Story. Manor Nikolo-Zupan: an unsuccessful romance between the authorities and the investor

Generations later, interest in the old Russian estates appeared, but their revival is sometimes only a continuation. dramatic history the beginning of the last century. An example of this is the participant's estate Patriotic War 1812, St. George Cavalier General Alexander Yakovlevich Mirkovich in the village of Nikolo-Zhupan near Odoev in Tula region.

Mansion - for potatoes

House of General Alexander Yakovlevich Mirkovich - historical monument federal significance. This is a manor of amazing beauty and harmony, located on the high bank of the Upa River, an architectural monument of the middle of the 19th century. The history of the mansion is typical in many respects. After the revolution, the Bolsheviks forced the general's heirs to leave the house, and a school for peasant youth was opened in the vacated premises. In the 1930s, they decided to close the school and organize a rest home for writers. Serafimovich, Lavrenev, Trenev were here, in 1934 Boris Pasternak lived.

After the war, the estate was given to an orphanage. When a new building was built for the children, old house turned into a hostel for employees. In the 1990s, the district authorities registered refugees there, and a vegetable store and a boiler room were set up in the basement. The rest of the fuel was dumped into the courtyard. Half a century later, the heirs had to take out 27 KamAZ trucks with coal chips from here.

How it all began

The fact that her ancestor in the fifth generation is a general, a participant in the Battle of Borodino and foreign trips of the Russian army, Olga Troitskaya-Mirkovich found out unexpectedly for herself when she worked in the archives, finding out the fate of her grandfather, who was shot in the years Stalinist repressions. It then took eight years to collect and sign all the papers confirming her rights to the estate.

In the summer of 2005, a decision was made to transfer the house to descendants for gratuitous use for a period of 49 years (then it was impossible to privatize the monuments). To do this, the Mirkovichs were asked to create entity, on the balance of which the dilapidated economy could be transferred. This is how the non-profit organization "Cultural Center "General Mirkovich's Estate" appeared.

In a year, they made cosmetic repairs and opened the first exhibition dedicated to the history of the general's family, which reflects the history of Russia like in a mirror: among the names present on the stands are the Demidovs, Chicherens, Sukhovo-Kobylin, Muravyov-Amursky. In the memory book of the nascent museum there is an entry by Yevgeny Borisovich Pasternak: “It is very good that there are such people who find the strength in themselves to revive what was lost in terrible years timelessness that wiped off the face of the earth historical roots. I mean the family of Olga Serafimovna Mirkovich, who decided to raise the house of her ancestors from the ruins."

All these years, Troitskaya-Mirkovich has been collecting and studying historical materials and various items associated with the estate, writes articles, publishes books, she is invited to give lectures at various forums and conferences. Now this museum has more than three thousand exhibits, there is even a luxurious white piano. The house of Mirkovich today has become one of the brands of the Tula region, it was included in the Russian Estates project.

That's how you support it!

Ten years ago, the regional authorities promised all kinds of assistance. District officials remained silent. The oblasts made some noise and forgot, and the Mirkoviches finally found out what this silence of the municipalities meant. The fact is that the contract for gratuitous use was concluded with an encumbrance: people lived in the house, and the tenants "should not interfere with the residents' residence until they are legally evicted." True, as the prosecutor's office found out, this house never belonged to housing stock, and the local administration had no right to prescribe people in it. Despite all the promises and illegality, people have not been resettled so far. Only this year a woman with a baby was discharged, and the man who returned from prison is still registered at this address.

Today, regional cultural officials say that the presence of tenants did not interfere with the restoration of the building. Only now the residents themselves constantly threatened that they would privatize their rooms. And what sponsor would agree in such a situation to invest in the restoration of funds? Moreover, despite the fact that the territory of the monument was never formalized - all attempts to lease land were boycotted by the local authorities.

