Why is everything wrong in our life? Reactive and proactive behavior. Grow in different areas

Almost the entire population of the planet starts moving with the right foot and writes and draws with the right hand. At the same time, in every country, that is, among all peoples, left-handers are also born, but there are much fewer of them in percentage. Why do righties dominate human nature?

Left-handedness is a rare side effect

As you know, for the work of the right arm and leg is responsible left hemisphere, and for the work of the left limbs - right part brain. The speech center, coordination of movements, ingenuity and the use of experience and memory, are located in the neural regions of the brain, also located on the left side of the skull. At the beginning of our century, American anthropologist historians found out that even one and a half million years ago, representatives of species that preceded modern man, at the time of the first movements on two legs and the use of primitive speech began in more use one hand - the right one, because the development of all skills is associated with increased work of the left hemisphere.

But left-handers were born then and live today, but they are not inept or to some extent underdeveloped people. The speech center and all other important neural connections are also located in the left hemisphere. This was confirmed back in the 1950s by the Japanese physician Chon Wada, who identified it using a special technique. He used a test that surgeons sometimes perform in preparation for brain surgery, which reveals the belonging of certain neuro-functions to a particular hemisphere. During the tests, an anesthetic drug was injected into one of the carotid arteries of each subject, which blocked a certain hemisphere of his brain for several minutes. As a result, in 90% of right-handers, after the left hemisphere was turned off, the right hand stopped working and they could not speak. However, 70% of left-handers also lost speech and the ability to move their right hand when the left hemisphere was turned off. In other words, their neural connection arranged in exactly the same way as right-handers, and the dominance of their left hand is just an accidental by-effect, which is extremely rare in some individuals. That is why right-handed people predominate on the planet.

Non-dominant combination of genes

However famous psychologist Chris McManus of University College London, UK, believes that the birth of left-handers is encoded in human genes. In his book " Right hand, left hand "he gives the facts that left-handed people have different principles functional organization brain. And for such a development of a person, a single gene is responsible, which comes in two varieties: dextral (D) and chens (C). Dextral forms right-handedness, and Chance adds variability. The combination of the parents' genes determines whether the child will be right-handed or left-handed: DD is 100% right-handed, CC is left-handed, but with a probability of 50%, and CD is a possible left-handed, but only by 25%. From this combination, it becomes clear that in percentage terms, right-handers are still born more than left-handers. Therefore, according to statistics, every seventh person in the world is left-handed. In 1977, approximately 8 - 15% of the adult population the globe were left-handed. But why? Do they still appear?

Hormonal failure in the womb

All left-handed people acquire knowledge and professions in the same way, live in the same society, but to a greater extent use left hand. And this is all their difference. However, doctors from the National Medical research center Children's Health, Russia, found out long ago that left-handedness in babies manifests itself simultaneously with the development of speech, and it is at this moment that its defects are noticeable. Left-handed children perceive the world the other way around and voice it, for example, in the form of not “aunt Tanya”, but “Tanya aunt”. And although they are taught to write from left to right, mathematical functions they initially exercise from right to left, so standard training is more difficult for them than for right-handers. But these are not all the differences. Since statistics claim that men are more often born left-handed than women, the American neurologist Norman Geschwind found out another pattern. More high level testosterone in the womb increases the likelihood that her child will not only be a boy, but also left-handed.

Testosterone influences the rate of prenatal growth of the hemispheres of the developing fetal brain and is responsible for possible differences in brain structure in both men and women. High content testosterone during fetal development slows down the growth of the left hemisphere in the male fetus compared to the female and contributes to the relatively more development right hemisphere. If in the left hemisphere of the developing brain the process of migration of neurons to the places of their final placement slows down, then such a delay can lead to left-handedness. Geschwind believes that along with this phenomenon, the development of immune system fetus. Therefore, left-handers, both men and women, often suffer from various infectious diseases. However, such hormonal disruptions in pregnant women are not so frequent occurrence, therefore, left-handers are born in the world much less.

What human life? Why do we come into this world and leave it? Why is the life of one person incomprehensibly short, and another - long and sometimes even painful? Why do some people live in luxury while others barely make ends meet? Why is there so much injustice in this world? Why is there sickness and death? Why…

Written in kind?

In fact, all these questions are not new, they have been asked, and will always be asked, because, unfortunately, there is nothing new in this world. Generations are changing, people's capabilities, speeds and technical means but people in general don't change.

