Scenario of the literary and musical composition "but the muses were not silent". Class hour on the topic: Literary and musical composition "And the muses are not silent"

Municipal budget institution

"Sosnovoborsk city public library"

Leningrad region, Sosnovy Bor

"Music doubles,

triples the army"

Multimedia Program Script

Sosnovy Bor



SLIDE 2 The Muses were not silent...
Songs of the Great Deed

SLIDE 3 "Music doubles, triples the army,

with unfolded banners and loud music

I took Ishmael

A.V. Suvorov


The planes took off,

The tank formation moved.

With a song infantry companies

We went out to fight for our country.

Song - winged bird -

Calls the brave to march.

A bold bullet is afraid

Does not take a bold bayonet.

We invite you to participate in the mini-test survey "Moѐ attitude to the songs of the Second World War "

1. What are the songs of the Second World War known to you

2. Do you like them

3. What are the songs of the Second World War known to you

4. Name the composers of the songs of the Second World War known to you

without knowing the songs of those years

6. Can the songs of the Second World War "sink into oblivion" with the death of war veterans

7. Is the old saying true: when cannons speak, the muses are silent

SLIDE 5 Is the old saying true?
"When cannons speak, muses are silent"?

There is a war - before the songs?!. Why are they in terrible war time? To survive... But we must survive and win! And the people sing war songs.

Songs about the war are songs about the Motherland, about Meeting and Parting, about Loss and Hope. Songs of Victory! Songs that will connect these two such dissimilar, military and peaceful, lives with a thread.

And this thread of time will not be interrupted as long as war songs are sung.

For some, the war has become a distant memory, for others it is history. But even today, no one remains indifferent when he hears on the radio " main song Great Patriotic War, written for the first time in her days by the poet Lebedev-Kumach and the composer Alexandrov.

SLIDE 6 Holy war“This is a warrior song, a commander song.”

And on June 27, the song was first performed at the Belorussky railway station, from which military trains left for the front.

SLIDE 7 "Holy war"

entered the life of the army and the whole people as a hymn of revenge and curses against fascism. When a group of the Red Banner Ensemble performed at railway stations and in other places in front of soldiers going to the front,

this song was always listened to while standing, with some special impulse,

in a holy mood, and not only the fighters, but we, the performers, often cried ... ”Alexandrov.

SLIDE 8 Lev Oshanin.

Who was I in the war?

A half-sighted messenger from the rear,

Rejected completely by all the doctors of the earth.

Only my song went on the attack with the battalion, -

Clear-eyed people carried her through the fire.

I overheard in folk soul this song once

And, without embellishing anything, he quietly said to her:


And for the songs the soldiers greeted me as a soldier.

And the enemies tried to kill both of us on the way.

SLIDE 9 The Battle of Moscow is the first victorious battle of the Great Patriotic War. Here in the harsh snows of the Moscow region,

was born famous song composer K. Listov

to the words of the poet A. Surkov “Fire beats in a cramped stove”

SLIDE 10 The song was written in November 1941. Soviet poet, Alexei Surkov, while on Western front, got out of the environment and

hit a minefield. That's where "there are four steps to death." Breaking out of the encirclement, he wrote a letter to his wife in the most poignant words that came then. Text of the letter-

poems became known to the soldiers. "Dugout" united people, stretching the thread between the front and rear, between the front line and home. In early 1942, composer Konstantin

Listov wrote a melody to the text, which was expected and long-awaited.

"Dugout" was loved by everyone: both the fighters and those who were waiting for them at home.

Loved for the harsh truth. Such songs were necessary for a soldier.

SLIDE 11 "In the dugout"

K. Listov, A. Surkov

The fire is beating in the cramped stove.

Resin on logs, like a tear,

And sings to me in the dugout


About your smile and eyes.

The bushes whispered to me about you

In snow-white fields near Moscow.

I want you to hear

You are far away now.

Between us snow and snow.

It's hard for me to get to you

And there are four steps to death.

Sing, harmonica, blizzard out of spite,

Call the entangled happiness.

I'm warm in a cold dugout

From my undying love.

Aleksey Surkov spoke about his song: “From the first days of the war, we felt that the soldier’s heart was waiting and looking for not only a slogan and a pathos appeal, but also a warm lyrical word in order to discharge from the overload of the terrible that brought down on him brutal war. And this song was born by accident...

These were sixteen "home" lines from a letter to his wife. I wrote them at the end of November, after a heavy battle near Istra, when I had to make my way out of the encirclement at night with the guards regiment. So these verses would have remained part of the letter, if somewhere in February the composer Konstantin Listov had not come to our front-line editorial office and asked for "something to write a song on." And then I remembered the poems written at home, found them in a notebook ... "


And the words of those honest songs called
Fight for the Motherland to the end,
And from the songs the tears froze
Drops of deadly lead.

SLIDE 13 *****

At first glance, maybe

There is nothing in them.

What worries me again

Wartime songs?

Something sacred to us

hidden in their depths.

Rows, what standing

I want to listen to me.

worn out ink,

faded notebook,

The lines with which

It's easier for us to die.

Songs of the war time

What have you saved for us?

All inviolable

Our hearts are in reserve.

S. Ostrovoy.

SLIDE 14 "Dark night"

The story of the creation of the song "Dark Night" is touching and interesting.

In 1943, director Leonid Lukov could not film an episode of a soldier writing a letter in the film Two Soldiers.

Lukov turned to the composer Nikita Bogoslovsky with a request to try to convey the condition of a soldier through a song that Vladimir Agatov wrote and performedѐ sincerely Mark Bernes.

circumstances. After this song, the fascists were beaten especially angrily and mercilessly. sl. V. Agatov, music by N. Bogoslovsky

Listen to the song "Dark Night"


When they go to death - they sing,
And before that, you can cry.
After all, the worst hour in battle -
Waiting time for an attack.

Therefore, many fighters and commanders had notebooks with recordings of front-line songs in the pockets of their tunics, at the very heart, along with a soldier's book and photographs of relatives. Another foreman even demanded that the soldiers know marching songs as a personal weapon.

SLIDE 16 It was said that the front-line song is the second rifle, that the enemy is more afraid of the song than of firearms, because the song fighter will fight to the last, not giving up, not retreating.

Who said you have to quit

Songs at war?
After the fight, the heart asks
Music doubly.

A.V. Tvardovsky.

SLIDE 17 From the first days of the war, dozens of new songs appeared, most of which immediately “went to the front”. The songs spread very quickly, passed from mouth to mouth, flew across the front line, penetrated deep behind enemy lines, into partisan detachments.

"Blue scarf"

SLIDE 18 The song to the music of George of Petersburg and the words of Yakov Galitsky sounded even before the war. But in 1942, Claudia Ivanovna Shulzhenko, the performer of this song, asked me to write new poems for her:“Having learned that I write poetry,” he recalled young military journalist MikhailMaksimov, - Claudia Ivanovna asked me to write new text"Blue handkerchief".

“The song is popular with the people,” she said, “it has a simple catchy melody. But other words are needed that would reflect today, our great battle with fascism. Then the army will need the song." The next morning, Lieutenant Mikhail Maksimov handed over a piece of paper with the following words:
"The machine gunner is scribbling
For a blue handkerchief
What was on the shoulders of dear ones!

SLIDE 19 The first performer of the song to the words of M.A. Maksimova was

Claudia Shulzhenko.

The song "Blue Handkerchief" life-giving force for soldiers during the war. She supported the fighting spirit, bringing the warmth of those who were waiting at home closer, as if saying that they love at home, wait and believe in victory.

SLIDE 20 The Blue Handkerchief Jerzy Petersburgsky Orchestra

Mikhail Maksimov Claudia Shulzhenko

SLIDE 21 When the cannons rumble, the muses are silent. But military lyrics and the songs are unique. If only because they refute this well-known formula. It turned out that in the harsh everyday life of the front, as, indeed, in the hungry everyday life of the rear, a poetic word and song is also capable of warming human hearts.

