Scheme of traffic interchange Kashirka MKAD. Schemes of new interchanges on the Moscow Ring Road: soon

"We are finishing the renovation. Kashirskoe highway. AT previous years made interchanges at the intersection with Andropov Avenue, Proletarian Avenue, overpass, understudies, tens of kilometers of dedicated lanes for public transport. In general, the Kashirskoye Highway was well landscaped. Today we are launching an interchange at its intersection with the Moscow Ring Road. A long-awaited object, I hope that launching it will significantly increase the throughput of this transport hub Plus, it will improve traffic on the Moscow Ring Road and towards Domodedovo and the overall transport situation in the area,” said the Mayor of Moscow during the opening ceremony.

The interchange has four levels and is one of largest structures in the southern sector of Moscow.

Tunnel and four flyovers
Reconstruction road junction started in December 2013. The project included the replacement of an outdated two-level cloverleaf interchange with a modern four-level interchange with directional ramps.

As a result, a transport tunnel was built in this section along inside MKAD with a length of 132 meters and four overpasses with a total length of 2.5 kilometers:

From the outer side of the Moscow Ring Road to the Kashirskoye highway to the center;

From the outer side of the Moscow Ring Road to Kashirskoye Highway to the region;

From the Kashirskoye highway from the region to the inner side of the Moscow Ring Road;

From Kashirskoe highway from the center to outside MKAD.

In addition, existing ramps were reconstructed here, as well as transitional speed lanes, side passages along the Moscow Ring Road, and noise barriers were installed. In total, 11.2 kilometers of roads were built at the junction with the Kashirskoye Highway in the process of work.

For the convenience of pedestrians, an overpass was opened near the Vegas shopping and entertainment center at the 25th kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road.

Facade repair and landscaping
After the construction work, the capacity of the interchange between the Moscow Ring Road and Kashirskoye Highway has increased by 20–25 percent, since now traffic flows do not intersect at this point.

The reconstruction of the interchange with the Moscow Ring Road has become final stage improvement work traffic on Kashirskoe highway. They included:

Construction of tunnels at the intersection with Andropov Avenue and Proletarsky Avenue;

Construction reversal tunnel at the Moscow Ring Road;

Reconstruction of the main course of the road, local driveways and adjacent road network;

Creation of a dedicated lane and driving pockets for public transport;

Construction and reconstruction of pedestrian crossings.

In addition, landscaping work was carried out on Kashirskoye Highway: they put things in order at nine large green areas, reconstructed sidewalks and made new ones walking paths, improved street lighting, replaced pavilions of public transport stops, repaired the facades of adjacent houses. Over a thousand trees and shrubs were planted along the highway.

Improvement of the Kashirskoye highway has improved the living conditions of 300,000 Muscovites whose houses are located on this highway and adjacent streets.

Reconstruction of interchanges on the Moscow Ring Road
Reconstruction and construction of interchanges on the Moscow Ring Road are one of the priorities of the development program transport system Moscow.

At present, the reconstruction or construction of 13 out of 14 interchanges included in the list of priority facilities has been completed. These are interchanges with Leningradsky, Dmitrovsky, Mozhaysky, Kashirsky highway, Volgogradsky, Leninsky, Ryazansky, Michurinsky prospects. This also included:

Directed flyovers-congresses at the intersection of Marshal Zhukov Street (Zvenigorodskoye Highway) with the Moscow Ring Road;

Interchange with the street Podolsky Cadets(departure to the Moscow Ring Road from the Biryulyovo West area);

The first stage of interchange-adjacency to the Moscow Ring Road northern bypass Odintsov near Molodogvardeyskaya Street (at the expense of the federal budget);

Businovskaya interchange(at the expense of the federal budget);

Kosinskaya flyover (at the intersection with the Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy highway).

underway construction works at the junction with Profsoyuznaya street.

The reconstruction of the interchanges made it possible to significantly increase the capacity of the Moscow Ring Road and, accordingly, significantly reduce the number of traffic jams on this city highway.

In Moscow, after reconstruction, a junction at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and Kashirskoye Highway was opened. The traffic on it was launched by the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin.

According to him, this is the last object in the large-scale reconstruction project of the Kashirskoye Highway and one of the most difficult.