On the Web, at monitors, they argue about having many children and politics, liberals and patriots squabble among themselves, monuments of a thousand years ago explode, and on the panic news from the oil markets, someone sweeps buckwheat in stores. Someone is sad because this month he did not buy his last iPhone, and someone is forced to listen to the sounds of artillery salvos, wondering which side they came from this time. These people can speak the same language and even live a few hundred kilometers from each other. They just don't have the same grief. And the values ​​in life are somewhat different.

The man was born. For several years he has been in an atmosphere of absolute joy and care, they feed him, dress him, bathe him, love him, love him not for something, just like that. Almost everyone started with this. What happens to us when our life becomes more independent? Why do two boys from the same entrance and from parents with approximately the same income have such different fates? Is it possible that in this world something without their knowledge turns so that one opens great opportunities, and the other before the 30th birthday is taken away in a funeral "groove" somewhere outside the city? Did all this really happen because it was “written in kind”?

Or maybe ask a different question? Maybe it's about ourselves? And if life is a gift that is given only once, then how do we use this gift ourselves? Here is the most important...

Slyer than Adam

We do not just live, in addition to life itself, we have another amazing gift. We are absolutely free. We have the opportunity to make certain decisions, speak or remain silent, believe or not believe, forgive or not forgive, fight or give up. There are no conditions or circumstances, except perhaps death, that would deprive us of the opportunity to commit volitional action to make a decision or take action.

In my pastoral activity, in conversations with people who come and very often complain that life is breaking down, that nothing comes out, that everything is lost, and nothing can be returned, I recall the parable of a rich man who came to an old man for advice.

The man did not tell anything new: his life broke down, his wife left, his daughter is hopelessly ill, his son does not communicate with him, and the work of his whole life in connection with economic difficulties has fallen into disrepair. The elder advised him to calm down, put himself in order, live the way he lives, pray and not fall into despair. And hang an inscription on the door of his already almost empty house: “All this will soon pass.” The man obeyed the old man and did as he ordered. And after a while he returned to him with joy, thanked him and told him that everything in his life miraculously changed for the better. The elder blessed him and said: “Live, thanking God, but do not remove the inscription from the door.”

God. Is He in our life? Everyone will answer this question differently, and this diversity is also the result of that great gift of freedom that was once given to us. To be close to Him, to live according to His commandments, or not to be and not to live - this is the right and choice of everyone. People are all very different, but in the whole world and in the centuries of our earthly existence there was not a single person whom God would not love. Would not love as if he were the only one in the universe.

And although there is nothing new under the sun, and from generation to generation we solemnly carry the same rake to ourselves and our grandchildren, not a single person has repeated in this world. As once there was only one Adam, so in his amazing uniqueness lives, is born and dies every person who comes into this world.

We live with our wisdom, which says that “there is something out there in the Universe”, a certain “intelligence”, “higher power”, “absolute” and so on. We live justifying ourselves that God should be in the soul, everything else is not important. But these philosophies are nothing more than a repetition of the mistake of Adam himself, who tried to hide from God in the shade of trees. We hide from Him too, it’s just that we are already more cunning than Adam, because he hid from his shame and fear, and sometimes it’s just uncomfortable for us to live knowing God, knowing that many of our actions are convicted by our conscience, which testifies to us that we are wrong. And conscience is not just “something in the psyche”, it is that, very often imperceptible to us, a place in ourselves, where God still sometimes huddles.

But we prefer to comfort ourselves with the fact that no one has seen God anywhere, and the rest is "from men."

Moon in Capricorn, porridge in the head

But guessing on the inhabitants of the zoo and other creatures, according to some logic, dedicated to this or that year - we like it and do not cause doubts. It is easy to look for an answer from the extinguished stars, to gild a charlatan's pen or to start a dangerous game with the occult. It's easier than opening the Bible. Is it easier than to comprehend why the Son of God came into this world in poverty and did it so quietly? Why didn’t He take and appear as a formidable king and judge, why didn’t He restore order in one second, and in general - “why didn’t all the good ones gather and kill all the evil ones ?!”.

But there is one very true and also almost imperceptible thought. Everything that is written in the most important Book for us, Christians, is all about how the Heavenly Father, through the darkness of centuries and millennia, is looking for all of us, scattered in time and space. About the fact that a person left the joy and fullness of life into darkness and death, but his Creator went after him to find his creation, and not just find it, but also make him a son or daughter of Light. And so strong was His love for each of us that before time and everything that has happened and will happen, His only-begotten Son had to become one of us. And die.

God, who went out in search of man - is this not the love of the real Father? For some reason, it is easier for a “reasonable” person to believe in a faceless absolute than to accept a simple and important thought about the Father who takes care of His children.

