Learning to read English in a playful way. How not to teach children to read in English

When you are studying foreign language, you study not only a set of vocabulary and grammar, you in any case come across the culture and mentality of the people who speak this language. The best remedy knowledge of language and culture is reading in original. And to read in a foreign language, you must learn to read in that language first .

You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them.

You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. You can just get people to stop reading them.

But, if at school or university you studied German or French, or your school base turned out to be less than you would like, and now you decide to learn English, then let's start with the most primary and basic and learn a few techniques where to start in order to master the rules of reading.

English alphabet

I think you know that English is different from Russian and German, in which we mostly read and write. AT English language the system is a little more complicated. The very first thing we need to do is to learn the alphabet.

There are 26 letters in the English alphabet, of which 21 are consonants and 5 are vowels. Knowing the letters and the ability to pronounce them correctly is the key to successful and competent reading in English.

English alphabet with transcription of the names of the letters.

Highly easy way memorize letters visually and by ear - this is with the help of a song. Watch the video and sing the song until you remember the letters of the alphabet.

You can use the same method to teach the alphabet to your children, and sing a song with your little ones.

Reading rules in English

After studying the alphabet, we will begin to study the combination of letters, reading short words. In English, there are a number of rules that you need to learn, practice and remember if you want to read English words correctly.

Rules for reading English consonants

Many consonants read similarly to Russian consonants, such as letters m, n, l, b, f, z. You can see it in words like mom, lemon, finger, boy, zebra .

Letters like t and d sound similar but are pronounced with aspirated. For example words table, teacher, dad, dirty.

Letter c has two readings. Before letters i,e,y it reads like [s]- city, face, cyber. And before the rest of the vowels it reads like [k]- cat, cake, factory.

Rule with vowels i,e,y works with letter g. Before them, it reads as - gym, George, giant. Before other consonants, the letter is read as [g].

Letter q always found in a combination of letters qu and reads like - quick, queen, square.

Letter j always read as - jacket, jam, joy.

Table of the ratio of consonants and sounds in English.

How vowels are read in English

In English, a word can end in open or closed syllable which affects pronunciation. For example words cat, pot, sit end in a closed syllable and have vowels a, o, i give sounds .

Words like name, home, five end in open syllable because the word ends with a letter e, which is unreadable. But, thanks to her, the vowels in the middle of the word are read exactly the same as they are pronounced in the alphabet, that is, the word name is read.

Types of reading English vowels in stressed syllables.

Reading vowel combinations in English

There are certain combinations of letters that have established reading rules, although English language - language exceptions, and when reading more than compound words you should consult a dictionary. The table below shows combinations of english vowels with examples how they are read and what sound they make.

Table of combinations of vowels in English.

And of course, there are exceptions to all rules. However, do not worry and think that you will never be able to learn it. Everything can be understood, you just need to try a little and practice.

English diphthongs with transcription

When you learn the basic rules of reading, you will see that in English there are diphthong sounds that are quite difficult to reproduce, especially if you start learning the language not from childhood, but as an adult.

Table English diphthongs with transcription.

Transcription of sounds in English

Practice shows that when children learn a language, they must necessarily study transcription, while adults do not want to learn it, and for them it can be difficult.

If you still want to learn how to write and read transcription, then great! And if not, then you can use online dictionaries where the word will be pronounced for you. One of best dictionaries today are Multitran and online dictionary Lingvo.


Remember that it is necessary to use dictionaries, not translators!

Here is an example of reading short words with transcription:

English vowel table and transcription.

The fact that we live in the age of the Internet has some advantages. Sitting at home, you can learn different knowledge online. For your attention video lesson which explains basic principles reading. However, even after gaining knowledge through online lesson, they need to be fixed in order for the skill to form.

Learn English tongue twisters

Here tongue twisters can help you, which are often aimed at practicing one sound. Here are some examples you can use.

