What is clerical turns of speech. Stationery and speech stamps

The article will discuss such a concept as clericalism. Properties, features, examples of the use of clericalisms that belong to the group speech stamps. But first you need to understand the concepts.

Speech stamps: definition of the concept

Stamps and clericalism are closely interconnected, we are considering linguistic phenomenon is one of the types of speech stamps.

Stamps are words and expressions that are often used in speech and do not have any specificity.

They deprive speech of expressiveness, individuality, figurativeness, persuasiveness. These include: template metaphors, paraphrases, comparisons, metonymy. For example, the light of my soul, their hearts were beating in unison, in unison, and so on. Once such expressions had figurativeness, but due to frequent use in speech, they lost their expressiveness and turned into patterns.

Especially often such language forms are used by journalists, especially a lot of such turns in journalism, for example, the expressions include “black gold”, “liquid gold”, “people in white coats” and so on.

In russian language? Definition of the concept and examples

In our language, there are a number of words that are appropriate to use only in a certain way. Such words include clericalism - these are phrases and words that are allowed only in an official business style, but which are used in artistic, colloquial, and journalistic style, leading to stylistic errors or For example, "I got a haircut on a free service basis."

Dictionaries provide the following definitions for the term "clericalism":

  • In the dictionary of Efremova T.F., clericalism is words or language phrases that are used in officially- business speech.
  • In the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary, these are words, grammatical forms, phrases specific to business style, for example, “incoming and outgoing documents”, “I bring to your attention”, and so on.
  • AT Modern Encyclopedia Russian language and literature, clericalism is the elements passive speech, which are applied in works of art to imitate business style. That is, the authors use this kind of expression in order to depict the bureaucratic language or the image of a business document. For example, they were used by Platonov A.P. in the story "Pit", where he imitates business style when retelling the content of the "dismissal document".
  • In the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy, clericalism is a figure of speech that is characteristic of the style business documents and papers. AT oral speech such expressions cause negative impact to the interlocutor.

The main features and features of clericalism

Among the main features and features of these words and phrases are:

  • the use of nouns formed from verbs: tailoring, stealing, time off, revealing, finding, inflating, taking;
  • simple replacement verbal predicate compound nominal, for example, instead of "wish" - "show a desire", "help" - "provide assistance" and so on;
  • the use of prepositions formed from a noun, for example, along the line, in part, at the expense of, at the level, in terms of;
  • excessive use of words in the genitive case, for example, "the conditions necessary for the implementation of the planned plan";
  • replacing active turns of speech with passive ones, for example, "we decided (active) - the decision was made (passive)".

The abuse of clericalism

The abuse of such expressions and words in speech deprives it of expressiveness, individuality, figurativeness and leads to such linguistic shortcomings as:

  • mixing styles;
  • the ambiguity of what was said, for example, “professor’s statement” (someone claims him or he claims something);
  • verbosity and loss of meaning.

Naturally, clericalism looks only in business speech. But the examples show that they are often used in other styles, which is stylistic mistake. To prevent this, you should know exactly which words refer to clericalism.

They are characterized by:

  • solemnity: the giver of this, the above-mentioned, to claim, it is necessary, such;
  • everyday efficiency: to speak (discuss), puzzle, hear, developments, specifics;
  • official and business coloring of nouns formed from verbs: taking, non-detection, underfulfillment, time off, and so on.

Offices include:

  • nouns, participles, adverbs, adjectives that are used in a strictly business communication environment: customer, principal, party, person, owner, vacant, victim, reporting, outgoing, free of charge, available;
  • official words: at the expense of, to the address, on the basis of, according to the charter, in the course of research;
  • compound names: diplomatic relations, law enforcement agencies, public sector.

You can use such words and phrases only if they do not stand out against the background of the text, that is, in business correspondence or official documents.

The use of clericalism as a stylistic device

But such expressions are not always used only in official business documentation, often the authors of literary works use them to figurative characteristics character's speech or for humorous effect. Such methods were used by: Chekhov, Ilf and Petrov, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Zoshchenko. For example, in Saltykov-Shchedrin: "it is forbidden to take the head off ...".

Chancellery in our country reached its maximum distribution during times of stagnation, they began to be used in all areas of speech, and in everyday life. spoken language. Which once again confirms that the language reflects all the changes that happen in society and the country.


- the words, set phrases, grammatical forms and constructions, the use of which in lit. the language is assigned to of.-del. style, especially behind its administrative sub-style (see). K. is treated as individual words with coloring of.-del. style ( notice, solicit, named, due etc.), and syntactic constructions, built according to certain models ("chain" of forms genitive nouns, for example: activities that do not pursue the goal of making a profit; clarification of the conditions for the commission of a crime; combination of a noun with a delexicalized verb, for example: help instead of to help, exercise control instead of to control).

K. are necessary structural element any of.-del. text. For example: Factory "Progress" asks You render technical assistance in the development of drawings of the pumping station. Since in this moment installation is already underway please do this work directly on site(from the letter of guarantee).

