What equipment is needed for the manufacture of foam blocks. Technical parameters of foam concrete

The production of the simplest building materials is a favorite direction for the development of small businesses. In this area, a mini plant for the production of foam blocks can turn out to be a real find, or vice versa, become a bitter disappointment. It all depends on how correctly the scheme for the production of foam blocks at home is chosen.

How to make the production of foam blocks profitable

First of all, when drawing up a business plan for the production of foam blocks, you will need to do the three most important things:

  • To understand as deeply as possible all the intricacies of foam block production technology, what determines the quality, which block is the most popular, and what is needed to make production not only profitable, but cheaper than that of its closest competitors;
  • Find a team of at least two people who are technically savvy and know how to make foam blocks with their own hands in practice;
  • The most important thing is to find potential buyers for the manufactured foam block and at any cost to get them to want to purchase a foam block of their own production.

Advice! If you can fulfill all three points, then you can safely apply to the bank for a loan to purchase a ready-made imported foam block production mini-factory.

The presence of all three components, a well-designed cost estimate and costing for the production of foam blocks, a business plan will quickly attract serious capital to your mini-factory. It sometimes takes a year to complete all three points hard work, while you can make your small home-made mini-factory profitable and profitable in six months. You have to start with the simplest - with production technology.

Organization of the work of a mini-factory for the production of foam blocks

Before considering the costs and revenues of foam block production, it is necessary to hone the technology to the highest achievable level of material quality. At the same time, it is not necessary to purchase used equipment from mini-factories. Most often in production, they get rid of inefficient and broken equipment, and only in rare cases, due to financial difficulties, they sell standing equipment at a low price.

Purchase of equipment

That's why most equipment for the future mini-factory will have to be found and bought in parts. For the first line of the mini-factory you will need:

  1. Foam generator for the preparation of foam filler, the average cost of the unit in good condition estimated within 15 thousand rubles;
  2. An air compressor with a working pressure of 8 atm and a flow rate of at least 300 liters will cost up to 20 thousand rubles;
  3. The manufacture of a home-made concrete mixer for 300 liters will cost 25 thousand rubles. In the first 6-10 months of production, the capabilities of a homemade tank will be enough. As soon as free money appears for retrofitting the mini-factory, the tank can be replaced with a purchased product;
  4. A pump for pumping the mixture can cost up to 50 thousand rubles. Like the compressor, this is the most complex and expensive part mini-factory, therefore, it is impossible to save on the quality of this equipment;
  5. A set of molds for casting foam blocks. It is necessary to buy molds in ready-made trays made of thin sheet metal, calculating the volume of molds according to the productivity of your mini-factory, the maximum price is 32 thousand rubles.

In total, the total cost of the equipment will be 15 + 20 + 5 + 50 + 32 = 132 thousand rubles. Taking into account the storage tanks for water, sand, foaming agent and cement, the total cost of the first line of the mini-plant will be up to 150 thousand rubles.

Production technology and consumption of materials

The manufacturing technique is simple. The foam generator is filled with the working mixture with the addition of a foam agent. It is best to use the ready-made composition of SDO-m or its analogues. Homemade compositions based on rosin and sodium alkali are best not to use yet.

The ingredients of the concrete solution are filled into the concrete mixer and thoroughly mixed with the simultaneous supply of foam and air by the compressor unit. After "foaming" of the foam concrete mass, a solution of sodium chloride is supplied, mixed, and the foam material is poured into molds with a screw pump, after which it is sent for setting within two days.

For the manufacture of a cubic meter of D600 foam concrete, an average of 300-310 kg of cement, 200 kg of sand and 1.6 liters of foam agent with a stabilizer are required.

As a result, it turns out: for a mini-plant with a capacity of 10 m 3 of foam concrete, the cost of producing a daily batch of material will be 16,000 rubles. for the brand D600 and 20,000 rubles. for foam concrete D1000.

Cost and profit calculation, further production planning

For a month of production of foam blocks, the mini-factory will produce about 240 m 3 of building material. At a wholesale price for foam blocks of 1800 rubles. for the 600th brand and 2500 rubles for the 1000th, the planned profit will be 200 and 500 rubles per cubic meter of the block sold, respectively. For a production volume of 240 m 3, the total surplus value, taking into account the discount on wholesale and delivery will be 40 thousand and 100 thousand rubles. respectively.

