Hitler takes off his hat. Rare photos of Hitler

The rampant Nazism in the 30-40s of the last century is one of the most terrible and bloody events in history. Take a look at rare photos of the one who led the criminal acts against humanity.

The main person involved, the founder and executor of the embodiment of the bloody Nazi dream was Adolf Hitler, whose portrait became the face of fascism and Nazism all over the world.

In our article you will see a large selection of photographs from the life of this most terrible dictator. Many of the photographs are rare and appeared in the public domain quite recently, when they were sold under the hammer at one of the auctions in the spring.

When looking into the face of this person, the blood freezes and horror from the realization that all the most terrible events- Millions of deaths hellish experiments and bullying of people and children - happened on our Earth precisely because of him.

root of evil

Hitler's parents, father - Alois (1837-1903) and mother - Clara (1860-1907) were formally relatives, so his father had to obtain permission to marry. Alois was very heavy man with a tough character, he often arranged drunken brawls in the house and assaulted him. The unfortunate mother saw the light in the window only in her little son Adolf and completely gave him her love and hyper-care. He was her fourth child, the first three died in early age from diseases.

Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in Austria in the small village of Ranshofen.

From an early age, the boy drew well, which his father was terribly dissatisfied with and forbade his son to do. The mother, on the contrary, tried to develop the boy's skills behind Alois's back and constantly inspired him that he was immensely talented and would become famous. When the father caught the eye of his son's drawings, he became furious and asked the two of them a beating, to which his wife screamed at him in despair that he was wrong, his son would still be famous all over the world. And she was right, but he became famous not for artistic drawings.

School years of Adolf Hitler

AT school years Hitler was a good student leadership qualities, and also he had already begun to show the makings of nationalism and a desire to join the ranks of the Boer warriors. He colorfully demonstrated all this in drawings, showing them to his peers. According to experts, this behavior could be caused by an emotional protest in front of a despotic father, who demanded unquestioning obedience from his son.

According to the memoirs of Alois Jr., Hitler's half-brother, Adolf was distinguished by cruelty and could become furious from minor reasons, he did not love anyone except his mother, and was a narcissistic person. He was also overly spoiled - his mother indulged Adolf in everything, so he was all got out of hand.

The beginning of the path of the dictator

Munich 08/02/1914 Hitler at a rally at Odeonplatz during the mobilization period german army to participate in the First World War.

Growing up, Hitler tried to enter an art school and was completely sure that he would succeed without difficulty. But what a blow it was for him when he was not enrolled, saying that his drawings are good, but not sufficient for art school, with such skills he was recommended to go to architecture faculty. Adolf was furious, he believed that mediocrity was working in the school, who were not able to appreciate truly talented things.

For several years he tried to enter the art educational establishments, but everywhere he was denied. The feeling of an ideal artist raised by his mother haunted him, although in reality it turned out that he did not have the talent that the blinded woman idealized maternal love Clara.

After failed attempts become an artist, the death of his mother, impoverishment and wandering, Hitler volunteered for the ranks of the German army, which then unleashed the First world war. According to the recollections of fellow soldiers, Adolf was brave, quiet and executive, for which he quickly received the rank of corporal in the service, but Hitler was not given a leading rank, as he was considered an excellent performer who lacked leadership qualities. Fellow soldiers also noted his inexplicable luck: Hitler always returned from the battlefield alive and unharmed, even if his entire detachment was defeated, and when injuries occurred, they were light and did not threaten the life of the future Fuhrer.

Front photos of Hitler during World War I

During the First World War, the nationalist sentiments and beliefs of Adolf only grew and strengthened, and by leaps and bounds. When Germany began to lose and lose ground, then in the rear, in the meantime, due to poverty and hunger, protest moods began, which Hitler regarded as a betrayal.

What are the Jews guilty of?

The beginning of Hitler's ascent to the political Olympus in 1921

At the end of the war, Hitler left military service, which never became his career, but allowed him to have like-minded people, who were only 7 people. With these people Hitler began his political career and later the realization of your dreams. He wanted little: "become the sole leader of Germany and start a fight against the hated Jews, and enslave the whole world." Hatred of the Jews fueled his sick imagination, Adolf believed that this nation wants to seize power over other nations and make them faceless.