Natural in business speech, outside of it K. become alien and undesirable. Some of them are archaically solemn: aforementioned, named, due, charge, take effect, claim, forward, such, giver of this. Others are characteristic of the speech of modern officials and are businesslike everyday: engage, speak(meaning "discuss") puzzle, hear, progress, developments, specifics etc. The use of such nouns as customer, party, owner, principal, client, person, as well as adjectives and participles, including substantives memorandum, vacant, injured, invoice, outgoing, per diem, adverbs of type immediately, without delay, free of charge, linking verbs to be, to be, to be (to be) etc.

Give and enhance the clerical coloring of speech verbal nouns with suffixes -eni, -ani, -at, -ut, for example: elimination, undertaking, finding, taking, withdrawal, execution, non-suffix type theft, day off, reception, hiring, tailoring, supervision, as well as words with prefixes no-, under-: underfulfillment, non-detection, lack of, underdelivery, non-admission, non-detection etc.

Bright of.-del. special service words are also distinguished by coloration - complex denominative prepositions - at the expense of, to the address, in part, along the line, on the basis of and others, for example: in connection with expiration of the contract, according to order, when late payment, as a result study, as well as unions: due to the fact that, in spite of the fact that, due to the fact that, namely, as well as, as well as etc.

The turnovers of a clerical nature also include compound names of the type law enforcement agencies, material values, food, vehicles, diplomatic relations, public sector, lump sum allowance, cassation appeal, compound verb-nominal combinations (the so-called "split predicates") give instructions (indicate), assist (influence), leads to complication (complicates) and etc.

The described vocabulary and phraseology from of.-del. coloring receives the name K. only in those cases when it is used in an alien sphere, outside of official cases. style. Sufficiently relevant and necessary in repetitive situations of.-cases. communication clerical colored words and expressions, getting into the texts of other functions. styles, give speech a formal, inexpressive character, deprive it of liveliness, emotionality, simplicity and naturalness. K.'s use in scientific. and public speech should be thoughtful and limited, and in colloquial. - without a special stylistic motivation - not only undesirable, but also unacceptable. If they are used accidentally, unintentionally, then this is regarded as a violation stylistic norm, as a speech error, for example: In our green area so many mushrooms and berries; It is necessary to eliminate the backlog at the front misunderstandings satire; In front of me a problem arises; We ended up in the grip of a dilemma .

The use of K. in a stylistic context unusual for them (not in official texts) without a stylistic task is a speech defect, called " clerk" (K.I. Chukovsky, 1963, p. 119). So, we observe the inappropriate use of K. in the following statement: The regional administration considers the policy of cooperation the most acceptable, but this does not mean that the enterprises of the region such will be imposed: now everyone has their own thoughts about how survive(Krasnoyarsk Komsomolets, February 7, 1998). Compare: The regional administration considers the policy of cooperation the most acceptable, but this does not mean that it will be imposed on enterprises: now everyone has their own ideas about how to survive.

The intentional use of K. as a stylistic device, for example, in art. speech as a means speech characteristics character: Davydov went out and unfolded the note. It was written in blue pencil: "Liza! I categorically suggest that dinner be provided immediately and unconditionally to the bearer of this note. G. Korchzhinsky." - "No, it's better without lunch than with such a mandate," the hungry Davydov decided sadly, after reading the note and heading to the district field union(Sholokhov).

Or: - But I'm in order of lack of housing whispered the young man. - Citizens!(Ilf, Petrov).

In order to achieve a humorous effect, K. is used in following example: The muse was not given to him for a long time, and when it was given, the poet was surprised at what he did with her. Anyway, after reading the product it became clear to him that there could be no question of a fee(Zoshchenko).

Unjustified penetration of K. from the office. spheres in art. lit., in everyday life, oral speech occurred before and was rightly criticized not only by linguists, but also by writers: M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, A. Chekhov, A. Tolstoy, I. Ilf and E. Petrov, L. Kassil, K. Paustovsky, V. Ardov and others.

Stylizations for bureaucratic speech are known, for example: Likewise prohibited gouge eyes, biting off nose... decapitation(Saltykov-Shchedrin); Killing happened due to drowning (Chekhov); case of gnawing plan of this mice(Herzen); case about entry and breaking black glass(Pisarev); A shame disruptors campaigns to fight implementation of the plan for organizing the campaign against (Ilf and Petrov).

In The History of a City, M. Saltykov-Shchedrin parodies the style of tsarist laws, using K. with a special stylistic task to achieve expression: 1. Let everyone bake pies on holidays, not forbidding himself such cookies on weekdays ... 4. After taking out of the oven, let everyone take a knife in his hand and, cutting a part from the middle, let him bring it as a gift ...

An example of a modern parody of bureaucratic sayings belongs to the pen of M. Zhvanetsky: Decree to further deepen the expansion of constructive measures taken as a result of the consolidation to improve the state of worldwide interaction of all conservation structures and ensure even greater intensification of the punishment of workers of all masses based on the rotational priority of the future normalization of relations of the same workers at their own order.