English tongue twister Translation into Russian
Whether the weather be fine,
or whether the weather be not.
Whether the weather be cold,
or whether the weather be hot.
We'll weather the weather
whether we like it or not.
The weather will be good
or the weather won't be good.
The weather will be cold
or the weather will be hot.
We'll weather any weather
whether we like it or not.
three swiss witch-bitches,
which wished to be switched swiss witch-bitches,
watch three swiss Swatch watch switches.
Which swiss witch-bitch",
which wishes to be a switched swiss witch-bitch,
wishes to watch which swiss swatch switch?
Three swiss bitch witches
wishing to change their gender,
looking at the three buttons on the Swatch watch.
Which one of the Swiss bitch witches
wishing to change their gender,
looks at which button on the watch "Swatch"?

Don't worry it's tongue twisters! At this stage, when you are just learning to read and practicing sounds, it is important to pronounce them correctly, albeit slowly. You can always speed up.

Learn to hear English speech

After studying the basic ground rules reading, you can use the method of repeating after the speaker. Your auditory memory will also work and you will hear how words are pronounced correctly and what intonation is in sentences.

To do this, you can use small dialogues and audiobooks for beginners. At this level, it will be ideal if the text is in front of your eyes, you listen, read and repeat at the same time!

You can use such a great resource as Oxford Bookworm Library, which features audiobooks for all levels. You can download the library for free

For those who continue to learn English, we recommend learning the language from films, which you can read about in the article

Work on your pronunciation

Reading is only the first step in learning a language. As well as learning grammar and vocabulary, learning how to pronounce and hear correctly is very important if you want to understand what is being said to you and say it so that you are understood. Especially if you're talking to a native speaker.

As we said a little above, one of the best ways is to listen carefully to native speakers and try to copy their pronunciation and intonation .

Particular attention should be paid to sounds that are not in your mother tongue. Often, English learners have a problem with the 'r' sound, as in Russian it is hard, while in English it is more guttural and growling.

There are also difficulties with the pronunciation of two sounds, which gives combination of letters 'th'. Students stubbornly pronounce it as 'c' and 'h'. Although it is worth paying attention that in such words as this, that, there this sound is said as between 'z' and 'd'. And in words like three, think, thief, it is pronounced as a sound between ‘f’ and ‘s’.

This may seem strange to you, since there are no such sounds in Russian, but if you listen to native speakers, you will understand that this is what they say.

Don't worry if you can't get these words right the first time, it takes a little practice. But, try to learn correctly from the very beginning, because it will be more difficult when you are forced to relearn.

Learn to pronounce phrases in English correctly

In English, words in sentences are not pronounced separately, they often merge, as if into one whole, especially if it is a combination of vowel and consonant letters. Look and practice on these transcription examples.

The same applies to such phrases where one word ends with the letter ‘r’, and next word starts with a vowel. In such cases, the 'r' sound is pronounced. Here are some examples.

Your child has started learning English - at school, with a tutor, in courses. You feel that he needs to be helped, but you don’t know how - you yourself have never learned English. It's time to start doing it together! We will tell you how to effectively learn words, where you can listen to English speech and what books to read.

Parents often turn to me with the question: how to help their child learn English? This is especially worrisome for parents who have not studied the language themselves.

So, the first rule is to stop being afraid of an unfamiliar language, since this fear is transmitted to children. The second rule is to believe in yourself and turn even short joint lessons into exciting game. The main thing is that classes bring pleasure. I am sure that any parent, even those who do not speak a foreign language, can help their child learn the language, giving it no more than half an hour on a working day and about an hour on a weekend.

Let's look at the block-by-block language learning scheme that is used in preparation for international exams in English, as well as in preparation for the exam. Knowledge in the exams is tested in 4 skills: speaking, listening (listening), reading and writing.

Ability to speak English

I believe that the most important thing in the ability to speak is vocabulary. Even without owning grammar rules, but having large stock words, you can convey your idea to the interlocutor. Therefore, first of all it is necessary learn words. To study words, I recommend making special cards. The list of words can be taken from school textbook or, for example, on the site of the examination council University of Cambridge, in the section corresponding to current level. The very first level, for which children aged 8-11 can already take an exam, is called Young Learner Starters.

If you do not have much time, then you can make cards by writing a word in Russian on one side, and in English on the other. But if you set aside at least an hour a week and get creative, you can turn the process of making cards into an element of learning and interesting activity. How to do it?

