What is a characteristic feature of a primitive society. History of the development of public relations

Primitive society is a period in the history of mankind before the invention of writing, after which it becomes possible historical research based on the study of written sources.

The first written chronicles appeared over 5000 years ago, but there is evidence of the existence of the first human race in Africa about 2.5 million years ago.

The evolution of primitive people took place against the backdrop of ice ages. About 15,000 years ago, the ice caps began to melt, and the climate became more favorable. The earth began to bear fruit, covered with vegetation, trees and herbs, appeared various representatives flora and fauna, and in the communities of primitive people various lifestyles began to take shape.

The state did not always exist, it was formed gradually, from the moment of the formation of the socialization of mankind.

Scholars and political scientists agree that economic basis primitive communal system collective ownership of the means of production. In other words, all tools, food, clothing belonged to everyone, or rather to a generalized group of people. Forms social organization in that period, such a human hostel were different, such as tribal community, tribe, human herd, etc.

Considering that the society arose much before the state, it is necessary to characterize the social power and norms that existed in primitive society.

The primitive communal system was the longest in time (more than a million years) stage in the history of mankind.

The primitive communal system is characterized by a collective character

labor, division of labor, by sex and age, men - warriors and hunters, women and children - gatherers of fruits and berries.

A member of each gender and age group played a certain social role, that is, performed in public life a certain function that society expected him to perform. An adult man had to hunt and deal with prey in a certain way, and by no means at his own discretion. Each child, upon reaching a certain age, underwent an initiation rite (initiation into adults, associated with rather cruel trials), after which he immediately received status an adult, receiving all the corresponding rights and obligations.

In primitive society, power came from all adult members of the clan (elders, military leaders, priests), who were appointed by a meeting of members of the clan.

The armed force consisted of all men capable of carrying and using weapons (spears, sticks, stones).

Also, the following features were characteristic of the primitive communal system:

  • 1) the presence of primitive tools, in connection with which, without the help of the whole family, a person was unable to survive and provide himself with food, clothing and housing. The economy of the primitive community was based on primitive manual labor who did not even know the help of pets. The economy of the tribal system was extractive (i.e., receiving the finished product from wildlife by hunting, gathering fruits, fishing). The needs grew every day, the community grew, and they consumed exactly as much as they got, there were no surpluses and reserves, and therefore, according to economic signs, everyone was equal. For the next steps community development characteristic of a manufacturing economy. For example, for an agrarian society, this is agriculture, cattle breeding and crafts, and for an industrial society, this is primarily industry. All booty items were divided among all members of the community, depending on the efforts made by them;
  • 2) economic equality also led to political equality. The entire adult population of the clan - both men and women - had the right to participate in the discussion and resolution of any issue related to the activities of the clan;

Public (social) power that existed in pre-state period, has the following main features. This power:

  • 1) was based on tribal (family) relations, because the clan (tribal community) was the basis for the organization of society, i.e. association of people by consanguinity, as well as the community of property and labor. Each clan acted as an independent unit, possessing common property, a tool of labor and its result. Clans formed larger associations, such as phratries, tribes, tribal unions. The genus played a decisive role in the development primitive society, power, basically, spread only within the clan, expressing its will;
  • 2) was directly public, built on the principles of primitive democracy;
  • 3) relied on the authority, respect, traditions and customs of members of the clan;
  • 4) was carried out both by society as a whole (tribal meetings, veche) and its representatives (elders, councils of elders, military leaders, leaders, priests, etc.), who decided critical issues vital activity of primitive society;

Thus, power in primitive society in its original form did not give any advantages and was based only on authority. Later, it began to change and acquire new features.