“In previous years, we made interchanges at the intersection with Andropov Prospekt, Proletarsky Prospekt, an overpass, doubles and tens of kilometers of dedicated lanes for public transport,” Sobyanin specified. “I hope the launch of another interchange will significantly improve the throughput of this transport hub.”

Moscow yesterday after the reconstruction opened a junction at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and Kashirskoye Highway. The traffic on it was launched by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

According to him, this is the last object in large-scale project reconstruction of the Kashirskoye Highway and one of the most difficult. “In previous years, we made interchanges at the intersection with Andropov Prospekt, Proletarsky Prospekt, an overpass, doubles and tens of kilometers of dedicated lanes for public transport,” Sobyanin specified. “I hope the launch of another interchange will significantly improve the throughput of this transport hub.”

Reconstruction of the interchange, we recall, began in December 2013. As the president of the contractor Dmitry Simarev said, they completely removed high voltage line power lines, shifted more than one and a half kilometers of industrial and municipal water pipes, sewerage, transferred power supply and communication networks. The workers erected four overpasses, built a transport tunnel along the inner side of the Moscow Ring Road and arranged side passages. Since with their appearance the width of the carriageway increased, next to shopping center"Vegas" was erected a footbridge. The builders say that with the launch of the interchange, the transport accessibility of Domodedovo Airport and the traffic situation in the south of Moscow as a whole will improve significantly. And the capacity of the facility, according to calculations, will immediately increase by 20-25%. This is due to the fact that the flows of cars will no longer intersect here - the clover exits have been replaced with directional ones.

The city authorities also promise to clean up the area around the junction. In the summer, lawns will be laid out here and more than two thousand trees and shrubs will be planted. And only then will it be possible to say that the five-year reconstruction of Kashirka has come to an end. The rest of the highway has already been landscaped. locals- and more than 300 thousand people live along the highway - received nine green areas for recreation and walks, as well as new sidewalks, public transport stops, street lamps and benches. Numerous wires dangling in the air were removed underground, and the facades of nearby houses were repaired.

MKAD without traffic jams…. Such happiness can only be seen on January 1st. Or in a dream. And how we would like that there would be a minimum of traffic jams on the Ring Road and on the outbound highways. Yes, what is there, so that at least they would go, not fast, but they would go. But for some reason now this phenomenon is rare. Why?

As always, where there are some problems, you need to look for weak link. Here is the Moscow Ring Road, ten lanes in one direction and in the other. Bandwidth colossal, no matter how master plan development of Moscow was classified as the main main street of the 1st class. The speed limit is 100 km/h, the estimated speed is 150.

In many respects, it is still considered the best in many parameters in the region. But with all the pluses, traffic jams are constant there.

What is the reason?

If you look at the map of the “origin” of traffic jams, then the “foci” will become obvious, from which the unbearable torment of all motorists of the capital, the Moscow region and guests of Moscow begins.

The main reasons for traffic jams on the Moscow Ring Road, there are two of them:

1. A parable in the pagan, congresses and arrivals on the Ring. Interchanges "clovers". In today's overloaded car mode, they simply can not cope, they slow down the movement of cars too much, and the more cars, the more it feels. Slowed down one, the second, that's the traffic jam, hello, we've arrived!

2. The second part, the location of entrances and exits to the Moscow Ring Road. Entrances are located in front of the exit, on the same express lane. Cars entering the highway have to slow down a lot, creating a queue to exit, and those who just drive into the roundabout have no choice but to stand in this queue and wait for the opportunity to squeeze into the left rows of the ring.

From here, traffic is slowed down, including on the adjacent ones.

Having looked at the ordeals of hundreds of thousands of motorists, the city authorities realized that it was impossible to delay, the situation requires cardinal and effective measures. Evil in the form of obsolete "clovers" must be eradicated, otherwise auto-collapse will not take long.

So there were interesting projects junctions that will allow several traffic flows to connect almost without loss of speed.

The main projects of future interchanges, 3D models recreate road reconstruction projects:

Businovskaya junction of the Moscow Ring Road

Kashirskoe highway-MKAD

Dmitrovskoe highway-MKAD