Message on the topic of the scientific activities of Galileo. Report on Galileo Galilei all about the main thing

Galileo was born in 1564 in Italian city Pisa, in the family of a well-born, but impoverished nobleman Vincenzo Galilei, a prominent music theorist and lute player. Complete Galileo's name Galilee: Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de Galilei (Italian: Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de "Galilei). Representatives of the Galilean family have been mentioned in documents since the 14th century. Several of his direct ancestors were priors (members ruling council) of the Florentine Republic, and Galileo's great-great-grandfather, a well-known physician who also bore the name of Galileo, was elected head of the republic in 1445.

The family of Vincenzo Galilei and Giulia Ammannati had six children, but four managed to survive: Galileo (the eldest of the children), the daughters of Virginia, Livia and younger son Michelangelo, who later also gained fame as a lute composer. In 1572 Vincenzo moved to Florence, the capital of the Duchy of Tuscany. The Medici dynasty ruling there was known for its wide and constant patronage of the arts and sciences.

Little is known about Galileo's childhood. With early years the boy was attracted to art; throughout his life he carried a love of music and drawing, which he mastered perfectly. AT mature years the best artists of Florence - Cigoli, Bronzino and others - consulted with him about the issues of perspective and composition; Cigoli even claimed that it was to Galileo that he owed his fame. Based on the writings of Galileo, one can also conclude that he had a remarkable literary talent.

Galileo received his primary education in the nearby monastery of Vallombrosa. The boy was very fond of learning and became one of the best students in class. He considered the possibility of becoming a priest, but his father was against it.

In 1581, the 17-year-old Galileo, at the insistence of his father, entered the University of Pisa to study medicine. At the university, Galileo also attended lectures on geometry (previously he was completely unfamiliar with mathematics) and became so carried away by this science that his father began to fear that this would interfere with the study of medicine.

Galileo was a student for less than three years; during this time, he managed to thoroughly familiarize himself with the works of ancient philosophers and mathematicians and earned a reputation among teachers as an indomitable debater. Even then he considered himself entitled to have own opinion for all scientific issues regardless of traditional authorities.

Probably during these years he became acquainted with the theory of Copernicus. Astronomical problems were then lively discussed, especially in connection with the just carried out calendar reform.

Galileo is rightfully considered the founder of not only experimental, but - to a large extent - theoretical physics. In his scientific method he consciously combined thoughtful experiment with its rational reflection and generalization, and personally gave impressive examples of such studies. Sometimes, due to a lack of scientific data, Galileo was wrong (for example, in questions about the shape of planetary orbits, the nature of comets, or the causes of tides), but in the overwhelming majority of cases, his method led to the goal. It is characteristic that Kepler, who had more complete and accurate data than Galileo, made correct conclusions when Galileo was wrong.

"ShkolaLa" welcomes all its readers who want to know a lot.

Once upon a time, everyone thought this:

The earth is a flat huge penny,

But one person took the telescope,

Opened the way for us into the space age.

Who is this, do you think?

Among scientists known throughout the world is Galileo Galilei. In what country was he born and how did he study, what did he discover and what did he become famous for - these are the questions that we will look for answers to today.

Lesson plan:

Where are future scientists born?

A poor family, where little Galileo Galilei was born in 1564, lived in the Italian city of Pisa.

The father of the future scientist was a real master in different areas, from mathematics to art history, so it is not at all surprising that since childhood, young Galileo fell in love with painting and music and gravitated towards the exact sciences.

When the boy turned eleven, the family from Pisa, where Galileo lived, moved to another city in Italy - Florence.

There, he began studying in a monastery, where the young student showed brilliant abilities in the study of sciences. He even thought about the career of a clergyman, but his father did not approve of his choice, wanting his son to become a doctor. That is why, at seventeen, Galileo moved to the University of Pisa for Faculty of Medicine and began to diligently teach philosophy, physics and mathematics.

However, he could not graduate from the university for a simple reason: the family could not pay for it. further education. After leaving the third year, student Galileo begins self-education in the field of physical and mathematical sciences.

Thanks to his friendship with the rich Marquis del Monte, the young man managed to get a paid scientific position teacher of astronomy and mathematics at the University of Pisa.