SLIDE 22 The songs of those war years - believe me!

We are not in vain far from home

Sang four steps from death

About the native cherished light.

And it was not in vain that they sang about the way to Berlin -

How he was not easy and not fast ..

Songs grow old with us

But they are still in service.

These songs are with us to this day!

We will never get tired of singing

How they went to the West in Ukraine

And how they took the city of Brest with a fight,

And that it's too early for us to die,

And about those who gave us a smoke ...

You ask the soldier yourself:

Could he have forgotten this?

SLIDE 23 "Fire ѐ to"

Both during the publication and during the performance of the song “Fireѐ k" indicates: "folk music". This is explained by the fact that the poet's poems spread faster than the music of M. Blanter. They began to rewrite, send in letters. Both at the front and in the rear, the harmonists began to select music. It turned out that the poem is easy toѐ tsya musical improvisation, self

asks to be sung. poetic image light on the window

turned into a huge and inspiring symbol: our fire has not gone outѐ to and never go out! "Fireѐ to"

SLIDE 24 We listen to the song

Poems by M. Matusovsky

Music by M.Blanter

SLIDE2 5 At the front among the soldiers were very popular funny, comic songs. In the most difficult moments, they helped endure the hardships of the war. And it is not for nothing that the poet Tvardovsky, through the mouth of his hero Vasily Terkin, said:

SLIDE 26-27 You can live without food for days
You can do more, but sometimes
In a one minute war
Do not live without a joke.
Jokes of the most unwise.

SLIDE 28 "Darkie"

A song about a partisan girl. Written on the basis of Moldovan

folklore, it was lyrical, playful in its warehouse.

"Darkie" fell in love with the fighters, and although it spoke of partisans civil war, it was perceived as today's song, the song of the Great Patriotic War. She raised

fighters mood, instilled hope for victory.

We listen to the song "Smuglyanka" A. Novikov, Y. Shvedov

SLIDE 29.30 And when the war ended, the Victory was celebrated with song and dance!... Peaceful time What happiness, what joy! We survived, we won!

SLIDE 31 Many years separate us from harsh and terrible years war. But time will never erase from the memory of the people the Great Patriotic War, the most difficult and cruel of all wars in the history of our Motherland. In the hearts of people, she is alive, because her wounds have not yet been healed, the pain has not dried up, those who gave their lives for the great Victory have not been forgotten.

SLIDE 32 "Cranes"

Yan Frenkel's song to the verses of Rasul Gamzatov, translated into

Russian language Naum Grebnev.

The song is dedicated to the soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War


SLIDE 33 Until now, "Cranes" - one of the most popular and beloved

domestic songs. Every year on Victory Day it sounds like an anthem, like a requiem for the soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War. To the music of this song Yan Frenkel

invested his whole soul, because he himself went through all the horrors of the war.

We listen to the song.

SLIDE 34.35 The song of the war years... Together with the Fatherland, she joined the soldier's ranks from the first days of the war and walked along the dusty and smoky roads of the war until its victorious end. The song shared with the warrior both sorrows and joys, cheered them up with a cheerful and mischievous joke, mourned with them about the abandoned and loved ones. The song helped endure hunger and cold, hard many hours of work in the name of Victory.

SLIDE 36 Poems and songs led to battle, they became a weapon that smashed the enemy. They helped the people to survive and win. And they helped! And they won! Years have passed, the country has healed war wounds, but the songs of the war years still sound today, shaking hearts. They haven't aged much. They are still in service today. How many of them - beautiful and unforgettable.

Thank you all for your attention.

Resources used:

  • Zavadskaya N. Favorite songs of the war years: Stories; Songs; Photo documents. - M .: Sov. Composer, 1987.- 120 p.: ill., notes.

  • Reading, learning, playing. - M .: "Liberea - Bibinform", 1998, issue 6.

Prepared by Savitskaya G.E.

"But the Muses were not silent"
Literature of the Great Patriotic War.
Lesson Objectives:
1. Give an overview of the poetry of the Second World War.
2. Show that poetry, as the most operational genre, connected high
patriotic feelings with deeply personal experiences of the lyrical
3. Develop text skills, coherent speech skills, listening skills,
make notes.
4. Raise patriotic feelings: love for the Motherland, interest in history
country, his family, respect for the heroic past of our country.
We know what's on the scales now
And what is happening now.
The hour of courage has struck on our clocks,
And courage will not leave us.
It's not scary to lie dead under the bullets,
It's not bitter to be homeless -
And we will save you, Russian speech,
Great Russian word.
A. Akhmatova.
From the history of the Great Patriotic War.
On June 22, 1941, the WWII war began - Nazi Germany treacherously
attacked the USSR. During the first months of the war, the enemy penetrated deep inside
our country. The capital was under threat. In 1943 there was
crucial moment - Battle of Kursk, after which the initiative moved to
hands of the Red Army. On April 16, 1945, the troops entered Berlin. May 8
Germany capitulated.
The price of victory is very high: about 27 million people died.
O. Bergholz
On June 22, 1941, the war began.

In the Great Patriotic War Soviet people defended his
The war claimed about 27 million lives of Soviet people.
During the years of military trials, 1215 writers left to fight the enemy.
More than 400 of them gave their lives for the liberation of the motherland.
Perhaps, never during the existence of Soviet poetry was there
as many lyrical poems were written as during the war years.
“When the cannons rumble, the muses are silent,” says an old aphorism. But in
during the Second World War, the voices of the muses blocked the roar of cannons. First of all, it sounded like
poems of the war years, reaching the hearts of readers.
Wartime Poets:
N. Tikhonov
A. Prokofiev
Analysis of the poem by K. Simonov "Wait for me."
This poem Konstantin Simonov wrote in 1941, it is dedicated to
beloved woman Valentina Serova. The genre of the poem is a message
lyrical hero appeals to his beloved: "wait, you." The basic idea
contained in the first line: “Wait for me and I will return” is a sincere thought about
how important waiting is for a soldier, this line sounds like a refrain,
call. Anaphora "Wait" helps to emphasize hope. Combination of sounds
(F, ZhD) - alliteration conveys the monotony of a gloomy soldier's life
(yellow rains, heat)) reinforce the expectation motive. This is a lyrical monologue
actually lyrical (ode, elegy, song)
satirical (fable, epigram)
lyroepic (poem, ballad)
Lyroepic poetry (poetic epic):

P. Antokolsky "Son"
M. Svetlov "28"
M. Aliger "Zoya"
O. Bergholz "February Diary"
A. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin"
Military song. During the war years, many poems already in the early days
months of war became songs
There is an opinion that the poems and songs of that time are very poor in terms of language.
Let's prove otherwise.
Language features military poetry.
Practical work by poem. A. Surkov "Dugout"
Language tools
The accordion sings, the bushes whispered, the voice yearns
Snow-white fields, a lively voice, cold earth, inextinguishable love
Lexical repetition
Far away, snow and snow
Resin like a tear
In a cold dugout - unquenchable love
Conclusion: the poem is rich language means: For example,
personifications and epithets emphasize tender feelings lyrical hero.
Poets who did not return from the war.
Poets who did not return from the front.