Hitler was not always an anti-Semite, he had Jewish friends throughout his life who helped him in varying degrees. Anger and hatred began to grow after the death of her mother, who was ill with cancer, and her doctor was a Jew. Hitler repeatedly thanked this doctor for doing his best to cure his mother. But, most likely, Hitler had a subconscious resentment against the doctor because he did not save his mother, and she was the only person whom the Fuhrer was madly in love with, and after her death he grieved greatly. Therefore, over time, resentment grew into an obsessive hatred for the entire Jewish people.

First successes and the Beer putsch

Hitler's career grew rapidly in political sphere, he was a great speaker who could hold the attention of the crowd and captivate in his ideas.

In his speeches, the future chancellor played on the patriotic sentiments of the population that reigned in Germany after the war and the failed surrender, which led the country to huge external debts and economic decline.

When the audience of listeners who came to his speeches grew to 2,000 people, Hitler began to suppress by force everyone who shouted out discontent: they were dragged out and beaten by his stormtroopers.

Having no significant obstacles from the authorities, Adolf became more aggressive and staged whole massacres with protesters against his actions and ideas with the help of entire self-defense units he created, for which he once spent 5 weeks in prison.

Hitler enlisted the experience and support of Mussolini, the Italian dictator who had successfully gained power in Italy in the 1920s through conquest and violent repression.

Beer Hall "Bürgerbräukeller" (1923), where the Beer Putsch began. Photo from the German Federal Archives

The capture by Rem's fighters of the building of the Ministry of War during beer coup. With the banner - Himmler

In 1923, Hitler staged a putsch in Germany to seize power, which was called the "beer putsch." The seizure of power failed due to the betrayal of some of his supporters, although at first it was successful. During these events, 18 people died, including law enforcement officers and Nazis.

The birth of the famous Mein Kampf

Hitler was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison as an organizer riots, but then in December 1924 he was released ahead of schedule. In prison, he wrote his famous two-volume memoir, consisting of an autobiography and a political campaign, which he called "Mein Kampf", translated from the German "My Struggle". Also during the year of imprisonment, Hitler thought about the mistakes for a long time and realized that Mussolini's scenario of forcibly seizing power was not suitable for Germany, and built new plan actions.

At Ludendorff's trial, from left to right: lawyer Holt, Weber, Roder, General Ludendorff and Adolf Hitler, 1923

After leaving the Landsberg prison in Landsberg an der Lech in Bavaria, December 1924.

AT federal archive In Germany, two documents of Adolf Hitler have survived: the first is permission to carry weapons, the second is confirming his membership in the National Socialist German Workers' Party, as the first person under No. 1.

Hitler's election speeches

German Nazis meeting in Munich 1929

Hitler is an excellent orator. Early 1930s, in the election race.

Photo portrait 1932.

At the construction site of the new building of the Reichsbank (the central bank German Empire) May 1932.

When Hitler got out of prison, he built a new plan, political, to achieve the goal. His calculation was to play on the national sentiments of the population and the middle class, which at that time was experiencing difficult financial difficulties, as well as to put pressure on the authorities. He now and then arranged various kinds of provocations.

At the pinnacle of power

After 14 years of ups and downs in the political arena through violent and political action, several rounds of elections and pressure on the German government, Hitler came to power as chancellor on January 30, 1933. The celebration of this event resulted in the famous torchlight procession through Berlin.

No one then could have imagined what kind of beast in human form was entrusted with power. After all last years in the election race, Hitler concealed and contained his anti-Semitic aspirations and desire to resort to radical measures to realize the idea of ​​purging Germany and the world of the Jewish race.

Mass Nazi rally in Bückeburg, 1934

Visiting his prison cell in Landsberg Prison 10 years later, where Hitler wrote his book "Mein Kampf" 1934.

1936 Olympic Games, German leaders signing autographs

Berlin 1936, Hitler's farewell at the New Year's banquet with the guests present

The wedding of the Nazi elite

All those in power who helped get Hitler so high position in the government, they had the illusion that this "Nazi upstart" would become a cornered puppet in their hands, but they soon paid a bitter price for this and realized their irreparable mistake belatedly.

In the pursuit of power, Hitler decided to take care of his health in order to have time to bring his vile ideas to life and, as he believed, save Germany. Therefore, the Fuhrer became a true vegetarian, as a result of which he actively created laws for the protection of animals and toughened the punishment for their violations.