The structure of primitive society. The primitive communal system consists of several stages of its development. Stone Age most peoples survived about 30 thousand years ago. At that time, people appropriated the finished products of nature, which were mined with the help of primitive tools (stick, stone, sharpening, etc.). social organization This period is characterized as a herd society, or rather a human herd. It was during this period that the skills of collective labor and collective consumption of extracted products and meat began to form. Separate groups lived, apparently, in isolation, the connections between them were random. Marriage relations in the herd were initially disorderly. Gradually, sexual relations in the herd acquired a limited character, established certain prohibitions on marital relations (between brothers and sisters, mothers and children, fathers and children, and other close blood relatives). Over time, animal husbandry, agricultural activities develop, tools of labor are improved (a kopte, an ax, a kind of knife, a bow and arrowheads appear). Gradually, the human tribe accumulates certain experience in all areas of activity (hunting, fishing, animal husbandry, agriculture), which improves the skills of any field of activity and makes it the most effective (techniques accumulated with experience help to catch a certain animal, fish, preserve crops of vegetables and fruits). are changing and relations of production, there are the beginnings of collective labor, public property. Also at this period, the beginnings of marital relations between different members herds. At this stage, the herd is already transformed into a genus. The most stable form was the tribal community, which was an association of people based on consanguinity, as well as on the common knowledge joint farm. primary role in shaping public man and the appearance of the genus played labor. Genus played a decisive role in social development primitive people. He acted genuine public association, united by a single goal of production and consumption of vital products. There was a common property of the clan on the land, tools of labor, objects of prey. All members of the genus free people connected by blood ties. Their relationship was built on the basis of mutual assistance, no one had any advantages over others. Genus as the original cell human society was a universal organization characteristic of all peoples. In its original form, in a tribal organization, power belonged to the entire clan and was exercised in the interests of all its members. Most significant issues the life of society, the resolution of significant disputes, the distribution of responsibilities, military strategies, religious ceremonies, etc. were allowed to general meeting(council) of all adult members of the genus - men and women. This assembly, which arose along with the clan, was supreme authority in him. The decisions of the assembly were absolutely binding on everyone and were perceived as an expression of the general will. For direct control, the assembly chose the “best among equals”, that is, the most experienced and intelligent head of the clan (elder, sorcerer, leader). The leader (head of the clan) did not have any advantages over other members of the clan, worked on an equal footing with others, did not differ in material resources, however, he had unshakable authority and respect. The above forms of organization of power in the tribal community give every reason to say that this power acted as self-government, a kind of primitive democracy. Primitive customs are rooted in ancient times passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years. Customs were indisputable prohibitions (taboos), stories (myths) projecting behavior in a given situation, as well as magical signs, rites and rituals. Observance of customs was obligatory for each member of the clan. Customs were inviolable and sacred, therefore they were not amenable to revision and condemnation. Customs played important role in regulation production processes, household, family and other public relations. Customs were the natural product of the primitive order, result and necessary condition his life activity. Society directed the behavior of each member of the genus so that it corresponded to the collective interests. Many important customs flowed directly from existing social relations. They were closely connected with the norms of primitive morality (morality), religious decrees, and often coincided with them. Various rituals and ceremonies associated with the aesthetic ideas of the people of that era also had a religious coloring. Great importance had numerous prohibitions (taboos). The indisputability of the custom was based on the blood connection and community of interests of the members of the tribal community, the equality of their position, the absence of irreconcilable contradictions between them. Thus, characteristics primitive customs can be formulated as follows:

  • 1) they came from the clan and expressed its will and interests;
  • 2) were performed out of habit on a voluntary basis, and if necessary, their observance was carried out by force;
  • 3) there were no bodies punishing non-compliance with customs, but instead of them there was a general condemnation of fellow tribesmen;
  • 4) there was no difference between rights and duties: the right is perceived as a duty, and duty as a right.

It follows from this that each society is characterized by a certain system of management and regulation of people's behavior with the help of certain general norms. So, in the face of the community and the tribal organization, there are clear delimited social institutions, the behavior of members of the tribes is already regulated not only by instincts, but also by certain social norms and rules. The most important step in the social human development came neolithic revolution, which took place 10-15 thousand years ago. During this period, perfect tools of labor appeared, cattle breeding and agriculture improved. People began to produce more than they consume, there were surpluses, and subsequently stocks of food, and as a result, inequality appeared (who more inventory). The economy has become productive, people have become less dependent on natural phenomena leading to significant population growth. The exchange of goods also appeared, the beginnings of the provision of services appeared, a person began to use not only animals, but also human labor in industrial activities (for example, in exchange for part of the product produced), the beginnings of slavery appear. It was during this period, in the Neolithic era, that the decomposition of the primitive communal system and the gradual transition to a state-organized society began. Gradually, a special stage in the development of society and the form of its organization, which was called the “proto-state”, or “chifdom”, arises. During the period of the appropriating economy, the presence of a surplus product was not noticeable, and with the advent of pastoralism and agriculture, exchange becomes necessary for survival. Some members of society who have surpluses have the right to "bargain" for their sale (exchange), in connection with which they further increase their stock and become economically independent from other members of the tribe. There are people who are engaged in the exchange of products between communities. This leads to a new division social labor the emergence of merchants who do not participate in the production process, but are only engaged in the exchange of consumer goods. Appears private property, and in connection with its appearance and the material difference of the members of society. The gradual transition from pair marriage to monogamous leads to the economic independence of the family. She becomes social form material isolation, all private property is concentrated within the framework of one family and is inherited. The emergence of private property caused a stratification into rich and poor. At this stage, the primitive communal organization begins to experience a crisis of power, because it became necessary to regulate economic relations, inequality, and there was a need to protect private property. The organs of the primitive communal system are gradually degenerating into the orgs of military democracy for waging war with neighboring tribes, for the defense of their territory and population. At this moment, the imposition of the will of strong and wealthy members of the tribe on all fellow tribesmen is born.

