Collision of the Earth with Nibiru: what is known about the killer planet (photo). The planet Nibiru will collide with the earth at the end of September

The media continue to divulge information about a certain killer planet, which is already in next year capable of destroying almost all life on the planet, and the flowering and green earth turn into a desert and cold stone block.

According to many experts, Nibiru in 2018 will approach the Earth so much that it is capable of causing irreparable damage, accompanied by all sorts of cataclysms, natural disasters and other misfortunes, which few are destined to survive.

Should we trust self-proclaimed scientists? And does the notorious planet Nibiru exist? About this in our article.

Planet Nibiru

The theme of our twelfth planet solar system has been haunting researchers, astronomers and other scientists for many years. Another name for the mysterious Nibiru is Planet X.

Nibiru is one of many celestial bodies that revolve around dark star, also called the Brown Dwarf. In 1982, NASA identified, or rather acknowledged, the possibility of a twelfth celestial body within the solar system. The “extra” planet was detected in 1983 with the help of artificial satellite IRAS. Nibiru is larger than Jupiter, which is considered a giant planet.

According to the Sumerian chronicles, which just described the solar system, Nibiru was quite habitable planet inhabited by intelligent beings. say that the Nibirians - superior civilization, consisting of the Anunnaki and the Niphelim. According to legend, it was they who became our progenitors, having arrived on Earth many thousands of years ago.

Is this true or beautiful fairy tale, we do not know, but one thing is known - on this moment there are no confirmed facts of the existence of Planet X. Usually, all more or less visible and not yet identified with Nibiru discovered planets, with enviable periodicity appearing on boundless expanses our Universe and in the telescopes of enthusiastic natures.

Approach of Nibiru to Earth

American scientists of the United States Geological Survey are confident that Planet X exists and, moreover, is rapidly approaching the Earth. Everything is related to this natural anomalies that have taken place over the past few years. This is all the "work" of the tidal forces of Nibiru. Indeed, cases on our planet have become more frequent powerful eruptions volcanoes, earthquakes, typhoons and other natural disasters that bring destruction. Even showers in dry and sunny places are evidence of the influence mysterious planet to the ground.

“Global warming, volcanic eruptions, droughts in previously rainy areas and vice versa, rains where they never happened are all evidence that the Earth is moving closer to Planet X,” said Ethan Trowbridge, Ph.D.

Experts declare with all responsibility that Planet X has an impact on the rotation of the Earth around its axis. Every day, according to scientists, our planet is slowing down by almost 1 degree. In view of the fact that the attraction of the killer planet will be concentrated in south pole Earth, it will cause our home planet stand "upside down". That is, the poles are reversed. What climatic disasters Nibiru will bring, we have yet to find out.

A "bonus" to all of the above cataclysms will be the attenuation warm current The Gulf Stream, icebergs will begin to fill the space of the oceans, and an ice age will come on Earth.

According to Ethan Trowbridge, the Earth is in great danger. The fact is that almost nothing is known about Nibiru to ordinary people since scientific point view, since not even many employees geological survey are privy to the course of the matter.

“This information is highly classified and all documents and information relating to it are separated and divided into departments in such a way that people working with fragments of this information cannot understand its purpose. I think maybe forty or fifty employees have a real idea of ​​what's going on,” said Dr. Trowbridge.

We can only hope that the forecasts and judgments of experts about the mysterious planet Nibiru will not come true. Otherwise, our planet Earth may change so much that it will be very, very difficult to survive on it.

Debunking the myth

Self-proclaimed experts have been talking for quite some time about the presence of the planet Nibiru near the solar system, which is four times the size of the Earth. It is this mysterious planet that will cause the end of the world already in. So believe it or not?

Professional astronomers refute this information, rightly arguing that, in the case of the influence of a certain celestial body on the Earth, specially trained people would have noticed a similar influence for a long time and other planets of the solar system neighboring ours.

“About Nibiru there is no valuable observational evidence of its existence on the periphery of the solar system. Therefore, science treats it “calmly”. And as long as there are no observational data, it is impossible to talk about it,” Valery Shematovich, an astronomer from the INASAN RAS, states with knowledge.

According to the eminent space explorer, some things in the dynamics of the solar system remain incomprehensible. And then, all the dogs are lowered onto Nibiru, which, quite possibly, never existed.


Predictions about the various cataclysms that our planet will face have more than once excited the inhabitants of the Earth. The year 2017 is approaching, and with it new assumptions arise from modern astrologers and soothsayers regarding the future of earthlings.

For example, one of these predictions says that our planet will collide with Nibiru. 2017, as you know, will bring us many surprises, but no one expects that these surprises will be a rogue planet.

David Mead, a well-known numerologist, is sure that already this year the planet Nibiru will approach the Earth and collide with it, which will lead to the apocalypse. As reported by, the numerologist published a report saying that he had carried out repeated analyzes using various formulas and found that in Holy Scripture it really was the end of the world.