Communication with animals

Fuhrer's favorite German Shepherd Blondie

Hitler with his Scotch Terriers

Communication with children

Also, Hitler always showed concern for German children as the future of a pure nation.

Miscellaneous events during the reign of Hitler

The first statement that Hitler made as chancellor was to rearm the army and restore it to full combat capability, after which it would be possible to conquer the lands in the East with their full Germanization.

Bückeburg, 1937 Thanksgiving Day

Regular rallies

The Reichstag, a decision was made on the peaceful annexation of Austria in 1938.

Preparing for a performance by the Leopoldhall Orchestra Munich 1938.

Visit to the city of Graslitz, temporarily occupied Sudetenland, 1938.

Nazi rally in Czechoslovakia, the city of Eger 1938

Hitler with Austrian admirers in 1939.

Events leading up to World War II

Performance on the first of May at the stadium in 1939.

After Hitler came to power, the holiday received official status in 1933 - National Labor Day.

Hitler at the theater in Charlottenburg, May 1939.

The first voyage of the ship Robert Ley, Hitler on board the ship.

Tea drinking at his residence in Obersalzberg (Bavarian Alps) 1939.

The height of World War II

Hitler having lunch on the front line, 1940.

France 40th year

Hitler with Emmy and Edda Goering 1940

Emmy - German actress theater and cinema, the second wife of Hermann Göring, was secretly considered the first lady of Germany. Together with Magda Goebbels (wife of the German Minister of Education) led different kind charity events. Godfather Edda was Hitler himself.

Christmas celebration with German top military officials, 1941.

Adolf Hitler greets German soldiers at the airport in Uman.

In the photo, Hitler is in the Ukrainian city of Uman and welcomes his soldiers. Hitler flew here with an inspection of the German and Italian military in the summer of 1941.

A symbolic gift to Hitler on the occasion of the capture of Sarajevo.

This tablet, hanging on the wall near the Latin Bridge, the soldiers hastened to remove and hand over to the Fuhrer, almost immediately after the capture of Sarajevo, as a symbol of their victory and the spread of Nazi power in these territories.

Visits to the hospital for wounded officers, 1944.

Hitler with Goebbels at a press conference in Berlin

Hitler's presentation to Marshal Goering - "Lady with a Falcon" (1880).

Both figures were collectors of paintings and other works famous authors, by 1945, the collection of Adolf was more than 6,000 paintings, Goering - more than 1,000. The paintings were acquired or confiscated by personal agents politicians. The rights to these canvases are disputed to this day.

Hitler with Eva Braun

Hitler discussing the Ardennes operation with Göring and Guderian in October 1944

Inspection of the destruction after the bombing Soviet troops, spring 1945

The rarest recent footage

This is rare footage of Hitler last days his life, since after the massive attacks Soviet army to the fascist troops German troops Hitler preferred to hole up in his underground bunker.

Last photo in life

Photo courtesy of the FBI, USA. A possible change in Hitler's appearance during his attempt to escape.

By official version April 30, 1945, together with his wife Eva Braun, Adolf Hitler committed suicide. Eva died after taking a poison capsule with no visible violent signs, and Hitler first shot his beloved German Shepherd before putting a bullet in his head.

Death of Adolf Hitler

According to information from Hitler's staff, the day before they were ordered to prepare canisters of gasoline to burn the corpses. On April 30, 1945, Hitler, shaking hands with people from his inner circle, went with his wife to his room, soon a shot rang out from her. After a while, the servants looked into their room, where they saw the corpse of the Fuhrer with a gunshot wound to the head and the corpse of Eva Braun with no visible injuries. After which they wrapped the bodies in army blankets, doused them with gasoline prepared earlier and burned them as ordered.

In the photo, a charred corpse is being examined by Soviet specialists.

But there is a version that Hitler, along with Brown, fled to South America, where they met their old age, and instead of themselves they left the corpses of twins. Even Stalin at one time put forward the version that Hitler was alive and hiding with the Allies.

In the photo, allegedly seventy-five-year-old Hitler on his deathbed.

School photo 1901

"Children's Friend"




Hitler with Emmy and Edda Goering. 1940 Emmy Goering - German actress, second wife of Hermann Goering. Since the then Reich Chancellor and Reich President of Germany, Adolf Hitler, did not have a wife, Emmy Goering was tacitly considered the “first lady” of Germany and, in this capacity, along with Magda Goebbels, who tried to play the same role, led various charity events.

