South Korean language for beginners. Korean language for beginners from scratch

Why teach Korean, because it is not as common as Chinese or Japanese? In fact, it is very important for those who want to go to study or work in South Korea.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

How to learn Korean from scratch?

Learning Korean on your own is at least difficult. And the point here is not even the phonetic component (although it is also very important) - it is difficult to understand and sort through a very large abundance of hieroglyphs. Officially, there are only 24 letters in the Korean language, but there are also letter combinations (about 40) and more than 3000 characters from Chinese. As a result, a lot of combinations are obtained, which European man at least alien.

To study at home you will need:

  • textbook (phrase book) in Korean. Now there are many publications on sale that have audio dubbing of all the proposed words;
  • table with alphabet, numbers, colors. You are unlikely to succeed in buying a ready-made one, so you have to do it yourself;
  • audio recordings with key words.

For beginners, it is very important to start learning a language from the basics - from the alphabet. Just memorized phrases or words without this knowledge are dead, which means they are practically useless. If you ever taught foreign language, then you know that you need to start with the simplest. When learning at home, after learning all (or at least the main) hieroglyphs, you can proceed to colors and counting. It is also appropriate to memorize basic phrases:

  • My name is;
  • I came from;
  • me ... years.

This is enough for a minimum tourist vocabulary so as not to get lost in South Korea. But if you want more - to work legally, or to study in this country, then you will have to sweat a lot. The same can be said about the tour in North Korea- the language rules of these ideologically diametrical countries are absolutely the same.

How can you learn Korean quickly?

Let's start with the fact that in 15 minutes or in 15 days you will not succeed - in best case you will be able to master some of the most popular phrases. However, this applies to any language in the world - it takes time to learn it.

For how much it is possible to do this, it is very difficult to say. Everything depends on your individual abilities, as well as how much time you will spend on it daily. But in any case, even learning the alphabet and a few of the most “necessary” words will take at least a month. Plus - phonetics and grammar, because learning to read and write is also important. Therefore, if you want to significantly speed up the study, you simply need special courses.

Benefits of doing this:

  • you will be taught by a person who at least knows how to teach and where to start. It is very good if the course will be taught by a native speaker (one for whom Korean is native);
  • group classes help to better concentrate;
  • development of colloquial speech;
  • the ability to learn from the mistakes of others, as well as to find their own.


Is it difficult to learn Korean?

The main difficulty in learning the Korean language is the abundance of hieroglyphs. Their combination is far from any European language, which means it is a priori difficult. Is it worth focusing on this? Of course not (provided that you really need this knowledge).

However, I repeat, you need to start with the basics. Don't rush to take new vocabulary until you fully learn and understand previous material. Remember - without knowing the basic rules of reading and grammar, even a memorized hundred phrases will not make you a connoisseur of the language and will not help you master colloquial speech. You will simply know 100 phrases in Korean. Therefore, it is very important that your training is as complete and comprehensive as possible. This is the main thing in the question of whether it is possible to master the Korean language.

Which language is better and easier to learn - Korean, Chinese or Japanese?

Many are simply interested in the burning question - which is better, Chinese or Korean? Let's start with the fact that all three major oriental languages ​​are good in their own way. But what is easier to study is completely rhetorical question. It all depends on what you want to end up with. If you plan to work or study in these countries, then it is most logical to choose the language of the land where you are going. If you just want to touch Oriental studies, the question is completely different. These languages, like all in their groups, have much in common, but they also have more than enough differences. Traditionally, it is believed that the simplest oriental language is Japanese. But it's pure Subjective opinion- for some, even Chinese looks rustic. Korean is more unique language, because in it, in addition to hieroglyphic writing, there are sounds and letters that you also need to be able to combine.

e"> Learning Korean

The process of learning Korean is quite long and troublesome. Therefore, if you just want to learn another language for self-development, take some European one. Of course, knowing Korean is quite an exotic feature, but it is disproportionate to the efforts made.

So, starting learning Korean from scratch, you should remember:

  • classes should be consistent and start from the basics;
  • each lesson should consist of three blocks - the study of hieroglyphs, listening to audio and video materials and writing;
  • repetition and repetition again - otherwise, after a week, carefully learned hieroglyphs will simply disappear from your memory;
  • classes must be continuous long pauses and breaks.

I repeat, it will be very difficult to learn Korean on your own, so it is better to enroll in specialized courses for beginners. At the same time, no one will force you to go there all the time - take the right foundation for home practice. The same applies to language courses for children - the basics are also given there, in the expectation that all other knowledge will already be given by a teacher or tutor.

What can help when learning Korean?

Many people think that it is enough to learn any language a simple tutorial. Yes, indeed, with it you can learn all the rules of reading, grammar and other subtleties of learning, but it is much better if you add various additional materials to it.

These can be bilingual books - this is when one story is told in several languages ​​at once. You should also pay attention to applications for learning languages ​​in game form. They usually complement textbooks and the program presented in it. It can be various games aimed at developing visual memory and, consequently, for memorization more hieroglyphs and words, colors, objects, numbers.

Various audio programs aimed at development also help a lot. auditory memory and capturing sounds by ear.

It will not be superfluous to watch various films with subtitles. This way you will automatically mark the most popular words, as well as how they sound correctly. But remember - you still won't be able to get the full amount of knowledge.

If you need a deep enough study of the subject, then distance learning- that's what you need. This format of study is provided by many universities that specialize in oriental studies. Usually, institutes provide sufficiently deep knowledge, which is enough for admission to a foreign educational institution. But it is worth noting that such lessons are quite expensive, which means that only those who are firmly aimed at traveling abroad can use them.