But, even having accepted, we continue to be perplexed. If we have an almighty Father, why not go ahead and start over? Why can't we, sinners and bad ones, be made ideal and pure and settled in a right and beautiful world where there will be no trace of the memories of sin and death? Yes, because the person himself does not want it!

People ask: why does God not stop lawlessness and tyranny, why does he tolerate injustice and evil? “I’ll believe it if everything changes and it’s fine…” But another question follows from this: why don’t you stop yourself when you get angry, take revenge, hate, insult, humiliate and lie? Are you free to do otherwise? So isn't it more correct to look for the causes of evil and injustice not in heaven, but in one's own dispensation?


What is in a person's heart? He didn’t get it, as a service apartment with furniture, but he himself “arranged” everything, he himself ordered. Don't we choose our own path? Is it as a result of our own ideas, thoughts and decisions we become us? What then is fate? What else is there and where is it written?

But questions remain. Why are we so bad? Why is it difficult to accept what comes to life as a bitter cup and a difficult trial? How to make it easier?

If God followed us in search of us, then He has to go along a difficult and confusing road, and it will probably be wrong for us to correct it in one second. Because against my will. It is impossible to correct the past, but you can correct the road ahead. True, if the walker himself wants it.

Sometimes it seems to me that all the troubles in our everyday life are some kind of alarm signal that we are rapidly approaching something very bad, which can be even worse and harder. What is it like a red light bulb like fever. Without it, it is impossible to know that the body is infected. Heat there is a sign of the body's fight against infection. It's worse if it's not there. Unpleasant, yes, but if it is, then you need to be treated.

So it is in our life. A person complains that everything is bad for him. Maybe it's time to put things in order in yourself? Mud does not tend to disappear on its own, but it loves to multiply and petrify.

We ask a lot of questions about life. To God. To other people. And very rarely - to themselves. Most often in a dark room, the switch can be much closer than we think. Wouldn't it be better to look for him closer to the exit?

Is God fair? Fortunately, no. God is merciful. Yes, most likely, the bombing of Palmyra or the fighting near Donetsk will not stop tomorrow. But, perhaps, if one of us restrains his emotions when someone "cuts" him on the road or is rude in a store, if we can forgive, not take revenge and be more merciful, then there will be less evil in the world, and any terrible war the end will come.

Newspaper "Saratov panorama" № 03 (1084)


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  • Why me? , James Chase. Chase's novels are distinguished by a dynamic plot, a very skillfully designed intrigue. AT dangerous situation turns out to be the hero of "The Kidnapper" Harry Barber. He is forced to show courage and ingenuity, ...

People are so arranged that they always want something. The simplest desire, for example, that everything was fine. Health, work, family, home, money, leisure and other human joys. But unfortunately, not everyone has things going the way they want. Conflicts in the family and at work, health problems, lack of money and other unhappy factors poison our lives.

There are many desires, and most of them cannot be realized according to the most different reasons. Of course, we succeed in something, but often with great effort and so slowly that we get tired of waiting.

Why isn't everything the way you want it to be? The answer to this and most other questions can be obtained by considering

Why does a person come to earth.

Do we come into this world to suffer? Some religious systems claim that this is the case. Heaven can be earned by suffering. But far from everyone suffers, although any religion claims that we are all equal before God. AND " starting conditions Everyone is different at birth. You can be born into a wealthy family and not know problems all your life. And you can be born sick and never see your parents. Some are healthy, some are beautiful, some are lucky. But just not me. Why?

Such "unequal rights" can be explained if we accept as possible that a person comes to this earth more than once. The immortal part of a person is his soul, after his death physical shell after a while it moves to another body. Therefore, the conditions in which a person was born today (family, health, etc.) are determined by the circumstances of his past life. This phenomenon is called reincarnation. We hope that if there are convinced atheists among the readers of Z&S, they will generously forgive us for these arguments.

Nevertheless, 80% of people at birth have conditionally equal "starting opportunities" and in the potential they can achieve for themselves everything that they can have in this life. They can, but they don't. Why?

The fact is that every person, coming into this world, has certain obligations and requirements are imposed on him, which he must comply with. Who makes these demands? Nature, Higher power, God, Creator, Absolute - call it what you want. If a person lives according to the rules established from above, then he achieves everything he wants. In principle, our planet is just a paradise, because here you can enjoy everything you want: beautiful nature, food, love, creativity, communication, creation. But, unfortunately, people do not know the rules that they must follow if they want to live well. As a result, they violate them and life becomes a torment. So, in order to get rid of problems, you need to learn these rules of behavior in life and follow them.