Hitler visits one of the officers, just like him, who suffered from unsuccessful attempt on him on July 20, 1944. After the assassination attempt, Hitler was unable to stay on his feet all day, as more than 100 fragments were removed from his legs. In addition, he had a dislocation right hand, the hair on the back of the head is scorched and the eardrums are damaged. On the right ear temporarily deaf. He ordered that the execution of the conspirators be turned into humiliating torment, filmed and photographed. Subsequently, he personally watched this film.

Hitler presents Reichsmarschall Göring with Hans Makart's Lady with a Falcon (1880). Both Hitler and Goering were passionate art collectors: by 1945, the Hitler collection consisted of 6755 paintings, the Goering collection - 1375. The paintings were acquired (including at reduced prices with the help of threats) by agents working for Hitler and Goering, donated , were confiscated from the museums of the countries occupied by Germany. Controversy over legal status some paintings from the former collections of leaders Nazi Germany are still going.

According to the official version, Hitler, along with his wife Eva Braun, committed suicide on April 30, after killing his beloved dog Blondie. AT national historiography the point of view was established that Hitler took poison ( potassium cyanide, like most Nazis who committed suicide), however, according to eyewitnesses, he shot himself. There is also a version according to which Hitler, having taken an ampoule of poison into his mouth and bit through it, simultaneously shot himself with a pistol (thus using both instruments of death).

According to witnesses from among the attendants, even the day before, Hitler gave the order to deliver canisters of gasoline from the garage (to destroy the bodies). On April 30, after dinner, Hitler said goodbye to people from his inner circle and, shaking hands with them, retired to his apartment with Eva Braun, from where the sound of a shot was soon heard. Shortly after 3:15 pm, Hitler's servant Heinz Linge, accompanied by his adjutant Otto Günsche, Goebbels, Bormann and Axmann, entered the Fuhrer's quarters. Dead Hitler sat on the couch; blurred on his temple blood stain.

Eva Braun lay next to her, with no visible external injuries. Günsche and Linge wrapped Hitler's body in a soldier's blanket and carried it into the garden of the Reich Chancellery; Eve's body was carried out after him. The corpses were placed near the entrance to the bunker, doused with gasoline and burned. In the photo: the charred corpse of Hitler at the examination carried out by Soviet specialists.

There are a number of conspiracy theories claiming that Hitler did not commit suicide, but escaped. According to the most popular version, the Fuhrer and Eva Braun, leaving doubles in their place, disappeared into South America, where they lived safely under false names until old age. The photo allegedly depicts 75-year-old Hitler on his deathbed.

A 1945 FBI montage in case Hitler tried to hide by disguising himself.

Blog about Omsk and not only... in other social networks:

A unique and truly vast archive of professional LIFE images has become available through the Google service. The special value of the historical collection, numbering millions of photographs, can be fully realized while viewing the photographs of the era of Nazi Germany - legendary and for the most part unpublished until now ...

Hitler in Landsberg Prison during a visit by party comrades, including Rudolf Hess. 1924

Hitler's parents: Clara and Alois

Giler's birth certificate. 1989 Braunau, Austria

Little Hitler (third from left in the bottom row) with classmates. Fischlham, Austria. 1895

School photograph 1901

Hitler in the crowd at Odeonplatz during the mobilization of the German army during the First World War. Munich, August 2, 1914

Volunteer Hitler (right) in the 2nd Bavarian Infantry Regiment of the Bavarian Army during the First World War. 1916

Hitler (back row, second from right) in a military hospital. 1918

Rising star German politics. 1921

During the election campaign of 1923.

Hitler was released from Landsberg Prison where he wrote "Mein Kampf". December 1924

Hitler in shorts, 1924 “Some photos of Adolf Hitler look like a jester, but they prove that he experimented with his image. Those. Hitler for his time was very modern politician", - says in the preface of the book "Hitler Was My Friend" ("Hitler was my friend") Heinrich Hoffmann (Heinrich Hoffmann), who was personal photographer Hitler.

"Apocalyptic, visionary, compelling." Staged photoset by Heinrich Hoffmann. 1925

The face of Nazism.