I know it's not my fault
The fact that others did not come from the war,
The fact that they - who is older, who is younger -
Stayed there...
Pavel Davidovich Kogan 1918 1942
Led the search for scouts, died near Novorossiysk on September 23, 1942.
I'm a patriot. I am Russian air
I love the Russian land
I believe that nowhere in the world
You won't find another one like it!
Mikhail Valentinovich Kulchitsky 1919 - 1943
He died in the battles near Stalingrad in January 1943.
War is not fireworks at all,
But simply - hard work,
When -
Black with sweat
The infantry glides through the plowing.
Nikolai Petrovich Mayorov 1919 - 1942
He died on February 8, 1942 in the Smolensk region.
Let those whom we do not know remember:
Fear and meanness did not suit us.
We drank life to the dregs
And they were dying
For this life.
Not bowing to lead.
Musa Mustafovich Jalil 1906 1944
Musa Jalil, being seriously wounded, was taken prisoner. In a concentration camp
was active underground. Was thrown by the Nazis into the Maobit prison

and in 1944 he was executed. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Owls. Union. (100 years from
Heart with the last breath of life
Fulfill your firm oath:
I always dedicated songs to the Fatherland,
Now I give my life to the Fatherland.
Iosif Pavlovich Utkin 1903 1944
War correspondent, killed during aviation accident at
returning from the front line in 1944
It's midnight outside. The candle burns out.
High stars are visible.
You are writing a letter to me my dear
To the blazing address of war.
We'll be back soon. I know. I believe.
And the time will come:
Sadness and separation will remain outside the door,
And only joy will enter the house.
Women at war.
M.Isakovsky "Russian woman" (Klimenko)
Y. Drunina "I left .."
Women at war. They say: "War has no woman's face." But to the front
the women also left. (They were nurses carrying the wounded from the battlefield,
brought shells, were snipers and pilots. The word was theirs too
The whole country knew their poems.)
Anna Akhmatova
Olga Berggolts
Veronika Tushnova
Yulia Drunina.

The hard times of war were woven into the fate and poetry of each of them.
Message about Yulia Drunina.
17 year old graduate of one of the Moscow schools Yulia Drunina in 1941
year, she voluntarily went to the front as a soldier on an ambulance train. their family
evacuated from Moscow to Zavodoukovsk, Tyumen region, as soon as they were there
settled down, as Yulia, the only child in the family, announced her
The poem "I left my childhood"
In memory of fellow soldier - Hero of the Soviet Union Zina Samsonova "Zinka".
(reading by role)
Final word. Poetry during the war years - operational, reaching to the very
the reader's heart is a kind of literature.
Patriotic feelings
Deeply personal experiences

Wait for me and I will come back.
Just wait a lot
Wait for sadness
yellow rain,
Wait for the snow to come
Wait when it's hot
Wait when others are not expected
Forgetting yesterday.
Wait when from distant places
Letters will not come
Wait until you get bored
To all who are waiting together.
Wait for me and I will come back,
don't wish well
To everyone who knows by heart
It's time to forget.
Let the son and mother believe
That there is no me
Let friends get tired of waiting
Sit by the fire
Drink bitter wine
For the soul...
Wait. And along with them
Don't rush to drink.
Wait for me and I will come back,
All deaths out of spite.
Who did not wait for me, let him
He will say: - Lucky.
Do not understand, not waiting for them,
Like in the middle of a fire
Waiting for your
You saved me
How I survived, we will know
Only you and I -
You just knew how to wait

Like no one else.
Elena Shirman
It will be, I know
Soon, maybe
You will enter bearded
Your kind lips will become dry and
Scorched by time and war.
But the smile remains.
One way or another,
I understand you.
Not in poetry, not in a dream.
I'm rushing
I'll run up.
And I'll probably cry
As once, buried in damp
You lift my head.
You say "hello"
You will run an unusual hand on your cheek.
I'm blind with tears
from eyelashes and from happiness.
It will not be soon.
But you will come

Words by Alexei Surkov
The fire is beating in the cramped stove,
Resin on the logs, like a tear.
And the accordion sings to me in the dugout
About your smile and eyes.
The bushes whispered to me about you
In snow-white fields near Moscow.
I want you to hear
How longing is my living voice.
You are now far, far away
Between us snow and snow ...
It's hard for me to get to you
And there are four steps to death.
Sing, harmonica, blizzard out of spite,
Call the entangled happiness.
I'm warm in a cold dugout
From my undying love.
I'm warm in a cold dugout
From my undying love.
words November 1941
music February 1942

Perhaps the years will be without a letter,
Missing me.
My footprints will be covered by the earth,
My roads will be overgrown with grass.
Perhaps, in your dreams, sad, I will come,
In black clothes I suddenly enter.
And time will wash away the impassive shaft
The farewell moment when I kissed you.
So the burden of waiting is great,
So it will exhaust you
So he will convince you that "he is not there",
Like it was meant to be.
Your love will go.
And I have,
Perhaps there is nothing stronger.
I'll have to one unexpected day
Get completely out of your memory.
And only then, at this very moment,
When I have to leave you
Maybe death will win then
Deprives me of the way back.
I was strong while you were waiting
Death did not take me in battle:
Your love is a magical talisman
He kept my head on campaigns.
And I fell. But oaths: "I will overcome!"
I did not stain anything in the war.

After all, if I came without winning,
Thank you, you wouldn't have told me.
The soldier's path is winding and far,
But you hope and love me
And I will come: your love is a pledge
Salvation from water and from fire.
September 1943
M. Isakovsky "Russian woman"
... Can you tell me about it
What years did you live in!
What an immeasurable heaviness
On women's shoulders lay down! ..
That morning I said goodbye to you
Your husband, or brother, or son,
And you with your destiny
Left alone.
One on one with tears
With uncompressed bread in the field
You met this war.
And all without end and without counting
Sorrows, labors and worries
Came to you for one.
Willy-nilly to you alone
And it is necessary to be in time everywhere;
You are alone at home and in the field,
You alone cry and sing.
And the clouds are hanging down
And the thunders are getting closer
More and more bad news.
And you are in front of the whole country,
And you before the whole war
Said what you are.
You walked, hiding your grief,
Severe through labor.
The whole front, from sea to sea,
You fed with your bread.
In cold winters, in a blizzard,
At that distant line
The soldiers warmed their greatcoats,
What you sewed with care.
Rushed in the roar, in the smoke
Soviet soldiers in battle
And the enemy strongholds collapsed
From the bombs you planted.
You took everything without fear.
And, as the saying goes,
You were both spinning and weaving,
Skilled with a needle and a saw.
Chopped, drove, dug
Do you read everything?
And in letters to the front she assured
It's like you're living a great life.
Soldiers read your letters
And there, on leading edge,
They understood well
Your holy lie. Why are you silent, say at least a word,
Trains are on fire.
Why did you call me darling?
That long-awaited bright night,
Why did you call me darling?
Now my path cannot be changed!
Love must be indivisible.
She, like starlight, is immortal.
Love must be indivisible.
War does not divide love.
I'm leaving to return
Look, the sky is already on fire.
I'm leaving to return
A sword is raised over our happiness.
I believe the meeting will happen again
I'll be with you, wherever you are...
I believe the meeting will happen again
Like thousands of happy meetings!
Don't forget the blood of separation
Hearts burned by war.
Don't forget the blood of separation
In the name of those sacred days.

Let your shoulders grow back
Let the hands clench together in a chain,
And obscure the love of people!

"But the Muses were not silent"

Scenario extracurricular activities, dedicated to the Day Victory.

Young woman: When the country learned about the war,

On that first day, in confusion and delirium,

I remember I thought about the day

When the country finds out about the victory.

(Margarita Aliger)

young man:

For a whole generation of people, war against fascist invaders became a measure of loyalty and selflessness, honesty, nobility and fearlessness. The poets were among the first fighters to enter the battle, fighting both with a return bullet and with the power of the Russian word.

Young woman:

The war set a new theme in literature. All people's pain, all people's grief, people's anger and faith in victory - everything resulted in a poetic Eternal flame glorifying the great feat of the Russian people.


Young woman:

From time immemorial, the song went side by side with the Russian people, defended the Russian land and Russian honor. And the great Russian word gave strength, strengthened faith in victory.