If you already have a conversational and reading basis of the Korean language, then the question of where to start is not so acute - it is enough to develop and increase the knowledge gained earlier. Is this path difficult? Of course, yes, because the subject is difficult at any stage of study.

Learning Korean or not is a personal choice for everyone, but if you are aiming for the result, then it is not enough just to buy a tutorial. You need to work hard every day!


understand the logic

Before learning a language, you need to find its place in language family, determine the closest relatives and type of language. Yes, oddly enough, reading books on linguistics makes life much easier for people who study with a form of notation that is significantly different from their own. All beginners should know that the Korean language belongs to the Tungus-Manchu group of languages. Altai family. it agglutinative language, which means that the sentence is built according to the scheme "subordination - - object". That is, not "I go to the store for food", but "I am food - because I go - the store." The verbs don't have no gender, but there are special conjugated endings for referring to friends, and father, as well as older people and high rank. It seems strange at first, but experts are sure that Korean is one of the easiest languages.

Circle attack

In order to learn any language, you should not only study theory, immerse yourself in grammar and build up vocabulary but also to read, listen, write coherent texts and, of course, communicate. There are many on the Internet free resources for Korean language lovers. So, for example, resource offers texts, podcasts for students of the most different levels- from beginner to advanced. The network user reads the text, listens to it at the same time, remembers the pronunciation of a native speaker and “links” new words. Words can be used to make cards, upload them to mobile phone or receive by mail. Another educational network where you can learn Korean is The free course includes more than fifty lessons: theory, testing exercises, quizzes and two tasks that test a native speaker - oral and written. Politeness and respect are the two pillars on which language learning is based on educational Internet networks.

serious preparation

If a Korean language student needs a certificate or assurance that they are being taught the best teachers then you should sign up for free courses Korean language Cultural Center Embassies of the Republic of Korea: You can also learn Korean at Won Gwan You can also download free audio courses and purchase educational literature. In addition, Korean is studied in courses at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in departments at the RSSU, RSUH, MGIMO, ISAA and others. These educational establishments train professional Korean studies students.

Then this video course is for you, learn Korean together.

This is a demo version of the alphabet course. In total, there are 6 lessons in the course, here on the website in free access 3 lessons posted. The remaining 3 lessons are available only for my subscribers. I recommend that you immediately subscribe to the course, and then every day you will receive 1 lesson by mail. The alphabet course is completely free and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Attention! Very important! After subscribing, look at your mail, wait subscription confirmation emails(it comes no longer than 10 minutes later). If the subscription is not confirmed, the lessons will not come!

If after 10 min. no letter, check your spam folder, click "not spam" and confirm your subscription.

I have prepared two ways for you to get full version alphabet lessons, and then the continuation of the course:

  • by mail subscription - subscribe
  • subscribe Vkontakte - Choose a subscription Korean Lessons Language- Zero level. Alphabet

Video Course"Speak, read and write in Korean."

Korean from scratch. Alphabet.

Lesson 1. Part 1.

This is the first lesson, part 1 of the series

You will get acquainted with the Korean alphabet, learn how to read and write the first 4 vowels (ㅏ, ㅑ, ㅓ, ㅕ).

To make learning as effective as possible:

  1. During the lesson, be sure to say all the letters aloud, repeating them after me and the Korean teacher.
  2. To remember, you need to listen carefully, repeat out loud and write the letter. And so several times.

Forward! You will succeed!

Homework after watching the video:

  1. write each vowel on 1 line,
  2. take a photo of your work and post it below in the comments for verification.

Watch the first video and start learning Korean from scratch right now!

Full Video Course Korean for Beginners "Speak, Read, Write Korean", and Workbooks With additional tasks , available only to my subscribers.

Get the full version of the lessons and continue the course

I also have a request for you.

After watching the video writea couple of lines about your impressions.

Why are you learning Korean? How are you doing?

With what difficultyin the process of learning a language did you encounter?

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On shelves bookstores, on at least in Tyumen, there are not so many books on Korean topics. Of course, the situation has improved a lot over the past couple of years, and getting at least a phrasebook or dictionary in Korean is much easier than before.

What do we see? Which Korean textbook to choose? And what would I recommend?

Well, first of all, Ivashchenko. The reissue of this book is very pleasing, both the quality of the paper and new font, decor.

Secondly, Choi Yang Sun. This book, like the previous one, is simply a storehouse of vocabulary and grammar. But! In these two editions, there is a high probability of drowning in special terms, designed more for university students, philologists or linguists, at best for teachers of Korean. For a simple person who decides to master Korean literacy, it may be difficult to master these books on his own. But who really wants, can. I believe in you!

An easier option is a three-volume collection of textbooks from the Wongwan school, but they can only be obtained at the school itself, in Moscow. These manuals are good and understandable and for self-study and to work with the teacher.

In general, I really want to explore deeper literature on the Korean language, and if I find anything else of value, I will definitely share it with you!

If you have the opportunity to purchase study guides Korean manufacturer, it's very cool. The only negative is sky-high prices, especially with the current dollar exchange rate. Although I consider it good investment into yourself.

I myself wrote a book for beginners. It is called and consists of seven lessons, which I tried to write in a simple, understandable language. Initially intended for school students, since the program and the beginning of the stage are based on a similar presentation of the material. How well I did it is up to you to judge.

Those who wish to buy this book can contact me by phone 8 962 953 07 55 or write to me by mail