Note! With the deduction of the cost of depreciation and maintenance of equipment, deductions for the future purchase or renewal of the mini-plant equipment, the profitability of production will still be very high, at the level of 40-50%.

In the first month, you will be able to stamp all 240 m3 by yourself, with one part-time assistant. His salary will be 15 thousand rubles, which means that your personal income will decrease to 25 and 85 thousand rubles, respectively.

From this amount, it will be necessary to allocate funds to compensate for hidden costs on the second line of the mini-factory. First of all, you will need to organize the disassembly of forms, their cleaning and restoration. In order to have one set of molds for pouring every day, which means that one person at the mini-factory will have to prepare the molds and lay out the finished blocks. Transferring 10m 3 of finished blocks in molds with a total weight of 12 tons is a physically difficult task, so special equipment, trolleys and a lift will be required, total cost up to 20 thousand rubles.

In addition, it will be necessary to organize a warehouse in which at least a two-week supply of material production or 120 m 3 of a foam block can be laid out for maturation. At a minimum, you will need a shed or barn with an area of ​​​​100 m 2. The construction of a simple canopy will cost 100 thousand rubles.

The total additional costs for the first two months of foam block production will be:

  • The cost of retrofitting the equipment of the mini-plant with a new concrete mixer - 100 thousand rubles;
  • Hiring one additional employee -25 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of handling equipment and construction of a shed - 110 thousand rubles;
  • Block cutting machine.

As a result, for normal operation mini-factory will require additional capital investments in the amount of 245 thousand rubles. To cover these costs, stable production and output will be required for half a year.

How to properly modernize the production of foam blocks

The given example proves that mini-factories cannot always have high profitability of production, in some cases they are unprofitable. Even in the simplest approximation, in order to cover the cost of labor and the modernization of mini-factory equipment, it is necessary to sell 240 cubic meters or 4 railroad cars of material per month. In conditions of fierce competition, it is possible to sell such an amount of foam concrete only in summer time, at the stage of mass construction.

Therefore, the cost of producing a foam block at a mini-factory must be reduced with a simultaneous increase in quality to the factory one. There are several main ways to improve the return on invested capital:

  1. Negotiate with suppliers of cement and sand on stable procurement of material within next year with the condition free shipping and unloading to the warehouse of the mini-factory;
  2. Find the main buyers of the material in the face of individual developers and teams involved in the construction of foam concrete houses. If the volume of the purchased foam block can be increased to 400 cubic meters per month, it is possible to transfer the production of a mini-factory from semi-handicraft to semi-industrial;
  3. On the basis of attracted capital or a loan, a foam block production line is purchased according to a more advanced steaming scheme. The cost of the line is up to 5 million rubles, the cost of production of one foam block is reduced by 10-15%.

The use of a semi-industrial steaming method will reduce the consumption of cement and at the same time increase the strength of the block. Thus, with a decrease in the level of profitability, the mini-plant is able to increase production with a stable profit margin.

The complex of measures carried out makes it possible to move from the sale of small single parties to the planned sales. Instead of low-quality foam concrete castings, the production is divided into two: the production of a cast slab and the cutting of a block of the required size for a specific order.


The real prospects for the development of mini-factories for the production of foam concrete are quite large. The main limiting factors are relatively low quality material, which means that there is a high risk of not meeting the minimum level of sales. At the same time, the acquisition initial stage the line for the production of foam blocks will be unprofitable until your client "comes".

Among the variety of enterprises producing building materials, the production of foam blocks occupies one of the leading positions both in terms of sales volume and in terms of profit. The production of foam concrete blocks requires relatively low costs and, with a high demand for products, is a quick payback project, all investments in the manufacture of foam blocks can be returned literally within 2-4 months. Provided, of course, stable distribution channels.

However, even with all the simplicity of organizing this business, it is necessary to have a well-written business plan for the production of foam blocks, which will allow you to avoid mistakes in the implementation of the project, and will become step by step guide for a novice entrepreneur, following which you can achieve your goal.