Songs born in the years of the most difficult trials - during the Great Patriotic War - are special songs. And therefore the attitude towards them is doubly reverent. These are songs of Victory, heroic and lyrical. And is it possible not to sing in these bright spring days when the big one comes folk holiday- Victory Day?!

Young woman:

Is it possible not to remember the dearest lines of Russian poets?!

(On the slide there is a green meadow, flowers)


It seemed that the flowers were cold,

And they faded a little from the dew.

The dawn that walked through the grasses and bushes

They searched with German binoculars.

A flower, all covered in dewdrops, stuck to the flower,

And the border guard held out his hands to them.

And the Germans, having finished drinking coffee,

They climbed into the tanks, closed the hatches.

Everything breathed such silence,

That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed

Who knew that between peace and war

Only five minutes left!

Slide about S. Shchipachev.

An audio recording of the song “Holy War” sounds (music by A. Aleksandrov, lyrics by V. Lebedev-Kumach)


These words - "holy war" - the whole country breathed and thought at that moment. The poems of Lebedev-Kumach shocked everyone with their angry power and. The poet was able to express in words what was seething in the soul of everyone. "Holy War" became the main song of the Great Patriotic War.

Young woman:

On June 24, 1941, the newspapers Izvestia and Krasnaya Zvezda published Lebedev-Kumach's poems. The head of the Red Banner Song and Dance Ensemble of the Red Army, A. Aleksandrov, immediately sat down at the piano. The next day, he announced to the singers and musicians: “We will learn new song". And then he wrote notes on the blackboard with chalk. The very next day, this song “The Holy War” sounded at the Belorussky railway station when the fighters were sent to the front.


When the song sounded, everyone stood up, as during the singing of the anthem. From that day on, it sounded on the radio every morning after the Kremlin chimes.

Slide about B. Okudzhava.

Ah, war, what have you done, vile one;

Our yards have become quiet,

Our boys raised their heads -

They have matured so far

On the threshold barely loomed

And they left, after the soldier - the soldier ...

Goodbye boys!


Try to go back.


Poet Bulat Okudzhava - front-line soldier, famous author poems and songs about the tenth battalion, about Seryozhka with Malaya Bronna.

(The melody of the song “Near the village of Kryukovo” sounds) Girls come out and sing a song.

The furious 41st year went on the attack.

All ammo ran out, no more grenades.

The wounded lieutenant croaked: “Forward!”

A platoon dies near the village of Kryukovo.

But hot bayonets strike randomly.

Only seven young soldiers survived.

Mothers will cry all night long.

A platoon dies near the village of Kryukovo.

They won't give up their positions, they won't go back.

There are seven soldiers on guard at the mournful hill.

(An audio recording of the song “Roads” sounds - music by K. Listov, lyrics by L. Oshanin)

Frames on slides).

young man(to the tune of the song) : I passed, gritting my teeth, past the burnt villages, cities, through the sorrowful, Russian, native land bequeathed from grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Faithful to my blood, faithful to my shrines, I repeated the old words, mourning: “Russia, mother, my immeasurable light, which revenge should I avenge for you ?!”

Young woman: Roads, roads of war... They are saturated with soldier's blood, doused with bitter mother's tears. They died on the roads of war. On the roads of war they loved, believed, dreamed. On the roads of war, the passionate, invocative, ardent word of the poet sounded.


Yes, we did everything we could

And we were the burning sun

And we walked along hundreds of roads ...

Young woman:

“A day on the front line, a night in a dugout, where poems, essays, articles, notes were written in the dim light of a smoker. And in the morning all this was already read in the shelves and on the batteries,” recalls the poet Alexei Surkov. He was an ordinary soldier. It was he who wrote the words to the song "In the dugout."

A light smokes in a tin,

Smoke shag pillar:

Five fighters are sitting in a dugout

And who dream about what. (E.Asadov)

Young woman:"In the Dugout" is one of the most lyrical songs of the war years. She was “born” quite by accident. The text of the song was a poem written in November 1941 by the poet Alexei Surkov, which he dedicated to his wife and wrote in a letter.

young man:

“These were sixteen home lines from a letter to my wife Sofya Antonovna,” Surkov recalled. “I wrote it after a hard battle near Istra.”

Young woman:

In February 1942, Surkov's personal lines inspired the composer Konstantin Listov, and he wrote music for them. He also became the first performer of this song. On March 25, 1942, the song "In the Dugout" was published in Komsomolskaya Pravda.

A group of children sits around a symbolic fire andperforms one versesongs "In the dugout". (Slide about Alexei Surkov) Then, to the musical accompaniment of this melody, they say:

Youth: The poetry of the front-line generation has become a kind of lyrical diary, an honest confession of a soldier's heart.

The guys leave.

Young woman : Often poems were built as a memory, as a conversation with oneself, with friends. Konstantin Simonov dedicated a poem to his friend, Alexei Surkov.

(Slide about K. Simonov)


Do you remember, Alyosha, the roads of the Smolensk region,


In Russian, she hugged me three times.

Youth:reads the words of M. Isakovsky "Spark"

The girl escorted the fighter to the position,

dark night said goodbye

On the steps of the porch.

And while behind the fogs

The boy could see

On the window on the girl's

Everything was on fire.

Young woman : The war did not drown out the primordial poetic theme - the theme of love. People saw suffering, death, learned to hate, but did not stop loving. They loved, believed and waited.

The song "Smuglyanka" sounds


The most personal poem by K. Simonov “Wait for me and I will return” has become universal, the most popular. The poet explained the history of its creation in this way: “I just went to the front, and the woman I loved was in the Urals, in the rear. And I wrote her a letter in verse. Then this letter was published in the newspaper and became a poem.

(The melody of the song “Wait for me” sounds, the young man reads poetry)

Youth: Wait for me and I will come back.

Just wait a lot.

Wait for sadness

Yellow rain.

Wait for the snow to come

Wait when it's hot.

Wait when others are not expected

Forgetting yesterday.

Wait when from distant places

Letters will not come;

Wait until you get bored

To all who are waiting together.

Wait for me and I will come back,

don't wish well

To everyone who knows by heart

It's time to forget.

Let the son and mother believe

That there is no me

Let friends get tired of waiting.

Sit by the fire

Drink bitter wine

For the soul...

Wait. And along with them

Don't rush to drink.

Wait for me and I will come back

All deaths out of spite.

Who did not wait for me, let him

He will say: "Lucky."

Do not understand those who did not wait for them,

Like in the middle of a fire

Waiting for your

You saved me

How I survived, we will know

Only we are with you.

You just knew how to wait

Like no one else.

Young woman :

David Samoilov, like many of his peers, went to the front from his student days. The most famous work of the poet was the poem "Forties"

forties, fatal,

military and frontline

Where are the funeral notices

And echelon percussions ...

Rolled rails hum.

Spacious. Cold. High.

And fire victims, fire victims

Wandering from west to east...

How it was! How coincident-

War, trouble, dream and youth!

And it all sunk into me

And only then I woke up!

forties, fatal,

Lead, gunpowder,

War walks in Russia,

And we are so young! (D. Samoilov)

Sounds "Random Waltz" (One verse)

Then the girl speaks to the music.

Young woman:

Ranball ... So we called our wards, who had just arrived at the hospital from the front, until we knew their names and surnames, and then called them, of course, by their names, because most were our same age - Vasya, Petya, Andryusha, Sasha ... Many , many recovered, went back to the front and wrote letters to us, nurses.


Hello from the front! Nina, hello. Now we have a calm at the front, but something is tormenting us, and the mood is a little dreary. You know, after all, we cheer up both in conversations with each other and in letters to relatives, but still we really, really don’t want to die. Especially now, when spring ... and somewhere the song "Dark Night" sounds.

Young woman:

In 1943, while working on the film "Two Soldiers", the director Leonid Lukov came up with the idea that a song could become a scene decoration. Without wasting a minute, Leonid Lukov hastened to the composer Nikita Bogoslovsky.