Mirkovich's mansion has become one of the brands of the Tula region today

We did not take the estate as a dacha, but collected exhibits to make a museum, - Olga Serafimovna explains. - There was a circle of people who were ready to finance the restoration project. They still exist, but subject to the registration of the land under the building. federal law No. 73-FZ found that land within the boundaries of cultural heritage sites are lands of historical and cultural purpose. We do not need areas and buildings leased to a children's boarding school for an indefinite period. But why aren't we allowed to issue the rest? The regeneration of the preserved outbuildings will allow potential investors to create infrastructure for the development of the tourist complex in parallel with the cultural and historical project "General Mirkovich's Estate".

Mirkovichi on your own the basements were cleaned out, the sewerage and the boiler room were restored. But the pipe was dumped again and handed over to scrap metal. The ladder to the river was dismantled. To top it off, the director of the orphanage decided to make a stadium five meters from the western wing of the building - his land. By the time they managed to stop it, they managed to fill the site with sand and cut down relic balsamic poplars, which in the last century by Nikitsky specialists botanical garden were recognized as natural monuments. What can I say, on the day when we arrived at the estate, we had to drag huge logs (remains of those very poplars) from the doors - they were rolled up so that the woman could not leave the house. Okay, she left to meet us.

The struggle for this house, primitive in meanness, is going on so much,” says Tamara Lepeshova, a resident of Odoev. - All historical buildings in Odoev are sold out. Of all, only this estate remained unsold. There are so many examples when people buy houses for the sake of a plot of land: the developer is waiting for them to fall apart in order to build something of their own.

Do you expect help?

A new round of struggle against the descendants of the owner of the estate, but already at the regional level, began recently - after she entered the Russian Estates project. Troitskaya-Mirkovich was charged with her failure to restore the house. There was a trial, she was fined 300 thousand rubles. Then the regional ministers of culture and property relations suggested that she "leave on good terms." Otherwise, the contract is terminated by the court.

Security obligations and obligations to restore the estate were prescribed, - explained Tatyana Rybkina, Minister of Culture of the Tula Region. - Within five years, a restoration project must be submitted, within ten years - obligations to bring the estate in order must be fulfilled. All deadlines have passed. In the last two years, the estate began to simply physically collapse. We supported Olga Serafimovna, we always invited her to exhibitions. I'll give it her due when it comes to promoting the brand, she does it very well. Thanks to her, the estate is part of the cultural heritage of the region. But no matter what was said, the estate began to collapse.

According to Olga Troitskaya-Mirkovich, she was told that with the help of the "people's budget" 50 million rubles could be allocated for the restoration of the estate. Half of the amount - the funds of the regional treasury, 30 percent will give the municipality, five million - she. But for this, the estate must become municipal property.

Local activists are sure that the reason for everything is the opportunity to "pull up" big money, and officials do not need heirs here. They are skeptical about talking about the "people's budget": in the village the water tower is collapsing, there is no lighting, there is a problem with sewage, and people will vote for the restoration of the estate?

She is simply physically unable to lift all this - not a philanthropist, not a rich person. At the same time, this is a person who knows the history of the family very well, has collected many interesting exhibits, - explains Tatyana Rybkina. - I would not want this estate to be entirely some kind of investment project that would be given to an investor, for example, for a hotel. Certainly part of it must be museumified. But financial position is such that the region, especially the municipality, has no funds for the full restoration of the estate. Probably it will a joint project. There may be private business involved.

In this scheme, Olga Troitskaya-Mirkovich in best case the role of the gatekeeper at the museum collected by her is assigned. No wonder she is outraged by this. After all, there is a creative project already developed, there are potential investors, but the authorities seem to have their own preferences.

The cache is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the war against Napoleon in 1812.

Not far from Odoev, in a village with interesting name Nikolo-Župan, two interesting buildings from the point of view of the history of the structure have been preserved: noble estate, known as the estate of General Mirkovich, and St. Nicholas Church.