From this we can draw the following conclusion: a person comes into this world to try everything that is here: creativity and work, fame and fortune, love and sex, entertainment and travel. Of course, at the same time, he should not violate the rules of behavior in life, which are established by the Higher powers.

What rules must we follow?

And these rules are simple: we must accept the world as it is, despite its obvious, from our point of view, imperfection. If a person does not accept this life at least in some part of it, he is in conflict with the outside world. This is the root cause of all problems.

It should be noted right away that it is very difficult to observe this rule in our world, which is divided into rich and poor, sick and healthy, communists and democrats, believers and atheists, and so on. We are constantly dissatisfied with something: the government, prices, boss, relatives, neighbors, weather. And this means that we do not accept life as it is.

The logic here is simple: we did not create this world, it is not for us to condemn it. If we are dissatisfied with the world, it turns out that we are dissatisfied with the work of the one who created it.

Every person has a set of ideas in his head about how this world should be. In other words, what should my life be like, my job, salary, family, children, etc. These ideas are laid as a result of education, public morality, ideology and other factors. It turns out two around the world: man-made and real. And if real world in some part of it begins to inconsistency with what was invented, a person experiences a lot of negative experiences: resentment, anger, irritation and other, far from joyful emotions. Thus, there is a rejection of this life, internal discontent.

How to avoid it? You should not keep in mind ideas about how the world should be. Because he will never conform to your ideals, no matter how much you want it.

From this follows the rule: a person should not idealize anything. The term "idealize" means to overemphasize and experience negative emotions, when real situation or the object doesn't match the model you have in mind.

Idealization occurs when you have a certain model of how a husband, for example, should behave. You know how he should behave. And he behaves a little (or not at all) like that. So you are trying to get him to do what you think is right. Or you fall into sadness and despair. In both cases, you do not accept this person, and through him the whole world, as he is, because he does not correspond to the ideal that exists in your mind.

Therefore, any negative experiences of a person caused by dissatisfaction with the outside world can be conditionally called a sin.

As you can guess, anything can be idealized. For the idealization of any earthly values, a person receives punishment in the form of the very diseases, troubles, conflicts, destruction of plans and other things that prevent us from living.

To better understand why this happens, we suggest considering how a person should behave in this world so as not to violate the requirements established by the Higher Forces.

Our life is a tour

Why an excursion? Because 70-90 years of life is only a moment compared to thousands of years of existence of our world.

But this excursion is not in the usual historical Museum, where all the exhibits are behind glass cases, and you can only look at them and not touch them. This is modern museum, such as museums of technology in developed countries West. There, every visitor can touch and play with almost any exhibit. The devices standing there demonstrate various physical effects- echo, interference, diffraction, magnetism, laser radiation, etc. The visitor can turn any handles and levers, press buttons and turn on any exhibit.

Thus, having bought an entrance ticket to such a museum, a person has the right to play with any exhibit at any time (within the working day, of course). But he cannot take these exhibits with him, he does not consider them his own. He came, used and left.

The same is true of the human soul. When she goes to earth, she has the ability to become human. She can taste everything there is. But we must not forget that she was allowed there for a while. And all this does not belong to her, this is not her own world. He existed for millions of years before this soul came into him, and after her departure, he will exist for the same amount. She can only use everything that is there. And she should be grateful to the one who let her in there. These are the rules, and everyone is obliged to follow them.

Unfortunately, our soul, having come into the world, usually forgets about this parting word. Once in the real world, she considers him the only one. This is what atheism teaches. Meanwhile, any religion reminds us that this is not ours, it all belongs to God. But few people hear this reminder.

People begin to completely immerse themselves in this world, idealize earthly values, “hook” on it. Love means that with all passion they plunge into love, considering it the goal of their life. Or with all the passion attached to money. Or to power. And as soon as excessive passion appears, a person forgets about God. Moreover, he does not even require special love for God. You just need to remember that everything belongs to God, and behave accordingly. Took, played and put in place.

This is exactly the case with any idealizations - to material world, spiritual qualities, abilities, creativity.

Here we come close to the concept of "karma". For many, this word has a mystical meaning and seems to be a punishing right hand that falls on a person for the sins of his ancestors.

What is karma?

The burden of problems or illnesses that a person brought from a past life is mainly considered as karma. Accordingly, you may get the impression of complete predestination and hopelessness of our life. But fortunately, this is not the case. Basically, a person forms his karma during his life. And the problems of past lives have a relatively small impact on our "today's" life.

What is the karmic punishment for? For the idealization of any earthly values ​​and negative experiences that are caused by this idealization. Karmic punishment is almost always implemented in one way: the destruction of an idealized value. For example, you idealize your material wealth and you think you absolutely must be making $1,000 a month. But you don't make that kind of money. Accordingly, the mechanism of destruction of your idealization is turned on: life will prove to you that you can live on $100. If you continue to resent life, this money will be taken from you.

It turns out that the degree of karmic punishment directly depends on the degree of your satisfaction with life. If you do not have big claims to life, you will not be punished for anything.

For the convenience of further reasoning, we propose to present all our “sins”, i.e. our negative experiences, in the form of a liquid that is collected in a container of limited size. Let's call it the Vessel of Karma. What this capacity actually looks like, we do not know. Therefore, it is in the form of a small vessel, into which our “sins” in the form of a liquid enter from above through several pipes.

From above, the liquid enters the "vessel of karma" through several pipes that correspond to different "sins". Let's take a closer look at these pipes.

One of the pipes is the Idealization of earthly values ​​or "hooking" for earthly values ​​​​(both spiritual and material), which can include excessive attachment to:

Money and material values. Everyone lacks money and wealth. But karmic punishment comes only if you are offended by life and consider it a failure just because you do not have enough money, a car or a country house.

Body and health. This means that you are overly worried in case of ailments. Or God gave you health and physical strength and on the basis of this you began to despise others, more weak people.

Sex. Sex itself is not a sin. The idealization of sex is punished - if you attach excessive importance to it. Or constantly worrying about whether you are a good enough lover (lover). Or give excessive importance to intimate contact, regarding it as great sacrifice or a blow to your ego.

Career, future. Such idealizations are characteristic of those who plan for their future success and become aggressive or discouraged if their plans fail.

Capabilities. This is an idealization of achieving success in any field in this world. If success is not achieved, then people with such "hooks" believe that life has been wasted.

Family, children. Planning for overly prosperous family life predominantly in women. Therefore, men are simply forced to drink and walk on the side - thereby destroying their wife's idealization of some aspects of family life.

beauty. You are worried about whether you are beautiful enough, whether you are well dressed and combed, etc. And vice versa, if you were rewarded with beauty and on the basis of this you began to despise the rest of the "ugly".

Fame, glory. These human joys are equally loved by both men and women. Excessive need for them has led to the collapse of a career or the death of many famous people.

Relationships between people. A person may have a model of sensitive and delicate relationships in his head, so he becomes annoyed or offended when he finds himself in an environment where people behave more rudely.

Spirituality, religiosity. In itself, spirituality or religiosity is a good deed, but if a person despises "unspiritual" people, this is punished.

Goals. A person can set any goals, but he should not feel irritation, anger or despair if they are not achieved. This idealization is destroyed through the inability to achieve the goal.

Education, intelligence. The idealization of these qualities is characteristic of scientists, people of art, intellectuals. It breeds contempt for uneducated or undeveloped people.

work. Many people cannot imagine life without work. Therefore, they periodically receive “clicks” in the form of business failures, career failures, or loss of money.

Authorities. Power is loved by many, but not everyone has the opportunity to try it. Power itself is not harmful, the thirst for power and the pleasure from its use are punished in case of humiliation of other people, attempts to control the situation, etc.

Moral norms. Such "engagement" is typical mainly for older people who were brought up in accordance with the norms of communist morality. Accordingly, they are greatly annoyed by the "immoral" behavior of young people, changes in the system of life values, etc.

Trust. Excessive trust in people is punished by the fact that people destroy this idealization.

Creativity, creation. Idealization creativity characteristic of artists, musicians, artists, writers and other people involved in the creation of something new. Having received abilities for creativity at birth, they often forget who gave them these abilities, who organizes "inspiration", etc. Own successes give rise to contempt for other, uncreative people. Or to those who are undeveloped and do not understand your creative self-manifestation.

We have given the most common types of values, the value of which people tend to exaggerate.

The karma accumulated by a person as a result of his erroneous beliefs and ideas about life enters through the pipe Erroneous beliefs. The most common beliefs include:

Pride. Similar attitude to the world takes place when a person believes that the whole world revolves around his navel. And whatever happens in the world, everything is directed either against or for him. Accordingly, a person considers only his own opinion, needs and interests, and despises everyone else.

An attempt to take control of the world around you. Such an attitude towards life is typical for people occupying any leadership positions. By the nature of their work, they plan how events should develop, and get annoyed when their plans fall apart.

Jealousy. This feeling arises when one person treats another as his property. And my property should belong only to me, and no one dares to touch it (or look at it).

Condemnation and contempt of people. A similar attitude towards people arises among those who have achieved real success in our world - have achieved money, fame or power.

Resentment for life. Such an attitude to life can develop in any person, regardless of the level of his abilities, wealth or success. The person believes that his life is not successful. Or that he does not get what he seems to be supposed to.

The list of erroneous beliefs can be expanded many times over, including political, national, religious and other views. As long as a person has a “hook” for at least one earthly value, it is through it that the liquid enters the “vessel of karma”.

But as soon as a person realizes the fallacy of his attitude to earthly values, the valve immediately closes and the liquid stops flowing through this channel into the “vessel of karma”.

Another, third pipe for the flow of karma liquid is Conscious deeds, i.e. negative deeds of a person committed by him in accordance with his will. The liquid enters the "vessel of karma" through this pipe in the case when a person understands that he is doing wrong, but considers it acceptable for himself.

Trumpet Failure to fulfill the karmic task opens when a person is engaged in “not his own business” in the presence of a craving for something else and experiences from this internal discomfort.

Thus, karma accumulates through the four main large pipes. But the liquid not only enters the "vessel of karma", but also flows out of it. Otherwise, it would fill up very quickly, and our life in this world would be much shorter.

Below the vessel of karma there are several pipes through which the liquid of karma is drained or “cleansed”. Those. a person expiates accumulated sins with his life and thoughts.

One of the down pipes - Conscious positive actions. A person can idealize something earthly, but by his positive deeds (charity, for example), he can open the valve on this pipe and pump out the liquid of karma without bringing its level to serious consequences.

The second pipe for draining liquid from the "vessel of karma" is Positive traits personalities such as kindness, good nature, cheerfulness, optimism, etc. A person can be "hooked" for something earthly, but due to natural good nature and optimism, his "vessel of karma" never overflows. In this balance are often fat (loving to eat) and good-natured people.

The third pipe from the bottom is Third-party influences of other people. A person can go to a good healer or psychic, he will perform some kind of manipulation and pump out part of the liquid from the "karma vessel". Or go to church - confess, repent. This is also a good mechanism for "laundering sins." But such impacts will most likely be short-term, because without the pipe being blocked from above, the "karma vessel" will soon fill up with liquid again - in a week, a month or a year. Therefore, the action of most psychics resembles the action of pills - while you drink, it helps, you stop drinking - everything resumes.

Trumpet The fulfillment of a karmic task can sometimes have a serious impact on general state vessel. A person can idealize a lot of values ​​and be dissatisfied with life. But if he is contrary to personal gain and common sense doing what he loves, this pipe is open and saves a person from "educational" procedures.

Thus, if the upper pipes are dug, and the lower ones are open, then at some point in time the “vessel of karma” may remain completely empty - such a person has no sins at all. This is a holy man, not attached to anything earthly. He has the right beliefs, he helps people - with healing, preaching, his way of life. In practice, nothing holds such a person on our planet, he is here only at will and can leave at any moment. people like that very little in our world. Such, for example, are yogis of high initiation or adherents of any religion. But it's not us though ultimate goal our development is just the draining of our "vessel of karma".

How we are "raised"

The educational karmic process is always aimed at destroying our erroneous beliefs. When the "vessel of karma" is filled by a quarter, then the "caretaker" has no big claims against the person. A person lives normally and has small troubles-reminders of life.

But as soon as he begins to idealize something in this life, the corresponding valve opens and the vessel begins to fill. When the vessel is filled to the middle, the "caretaker" begins to take his measures. Those. rather strong signals begin to be sent to a person, and if he does not understand them, then the situation deteriorates sharply.

Depending on what a person idealizes, he develops illnesses, major troubles at work, problems arise in relationships with a loved one, scandals in the family, money or things are stolen from him, he gets into an accident, etc. If a person does not perceive this as a personal signal, but only as an accident, and continues to behave as before, then a more severe warning is sent to him. There are no accidents in our world - in this respect it is strictly determined. Everything that happens to you is a reminder to you of the wrong behavior or way of thinking! Thus, a reminder is sent to you that you are doing something wrong in this life, violating some laws and rules. And what exactly you are doing wrong can be understood by what methods of "education" are applied to you.

First of all, a person will fall apart to what he is excessively attached to in our world. You idealize the family - there will be conflicts there. You are annoyed because of the violation of plans in business - expect problems to grow. You are unhappy with your financial situation - soon it may worsen even more. Etc.

If a person does not understand the meaning of these signals, then he has deadly diseases or very serious troubles (“the vessel of karma” overflowed). If a person again does not understand that he is violating the rules of conduct for a tourist on an excursion, and begins to rely on doctors, healers or his own security service, then his life is taken away. That is why successful businessmen and thieves in law often pass away. Having received practically unlimited money and power, they began to be contemptuous of other people, and thus filled their “vessel of karma” to the top.

This is how the Higher Forces “educate” us, seeking the fulfillment by a person of the main karmic requirement - not to idealize anything.

Let's illustrate all of the above with one example - family relationships.

As you know, in most families, spouses meet mutual misunderstanding and dissatisfaction with each other. Which leads to conflicts, scandals and divorces. As you know, more than half of marriages break up. Why is this happening?

Each person at the time of marriage imagines what his family life should be like. For example, girls usually imagine family life with a well-to-do life, calm and loving husband giving all the money and free time family, and having no interests outside the family. Those. in fact, they idealize some aspects of future family life.

Because they idealize this life, usual rule karmic "education" their ideals must be destroyed. Where is the best place to destroy the ideal of family life? Of course, right in the family. And it is the husband who must do this - the advice of other people may not help.

Therefore, as a husband, such a girl usually gets a guy who idealizes completely opposite values. Those. he should consider that the husband should decide for himself what to do, how to spend money and with whom to sleep.

Therefore, it is he who falls into husbands and, with his behavior, begins to destroy all the ideals of his wife. And she destroys her husband's ideals, because she despises his values ​​- freedom, independence in decisions, etc. Not realizing that each of the spouses is a “karmic pill” for the other, they begin to make claims to each other, be offended, quarrel, etc. It turns out a typical family, which we talked about a little higher.

We have given only one example, but there may be many. Parents idealize moral standards and public opinion- their child will sneeze at these norms, take drugs or walk with green hair. Idealizing the intellect and abilities of parents - scientists child will study poorly and, most likely, will be mediocre. If a person was given abilities - in art, sports, business - all the same, and based on his success he began to despise "incapable" people, everything will fall apart for him and he will find himself at the very bottom of life - among those whom he despised. If you are trying to plan your life and get annoyed when something does not go according to your plans, then be sure that all your plans will continue to crumble. If you hate the rich, then you yourself will not have money and your financial situation will only get worse. Etc. etc.

People have a lot of erroneous beliefs, so everyone is brought up in one way - destroying these beliefs. In the process of “education”, a person is proved by example that the values ​​​​idealized by him are worth nothing - look, the other person despises them and feels good about himself. Or in case of resentment at the current situation, they lower you to the bottom of life, so that from there you can see for yourself that everything was not bad with you before and you should not be offended. Moreover, diseases are actively used as "educational measures" - part of your diseases is organized by your own "caretaker" in order to change some of your erroneous beliefs.

So we are constantly “educated”, but never told why. You need to guess yourself.

As a result of this "education" we have a lot of sick and poor embittered people. We put the word "embittered" on last place, and that's wrong. Most likely, they are sick and poor because they are embittered.

How can we live if we are “educated” for everything with such joyless measures? There is an exit. We will give you some recommendations, and whether you accept them or not is up to you.

How to clean your karma vessel?

First of all, you need to analyze your attitude to life and abandon the idealization of what is so dear to you. Moreover, it is expensive mainly on a subconscious level, since consciously you can quite logically prove the correctness of your views on life. But that doesn't make your life better. So how do you get rid of over-idealization?

It turns out it's not difficult at all. Mankind has known this way for a long time. This is the path to forgiveness. Forgive everyone and everything for what they do not do as you see fit. No matter how hard it is for you. Understand that all this is done only for the purpose of your upbringing, to “separate” you from idealized earthly values.

If people annoy you, then understand that they do it unconsciously. And be sure that as soon as you forgive them for all their shortcomings and accept these people or events as they are, everything will change immediately. You will not need to be “educated” anymore, so you may even go through severe illness not to mention the people and surroundings.

There is one universal trick that allows you to thoroughly clean your vessel of karma. This is forgiveness meditation. On a piece of paper you need to write down all the people who have ever offended you. And also those whom you have ever offended. Then you need to take one person from this list and clean up your resentment or guilt towards him. This is done in the following way. Retire, imagine this person. And mentally repeat to yourself next phrase: With love and gratitude, I forgive N.N. (for example, my father or my friend Lena, or my sister Olga, etc.). If you're brushing off the guilt, the phrase will be slightly different: With love and gratitude, N.N. forgives me. The time spent on meditation in relation to one person can be from 3 to 5 hours. This phrase should be repeated until a feeling of warmth emanating from the region of the heart appears in your chest. After you have forgiven one person, move on to the next one on the list. It is clear that you need to start meditating precisely in relation to those people with whom you are connected with the most vivid feelings of guilt or resentment. And then move on to other, less significant offenders.

But forgiveness isn't everything. This is only the first step in correcting your destiny. A person can sincerely forgive someone, and a day later again be offended or angry at the same thing. Therefore, forgiveness is not enough. After understanding your “hooks” for earthly values, you must first forgive (life, loved ones, fate, etc.), and then you need to take such life position, which will not allow you to "hook" on the same thing again. There are two possible behaviors here.

For example, you can take the life position of a player playing a game called "life". The player can actively participate in all processes, but does not take his loss to heart. Lost, so lost, next time I'll win back.

In this position, you can set any goals for yourself and strive to achieve them with all your vigor. You will be checked - whether you will be offended by life if something does not work out. If you pass this test and do not be offended, then any goals are achievable for you.

Or you need to take the position of an outside observer who detachedly observes the life flowing by. He can optionally be included in any process, but if something goes wrong, he is not offended. He is an observer, and participates only in that and as much as he himself wants. This is the “aerobatics” of attitude to life, and it is available only to people who have a minimum number of “hooks” for life values.

Such is the system of worldviews we propose, in a greatly truncated form. It is not easy, but it explains many events taking place in the world. It works - this has been tested on many people who have corrected their fate only by reconsidering their views on life.

Both questions are good in their own way. And deserve close attention! So.


The question "why" (it happened, I did it, etc.) helps to analyze the situation, draw the necessary conclusions for the future. To move on to the second question.

However, many people don't move on, they get stuck in the "why". And either continuously ask this question, or answer it. Answers are generated automatically, since the model is already rolled back.

Try to answer the question: "Why are you late?" Easily? Still would. The alarm clock didn't work... the traffic jam... my mother called at the wrong time... the phone ran out of power...

This does not mean that all answers are lies. They may also be true. Not in this case.

The question "why?" leads to degradation.

He leads us in the same circle of the same patterns.

"What for?"

The question "why?" leads to development and self-knowledge.

The same question, asked in a different way, gives us a lot of wonderful discoveries.

"Why are you late?" Weird question. But only at first glance.

"Why did you go to rest in this particular resort?"

"Because a cheap ticket turned up"- the answer is also correct.

"Then, in order not to think, not to strain, not to be tormented by a choice," is a much more interesting answer.

Then I learn about myself that I am lazy and passive in choosing.

And if "Because I've never been there"? Also good.

But better: "Because I want to see new places."

Then I learn about myself that I am inquisitive and eager for new experiences.

"Why did you quit this job?"

"Because the boss is a fool", - it is truth too.

"Then, in order not to decide understanding problems", - it is better.

"Then to find a more comfortable relationship for yourself,"- better.

Then I learn about myself that a comfortable relationship with the leader is a priority for me. More priority than salary, job location, etc. And this is neither good nor bad. It's just true. The truth about you.

Reactive and proactive behavior

The question "why?" and the answers to it signify reactive behavior. "From" behavior.

Something happened and I react.

This is fine.

But to get stuck in this means to stop developing.

The question "why?" and responses to it signify proactive behavior. Behavior "to" or "for".

A small child picks up an object. If this object does not make sounds, what does the child do? It makes a knocking noise. This object on any surface. The child wants to make a sound. The child is proactive. He wants to be the cause of something, the creator of the phenomenon. For him, there is only the question "why?"

"Why are you knocking?" — "To be loud!"

Proactive behavior, behavior "why" - more conscious.

In this case, there is a gap between the stimulus and the response. And this is a space of free choice.

In the "why" case, there is no gap. Free choice is absent. I am a slave to habits, patterns, circumstances, other people...

In such people, speech is dominated by passive structures and their analogs: “I have to”, “I have to”, “I have no choice”, “I was called”, “I was told”… an infinite number of variations.

The question "why?" requires awareness in any situation and with a projection for the future. Sometimes even very distant.

The question "why?" requires a goal orientation. Every action must correspond to the goal, otherwise the question "why?" will not have an answer and will turn into "why".

"Why are you into fitness?" - "To be in excellent physical shape by the age of 50!"

Question "Why are you into fitness?" somehow irrelevant...

"Why do you spend all your free time on the couch?"

"Because I'm too lazy to move"- though honestly, but wrong.

"Then, in order to turn into a ruin with overweight and osteochondrosis, to have every reason to complain about health, whine and poison life around", — this is it.

Ask the question "why?" more often.

Be proactive.

Start by imagining the end result.