Youth: Supporting Lukov's idea, Nikita Vladimirovich offered another tune 40 minutes later. After that, both came to the poet Vladimir Agatov, who wrote in three hours legendary poem. So, to the music of Nikita Bogoslovsky and the words of Vladimir Agatov, thanks to the idea of ​​​​Leonid Lukov, the song “Dark Night”, beloved to this day, was created.

The song is "Dark Night"»


Children and war are incompatible words, and therefore this is a special theme of poetry. The war has taken a heavy toll on the children. Deprived them happy childhood.

Young woman:

And children sometimes did what an adult could not do. They went on reconnaissance, got important information. Alexander Tvardovsky was shocked by the courage of the boys and wrote about it in the poem "Tankman's Tale".


Was tough fight.

…………And what is his name, I forgot to ask him.

Youth: Poems in print sometimes appeared quite unusually. . Once, a notebook with poems was found in the tablet of a dying soldier. After 20 years, one front-line soldier sent this notebook to the editorial office of the capital's newspaper

Young woman:

So the poems of Konstantin Mamontov appeared in print. But the soldier, it turns out, survived. And many years later he, as the winner of the All-Union literary competition named after N. Ostrovsky, was awarded a medal.

My verse is filled with the bitterness of loss,

Smell of the burning cinders of cities,

Soaked in the blood of a Russian soldier,

Bathed in the tears of mothers and widows.

And if his death is in the middle

Interrupt, breaking into the narrow passage of trenches,

All the heat of the soul, the whole clot of feelings and blood

I bequeath to my Motherland. (K. Mamontov)

Young woman: It was especially hard for women in the war. Much has been experienced, and the poetess Yuli Drunina is right when she admits:

I've only seen melee once.

Once - in reality. And a thousand - in a dream.

Who says that war is not scary,

He knows nothing about the war.


written by Yulia Drunina best poems about a woman in the war.

"Blonde-haired soldiers" - girls fought on a par with men. To her brother-soldier - Hero of the Soviet Union Zina Samsonova - Yulia Drunina devotes her famous poem"Zinka".

Girl 1:

We lay down by the broken spruce,

Waiting for the light to start.

Warmer under the overcoat

On cold, rotten ground.

You know, Julia, I'm against sadness,

But today it doesn't count.

At home, in the apple outback,

Mom, my mom lives.

You have friends, love.

I only have one.

It smells of kneading and smoke in the hut,

Spring is brewing outside.

It seems old, every bush

A restless daughter is waiting ...

You know, Julia

I am against sadness.

But today it doesn't count.

We barely warmed up

Suddenly an unexpected order: "Forward1"

Again next to me in a damp overcoat

The light-haired soldier is coming.

Girl 2:

Every day it got worse.

They marched without rallies and banners.

Surrounded by Orsha

Our battered battalion.

Zinka led us on the attack,

We made our way through the black rye.

Through funnels and gullies,

Through the frontiers of death.

We did not expect posthumous glory,

We wanted to live with glory.

... Why, in bloody bandages

The light-haired soldier lies?

Her body with her overcoat

I hid, clenching my teeth.

Belarusian winds sang

About Ryazan deaf gardens.

... You know, Zinka, I am against sadness,

But today it doesn't count.

Somewhere in the apple outback

Mom, your mom lives.

I have friends, my love

She had you alone.

It smells of kvass and smoke in the hut,

Spring is brewing outside.

And an old woman in a flowery dress

I lit a candle at the icon.

... I don't know how to write to her,

So that she does not wait for you. 1944.

The melody of the song "Cranes" to the verses of Rasul Gamzatov sounds.

The guys sing one verse of the song.

Young woman:

When everyone heard on the radio the voice of Olga Berggolts sounding from the besieged Leningrad, it was a great event for many people at the front and in the rear. Young female voice spoke the truth and only the truth, without embellishment. He broke through the ice space, entered the unheated rooms of the Leningraders.

young man:

Olga Bergholz was not just a poet: she became a voice besieged city, the spiritual symbol of Victory.

I will talk to you today

Comrade and friend Leningradets,

About the light that burns above us

About our last consolation.

Comrade, bitter days fell on us,

Unprecedented disasters threaten

But we are not forgotten with you, not alone

And this is already a victory.

Young woman: We will fight with selfless strength

We will overcome the rabid beasts

We will win, I swear to you, Russia,

On behalf of Russian mothers!

Olga Bergholz herself fell into the snow from hunger, but found the strength to get up. She became a living legend, a symbol of perseverance, courage, faith in victory.

Youth: Leningraders did not turn off the radio day or night. Due to the lack of electricity, it did not speak, but whispered, but never listened to the poems of Leningrad poets like that winter. Hungry, swollen, barely alive people listened to words equal to rations of besieged bread. This voice was a lifesaver.

Oh howling night sky

Trembling of the earth, a collapse not far away,

Poor Leningrad slice of bread

It almost does not weigh on the hand ...

In order to live in the ring of blockade,

Every day a mortal hears a whistle, -

How much power do we need, neighbor,

So much hate and love...

So much so that for minutes in confusion

You don't know yourself

Will I take it? Is there enough patience?

You will bear it! Endure! Live!

(O. Bergholz. "Conversation with a neighbor")

The melody "In the forest near the front" sounds.


Can you tell me about it-

What years did you live in!

What an immeasurable heaviness

On women's shoulders lay down! ..

That morning I said goodbye to you

Your husband, or brother, or son,

And you with your destiny

Left alone.

One on one with tears

With uncompressed bread in the field

You met this war.

And all - without end and without counting -

Sorrows, labors and worries

I had to take one for you.

Girl 2:

Willy-nilly, for you alone

And it is necessary to be in time everywhere;

You are alone both at home and in the field,

You alone cry and sing.

You walked, hiding your grief,

Severe through labor.

The whole front, from sea to sea,

You fed with your bread.

In cold winters, in a blizzard,

At that, at the distant line,

The soldiers warmed their greatcoats,

What you sewed with care.


Chopped, drove, dug, -

Do you read everything?

And in letters to the front she assured

It's like you're living a great life.

Soldiers read your letters

And there, at the forefront,

They understood well

Your holy untruth.

Girl 2:

And a warrior going to battle

And ready to meet her

How he whispered an oath, like a prayer,

Your distant name


What is more precious in Isakovsky's poetry? What so warmed, called to fight? Maybe a calm readiness for a feat (“And what is due to someone, let everyone do it”). Or a bitter, courageous joke that discharges the harsh drama of military everyday life (“And if you have to lie down in the ground, then this is only once”). But every phrase is on the lips of all Russian soldiers, of the entire Russian people.

And the hated enemy

The boy hits harder

For the beloved Motherland,

For native light.

("Spark" M.Isakovsky)

Young woman: War is death, destruction, conflagration. Was it before songs and poems? It turned out that poetry, song, were needed. Like a breath of air. Like a ray of hope. Like the most desired piece of bread. These are songs with tears in the eyes. These are the lines great memory about the experience. Everyone has experienced. Withstood! And they won!

The song "Oh, the front-line path" sounds

young man: All the hardships of the war did not obscure either the beauty of the fields or the dazzle sun rays. The world sparkled, delighted, beckoned.

The soldiers remembered their home, dreamed of visiting their native village, taking a walk after the war, showing off their bearing, like Vasily Terkin in the poem by Alexander Tvardovsky.


No guys, I'm not proud

Without looking into the distance

So I will say: why do I need an order?

I agree to a medal.

For a medal. And that is not in a hurry.

That would end the war

I would like to come on vacation

To the home side.

Will I still be alive? -Hardly,

Fight here, don't guess.

But I will say about the medal:

Give it to me then.

Provide, since I am worthy,

And you must understand:

The simplest thing is

The man came from the war.