The origin of the name of the village remained a mystery to us, but it is known that during the time of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, the village was the patrimony of the Streshnev boyars. AT late XVIII century, it passed to the Chicherin family: Major General Alexander Nikolaevich and his wife Elizaveta Petrovna, nee Demidova, granddaughter of Grigory Akinfievich Demidov, one of the largest producers of iron and copper, the creator of the first scientific botanical garden in Russia near Solikamsk. Her father, Pyotr Grigoryevich Demidov (1740 - 1826), from 1800 for five years served as chief director of the St. Petersburg commercial school. Elizaveta Petrovna herself is known as a translator and writer. This name was included in the dictionary of Russian writers of the XVIII century. Her daughter, Ekaterina Alexandrovna Chicherina, married Alexander Yakovlevich Mirkovich (1792 - 1888) in 1822. From this marriage in 1828 a son, Alexander, was born. Ekaterina Alexandrovna died in 1848 at the age of 58.

The temple was erected around 1701 by order of A. Streshneva. Its architecture is designed in the "Naryshkin style". A tall octagon with a lantern, carrying an onion head, towered above the main quadrangle. The pyramidal silhouette of the temple was echoed by a high four-tiered bell tower. In the 1820s The Mirkovichi built two aisles on the sides of the refectory, crowning them with cupolas. The extensions were decorated to match the original architecture of the church, so that the building acquired stylistic unity. Nicholas Church represented interesting example"Naryshkin" architecture in the Tula region, which is not rich in monuments of this style. Lacking the artistic perfection of metropolitan designs, it was notable for the originality of some motifs, for example, multiple round windows in massive frames. In the ensemble of the estate, it was the main dominant, crowning a high hill above the Upa River. After the revolution, the monument came Hard times. In the middle of the XX century. the bell tower was dismantled to the first tier, and a water tower was placed above the octagon of the temple. This is how the building is depicted in the photographs of the 1970s. Now the church itself is no more, only the later side-altars have remained. And on the site of the main Streshnevsky temple - a broken brick overgrown with bushes. Some representatives of the Chicherin-Mirkovich family found their resting place in the aisle of the St. Nicholas Church in the name of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, whose organizers they were.

In 1851, Alexander Yakovlevich Mirkovich completed the construction of the main manor house. Until 1917, the estate was owned by the descendants of this family. Then the estate housed a school for peasant youth, and since 1932 - the Rest House of the Writers' Union. Boris Pasternak, Alexander Serafimovich, Konstantin Trenev and many others rested here. From 1953 to 1974 the estate housed Orphanage. Later, the memorial building was used as a hostel for employees orphanage. Since August 2005, a monument of history and culture of federal significance has been transferred for gratuitous use for 49 years to the ANO "Cultural Center" General Mirkovich's Estate "to create memorial museum Hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, participant in foreign campaigns of 1813-1814, participant in the battle of Borodino, Major General, Knight of St. George Alexander Yakovlevich Mirkovich. The founders of the cultural center are its direct descendants. The estate was held complex measures to preserve the house and protect it from the entry of unauthorized persons. Carried out emergency work for the suspension further destruction building. Currently, the restoration project of the monument and the coordination of the project of the boundaries of the territory and zones of protection of the monument are under development. In one of the halls of the main house of the estate, a preliminary exposition has been created, telling about the history of the estate and its owners. On the Day of the city of Odoev, the estate holds a “Day open doors". For schoolchildren of the district, visiting the estate has also become a tradition: in May - after school year, in September - at the beginning of the training season for the Day of the Battle of Borodino, which was attended by the owner of the estate, Alexander Yakovlevich Mirkovich.

