Tyutchev when the last hour of nature strikes. Analysis of the poem by F.I.

Analysis of the poem by F.I. Tyutchev " The last cataclysm"

Main approaches to lyric poem classical type we will try to show on the example of the analysis of the poem by F.I. Tyutchev "The Last Cataclysm" (1830).

When it strikes last hour nature,

The composition of the parts will collapse earthly:

Everything visible will again be covered by water,

And God's face will be depicted in them!

We begin the analysis with the poetics of the title, since it contains the main lyrical image, the main emotion for the poet is hidden and philosophical idea. In fact, the title reflects the author's understanding of the text. The adjective "last" denotes events occurring on the verge, at the last line.

The very word "cataclysm" (not "transformation" or "change", close in meaning) emphasizes the philosophical meaning of the poem. Judging by the title, it can be assumed that the text will unfold a picture from the Apocalypse, depicting the last day of creation. However, Tyutchev is an original poet-philosopher. For him, the last day will be the first day of the new creation.

The poem consists of one stanza (monostrophy) - a quatrain (quatrain). However, compositionally, this stanza is divided into two parts - the first two verses ( poetic lines) and the last two.

This division is meaningful, it reflects the two main world processes (destruction and creation), which are given in two symmetrically located verbs "will be destroyed" and "will be depicted" in the text.

There are two elements in the poem - earth and water. Drawing the death of the earth under water, Tyutchev refers to the biblical myth of Noah's flood ("Everything visible will again be covered by water"). In this appeal itself there is a simultaneous indication of death and salvation.

The philosophical character of the verse is emphasized by the non-subjective construction - the absence of the pronouns "I", "you", "we", etc., which embody the image of a person in the verse. The poem carries a philosophical generalization. This is evidenced by the choice of vocabulary - not empirical, but extremely abstract ("the last hour of nature", "everything visible", "God's face").

The process of destruction is "fixed" in the syntax of the verse: the first two lines are characterized by deep inversion (wrong, reverse order words in a sentence). Compare for example reverse word order (sentence with inversion) and direct:

"When the last hour of nature strikes...";

"When the last hour of nature strikes..."

In the first case, the stress falling on the end is determined by the laws of verse construction, in the second it is logical.

The inversion disappears in the last line, which corresponds to the process of creation. The last line of the verse is distinguished not only by the absence of inversion (“And the face of God will be depicted in them!”), not only by the exclamatory intonation, reflecting the special pathos of the phrase, but also by the phonetically sound “and”, repeated many times, in a special way instrumentates the ending of the verse “And God’s a face will be shown in them!"

The poem "The Last Cataclysm" is written in iambic pentameter with masculine (percussion - "earthly", "them") and feminine (unstressed - "nature", "water") endings. Rhymes in the verse are both grammatical (nature - water) and non-grammatical (earthly - them). Cross, open (ending in a vowel) and closed (ending in a consonant). All this construction of the verse is based on the law of duality, "binarity", which is reflected primarily on the content level.

Along with the first line ("When the last hour of nature strikes"), where there is not a single metric failure, a pure iambic is presented, which expresses the inexorability and inevitability of the onset of the "last hour", all other lines contain digressions (they fall on the main ones in semantic relation verbs "destroyed", "depicted"). The lack of stress is called pyrrhic. Let's imagine the second line of the verse "The composition of the earthly parts will collapse" as a metric scheme (a combination of stressed and unstressed syllables, denoting U - unstressed, I - stressed):

The fourth foot, attributable to the verb "will collapse", will turn out to be "lightened", pyrrhic.

Especially a lot of digressions occur in the third line ("Everything visible will again be covered by water"):


A superscheme stress appears in the first foot, called in versification sponde (II - two syllables of stress). The second foot is pyrrhic, with a missing accent.