(Slide "Return with victory")

Youth: So: both sad and cheerful, inviting and provocatively, courageously and tenderly - the great Russian word of the poet sounded in the war. Nothing could silence him. On the contrary, it became stronger, more majestic. Russian verse, like a bright, burning light, ran along the entire endless front line.

Young woman:

The Russian army itself spoke through the lips of the poet, having accumulated “noble fury”, ready to straighten up like a tight spring and throw back the enemy. The Russian land itself spoke through the lips of the poet, nature itself, expressing "unquenchable love" for life, for the Fatherland, for home. Poets forever determined the status of the Russian people - to be free:


And after years and decades they live and will live in people's memory those heroic songs. Veterans who went through the war sing, their grandchildren and great-grandchildren sing.

Young woman: And while we sing these songs, our Common memory about the people who won the Victory, who defended our Motherland at the highest price - the price of their lives.

Believe the songs of those years!

We are not in vain far from home

Sang four steps from death

About the native cherished light.

Young woman :

And it was not in vain that they sang about the way to Berlin

How he was not easy and slow

These songs never get old

And they are still in service.


These songs are with us to this day

Warm the soul, protect

And through the years, through the valleys

They carry the glory of the Russian army.

Young woman:

We will sing, and our grandchildren

About the roads, about the dugout, and yet

The heart of the Russian people is beating,

The memory of the Victory will live for centuries.

Boys and girls come out - participants in the event.

The song sounds from the book / f "Belarusian Station". Everyone sings.


1. Civic lyrics Soviet poets. M. Part.lit. 1982

2. Hour of courage: Poetry of the period of the Great Patriotic War. M. enlightenment. 1990.

3. O. Bergholz. I'm talking to you from Leningrad. L. Part.lit. 1987.

4. Simonov.K. Poems. M. True. 1982.

5. Textbook. Literature 6-11 grades. M. Enlightenment. 2010

6. Read, study, play. Journals -2004 M. "Liberea-biblioprint"

musical and poetry evening
And the muses were not silent...
For Schoolchildren and their Parents
Compiled by: Shigapova N.N1. Fragment from the film "Commander of the Happy Pike", the song "Once upon a time there was a war" sounds, lyrics by L. Derbenev, music by A. Khachaturian.
Host: "No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten"
Burning inscription on a block of granite.
The wind plays with faded leaves,
And the muses sing about the war.
But, like a fire, at the foot is a carnation.
Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.
2. “Get up for a formidable battle”, T. Khrennikov, from the film “At 6 pm after the war” (chorus)
Host: From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, art was called upon to help the fight against fascism. Composers wrote oratorios, cantatas, symphonies dedicated to defense home country celebrating the courage and heroism of the Soviet people.
The four years of the Great Patriotic War fully confirmed the civic maturity of Soviet music, its ability to live in the interests of its people. Before the figures musical art at that time stood alone the main task: education of courage and steadfastness in the fight against the fascist invasion. Behind short term many outstanding works have been created. One of them is D. Shostakovich's Seventh Symphony ("Leningrad").
The Seventh Symphony immediately after its first performance received a huge response in the world. The triumph was universal - the musical battlefield also remained with Russia. The brilliant work of Shostakovich, along with the song "Holy War", became a symbol of the struggle and victory in the Great Patriotic War.
The “Episode of the Invasion”, which lives, as it were, a life separate from other sections of the symphony, for all the caricature, satirical sharpness of the image, is not at all so simple. At the level of concrete figurativeness, Shostakovich depicts in him, of course, the fascist war machine, invading peaceful life Soviet people.
3. A phonogram sounds. Excerpt from the Seventh Symphony "Leningradskaya" by D. Shostakovich.
PROKOFIEV Sergey Sergeevich
The life of Prokofiev S.S. during the war:
In the summer of 1941 Prokofiev was evacuated to North Caucasus, where he soon wrote string quartet No. 2. In the same year, he began working on the opera "War and Peace" based on the novel by L. N. Tolstoy. This work stretched for 11 years. During the war years, Prokofiev created another major stage work - the ballet Cinderella (1945, Moscow). Among the works of the military and the first post-war years- symphonies No. 5 and 6.
Alexandrov Alexander Vasilievich
Personal life of Alexander ALEXANDROV Alexander Vasilievich (1883-1946), Russian composer and choir conductor, People's Artist of the USSR (1937), Major General (1943). Organizer (1928) and artistic director of the Song and Dance Ensemble Soviet army. Author of the song "Holy War" (1941), music for the national anthem of the USSR. State Prize USSR (1942, 1946). In 1918, Alexandrov was invited to the Moscow Conservatory, already in the role of a teacher, after four years work, creates his own ensemble, with which he travels throughout the Soviet Union and half of the world.
THE WAR YEARS Alexandrova In 1941, on the personal order of Stalin, the ensemble was not dissolved, and Alexander new force included in creative process, during the Great Patriotic War, he created such songs as “Holy War”, “On the Campaign! Hiking!”, “Indestructible and legendary”. etc. During the war, Stalin decides that the country should have its own national anthem, a melody that would unite the country into a single powerful fist. The case is entrusted to Alexandrov together with the authors of the words Sergei Mikhalkov and G. A. El-Registan. In 1941, by Stalin's personal order, the ensemble was not disbanded, and Alexander Vasilyevich was included in the creative process with renewed vigor, during the Great Patriotic War he created such songs as “Holy War”, “On the Campaign! Hiking!”, “Indestructible and legendary”. etc. During the war, Stalin decides that the country should have its own national anthem, a melody that would unite the country into a single powerful fist. The case is entrusted to Alexandrov together with the authors of the words Sergei Mikhalkov and G. A. El-Registan.
4. "Holy War" (recording)
"Where there are transitions and blockages, A torn thorn on poles, Our singers died With an unfinished song on their lips." .
Host: A good song has always been a faithful assistant to a fighter. With a song he rested in short hours lull, remembered relatives and friends. Many front-line soldiers still remember the battered trench gramophone, on which they listened to their favorite songs to the accompaniment of artillery cannonade.
5. "Spark" (Vasilina, sings V. Yu)
Host: The front-line theaters and concert brigades were very popular. Risking their lives, these people proved with their performances that the beauty of art is alive, that it is impossible to kill it. The silence of the frontline forest was broken not only by enemy artillery shelling, but also by the admiring applause of enthusiastic spectators, calling their favorite performers to the stage again and again:
Lidia Ruslanova, Claudia Shulzhenko.
6. (Record. Claudia Shulzhenko "Blue handkerchief".) 7. "Blue handkerchief" (Tanya)
8. L. Ruslanova "Boots" (recording)
The Soviet poet, a participant in the war, while on the Western Front, left the encirclement and ended up in a minefield. That's where "there are four steps to death." After that, he wrote a letter to his wife in poetic form. The text became known to the fighters. Many soldiers copied it, and soldiers' wives, brides received this poetic message. At the beginning of 1942, the composer K. Listov wrote a melody to the text. So the song "Dugout" was created.
9. "In the dugout" (Dasha)
Host: The war went on for five years, and every year gave birth to more and more new songs. They brought up hatred for the enemy, sang of the Motherland, courage, bravery, military friendship - everything that helped to overcome military difficulties, which were innumerable ...
"... Even as boys, we used to play war as soldiers. How about a path to other people's distances - We dreamed of becoming tankers." 10. "Three tankers" (Tanya)
words by R. Gazmatov, music by Y. Frenkel Song about the feat of soldiers, the song is a lament, a poignant memory of those who are not, raising the soldiers. In addition to the poet, translator and composer, the creator of the song "Cranes" should also be called its first performer Mark Bernes. He managed to convince the poet and translator of the need for alterations poetic text, bringing it to the song. A song about the feat of soldiers, a crying song, a poignant memory of those who are not, elevating the soldiers. In addition to the poet, translator and composer, the creator of the song "Cranes" should also be called its first performer Mark Bernes. He managed to convince the poet and translator of the need to remake the poetic text, bringing it to a song.
11. "Cranes" (Stas)
Host: During short breaks between battles, you gathered comrades-in-arms, sang songs, told something, read letters from home aloud, in which they wrote how proud they are of you, believe in victory and are waiting for you.
12. "My beloved" (Vladlena) op. E. Dolmatovsky, Music by M. Blanter13. Fragment from the movie “We are from the Future” Presenter: “Only old people go into battle” Being a director and performer leading role Leonid Bykov also sang "Smuglyanka". According to legend, Bykov heard this song for the first time on a train, where two military men who went to Moldova to visit the graves of their comrades sang it, and "Smuglyanka" sunk into the actor's soul so much that there could be no question of any other anthem of the "singing squadron" .
14. Fragment from the movie "Smuglyanka"
15. "Steppe cavalry" Kniper (Christina) (choir)
Grandfather, tell me how it was there? How did you run under the bullets ... How was it knocked down by every explosion And you were shouting “for the Motherland” ... How ahead a machine gun was spitting with an ominous crack, And the political instructor, threatening with a revolver, Shouted: “darlings, go ahead!” How the bullets howled terribly nearby Looking for someone in the unsteady darkness, Like an August starfall Tracers sparkled in the darkness ... How did you hide behind a dead body Without aiming, shoot at random And searched the corpse clumsily Looking for cartridges from him ... Grandfather, tell me how in hand-to-hand combat An ominous barrel looked at you Which German, with a terrible muzzle, pointed you right in the face As a single striker blurted out And the German ran screaming, And you, having caught up, put your dagger under the heart ... Grandfather groaned: "yes, everything was forgotten ...", And what is there chatting in vain, You better look, the earth has warmed up It's time to plow soon ...
16. "Conversation with grandfather" D. Chupatov (Yaroslav)
17. "Remember" (song)
Time tested us with lead and fire,
Steel nerves to match the iron.
We will win and we will return. And we will return the joy.
And we can make up for everything.
It's not for nothing that vague dreams come to us
About a happy and sunny land.
After the long misfortunes of an unfriendly spring
A dazzling May is waiting for us.
18. "Victory Day" (recording)

