Businovskaya interchange traffic scheme today. Businovskaya interchange

December 15th, 2014

At the end of December 2014, traffic will be opened on the first section toll road M-11 "Moscow - St. Petersburg". This long-awaited road will unload the “killed” Leningradskoye highway in Khimki, and hundreds of thousands of residents of Moscow and the Moscow region have been waiting for it for many years.

Along with the highway, several junctions are also being opened that will connect the highway with the Moscow Ring Road, Library Street in the Khimki district of Levoberezhny and Likhachevsky highway in the city of Dolgoprudny. And the first section Northeast chord, which will continue the M-11 highway in Moscow and will run from the Moscow Ring Road to Festivalnaya Street, and at the same time will connect Festivalnaya Street with Taldomskaya.

If you do not understand how all these objects are tied to the terrain, take a look at our road construction map. And if you're wondering how will pass the North-Eastern chord further, about this in the article

Unfortunately there is as many as 4 problems that interfere with the residents of the Levoberezhny district of Khimki and the city of Dolgoprudny enjoy all these roads along with the rest. Little is said about all these problems and their solutions, and very little is written about them. Let's try to fill this gap.

Three problems: transition + transition + Likhachevskoe

Ilya Varlamov recently wrote about the first problem: Avtodor Group did not provide for the construction of a pedestrian crossing across the highway in the Levoberezhny area, as a result, 3,000 people from houses No. 27 and 29 on Sovkhoznaya Street almost found themselves in transport isolation from the district, kindergartens, schools and clinics.

Fortunately, after the residents turned to the governor of the region Vorobyov, a solution to this problem was found. Now a prefabricated pedestrian bridge is being built over the highway, and under the highway along the river a local connecting road (popularly known as a “horseshoe”) is being laid, which will allow moving around the area by minibuses, bicycles and cars.

The second problem is also pedestrian: near the Levoberezhny district of Khimki across the Moscow Ring Road no crosswalk! In a straight line from the area to the future Khovrino metro station is only 1 kilometer, 10-15 minutes walk. And there is no transition along the shortest path, the nearest bridges are 900 meters from each side; but who cares about a 3-kilometer hiking route?

The overpasses of the Businovskaya interchange are very high here. And the pedestrian bridge between them and the Moscow Ring Road will fit perfectly. This, after leaving the place, was confirmed by an employee of the Moscow Committee for Architecture, where the residents applied.

Thus, there are no technical reasons not to build a transition. It is only necessary to make a strong-willed decision and secure financing: include this transition in the MKAD layout project and provide for its priority construction in the Targeted Investment Program of Moscow. All of this (with the exception of footpath in Levoberezhny itself) depends on the authorities of the capital. And this is in the interests of Moscow: if you build a transition, it will give a powerful incentive to several thousand people to use the metro, and not a private car.

The third problem is « bottleneck» on Likhachevskoe shosse near the solid waste landfill. The reconstruction of Likhachevka was going to be completed before the end of 2014, but due to an unscrupulous contractor, the road is still "with one foot in the ditch." Moreover, the narrowest place, 1 lane in each direction, by an evil irony of fate, is just opposite the turn to houses 27 and 29. But you can’t take it and quickly expand it: the gas pipeline that needs to be shifted interferes.

Of course, now there are courts with the contractor to terminate the contract. And after the decision of the court, the Main Department of Road Facilities of the Moscow Region will conclude a new contract for the completion of the Likhachevskoye Highway with another contractor. But according to the most optimistic forecasts, it will be possible to complete the work only at the end of 2015!

The fourth problem: leaving the Levoberezhny district
Unfortunately, problem #4 is worth the first three combined. If it is not quickly resolved, immediately after the opening of the M-11 highway at the Likhachevsko-Korovinskaya interchange, a transport collapse is possible. And neither the Left Bank nor Dolgoprudny will be able to leave for Moscow in the morning.

How are they leaving now and what will change?
The main way to enter Moscow for the Left Bank has always been Dybenko Street, which was reached through Pozharsky Street. Moreover, this passage was temporarily preserved even during the construction of the Businovskaya interchange. True, because of the height differences, the people called it the “goat path”, but this did not prevent thousands of motorists from using it every day.

And everything would be fine, but after the opening of the Businovskaya interchange, it will not be possible to save this passage. Because the flow along it will be in the path of a high-speed flow from the M-11 highway to outside MKAD.

The so-called S-6 exit was supposed to solve the problem of leaving the Left Bank. Having moved along it from Library Street to M-11, one could easily get to Dybenko Street. But Avtodor did not build this congress! This was prevented by GSK No. 6, with which the Avtodor State Corporation either could not, or did not want to resolve the land dispute. So, because of 28 garages, the entire district will lose a convenient exit.

What is offered to people instead of the “goat path” and the unfinished C-6 exit? It seems to be alternatives there are a lot of exits, as many as 3. But if you look, all of them not only do not solve the problem of leaving the Left Bank, but still have serious side effects for Likhachevsky highway and residents of Dolgoprudny.

The first option - exit through the street. Pozharsky, a narrow underpass under the M-11, and then on the Moscow Ring Road through the territory of technical centers and gas stations.

Route 1.1. Through the Moscow Ring Road and the North-Eastern chord, 8 kilometers Route 1.2. Through the Moscow Ring Road and a turn through the Leningrad highway, 7 km

In this version, everything is bad. Instead of 2.5 km without traffic jams and traffic lights, people will need to drive as much as 7-8 km through traffic jams.

Second option- travel through a passage under construction ("horseshoe") with an exit through Likhachevskoe highway.

Everything is bad in this variant too. Firstly, it also means overrun (7 km instead of 2.5). Secondly, Sovkhoznaya Street will “suddenly” be transit. But in its northern part (near houses 14 and 16) for travel in both directions now there are only 3.5-4 meters! While the oncoming traffic is possible only because the street is a dead end and the traffic on it is minimal. But as soon as hundreds of cars come here, Sovkhoznaya Street will be blocked. Thirdly, those lucky ones who nevertheless break through this bottleneck will go in transit through the passage near those same houses No. 27 and 29. And fourthly, all this flow will “break out” onto Likhachevskoye Highway in the narrowest place, on a two-lane section former landfill SDW, wedged into a dense stream from Dolgoprudny!

Why am I doing this? And to the fact that the first 2 options are so bad that the third option may be the most popular - travel along Library Street with a U-turn on Likhachevskoye Highway near the solid waste landfill.

This option for the inhabitants of the Left Bank may seem the best. But for the residents of Dolgoprudny, it can turn into a real nightmare. Because hundreds of cars per hour will go to the intersection of the Likhachevskoe highway and the passage to houses 27 and 29 in order to make a U-turn on it! Here, in a narrow place, just from the place where it was filmed:

But the intersection of three powerful streams in such a narrow place is not only traffic jams, it is also an accident. It is hard to even imagine what will happen here in the morning. (It’s good that the MSW landfill itself was closed by the authorities of the Moscow Region.)

I think it is now clear why the situation will worsen not only for the Left Bank, but also for Dolgoprudny. Moreover, all this can happen already at the end of December, in 2 weeks, what a sad New Year's gift...

What to do?
Of course, it is necessary to build exit number 6. But court cases and land registration can last a couple more years, and a decision is needed quickly. After discussing the problem with residents and interested people, Probok.net prepared 2 possible options how to provide the district with a normal exit and prevent a collapse on the Likhachevskoye Highway. Both will require costs, deviations from the project and joint prompt decision from the GUDH of the Moscow Region and the Avtodor Group of Companies.

Option 1. Temporary Organization two-way traffic at the C-8 exit with the organization of a left turn from the street. Library. It will require the construction of a connecting road section of about 30 m at the C-8 exit, as well as changes in the traffic pattern at the C-8 exit and Library Drive with the installation of a temporary traffic light.

Option 2. Construction of a connecting section of the road with a length of about 30-40 m between the C-5 exit and the C-13 exit. This solution will ensure a traffic-free exit from the Levoberezhny district through existing system congresses, without changing the direction of movement.

The organization of a temporary two-way exit through the C-8 exit would create a direct route to Dybenko Street with a length of only 3 km. A traffic light is needed both for safety and for traffic control: in the morning, the phase to the exit from the Left Bank, with a left turn, should be long, and in the evening, on the contrary, it is necessary to stretch the direct passage of the Library in both directions.

The turning loop would have turned out approximately where the yellow loader is.

The second option with the construction of a passage of 30-40 m between exits C-5 and C-13 is even better. The route is slightly longer, 4.2 km, but without traffic lights. And unlike the first option, this congress can and should be made not temporary, but reserve! That is, to keep it after the construction of S-6. 2 traces are possible, but the exit to the overpass is more realistic.

Of course, both options have legal features and consequences. The fact is that the contract for the construction of some exits (C-8, C-15) is being carried out by the MODC of the Moscow Region, and the overpass in the continuation of Library Street, the unbuilt C-6, the built exit C-5, is run by Avtodor State Corporation. Not only will they need a joint decision on the ODD, but someone will have to bear the costs (in fairness - Avtodor, because it did not build the S-6 exit). It will also be necessary to resolve the issue of closing the contract for the construction of congresses with changes in the UDD, and this is already the competence of the Government of the Moscow Region and federal bodies authorities (changing the design scheme is not really allowed by law).

Additional exit from Sovkhoznaya street at 25 (for the future)
Several residents of Levoberezhny and Dolgoprudny offered to organize just such an exit from the "horseshoe" in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bd. 25. Our conclusion on this option.

- Possibility of direct access to M-11 and to the street. Dybenko residents of the Left Bank, the proximity of the exit for residents of st. Sovkhoznaya, does not require exit to the intersection with Library Street.
- Alternative exit to M-11 and st. Dybenko for residents of dd. 27 and 29 on the street. Sovkhoznaya, bypassing Likhachevskoe highway

- Availability of communications (according to the Avtodor State Corporation) that require expensive relocation
- Non-normative connection (to the transition-speed lane of the exit from M-11 to Levoberezhny), difficulties with coordination by Avtodor State Corporation
- If it will be the only exit to Moscow, along Sovkhoznaya st. will transit from all over the Left Bank. Traffic on Sovkhoznaya and oncoming traffic are already difficult due to parked vehicles. In the case of a transit flow, blocking of the street is inevitable.

- This option cannot be considered either as the only one or as an operational option for exiting to the street. Dybenko.
- At the same time, it is worth working it out as an alternative exit for residents of the street. Sovkhoznaya for the prospect of 2-4 years. After all, as further settlement Levoberezhny district, exit No. 6 and exit through the street. Pozharsky will not be enough, the issue of leaving the street. State farm will be aggravated.
- The development of a project for the construction of this congress will require obtaining the technical conditions for connection from the Avtodor State Corporation and accounting for communications.

Which of the following can be done in December and what other options?

We come to the most difficult question. I would like to be wrong, but I think none of the proposals listed above in December 2014 can be done in time. Of course, this does not mean that you need to relax and do nothing: you need to start now. You just need to soberly assess the timing of the decision, financial and contractual constraints, and weather conditions.

So is it possible to avoid a transport collapse in the Left Bank and Dolgoprudny? In my opinion, it is possible. Enough keep the "goat path" and direct access to Dybenko street until the issue of C-6 or alternative exit as per our proposals is resolved. But in order to keep it, Avtodor and Moscow, which is building the Businovskaya interchange, will need a very difficult strong-willed decision: not to open the exit from the north of M-11 to the outer side of the Moscow Ring Road in December 2014. And there are two options here.

Any decision has both image and transportation costs, it will be a choice of two evils. But open new road temporarily without congresses outer MKAD still better than to arrange a transport blockade of the Left Bank and Dolgoprudny. Moreover, according to some reports, not all 43 kilometers (from 15 to 58 km) will be opened on December 23, but only 2 sections - from the Moscow Ring Road to the southern terminals of Sheremetyevo Airport and from Zelenograd to Solnechnogorsk. Therefore, at first, the load on the M-11 will be significantly lower than the design one. And so it will last until May 2015, when the entire section of 15-58 km will be opened. During these 5 months, the problem of leaving the Left Bank can and should be solved.

It is important to understand that the “window of opportunity” is very small.: if the M-11 exits are open on December 23, it will be much more difficult to close them back (and restore the "goat trail").

I really hope that I am overestimating the transport consequences of the closure of the goat trail. And I'll be glad to be wrong. But is it worth checking?

The material was prepared based on the results of a three-week work in the Left Bank with the administration of Khimki, the district, the Khimki Public Chamber, the Khimki Public Council, an initiative group of residents and just active people from Khimki and Dolgoprudny. Everything was transferred to the administration of the city of Khimki, the city of Dolgoprudny, to the Main Directorate of Road Facilities and to the Ministry of Transport of the Moscow Region. Thanks to everyone who helped in preparation, and to colleagues from roads.ru ViktuK and Shu_B for the photo. I will continue to participate in the discussion and solution of the problem: both as deputy head of the Probok.net Expert Center and as a member of the Public Chamber of the Moscow Region.

Please distribute.

North and northeast of Moscow: defragmentation of the road network August 6th, 2013

Some time ago I wrote about Moscow. Let's continue the topic with a review of the main objects of the Northern and North-Eastern districts.

A pleasant surprise: not one, but two chord corridors are being formed in the north and northeast of Moscow! About one of them, the main traffic light Northeast chord, is well known. And here is the local and traffic light chord from Festivalnaya street to Malygina street(with the prospect of extending to Malyginsky proezd) is unknown even to local residents.

Blue Northeast chord, green local chord st. Festivalnaya - st. Malygin

Chorda major, Northeastern

The North-Eastern chord (former Northern Rocade) will run from the St. Petersburg-Moscow toll road to the Moscow-Noginsk toll road. Its tracing is completely along the railways (Oktyabrskaya, MKMZhD, Kazanskaya) - the best possible corridor for passing a traffic-free highway.

Site maps
Businovskaya interchange from MKAD

Section Businovskaya - Festivalnaya

Section Festivalnaya - Mosselmash

Section from Dmitrovskoye Highway to Yaroslavskoye Highway

The section from the Yaroslavl highway to open highway(through Moose Island) is still being designed, there is no scheme.
Section from Otkrytoye to Schelkovskoye Highway

Section from Schelkovskoye to Izmailovskoye Highway
Section from Entuziastov Highway to Izmailovsky Highway

Section from Entuziastov Highway to MKAD

Now 2 sections are being actively built: in the north (Businovskaya interchange and the section to Festivalnaya Street) and in the east (the section from the Entuziastov highway to Izmailovsky highway, formerly included in the title of the Fourth Ring). The rest are being designed.

Chorda minor, unnamed

This chord will increase the connectivity of the local network, torn apart by railways, and will connect the SAO and SVAO, Leningradskoye, Korovinskoye, Dmitrovskoye, Altufevskoye shosse and Yeniseiskaya street. And in the future it will also Yaroslavl highway.

However, this local chord is so little known that it doesn't even have a common name! She used to be called " northern understudy MKAD. An unfortunate choice: the corridor will connect the local streets, which will remain traffic lights, what kind of understudy is the Moscow Ring Road? In the Targeted Investment Program of Moscow for 2013-2015. this road is called "the highway from the street. Festivalnaya to Altufevskoe Highway. But this is not true either: the corridor does not end with Altufevskoye Highway, but goes to Bibirevskaya, Shirokaya and Malygina streets, with the prospect of extending to Malyginsky passage. In general, for clarity, I propose to call it highway from Festivalnaya street to Malyginsky proezd.

This corridor will be created by 3 overpasses with interchanges - through the Oktyabrskoye, Savelovskoye and Yaroslavskoye directions railway. In the diagram below current position affairs.

The first of them, between Festivalnaya and Taldomskaya, is already under construction.

I wonder what it's building within the Northeast chord(more precisely, by the title of the Northern Rocade, as it used to be called). Some opponents of chords do not like to remember this: this fact does not fit into the ideologeme "the chord breaks the local connection." As we see, in this case the traffic-free North-Eastern chord not only does not break local connectivity, but even increases it! In the AIP of Moscow for 2013-2015 this interchange is called the "Section of the Moscow - St. Petersburg (Northern Rokada) Highway", road junction at the intersection with Festivalnaya Street." 4,100 million rubles have been allocated for its construction. Terms 2012-2014.

The second overpass will be built under a separate title "Magistral from the street. Festivalnaya to Altufevskoe highway with an overpass with the Savelovsky direction of the Moscow Railways. 200 million are allocated for design in the Targeted Investment Program, the design time is 2014-2016. 2685 million were allocated for the construction, the terms are 2015-2016. There are no plans yet.

There is no third overpass (through the Yaroslavl direction of the railway) in the AIP yet. But the overpass across Malyginskiy proezd, which is now being completed as part of the reconstruction of the Yaroslavl Highway, creates all the prerequisites for the inclusion of this overpass in the AIP in the coming years. This would put an end to the isolation of the Yaroslavl region from the rest of the North-Eastern district and unload the Yaroslavl highway from those who need not to the center, but to the North-Eastern Administrative District or the Northern Administrative District.

What other new links will appear in SVAO?
The torn parts will finally be connected together passage Shokalsky. Now everyone has to make a rerun of 1.5 kilometers, moreover, passing through 2 busy intersections and the Medvedkovo metro station.

Probok.net submitted this proposal to the Road Paradox program in 2011.

In the AIP, the title is called "Section of the passage of Shokalsky from Zarevoy passage to Grekov street", 5 million were allocated for the design in 2014, and 30 million for the construction in 2015.

What's next?
It just begs the extension of the local chord Festivalnaya - Malyginsky to the west, in fact isolated from the rest of Moscow Northwestern District. Unfortunately, Festivalnaya Street in the area of ​​Leningradskoye Shosse rests on the Khimki Reservoir, and the connection with Yana Rainis Boulevard that suggests itself here is not even in the General Plan 2025. We will follow the changes and implementation of plans.

in Moscow for last month opened the third section of the North-Eastern Expressway (SVKh) - from Festivalnaya Street to Dmitrovskoye Highway. This route, about 5 km long, runs along the tracks of the Oktyabrskaya railway. 8 artificial structures– 7 overpasses and a bridge across the Likhoborka River. Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin came to the opening on September 5. According to him, 2/3 of the North-Eastern chord has already been built.

The toll road M-11 St. Petersburg - Moscow has long approached Moscow and entered the Businovskaya interchange, but this was the end of the construction at one time. It turned out that big federal highway does not have normal integration with city roads. All motorists from the toll road end up on the Moscow Ring Road and get into the usual traffic jam on the Moscow Ring Road. This means that the highway itself is not working properly, - said Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

Now, thanks to the section from Festivalnaya Street to Dmitrovskoye Highway, the federal highway M-11 "Moscow - St. Petersburg" has fully entered the city. Now cars from St. Petersburg, Tver, Zelenograd, Sheremetyevo Airport and cities in the Moscow region can directly, bypassing the Moscow Ring Road, enter the city, turn onto the North-Western Chord and drive through half of Moscow up to Michurinsky Prospekt. Or they can go to Dmitrov highway and on it to get to the center of Moscow.

This will unload a number of roads in Moscow and make toll road more efficient. It will remove part of the load from Leningradka, Dmitrovka and Korovinskoye Highway, Bolshaya Akadimicheskaya. In general, it will improve the situation in the north of Moscow. This applies to at least five districts of the Northern District, - the mayor of the city explained.

The next stage will be the construction of two sections: from Dmitrovskoye Highway to Yaroslavskoye Highway and from Yaroslavskoye Highway to Otkrytoye Highway. According to Sergei Sobyanin, construction will begin in 2019, which will take two to three years.

We did not design for a long time, did not build in parallel. Difficulties associated with communications road networks, railway. I hope that we will build it within two or three years,” said the mayor of Moscow.

In the near future, the construction of the Khovrino interchange hub will be completed, which will include a metro station, a new railway platform and an intercity bus station. And then the city will be completely ready to receive not only motorists, but also passengers along the M-11 highway public transport. A transport interchange hub is also being formed near the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya metro station.


The traffic light section of the North-Eastern Expressway from the Entuziastov Highway to the Moscow Ring Road was opened. It will improve the transport situation in the southeastern and eastern sectors of the city.

About the Northeast chord

North Eastern the chord will pass from the Moscow-St. Petersburg road from the western side of the Oktyabrskaya railway, along the Moscow central ring, before new interchange on the Moscow Ring Road at the intersection with the Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy highway.

The route will connect major highways: Izmailovskoye, Shchelkovskoye, Dmitrovskoye, Altufevskoye and Otkrytoye highways.


From Dmitrovskoye Highway to Yaroslavskoye Highway - construction will begin in 2019;

From Yaroslavl highway to Otkrytoye highway - construction will begin in 2019;

We are talking about a connection with the North-Eastern chord (see diagram). It is planned to build a route from the Businovskaya Interchange on the Moscow Ring Road to Festivalnaya Street - along the right of way of the railway. This 2.5 km long section (4 lanes in each direction) will become the urban part of the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway. 4 overpasses will be erected on it. It is planned to expand Zelenogradskaya Street to 2 lanes in each direction. Moreover, part of the street will be under the overpass of the main direction of the highway Moscow - St. Petersburg. Houses adjacent to the future highway will be blocked with noise screens.

The second construction site is in the area of ​​Festivalnaya Street. Here, at the intersection with Zelenogradskaya Street and the future Moscow-St. Petersburg highway, a "super interchange" with 15 overpasses will appear total length 5.3 km.

Festivalnaya Street will be reconstructed and expanded to 4 lanes in each direction, and Taldomskaya and Puteyskaya streets - up to 2 lanes in each direction.

An 8-lane overpass will be laid from Festivalnaya to Taldomskaya Street. He will connect the so far separated by rail northern regions Levoberezhny, Khovrino, Businovo and others. Now, to get, for example, from Khovrino to the Levoberezhny district by car, you have to go around the "piece of iron" through the Moscow Ring Road or the Third Transport Ring. The overpass will include two flyovers with a total length of 2.7 km: one - over the Oktyabrskaya railway, the second - over Puteyskaya street.

Also, at the intersection of Festivalnaya Street and Lavochkina Street (this street will become a section of the North-Eastern Chord), it is planned to build an interchange with right-turn ramps in both directions. This will allow vehicles moving from Taldomskaya Street to leave through the chord towards the region, and move back along the right- and left-turn exits.

North-Eastern chord near the intersection of Lavochkin street with festival street connect with new route Moscow, Saint Petersburg. Further, the route will go through Dmitrovskoye highway, to the east of the city, connecting Ostashkovskoye, Schelkovskoye and Izmailovskoe highway, then by open area Fourth transport ring and further - to the southeast, where, having overcome the Moscow Ring Road, it will reach Lyubertsy.

Construction period - 2 years. At the same time, there are no plans to stop traffic on existing routes or introduce additional windows in the railway schedule.

By the way

In addition to the North-Eastern Expressway, the city will build three more. Their projects also used "pieces" of tracks that once fell into the Fourth Ring Road. southeast chord will start from Volgogradsky Prospekt and go to the Moscow Ring Road, not reaching Varshavka. South will connect Rublevskoe highway, Balaklavsky prospect and street Borisovskie Ponds, for this, a tunnel will be built between the Varshavskoye and Kashirskoye highways. By Northwestern Chord(from Skolkovo to Yaroslavl highway) work is already underway.

: 55°53′09″ s. sh. 37°28′42″ E d. /  55.885833° N sh. 37.478333° E d./ 55.885833; 37.478333(G) (I)

Businovskaya interchange



Five-level accumulative in the form of a differentiated clover with directional ramps

road crossing
The composition of the interchange
Construction period
Max Height

see also

  • List of junctions of the Moscow Ring Road

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An excerpt characterizing Businovskaya denouement

"Oh my God!" - someone's sad exclamation was heard.
But following the exclamation of surprise that escaped from Vereshchagin, he cried out plaintively in pain, and this cry ruined him. That stretched up the highest degree block human feeling, which was still holding the crowd, erupted instantly. The crime was begun, it was necessary to complete it. The mournful groan of reproach was drowned out by the formidable and angry roar of the crowd. Like the last seventh wave that breaks ships, this last unstoppable wave soared up from the back rows, reached the front ones, knocked them down and swallowed everything. The dragoon who had struck wanted to repeat his blow. Vereshchagin with a cry of horror, shielding himself with his hands, rushed to the people. The tall fellow, whom he stumbled upon, seized Vereshchagin's thin neck with his hands, and with a wild cry, together with him, fell under the feet of the roaring people who had piled on.
Some beat and tore at Vereshchagin, others were tall fellows. And the cries of the crushed people and those who tried to save the tall fellow only aroused the fury of the crowd. For a long time the dragoons could not free the bloody, beaten to death factory worker. And for a long time, despite all the feverish haste with which the crowd tried to complete the work once begun, those people who beat, strangled and tore Vereshchagin could not kill him; but the crowd crushed them from all sides, with them in the middle, like one mass, swaying from side to side and did not give them the opportunity to either finish him off or leave him.
“Beat with an ax, or what? .. crushed ... Traitor, sold Christ! .. alive ... living ... torment for a thief. Constipation then! .. Is Ali alive?
Only when the victim had already ceased to struggle and her cries were replaced by a uniform drawn-out wheezing, the crowd began to hastily move around the lying, bloodied corpse. Everyone came up, looked at what had been done, and crowded back with horror, reproach and surprise.
“Oh my God, the people are like a beast, where can the living be!” was heard in the crowd. “And the fellow is young ... it must be from the merchants, then the people! .. they say, not that one ... how not that one ... Oh my God ... Another was beaten, they say, a little alive ... Eh, the people ... Who is not afraid of sin ... - they said now the same people, with a painfully pitiful expression, looking at dead body with a blue face, smeared with blood and dust, and with a slashed long thin neck.
A diligent police officer, finding the presence of a corpse in the courtyard of His Excellency indecent, ordered the dragoons to pull the body out into the street. Two dragoons took hold of the mutilated legs and dragged the body. A bloodied, dust-stained, dead, shaved head on a long neck, tucked up, dragged along the ground. The people huddled away from the corpse.
While Vereshchagin fell and the crowd, with a wild roar, hesitated and swayed over him, Rostopchin suddenly turned pale, and instead of going to the back porch, where the horses were waiting for him, he, not knowing where and why, lowered his head, with quick steps walked along the corridor leading to the rooms on the ground floor. The count's face was pale, and he could not stop his lower jaw shaking as if in a fever.