What to do in case of an earthquake. How to survive an earthquake

Any natural disasters cause panic among the population. In order to avoid wrong actions, each person should know exactly how to behave during such situations. One of the most common is an earthquake. It is impossible to prevent it, but you can save your life. The main thing is not to succumb to public panic and maintain a sober mind. But in order to understand what to do during an earthquake, you need to know what this cataclysm is.

More about the phenomenon

Earthquakes are caused by vibrations and shocks of the Earth's surface, they are caused by tectonic processes or may be provoked during big bang. In fact, such phenomena occur quite often on our planet, but not all lead to catastrophic consequences. Many occur under the thickness of the oceans, and we simply do not feel them. In any case, everyone should know what to do in case of an earthquake. It depends on the correctness of actions whether you save your life or not.

Some earthquakes under water cause strong tsunamis, which fall with powerful force and claim millions of lives. Mankind will never be able to control geophysical planetary processes. That is why there are services that track development centers future disaster and take appropriate measures to save the population.

Classification of earthquakes depending on the points

There is a specialized earthquake scale that measures magnitude and intensity. The latter is calculated by points, which are set from deformation earth's crust and the degree of destruction of surface buildings and structures. Consider a more detailed twelve-point Mercalli scale:

  • 1 - Such shocks are completely unnoticed by people, only high-precision devices react to minor fluctuations in the earth's crust.
  • 2 - Fluctuations are felt by residents of high-rise buildings. The rest will not pay attention to such a phenomenon.
  • 3 - Noticeable vibration occurs on the last floors of a high-rise building. Chandeliers can swing, water in a glass trembles. A parked car will activate the alarm due to noticeable vibrations.
  • 4 - Can be described as a moderate earthquake. Everyone in the room will definitely feel the movement. earth plates. Doors and windows begin to loosen, and glass emits a characteristic rattle. This is especially noticeable in the middle of the night, many wake up.
  • 5 - Such an earthquake does not go unnoticed, everyone feels the vibrations earth's surface. In many apartments, cracks appear on the windows, objects fall from the shelves.
  • 6 - Fluctuations cause public panic. Everyone begins to run out into the streets, and pieces of furniture move around the apartment on their own. Heavy objects fall from shelves. Even the trees emit a characteristic rustle of leaves, the crackling of trunks is heard.
  • 7 - A strong enough earthquake that knocks a person down. Many buildings are covered with cracks, unstable ground collapses. The water in lakes and rivers is sharply cloudy from the silt raised from the bottom. Furniture breaks, dishes break.
  • 8 - An earthquake that destroys buildings. The branches on the trees break, the ground cracks underfoot.

  • 9 - A catastrophic situation during which buildings are destroyed and a lot of people die. Dams collapse, water pipes burst under pressure.
  • 10 - The earth is not just shaking, it is moving, and entire cities are collapsing. As a rule, a couple of hours before the disaster, animals begin to panic, which foresee an imminent death. Huge cracks form in the soil, water splashes out of rivers and lakes. The rails are deformable.
  • 11 - Almost all buildings are destroyed, only a few buildings manage to resist. Railways deformed for miles.
  • 12 - Real disaster that destroys all living things. Even riverbeds are changing, and out of the blue, fountains start gushing out of the ground. Completely new lakes are formed, the landscape is transformed beyond recognition.

The higher the scale of earthquakes, the more difficult it is to correct the consequences. During big catastrophes Entire cities perish, people are left homeless. Their houses turn into ruins, and from under the rubble, rescuers still get the bodies of the dead for a long time.

How is magnitude determined?

The magnitude of earthquakes is established on the basis of the received data on the exact measuring device- seismograph. Its more common name is the Richter scale. It was developed back in 1935, and has since been widely used by specialists around the world. It is the amount of energy that is released during a catastrophe that is taken into account in this scale.

Below are the main numbers by which the magnitude of any earthquake is determined:

  • 2.0 - very weak tremors that not all residents can notice;
  • 4.5 - moderate ground vibrations, causing the movement of objects and minor damage;
  • 6.0 - shocks of such force that buildings are destroyed (during them it is difficult for people to stand on their feet);
  • 8,5 - disastrous consequences(whole cities literally turn into a pile of garbage).

Scientists believe that cataclysms with a higher magnitude than 9.0 cannot occur on the planet.