During his university years, he spent various experiences, which resulted in the laws he discovered free fall, body movements along inclined plane and force of inertia.

Since 1606, the scientist has been closely involved in astronomy.

Interesting Facts! Full name scientist - Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de Galilei.

About mathematics, mechanics and physics

They say that, being a university professor in the town of Pisa, Galileo conducted experiments by dropping objects of different weights from a height leaning tower of pisa to disprove Aristotle's theory. Even in some textbooks you can find such a picture.

Only these experiments are not mentioned anywhere in the works of Galileo. Most likely, as researchers today believe, this is a myth.

But the scientist rolled objects on an inclined plane, measuring time by his own heart pulse. There were no clocks back then! These same experiments were put into the laws of motion of bodies.

Galileo was given the palm for inventing the thermometer in 1592. The device was then called a thermoscope, and it was quite primitive. A thin glass tube was soldered to a glass ball. This structure was placed in a liquid. The air in the balloon was heated and displaced the liquid in the tube. The higher the temperature, the more air in the bowl and below the water level in the tube.

In 1606, an article appeared where Galileo laid out a drawing of a proportional compass. This is a simple tool that converted measurements to scale and was used in architecture and drafting.

Galileo is credited with inventing the microscope. In 1609, he made a "small eye" with two lenses - convex and concave. With the help of his invention, the scientist considered insects.

With his research, Galileo laid the foundations classical physics and mechanics. So, on the basis of his conclusions about inertia, Newton later fixed the first law of mechanics, according to which any body is at rest or moves uniformly in the absence of external forces.

His research on the oscillations of the pendulum formed the basis for the invention of the clock with a pendulum regulator and made it possible to make accurate measurements in physics.

Interesting Facts! Galileo not only excelled in natural sciences, but there was creative person: He knew literature very well and composed poetry.

About astronomical discoveries that shocked the world

In 1609, the scientist heard a rumor about the existence of a device that helps to view distant objects by collecting light. If you guessed it, it was called a telescope, which is translated from Greek as "to look far away."

For his invention, Galileo modified the telescope with lenses, and this device was able to magnify objects 3 times. Time after time, he assembled a new combination of several telescopes, and it gave more and more more magnification. As a result, the Galilean "foresight" began to zoom in 32 times.

What discoveries in the field of astronomy belong to Galileo Galilei and glorified him throughout the world, becoming real sensations? How did his invention help the scientist?

  • Galileo Galilei told everyone that this is a planet comparable to the Earth. He saw plains, craters and mountains on its surface.
  • Thanks to the telescope, Galileo discovered four satellites near Jupiter, today called "Galilean", and appeared to everyone in the form of a strip, crumbling into many stars.
  • By putting smoked glass to the telescope, the scientist was able to examine, see spots on it and prove to everyone that it was the Earth that revolves around it, and not vice versa, as Aristotle believed and religion and the Bible said.
  • He was the first to see the environment, which he took for satellites, today known to us as rings, found different phases near Venus and made it possible to observe previously unknown stars.

Their Galileo's discoveries Galileo united in the book "The Starry Herald", confirming the hypothesis that our planet is mobile and rotates around its axis, and the solar body does not revolve around us at all, which caused the condemnation of the church. His work was called heresy, and the scientist himself lost his freedom of movement, falling under house arrest.

Interesting Facts! Pretty amazing for our developed world that only in 1992 the Vatican and the Pope acknowledged the correctness of Galileo about the rotation of the Earth around the Sun. Until that time, the Catholic Church was sure that the opposite is happening: our planet is motionless, and the Sun “walks” around us.

This is how you can briefly tell about the life of an outstanding scientist who gave impetus to the development of astronomy, physics and mathematics.

Name Galileo Galilei a well-known science and entertainment television program was named. The host of this program Alexander Pushnoy and his colleagues conducted all sorts of different experiments and tried to give explanations for what they did. I propose to watch an excerpt from this wonderful program right now.

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Galileo Galilei (Italian) Galileo Galilei; February 15, 1564 - January 8, 1642) was an Italian philosopher, physicist and astronomer who had a significant impact on the science of his time. Galileo is mainly known for his observations of the planets and stars, his active support of the heliocentric system of the world, and his experiments in mechanics.