This project is a business plan for the production of foam blocks, instructions on how to organize a mini-factory for the production of foam blocks with a payback period of 2 to 6 months.

Project goals:

  1. creation of a highly profitable enterprise
  2. organizing a stable profit
  3. satisfaction of the consumer market for the provision of products manufactured by the foam block plant.

Project funding source: own funds or bank loan

Form of reference entrepreneurial activity: IP

The total cost of the project: 150 - 500 thousand rubles

Payback period: 2 – 6 months

Embedded in the calculations interest rate: 25 %

total amount interest payments will be: 6250 - 18750 rubles

The investor's income will be: 6250 - 18750 rubles

Payments of loan funds and interest on the loan will begin from the first month of the project.

Main stages of project implementation

The beginning of the project implementation - immediately after the acceptance of the business plan by the Customer, or after receiving credit funds.

The main stages for the implementation of this project, the conditions and terms of their implementation are presented in Table No. 1:

Project stagesConditions for their implementationDeadlines
Search for investors and conclusion of an agreementhaving a business plan1-30 days
Getting borrowed fundspackage of necessary documents1-30 days
Registration of entrepreneurial activitypackage of necessary documents1-30 days
Location search 1-30 days
Purchase of the necessary equipmentgetting a loan1-30 days
Equipment installation 1-30 days
Search and training of personnel 1-30 days
Carrying out a marketing policy 1-360 days

General characteristics of the project (description of the company and services provided)

The production of foam blocks is intended primarily for the private construction of light buildings not large area(maximum 3 floors). As a building material, foam concrete is an excellent alternative to brick and wood. It has high thermal insulation properties, tolerates fluctuations in air temperature, and creates a pleasant microclimate in the building by absorbing excess moisture and releasing it if necessary.

Under favorable operating conditions, which consist in a moderate impact on foam concrete, it has an almost unlimited service life and every year it only becomes stronger.

The composition of foam concrete gives the foam blocks unique thermal characteristics, which are 3-4 times superior to those of conventional bricks. The building, built of foam concrete blocks, has a "thermos effect", which consists in keeping warm in winter and cool in summer.

At the same time, the walls "breathe" almost the same as wooden ones, which gives foam concrete high environmental parameters. This allows the use of foam blocks even in the construction of baths and saunas. Having sheathed the entire structure from the inside with wood, they get a warm, environmentally friendly, and, most importantly, durable room.

Technical parameters of foam concrete

It should be noted that foam blocks differ in density, which determines the quality of the product - the higher the density, the better the product. Density is denoted by the letter D and marked from 400 to 1100. Different brands of foam blocks are used in construction for various purposes (construction of load-bearing, external walls, or partitions).

The production of high quality foam concrete is impossible without knowledge of the characteristics that the finished product should have. Comparative parameters of the foam block and ordinary clay bricks are discussed in Table No. 2:

The main property of foam concrete, as can be seen from the table, is heat retention. It's easier to say that 1 foam block laid on a side of 30 cm retains as much heat as an 85 cm expanded clay concrete wall, or a 1.5-meter (!) brick wall!

In addition to the above parameters, there is an exclusively material benefit. The size of a standard foam block, which is determined by the forms for foam concrete used everywhere: 20 * 30 * 60 cm. The weight of one D500 foam block is 18 kg. In good weather, a team of just three bricklayers will assemble a building from foam blocks with an area of ​​​​120 square meters. meters for a maximum of 3 weeks. Moreover, the cost of such construction will cost 2-2.5 times cheaper than the same brick building.

The construction advantages of foam blocks are as follows:

  • the structure of foam concrete allows air to pass through, avoiding the formation of condensate;
  • products have excellent soundproofing properties;
  • the flat surface of the products allows them to be covered with any finishing materials (wood, siding, iron, plastic, etc.);
  • foam concrete - refractory material;
  • foam blocks lend themselves, if necessary, to sawing with the most ordinary hacksaw;
  • Driving nails into foam blocks is no more difficult than into a tree.