For each word from the list, together with the student, find a picture on the Internet. Then you print finished sheet, and while you cut it into cards, ask the child to reverse side write each picture English word. While you are cooking together this manual he already remembers a large number of words.

This training is best done on one of the weekends. For a week you will need 20-30 words, that is, it will take no more than an hour to make cards. You will need to deal with them 2-3 times a week.

There are a few things to keep in mind when learning words with flashcards. First, you do not need to "cram" the words. You lay out the cards with pictures (or Russian text) up. If the student remembers the word and calls it correctly, you turn over the card English text up. If he doesn’t call, then turn it over too, but put it in another pile. Then you do the same in the other direction (translating from English into Russian) until all the words in both directions are pronounced correctly.

The next time you learn words (in a few days), you add 10 more to the old cards, thereby repeating previously learned words and mastering new ones. Gradually, well-learned words can be put aside and returned to them in 2-3 months.

Another option is make loto. Create several playing fields with pictures (say, 8 pictures per field) and cards with words in English. You can play this lotto together. Thus, in one game you can learn up to 16 words.

If you do not know English and are not sure that the child pronounces the words correctly, then at the time of checking, you can sit down at the computer, open an online translator and listen to how the desired word sounds.

If you teach 2 times a week for 10 words, then in a month you can master 80-100 words. Of course, these words will not immediately enter the active vocabulary, but necessary minimum- 350-400 words - quite achievable. Namely, this number of words is required for the basic vocabulary necessary for everyday communication. (For your information, it is estimated that, on average, native speakers use between 3,000 and 5,000 words.)

This exercise will require no more than 20 minutes a day(with verification in the online translator - up to 30 minutes).

Letter in English

Once a week I recommend doing vocabulary dictation according to the words you have learned. If you are not sure about your pronunciation, you can dictate a word in Russian and ask the child to write it in English, and then repeat the written words and check the pronunciation along with computer translator. You can also diversify the activities: invite the child to dictate words to you.

It usually takes no more than 10 minutes (20 minutes with verification).

English listening comprehension

To learn to perceive English speech, you need to listen to it. On the Internet you can find great amount cartoons in English. It's better to start simple English songs(nursery rhymes songs) - e.g. "Old Macdonald had a farm", "Mary had a little lamb", "London bridge is falling down" etc. Can be found via search engine lyrics, and then, looking at the stories with these songs on Youtube, invite the child to sing along to the characters, while holding the text of the song in front of him.

At the very beginning of training, it is better to master one verse at a time. Then gradually remove the text and ask the child to repeat without a piece of paper. If it doesn't work right away, you can also find the so-called ABC songs on Youtube. In these stories, the child sees and hears how to pronounce individual words, get used to English speech. And besides, this will prepare him for reading, as it will allow him to remember what the letters are called and what sounds they convey.

This activity can be assigned 2 times a week for 30 minutes.

Reading in English

Unfortunately, many modern children have problems reading not only in English, but also in Russian. First of all, the content of the book should be interesting to the child.

It must be adapted literature. Right now in bookstores a huge number of children's books in English are sold for different levels possession. For beginners to learn a language, this is the Easystarts level. If the child has already mastered the initial stage, you can switch to books Beginner level. Usually at the end of the books there are tables showing the degree of complexity of the texts.

One way that children enjoy is reading and role-playing. You can even buy a collection of simple plays. For those parents who do not speak English, the following can be suggested: have the child help translate the parental role, so that the parent can then play it.

This can be done at least 45 minutes once a week.

Thus, the daily learning process will turn into an exciting and useful spending time together. English ceases to be something unfamiliar and incomprehensible, but becomes the language of games. In addition, parents who have never studied English before will also be able to learn First level. It is only important that the classes are systematic.

Of course, learning English requires much more effort, but if you help your child overcome the initial stage, fall in love with English classes, this will become a guarantee successful learning further. So invent, invent and good luck to you.