According to Meade's calculations and conclusions, the end of the world will come between September 20 and 23, 2017, but this date is not exactly indicated in the Bible. According to the scientist, until September 23, the planet Nibiru will show its presence to astronomers, namely on September 23 current year it will collide with planet Earth. This will put an end to the existence of this civilization, leading to the apocalypse.

As a reminder, today, September 1st, minimum distance The largest asteroid Florence in the history of observations will approach the Earth. The distance to the Earth will be 7 million kilometers.

The end of the world in 2017 is prophesied not only by David Mead. Tycoon Robert Vichinu had previously made a similar prediction, saying he was already building a shelter bunker. He is convinced that mysterious planet Nibiru is capable of creating a hell on earth in which all living things will burn.

Nevertheless, NASA experts consider such statements regarding the end of the world to be fantastic myths. According to experts, the planet Nibiru is nothing more than an Internet hoax. Astronomers state with confidence that there is no factual basis for the gloomy predictions, as if Nibiru or Planet X were real and heading towards Earth, then it would be visible to the naked eye already.

As we remember, almost every year scientists and different kind researchers predict another Apocalypse. However, despite this, the world continues to exist. By the way, the first mention of the end of the world dates back to 2800 BC. On a cuneiform tablet found in Mesopotamia, scientists were able to read following words: "... I have a feeling that the world is surviving last days. Bribery and corruption reign everywhere…”

The assumption that doomsday and nibiru are closely related, confirm numerous predictions of ancient civilizations and famous prophets, among which:

  • Mayan;
  • Vanga;
  • Nostradamus;
  • Astronomers of Babylon.

According to legends, the planet is inhabited by the Anunnaki reptilians - creatures that had a significant impact on ancient times. human civilization. Today, highly developed humanoids regularly communicate with the inhabitants of the Earth, which is confirmed by irrefutable scientific facts. According to some reports, the reptilians did not leave our planet, they are still among us.

Representatives of astronomy cannot confirm the facts of the existence of Nibiru, therefore they claim that all talk about this is a myth. One of the researchers, Z. Sitchin, on the contrary, believes that planet X exists and wanders around the solar system. He believes that it is larger than our planet, so it can lead to catastrophic consequences when approaching us, due to the greater gravitational field. The researcher recalls that even the Sumerians spoke about the planet, which is found between Jupiter and Mars at intervals of 3600 years. In ancient legends, it is specified that this planet is inhabited by unknown creatures, called the Anunaki, who had already visited Earth and mined gold on it.

Another theory claims that the planet Nibiru revolves around our star, like the Earth, but we do not see it, since it is opposite side Sun.

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The mysterious planet Nibiru has become the subject of controversy among scientists and the reason for the predictions of the end of the world on September 23. Astrophysicists assure that the killer planet is very far away, futurologists and researchers Sumerian writing and the Bibles see it as a harbinger and believe in the collision of the Earth with Nibiru

Previously, researchers from McGill and Exeter Universities discovered unusual properties already known exoplanet WASP-12b. The study atmospheric composition planet led them to unusual discovery: WASP-12b is practically , although it orbits a hot star that resembles the Sun.

Theory about the 12th planet Nibiru

In the middle of the 20th century, the American writer Zecharia Sitchin published his theory about the existence of the 12th planet - Nibiru, which approaches our solar system with a frequency of 3600 years. Sitchin built his evidence on the study of Sumerian writing and found confirmation of them in biblical texts.

Sitchin was convinced that the Earth and its moon moon were formed as a result of the collision of Nibiru and another unknown modern science planets. The cause of the birth of mankind Zacharias called alien intervention. According to him, in the XXI century we should expect the next "visit" of Nibiru and catastrophic consequences.

Movement diagram of the mysterious planet Nibiru

Unidentified planet theory

Over the past 10 years, two groups of astrophysicists have published the results of studies in which they provide evidence of a large celestial body rotating at the edge of the solar system.

Astrophysicists John Mathis and Daniel Whitmar have suggested that a massive object larger than Jupiter is hiding behind the orbit of Pluto. And astronomers Michael Brown and Konstantin Batygin presented their evidence about giant planet The solar system, the existence of which is confirmed by the features of the movement of small celestial bodies in deep space.

End of the World September 23

Modern research has generated new predictions about the coming end of the world. British futurist David Mead even called the exact date– September 23, 2017. According to him, the coming Apocalypse is confirmed not only with astronomical observations, but also a series natural disasters that hit the earth.

David Mead finds support for his theory in the Revelations of John the Bogoslav from the Bible. Before doomsday humanity is threatened destructive earthquake, after which the Moon will turn red, and the Sun - black.

NASA experts assure that the collision of the Earth with Nibiru is impossible. In fact, the planet is at a distance of 20 times greater than between the Sun and Neptune. Now the killer planet is not visible even in.