Portrait 1932

At the laying of a new Reichsbank building. May 1932

Speech at the trial in Leipzig 1933

Hitler visiting his prison cell at Landsberg Prison, where he wrote "Mein Kampf" ten years ago. 1934

At a mass Nazi rally in Bückenburg, 1934

Hitler and Goebbels signing autographs for Olympic Games 1936

Hitler says goodbye to those present leaving the New Year's banquet. Berlin, 1936

At someone's wedding

Thanksgiving in Bückeburg. 1937

On the construction of the autobahn

Hitler receives a standing ovation in the Reichstag after the announcement of the "peaceful" annexation of Austria. 1938

Hitler in brown Nazi clothes during a speech on outdoors in Austria. 1938

At a rehearsal of the Leopoldhall Orchestra in Munich. 1938

During a visit to the occupied Sudetenland in the town of Graslitz. 1938

At a Nazi rally in Eger, Czechoslovakia. 1938

With Austrian fans. 1939

May Day rally at the stadium in 1939. With the coming to power of Hitler, May 1 received official status in 1933. The date was called "National Labor Day". A day after the introduction, the Nazis broke into the premises of the trade unions and banned them.

At a Nazi rally

at the theater in Charlottenburg. May 1939

On board the Robert Ley on its maiden voyage.

Hitler with guests at the table in his residence in Obersalzberg. 1939

During lunch on the front line. 1940

In Paris. 1940

At a Christmas banquet with German generals. 1941

"Friend of the Children"

Hitler with Emmy and Edda Goering. 1940 Emmy Goering - German actress, second wife of Hermann Goering. Since the then Reich Chancellor and Reich President of Germany, Adolf Hitler, did not have a wife, Emmy Goering was tacitly considered the “first lady” of Germany and, in this capacity, along with Magda Goebbels, who tried to play the same role, led various charity events.

"Friend of the Animals"

Hitler and Eva Braun with their Scottish Terriers.

Hitler also had a shepherd named Blondie.

Reading the morning press.

Hitler and Eva Braun. 1943

Hitler, Goering and Guderian are discussing the Ardennes operation. October 1944

Hitler visits one of the officers, just like him, who suffered from an unsuccessful assassination attempt on him on July 20, 1944. After the assassination attempt, Hitler was unable to stay on his feet all day, as more than 100 fragments were removed from his legs. In addition, he had a dislocation of his right arm, the hair on the back of his head was scorched, and his eardrums were damaged. I was temporarily deaf in my right ear. He ordered that the execution of the conspirators be turned into humiliating torment, filmed and photographed. Subsequently, he personally watched this film.

Hitler presents Reichsmarschall Göring with Hans Makart's Lady with a Falcon (1880). Both Hitler and Goering were passionate art collectors: by 1945, the Hitler collection consisted of 6,755 paintings, the Goering collection - 1,375. , were confiscated from the museums of the countries occupied by Germany. Disputes over the legal status of some paintings from the former collections of the leaders of Nazi Germany are still going on.

One of latest photos Hitler. The Fuhrer in the garden of the Imperial Chancellery rewards the young members of the Hitler Youth brigade, mobilized to defend Berlin.

According to the official version, Hitler, along with his wife Eva Braun, committed suicide on April 30, after killing his beloved dog Blondie. In Russian historiography, the point of view was established that Hitler took poison (potassium cyanide, like most Nazis who committed suicide), however, according to eyewitnesses, he shot himself. There is also a version according to which Hitler, having taken an ampoule of poison into his mouth and bit through it, simultaneously shot himself with a pistol (thus using both instruments of death).

According to witnesses from among the attendants, even the day before, Hitler gave the order to deliver canisters of gasoline from the garage (to destroy the bodies). On April 30, after dinner, Hitler said goodbye to people from his inner circle and, shaking hands with them, retired to his apartment with Eva Braun, from where the sound of a shot was soon heard. Shortly after 3:15 pm, Hitler's servant Heinz Linge, accompanied by his adjutant Otto Günsche, Goebbels, Bormann and Axmann, entered the Fuhrer's quarters. Dead Hitler sat on the couch; there was a blood stain on his temple. Eva Braun lay next to her, with no visible external injuries. Günsche and Linge wrapped Hitler's body in a soldier's blanket and carried it into the garden of the Reich Chancellery; Eve's body was carried out after him. The corpses were placed near the entrance to the bunker, doused with gasoline and burned. In the photo: the charred corpse of Hitler at the examination carried out by Soviet specialists.

A 1945 FBI montage in case Hitler tried to hide by disguising himself.

