the holy Archangel Michael, who, at the head of the army of God's angels, defeated this evil spirits.

Today, rogues possessed by the spirits of malice, rushing to the helm of power and started for the sake of this fratricidal slaughter, direct their evil aggels in the flesh to more and more new crimes: murders and beatings of innocent people, seizures of buildings, arson, robberies and other atrocities.

Therefore, those who uphold the rule of law in the state, Berkut, internal troops, police, all citizens opposing criminals - a noble army. They protect us and our Fatherland from the rotten fascist evil spirits, which were once driven into the forehead by a bullet (as it was sung in the song “Get up, the country is huge!”) by their heroic grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

These are truly the soldiers of Christ.

I started writing this article wanting to make it long, to talk about revolutions and how much evil they brought to the world.

Now, watching what is happening on the streets of Kyiv, I cannot go into long discussions.

For now it is necessary to immediately organize a counter-revolution that will crush the fascist reptile. And at the same time, do not be afraid of either espionage emissaries of the European Union, or Western ambassadors provocateurs, or this very reptile.

It is a pity that the President of the country is still in a state of indecision, as if not noticing that more and more blood is shed and not realizing that he is responsible before God for not stopping these atrocities in time by all available means. It is a pity that he, who once took care of the Orthodox elder Zosima, does not feel God's blessing in the words: “Our cause is just. The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours!"

"Citizens and citizens Soviet Union!

Today, at 4 o'clock in the morning, without presenting any claims against the Soviet Union, without declaring war, German troops attacked our country, attacking our border in many places and bombing our cities - Zhitomir, Kyiv, Sevastopol, Kaunas and some others - from their aircraft. Enemy aircraft raids and artillery shelling were also carried out from the Romanian side and from Finland.

This unprecedented attack on our country, despite the existence of a non-aggression pact between the USSR and Germany, is unprecedented in the history of civilized peoples. The entire responsibility for this attack on the Soviet Union falls entirely on the German fascist government.

Already after the attack, the German ambassador in Moscow, Schulenburg, at 5 o'clock. 30 minutes in the morning made a statement to me like People's Commissar foreign affairs, on behalf of their government, that German government was allegedly forced to take military countermeasures in connection with the concentration of armed forces of the Red [Army] near the eastern German border.

In response to this, I, on behalf of Soviet government it was stated that before last minute The German government did not make any claims against the Soviet government and that Germany attacked the USSR, despite the peace-loving position of the Soviet Union, and that thereby Nazi Germany is the attacker.

By order of the Government of the Soviet Union, I must state that at no point did our troops and our aviation allow violations of the border, and therefore the statement made by the Romanian radio this morning that allegedly Soviet aircraft shelled Romanian airfields is a total lie and provocation.

Now that the attack on the Soviet Union has already taken place, the Soviet Government has given an order to our troops to repulse the attack and drive the German troops out of our homeland.

The Government of the Soviet Union expresses its unshakable confidence that our valiant army and navy and brave falcons Soviet aviation they will honorably fulfill their duty to their homeland, to the Soviet people and deal a crushing blow to the enemy.

Our cause is right. The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours!"

CONTEXT. At dawn on June 22, 1941, fascist Germany and its allies attacked our country with an invasion force of unprecedented power. The troops of Hungary, Romania, Finland, Italy, Slovakia, Croatia, the Spanish " blue division”, formations and parts of the“ volunteers ”of a number of other countries. To attack the USSR, Germany and its allies allocated 4.4 million people. The enemy grouping included 190 divisions, more than 4 thousand tanks, 47 thousand guns and mortars, about 4.3 thousand aircraft, 246 ships (103 enemy divisions operated in the first echelon). Total population armed forces of Germany amounted to 7.3 million people. The Great Patriotic War. The Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, which met urgently, along with urgent military issues, decided to appeal to the Soviet people with an appeal to rise in defense of the Motherland. The Politburo considered it logical that a corresponding appeal should be made. However, Stalin, motivating his refusal political reasons- the ambiguity of the situation at the front and the impossibility in this regard to make a balanced statement, categorically refused to do so. In this regard, the Politburo instructed V.M. Molotov - head of the Soviet government. Molotov's radio message sounded at noon on June 22. In the following days, his text was published in the newspapers in a somewhat more extended version.

On June 23, the Headquarters of the High Command was formed (from July 10 - the Headquarters of the High Command, from August 8 - the Headquarters Supreme High Command) - supreme body strategic leadership of the Armed Forces. All power in the country was concentrated in the hands of the educated on June 30 State Committee Defense (GKO). I. Stalin was appointed Chairman of the GKO, and then Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the USSR (since August 8).

Molotov's speech - audio http://sovmusic.ru/download.php?fname=molotov1