The office reached its greatest distribution in our country during the years of stagnation, when in the sphere of political, social, cultural, scientific. and even everyday communication in the course was stamped speech ritual character, filled with empty words like question, matter, task, problem, fact etc.

Subsequently, this obscure, clumsy bureaucratic language was called Newspeak. One of the linguistic achievements of perestroika was the rejection of ritual speech in favor of living, stylistically normal texts, which, unfortunately, were by no means always literate.

Today, K., as satellites of the command-bureaucratic system, as a legacy of the previous era, are losing their positions in public speaking, in the texts of the media, largely due to the general "fear of big words", due to the rejection of emphatically bookish constructions, in particular from verbal-nominal turns, which served as an integral part of office-cases, scientific. and generally speaking official language. V.G. Kostomarov also notes that "in current estimates speech does not mention the "clerk", in which K.I. Chukovsky saw the main vice of contemporary speech.

Lit.: Shcherba L.V. Modern Russian literary language // Selected works In Russian. - M., 1957; Chukovsky K.I. Live like life (About the Russian language). - M., 1963; Vinokur T.G. When "clericalism" and "stamps" become dangerous disease? // Our speech. How we speak and write. - M., 1965; Golovin B.N. Fundamentals of speech culture. - M., 1980; Him: How to speak correctly. Notes on the culture of Russian speech. - M., 1988; Kozhin A.N., Krylova O.A., Odintsov V.V. Function types Russian speech. - M., 1982; Skvortsov L.I. About bureaucracy and stamps // Russian speech. - 1982. - No. 1; Gal N.Ya. The word is alive and dead. From the experience of a translator and editor. - M., 1987; Rosenthal D.E. practical style. - M., 1987; His own: A guide to spelling and literary editing. - M., 1996; Borisova I.N., Kupina N.A., Matveeva T.V. Fundamentals of stylistics, culture of speech and rhetoric. - Yekaterinburg, 1995; Kasatkin L.L., Klobukov E.V., Lekant P.A. Brief reference book on the modern Russian language. - M., 1995; Solganik G.Ya. Russian language. 10–11 grade. Stylistics. - M., 1995; Golub I.B. Stylistics of the Russian language. - M., 1997; Kozhina M.N. Stylistics of the Russian language. - M., 1997; Lvov M.R. Dictionary-reference book on the methodology of the Russian language. - M., 1997; Rakhmanin L.V. Business speech style and editing official documents. - M., 1997; Schwarzkopf B.S. Chancellery // Russian language. Encyclopedia. - M., 1997; Koltunova M.V. Languages business conversation. Norms, rhetoric, etiquette. - M., 2000.

G.A. Kopnina, O.V. Protopopov

Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language. - M:. "Flint", "Science". Edited by M.N. Kozhina. 2003 .

See what "Chancery" is in other dictionaries:

    STATIONERIES- words, phrases, grammatical forms and syntactic constructions characteristic of the official business style (incoming outgoing, due, brought to your attention, etc.) ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

    Chancellery- Chancery is a word or figure of speech characteristic of the style business papers and documents. Documents, acts, statements, certificates, powers of attorney are written in accordance with the accepted form, as a result of which the official formulas and the necessary stamps of business speech ... ... Wikipedia

    clericalism- category of elements passive vocabulary used in literary works to imitate formal business style. Authors use them when it is necessary to create an illustrative image of a document or satirical image bureaucratic ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

    clericalism- words, phrases, grammatical forms and syntactic constructions characteristic of the official business style (“incoming outgoing”, “should”, “brought to your attention”, etc.). * * * OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE, words, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Chancellery- words and turns of speech characteristic of the style of business papers and documents. Documents, acts, statements, certificates, powers of attorney are written in accordance with the accepted form. However, one should not transfer official formulas and the necessary stamps of business speech ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    clericalism- pl. Words or turns of speech, the use of which in the literary language is assigned to the official business style; office supplies. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova

    clericalism- words, set phrases, grammatical forms and constructions, the use of which in the literary language is traditionally assigned to the official business style, especially to the clerical business style ... Explanatory Translation Dictionary

    STATIONERIES- words, phrases, grammatical forms and syntactic constructions used mainly in the official business style of the language (“should”, “incoming outgoing”, “brought to your attention”, etc.) ... Professional education. Dictionary

    clericalism- words and turns of speech characteristic of the style of business papers and documents. In oral speech, k. have a negative mental impact on listeners ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

Stamps- these are hackneyed expressions with a faded lexical meaning and erased expressiveness. Stamps are words, phrases and even whole sentences that appear as new, stylistically expressive speech means, but as a result of too frequent use, they lose their original imagery. Example: A forest of hands went up in the vote. A variety of stamps are universal words. These are words that are used in the most general and undefined values: question, task, raise, provide etc. Usually universal words are accompanied by stencil pendants: work - everyday, level - high, support - hot. Numerous publicistic stamps (field workers, a city on the Volga), literary criticism ( exciting image, angry protest)

Words and expressions with erased semantics and faded semantics are becoming speech stamps. emotional coloring. So, in a variety of contexts, it begins to be used in figurative meaning expression to get a residence permit (Each ball that flies into the net of the goal receives a permanent residence permit in the tables; Petrovsky's Muse has a permanent residence permit in the hearts; Aphrodite has entered the permanent exhibition of the museum - now it is registered in our city).