There are a number of conspiracy theories claiming that Hitler did not commit suicide, but escaped. According to the most popular version, the Fuhrer and Eva Braun, leaving doubles in their place, hid in South America, where they lived safely under false names until old age. The photo allegedly depicts 75-year-old Hitler on his deathbed:

School photo 1901

"Children's Friend"




Hitler with Emmy and Edda Goering. 1940 Emmy Goering - German actress, second wife of Hermann Goering. Since the then Reich Chancellor and Reich President of Germany, Adolf Hitler, did not have a wife, Emmy Goering was tacitly considered the “first lady” of Germany and, in this capacity, along with Magda Goebbels, who tried to play the same role, led various charity events.

Hitler visits one of the officers, just like him, who suffered from an unsuccessful assassination attempt on him on July 20, 1944. After the assassination attempt, Hitler was unable to stay on his feet all day, as more than 100 fragments were removed from his legs. In addition, he had a dislocation of his right arm, the hair on the back of his head was scorched, and his eardrums were damaged. I was temporarily deaf in my right ear. He ordered that the execution of the conspirators be turned into humiliating torment, filmed and photographed. Subsequently, he personally watched this film.

Hitler presents Reichsmarschall Göring with Hans Makart's Lady with a Falcon (1880). Both Hitler and Goering were passionate art collectors: by 1945, the Hitler collection consisted of 6755 paintings, the Goering collection - 1375. The paintings were acquired (including at reduced prices with the help of threats) by agents working for Hitler and Goering, donated , were confiscated from the museums of the countries occupied by Germany. Disputes over the legal status of some paintings from the former collections of the leaders of Nazi Germany are still going on.

According to the official version, Hitler, along with his wife Eva Braun, committed suicide on April 30, after killing his beloved dog Blondie. In Russian historiography, the point of view was established that Hitler took poison (potassium cyanide, like most Nazis who committed suicide), however, according to eyewitnesses, he shot himself. There is also a version according to which Hitler, having taken an ampoule of poison into his mouth and bit through it, simultaneously shot himself with a pistol (thus using both instruments of death).

According to witnesses from among the attendants, even the day before, Hitler gave the order to deliver canisters of gasoline from the garage (to destroy the bodies). On April 30, after dinner, Hitler said goodbye to people from his inner circle and, shaking hands with them, retired to his apartment with Eva Braun, from where the sound of a shot was soon heard. Shortly after 3:15 pm, Hitler's servant Heinz Linge, accompanied by his adjutant Otto Günsche, Goebbels, Bormann and Axmann, entered the Fuhrer's quarters. Dead Hitler sat on the couch; there was a blood stain on his temple.

Eva Braun lay next to her, with no visible external injuries. Günsche and Linge wrapped Hitler's body in a soldier's blanket and carried it into the garden of the Reich Chancellery; Eve's body was carried out after him. The corpses were placed near the entrance to the bunker, doused with gasoline and burned. In the photo: the charred corpse of Hitler at the examination carried out by Soviet specialists.

There are a number of conspiracy theories claiming that Hitler did not commit suicide, but escaped. According to the most popular version, the Fuhrer and Eva Braun, leaving doubles in their place, hid in South America, where they lived safely under false names until old age. The photo allegedly depicts 75-year-old Hitler on his deathbed.

A 1945 FBI montage in case Hitler tried to hide by disguising himself.

Hitler in Landsberg prison during the visit of party comrades. 1924

Hitler's parents: Clara and Alois.

Hitler's birth certificate. 1889 Braunau, Austria.

Little Hitler (third from left in the bottom row) with classmates. Fischlham, Austria. 1895

School photograph 1901


Hitler in the crowd at Odeonplatz during the mobilization of the German army during the First World War. Munich, August 2, 1914

Hitler (back row, second from right) in a military hospital. 1918

Volunteer Hitler (right) in the 2nd Bavarian Infantry Regiment of the Bavarian Army during the First World War. 1916

Rising star of German politics. 1921

During the election campaign of 1923.

Hitler in shorts, 1924 “Some photos of Adolf Hitler look like a jester, but they prove that he experimented with his image. Those. Hitler was a very modern politician for his time,” reads the preface to the book “Hitler Was My Friend” by Heinrich Hoffmann, who was Hitler’s personal photographer.

"Apocalyptic, visionary, compelling." Staged photoset by Heinrich Hoffmann. 1925

The face of Nazism.