Better to prevent than to fix later

Competent protection of the population from earthquakes significantly reduces total percentage affected. If a possible source of a future catastrophe is established, then people must be evacuated. But in any case, everyone should take care of their own safety. You need to be ready at all times for such an incident and know exactly what to do in case of an earthquake.

First, take some preparatory steps to help manage panic and the unexpected. natural disaster. If you live in a seismically danger zone, at home there must be a standard set of items that are designed to survive in dangerous situation. Be sure to collect all documents and keep them in a conspicuous place.

The most important rules

Consider the basic measures to prepare for a disaster, as well as what to do in case of an earthquake:

  • A first aid kit with all the necessary medicines should always be in a conspicuous place in your house. Be sure to put a lighter and a battery-powered radio in there.
  • Get a small fire extinguisher, check its serviceability.
  • Situations may vary, so it's best to know elementary rules first aid. In an emergency, you should be able to help others and yourself, take the necessary medications and put splints on fractures.
  • At the slightest shock, immediately turn off the taps that deliver gas, water and electricity to your home.
  • It is better to securely attach heavy furniture to the floor so as not to be crushed by your favorite wardrobe.
  • Always keep in mind the action and evacuation plan, consider where it is better to hide with all family members.
  • Do not store heavy or breakable items on the shelves.
  • Have a supply of water (at least a small flask with you).

Actions and safety rules in case of an earthquake

Each person, first of all, independently ensures their own safety during an earthquake. If you feel tremors, then you should not try to move in a panic state. If you are indoors, it is best to immediately choose a safe corner and lie down on the floor. Do not forget to protect your head with your hands from possible fragments and falling objects. Do not get up until you are sure that the tremors have completely stopped.

According to statistics, many people are killed by falling objects. These are cabinets, TVs, heavy figurines, etc. You can escape from a collapsing building, the main thing is to choose the right tactics. In any case, remain calm and do not run around the street or indoors.

Follow all the earthquake rules that are developed by rescuers, and then you will save own life. Be sure to lie on the floor and move only by crawling. Standing on your feet, you will certainly get much more serious damage.

If you live in a dilapidated brick building, then at the slightest jolt, grab your documents and run outside. Try not to stand near skyscrapers and trees, find an open safe area.

Unusual situations and how to survive in them

Follow all earthquake safety precautions. If you are in a crowded public transport, it is better to leave it and take a horizontal position.

Even being in an elevator assumes that a person will lie down on the floor. Thus, you can protect yourself. As soon as everything stops, exit on the first floor and run outside. If the doors are blocked and you feel that the building has suffered significant damage, wait for the help of rescuers.

While in a stadium or theater, stay still and cover your head with your hands. In such a situation, there is a high risk of dying from a stampede, so do not panic and try to calm those around you.

If you are driving, turn off the car safe place. Nearby there should be no buildings, and bridges. After that, do not go outside, stay in the car. It would be best to turn on the radio and listen to the recommendations of the authorities on further actions.

Every city and should know the rules of safety during an earthquake. If your home is located near a dam, move to a safe distance from it. When in highlands take care to be as far away from the hills as possible.

A person who moves in a wheelchair must block the wheels of the wheelchair, otherwise they will start spinning on their own, and such an uncontrollable situation will lead to unpleasant consequences.

Compliance with the above rules will ensure maximum safety during earthquakes.

What is banned?

Most people die due to wrong actions. They unknowingly put their lives in great danger. Remember what not to do during an earthquake:

  • do not move around the building and do not try to run out into the street if you live on the top floor;
  • never stand in doorways;
  • do not panic and act without fuss.

These actions are sure to provoke adverse situations that will threaten your life. Now you know what to do during an earthquake and how best not to behave.

Main actions after the earthquake

The protection of the population from earthquakes is not always successful, often the consequences of the disaster are terrible and require round-the-clock work of rescuers. Experts get people out from under the rubble and provide urgent medical care. If you hear people talking not far from you, but you cannot move, then be sure to give a sign, shout with all your might.

The rubble is cleared after the rescue of the population. It is fitted with the help of which fragments of destroyed structures are removed.