Olga Rudakova educational psychologist


The title is "English with a child in 30 minutes a day." From the text "This exercise will take no more than 20 minutes a day" only on the first point. And there are four of them. Ha.
From the text "If you learn 2 times a week for 10 words, then you can master 80-100 words in a month." Are we talking about a child starting to learn English, or about an aspiring genius with a super memory? I have only experience with two intelligent children with English classes 4 hours a week at school and half an hour at home every day. A hundred words were known by the end of the second grade, i.e. after 20 months. I did not read further, I regretted the time.

Comment on the article "English with a child in 30 minutes a day. 4 tips for parents"

The problem with English.. Learning foreign languages. Education of children. The son believes that cramming 50 words per lesson is a waste of time, it is better to solve problems. Tell me how to help, maybe ways to quick memorization or you need to talk to the teacher.


Lingualeo. There is the best simulator for memorizing words. Actually, even I succeeded, but I'm a "hard nut";) There you can learn 10 words a day for free. Try it. If you like it - buy for a year, there are discounts very often. I played for several months, because you need to feed the lion with meatballs :) If only there was such a powerful and interesting resource in my childhood!!! I would know English without any teachers. Helped my son a lot at the time. According to dictations, mine never had a score below 5. And now there are so many new things that I want to try to learn again, although it’s scary in my summer ...
An excellent development by our computational linguists. [link-1]
Register and you will have peace and freedom :)

Lyceum 1367? If yes, then the son of the same teacher) with a solid "5" from another flew to "3-4". But I am very pleased with the teacher, I do not agree to change the group.

Learning foreign languages. Education of children. English from the cradle. Learning English in preschool age: existing myths and scientists' opinion of what age is really too much now educational material- Help me to understand!


Round-Up even Starter is very difficult for children of 7 years old, for eight-year-olds it is easier. In general, this is one of the best grammar books for children and adults. The best include three more episodes [link-1]

Round-up and reader Vereshchagina, + extra. reading fiction

English grade 2 - what have you learned. School. A child from 7 to 10. You see, today's program is not aimed at learning a language, only at getting to know English for children: how to help a child learn a language - English courses, tutors, native speakers.


English is not needed at all general education schools. Having worked my first and last year at school, I was finally convinced of this, although I had guessed before. Russian is not assimilated even at the minimum level, but here English ... In. the language is not for everyone. No one is outraged that after school lessons physical-ry students do not set records in sports. If you want records, go to a sports school and plow half your life from dawn to dusk. If you want a good foreign language - go to a language school: language every day + long-term internships. It is ridiculous to expect any results from 2 times for 45 minutes at school in the 2nd grade. There won't be them.

Section: School (how to help a child with English in grade 3). English in 3rd grade. Goodnight. Of course, learning English requires much more effort, but if you help your child to overcome the initial stage, to love learning English...


"she demotivates students with her grades" - that is, where she deserved 5, puts 3?
"On the parent meeting It turned out that everyone in our class, who had not additionally studied the language before, studied with tutors, i.e. the level of teaching is the same "- what program do you have? How many children are in the group? how many hours a week is language?

My IMHO - that the conversation will not help. I had a certain misunderstanding with the English teacher. I went, didn't help. Now, even on occasion, they reprimand their daughter - they don’t do it, and then they go to complain. And for those who are with a tutor or on courses, they are engaged, but they don’t know anything, they express everything in this vein to children. Disgusting.

English in 2nd grade. Education, development. Child from 7 to 10. We have a school with in-depth study foreign languages. In grade 1, they studied the alphabet, letters, sounds, numbers, words (these are colors, animals, some objects, adjectives like big-small) ...


regular school. 2nd grade, English started. Biboletova. So far, nothing at all.

Over the summer, my daughter went through 19 lessons according to the textbook edited by Bonk, respectively, school assignments does it in five minutes. Again coloring and learning songs. Second year on Get Set Go. In the past there was an alphabet school items, animals, colors, a couple of primitive phrases. Basically endless draw-color. It seems like they should work on communicative methodology but I don't see them talking much. The school is a gymnasium.

Help! The child is capable and studies at school excellently in all disciplines except English Task she was given: Remove the child's aversion to learning English. Most the best way to instill a love for language in a child is to show why this very ...


Purely our situation. I took a student girl. The task was set for her: Remove the child's aversion to learning English. We have been attending once a week since November. The result is amazing. In the first quarter, in English, there were no marks at all except for twos. In this quarter, I already got a four. I learned to read and write in 4 months. Our girl also becomes interested in studying with mine, they have already begun to do grammar exercises. My child began to understand that all the same, the point is not in the language itself, but in who teaches it. I am very pleased with the result.

04/05/2007 12:58:12, Evgeniya

Try the Get Ready course! I like it because there are very few constructions, but they are all introduced through ELEMENTARY songs.
For example, at the first lesson it’s like this (it’s really SINGING! Yes, to such a motive that it just sticks into the brain of children%))
hello, hello, hello
hello, hello, hello
hello, hello, hello
I am Jack.
hello, hello, hello
hello, hello, hello
hello, hello, hello
I am Jack.

And on the second one is this song
Good bye, Jack and Sue
Good bye Jack
good bye, sue
Good bye, Jack and Sue
Good bye, Jack and Sue

I bought my books a few years ago in Relod (www.relod.ru)
This is Oxford University Press if I'm not mistaken.
I don't know if this course is still alive today. Maybe something super-new has appeared.
But it's worth paying attention.

Teaching English + speech therapy. Speech therapy, speech development. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting Child Training English language + speech therapy. Today I heard the following phrase: children with speech therapy problems cannot be taught a second language until the age of 6...


The thing is that teaching a language is traditional and teaching a language as a means of communication are two different things. If sounds are put in the lessons, words are learned, etc. - then everything that can be done badly for a 3-7-year-old child is already being done. And if a child learns a second language in a natural way (as his native language was studied !!!), then there are no difficulties and problems! Real speech therapists work on the principle: silence-singing-speaking. So, if you teach a foreign language to children from the age of 3, then you need to choose teaching methods that adhere to the same principle. Children here begin to speak after listening to it many times, when correct image already created in the head and the child is ready to say it. I can advise those who live in Moscow to visit the author's seminar of Valeria Meshcheryakova: September 10-12, the Peresvet gymnasium No. 1842, Bolshaya Gruzinskaya st., 67. The 10th starts at 18.00. The author will explain in detail how naturally you can teach kids a foreign language without harm to the child and difficulties for parents.

09/04/2004 15:45:25, Olga Goncharova

We don’t have English in the garden in the speech therapy group and for additional paid classes from speech therapy group not with any persuasion children are not taken. So your information is correct.

03.09.2004 22:28:37, Yulich is not from his computer

In English? This question is probably asked by more than one family that plans to give the crumbs to the nursery. Education Centre. The point is that in modern world without knowledge English man having a hard time: and when applying for a job good level foreign will be a plus, and opportunities to travel the world open up. That is why many teachers believe that English is best when it is still very small. So it will be easier for the baby to learn. However, not only reading should be given attention, but also speaking and listening. But in this article we will talk about how to teach a child to read in English so that he has an interest in this language.

The latest technology or good old books?

So, you have decided to do whatever it takes to teach your kid English. What methodology to use? To teach a child to spell or let him remember the whole word? Use books with rhymes or educational ones Of course, before in English, a lot of questions arise. After all, it is important not only to teach the crumbs mechanical reading, but to instill in him a love and interest in the language.

Forget the alphabet

Don't force your child to memorize the alphabet. So it will be even more difficult for children to learn to read in English, because, as you know, in this language, many words are read differently than they are written. Moreover, why would you then retrain the baby, explaining to him that A is, of course, “hey”, but we read it as “e”. Get magnetic letters, but not in order to memorize the alphabet with the baby, but so that the child just gets used to what they are English letters. It is important for you to visually acquaint the baby with the letters, and you will think about how to teach your child to read in English a little later. Of course, an inquisitive kid may ask what the letter is in front of him. Do not read it in isolation, explain to the child how letters are read, only with examples of words.

Reading on cards

Another of the common methods of writing in English is to prepare colorful cards with an image of an object and a word. For example, you should have a drawing of a cat and the English word "a cat". Divide the cards by topic: family, animals, vegetables and fruits, plants, clothes, furniture, etc. Words should not be too complex, easy to remember and often found.

Set aside a few minutes for English: for example, you want to learn a few words from the topic “clothes”. Lay out cards with the image of the necessary things: dresses, trousers, shirts, skirts, ties. Passing by with a child, you “inadvertently” look at the words, read them to the baby and put them away. Over time, the child will begin to repeat after you: he will remember the word and its pronunciation. Then repeat the words with him in a different setting: move your finger over each letter and pronounce the whole word, i.e.: “cat” - “k - e - t”, “milk” - “m - and - l - k”. Subsequently, you can cut off the words from the pictures and ask the baby to expand the names under desired images. Also, the child must pronounce the word, the card with which he picks up.

Talking toys

Many manufacturers claim that educational toys will help kids learn to read. So, the child clicks on the picture, and the toy pronounces its name in English. However, without additional help parents, the child learns not to read, but to listen. The baby still needs you to move your finger over each letter and pronounce the word, without this the child will simply learn to perceive the language by ear, which is also useful, but will not help in learning to read.

So, if you decide to help the baby with early years to learn a foreign language, remember that you should not formalize learning, you need to approach everything creatively and with interest.

Every year, our center's phone rings with worried parents of second graders who are about to end the year with a B in English. For the most part, the main reason bad grades at school for elementary school students is the inability to read. In this article, we will look at why this happens and how parents can help their child learn to read in English.

Why do children not read English well?

In order to understand the causes of the problem, let's remember how your child learned to read Russian. Most likely, even in kindergarten, your child learned the Russian alphabet, began to put letters together and get words. The child read at first slowly, syllable by syllable, but then, with practice, he learned to combine syllables into whole words faster and faster. Reading words or phrases in Russian, the child perfectly understood what he read, and the process of reading made sense to him and brought pleasure. Reading in Russian, the child learned something new.

Now let's look at how your child is taught to read English at school. child teaches english alphabet and begins to try to combine letters into syllables and words, but bad luck - simple connection it is impossible to read letters in English... Unlike the Russian language, in which each letter corresponds to one sound, in English the same letter (especially a vowel) is read differently. Of course, in English there are so-called "reading rules" for specific letters and letter combinations, but they do not apply to all words. Moreover, on initial stage learning words that are read "not according to the rules" so much that they begin to enter the child into a stupor.

Our practice shows that teaching a child of 7-8 years old the "rules of reading" takes much more effort and time than teaching a child to read. specific word. Abstract thinking child given age not yet well developed enough to memorize all the rules and a long list of exceptions. Therefore, in modern methodology teaching English is becoming increasingly popular approach to learning to read the word as a whole, and not by letter.

At this approach the child first learns the meaning of the word and how this word is pronounced, learns to pronounce this word on his own. And only at a subsequent stage does the child see how this word is spelled and begins to compare the written letters and the pronounced sounds. When working according to this method, reading in English becomes natural and harmonious for the child, since the child understands what he is reading and, just as when reading in Russian, gets acquainted with some new history. This is the approach we use in our new project.

What to do so that the child quickly learns to read in English?

1. Start learning English from 4-5 years old. Education English preschoolers designed to help the child learn how to more words in English, learned to pronounce them correctly and call them independently, felt the first successes. Regular classes at preschool age will lead to the fact that by the age of 7-8 your child will already have a good vocabulary and, most importantly, learn to confidently pronounce these words, and therefore all English sounds.

2. Read as much as you can over the audiotape. All modern study guides come with a disc on which texts for reading are voiced by native speakers. Regularly, and best of all daily, read with your child for 10-15 minutes. AT different days read the same passage in different ways - loudly, quietly, in a whisper, in turn, by role, etc. Read over the audio until the child can read on their own this passage. Be sure to remember that the child must understand what he reads and why he reads.

3. Write the most important words while speaking. A child will learn to read at the moment when three shells of a word unite in his brain: content (the meaning of the word), sound (pronunciation of the word) and graphic (writing of the word). So choose the best frequency words and ask the child to write this word and at the same time pronounce the sound that he writes. Depending on the handwriting of the child, write these words on 1-3 lines (5-7 times). Such daily lessons of 10-15 minutes will be enough to speed up the process of developing English reading skills.