Thus, the degeneration of the organs of primitive society gradually leads to the emergence of the state.

long and difficult process The development of mankind began with the appearance of the most ancient people and ended with the formation of the first states.

During this period, often referred to as prehistoric, appears primitive society. It is characterized by the absence of estates, property inequality, statehood, cities, and much of what appeared in more late periods the history of mankind.

In the primitive era, formed physical type modern man, various tools of labor are being created, the technologies for their manufacture are being improved. Through tireless work, gradual discoveries, accumulation of experience, people have created a rich material and spiritual culture. They learned how to build dwellings, sew clothes, use vehicles, make dishes and various household utensils.

One of major achievements primitive era was the discovery of productive forms of economy - agriculture and cattle breeding, which to this day constitute the main source of food for a person. The people of the primitive era reflected their vision and understanding of the world in painting, sculpture, myths, fairy tales, and legends.

Epochs of primitive society

The eras of primitive society are extremely blurred chronological framework. Depending on the geographical region not only can the beginning and end of the period differ significantly, but even its presence. So, for example, the Neolithic in America began already at the end of the 3rd millennium, when it ended in Europe and the Eneolithic began. In a number geographical areas Eneolithic is absent.

Around the middle of the 4th millennium BC. e. the transition of mankind from primitiveness to civilization began. An indicator of this transition was the emergence of the first states, the development of cities, writing, new forms of religious and cultural life. Civilization is more high step development of human society, following the primitive.

The first society in the history of mankind is considered to be primitive, or pre-state. It replaced new organization? What are the characteristics of a primitive society? Does it have the prerequisites of the state? We'll try to answer.


Signs of a primitive society:

  • tribal organization;
  • collective work;
  • common property;
  • primitive tools;
  • equal distribution.

The above signs of primitive society affect economic life because the culture has just begun to take shape. The only thing that can be distinguished is fetishism, the deification of nature. But the last point, roughly speaking, is conditional. Our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, also worshiped nature - the sun (Yarilo), lightning (Perun), Wind (Stribog). However, this does not give reason to speak of them as primitive. Therefore, it is precisely economic aspects(labor, tools, distribution, etc.).

The concept of a polygamous family

The basis of the clan in primitive society was a polygamous family. They were supposed to be in sexual intercourse for procreation only within their own community. She formed a tribe as it grew, and a tribe formed a union of tribes. That is, in fact, they were all relatives to each other. Hence the concept of "genus" in the meaning of "one's own." "Strangers" were not allowed into such families. The union of tribes is a prototype of the first nations with distinctive features.

If we analyze the above signs, we will see that with such a system of economic model, the emergence of social inequality is impossible. The tools were primitive, everyone was engaged in the same labor in order to preserve their kind, there was a distribution of products, since everyone worked collectively.

What will we not attribute to the signs of a primitive society? The presence of a coercive apparatus. This is understandable. The presence of a coercive apparatus is associated with the emergence of property inequality, which appeared later, during the division of labor in the period of "military democracy". We will talk about this a little later.

Signs of primitive society and the state

The signs of a nascent state from a primitive society include:

Social division of labor

Over time, the work becomes more difficult. Many historians attribute these changes to climate change. Life has become harsher. Therefore, traditional hunting and gathering had to move away towards the cultivation of the land. Man himself has now begun to create food. This, according to scientists, is the beginning of social stratification.

However, a person could not simultaneously perform several operations. As a result, it happened:

  • The first major division of labor. Agriculture separated from animal husbandry.