Now a little about A. Ya. Mirkovich himself. In 1810 he completed Corps of Pages with honors, considered best student release. Together with his brother Fedor, he participated in the Battle of Borodino. Awarded for distinction with the Order of Anna, 4th class. Fedor was seriously wounded in that battle, and he later wrote that he was saved largely thanks to his brother. By the way, the cuirassier, who saw that Fyodor Yakovlevich was wounded and informed Alexander about it, then lived in Nikolo-Zupani. General Mirkovich fought a lot, reached Paris, participated in several military campaigns and foreign campaigns. Awarded the Kulm Cross, a golden weapon for bravery. In 1817, on the occasion of Emperor Alexander I's move to Moscow, Mirkovich was in that division of the Horse Guards, which entered the Moscow Guards detachment, and on October 12, on the day the French left Moscow, he was present at the laying of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. After 66 years, it was Mirkovich, among the very few surviving veterans of the Patriotic War, who received an invitation to attend the solemn consecration of this temple. Main concern Alexander Yakovlevich was to perpetuate the exploits of the Russian people in World War II. Being retired, he completed the history of the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment, begun while still in service. Having settled first in Nikolo-Zhupani, and then in Kaluga, Mirkovich sought out the banner of the Azov Regiment, saved by non-commissioned officer Starichkov, which began to decorate the cathedral church in Kaluga. In 1891, he initiated the erection of a monument to the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812 in Maloyaroslavets Kaluga region, the first to donate money for the construction of the memorial. Keeping a sincere and boundless feeling of love for the motherland, Alexander Yakovlevich was interested in everything that related to the history of Russia. He carefully collected historical documents, kept the letters of Catherine II to Chicherin, which he later transferred to the Imperial public library. Alexander Yakovlevich Mirkovich died on June 22, 1888 in Kaluga. On June 24, his body was buried in the monastery of the Holy Cross. Parts of the troops stationed in Kaluga participated in the procession to pay tribute to the deceased as a Cavalier of St. George.

In the Odoevsky district of the Tula region, in the village of Nikolo-Zhupan, there is an old Russian estate, which went down in the history of the Tula region as the estate of General Mirkovich.

By decision of the regional executive committee No. 6-294 of April 9, 1969, the estate was recognized as a monument of history and culture local importance, and since 1995 by decree of the President Russian Federation(No. 176 of February 20, 1995) - a monument of history and culture of federal significance.

During the time of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, the village was the patrimony of the Streshnev boyars. At the end of the 18th century, it passed to the Chicherin family: Major General Alexander Nikolaevich and his wife Elizaveta Petrovna, nee Demidova, granddaughter of Grigory Akinfievich Demidov, one of the largest producers of iron and copper, creator of the first scientific botanical garden in Russia near Solikamsk. Her father, Pyotr Grigoryevich Demidov (1740 - 1826), from 1800 for five years served as chief director of the St. Petersburg Commercial School.

Elizaveta Petrovna herself is known as a translator and writer. This name was included in the dictionary of Russian writers of the XVIII century. Her daughter, Ekaterina Alexandrovna Chicherina, married Alexander Yakovlevich Mirkovich (1792 - 1888) in 1822. From this marriage in 1828 a son, Alexander, was born. Ekaterina Alexandrovna died in 1848 at the age of 58.

In 1851, Alexander Yakovlevich Mirkovich completed the construction of the main manor house.

Some representatives of the Chicherin-Mirkovich family found their resting place in the aisle of the St. Nicholas Church in the name of the Holy Right-Believing Prince Alexander Nevsky, which has survived to this day, the organizers of which they were.

Until 1917, the estate was owned by the descendants of this family.

Then the estate housed a school for peasant youth, and since 1932 - the Rest House of the Writers' Union. B. L. Pasternak and many other famous writers rested here.

From 1953 to 1974, the Mirkovich House housed an orphanage. Later, the memorial building was used as a hostel for employees of the orphanage.

Since August 2005, a monument of history and culture of federal significance has been transferred for gratuitous use for 49 years to the ANO "Cultural Center" General Mirkovich's Estate "to create in it a memorial museum of the Hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, a participant in foreign campaigns of 1813-1814, a participant in the Battle of Borodino, Major General, Knight of St. George Alexander Yakovlevich Mirkovich. The founders of the cultural center are its direct descendants.

In 2001, a memorial plaque was installed on the monument building with the following content: “A monument to the history and culture of the federal (all-Russian) nineteenth century "Estate of General Mirkovich A.Ya." (02/02/1792 - 06/22/1888), hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, participant in the Battle of Borodino and foreign campaigns of Russian troops (1813-1814), Knight of St. George. Here from 1932 to 1936. the Writers' Rest House was located, where the writers A. Serafimovich, N. Trenev, the poet B. Pasternak lived and worked. Protected by the state. The memorial plaque was erected on July 4, 2001 by the grateful descendants of General A.Ya. Mirkovich.”