Generally a large number of Failures in this line can be explained, in our opinion, by the fact that a human tragedy is hidden in it. The last cataclysm will destroy not only the "composition earthly parts", but it will also turn into a human tragedy. At first glance, there is no place for the human in the poem. As we noted at the beginning, the poem is a huge philosophical generalization. However, the expression "everything visible" (from Old Slavonic word"ghost" - "eye") also includes the human plane, so the line is, as it were, colored human emotion, breaking the usual rhythm of the verse.

The proposed analysis, as noted above, is not a "key" with which you can "open" any poetic text.

Analysis of the poem by F.I. Tyutchev "The Last Cataclysm"

1. When the last hour of nature strikes,

2. The composition of the parts will collapse on the earth

3. Everything visible will again be covered by water,

4. And the face of God will be depicted in them.

Starting from the 30s of the 19th century, F.I. Tyutchev begins to be interested philosophical theme in poetry. This is expressed in many poems (“What are you howling about, night wind”, “How the ocean embraces the globe”, “Fires” and “The Last Cataclysm”). In these poems, the author tries to answer the question of what will happen on Earth after the Apocalypse. Giant tornado? Fires? Flood? So far, no precise and unambiguous answer can be given to this question. But, apparently, Tyutchev comes to the conclusion that everything that exists on our planet developed from air and wind (“About ancient chaos, about dear”). Then came the ongoing kingdom of the Earth and life on it. Further quiet life fire will put an end to the Earth ("Fires"). Apparently, Tyutchev, with the advent of fires, speaks of the coming era of the Antichrist (Devil, Satan).

Smoke after smoke abyss of smoke

Gravitates over the earth.

But another element will cover the earth, and people, and devilish fires - water. Tyutchev writes the poem “The Last Cataclysm” about covering “everything visible” with water.

Here, unlike "Fires", there is no longer huge amount hard sounds, since water is a softer element than fire. But it cannot be said that in The Last Cataclysm there are no such hard sounds at all. But this is the "last hour of nature", that is, apparently, the end of the world. The “composition of earthly parts” is collapsing, and even what survived the fires.

But the word “visible” from the third line attracts attention. In the Apocalypse, only everything visible perishes. So, from the point of view of the poet, the "last cataclysm" will not kill the immortal human soul.

It is very important that in the last line Tyutchev speaks of the "face of God." That is, after the devilish era, the kingdom of God will come. God will be stronger than the Devil, and He will cover all the horrors of the Earth and fire with water. And, perhaps, the end of the world is not perceived by Tyutchev as a tragedy because it is the creator of the world (God) who destroys it. Perhaps God will build something more perfect than the world today.

The poem "The Last Cataclysm" consists of only one quatrain, therefore it can be considered as a lyrical miniature. However, it is this work that is one of the most significant for the entire work of F.I. Tyutchev, most accurately and capaciously reflecting the originality of the poet’s artistic worldview.

On the one hand, we have before us the familiar Tyutchev motifs: “water”, a thunderstorm, a worldwide catastrophe. On the other hand, we are talking here about the “last hour” of nature - that is, the end of everything earthly, as a result of which the world, according to Tyutchev, must return to its original, divine source. After all, the very word “cataclysm” is defined as a sharp turning point (in nature, society), a destructive upheaval, a catastrophe, and in Greek (kataklysmos) means “flood”, “flood” (cf. the Biblical “Flood”).

Therefore, "The Last Cataclysm" is not a prophecy about the end of the world, but symbolic image the possibility of a new act of creation of life. Water is the poet's favorite natural element as a symbol of life, rebirth, renewal. Before us is the original version of the cosmogonic myth, the "cult of water", embodied in a capacious poetic form.

Let us also recall Tyutchev's poems "Fountain", "Wave and Thought", "The stream thickened and fades ...", "Madness". If these works depict different symbolic states water - "stream" and "key", then in "The Last Cataclysm" we are talking about the "waters". What does this image mean?

First, water is an extremely generalized symbol constant movement, all-conquering variability, the power of the elements. It is no coincidence that this word rhymes with the word "nature" ("nature - water").

Secondly, it is a symbol of eternity, immutability, the immortality of nature, the secrets of the world order. That is why the universal beginning, opposite to the "waters", is the "face of God". It is the “face” that tames the elements, streamlines its movement, gives the blind and formless the necessary concrete image.

A similar motif, which serves as a kind of key to understanding the philosophical meaning of this quatrain, is present in early poem Tyutchev "Urania":

The boundless sea lies under the feet,

And in the light azure of calm waves

With burning stars the sky is ablaze,

How in pure heart- the face of the gods ...

As you can see, the same images of boundless waters (“borderless sea”) and the starry sky reflected in them as “the face of the gods” are organically intertwined here. Thus, for example this poem we are convinced that the sky and water, depth and height in Tyutchev's worldview are harmoniously complementary and inextricably linked opposites.

"The Last Cataclysm" most accurately and vividly reveals to the reader Tyutchev's consciousness of the mysterious basis of all life, the vision of the deep essence of things, the "face of God" under the external "visible" cover of being.

The idea of ​​this divine unity and the universal mystery of the world under the outer "golden cover" finds its further embodiment in the poem "Day and Night" (1839). The symbol of the sea “like an overturned sky” is developed in the poems “The East turned white. The boat rolled…”, “Swan”, “Like the ocean embraces the globe…”. And even later, in 1862, the poet will call “the instinct of the prophetically blind” the intuitively deep ability of a person “to smell, hear the waters and in the dark depths of the earth” (“Other got it from nature ...”).

Thus, the poem "The Last Cataclysm" is a vivid illustration of Tyutchev's worldview: nature for him is an unusually capacious and universal symbol that conveys the deep content of the philosophical reflections of the lyrical hero.

The analysis of a single poem begins with reading, with entering - feeling into the world of its images. Then the so-called “working” records are compiled: scattered records are recorded until logically they are not connected with each other. related observations, corresponding to the provisions of the algorithm, association, interpretation.

This work is joint, the teacher turns to the most valuable remarks from the field general attention, offers to record valuable finds. It is better if the records acquire a schematic character.

F.I. Tyutchev "The Last Cataclysm"

Everything visible will again be covered by water,

Usually, after reading a poem, students paint a picture of a global ecological disaster. An earthquake (“The composition of earthly parts will be destroyed”), a flood (“Everything visible will again be covered by water”) - they seem to be clearly depicted. The vast majority at the same time understand that to reduce the content of the poem to the image natural processes would be wrong.

The image of God's face does not appear to the students as accidental and evokes biblical associations with the Apocalypse, the Flood.

Following the proposed algorithm, they discover several opposing each friend, antithetical figurative pairs.

First of all, these are the earth and waters, from which certain lexical chains extend:

the earth - the last hour - the last cataclysm - will be destroyed;

water - again - will cover - the face of God will be depicted.

Work records take on the following form:

Earth - waterThe last cataclysm, the last hour - againThe composition of the parts of the earth - waterDestroyed - covered, depicted (alliteration s, p)the last hour - God's faceColon. border sign

Attempts at interpretation lead to the comprehension of the ambiguity of images.

The image of the Last Cataclysm seems to be the embodiment of fatality, the finiteness of the stronghold, which seemed eternal in its power.

The image of water is associated with life, flexible, fluid, eternal.

At the next stage, a joint attempt is made to combine disparate observations into a single whole - to create thesis plan compositions, to find possible logical bonds-transitions from one component of the analysis to another. This oral work is usually carried out in spontaneously created working groups, each of which proposes (“defends”) its own version of the logical structure of the text.

On the final stage we consider one of the good examples of a holistic work written in advance (a photocopied text is distributed to the students).