Portrait 1932

At the laying of a new Reichsbank building. May 1932.

Speech at the trial in Leipzig 1933

Hitler visiting his prison cell at Landsberg Prison, where he wrote "Mein Kampf" ten years ago. 1934

Hitler and Goebbels signing autographs at the 1936 Olympics

Hitler says goodbye to those present leaving the New Year's banquet. Berlin, 1936

At someone's wedding.

Thanksgiving in Bückeburg. 1937

On the construction of the autobahn.


Hitler in brown Nazi clothing during an outdoor speech in Austria. 1938

At a rehearsal of the Leopoldhall Orchestra in Munich. 1938

During a visit to the occupied Sudetenland in the town of Graslitz. 1938

With Austrian fans. 1939

On board the Robert Ley on its maiden voyage.

During lunch on the front line. 1940

Hitler with guests at the table in his residence in Obersalzberg. 1939

At a Christmas banquet with German generals. 1941

"Friend of the Children"

Hitler with Emmy and Edda Goering. 1940 Emmy Goering - German actress, second wife of Hermann Goering. Since the then Reich Chancellor and Reich President of Germany, Adolf Hitler, did not have a wife, Emmy Goering was tacitly considered the “first lady” of Germany and, in this capacity, along with Magda Goebbels, who tried to play the same role, led various charity events.

"Friend of the Animals"

Hitler and Eva Braun with their Scottish Terriers.

Hitler also had a shepherd named Blondie.

Reading the morning press.

Hitler and Eva Braun. 1943

Hitler, Goering and Guderian are discussing the Ardennes operation. October 1944

Hitler visits one of the officers, just like him, who suffered from an unsuccessful assassination attempt on him on July 20, 1944. After the assassination attempt, Hitler was unable to stay on his feet all day, as more than 100 fragments were removed from his legs. In addition, he had a dislocation of his right arm, the hair on the back of his head was scorched, and his eardrums were damaged. I was temporarily deaf in my right ear. He ordered that the execution of the conspirators be turned into humiliating torment, filmed and photographed. Subsequently, he personally watched this film.

One of the last photos of Hitler. The Fuhrer in the garden of the Imperial Chancellery rewards the young members of the Hitler Youth brigade, mobilized to defend Berlin.

Hitler presents Reichsmarschall Göring with Hans Makart's Lady with a Falcon (1880). Both Hitler and Goering were passionate art collectors: by 1945, the Hitler collection consisted of 6,755 paintings, the Goering collection - 1,375. , were confiscated from the museums of the countries occupied by Germany. Disputes over the legal status of some paintings from the former collections of the leaders of Nazi Germany are still going on.

According to the official version, Hitler, along with his wife Eva Braun, committed suicide on April 30, after killing his beloved dog Blondie. In Russian historiography, the point of view was established that Hitler took poison (potassium cyanide, like most Nazis who committed suicide), however, according to eyewitnesses, he shot himself. There is also a version according to which Hitler, having taken an ampoule of poison into his mouth and bit through it, simultaneously shot himself with a pistol (thus using both instruments of death).

According to witnesses from among the attendants, even the day before, Hitler gave the order to deliver canisters of gasoline from the garage (to destroy the bodies). On April 30, after dinner, Hitler said goodbye to people from his inner circle and, shaking hands with them, retired to his apartment with Eva Braun, from where the sound of a shot was soon heard. Shortly after 3:15 pm, Hitler's servant Heinz Linge, accompanied by his adjutant Otto Günsche, Goebbels, Bormann and Axmann, entered the Fuhrer's quarters. Dead Hitler sat on the couch; there was a blood stain on his temple.

Eva Braun lay next to her, with no visible external injuries. Günsche and Linge wrapped Hitler's body in a soldier's blanket and carried it into the garden of the Reich Chancellery; Eve's body was carried out after him. The corpses were placed near the entrance to the bunker, doused with gasoline and burned. In the photo: the charred corpse of Hitler at the examination carried out by Soviet specialists.

A 1945 FBI montage in case Hitler tried to hide by disguising himself.

There are a number of conspiracy theories claiming that Hitler did not commit suicide, but escaped. According to the most popular version, the Fuhrer and Eva Braun, leaving doubles in their place, hid in South America, where they lived safely under false names until old age. The photo allegedly depicts 75-year-old Hitler on his deathbed.