Since 2005, on the Day of the city of Odoev, the estate has held an “Open Doors Day”. For schoolchildren of the district, visiting the estate has also become a tradition: in May - at the end of the school year, in September - at the beginning of the school season on the Day of the Battle of Borodino, which was attended by the owner of the estate, Alexander Yakovlevich Mirkovich.

In May 2008 the founders cultural center have been noted National Prize « Cultural heritage”for merits in the preservation, revival and popularization of the architectural heritage of Russia, and in 2009 - gratitude from the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Grade: 4,00 (votes: 4 )

The village of Nikolo-Zhupan, Odoevsky district, is known to many lovers of antiquity, thanks to the palace located there, which went down in the history of the Tula region under the name "General Mirkovich's Estate". Today this estate is a monument of history and culture of federal significance.

The estate became a monument of history of federal significance back in 1995, in 2001 a memorial plaque was installed on the building with the following content: “A monument of history and culture of federal (all-Russian) significance of the 19th century “The estate of General Mirkovich A.Ya.” (02/02/1792 - 06/22/1888), hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, participant in the Battle of Borodino and foreign campaigns of Russian troops (1813-1814), Knight of St. George. Here from 1932 to 1936. the Writers' Rest House was located, where the writers A. Serafimovich, N. Trenev, the poet B. Pasternak lived and worked. Protected by the state. The memorial plaque was erected on July 4, 2001 by the grateful descendants of General A.Ya. Mirkovich.” And this board is the only whole exhibit on the monument of history. Time mercilessly destroys the building itself.

The building of the main manor house was built in 1851, although due to the very successful and picturesque location, the village was known much earlier - since the time of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Then the village was the patrimony of the Streshnev boyars, but at the end of the 18th century it passed to the Chicherin family: Major General Alexander Nikolaevich and his wife Elizaveta Petrovna, nee Demidova, granddaughter of Grigory Akinfievich Demidov, one of the largest producers of iron and copper, creator of the first scientific botanical garden in Russia near Solikamsk. Her father, Pyotr Grigoryevich Demidov (1740 - 1826), from 1800 for five years served as chief director of the St. Petersburg Commercial School.

Elizaveta Petrovna herself is known as a translator and writer. This name was included in the dictionary of Russian writers of the XVIII century. Her daughter, Ekaterina Alexandrovna Chicherina, married Alexander Yakovlevich Mirkovich (1792-1888) in 1822. From this marriage in 1828 a son, Alexander, was born. Ekaterina Alexandrovna died in 1848, not having lived to see the completion of the construction of the estate for 3 years.

Alexander Yakovlevich Mirkovich - a descendant of the Serbian nobles, Private trader of the war of 1812 (passed Vitebsk, Smolensk, Borodino) and foreign campaigns (Lutzen, Bautzen, Dresden, Kulm, Leipzig, Fer-Champenoise). For all these trips awarded the Order St. Anne 4th class, Kulm cross and golden weapon for bravery. Mirković retired in 1854 with the rank of major general. The main concern of Alexander Yakovlevich was to perpetuate the exploits of the Russian people in World War II, he wrote the history of the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment, but, unfortunately, it was never printed. Mirkovich died in Kaluga, where he was buried.

The building was in the possession of the descendants of the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812 until 1917. As usual, after October revolution all estates were expropriated new government, therefore, until 1932, the estate housed a school for peasant youth, and then - the Rest House of the Writers' Union.

Since August 2005, a monument of history and culture of federal significance has been transferred for gratuitous use for 49 years to create a memorial museum of the Hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, a participant in foreign campaigns of 1813-1814, a participant in the Battle of Borodino, major general, Georgievsky cavalier Alexander Yakovlevich Mirkovich . The founders of the cultural center are its direct descendants.

It is a pity, but the estate is in a very deplorable state and with such an attitude it will not last another 40 years. To get inside you need to call in advance (we did not do this). The entrance to one half of the basement is completely open - there is nothing interesting there, just large layer debris and dampness. The estate requires capital investments and repairs, and urgent.

What the estate was before one can only guess. The photo above shows the pond and the poplars that surround it. The pond is gone, and so are the poplars. On the high bank reverse side the estate still has the remains of a staircase, but it is very difficult to go down them. Most likely there used to be a gazebo (or maybe more than one - the view is very good). A panorama opens from the high bank of the Upa, the center of which is the white walls of the Anastasov Monastery.