And the guns rumbled, and the muses were not silent

- To acquaint students with the literary and musical work of composers and poets, wartime;
- contribute to the formation patriotic education, cognitive interest, activity and broadening the horizons of the listeners;
- to promote the acquisition of communicative skills by students through participation in collective creative activities.

- Tape recorder, CDs and cassettes with wartime songs
- The classroom is decorated with balloons, flowers, photos of the war years on the screen.


On June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. In the harsh wartime, the Soviet mass song became a powerful ideological weapon. She called to fight for the Motherland and received a lively response in the heart of everyone. Soviet man. The beginning of the Great Patriotic War in the memory of our people was forever associated with the harsh, alarming intonations of the song "Holy War". On June 24, the head of the Red Army Song and Dance Ensemble, Professor A.V. Aleksandrov read a poem by V.I. Lebedev-Kumach

Get up great country
Get up for a fight to the death.
With dark fascist power,
With the cursed horde

And three days later the song "Holy War" was performed in the waiting room Belorussky railway station in Moscow, from where the fighters left for the front. “This song was always listened to while standing, with some special impulse, a bright mood, and not only the fighters, but we, the performers, often cried,” Alexandrov recalled. This song went down in history as a kind of "musical emblem" of the military four years. "Song to the front" - that was the patriotic slogan of Soviet composers and poets.

The song "Holy War"


About the hard struggle of partisans, people's avengers, the song "Noisy severely Bryansk forest" narrates, which long time lived like a folk. Composer Kai and poet Sofronov did not mind. “This is the highest recognition of creativity,” they said.

Noisy severely Bryansk forest,
Blue fogs descended
And the pines heard around
How the partisans walked along the path.

Another partisan song "Oh, my fogs, foggy", - is distinguished by sincerity and at the same time indestructible strength, expressing the unshakable faith of the people in victory over the enemy. It was written by the composer V. Zakharov and the poet Isakovsky.

Oh, my fogs are hazy,
Oh, native fields and meadows!
The partisans went on a campaign,
They went on a campaign against the enemy.

Sailor ballad "Treasure Stone", based on a true episode from the military chronicle, tells the story of the last sailor who left Sevastopol, temporarily captured by the Nazis. Composer B. Mokrousov and poet A. Zharov, developing the tradition of Russian sailor songs, achieve true drama with this melody.

The song "The Treasure Stone" sounds


Autumn 1941 Ensign Mark Lisyansky, who was on his way to the front through Moscow, ran into the editorial office, put a piece of paper on the table in front of the secretary, and left without waiting for her to read it. And soon, on the radio, the poet heard a song written by the composer I. Dunaevsky on his poem “My Moscow”. At the twenty-third kilometer, approaching Moscow along the Leningrad highway, there are anti-tank hedgehogs. This is a monument. The words from this song are minted on the pedestal:

“And the enemy will never get your head bowed…”

Leningrad. August 1941. New song Solovyov - Sedoy to the words of Churkin "Evening on the Road" I did not have time to sound in my hometown, as the blockade began. The composer went to the front and decided to show his work to the soldiers. The song spoke about separation from his native city and about returning home, and the fighters fell in love with it, it was sung everywhere. How did she get into besieged Leningrad, is still unknown.

Let's sing, friends, because tomorrow is on a hike
Let's go into the predawn fog.
Let's sing more cheerfully, let us sing along
Gray-haired battle captain.

The most popular poem by M. Isakovsky "Spark". (To the position of a girl, escorted a fighter ...) was sung by the people, to the melody of a pre-war pop song by a little-known composer, one of the most common wartime songs was spontaneously born, which excited the soldiers with its lyricism.

In the mid-30s, M. Blanter, in collaboration with M. Isakovsky, created the song "Katyusha". Could the composer and poet then assume that in a few years, when a difficult and bloody war breaks out, this song will become one of the most popular. She was sung everywhere, remade, she had several versions, and then flew to other countries. Her melody became the basis of the battle anthem of the Italian anti-fascist partisans. The song image, loving the fighter of the girl, suddenly became the personification of everything beautiful in life, which the war ruthlessly destroyed, and which had to be protected. It is no coincidence that it was the Katyusha that was nicknamed the multi-barreled mortar at the front.

Apple and pear trees blossomed
Mists floated over the river.
Katyusha went ashore,
On a high bank on a steep one.

The song "Katyusha" sounds


"Let's smoke" This is the name of the song of the composer Tabachnikov and the poet I. Frenkel. It was not easy for the soldiers of the Southern Front in the autumn of 1941. Winter came early for these places, in November the first snow had already fallen, then it suddenly became warmer, the snow melted, the roads were covered with impassable mud. Vyazli cars, soldier's boots. Poems were born:

A warm wind is blowing, the roads have been blown
And on southern front thaw again
Snow melts in Rostov, melts in Taganrog,
We will remember these days someday.

These poems were written by senior battalion commissar Ilya Frenkel. military destiny brought the poet to the composer Modest Tabachnikov. It was a very joyful day. The composer was so captivated by the poems that the very next morning he played a new song to his comrades. It was first heard on the 24th anniversary of October, November 7, 1941. At the front, often the reason for the appeal was "Is it okay, smoke?", And even the usual agreement "Let's smoke." A spark strikes, a trickle exhales. "Let's smoke" - what's wrong with this password! This is how soldier song. She combined both anger against the fascist invaders and pride in the great front-line camaraderie. Soviet soldiers saved by a single will to defeat the hated enemy.