If a disaster did occur, what should be done? Rescuers are advised to behave as follows:

  • Try to stand on your feet and examine all parts of the body, you may have
  • Look around, find out if there are people near you who cannot rise on their own. Help them get out from under the rubble.
  • Reassure the children and keep them in sight, explain that the parents will be found soon. It is necessary to take care of the kids until child psychologists and other specialized help arrive.
  • Check for a gas leak and leave the room if you smell the slightest smell (explosion may occur).
  • Don't panic and be prepared for aftershocks.

Only confident action save your life. You should always know exactly what to do in an earthquake. Turn on the radio if possible. Listen carefully to what to do during an earthquake. State rescue services At the slightest danger, they contact the population. This is the only way to prevent large-scale human losses.

The main thing is to behave correctly and be able to calm others. Panic makes things worse. Only well-thought-out actions save lives.

The most destructive earthquakes in history

  • 1139 - disaster in Ganja. The force of tremors was 11 points. More than 200 thousand people died.
  • 1202 - a natural disaster in Syria and Egypt. About 1 million people died. The earthquake is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most destructive in history.
  • 1556 - about 850 thousand people became victims.
  • 1737 - as a result of the strongest shocks in India, about 300 thousand people died.
  • 1883 - The eruption of the Krakatoa volcano caused one of the most large-scale earthquakes in history. More than 40 thousand inhabitants of the islands of Java and Sumatra died.
  • 1950 - An earthquake in India was so strong that seismic instruments went off scale and could not establish the magnitude of the vibrations. After five days of continuous shocks East End India has been reduced to rubble. 6 thousand people died, because the shaking was not in a densely populated area.
  • 1995 - Aftershocks of 10 points claimed the lives of many thousands of Sakhalin residents. The city of Neftegorsk disappeared from the face of the Earth.
  • 2010 - shaking in Haiti. 150 thousand people died.
  • 2011 - terrible earthquake in Japan caused a tsunami, a significant radiation leak and the death of about 30 thousand people.

An earthquake is one of the most severe natural disasters taking away a lot human lives and causing significant material damage. Today, a person is powerless to do anything to prevent this natural phenomenon.

Many Largest cities, industrial centers and the most populated areas of our planet are located in areas prone to strong earthquakes. Residents of cities and other settlements located in seismically hazardous areas should be school bench receive training in the basics of preparing behavior and actions before, during and after an earthquake. Today, this is the only way, really, to save the lives of many people during earthquakes.


For those who live in earthquake-prone areas, it is necessary to prepare in a certain way for the possibility of an earthquake.

First of all, at home you need to have a permanent minimum stock canned food, crackers and drinking water(in winter 3-4, and in summer 5-6 liters of water per person per day) to survive on their own for several days.

It is necessary to have at home one or two flashlights with fresh spare batteries.

It is necessary to determine in advance in the apartment (House) the most stable places where you can hide from falling stones and beams, be sure to inform all family members about them. Such places are, first of all, openings of internal doors, corners of rooms and, in no case, openings of external windows, balconies or areas near the external walls of the house.

It is imperative to have a battery-operated radio receiver in the apartment in order to receive accurate information on the radio about the actions of the authorities, services and the scale of the disaster.

It is necessary to have hoses at least 5 meters long to connect to water taps in case of fire.

You need to know exactly where and how gas, electricity and water are turned off in the house.

The house must have a first aid kit with the necessary medicines, cotton wool, bandages and other medicines.

It is necessary to have telephone numbers of the district and central ambulance, fire service, police, emergency services next to the telephone.

All furniture and other accessories in the apartment must be in a stable condition. Heavy objects and furniture should not be suspended or unstable above beds, prams and chairs; they must be additionally fixed to the wall and floor.

Various chemicals, explosive and flammable substances must be stored in secure, closed and stable places.

Doors, passages, corridors should be free from bulky items and furniture so that you can easily move around the apartment and get out of it in case of a disaster.

In the case of erecting unplanned internal partitions in your apartment, it is necessary that they are firmly fastened to the walls, floor and ceiling.

Do not leave electrical appliances and household appliances unnecessarily plugged in while you are away, as this can cause fires and explosions during an earthquake.

It is essential that all family members know what to do before, during and after an earthquake.


The sooner you feel the initial moment of the earthquake, the greater the chance of saving your life and those around you. Starting moment earthquakes can be felt differently. Sometimes, before an earthquake, a glow appears above the hills, there may be disturbances in the operation of radio, television, electronic devices, spontaneous glow of fluorescent lamps. Sometimes, a few seconds before an earthquake, a strong growing rumble occurs underground, after which the first shock occurs. In other cases, a few seconds before the push, weaker vibrations may occur, in which the dishes begin to rattle, suspended objects sway. Then the first shock occurs, which can last from a few seconds to 1-1.5 minutes.

You must be psychologically prepared for the fact that at this time window panes can burst and fly out, objects fall from the shelves, furniture begins to move, the noise becomes deafening, cracks may appear on the walls and ceiling.

The most important thing, when you realize that an earthquake has begun, is not to panic, but to follow following advice:

* If there are children in the house, you should immediately place them in a safe place, which can be inside doorways or internal corners rooms. It is necessary to move away from windows and external walls, bulky and tall furniture. You can hide under a whitewashed or desk, workbench and other durable furniture. The greatest danger is presented by objects falling from above, stones, beams, etc.

* Remember not to run out of the building during an earthquake, as falling debris and collapsing walls are the main cause of many casualties. There are more chances to save a life if you seek salvation where you are. It is necessary to wait until the end of the earthquake, after which you can leave the building. Never try to get out of the building using the elevator, which can get stuck or fall into the shaft.

* If the building you are in is low and non-seismic, for example, a brick house, and it is possible to leave it immediately, then in this case you must carefully and quickly leave the building, run away from it to a safe distance.

* If at the time of the earthquake you are near a tall building, then quickly stand in the doorway to protect yourself from falling debris.

* If at the time of the earthquake you are in a fairly open space, then move away from power lines and buildings.

* If an earthquake caught you in a car, you need to stop as far as possible from tall buildings and other structures and not start moving until the earthquake stops.

* If you are in a boat during an earthquake, and there are high-rise buildings and other structures near the shore, then try to swim away from the shore to protect yourself from falling debris. If there are no buildings and structures on the shore, then you need to quickly get ashore and move away from the water, because an earthquake can cause a tsunami or strong excitement.

* It must be remembered that after the first shock there may be some lull, interrupted by subsequent, more or less strong shocks. Therefore, actions after the first push should be careful and deliberate.


The most important thing after the earthquake is over is to keep your composure. It is necessary to save the people left under the rubble and prevent more great sacrifices in case of fires and explosions.

After an earthquake, try to follow these tips:

* If the earthquake happened at night and you are in complete darkness, do not rush to light matches or lighters. If there is a battery flashlight, then use it better. If there are no other sources of light, then before lighting matches or a lighter, make sure that there is no smell of gas, gasoline and other flammable and explosives. Otherwise, an explosion, fire and other secondary consequences may occur, which will cause new victims.

* At the first moment, it is necessary to check if there is a gas leak. Try, if possible, to turn off the gas, water and turn off the electricity. If there are small fires, try to put them out on your own. If it is not possible to put out the fire on your own, try first to get the surviving children, as well as other injured people, out of the fire zone to a safe place.

* Do not touch bare wires and metal and wet objects in contact with them.

* If there are undamaged phones nearby, try contacting ambulance, fire and other rescue services.

* If rescue work is already underway and there is no need for your help, do not fuss trying to help - this will only complicate the work of rescuers.

* Do not enter the destruction zone unnecessarily and do not walk among the ruins and dilapidated houses, as you can become the cause of collapses and the victim of falling debris.

* If you know that there are people left under the debris and rubble, do not rush to dismantle the rubble yourself. Try calling people for help. Try to figure out the location of the debris and beams. Remember that any of your careless and incorrect movement can cause further destruction, disruptions of debris and stones and cause the death of people remaining under the rubble.

* If possible, wear sturdy shoes and rough clothing to avoid injury. sharp corners debris and glass.

* If you find spilled and spilled explosive, flammable and toxic substances immediately warn others about them.

* If there is a radio or repeater nearby, be sure to turn them on to hear information about the extent of the disaster, necessary measures to eliminate its consequences.

* You also need to prepare for self-support within one to several days. Therefore, try to select and put in a dry and safe place the preserved food, canned food, crackers, biscuits, dried foods, etc.

* If stoves and chimneys are damaged, in no case make fire in them, so as not to cause a fire.

* If there are children nearby, help them calm down and place them in a safe place.

* If an earthquake caught you at work, try to help your co-workers and others first before rushing home.

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1. The collapse of the building is not the biggest danger in an earthquake. Buildings begin to deform starting at 7 on the intensity scale, and collapse at 8-9. And then, in more brick houses are subject to serious destruction. Modern buildings that began to be built starting from the middle of the 20th century (including Khrushchevs) withstand the potential danger of a total collapse even at 9 points, not to mention modern monolithic buildings. AT seismically active zones give Special attention special design technologies that will allow the building to withstand even the shocks of maximum force.

2. Based on the already existing experience and statistics of damage during an earthquake, it becomes obvious - flying and falling objects pose the greatest threat to life and health such as lamps, glass, TV, bookshelves, crockery and the like. To seriously suffer and even die from a collision with such everyday objects is much more likely than from the collapse of a building.

What to do in case of an earthquake

1. First of all, however, as in any emergency, in no case it is forbidden panic . Your safety and salvation depend on your calmness and thoughtful actions.

2. Wherever a cataclysm finds you, stay where you are. If you are unable to leave the premises within the first 10 seconds, attempting to exit the building to avoid a possible collapse could be more troublesome than staying inside. If the shaking caught you on the street, stay away from buildings, move away to the most open space. Beware of poles, trees and power lines. If you are in a car, again, you need to drive away from houses and any objects that can be knocked over. Turn off the engine and stay inside.

3. In the legs, as they say, there is no truth, especially with strong shaking. So the first thing to do in an earthquake is to fall on the floor. In this position, it is easier to move around while maintaining minimal stability.

5. Take care of your head and neck by covering them with your hands. If possible, hide under a massive table or bed. Only if there is no suitable cover nearby, it is worth relocating to an internal wall or low furniture that is not able to collapse on you. Head and neck, in any case, should be covered with hands.

6. Freeze in your shelter, taking the pose of "baby", and remain in this position until the end of the earthquake. However, you should be prepared for the fact that you will be thrown into different sides, as well as surrounding objects.

7. Generally after the first wave of oscillations, comes the second. So if the tremors have stopped, do not rush to leave the shelter. It is likely that after the break another wave will follow, most likely stronger than the first.

Fact. According to world experts in the field of rescue in emergency situations, the principle of "Fall, hide and stand still" allows you to escape and survive the earthquake with the least damage to yourself. Even if the building is in danger of collapse. The only exception to this rule is when you are in country house or on the ground floor of an unfortified brick building. In such a situation, it is necessary to leave the premises as soon as possible.

What to do if you find yourself under rubble after an earthquake

1. Do not try to light the space with matches or a lighter. This will burn up your available supply of oxygen and increase the likelihood suffocate before you are discovered and rescued.

2. Do not make sudden movements and do not try to get out on your own. By moving even a small brick, you can provoke another blockage.

3. Cover your mouth while breathing to prevent dust from entering your larynx which can cause choking or vomiting. Try not to breathe nose- you can start sneezing, from what dust will scatter and fill the entire space, and the convulsive movements of the body, again, can lead to a collapse.

4. Periodically tap on available items, trying, of course, to choose those that make a better sound: wood and metal. Use your voice only as a last resort.

What to do after an earthquake

1. Gather your thoughts. When the earthquake is over, you will most likely be in a confused state and do not immediately figure out what actions to take. And a lot needs to be done.

2. Turn off the electricity and water supply, shut off the gas pipeline. Check the status of communications. If you smell gas, open windows to ventilate the room.

3. Examine your loved ones and those around you, one of them could have been hurt. Provide first aid if necessary.

4. Turn on the radio. Perhaps one of the stations will broadcast about the incident, and the authorities will make the necessary recommendations.

5. If the building has been destroyed, leave the premises as soon as possible, not forgetting to grab documents and money. Do not use the elevator, go down the stairs. You need to do this carefully and carefully, walk along the edge of the steps, pressing closer to the wall.

6. Look under your feet, avoiding sharp debris and broken glass. If the situation allows, it is better to change shoes to a more durable one.

7. Keep a good distance from the destroyed areas. Especially from the beaches and coastline . Strong earthquakes are ways to cause a tsunami. Based on this, it will not be superfluous to climb a hill, not lower than 30 meters. Or move away from the water for a considerable distance, preferably at least 3 kilometers.

8. Try to use mobile communications as little as possible. Without urgent need, it is better not to use the phone at all. After a disaster, the phone lines will be overloaded, taking one of them, you can deprive someone who needs it more than you.

Although in domestic regions a serious shift tectonic plates happen quite rarely, be aware of how to escape and what to do during an earthquake, everyone needs to know. Share this information with your friends and family. Take care of yourself.

Think in advance of a plan of action during an earthquake when you are at home, at work, in the cinema, theater, on transport and on the street. Explain to your family members what they should do during an earthquake and teach them first aid.

Keep documents, money, pocket flashlight and spare batteries. Have at home a supply of drinking water and canned food for several days. Move beds away from windows and exterior walls. Fasten cabinets, shelves and racks in the apartments, and remove heavy objects from the upper shelves and mezzanines. Hazardous Substances(toxic chemicals, flammable liquids) store in a safe, well-insulated place.

Adult family members should know how to de-energize the apartment, turn off the main gas and water taps, so that, if necessary, turn off electricity, gas and water.

How to act during an earthquake

In room

Feeling the vibrations of the building, seeing the swinging of lamps, falling objects, hearing the growing rumble and the sound of breaking glass, do not panic. If you are in a 2-3-storey building, then it is better to leave it quickly. Run out quickly but carefully. If possible, take documents, money, essentials, a flashlight with you. Beware of falling objects, broken wires and other sources of danger. Move immediately away from the building, to an open area. Remain calm and try to calm others.

If you are on the upper floors of a multi-storey building - stay in the building, first open the front door, which in the future may turn out to be skewed and jammed.

Quickly take the safest place in the room: in the doorways of the main walls, at the main wall closest to the center of the building, the supporting column, in the corner of the room, directly in the bath, where at least children can fit, and always away from windows, heavy objects and furniture that can tip over.

First of all, help children, the disabled and the elderly. Remember that all high-rise buildings are built according to projects that take into account the degree of seismicity of the area. You can not be afraid that it will collapse, even when the lights go out, you hear the noise from breaking dishes, cracking walls and falling objects. At the same time, partitions can even collapse, individual hinged elements and architectural details of facades can fall down. In case of destruction of the building, accompanied by the fall of individual elements of the ceiling or parts of the main walls, it is necessary to leave the building immediately. When leaving the building, do not jump out of the windows located above the ground floor. Knock out the glass with improvised means (a chair, a stool), in extreme cases, with a hand wrapped in a rag.

On the street

During aftershocks, do not enter buildings or run around them. It's best to stay on open space away from buildings and power lines. If you still find yourself next to a tall building, stand in the doorway - this will protect you from falling pieces of glass, balconies, cornices and parapets.

Remember: underground utilities, especially pipelines with hot water and steam, as well as gas supply systems for your homes.

In transport

Any transport must be stopped quickly, as far as possible from what can collapse from strong shocks - tall buildings, overpasses, bridges, power lines. Drivers should avoid traffic jams and intersections, respect each other. Try to bypass the center and narrow passages. Drivers of buses and trams, having stopped the transport, must open all the doors, and then, after the first shocks, control the observance of order when leaving the transport. Do not break glass and rush towards the doors, creating a crush and a known danger of injury. Help children, the elderly and the disabled.

Keep calm! Leave cars and buses as soon as possible.

What to do after an earthquake

Provide first aid to those in need. Free those caught in easily removable blockages. Be careful! Ensure the safety of children, the sick, the elderly. Calm them down. Don't pick up the phone unless absolutely necessary. Turn on the radio.

Obey directions local authorities, the operational headquarters for the elimination of consequences natural disaster. Check for damage to electrical wiring. Repair the problem or turn off the electricity in the apartment. Remember that when strong earthquake electricity in the city is turned off automatically. Check for damage to the gas and water networks. Do not use open fire. Going down the stairs, be careful, make sure it is strong. Do not approach obviously damaged buildings, do not enter them. Be prepared for strong aftershocks, as the first 2-3 hours after an earthquake are the most dangerous. Do not enter buildings unless absolutely necessary. Do not make up or pass on any rumors about possible aftershocks. Enjoy official information. If you find yourself in a blockage, calmly assess the situation, if possible, give yourself first aid. Try to establish a connection with people, you cannot light a fire, and pipes and batteries can be used to give a signal by knocking on them. Save your strength.

Memo on evacuation from the university building during an earthquake
(for students)

At the alarm, remain calm and do not do anything that can disorganize others (do not shout, do not rush about).

  1. Immediately take the necessary things and line up for an organized exit from the university (if you are in the classroom in class).
  2. Leave the building in an organized manner through the emergency exits.
  3. If you are in the university building on a break, leave the premises through the nearest exit.
  4. After leaving the building, line up in the allotted safe place, go through the roll call.
  5. If it is not possible to leave the building, take a position along the main wall in the auditorium or corridor.
  6. If you find yourself in a blockage, do not panic, try to determine the space and give signals about yourself (knock iron on iron, pebbles on slabs, pipes, etc.).
  7. Remember that the first shocks are the strongest (from 5 to 40 seconds). After that, a temporary lull may come, and then a new push.
  8. If it is necessary to evacuate from the disaster area and there is no telephone connection, do not go home and to other places, go through the roll call and follow the instructions of the university leaders who carry out mass evacuation of students from the university.
  9. Remember that your relatives will be evacuated from the disaster zone at their enterprises and on their own.
  10. After arriving at the evacuation site, register so that relatives can find you.

If you live in earthquake-prone areas or accidentally find yourself in the wrong place while on vacation, it will be useful for you to know how to behave properly in an earthquake. We hope that this memo will never be useful to you, but we still advise you to read it for your own safety.

I distinctly felt jolts. The earthquake has begun. What to do?

First of all, don't panic and don't do anything that might scare or unsettle those around you. No need to scream and run. Keep calm. Nothing good has come from panicking.

If an earthquake caught me at home or in another room?

Don't fuss. Hide under a sturdy table that can support heavy objects, stand in an interior doorway or in a corner. You need doorways in load-bearing walls. It is better to clarify these details in advance. Stay away from heavy and massive interior items or household appliances. You can go to the bathroom. If suddenly the plate falls, the metal walls will save you. Move away from the windows and do not go out onto the balcony. No need to run headlong out of the building. Falling debris, walls, chandeliers, and heavy furniture pose the greatest danger. It is much wiser to save yourself where you are. Wait for the earthquake to end and then calmly leave the premises, or call for help if necessary.

What if I'm in a high rise building?

No need to rush to stairs or elevators. Especially if you are above the second or third floor. All exits, most likely, are already clogged with crowds of people, and elevators in such cases stop working. It is best to seek salvation on the spot. Do not be afraid of power outages, the sounds of alarms, the fire system, cod, roar and breaking dishes. Keep yourself in control and do not succumb to general panic. AT in public places try to get out of the crowd and not fuss.

What if the building is not earthquake resistant?

If you're in an unsafe building and you think it's safer outside, run out quickly. Be careful and attentive. Keep yourself away from falling bricks, exposed wires and other dangerous things. You have 15-20 seconds for this.

What to do on the street?

Try to go to an open area away from buildings and power lines so that falling debris does not harm you. If you happen to be next to a tall building at the time of the earthquake, stand in the doorway to protect yourself from debris. See if there are any casualties nearby. In which case, call the appropriate services or provide assistance. If you are driving, stop. If possible, it is best to do this also away from tall buildings. Open the doors. Stay in the car until the jolts and vibrations stop.

The jolts have stopped. Now what?

Don't be surprised if you feel new vibrations. After the first strong shocks, a lull may come. There is a possibility of their repetition. All of these are actions. seismic waves. Aftershocks, aftershocks, can be repeated in a minute, in an hour, and even in a couple of days. Sometimes this can cause the collapse of buildings damaged by the first shocks. If you're safe and don't need help, look around. If you have the opportunity, go home and assess the damage. Check if there is a gas leak, if the wiring is damaged, and if it is safe to stay there. If neither you nor others need help, try not to use the phone so as not to overload the lines. This interferes with the work and rescue operations of responsible services.

Of course, there are no patterns of behavior for emergency situations. If you happen to experience this, act as best you can, beware of the madness in the crowd and, in no case, do not panic. We wish you that these rules of conduct will never be useful to you. Take care of yourself!