This stage seems to us very important for beginning researchers. It is incredibly difficult, even when collecting necessary material and having thought over the logic of the future essay, create the text itself. Need to learn some speech turns, the so-called cliches, feel the style similar works. We not only together, slowly (the teacher - aloud) read the exemplary text of the essay, but also work with it. The teacher asks the students questions, asks them to comment on what they have read, to mark especially successful passages. Together we find in the work tightly, logically interconnected components of the analysis, pay attention to the ways of logical connection between them, we see that the text is not always written in strict accordance with the algorithm (this sets the students to be creative about it). The teacher warns students that they are dealing with one of the options for a holistic analysis and this does not exclude the possibility of creating others, original ones.

Analysis of the poem by F.I. Tyutchev "The Last Cataclysm"

This poem, philosophical in content, is very characteristic of F.I. Tyutchev. Despite the small volume (before us is just a quatrain), it carries the deepest generalization.

Its theme is already stated in the title itself: the last cataclysm is that universal catastrophe that should turn out to be the end of the world. However, the poem does not just talk about the “last cataclysm”, but embodies a single and at the same time two-faced process, when maximum destruction, general destruction, turns into maximum creation: “the last hour of nature becomes the first act of creating a new one. Hence the image of the "face of God", the great creator of the universe. The setting of the colon is also not accidental - punctuation mark which structurally divides the poem into two parts. The content of the third and fourth lines is revealed as a consequence of what is happening, depicted in the first part. But the word "again" transfers the consequence to the plane of the past. All this has already happened, and perhaps more than once the world has perished and been reborn to a new life. The alliteration (z, p) is also not accidental: if it collapses, it will be depicted. The sound connection between these verbs is supplemented by a semantic connection: constructive lexical meaning the words “image”, “image” (St. Sl. “Give something an image, make”) are etymologically connected with the Old Slavonic words “razit” (hit) and “raz” (hit). These verbs are lexically opposed, but they also turn out to be connected, “turning around” one into the other.

Before us literary analysis text. This type of work is best mastered in the humanities classes. Others most often find themselves closer to the interpretation of the text, in which the emotional impression, associations, born of images verse prevail over the analytical part. Interpretation is characterized by a completely different, free style, devoid of strict scientific imagery.

For comparison, you can consider this type of work with students.

F.I. Tyutchev "The Last Cataclysm" (impression, interpretation, assessment)

How we lack in a life filled with trifles and fuss, minutes devoted to thoughts of the high. Tyutchev is one of the best interlocutors at such moments. His poems are revelations for me, because sometimes even in a small quatrain you will find the deepest thought. In the poem "The Last Cataclysm" is the thought of the eternal law of nature - death and rebirth, destruction and creation. The idea that everything in this world is destined to follow the “path of grain”: in order for the new to be born, the old must perish. The word “last” is heard twice here: “the last cataclysm”, “the last hour”. But the poet contradicts himself - there is nothing last in God's world. The word "again" is key in the third line. It closes the times, rejects any assumption about the final meaning of the depicted event.

The firmament that once seemed eternal in its unbending power is collapsing again. Water turns out to be stronger than it as a symbol of flexible and therefore ever-reviving life. And everything has already been, it was, and, perhaps, more than once the world perished and was reborn to a new life. And there is no end to it, and there are no barriers. What can a person do? Only to realize this law and obey it ... but in the very possibility of realizing -the strength and greatness of the human spirit, the greatness of the meaningfulness of human existence!

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"The Last Cataclysm" F. Tyutchev

"The Last Cataclysm" Fyodor Tyutchev

When the last hour of nature strikes,
The composition of the parts will collapse earthly:
Everything visible will again be covered by water,
And God's face will be depicted in them!

Analysis of Tyutchev's poem "The Last Cataclysm"

The Last Cataclysm is a philosophical miniature first published in the almanac Dennitsa in 1831. In it, Tyutchev refers to the legend of the Flood, widespread in mythology. different peoples. Among Christians, the most famous story is that told in Genesis. According to her, the flood became a punishment for mankind for moral decline. The Lord decided to leave alive only the pious Noah and the members of his family. God warned them in advance about the coming flood and ordered them to build an ark on which they could be saved during the catastrophe. The construction of the ship took 120 years. When the work was completed, Noah went on board, taking the animals with him. Immediately after this, water poured onto the earth, and the flood continued for forty days. It took nearly a year for Noah to get off the ark onto dry land. As they say in the Book of Genesis, the ship moored to Mount Ararat. Thanking God for salvation, Noah made a sacrifice, after which the Lord blessed him and everything that is on earth.

Tyutchev's poem speaks of repetition global flood: "... Everything visible will again be covered by water ...". The poet anticipates a catastrophe, only, in his opinion, it will bring the earth not only destruction. After the flood, the world will return to the beginning of time, to its divine origins. "The Last Cataclysm" is not a doomsday horror story. Water here acts as a source of life, as a result, perpetual motion, which is generally characteristic of Tyutchev's work. In a significant part of his landscape-philosophical poems, her image is found in one form or another - “Wave and Thought”, “Snowy Mountains”, “Fountain”. This list could go on for a very long time. According to Tyutchev, water will completely absorb the earth, but it will subsequently appear from it. new life. It turns out that the poem shows a single and two-faced process at the same time. Maximum destruction becomes the beginning of maximum creation. The earth must plunge into chaos, which, according to ancient Greek mythology, is the primary state of the universe.

According to a number of literary critics, "The Last Cataclysm" has social overtones- Tyutchev compares social upheavals in it with natural disasters. This statement is not meaningless. Fedor Ivanovich was very skeptical about revolutions and coups, which was reflected in his journalistic articles. The poet sometimes expressed his political views in poems. According to Tyutchev, in the modern world there were only two forces - conservative Russia and revolutionary Europe. Fedor Ivanovich believed that under the auspices of the first, it was necessary to create a union of Slavic-Orthodox countries. In 1848, the poet took over as senior censor. As part of his activities, he banned the distribution in the territory Russian Empire Communist Manifesto, translated into Russian. If we take into account Political Views Tyutchev, "The Last Cataclysm" can indeed be perceived as a statement about social upheavals, which often lead to irreversible catastrophic consequences.

The poem is written in iambic pentameter. The size chosen by the poet is not accidental. As Tomashevsky wrote, in the first decade XIX century iambic pentameter became widely used in tragedies. Tyutchev also emphasizes the sublime tragedy of his work with the help of vocabulary: “the last hour will strike”, “the waters will cover”, “the composition of the earthly parts will collapse”. The last line testifies that the catastrophe will lead to the birth of a new life. For her, Fedor Ivanovich chooses a positively colored vocabulary: "... And the face of God will be depicted in them!".

An analysis of any of Tyutchev's poems is urgently needed.

Analysis of the poem by F. I. Tyutchev "The Last Cataclysm".

We will try to show the main approaches to a lyrical poem of the classical type using the analysis of F. I. Tyutchev's poem "The Last Cataclysm" (1830) as an example.

When the last hour of nature strikes,
The composition of the parts will collapse earthly:
Everything visible will again be covered by water,
And God's face will be depicted in them!

We begin the analysis with the poetics of the title, since it contains the main lyrical image, the main emotion and philosophical idea for the poet are hidden. In fact, the title reflects the author's understanding of the text. The adjective "last" denotes events taking place on the verge, at the last line.

The very word "cataclysm" (not "transformation" or "change", close in meaning) emphasizes the philosophical meaning of the poem. Judging by the title, it can be assumed that the text will unfold a picture from the Apocalypse, depicting the last day of creation. However, Tyutchev is an original poet-philosopher. For him, the last day will be the first day of the new creation.

The poem consists of one stanza (monostrophy) - a quatrain (quatrain). However, compositionally, this stanza is divided into two parts - the first two verses (poetic lines) and the last two.

This division is meaningful, it reflects two main global processes (destruction and creation). which are given in two symmetrically located in the text verbs "destroyed" and "depicted".

There are two elements in the poem - earth and water. Drawing the death of the earth under water, Tyutchev refers to the biblical myth of Noah's flood ("Everything visible will again be covered by water"). In this appeal itself there is a simultaneous indication of death and salvation.

The philosophical nature of the verse is emphasized by the non-subjective construction - the absence of the pronouns "I", "you", "we", etc., which embody the image of a person in the verse. The poem carries a philosophical generalization. This is also evidenced by the choice of vocabulary - not empirical, but extremely abstract ("the last hour of nature", "everything visible", "God's face").

The process of destruction is "fixed" in the syntax of the verse: the first two lines are characterized by deep inversion (wrong, reverse word order in the sentence). Compare for example reverse word order (sentence with inversion) and direct:

"When the last hour of nature strikes.";
"When the last hour of nature strikes."

In the first case, the stress falling on the end is determined by the laws of verse construction, in the second it is logical.

The inversion disappears in the last line, which corresponds to the process of creation. The last line of the verse is distinguished not only by the absence of inversion ("And the face of God will be depicted in them!"), not only by the exclamatory intonation, reflecting the special pathos of the phrase, but also by the phonetically sound "and", repeated many times, in a special way instrumentates the ending of the verse "And God's the face will be depicted in them! "

The poem "The Last Cataclysm" is written in iambic pentameter with masculine (percussion - "earthly", "them") and feminine (unstressed - "nature", "water") endings. Rhymes in verse as grammatical (nature - water). and non-grammatical (earthly - them). Cross, open (ending in a vowel) and closed (ending in a consonant). All this construction of the verse is based on the law of duality, "binarity", which is reflected primarily on the content level.

Listen to Tyutchev's poem The Last Cataclysm

We will try to show the main approaches to a lyric poem of the classical type using the analysis of F. I. Tyutchev’s poem “The Last Cataclysm” (1830) as an example.

When the last hour of nature strikes,

The composition of the parts will collapse earthly:

Everything visible will again be covered by water,

And God's face will be depicted in them!

We begin the analysis with the poetics of the title, since it contains the main lyrical image, the main emotion and philosophical idea for the poet are hidden. In fact, the title reflects the author's understanding of the text.

The adjective "last" denotes events taking place on the verge, at the last line.

The very word "cataclysm" (not "transformation" or "change", close in meaning) emphasizes the philosophical meaning of the poem. Judging by the title, it can be assumed that the text will unfold a picture from the Apocalypse, depicting the last day of creation. However, Tyutchev is an original poet-philosopher. For him, the last day will be the first day of the new creation.

The poem consists of one stanza (monostrophe) - a quatrain (quatrain).

However, compositionally, this stanza is divided into two parts - the first two verses (poetic lines) and the last two.

This division is meaningful, it reflects the two main world processes (destruction and creation), which are given in two symmetrically located verbs in the text “will be destroyed” and “will be depicted”.

There are two elements in the poem - earth and water. Drawing the death of the earth under water, Tyutchev refers to the biblical myth of Noah's flood ("Everything visible will again be covered by water"). In this appeal itself there is a simultaneous indication of death and salvation.

The philosophical nature of the verse is emphasized by the non-subjective construction - the absence of the pronouns "I", "you", "we", etc., which embody the image of a person in the verse. The poem carries a philosophical generalization. This is also evidenced by the choice of vocabulary - not empirical, but extremely abstract ("the last hour of nature", "everything visible", "God's face").

The process of destruction is “fixed” in the syntax of the verse: the first two lines are characterized by deep inversion (wrong, reverse word order in the sentence). Compare for example reverse word order (sentence with inversion) and direct:

“When the last hour of nature strikes. "

“When the last hour of nature strikes. "

In the first case, the stress falling on the end is determined by the laws of verse construction, ... in the second, it is logical.

The inversion disappears in the last line, which corresponds to the process of creation. The last line of the verse is distinguished not only by the absence of inversion (“And the face of God will be depicted in them!”), Not only by the exclamatory intonation, reflecting the special pathos of the phrase, but also by the phonetically sound “and”, repeated many times, in a special way the ending of the verse “And God’s the face will be depicted in them!

The poem "The Last Cataclysm" is written in iambic pentameter with masculine (percussion - "earthly", "them") and feminine (unstressed - "nature", "water") endings. Rhymes in the verse are both grammatical (nature - waters) and non-grammatical (earthly - them). Cross, open (ending in a vowel) and closed (ending in a consonant). All this construction of the verse is based on the law of duality, "binarity", which is reflected primarily on the content level.

Along with the first line (“When the last hour of nature strikes”), where there is not a single metrical failure, a pure iambic is presented, which expresses the inexorability and inevitability of the onset of the “last hour”, all other lines contain digressions (they fall on the main verbs "destroyed", "depicted"). The lack of stress is called pyrrhic. Let's imagine the second line of the verse "The composition of the earthly parts will collapse" as a metric scheme (a combination of stressed and unstressed syllables, denoting and - unstressed, I - stressed):

The fourth foot, attributable to the verb "will collapse", will turn out to be "lightened", pyrrhic.

Especially a lot of digressions occur in the third line (“Everything visible will again be covered by water”):

A superscheme stress appears in the first foot, called in versification sponde (II - two stressed syllables). The second foot is pyrrhic, with a missing accent.

In general, a large number of failures in this line can be explained, in our opinion, by the fact that a human tragedy is hidden in it. The last cataclysm will not only destroy the “composition of the earthly parts”, but will also turn into a human tragedy. At first glance, there is no place for the human in the poem. As we noted at the beginning, the poem is an enormous philosophical generalization. However, the expression “everything visible” (from the Old Slavonic word “ghost” - “eye”) also includes the human plane, so the line is, as it were, colored by human emotion, violating the usual rhythm of the verse.

Great about verses:

Poetry is like painting: one work will captivate you more if you look at it closely, and another if you move further away.

Little cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creak of unoiled wheels.

The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is that which has broken.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Of all the arts, poetry is most tempted to replace its own peculiar beauty with stolen glitter.

Humboldt W.

Poems succeed if they are created with spiritual clarity.

The writing of poetry is closer to worship than is commonly believed.

If only you knew from what rubbish Poems grow without shame... Like a dandelion near a fence, Like burdocks and quinoa.

A. A. Akhmatova

Poetry is not in verses alone: ​​it is spilled everywhere, it is around us. Take a look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life breathe from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

For many people, writing poetry is a growing pain of the mind.

G. Lichtenberg

Lovely verse like a bow drawn through the sonorous fibers of our being. Not our own - our thoughts make the poet sing inside us. Telling us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our souls our love and our sorrow. He is a wizard. Understanding him, we become poets like him.

Where graceful verses flow, there is no place for vainglory.

Murasaki Shikibu

I turn to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in Russian. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags the stone behind it. Because of the feeling, art certainly peeps out. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

- ... Are your poems good, tell yourself?
- Monstrous! Ivan suddenly said boldly and frankly.
- Do not write anymore! the visitor asked pleadingly.
I promise and I swear! - solemnly said Ivan ...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "The Master and Margarita"

We all write poetry; poets differ from the rest only in that they write them with words.

John Fowles. "The French Lieutenant's Mistress"

Every poem is a veil stretched out on the points of a few words. These words shine like stars, because of them the poem exists.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

The poets of antiquity, unlike modern ones, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. It is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, for each poetic work of those times, the whole Universe is certainly hidden, filled with miracles - often dangerous for someone who inadvertently wakes dormant lines.

Max Fry. "The Talking Dead"

To one of my clumsy hippos-poems, I attached such a heavenly tail: ...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not excite, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not a sea and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore drive away critics. They are but miserable drinkers of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Don't let his vulgar groping hands in there. Let the verses seem to him an absurd lowing, a chaotic jumble of words. For us, this is a song of freedom from tedious reason, a glorious song that sounds on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Krieger. "A Thousand Lives"

Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And tears are nothing but pure poetry who rejected the word.