I have never done harm to anyone in my life. Analysis of Nekrasov's poem moral man

“Living in accordance with strict morality, I have done no harm to anyone in my life.” This is how a person boasts of what is impossible to achieve. It's impossible. This is the main character of Nekrasov's poem, a moral person. He has strict morals. But what's the use of her, if the mere touch of this person turns everything into rot?

When you read this work, you get the impression that you are looking at moldy bread. No that's not a kind person although he may consider himself to be kind. Society certainly supports him. But he is dangerous. He does evil without realizing it, and only because of strict morality, which is really decent person need not. Remember how Christ destroyed the church?

Here the hero of the poem's wife went to her lover. Immoral? Maybe. The deceived moral man catches them and calls the police. The police are on his side, of course. They also maintain morality, no matter what they do outside of work hours. And the wife of shame could not stand it. Fell down and died. But it seems that a moral person does not care. He continues to say that he did no harm to anyone in his life.

Here is a friend who did not repay the debt on time. moral man did not tolerate it and put him in jail. There is a reason to be angry, but our bearer of strict morality does not get angry. A friend died in the dungeons. On the same day, the moral man forgave him the debt. Strict morality, you need to forgive, nothing can be done. But he did no harm to anyone in his life.

Here a moral person gives a peasant as a cook. And a good cook came out! One trouble - I learned to read and began to reason. Why is there such a smart guy at court? We need to beat the hunt! It was not possible to do this with a word, and a moral person whipped the cook. He did not survive the humiliation and drowned himself. This is how immorality is defeated. This is how evil is not done.

My daughter fell in love with her teacher. I fell in love and fell in love, but this was not the end of it. She wanted to run away with him, and this does not seem to be empty fantasies - although it is even worse if they were. Our moral man forcibly marries her to a rich man. And what else to do with immorality? But the daughter fell ill with tuberculosis and died. Unloved and unhappy. And a moral person boasts: he has strict morality and complete non-commitment of evil.

After you read this poem a few times, you feel real disgust. This is evil person, but evil as if by accident, unconsciously. He is driven only by strict morality, but he does not like people and does not know how to forgive. And he does evil, although he himself says that he has not done harm to anyone in his life. Disgusting.

Picture for the poem Moral man

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Morality and corresponding moral norms are the basis of civilization and humanity of any society. When morality collapses moral foundations- society is being destroyed and a person is degrading, which we can observe in our modern civilization, more and more drowning in .

- this is following certain Spiritual (moral) Principles: the principles of Honor, Conscience, Duty, Justice, Love, etc. Morality is the essence of the true Dignity of Man. Truly Decent Man- this is a person who cannot be disrespected, with all his manifestations he causes respect, reverence, approval, love.

- this is the one who implements these spiritual principles in his life and they are embodied in him in the lead of the relevant beliefs and personal qualities such as honor, honesty, etc.

To paraphrase, morality can be defined as follows. - this is the correspondence of ideas, beliefs, values, actions and all manifestations of a person moral standards, universal values(goodness, non-violence, honesty, respect, etc.), and ideally all Spiritual Laws.

It is Morality that is an indicator of the degree of spirituality of Man and Society. What is Spirituality.

Morality and the morality (rules of conduct, etc.) it gives birth to were previously formed by Religion, commandments (Spiritual Laws in a religious interpretation), and are now largely destroyed. Of course, it must be revived and formed purposefully.

What is the basis of morality? What creates morality and what destroys it

The basis of morality is the distinction and, and the choice of the path of Good. About whether there is Good and Evil -. It is the understanding of what is Good, what is considered Worthy, and what is Bad, what is unworthy, shameful, unacceptable for a Human and determines moral standards.

It is precisely because of the lack of adequate ideas about Good and Evil in modern society that morality is in decline, people are stricken with vices and ignorance, and society as a whole is rapidly decomposing.

There is also a delusion that Morality is a set of restrictions that encroach on a person's freedom, restrain and block the manifestation of his individuality. This is a huge nonsense! Morality provides a vector, path and conditions for upward movement, under which a person can grow, develop with top speed, to be protected from vices, possible moral decay and degradation, to be invulnerable to evil. Exactly at highest periods the heyday of spirituality, when the moral standard was implemented in society to the maximum extent, in the education of personnel, citizens, in culture, education, in the traditions of society, the great empires and states reached their the highest level development, civilization, culture, to which even many modern states still go and go.

Living according to strict morality,

My wife, covering her face with a veil,
In the evening she went to her lover;
I sneaked into his house with the police
And he convicted ... He called: I did not fight!
She went to bed and died
Tormented by shame and sadness...

I have never done harm to anyone in my life.

I had a daughter; fell in love with the teacher
And I wanted to run away with him in a rush.
I threatened her with a curse: resigned
And she married a gray-haired rich man.
Their house was shiny and full, like a bowl;
But Masha suddenly began to turn pale and go out
And a year later she died in consumption,
Having struck the whole house with deep sadness ...
Living according to strict morality,
I have never harmed anyone in my life...

I gave the peasant as a cook:
He succeeded; a good cook is a blessing!
But often left the yard
And the name of an indecent predilection
Had: loved to read and reason.
I, tired of threatening and scolding,
Paternally cut him with a canal,
He took it and drowned himself: he found nonsense!
Living according to strict morality,
I have never done harm to anyone in my life.

My friend didn't show me the loan on time.
I, hinting in a friendly way to him,
The law has given us to judge:
The law sentenced him to prison.
He died in it without paying the altyn,
But I'm not angry, even though there is a reason to be angry!
I forgave him the debt on the same date,
Honoring him with tears and sadness ...
Living according to strict morality,
I have never done harm to anyone in my life.

Analysis of the poem "Moral Man" by Nekrasov

N. Nekrasov became famous for his works in the genre civil lyrics, the main motive of which was the denunciation of the main social vices. At the same time, the main theme for the poet was the protection of the lower strata of society. The vast majority of Nekrasov's poems are devoted to the peasantry. But sometimes he dwelled in detail on the description of the representatives of the ruling class. A prime example is the poem "The Moral Man".

The author describes the life and work of a certain "moral man" with a huge dose of sarcasm. AT compositional plan the poem is composed of four separate parts dedicated to the relationship of the protagonist with completely different people.

In the first part, the "moral man" learns about his wife's infidelity. He exposes her with the help of the police, but refuses to be challenged to a duel. A disgraced woman dies, unable to endure the suffering that has befallen her.

The next act of the protagonist is a trial with a friend who owed him. The debtor was sentenced to imprisonment, in which he died.

The "moral man" taught his serf peasant the art of cooking. "Unfortunately" along with new profession the peasant acquired a craving for knowledge (“he loved to read and reason”). For this, the owner scolded him for a long time and, in the end, subjected him to corporal punishment. "Fool" drowned himself with grief.

The "peak" of the protagonist's morality is his treatment of his own daughter. The girl fell in love with a poor teacher, and a prudent father forced her to marry a more preferable "gray-haired rich man." "Happy" family life did not last long. The daughter began to quickly “turn pale and fade away” and died a year after the wedding.

Nekrasov does not blame his main character for anything. It leaves the verdict to the readers. The "moral man" himself is firmly convinced of his infallibility. He proves this with the help of a refrain repeated several times: "Living in accordance with strict morality, I have done no harm to anyone in my life."

The whole horror of the situation lies precisely in the fact that such a view was characteristic of the vast majority of the nobility. Nekrasov, of course, created a collective image of a scoundrel, but in general his actions do not contradict the so-called "strict morality." All victims received what they deserved. The wife cheated on her husband, the friend did not repay the debt, the peasant dared to contradict the owner, and the daughter got out of parental obedience. A "moral person" does not feel sorry for these sinners. He himself is "pure" before God. The only thing that bothers him is deep sadness in the house after Masha's death.

Man of heart Is this a moral person?

In the life of every person there are moments when he faces moral choice. The concept of morality is connected with the concepts of goodness. A moral person is a person who acts according to his conscience, not allowing lies, falsehood, injustice in relation to other people, the world around him, and animals.

Responsiveness is a quality of a person, which is characterized by a willingness to help others, to understand someone else's problem, to be kind to people. A responsive person will never stand aside if someone needs his help, he will be ready to help even if it does not bring him anything or if it does not turn out very well for him.

These two concepts have always excited the minds of people. passed different eras, centuries, but the concepts of morality and responsiveness have never disappeared from our society.

Now many say that we live in an era indifferent people who lack responsiveness. People are embittered at everything because of personal problems, the cause of which is the political and economic situation in the country and in the world. Everyone tries to live for himself, his family, so responsiveness has now become a very rare quality. The moral level of many of our contemporaries is also constantly under the blows of various temptations with which the world is filled. Bad habits, bad companies, the availability of information on the Internet - all this can shake the worldview of a person, especially the younger generation.

Writers at all times paid attention to the problems of morality and responsiveness, because these qualities make us real people capable of good deeds who can change the world and make it better for everyone.

Let us recall the hero of Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel "The Idiot" - Prince Myshkin. The writer himself said that he wanted to show a "positively beautiful" person. Responsive, kind and direct Lev Myshkin became a black sheep among selfish and selfish people who dream only of a better life for themselves. Myshkin acted like a new Jesus Christ, he became the standard of kindness, openness, sensitivity to other people's suffering. His actions were incomprehensible to those around him, who could see in him a mentally ill person, an "idiot", but the sympathetic and kind Prince Myshkin was able to awaken deeply hidden in people good feelings, they saw in him an authoritative personality, their idol, whom they wanted to follow wherever he led. He became a model of a real person, moral and sympathetic. In contrast to this, Dostoevsky called the novel "The Idiot" for a reason. This topic is still relevant now, because people like Prince Myshkin at first can be mistaken for mentally ill people, because it looks so unusual and does not agree with the level of morality and morality of modern society.

If we take the opposite example, then we can consider the image of Pechorin from Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time". The protagonist characterized by coldness, prudence and indifference to others, he is not worried about the problems and feelings of other people. Even the unfortunate Bella, whose love Pechorin sought, soon becomes uninteresting to him, and a tragic end awaits the girl. And this is not the only death that Pechorin was involved in. In the course of the story, we learn about Pechorin's other "feats" - he deceived Princess Mary, doomed Vera to torment ... Nothing sacred remained in Pechorin's soul, Chekhov called this state "soul paralysis." He himself understood that he had become a "moral cripple", he even own life became unbearable, he began to die as a friend, as a lover, and then as a person, when he left for Persia, where he was destined to find his death.

For example, these two literary characters we see two diametrically opposite points vision. Each of them has their own concept of morality and responsiveness. If Myshkin is ready to do anything for the sake of others, then Pechorin, without hesitation, is ready to use all means to achieve the best for himself. It can be concluded that a moral person will always be responsive, because these concepts are included in general area human soul. Morality and responsiveness go hand in hand. A morally rich person will never pass by those who need help, he will always show responsiveness. And this will spiritually enrich not only the one whom he helps, but also elevate the soul of the person himself, who cannot act contrary to his convictions.

Effective preparation for the exam (all subjects) -

1 Living in accordance with strict morality, I have done no harm to anyone in my life. My wife, covering her face with a veil, In the evening went to her lover. I crept into his house with the police And convicted ... He called - I did not fight! She went to bed and died, Tormented by shame and sadness... Living in accordance with strict morality, I did no harm to anyone in my life. 2 A friend did not present the debt to me on time. I, having hinted in a friendly way to him, I left the Law to judge us; The law sentenced him to prison. He died in it without paying the altyn, But I'm not angry, even though there is a reason to be angry! I forgave him the debt of the same date, Honoring him with tears and sadness... Living in accordance with strict morality, I did no harm to anyone in my life. 3 I gave the peasant as a cook, He succeeded; a good cook is a blessing! But often absent from the yard And the title of indecent predilection He had: he loved to read and reason. I, tired of threatening and scolding, Paternally whipped him with a canal; He took it and drowned himself, he found nonsense! Living in accordance with strict morality, I have done no harm to anyone in my life. 4 I had a daughter; I fell in love with the teacher And I wanted to run away with him in a rush. I threatened her with a curse: she resigned herself And married a gray-haired rich man. And the house was shining and full like a bowl; But Masha suddenly began to turn pale and fade away And a year later she died in consumption, Having struck down the whole house with deep sadness ... Living in accordance with strict morality, I did no harm to anyone in my life ... January or February 1847


Published according to Art 1873, vol. I, part 1, p. 23-25.

For the first time included in the collected works: St 1856. Reprinted in the 1st part of all subsequent lifetime editions of "Poems".

White autograph - GBL (Soldier notebook, sheets 25-26v.).

It dates from the beginning of 1847, but before February 19, since in Belinsky's letter of this date (see niche) it is mentioned as written "recently".

Poems about the suicide of a serf cook tortured by a landowner ran into censorship obstacles. This caused the replacement of Art. 28 in C and the omission of art. 21-30 at St 1861.

V. E. Evgeniev-Maksimov (Life and work of N. A. Nekrasov, vol. P. M.-L., 1950, p. 248) pointed out the thematic connection of the poem "A Moral Man" with an article by V. G. Belinsky about "Parisian secrets" by E. Xu (1844), which, in particular, said: "In our time, the words "morality" and "immorality" have become very flexible, and now it is easy to apply them arbitrarily to whatever you want. Look, for example , on this gentleman, who with such dignity carries his thick belly, which has absorbed so many tears and blood of defenseless innocence - this gentleman, on whose face such satisfaction with himself is expressed that you cannot help but be convinced at first glance of the fullness of his deep chests that buried in themselves both the gratuitous labor of the poor and the legitimate inheritance of the orphan.He, this gentleman with the head of a donkey on the body of a bull, most often speaks with particular pleasure about morality..."(Belinsky, vol. VIII, p. 170). Note that Nekrasov's poem "Modern Ode" echoes Belinsky's tirade.

Having familiarized himself with The Moral Man still in the manuscript, Belinsky informed I. S. Turgenev (February 19, 1847): "Nekr<асов>wrote scary recently good poem. If it does not get into print (and it is assigned in 3 No<"Современника">), then I will send it to you in manuscript. What a talent this man has! And what an ax his talent is!" (Belinsky, vol. XII, p. 336). D. I. Pisarev, speaking of Nekrasov's poetry, exclaimed: "Who is able to write poems: "Philanthropist", "Epilogue to an unwritten poem"<"Несчастные">, "Am I driving down a dark street at night ...", "Sasha", "Living in accordance with strict morality ..."<"Нравственный человек">, he can be sure that he knows and loves live Russia..." (Pisarev D.I. Works, vol. I. M., 1955, p. 196).

Set to music (M. V. Koval, 1935).