Galileo was born in 1564 in Pisa, Italy. At the age of 18, on the instructions of his father, he entered the University of Pisa to study medicine. While at the university, Galileo Galilei became interested in mathematics and physics. Soon he was forced to leave the university for financial reasons and began to study mechanics on his own. In 1589, Galileo returned to the University of Pisa on an invitation to teach mathematics. He later moved to the University of Padua where he taught geometry, mechanics and astronomy. At that time, he began to make significant scientific discoveries.

Everyone can speak confusedly, few can speak clearly.

Galileo Galilei

In 1609, Galileo Galilei independently built his first telescope with a convex lens and a concave eyepiece. The tube gave approximately a threefold increase. Soon he managed to build a telescope giving a magnification of 32 times. Telescope observations showed that the Moon was covered with mountains and pitted with craters, the stars lost their apparent size, and for the first time their colossal distance was comprehended, Jupiter was found to have own moons- four satellites Milky Way broke up into individual stars, a huge number of new stars became visible. Galileo discovers the phases of Venus sunspots and the rotation of the sun.

Based on observations of the sky, Galileo concluded that heliocentric system world, proposed by N. Copernicus, is correct. This was at odds with the literal reading of Psalms 93 and 104, as well as the verse from Ecclesiastes 1:5, which speaks of the stillness of the earth. Galileo was summoned to Rome and demanded to stop promoting his views, to which he was forced to comply.

In 1632 the book "Dialogue about two major systems world - Ptolemaic and Copernican". The book is written in the form of a dialogue between two supporters of Copernicus and one supporter of Aristotle and Ptolemy. Despite the fact that the publication of the book was allowed by Pope Urban VIII, a friend of Galileo, a few months later the sale of the book was banned, and Galileo was summoned to Rome for trial, where he arrived in February 1633. The investigation dragged on from April 21 to June 21, 1633, and on June 22 Galileo had to pronounce the text of the abdication offered to him. AT last years During his life he had to work in the most difficult conditions. At his Villa Arcertri (Florence) he was under house arrest (under the constant supervision of the Inquisition) and was not allowed to visit the city (Rome). In 1634, Galileo's beloved daughter, who had cared for him, died.

Galileo Galilei died on January 8, 1642, he was buried in Archertri, without honors and tombstone. Only in 1737 was it performed last will- his ashes were transferred to the monastic chapel of the Cathedral of Santa Croce in Florence, where on March 17 he was solemnly buried next to Michelangelo.

From 1979 to 1981, at the initiative of Pope John Paul II, a commission for the rehabilitation of Galileo Galilei worked, and on October 31, 1992, Pope John Paul II officially recognized that the Inquisition had made a mistake in 1633, forcing the scientist to renounce the theory of Copernicus by force.

I prefer to find one truth, even in insignificant things, than to argue for a long time about greatest questions without reaching any truth.

Galileo Galilei short biography Italian physicist, mechanic, astronomer, philosopher is described in this article.

Galileo Galilei biography briefly

Born February 15, 1564 in the Italian city of Pisa in the family of a well-born, but impoverished nobleman. From the age of 11 he was brought up in the monastery of Vallombros. At the age of 17, he left the monastery and entered the University of Pisa at the Faculty of Medicine. He became a university professor, and later headed the department of mathematics at the University of Padua, where for 18 years he created a series of outstanding works in mathematics and mechanics.

Soon he became the most famous lecturer at the university, and students were lining up to get into his classes. It was at this time that he wrote the treatise Mechanics.

Galileo described his first discoveries with the telescope in his work The Starry Herald. The book was a sensational success. He built a telescope that magnifies objects three times, placed it on the San Marco tower in Venice, allowing everyone to look at the moon and stars.

Following this, he invented a telescope, which increased its power 11 times compared to the first. He described his observations in the work "Star Messenger".

In 1637, the scientist lost his sight. Until that time, he had been working hard on his last book"Conversations and mathematical proof concerning two new branches of science relating to mechanics and local motion. In this work, he summarized all his observations and achievements in the field of mechanics.

Galileo's teaching about the structure of the world contradicted Holy Scripture, and the scientist long time was persecuted by the Inquisition. Promoting the theories of Copernicus, he forever fell out of favor catholic church. He was captured by the Inquisition and, under threat of death at the stake, renounced his views. He was forever forbidden to write or distribute his work in any way.

One of the most famous astronomers, physicists and philosophers in the history of mankind is Galileo Galilei. A short biography and his discoveries, which you will now learn about, will allow you to get general idea about this great man.

First steps in the world of science

Galileo was born in Pisa (Italy), February 15, 1564. At the age of eighteen, the young man enters the University of Pisa to study medicine. His father pushed him to take this step, but due to lack of money, Galileo was soon forced to leave his studies. However, the time that the future scientist spent at the university was not in vain, because it was here that he began to take a keen interest in mathematics and physics. No longer a student, the gifted Galileo Galilei did not abandon his hobbies. A brief biography and his discoveries made during this period played important role in future fate scientist. He devotes some time to the independent study of mechanics, and then returns to the University of Pisa, this time as a teacher of mathematics. After some time, he was invited to continue teaching at the University of Padua, where he explained to students the basics of mechanics, geometry and astronomy. Just at this time, Galileo began to make discoveries significant for science.

In 1593, the first scientist was published - a book with a laconic title "Mechanics", in which Galileo described his observations.

Astronomical research

After the publication of the book, a new Galileo Galilei is “born”. A brief biography and his discoveries is a topic that cannot be discussed without mentioning the events of 1609. After all, it was then that Galileo independently built his first telescope with a concave eyepiece and a convex objective. The device gave an increase of about three times. However, Galileo did not stop there. Continuing to improve his telescope, he increased the magnification to 32 times. Observing in it the Earth's satellite - the Moon, Galileo discovered that its surface, like the earth's, is not flat, but is covered with various mountains and numerous craters. Four stars were also discovered through the glass and changed their usual sizes, and for the first time the idea of ​​their global remoteness arose. turned out to be a huge accumulation of millions of new celestial bodies. In addition, the scientist began to observe the movement of the Sun and make notes about sunspots.

Conflict with the Church

The biography of Galileo Galilei is another round in the confrontation between the science of that time and church teaching. The scientist, based on his observations, soon comes to the conclusion that the heliocentric, first proposed and justified by Copernicus, is the only true one. This contradicted the literal understanding of Psalms 93 and 104, and in addition, the verse from Ecclesiastes 1:5, in which one can find reference to the immobility of the Earth. Galileo was summoned to Rome, where they demanded to stop propagating "heretical" views, and the scientist was forced to comply.

However, on this Galileo Galilei, whose discoveries at that time were already appreciated by some representatives scientific community didn't stop. In 1632, he makes a cunning move - he publishes a book called "Dialogue on the two main systems of the world - Ptolemaic and Copernican." This work was written in an unusual form of dialogue at that time, the participants of which were two supporters of the theory of Copernicus, as well as one follower of the teachings of Ptolemy and Aristotle. Pope Urban VIII, good friend Galileo, even gave permission for the publication of the book. But this did not last long - just a couple of months later, labor was recognized as contrary to the dogmas of the church and banned. The author was summoned to Rome for trial.

The investigation lasted quite a long time: from April 21 to June 21, 1633. On June 22, Galileo was forced to pronounce the text offered to him, according to which he renounced his "false" beliefs.

The last years in the life of a scientist

I had to work in the most difficult conditions. Galileo was sent to his villa Archertri, in Florence. Here he was under the constant supervision of the Inquisition and did not have the right to get out into the city (Rome). In 1634, the beloved daughter of the scientist, who had taken care of him for a long time, died.

Death came to Galileo on January 8, 1642. He was buried on the territory of his villa, without any honors and even without a tombstone. However, in 1737, after almost a hundred years, the last will of the scientist was fulfilled - his ashes were transferred to the monastic chapel of the Florentine Cathedral of Santa Croce. On the seventeenth of March, he was finally buried there, not far from the grave of Michelangelo.

Posthumous rehabilitation

Was Galileo Galilei right in his beliefs? A brief biography and his discoveries have long been the subject of controversy between clergy and luminaries. scientific world, on this basis, many conflicts and disputes developed. However, only on December 31, 1992 (!) John Paul II officially admitted that the Inquisition in the 33rd year of the 17th century made a mistake, forcing the scientist to renounce the heliocentric theory of the universe formulated by Nicolaus Copernicus.