"In the dugout" Who does not remember one of the most famous songs during the war. Its authors are the composer Listov, the poet Surkov. When the poet wrote the lines of a poem, he did not intend to publish it, and even more so did not think that it could become a song. These were lines from a letter to his wife. He really wrote in a dugout, "In the snow-white fields near Moscow", at the end of 1941, under the impression of a difficult, combat day when he, a correspondent for a front-line newspaper, had to fight a hard battle with the Nazis together with the headquarters of one of the units. At the beginning of 1942, Listov drove by, grabbed poetry from the poet - a letter to his wife ... "Read, maybe it will work out" ... Surkov's poems captured Listov with their lyricism and sincerity. A week later, he came to the editorial office of the front-line newspaper Krasnoarmeyskaya Pravda, took the guitar and sang a song. At first the song called criticisms. The lines “it’s not easy for me to reach you, but there are 4 steps to death” - a decadent mood that does not mobilize. Surkov was asked to change the line, but he flatly refused to do it. The song is lyrical, a bit sad. But it did not cause melancholy among the fighters, but sounded like a challenge, contempt for death. It was sung before the attack, going into battle. Paratroopers of the 18th Army under the command of the Hero of the Soviet Union Kunikov captured a rocky, impregnable cape near Novorossiysk. For several months, the heroes - paratroopers stood to their death on this native piece of land. And "Dugout" was the favorite song of the heroes, and in the most intense moments of the battle, the soldiers sang:

Sing, harmonica, blizzard out of spite,
Call the entangled happiness.
I'm warm in a cold dugout
From your unquenchable love.

The song "In the dugout" sounds


"At the Nameless Height" Music by Basner, lyrics by Matusovsky. 1943 The correspondent of the newspaper Matusovsky, on one of his business trips to the front line, heard a story about how 18 fighters, Siberian communists, voluntarily volunteered to take possession of the height near the village of Bitlitsy. The Nazis, who settled there, interfered with the advance of our troops. And at night, under the cover of darkness, 18 Soviet soldiers crept close to German positions, and after a fierce battle, having destroyed about 100 Nazis, they took this height. Years passed, for the film "Silence" Matusovsky and Basner had to write a song about the feat of friends - fellow soldiers. Matusovsky remembered this story, and the song was born.

Smoked a grove under the mountain
And the sunset burned with her ...
There were only three of us left.
Out of 18 kids...

In fact, out of 18 guys, only two survived: Gerasim Lapin, half-dead, made his way to his own, Konstantin Vlasov was captured, then fled to the partisans. At the very height of the "Nameless" at the junction of the Bryansk and Smolensk regions erected extraordinary memorial Complex. It is not made of bronze and marble, as the song says, but around the monument there are 16 blocks of granite, according to the number of dead heroes. Inside the dugout is a table, on it is a cartridge case, a helmet and other soldier's things. And above the table is a metal board on which is engraved:

We will not forget, we will not forget, those furious attacks
Near an unfamiliar village, on the Nameless Hill...

"Eaglet" Composer V. Bely, poet Shvedov. The song "Eaglet" was written in 1936. Often this song was performed by Alexander Okayov. In 1941 he became a fighter. For a long time nothing was known about his fate, only at the end of the 50s we learn about the feat of Okaimov. In February 1943, Okaimov was arrested in the small Belarusian town of Krichev, occupied by the Nazis. Torture did not break his spirit, and he remained faithful to his patriotic duty to the end. Standing at the freshly dug grave, Okayamov sang: “Eaglet, eaglet, fly higher than the sun…”
"Eaglet" remains a popular song today.

The song "Eaglet" sounds


"Random Waltz" Music by Fradkin, words by Dolmatovsky. On February 2, 1943, the Battle of Stalin ended victoriously. There was an unusual silence. A few days later, the poet Dolmatovsky, together with the composer Fradkin, were driving to a new destination, the future Kursk Bulge. The train moved slowly and stopped often. Matusovsky recalls: “I noticed that no complexity of the situation, mortal danger, devastation, misfortune can drown out and reject everything that belongs to peaceful times and is called lyre. As soon as a military convoy stops for the night in a front-line village or town, acquaintances, frank conversations, and falling in love are already arising. Once a pilot - an officer had to visit summer evening in a small village in frontline, suddenly he heard music - young people danced to the old gramophone. He came closer and saw lonely standing girl. The lieutenant invited her to the waltz. We talked, but then it was time to say goodbye - the driver signaled, it's time to go. A lot of time has passed, but the officer cannot forget this girl. "Officer's Waltz" was the name of the song, but it was also a soldier's, so the song was called "Random Waltz". The authors themselves performed their song at all stops.

The night is short, the clouds sleep.
And lies in my palm
Your unfamiliar hand.

"Last Stand" The song was written for the film epic "Liberation". Words and music by Mikhail Nozhkin. What could the fighters sing and think about in those memorable days 1945 before last assault fascist lair? And then the author remembered his childhood, he spent it in a darkened Moscow, lived not far from a military hospital. Father was at the front, mother was at work all day. Little Misha spent whole days with wounded soldiers. They treated the boy well, shared bread and sugar. talked about frontline life, about their relatives, loved ones, dreamed of victory, about how happy life would be, how they would return home to peaceful work. And Nozhkin realized that the song should be simple in meaning and in sound. The song sounded from the screen performed by the author and gained an independent life.

We have been so long, we have not rested for so long,
We were just not up to the rest with you.
We walked half of Europe in a plastunsky way,
And tomorrow, tomorrow, finally, the last fight.

"The sun hid behind the mountain" Music by Blanter, lyrics by Kovalenkov. This song was conceived in Berlin in 1945. There were fierce battles along the entire front line, but, despite this, everyone, from the private to the commander, was in high spirits. The faces of the warriors shone with joy, confidence for a close victory. After signing the surrender German troops, there were many songs. Blanter, looking at the joyful faces of the soldiers, wanted to write a song about how victorious soldiers would return home. In 1948, having met with the front-line poet Kovalenkov, they wrote the song “The sun hid behind the mountain.” This is how a harsh, marching, marching song arose.

The sun hid behind the mountain
Clouded river rifts,
And along the steppe road
Soviet soldiers were coming home from the war.

The song "The sun hid behind the mountain" sounds


In the history of Soviet song art, a special, incomparable place is occupied by songs created during the Great Patriotic War. They still continue to live, excite and disturb the souls of both former front-line soldiers and people of post-war generations. In campaigns, in battles, in dugouts, songs received tickets to life. Since then, the Soviet song has acquired one of the most valuable qualities - the ability to keep pace with the people, to help them, to build and live, to fight and win: the ability to convey the spiritual mood of people. And most importantly - love for the Fatherland. The song has always carried on its wings the ideas of friendship, peace, internationalism. In the songs of the struggle for peace, these tendencies were revealed with particular fullness. And it's no coincidence Soviet song picked up far beyond the borders of the country. Her melodies have become a kind of password for progressive cultural figures.


1. Medushevsky V.V. encyclopedic Dictionary young musician. - M .: Pedagogy, 1985
2. Lukovnikov A. Fellow soldiers - M .: Music, 1985.
3. Sitnikova N. From song to symphony. - Saransk: Mordovian book publishing house, 1989
4. Tarasov L. Music in the family of muses. Leningrad: Children's Literature, 1985.
5. Nestiev. I. Learn to listen to music - M .: Music, 1987.

Songs and music
1. Holy War. Music by Aleksandrov, lyrics by Lebedev-Kumach.
2. Cherished Stone Music by Mokrousov, lyrics by Zharov.
3. Katyusha, Music by Blanter, lyrics by Isakovsky.
4. In the dugout. Music by Listov, lyrics by Surkov.
5. Eaglet. Music by Bely, words by Shvedov.
6. The sun disappeared behind the mountain. Music by Blanter, lyrics by Kovalenkov.

Kayukova Galina Leonidovna