Any frequently repeated speech means, for example, stereotyped metaphors, definitions that have lost their figurative power due to constant reference to them, even hackneyed rhymes (tears - roses) can become a stamp. However, in practical style the term "speech stamp" received more narrow meaning: this is the name of stereotypical expressions that have a clerical coloring.

Among the speech stamps that arose as a result of the influence of the official business style on other styles, one can first of all single out template turnovers speech: on this stage, in this segment time, to date, emphasized with all the poignancy, etc. As a rule, they do not contribute anything to the content of the statement, but only clog up the speech: At this period of time, a difficult situation has developed with the liquidation of debts to supplier enterprises; At present, the payment of wages to miners has been taken under unremitting control; At this stage, the crucian spawning is normal, etc. Deleting the highlighted words will not change anything in the information.

Speech stamps also include universal words that are used in a variety of, often too broad, indefinite meanings (question, event, series, conduct, expand, separate, specific, etc.). For example, a noun question, speaking like universal word, never indicates what is being asked (Especially importance have nutritional issues in the first 10-12 days; great attention deserve the issues of timely collection of tax from enterprises and commercial structures). In such cases, it can be painlessly excluded from the text (cf .: Nutrition in the first 10-12 days is especially important; It is necessary to collect taxes from enterprises and commercial structures in a timely manner).

The word appear, as universal, is also often superfluous; this can be seen by comparing two wordings of sentences from newspaper articles:

The unjustified use of linking verbs is one of the most common stylistic flaws in special literature. However, this does not mean that linking verbs should be banned.

Speech stamps include paired words, or satellite words; the use of one of them necessarily suggests the use of the other (cf .: the event is held, the scope is wide, criticism is sharp, the problem is unresolved, overdue, etc.). The definitions in these pairs are lexically defective, they give rise to speech redundancy.

Speech stamps, relieving the speaker from the need to look for the right, exact words, deprive the speech of specificity. For example: The current season was held at a high organizational level - this sentence can be inserted into the report on hay harvesting, and on sports competitions, and on the preparation housing stock to winter, and the grape harvest ...

The set of speech stamps changes over the years: some are gradually forgotten, others become "fashionable", so it is impossible to list and describe all the cases of their use. It is important to understand the essence of this phenomenon and prevent the emergence and spread of stamps.

Language standards should be distinguished from speech stamps. Language standards are ready-made, reproducible in speech means of expression used in a journalistic style. Unlike the stamp, "the standard ... does not call negative attitude, as it has a clear semantics and economically expresses a thought, contributing to the speed of information transfer. To language standards include, for example, such combinations that have become sustainable: Workers public sector, employment service, international humanitarian aid, commercial structures, law enforcement agencies, branches Russian authorities, according to information from informed sources, - phrases such as household services (nutrition, health, recreation, etc.). These speech units are widely used by journalists, since it is impossible to invent new means of expression in each specific case.

Chancellery- verbal cliches and template expressions, grammatical forms and constructions inherent in the official business style writing and the "bureaucratic" version of the oral, special "clerk" (the definition of K. Chukovsky), the jargon of officials, " officials". These are, for example, "incoming" and "outgoing" (papers, document numbers), "implementation of the decision to entrust (report)", "provide assistance", "assistance" (instead of "help", "assistance"), "please consider", "work out the issue ( solution)", "engage (resource, people, departments, etc.)", "in accordance with the decision", "in accordance with the decision" (instead of "by decision"), etc. phenomenon; they make it easier to write, read and, ultimately, go through paperwork. authorities". TO. - idiomatic expressions of a special kind, among them are many archaic, inherited by the modern bureaucracy from the predecessors of the 19th century. K. can be considered as result linguistic "energy conservation" - with the help of stamps and templates, writing and speaking is much easier and faster than using bright, expressive, artistic speech and language means.

Elements of an official business style, introduced into a context stylistically alien to them, are called clericalisms. It should be remembered that these speech means are called clericalisms only when they are used in speech, not bound by norms official business style.

Lexical and phraseological clericalisms include words and phrases that have a coloring typical for official business style (presence, in the absence of, in order to avoid, live, withdraw, the above takes place, etc.). Their use makes speech inexpressive (If there is a desire, much can be done to improve the working conditions of workers; At present, there is an understaffing of teaching staff).

As a rule, you can find many options for expressing thoughts, avoiding clericalism. For example, why should a journalist write: Married negative side in the activities of the enterprise, if we can say: It is bad when the enterprise produces marriage; Marriage is unacceptable at work; Marriage is a great evil that must be fought; It is necessary to prevent marriage in production; It is necessary, finally, to stop the production of defective products!; You can't put up with marriage! A simple and specific wording has a stronger effect on the reader.

The clerical coloring of speech is often given by verbal nouns formed with the help of the suffixes -eni-, -ani-, etc. (identifying, finding, taking, inflating, closing) and non-suffixed (tailoring, stealing, time off). Their clerical shade is exacerbated by the prefixes non-, under- (non-detection, underfulfillment). Russian writers often parodied the syllable "decorated" with such bureaucratic words [The case of the gnawing of the plan by mice (Hertz); The case of flying in and breaking glasses with a crow (Pis.); Having announced to the widow Vanina that she did not stick a sixty-kopeck mark ... (Ch.)].

Verbal nouns do not have the categories of tense, aspect, mood, voice, person. It narrows them down expressive possibilities compared to verbs. For example, such a sentence is lacking in accuracy: On the part of the head of the farm, V.I. Shlyk was shown a negligent attitude towards milking and feeding cows. You might think that the manager milked and fed the cows poorly, but the author only wanted to say that the Farm Manager V.I. Shlyk did nothing to facilitate the work of milkmaids, to prepare fodder for livestock. The impossibility of expressing the meaning of the pledge by a verbal noun can lead to ambiguity in constructions such as the statement of the professor (does the professor approve or is he approved?), I love singing (I like to sing or listen when they sing?).

In sentences with verbal nouns, the predicate is often expressed passive form communion or reflexive verb, this deprives the action of activity and enhances the clerical coloring of speech [At the end of familiarization with the sights, tourists were allowed to take pictures of them (better: Tourists were shown sights and allowed to take pictures of them)].

However, not all verbal nouns in the Russian language belong to the official business vocabulary, they are diverse in stylistic coloring, which largely depends on the characteristics of their lexical meaning and word formation. Verbal nouns with the meaning of a person (teacher, self-taught, confusion, bully), many nouns with the meaning of action (running, crying, playing, washing, shooting, bombing) have nothing to do with bureaucracy.

Verbal nouns with book suffixes can be divided into two groups. Some are stylistically neutral (meaning, name, excitement), for many of them -nie changed into -ne, and they began to denote not an action, but its result (cf .: baking pies - sweet cookies, cherry jam - cherry jam). Others keep close connection with verbs, acting as abstract names of actions, processes (acceptance, non-detection, non-admission). It is precisely such nouns that are most often characterized by clerical coloring; only those that have received a strict terminological meaning in the language (drilling, spelling, adjoining) do not have it.

The use of clericalisms of this type is associated with the so-called "splitting of the predicate", i.e. by replacing a simple verbal predicate with a combination of a verbal noun with an auxiliary verb that has a weakened lexical meaning(instead of complicating, it leads to complication). So, they write: This leads to complication, confusion of accounting and an increase in costs, but it is better to write: This complicates and confuses accounting, increases costs.

However, in the stylistic assessment of this phenomenon, one should not go to extremes, rejecting any cases of the use of verb-nominal combinations instead of verbs. In book styles, such combinations are often used: they took part instead of participated, gave instructions instead of indicated, etc. In the official business style, verb-nominal combinations have become fixed: to declare gratitude, to accept for execution, to impose a penalty (in these cases, the verbs to thank, to fulfill, to exact are inappropriate), etc. AT scientific style such terminological combinations how visual fatigue sets in, self-regulation occurs, transplantation is performed, etc. The expressions used in the journalistic style are the workers went on strike, there were clashes with the police, an assassination attempt was made on the minister, and so on. In such cases, verbal nouns are indispensable and there is no reason to consider them clericalisms.

The use of verb-nominal combinations sometimes even creates conditions for speech expression. For example, the combination to take an ardent participation is more capacious in meaning than the verb to participate. The definition with a noun allows you to give the verb-nominal combination an exact terminological meaning (cf .: help - provide urgent medical care). The use of a verb-nominal combination instead of a verb can also help eliminate lexical ambiguity verbs (cf .: give a beep - buzz). The preference for such verb-nominal combinations over verbs is naturally beyond doubt; their use does not damage the style, but, on the contrary, gives greater effectiveness to the speech.

In other cases, the use of a verb-nominal combination introduces a clerical coloring into the sentence. Compare two types syntactic constructions verb-nominal combination and with a verb:

As you can see, the use of turnover with verbal nouns (instead of simple predicate) in such cases is impractical - it generates verbosity and burdens the syllable.

The influence of the official business style often explains the unjustified use of denominative prepositions: along the line, in the context, in part, in business, by virtue of, in order, to the address, in the area, in terms of, at the level, at the expense, etc. They received a lot distribution in book styles, and under certain conditions their use is stylistically justified. However, often their passion damages the presentation, weighing down the style and giving it a clerical coloring. This is partly due to the fact that denominative prepositions usually require the use of verbal nouns, which leads to stringing of cases. For example: By improving the organization of repayment of wage and pension arrears, improving the culture of customer service, the turnover in state and commercial stores should increase - the accumulation of verbal nouns, many identical case forms made the proposal heavy, cumbersome. To correct the text, it is necessary to exclude the denominative preposition from it, if possible, replace verbal nouns with verbs. Let's assume the following editing option: In order to increase the turnover in state and commercial stores, you need to pay salaries on time and not delay the pension of citizens, as well as improve the culture of customer service.

Some authors use denominative prepositions automatically, without thinking about their meaning, which is still partly preserved in them. For example: Due to the lack of materials, the construction is suspended (as if someone foresaw that there would be no materials, and therefore the construction was suspended). Incorrect use of denominative prepositions often leads to illogical statements.

The exclusion of denominative prepositions from the text, as we see, eliminates verbosity, helps to express the thought more concretely and stylistically correctly.

As weed words most often performed:

particles(index here summarizing well, modal perhaps, affirmative So, interrogative Yes, emotionally expressive simple and direct and comparative as if), modal words (of course, probably, probably, it seems), introductory units (in general, in general, in principle, let's say, it means, in short, for example, you understand, say so, listen, as a matter of fact, therefore, so to speak) and pronouns(demonstrative pronoun this is, the combination of demonstrative and definitive pronouns is the same, the combination interrogative pronoun what and particles, a combination of a pronominal adverb and a subject-personal pronoun how is it, pronominal adverb there).
"Here I came to you ... now ... but you ... now ... I did not find you" (student for grade 7).
“So, when we were on an excursion, well, this ... that's ... when we went down to the river ... that's ... and that ... we saw a beaver ..." (study grade 7).
"In the village... here... every year there are more and more... here... strangers. I come... here... - and I almost don't know anyone... here" .
"Well, let's say the language is divided into styles. Well, let's say there are five styles of the language" (student of the philological faculty).

19. Richness of speech. Word formation as a source of speech wealth.

Richness of speech- a set of linguistic means (lexical, grammatical, stylistic) that an individual owns and skillfully uses in accordance with the situation. The richness of speech is determined by the ability of a person to express the same thought, the same grammatical meaning. different ways.
The richness of speech is associated with a variety of used speaking means of expressing thoughts, synonyms, ways of constructing an utterance, organizing a text.
To achieve this quality, you need to replenish your vocabulary by reading literature, pay attention to grammar and stylistic features readable texts, think about the shades of the meanings of words, notice cliches, hackneyed phrases.

Level speech culture depends not only on the knowledge of the norms literary language, the laws of logic and strict adherence to them, but also from the possession of his wealth, the ability to use them in the process of communication.

The Russian language is rightly called one of the richest and most developed languages peace. His wealth is in an incalculable supply of vocabulary and phraseology, in the semantic richness of the dictionary, in limitless possibilities phonetics, word formation and word combinations, in a variety of lexical, phraseological and grammatical synonyms and variants, syntactic constructions and intonations. All this allows you to express the subtlest semantic and emotional shades. “There is nothing in the world, in the life around us and in our minds,” says K.G. Paustovsky, “that could not be conveyed by the Russian word: the sound of music, and ... the brilliance of colors, and the sound of rain, and the fabulousness of dreams, and the heavy rumble of a thunderstorm, and baby talk, and the mournful rumble of the surf, and anger, and great joy, and the sorrow of loss, and the triumph of victory.

Richness of speech individual person is determined by what arsenal of linguistic means he owns and how “skillfully, in accordance with the content, theme and task of the utterance, he uses them in specific situation. Speech is considered to be richer, the more widely various means and methods of expressing the same thought, the same grammatical meaning the less often repeated without a special communicative task, unintentionally the same language unit.

When analyzing errors caused by the unjustified use of stylistically colored vocabulary, Special attention should be given to the words associated with the official business style. Elements of an official business style, introduced into a context stylistically alien to them, are called clericalisms. It should be remembered that these speech means are called clericalisms only when they are used in speech that is not bound by the norms of official business style.

Lexical and phraseological clericalisms include words and phrases that have a coloring typical for official business style (presence, in the absence of, in order to avoid, live, withdraw, the above takes place, etc.). Their use makes speech inexpressive (If there is a desire, much can be done to improve the working conditions of workers; At present, there is an understaffing of teaching staff).

As a rule, you can find many options for expressing thoughts, avoiding clericalism. For example, why should a journalist write: Marriage is the negative side of an enterprise's activity, if one can say: It's bad when an enterprise releases marriage; Marriage is unacceptable at work; Marriage is a great evil that must be fought; It is necessary to prevent marriage in production; It is necessary, finally, to stop the production of defective products!; You can't put up with marriage! A simple and specific wording has a stronger effect on the reader.

The clerical coloring of speech is often given by verbal nouns formed with the help of the suffixes -eni-, -ani-, etc. (identifying, finding, taking, inflating, closing) and non-suffixed (tailoring, stealing, time off). Their clerical shade is exacerbated by the prefixes non-, under- (non-detection, underfulfillment). Russian writers often parodied the syllable "decorated" with such bureaucratic words [The case of the gnawing of the plan by mice (Hertz); The case of flying in and breaking glasses with a crow (Pis.); Having announced to the widow Vanina that she did not stick a sixty-kopeck mark ... (Ch.)].

Verbal nouns do not have the categories of tense, aspect, mood, voice, person. This narrows their expressive possibilities in comparison with verbs. For example, such a sentence is lacking in accuracy: On the part of the head of the farm, V.I. Shlyk was shown a negligent attitude towards milking and feeding cows. You might think that the manager milked and fed the cows poorly, but the author only wanted to say that the Farm Manager V.I. Shlyk did nothing to facilitate the work of milkmaids, to prepare fodder for livestock. The impossibility of expressing the meaning of the pledge by a verbal noun can lead to ambiguity in constructions such as the statement of the professor (does the professor approve or is he approved?), I love singing (I like to sing or listen when they sing?).

In sentences with verbal nouns, the predicate is often expressed in a passive form of participle or a reflexive verb, this deprives the action of activity and enhances the clerical coloring of speech [At the end of familiarization with the sights, tourists were allowed to take pictures of them (better: Tourists were shown the sights and allowed to take pictures of them)].

However, not all verbal nouns in the Russian language belong to the official business vocabulary, they are diverse in stylistic coloring, which largely depends on the characteristics of their lexical meaning and word formation. Verbal nouns with the meaning of a person (teacher, self-taught, confusion, bully), many nouns with the meaning of action (running, crying, playing, washing, shooting, bombing) have nothing to do with bureaucracy.

Verbal nouns with book suffixes can be divided into two groups. Some are stylistically neutral (meaning, name, excitement), for many of them -nie changed into -ne, and they began to denote not an action, but its result (cf .: baking pies - sweet cookies, cherry jam - cherry jam). Others retain a close relationship with verbs, acting as abstract names for actions, processes (acceptance, non-detection, non-admission). It is precisely such nouns that are most often characterized by clerical coloring; only those that have received a strict terminological meaning in the language (drilling, spelling, adjoining) do not have it.

The use of clericalisms of this type is associated with the so-called "splitting of the predicate", i.e. replacing a simple verbal predicate with a combination of a verbal noun with an auxiliary verb that has a weakened lexical meaning (instead of complicating, it leads to complication). So, they write: This leads to complication, confusion of accounting and an increase in costs, but it is better to write: This complicates and confuses accounting, increases costs.

However, in the stylistic assessment of this phenomenon, one should not go to extremes, rejecting any cases of the use of verb-nominal combinations instead of verbs. In book styles, such combinations are often used: they took part instead of participated, gave instructions instead of indicated, etc. In the official business style, verb-nominal combinations have become fixed: to declare gratitude, to accept for execution, to impose a penalty (in these cases, the verbs to thank, to fulfill, to exact are inappropriate), etc. The scientific style uses such terminological combinations as visual fatigue occurs, self-regulation occurs, transplantation is performed, etc. The expressions used in the journalistic style are the workers went on strike, there were clashes with the police, an assassination attempt was made on the minister, and so on. In such cases, verbal nouns are indispensable and there is no reason to consider them clericalisms.

The use of verb-nominal combinations sometimes even creates conditions for speech expression. For example, the combination to take an ardent participation is more capacious in meaning than the verb to participate. The definition with a noun allows you to give the verb-nominal combination an exact terminological meaning (cf.: help - provide emergency medical care). The use of a verb-nominal combination instead of a verb can also help eliminate the lexical polysemy of verbs (cf .: give a beep - buzz). The preference for such verb-nominal combinations over verbs is naturally beyond doubt; their use does not damage the style, but, on the contrary, gives greater effectiveness to the speech.

In other cases, the use of a verb-nominal combination introduces a clerical coloring into the sentence. Let's compare two types of syntactic constructions - with a verb-nominal combination and with a verb:

As you can see, the use of turnover with verbal nouns (instead of a simple predicate) in such cases is inappropriate - it generates verbosity and makes the syllable heavier.

The influence of the official business style often explains the unjustified use of denominative prepositions: along the line, in the context, in part, in business, by virtue of, in order, to the address, in the area, in terms of, at the level, at the expense, etc. They received a lot distribution in book styles, and under certain conditions their use is stylistically justified. However, often their passion is detrimental to the presentation, weighing down the style and giving it a clerical coloring. This is partly due to the fact that denominative prepositions usually require the use of verbal nouns, which leads to stringing of cases. For example: By improving the organization of repayment of wage and pension arrears, improving the culture of customer service, the turnover in state and commercial stores should increase - the accumulation of verbal nouns, many identical case forms made the proposal heavy, cumbersome. To correct the text, it is necessary to exclude the denominative preposition from it, if possible, replace verbal nouns with verbs. Let's assume the following editing option: In order to increase the turnover in state and commercial stores, you need to pay salaries on time and not delay the pension of citizens, as well as improve the culture of customer service.

Some authors use denominative prepositions automatically, without thinking about their meaning, which is still partly preserved in them. For example: Due to the lack of materials, the construction is suspended (as if someone foresaw that there would be no materials, and therefore the construction was suspended). Incorrect use of denominative prepositions often leads to illogical statements.

The exclusion of denominative prepositions from the text, as we see, eliminates verbosity, helps to express the thought more concretely and stylistically correctly.

Stylistic errors are associated with ignoring the restrictions that imposes on the use of the word stylistic coloration. This applies primarily to the use of terms and clericalism.

Under bureaucracy meaning such words, phrases, grammatical forms and constructions, the use of which is fixed in the Russian literary language for the so-called official business style, especially for that part of it that is known from official, including legal, documents (administrative and clerical substyle).

Formal business style is one of the functional styles of the Russian language. functional style - a kind of literary language in which language appears in a particular social meaningful area social and speech practice of people and the features of which are due to the peculiarities of communication in this area.Formal business style- a means of communication (often written) in the field business relations: in the sphere legal relations and management. This area covers international relationships, jurisprudence, economics, military industry, the field of advertising, communication in official institutions, government activities. Substyles: legislative (used in the field of government, the volatility of the function is manifested); administrative and clerical (maintenance of personal business papers, documents of the institution, emphasizes the nature of administrative relations - loans, advances); diplomatic substyle (on international level, relations between the government and diplomats).

Each functional style is complex system covering all language levels: pronunciation of words, lexical and phraseological composition of speech, morphological means and syntactic constructions. All these linguistic features of functional styles will be described in detail when characterizing each of them. Now we will focus only on the most obvious means of distinguishing between functional styles - on their vocabulary.

Common features of official business speech:

  1. For official speech characterized by the widespread use of thematically special words and terms (legal, diplomatic, military, accounting, sports, etc.). The desire for brevity leads to the use of abbreviations, complexly abbreviated names of state bodies, institutions, organizations, societies, parties, etc. (Security Security Council, Airborne Forces, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Air Force, Research Institute, DEZ, LDPR, YaZ, State of Emergency, CIS, GVMU MO RF, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Health), as well as abbreviations (illiquid assets, cash (black), federal, etc..). As can be seen from the examples, there are many new words among them, this part of the vocabulary is constantly updated and replenished.
  2. Business texts are distinguished by the use of words and expressions that are not accepted in other styles.(the above, the following, the above, appropriate, prohibited, preventive measure, deed, punishability, etc.).To them (stable phrases are introduced: a cassation complaint, an act of civil (state), an act of disobedience, a written undertaking not to leave, etc. The regular use of such words and expressions that do not have synonyms contributes to the accuracy of speech, excludes other interpretations.
  3. Adjectives and participles in business speech are often used in the meaning of nouns.(sick, vacationing, undersigned), productive short forms adjectives(should, obliged, obligatory, necessary, accountable, cognizable, responsible). Appeal to them is dictated by the prescriptive nature of business speech (Summoning experts is mandatory to establish the cause of death - Code of Criminal Procedure).
  4. The selection of pronouns in business speech is indicative: personal pronouns are not used here.I, you, he, she, they(by virtue of total absence individualization of speech, concreteness, accuracy of utterance). Instead of demonstrative pronouns (this, that, such, etc.)words are usedgiven, present, corresponding, known, indicated, above, belowand others. They are not used at all in business speech. indefinite pronouns(someone, some, something, etc.).
  5. To characterize verbs in official speech, its nominal structure is also important: this determines the high frequency of linking verbs.(is, becomes, comes true), replacing the verbal predicate with a combination auxiliary verb with a noun denoting action(provide assistance, control, care, etc.).
  6. Among semantic groups verbs presented in this style, the main role assigned to words with the meaning of obligation:should, ought to, ought to, mustand abstract verbs indicating being, presence:is, there is.
  7. In official speech, impersonal forms of verbs are more common - participles, gerunds, infinitives, which are especially often used in the meaning imperative mood (take note, suggest, recommend, withdraw from use, etc.).

It is this kind of words and phrases, transferred to the texts of another functional style, for example, literary and artistic or journalistic, are regarded as clericalism. In the texts of the official business style, their use is justified. The use of clericalism in scientific. and public speech should be thoughtful and limited, and in colloquial. - without a special stylistic motivation - not only undesirable, but also unacceptable. If they are used accidentally, unintentionally, then this is regarded as a violation of the stylistic norm, as a speech error, for example: There are so many mushrooms and berries in our green massif; It is necessary to close the gap on the front of misunderstanding of satire; I have a problem; We are in the grip of a dilemma.