I really hope that the issue of preserving such a monument will be raised, and the building will be put in order.

And in Nikolo-Zupani there is a brick Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, built around 1701 by the landowners Streshnevs. To the church in 1918 at the expense of A.Ya. Mirkovich, in the spirit of the old temple, a refectory with Vladimir and Alexander Nevsky aisles and a bell tower were added. To date, the temple has been destroyed, leaving only the refectory.

Well, as usual: if there are mistakes - poke your nose and do not judge strictly)))

In the Odoevsky district of the Tula region, in the village of Nikolo-Zhupan, there is an old Russian estate, which went down in the history of the Tula region as the estate of General Mirkovich.

By decision of the regional executive committee No. 6-294 of April 9, 1969, the estate was recognized as a monument of history and culture of local significance, and since 1995, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation (No. 176 of February 20, 1995) - a monument of history and culture of federal significance.

During the time of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, the village was the patrimony of the Streshnev boyars. At the end of the 18th century, it passed to the Chicherin family: Major General Alexander Nikolaevich and his wife Elizaveta Petrovna, nee Demidova, granddaughter of Grigory Akinfievich Demidov, one of the largest producers of iron and copper, creator of the first scientific botanical garden in Russia near Solikamsk. Her father, Pyotr Grigoryevich Demidov (1740 - 1826), from 1800 for five years served as chief director of the St. Petersburg Commercial School.

Elizaveta Petrovna herself is known as a translator and writer. This name was included in the dictionary of Russian writers of the XVIII century. Her daughter, Ekaterina Alexandrovna Chicherina, married Alexander Yakovlevich Mirkovich (1792 - 1888) in 1822. From this marriage in 1828 a son, Alexander, was born. Ekaterina Alexandrovna died in 1848 at the age of 58.

In 1851, Alexander Yakovlevich Mirkovich completed the construction of the main manor house.

Some representatives of the Chicherin-Mirkovich family found their resting place in the aisle of the St. Nicholas Church in the name of the Holy Right-Believing Prince Alexander Nevsky, which has survived to this day, the organizers of which they were.

Until 1917, the estate was owned by the descendants of this family.

Then the estate housed a school for peasant youth, and since 1932 - the Rest House of the Writers' Union. B. L. Pasternak and many other famous writers rested here.

From 1953 to 1974, the Mirkovich House housed an orphanage. Later, the memorial building was used as a hostel for employees of the orphanage.

Since August 2005, a monument of history and culture of federal significance has been transferred for gratuitous use for 49 years to the ANO "Cultural Center" General Mirkovich's Estate "to create in it a memorial museum of the Hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, a participant in foreign campaigns of 1813-1814, a participant in the Battle of Borodino, Major General, Knight of St. George Alexander Yakovlevich Mirkovich. The founders of the cultural center are its direct descendants.

In 2001, a memorial plaque was installed on the monument building with the following content: “Monument of history and culture of federal (all-Russian) significance of the 19th century “The estate of General Mirkovich A.Ya.” (02/02/1792 - 06/22/1888), hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, participant in the Battle of Borodino and foreign campaigns of Russian troops (1813-1814), Knight of St. George. Here from 1932 to 1936. the Writers' Rest House was located, where the writers A. Serafimovich, N. Trenev, the poet B. Pasternak lived and worked. Protected by the state. The memorial plaque was erected on July 4, 2001 by the grateful descendants of General A.Ya. Mirkovich.”

Since 2005, on the Day of the city of Odoev, the estate has held an “Open Doors Day”. For schoolchildren of the district, visiting the estate has also become a tradition: in May - at the end of the school year, in September - at the beginning of the school season on the Day of the Battle of Borodino, which was attended by the owner of the estate, Alexander Yakovlevich Mirkovich.

In May 2008, the founders of the Cultural Center were awarded the National Prize "Cultural Heritage" for merits in the preservation, revival and promotion of the architectural heritage of Russia, and in 2009 - gratitude from the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation.