Zabolotsky I was brought up by harsh nature. Zabolotsky N - I was brought up by harsh nature (verse

The poems of N. Zabolotsky cannot be read with indifference. His poetry is a bright palette human feelings which are often hidden. For example, short poem“I was brought up by harsh nature” is, in essence, a real story about the poet himself, his inner world. The poet received a worthy upbringing, in which nature itself participated, which taught him to notice everything that is hidden from human eye. Indeed, rare person is able to pay attention to the beauty of a dandelion or sincerely admire the plantain. It is enough to pay attention to how the poet speaks of a dandelion - "a dandelion ball is downy." This is a very touching comparison, which testifies to the richness of the human soul. Indeed, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, few people are able to admire the beauty of a flower or simply notice the very existence of a small plant. And Zabolotsky not only notices, he feels that absolutely everything around is sweet and dear to him.

I was brought up by harsh nature,
It's enough for me to notice at the feet
Dandelion ball downy,
Plantain hard blade.

The more common a simple plant,
The more alive excites me
The first leaves his appearance
At the dawn of a spring day.

In the state of daisies, at the edge,
Where the stream, gasping, sings,
I would lie all night until the morning,
Throwing your face up into the sky.

Living like a stream of glowing dust
Everything would flow, flow through the sheets,
And the misty stars shone
Filling the bushes with rays.

And, listening spring noise
Among the enchanted herbs,
Everything would lie and think I think
Boundless fields and oak forests.

Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky was born (April 24) May 7, 1903 in Kazan in the family of an agronomist. Nicholas spent his childhood years in the village of Sernur Vyatka province, near the city of Urzhum. After graduating from a real school in Urzhum in 1920, Zabolotsky enters Moscow University at once in two faculties - philological and medical. literary life Moscow captures the poet. He is fond of imitating either Blok or Yesenin. From 1921 to 1925 Zabolotsky studied at pedagogical institute them. Herzen in Leningrad. During the years of study, he became close to a group of young authors, the "Oberiuts" ("Association of Real Art"). All members of this association were characterized by elements of alogism, absurdity, grotesque, these moments were not purely formal devices, but expressed, and in a peculiar way, the conflict nature of the world order. Participation in this group helps the poet find his way. His first book of poems, Columns, was published in 1926. This book was a resounding and even scandalous success. Readers were literally stunned by the poetics of the grotesque and tongue-tied tongue, rhythm and meter disturbances, shocking prosaisms, frankly non-literary style. In 1938, he was repressed on false charges and sent to work as a builder on Far East, in Altai region, Karaganda. In the 1930s and 1940s, Zabolotsky wrote Metamorphoses, Forest Lake, Morning, etc. In 1946, Zabolotsky returned to Moscow. Works on translations of Georgian poets, visits Georgia. In the 1950s, poems " Ugly girl”, “Old Actress”, etc., which make his name widely known. In 1957 he visited Italy. Zabolotsky was fond of painting by Filonov, Chagall, Brueghel. The ability to see the world through the eyes of an artist remained with the poet for life. In 1955, Zabolotsky had his first heart attack, and on October 14, 1958, his ailing heart stopped forever.

Poems are a way for a person to express his innermost feelings, thoughts, intentions. Each person has an immortal and unique soul, hopes, dreams. And so the poems of great poets fascinate the reader, make you think about issues that are in the bustle Everyday life fall out of sight.

The poems of N. Zabolotsky cannot be read with indifference. His poetry is a bright palette of human feelings, which often turn out to be hidden. For example, the short poem “I was brought up by harsh nature” is, in essence, a real story about the poet himself, his inner world.

I was brought up by harsh nature,

It's enough for me to notice at the feet

Dandelion ball downy,

Plantain hard blade.

These lines speak of the inseparable connection between the poet himself and the world around him. The poet received a worthy upbringing, in which nature itself participated, which taught him to notice everything that is hidden from the human eye. Indeed, a rare person is able to pay attention to the beauty of a dandelion or sincerely admire a plantain. It is enough to pay attention to how the poet speaks of a dandelion - "a dandelion ball is downy." This is a very touching comparison, which testifies to the richness of the human soul. Indeed, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, few people are able to admire the beauty of a flower or simply notice the very existence of a small plant. And Zabolotsky not only notices, he feels that absolutely everything around is sweet and dear to him.

The more common a simple plant,

The more alive excites me

The first leaves his appearance

At the dawn of a spring day.

Poets - amazing people! They are able to seriously talk about the most insignificant, which you will not immediately pay attention to. Few people think about how beautiful the “appearance of the first leaves” is. But this is a wonderful gift of nature itself, and the one who knows how to discern this real miracle in time is a true lucky one. The poet says that he cares about every plant. After all, even the smallest blade of grass or leaf is part of a huge, unknowable life around you.

And it is important not to miss a single moment of all the splendor that surrounds a person. The dawn of a spring day is a reward that nature does not give to everyone. People are able to live without paying absolutely no attention to what is happening around.

And let every dawn of spring days please the eye, excite the soul, all this goes unnoticed. A poet is different indifferent people He is much richer than them. For him, everything matters, everything affects the emotional mood.

In the state of daisies, at the edge,

Where the stream, gasping, sings,

I would lie all night until the morning,

Throwing your face up into the sky.

The poet creates an amazing picture of the world around him. “The State of Daisies”, “Singing Stream” - all this testifies to the extraordinary nature of the author, who notices the smallest details in wide world around. He is ready to forget all his affairs in order to stay in nature all night, admire its beauty, feeling like a tiny part of a big world.

Living like a stream of glowing dust

Everything would flow, flow through the sheets,

And the misty stars shone

Filling the bushes with rays.

Let be Life is going in its turn, the main thing is that there are the same leaves around, slowly rustling in the silence of the forest. And the stars from somewhere far away mysteriously look at all the beauty of nature, as if they know some secret secrets of the universe.

And, listening to the spring noise

Among the enchanted herbs,

Everything would lie and think I think

Boundless fields and oak forests.

Spring noise pleases a person, because it gives him some amazing strength and vivacity. The poet feels every breath of the breeze, and the life of nature, so mysterious and unique, charges him with cheerfulness, gives strength and confidence. You can spend as much time as you like among this beauty, reflecting on the transience of time and the inviolability of the vital foundations being.

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The world of poetry by I. A. Zabolotsky (based on the poem “I was brought up by harsh nature”)

unexpected epithets and metaphors. ("Dandelion ball is downy, / Plantain is a hard blade"). Find more similar examples and show their special expressiveness, allowing the reader to take a fresh look at the world.
I was brought up by harsh nature,
It's enough for me to notice at the feet
Dandelion ball downy,
Plantain hard blade.

The more common a simple plant,
The more alive excites me
The first leaves his appearance
At the dawn of a spring day.

Where the stream, gasping, sings,
Throwing your face up into the sky.

Living like a stream of glowing dust
And the misty stars shone
Filling the bushes with rays.

And, listening to the spring noise
Among the enchanted herbs,
Everything would lie and think I think
Boundless fields and oak forests.

DETERMINE THE THEME AND IDEA OF THE POEM I was brought up by harsh nature, It is enough for me to notice a downy ball at the feet of Dandelion,

Plantain hard blade.

The more common a simple plant,

The more alive excites me

The first leaves his appearance

At the dawn of a spring day.

In the state of daisies, at the edge,

Where the stream, gasping, sings,

I would lie all night until the morning,

Throwing your face up into the sky.

Living like a stream of glowing dust

Everything would flow, flow through the sheets,

And the misty stars shone

Filling the bushes with rays.

And, listening to the spring noise

Among the enchanted herbs,

Everything would lie and think I think

Boundless fields and oak forests.


2) Views, beliefs
3) The state of the author who wrote this verse or the hero of this verse

In the desert stunted and stingy,
On the ground, the heat of the red-hot,
Anchar, like a formidable sentry,
Worth - alone in the entire universe.

The nature of the thirsty steppes
She gave birth to him on the day of wrath,
And green dead branches
And watered the roots with poison.

Poison drips through its bark,
By noon, melting from the heat,
And freezes in the evening
Thick transparent resin.

Not even a bird flies to him,
And the tiger will not go: only a black whirlwind
Will run into the tree of death -
And rushes away, already pernicious.

And if the cloud irrigates,
Wandering, its dense leaf,
From its branches, already poisonous,
Rain flows into combustible sand.

But man man
He sent to the Anchar with an imperious look,
And he obediently flowed on the way
And in the morning he returned with poison.

He brought the tar of death
yes branch with withered leaves,
And sweat on a pale brow
It flowed in cold streams;

Brought - and weakened and lay down
Under the arch of the hut on the basts,
And the poor slave died at the feet
Invincible lord.

And the king fed that poison
Your obedient arrows
And with them death sent
To neighbors in alien confines.

Several years in the camps did not break Zabolotsky - on the contrary, they set him up in a philosophical way. He put his ideas into poetic form. Brief analysis“I was brought up by harsh nature” according to the plan will help to understand what exactly the poet wanted to say to his contemporaries and descendants. You can use it in a literature lesson in grade 8. Debriefing will make it easier for students to understand the material.

Brief analysis

History of creation The poem was written in 1953. Five years later, Zabolotsky, whose health was undermined by camp life, would die.

Theme of the poem- a story about native nature.

Composition- one-part for five stanzas, the author talks about how beautiful Russian nature is.

Genre- landscape-philosophical lyrics.

Poetic size- anapaest with cross rhyming.

epithets“harsh nature”, “downy ball”, “solid blade”, “simple plant”, “first leaves”, “spring day”, “luminous dust”, “enchanted herbs”, “boundless fields”.

Metaphors“the state of daisies”, “throwing its face into the sky”, “life flows like a stream of luminous dust through the sheets”, “stars flood the bushes with rays”.

personification“stream, panting, sings”.

History of creation

Nikolai Zabolotsky grew up among the rich Russian nature on an estate near Kazan. However long time he does not appreciate all the beauty of nature, did not understand its beauty and charm. Everything has changed Siberian camps. The harsh nature of the region, where winter reigned for two-thirds of the year, returned the prisoner to childhood, which he recalled with special feelings, and this trembling switched to nature.

Having already returned to places dear to his heart, the poet was able to fully appreciate the beauty of the surrounding world. He acknowledged the mistakes of his young self and poetically rethought his attitude towards nature. The fruit of this rethinking was the poem "I was brought up by harsh nature."


Nikolai Alekseevich dedicates his work with trepidation to his native nature, its unique beauty and charm. He admires the most simple pictures simply because this is the motherland, and it is always beautiful. And simplicity is part of the charm of the Russian landscape, and not its lack.


Zabolotsky created a one-part verse, consisting of five stanzas that reveal the same theme and develop a common idea.

In the first stanza reveals very important thought that lyrical hero brought up by harsh nature. Thus, the author emphasizes the idea that it was the northern camps that became the place that helped him to see clearly and see the beauty of the world to which he was able to return after his release.

Second stanza is a hymn to simplicity. Nikolai Alekseevich thus emphasizes the idea that he began to worry not so much about lush, beautiful flowers and branches, but about the simplest plants, because they are the most dear.

Third stanza- these are the poet's dreams of a night spent on a chamomile field under starry sky, and the fourth is an imaginary picture of how wonderful it could be.

Fifth stanza closes the composition: in it the lyrical hero, speaking on behalf of the poet, shows a deep understanding of nature. He loves nature so much that he is ready to become a part of it, to think the same thoughts as fields and oak forests. And he seeks to convey his love to the person who will read the poetic lines written by him.

He says that new knowledge that everything around is beautiful helps a person find his own in a difficult world. true place find peace and understanding. He can really feel every movement surrounding nature and learn to live in harmony with it.


This work belongs to the genre of landscape-philosophical lyrics: on the one hand, the author describes the beauty of nature, on the other hand, he talks about his feelings for her, talks about the world around him and admires it.

It is written in an anapaest with cross-rhyming, which makes the rhythm of the poem more melodious and gives it a natural charm.

Facilities expressiveness

To illustrate his thought, Nikolai Alekseevich uses bright and memorable paths. This is:

  • epithets- “harsh nature”, “downy ball”, “hard blade”, “simple plant”, “first leaves”, “spring day”, “glowing dust”, “enchanted herbs”, “boundless fields”.
  • Metaphors- “the state of daisies”, “throwing its face into the sky”, “life flows like a stream of luminous dust through the sheets”, “stars flood the bushes with rays”.
  • personification- “the stream, choking, sings”.

All of them work to convey the idea that the author puts into his poem, to evoke an emotional response in the reader. And Zabolotsky manages to really convey all his feelings and emotions.

The poems of N. Zabolotsky cannot be read with indifference. His poetry is a bright palette of human feelings, which often turn out to be hidden. For example, the short poem “I was brought up by harsh nature” is, in essence, a real story about the poet himself, his inner world. The poet received a worthy upbringing, in which nature itself participated, which taught him to notice everything that is hidden from the human eye. Indeed, a rare person is able to pay attention to the beauty of a dandelion or sincerely admire a plantain. It is enough to pay attention to how the poet speaks of a dandelion - "a dandelion ball is downy." This is a very touching comparison, which testifies to the richness of the human soul. Indeed, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, few people are able to admire the beauty of a flower or simply notice the very existence of a small plant. And Zabolotsky not only notices, he feels that absolutely everything around is sweet and dear to him.

I was brought up by harsh nature,
It's enough for me to notice at the feet
Dandelion ball downy,
Plantain hard blade.

The more common a simple plant,
The more alive excites me
The first leaves his appearance
At the dawn of a spring day.

In the state of daisies, at the edge,
Where the stream, gasping, sings,
I would lie all night until the morning,
Throwing your face up into the sky.

Living like a stream of glowing dust
Everything would flow, flow through the sheets,
And the misty stars shone
Filling the bushes with rays.

And, listening to the spring noise
Among the enchanted herbs,
Everything would lie and think I think
Boundless fields and oak forests.

Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky was born (April 24) May 7, 1903 in Kazan in the family of an agronomist. Nicholas spent his childhood years in the village of Sernur in the Vyatka province, not far from the city of Urzhum. After graduating from a real school in Urzhum in 1920, Zabolotsky enters Moscow University at once in two faculties - philological and medical. The literary life of Moscow captures the poet. He is fond of imitating either Blok or Yesenin. From 1921 to 1925 Zabolotsky studied at the Pedagogical Institute. Herzen in Leningrad. During the years of study, he became close to a group of young authors, the "Oberiuts" ("Association of Real Art"). All members of this association were characterized by elements of alogism, absurdity, grotesque, these moments were not purely formal devices, but expressed, and in a peculiar way, the conflict nature of the world order. Participation in this group helps the poet find his way. His first book of poems, Columns, was published in 1926. This book was a resounding and even scandalous success. Readers were literally stunned by the poetics of the grotesque and tongue-tied tongue, rhythm and meter disturbances, shocking prosaisms, frankly non-literary style. In 1938, he was repressed on false charges and sent to work as a builder in the Far East, in the Altai Territory, Karaganda. In the 1930s and 1940s, Zabolotsky wrote Metamorphoses, Forest Lake, Morning, etc. In 1946, Zabolotsky returned to Moscow. Works on translations of Georgian poets, visits Georgia. In the 1950s, the poems "Ugly Girl", "Old Actress" and others were published, which made his name widely known. In 1957 he visited Italy. Zabolotsky was fond of painting by Filonov, Chagall, Brueghel. The ability to see the world through the eyes of an artist remained with the poet for life. In 1955, Zabolotsky had his first heart attack, and on October 14, 1958, his ailing heart stopped forever.