Over time, people begin to improve their agricultural implements. Society is moving from primitive hoes and stones to new tools that can no longer be made by oneself without special knowledge and skills. A category appears that is better than others in making agricultural implements. Gradually, this stratum became isolated and led to the second major division of labor.

  • Separation of handicraft from agriculture.

The two divisions of labor led manufacturers to produce different goods that each class needed. The farmer needed tools, animals, the craftsman needed bread, etc. However, the exchange was hampered by employment. If the farmer takes the time to exchange his produce, he will suffer more losses. Everyone needed a mediator. Let's remember how our society struggled with speculators. However, they helped to develop society. There was a separate category that made life easier for everyone. There was a third division of labor.

The appearance of merchants

All this led to social inequality, stratification. One has a bad harvest, the other has found goods for more favorable price etc.

Naturally, when stratification begins a clash of interests. The old one could no longer control it all. In its place, a neighbor's room appeared, where people were strangers to each other. A new organization was needed. As such, it was political power. Proto-state relations began to take shape. This period was called "military democracy". It is with the creation of full-fledged elites that a real state begins, that is, civilization. More on this later.

Signs of primitive society and civilization

The period of "military democracy" is the time when all members of society are still equal. No one stands out for luxury or poverty. This is a time where the future of not only one's own, but also one's descendants depended on personal merits. With property stratification, constant wars for wealth began. One tribe constantly attacked another. Society could not live differently. Attacks led to the enrichment of the most successful warriors. Naturally, those who were at home were left with nothing. This is how knowledge began to take shape. In all nations, political elites were formed precisely from warriors. Having obtained money and glory in battles, people began to look for a way to consolidate this state of affairs. Transfer your privileged position to your heirs. This is how states with a hierarchical caste structure of a closed type were formed. This time is considered the beginning of civilization.

The knowledge of the state should begin with the question of the origin of the state - whether this social institution has always existed in the history of human society or whether it appeared at a certain stage in the development of society. The appearance of these social institutions is closely connected with the development of economic relations, power and social norms. That is why it is necessary to begin with the characterization of the aspects of primitive society.

According to modern science about 3-3.5 billion years ago, as a result of the evolution of matter, life arose on earth (the biosphere). Man appeared more than 40 thousand years ago. Elements of statehood and the first state formations emerged relatively recently. The first state is Egypt. In Kazakhstan, statehood arose a little more than a thousand years ago. modern society preceded by a long era of primitive society. But primitive society itself was never static, it developed, passed various stages. Of particular value for the theory of the state is periodization, which is based on new archeological data and singles out the "Neolithic revolution" as one of the main milestones in the development of primitive society.

Before the appearance of the state, humanity went through a number of stages in its development. At first, man was not much different from the animal. Being a physically rather weak creature, a person had to either die, or with the help of more rapid development unequal and brain system find means of salvation.

Physically, the first step in this direction was the "straightening" of a person, the release of his upper limbs for certain activities(defending oneself and attacking others, obtaining food); the emergence of the opportunity to use auxiliary materials (stick, stone). At the initial stage of its existence, man himself did not produce anything and took everything that he needed from nature (hunting, gathering). Lack of production wealth doomed man to complete dependence on nature.

One of major events in the development of man there was a transition from herd existence to association on the basis of consanguinity - the appearance of the genus. The family was the most natural form links between ancestors and descendants of primitive man. As a result of the diverse relationships between individuals, they are gradually born and become the most hallmark human society social connections, certain organizational methods influence on people's behavior, the germ of such an important tool as power appears, and binding rules behavior. Thus, the formation of society precedes state organization his life.

We can name the main elements that make up the concept of society:

  • - a set of individuals with will and consciousness;
  • - general interest having a permanent and objective character;
  • - interaction and cooperation based on common interests;
  • - regulation public interest generally binding rules of conduct;
  • - the presence of an organized force (authority) capable of providing internal order and external security;
  • - the ability and possibility of self-renewal and improvement of society;
  • - the presence of the territory of residence.

Thus, it is possible to formulate the concept of "society" as a historically formed community of people united by common needs, interests, territory.

Primitive society (wait) was the longest stage in the development of mankind and covered a period of more than 2 million years. The following stages are distinguished in its history: early (the stage of formation, the era of the fore-communities), middle (the stage of maturity, the era of the tribal community) and late (the stage of stratification of primitive society, the formation of supra-communal structures or the era of "chiefdom").

The economy of primitive society had an appropriating character. Everything, that primitive people mined, formed into a common "cauldron" (reciprocity), and then divided among all members of the genus (redistribution). This way of human existence is called "appropriating economy". Such an economy provided only the minimum needs of the tribal community, and with the maximum exertion of the combined efforts

The society was egalitarian - all its members were equal. basis social structure was a tribal community. Extremely slowly but steadily improved the tools of labor.

During the period of existence of primitive society, the development of mankind proceeded in three main directions:

  • 1. the formation of man as a biosocial being;
  • 2. development of marriage and family relations;
  • 3. transition from an appropriating economy to a producing economy, i.e. from the appropriation of finished products of nature (gathering, hunting, fishing) to their production (agriculture, handicraft, cattle breeding). The producing economy by 4-3 thousand BC. became the second and main mode of existence and reproduction of mankind. The transition to a productive economy is based on crisis phenomena that endangered the very existence of mankind. Responding with the restructuring of its entire social and economic organization, humanity was able to get out of the global ecological crisis. This restructuring includes a new organization of power relations - the emergence of state formations, early class city-states.

The first stage in the development of society - primitive society has two main features: the presence of potestary power and the existence of mononorms.

In primitive society, there was a unity of regulators, because the types of norms were not distinguished, and also, in the view of primitive man, there was no division of rights and duties. Since the social norms of primitive society were not divided in content, they were uniform in terms of content, differentiated in nature, therefore they were called "mononorms".

The features of power in the pre-state period were:

  • - based on blood ties (the main organization of society is a clan or tribal community, i.e. an association of people according to actual or supposed blood relationship, as well as community of property and labor);
  • - directly public character, power was built on the principles of primitive democracy, on the functions of self-government (coincidence of the subject of power and the object of power in the face of the community);
  • - implementation both by society as a whole (tribal meetings, veche), and by its representatives.

Another sign of the development of primitive society was the difference of mononorms (social norms), which ensured the existence of an appropriating economy and the continuation of the family.

There was a period when there was no state - it is called the "pre-state" period or the primitive communal period.

Primitive communal society is just such a period.

Economics of primitive society appropriating: gathering, hunting.

With the depletion of natural resources, a person begins to engage in agriculture and cattle breeding. The exchange begins.

neolithic revolution

neolithic revolution– the transition from an appropriating economy to a producing economy. As a result, farmers, cattle breeders and merchants appear. Thus, property inequality begins to appear, and then social inequality. From that moment on, society ceases to be primitive.

This creates the conditions for the emergence of the state.

The division of labor is based on gender and age.

The clan and tribe are the main cells of primitive society:

Genus - less large association which is based on consanguinity or supposed kinship, collective labor, common property and social equality.

A tribe is a larger association (a union of clans). It is necessary to protect your territory, it is more convenient for everyone to exist together. Own territory, language, religious and everyday rituals.

Institutions of power in primitive society

The peculiarity of the power of primitive society is that in primitive society there is special kind power is potestary power. Such power is not cut off from society and does not stand above it. It is carried out by the society itself (clan assembly) or by selected persons (leaders, elders) who do not have privileges other than authority and can be replaced. There is no apparatus of coercion and control.

Law in primitive society

There is no right, the rules of behavior are expressed in the form of mononorms. These rules of conduct include religious, corporate, moral norms.

The main theories of the origin of the state

1. Theological theory of the origin of the state. The state is the product God's will. The sovereign is the viceroy of God on earth. The state is eternal like God himself. It is the official theory of the Vatican.

2. Patriarchal theory of the origin of the state. The state is a product of the growth and development of the family.

3. Class theory of the origin of the state. The state arises as a result of the division of society into classes and is a machine for the suppression of one class by another.

4. The contractual theory of the origin of the state. The state arises as a result of an agreement or contract between people who, being in natural state forced to wage war of all against all. By virtue of the contract, people delegate part of their rights in exchange for their protection and patronage.

5. Violent theory of the origin of the state. Conquest of one by another. There is a theory of external (one tribe conquers another tribe) and internal violence (a group of people is formed who, by force, suppress the rest of the population, which are in the majority).

6. Psychological theory of the origin of the state. The state is the result of the peculiarities of the human psyche, his drives and instincts.

7. Historical school of origin of the state. The state is a product of the development of the national spirit, an organic manifestation of the people. It is formed in the course of historical development (as a language).

The concept, features and essence of the state