Brief structure of the organization of the production of foam blocks

Having a clear business plan, it is much easier to organize the production of foam blocks. In order to make it more clear what will be discussed further, we will present a diagram of the organization of the entire business:

  • search for distribution channels (wholesale construction depots, construction stores, organization of your own building materials store);
  • search for a suitable premises in which it is possible to place a plant for the production of foam blocks, the main parameters for which will be the presence of water supply, electrical line the required power, an entrance for garbage collection, etc.;
  • search for suppliers of raw materials necessary for the production of foam blocks (cement, sand, foaming agent);
  • search for workers for production, a sales and customer service manager, an accountant;
  • conducting an advertising campaign, promotion of the company.

Search for distribution channels for products

This stage is a priority in the organization of the entire business. If there are no preliminary agreements with buyers, then it makes no sense to engage in the implementation of this business idea at all.

First of all, it is recommended to call, and it is better to pay a personal visit to the administration of all hardware stores and wholesale depots within a radius of 100 km. If the project budget allows the purchase of transport for transportation finished products, then delivery will significantly increase the chances of a positive outcome of the negotiations.

It is obligatory to create your own Internet resource, which will present the manufactured products and provide contact information.

It is also worth considering carefully the possibility of selling foam blocks at retail through your own store, located right at the production site.

Room for the production of foam blocks

The area of ​​the premises should not only accommodate equipment for the production of foam concrete, but also allow organizing a small warehouse that can accommodate a monthly output. Directly to accommodate the production line with a capacity of up to 15 cubic meters. meters per day will need from 70 to 150 square meters. meters. Accordingly, a larger or smaller volume of products will require an increase / decrease in the area.

Search for raw material suppliers

The ideal option for acquiring raw materials would be to place supplier bases close to production. Of course, very often this is not possible, so you should consider the closest supply points, and buy raw materials in large quantities at once in order to reduce the number of shipments per month and reduce the price for deliveries (suppliers often make good discounts for large purchase lots).

Production calculation

It is more expedient to organize the production of foam concrete around the clock, 3 shifts, working 8 hours each. For example, one installation for the production of foam concrete "Set-5 for foam concrete" from the plant in Kirov allows you to produce about 15 cubic meters per day. meters of foam blocks in the presence of the required number of molds for foam blocks.

With two days off per week, the number of working days per month will be 22 days, therefore, the planned production volume of foam blocks for 1 month is 330 cubic meters. meters. The production technology of foam blocks is such that when using almost any equipment, the cost of raw materials remains almost unchanged. For the production of 1 cube of D800 foam blocks, which is most suitable for the construction of residential buildings, it is necessary to correctly calculate the composition of foam concrete:

  • 400 kg of cement;
  • 350 kg of sand;
  • 1-1.2 kg foaming agent;
  • 230-240 liters of water;
  • 1 measuring container of hardener.

At current prices for raw materials (end of 2016), the cost of 1 cubic meter of foam blocks will be from 950 to 1100 rubles. When selling at retail, the same volume will cost the buyer 2-2.3 thousand rubles, wholesale buyers - 250-400 rubles per cubic meter cheaper.

Foam concrete production technology

There are 4 types of technology for the production of foam concrete blocks:

  1. using a foam generator;
  2. overpressure method;
  3. turbulent resonance cavitation dispersion method;
  4. combined method using a steam generator and a dispersant.

It is advisable to consider the 3rd option, as having the highest return in production and allowing to obtain high quality products. Equipment for the production of foam blocks by this method is not much more expensive than other installations. Schematically, the stages of production of foam blocks are as follows:

  • preparation of components for mixing the mixture;
  • the process of mixing the mixture, which, when using a good foaming agent, lasts 6-8 minutes;
  • pouring the mixture into prepared forms;
  • product hardening;
  • extracting them from the molds and sending them to the warehouse.

It should be noted that the foam concrete plant has little effect on the quality of products, mainly it all depends on the quality of the raw materials used and the absence of errors in the manufacturing process.

Despite the fact that the organization of this business does not have any particular difficulties, foam concrete equipment is available to anyone, the foam concrete production technology is simple, and foam concrete blocks are in demand on construction market there is not much competition in this area.

This is mainly due to the seasonality of demand for foam concrete blocks (in the spring-summer period), and the need to have a large area for storing finished products, if the entrepreneur decides to procure products in winter period for summer sale.

marketing plan

Until recently, the versatility of the use of foam blocks in construction was heavily contested. Basically, the opponents of foam concrete were manufacturers of other types of building materials. But at present, buildings made of foam blocks in Russia have become so widespread that the products themselves need minimal advertising.

Despite all the fame of foam blocks in the construction market, their advantages over traditionally used materials are still not widely covered. It is on conveying the advantages of foam concrete to the consumer's mind that the main emphasis should be placed on the marketing policy of the enterprise, linking the slogan "quality-price" to your brand.

The complex of necessary measures to form a positive opinion of the consumer about the product contains the following steps:

  • placement of advertisements in periodicals and on TV;
  • creation of representative offices of the enterprise in the nearest cities;
  • placement of advertisements in specialized publications for builders;
  • introduction of a discount system;
  • creation of an Internet resource.

Production plan

Equipment for the production of foam blocks includes:

  • machine for the production of foam blocks - production line;
  • automatic water dosing system;
  • belt conveyor;
  • peristaltic hose pump;
  • platform vibrator for forming blocks in molds;
  • forms for foam concrete blocks.

In this article, we will consider the option of manufacturing foam blocks, the starting material for the production of which is an artificially created porous stone material. This is lightweight cellular concrete - foam concrete.

Foam concrete is a type of concrete that is light and has a porous structure, in which a special foaming agent was used, which simultaneously provides uniformity of the structure, good thermal insulation performance and minimal load on the foundation due to its low weight. Foam concrete blocks are lightweight, and therefore are used for the construction of both load-bearing walls and ceilings. It is possible to build buildings of two floors from foam concrete blocks without any serious preparation of the foundation. The block manufacturing technology provides for pouring foam concrete into cassette metal molds, while the finished block can be additionally cut without loss of quality characteristics - it has a uniform porous structure. This circumstance favorably distinguishes foam concrete blocks from many building materials, for example, from ceramic thermoblocks.

As a variety of relatively young building materials, foam concrete in last years takes the lead, especially in the use in the construction of private households. The popularity of foam concrete is due to a set of excellent characteristics:

  • environmental Safety;
  • high heat and sound insulation performance;
  • low shrinkage coefficient;
  • moisture resistance;
  • strength identical to natural stone;
  • durability;
  • resistance to colonization by fungi, mold, rot;
  • excellent fire resistance;
  • preservation of quality indicators during sharp temperature fluctuations;
  • light weight (compared to many building materials using concrete);
  • simple installation;
  • affordability.

The special structure of the material allows the walls to “breathe”, creating indoor microclimate conditions identical to classic wooden buildings.

A common question is the difference between foam concrete and aerated concrete

If foam concrete is made using the technology of simple mixing of foam and cement mortar, followed by pouring the concrete mass into molds, then the second modification of the porous building material - aerated concrete receives cellularity due to chemical reaction when added to the cement-sand mixture of lime. It is capable, when interacting with aluminum powder in the form of an aqueous suspension, to release hydrogen, the bubbles of which evenly permeate the entire mass. You can distinguish between these two materials by color, since foam concrete retains a gray tint, and its counterpart gets an almost white tone.

Classification of foam blocks

Foam concrete is widely used in the construction of low-rise buildings.

Foam blocks are classified according to several key indicators.

According to the technology of the final production stage - hardening:

  • autoclave (exposure is carried out in an autoclave at elevated pressure parameters);
  • non-autoclave types: (achievement of normalized strength is carried out under natural conditions).

By strength:

  • heat-insulating ( base component foam concrete grade D400, 500), having a low density coefficient. They find application in the arrangement of external insulation;
  • structural and heat-insulating (based on types D600, 700, 900, 1000), different from the previous analogue greater density and strength. They make interior walls;
  • structural, the most durable varieties of this building material. Suitable for supporting structures.

The length of the block is standardized with a size of 600 mm. The thickness varies according to wide range(50-500 mm). The higher its index, the stronger the constructed structure.

Independent production of foam concrete blocks

The availability of raw materials and a simple chain of technological operations served as an impetus for the emergence of home mini factories for the production of foam blocks, which greatly intensified and simplified construction different objects in the private sector. Raw materials for the concrete composition are prepared standard:

  • cement (≥ M400);
  • water;
  • sand (fine or medium fractional);
  • foaming agent.

In the process of preparation, you should purchase the main equipment for the production of foam blocks - a foam generator and a concrete mixer, as well as make molds of the required dimensions. The material for them is most often plywood. The number of such boxes corresponds to the planned daily output. Inside is covered with a waterproof film.

The processes of obtaining concrete and foam run in parallel. After the cement mortar is mixed in a concrete mixer, foam is pumped there from the foam generator under pressure, and mixing continues for about three minutes to evenly distribute air bubbles. After that, the mass is spilled. Light tapping of the side walls of the molds allows you to optimally compact the composition in order to eliminate possible defects in the form of cavities and voids.

After a day, the blocks are released and left for further hardening, and the forms are ready for work again. The key advantage of creating a production chain at home is the fact that there are no restrictions on the dimensions of the resulting foam concrete blocks and you can fully satisfy both your own preferences and the needs of potential customers.

Business plan for the production of foam blocks

Any business depends on a number of factors that you need to consider. Planning such activities as the manufacture of foam blocks at home requires marketing research your environment in order to determine the demand for this material. Potential consumers may be:

  • private homeowners;
  • construction firms;
  • specialized stores selling building materials;
  • industrial facilities (construction and overhaul production facilities);
  • agricultural enterprises.

It also analyzes the filling of the market with this type of product by existing enterprises in order to accurately predict their own competitiveness.

A business plan is drawn up for the production of foam blocks after the design documentation has been developed, the required dimensions of the premises, the list of equipment have been determined, and the volumes of the product produced have been predicted. On average, on an area of ​​300 square meters, the volume of daily productivity will be 30 cubic meters.

A set of equipment will cost about 204-211 thousand rubles(hereinafter, all prices are indicated in thousand rubles). It includes:

  • concrete mixer (138-140);
  • foam generator (23 - 27);
  • compressor (≈ 37);
  • forms, the calculation is carried out for 20 pieces (6 - 7).

Inclusion in the cycle of the autoclave curing process, respectively, will require additional significant financial costs. You can purchase ready-made production equipment through a franchise and conduct activities that already have their own niche in the consumer market.

Note: You can download a ready-made business plan for the production of foam concrete from our partners with a quality guarantee!

Economic calculations of profitability

In addition to equipment, the expense item includes the cost of purchasing consumables, paying for electricity, as well as staff salaries. This will amount to an average of 66 thousand rubles (based on the production of 30 cubic meters of foam blocks per day):

  • cement (930-960 kg), sand (630-660 kg), water for cement mortar (300-330 l) and for foam formation (165-180 l), foaming agent (45 l) - all this together will cost about 60 t.r.;
  • electricity price - 0.5;
  • wages and rent - 5.5.

The price of 30 cubic meters of foam concrete blocks during the sale will be about 90, given the average cost of 66, the daily profit will be 24 thousand rubles. If all the goods are quickly sold, the costs will pay off in about five months.

  • Production technology of foam blocks
  • Preparation of foam concrete mix
  • Barotechnology
  • Production of foam concrete using a foam generator
  • Foam block molding
  • Injection technology
  • cutting technology
  • Block drying
  • How to choose equipment for the production of foam blocks
  • How much money do you need to start a business for the production of foam blocks:
  • Brief business plan for the production of foam blocks
  • How much money is needed to open a mini-production of foam blocks
  • staffing mini enterprises
  • Organization of a business for the production of foam blocks
  • Paperwork
  • Tax regime

Foam blocks are a lightweight building material obtained by hardening a solution consisting of sand, cement, water, foam and chemical additives. The popularity of foam blocks is due to a number of advantages of this building material:

  • Reliability. It is practically eternal, resistant to negative impact environment construction material;
  • Heat. Foam blocks have high thermal resistance;
  • Ease. Foam blocks are 2.5 times lighter than bricks and their consumption when laying walls is several times less than the consumption of bricks due to a decrease in the thickness of the walls;
  • Soundproofing. The building built on foam blocks has high ability to sound absorption;
  • Fast installation. Laying foam blocks because of them big size and precise geometry passes quite easily and quickly.
  • and many other benefits.

In this regard, the demand for foam blocks from construction organizations and individuals there is always.

The advantages of producing foam blocks are as follows:

  1. Low start up costs. About 300 thousand rubles are enough to organize a mini-production of foam blocks;
  2. Simple technology for the production of foam blocks;
  3. Stable demand for this building material;
  4. It is not required for the organization of production large areas and big state workers;
  5. High performance economic efficiency production. The profitability of the production of foam blocks is about 50%.

Production technology of foam blocks

The production stages of foam blocks are as follows:

At the same time, depending on the type of equipment used and the production technology, the quality, cost, production speed of foam blocks, etc. change. About everything in order.

Preparation of foam concrete mix

To date, two technologies are used to prepare the foam concrete mixture: barotechnology and the use of a steam generator.


Barotechnology is a cheaper way to produce foam concrete. This method production does not require the purchase of expensive equipment and therefore it is very common in many small industries. The essence of barotechnology is that the main components of foam concrete are fed into the mixer: cement, water, sand, foaming agent, hardening accelerators, air-entraining additives (sometimes). Further, air is supplied to the mixer and all components are actively mixed. Then the resulting solution under pressure enters the injection molds, where the foam concrete mixture increases in volume and acquires its final shape.

The advantages of this technology:

  • Low unit production cost and, as a result, low (competitive) selling price of the unit. The barotechnology production process is simple and does not require large capital investments. A small production can be opened almost in "home" conditions.

Cons of this technology:

  • Low strength of foam blocks due to a large number water used when mixing the foam concrete mixture;
  • The large pore size of the foam blocks, which also reduces their strength and ultimately affects the bearing capacity of the walls of buildings;
  • Synthetic foaming agents and plasticizers used in the process of mixing the foam concrete mixture (to create the mobility of the mixture) negatively affect the environmental friendliness of the finished foam concrete blocks.

Production of foam concrete using a foam generator

The production of foam concrete using a foam generator allows you to mix the components of the foam concrete mixture in the correct dosage, which has a positive effect on the strength and quality of finished products.

The essence of this technology is as follows: with the help of dispensers, first dry components in the form of cement and sand are fed into the mixer, and then liquid components in the form of water with chemical additives. The mixture then begins to stir. Further, the finished technical foam is fed into the mixer and mixed with the cement-sand mortar. To create the required density of foam blocks, the required amount of foam is supplied by adjusting the operating time of the foam generator. Then the foam concrete mixture under compressor pressure is fed to the place of laying or into the molds.

Thanks to the precise regulation of the dosing and saturation process, the production of foam blocks reaches a completely different quality level.

The advantages of this technology:

  • Higher quality of finished foam blocks. Thanks to the use of pre-prepared foam, stronger foam blocks are obtained at the output, without large air pores and with the correct structure;
  • Environmental friendliness of foam blocks, as environmentally friendly protein foaming agents are used in the production process.

Cons of this technology:

  • The high cost of equipment for organizing production;
  • Higher cost per unit of production and, accordingly, high selling price of foam blocks.

Foam block molding

To date, the molding of foam blocks is carried out using two technologies: injection and cutting technology.

Injection technology

Casting technology involves pouring the concrete mixture into special metal cassette molds. The most common cassette molds are 600mm high.

The advantages of this technology:

  • Low cost of equipment (cassette molds);
  • Ease of molding process.

Cons of this technology:

  • The discrepancy in the geometry of the finished blocks in height, length and width. This is because when forming foam blocks, not quality forms, often made in garage conditions. Qualitative forms are quite expensive;
  • For the production of blocks of different sizes, it is required and different forms, which increases the cost of acquiring or manufacturing different forms;
  • When stripping, partial damage to the corners and surface of the foam block occurs. This happens due to the block sticking to the walls of the cassette, and when it is removed, it has not yet gained the required strength. The foam blocks in the molds need to be allowed to stand for some time (about 10 hours), and due to the rush in production this rule often violated.

cutting technology

The cutting technology consists of two stages of block molding:

BUT. Casting of foam concrete mix in big shape and demoulding;

B. Cutting a large block into foam blocks of a given size.

This technology uses special cutting machines with different cutting elements (strings, band saws and chain saws).

The advantages of this technology are obvious:

  • Excellent geometry of finished blocks, in accordance with GOST;
  • There are no chips and damage to the surface of the foam blocks;
  • Ability to produce blocks of different sizes. This is achieved by reconfiguring the pitch of the saw strings.

Cons of this technology:

  • When using different cutting elements, the requirements for the timeliness of the cutting must be observed. It is important to cut when the block has already hardened, but has not gained excess strength, otherwise the string may move, which will negatively affect the evenness of the block.

Block drying

Depending on the technology of forming foam blocks, the technology of drying products also differs.

With the injection method of production, drying of blocks can be carried out in two ways:

  1. Exposure of products in molds for 10 hours to gain strength and further stripping of foam blocks;
  2. Heat treatment of products in a steaming chamber, which allows the blocks to gain the necessary strength in just a few hours.

With cutting technology, a large mass of block is naturally cured for 4-12 hours and then further cut. Block cutting time right size depends on the type of cutting elements and hardening accelerators added to the foam concrete mixture.

How to choose equipment for the production of foam blocks

We list the main equipment used in the production of foam blocks:

1. Bar installation for the preparation of foam concrete mix:

The cost of such an installation is about 100 thousand rubles.

2. Forms used in the injection technology for the production of foam blocks:

A collapsible cassette mold for the production of blocks measuring 600 × 300 × 200 mm will cost about 30 thousand rubles. Up to 30 blocks are poured into this form at the same time.

3. Foam generator for the preparation of technical foam:

The cost of a new foam generator is about 90 thousand rubles.

4. Complex for cutting foam blocks:

The cutting complex is the most expensive equipment in the system for the production of foam blocks using cutting technology. On average, the price of one set is about 500 thousand rubles.

Other equipment used in the production of foam blocks include: mixing stations, compressors, vibrating screens, etc.

How much money do you need to start a business for the production of foam blocks:

  1. Creation of a mini-production of foam blocks using injection technology with the use of a pressure unit to create a foam concrete mixture. About 300 thousand rubles are enough to start such a business (if a room is found);
  2. Mini-production of foam blocks using cutting technology using a foam generator to create a foam concrete mixture. Starting costs - about 700 thousand rubles;
  3. Acquisition of a line for the production of foam blocks, including the whole range of expensive equipment: mixing stations, foam generators, cutting complexes, etc. The purpose of purchasing such a line is to create an enterprise for the production of a large volume of foam blocks. Start-up costs in this case will amount to several million rubles.

Brief business plan for the production of foam blocks

Let's calculate the economic efficiency of the organization of mini-production of foam blocks, from the volume of production of 330 m3 of foam blocks per month (22 working days) or 15 m3 per shift.

Initial data:

  1. Productivity per shift - 15 m3;
  2. Number of working days (shifts) per month - 22;
  3. Production area - 500m2, rental price - 50 thousand rubles per month.

How much money is needed to open a mini-production of foam blocks

The total initial investment for the opening of a mini production of foam blocks will amount to 421 thousand rubles.

The cost of materials for the production of 1 m3 of foam concrete:

The total cost of materials for the production of 1 m3 of foam block is 1590.13 rubles.

Staffing of a mini enterprise

Total labor costs per month are 45,000 rubles.

Total production costs per month, per shift and per 1 m3 of foam block:

Let's calculate the indicators of economic efficiency of an enterprise for the production of foam blocks:

Conclusion: Net profit based on the results of the monthly work of the enterprise for the production of foam blocks will be 406.4 thousand rubles. The profitability of production with such indicators is 60%, and the payback period of the equipment is only 1 month. Such indicators are possible subject to 100% sales of all manufactured products, which is 330 m3 of foam blocks per month.

Organization of a business for the production of foam blocks

The procedure for preparing documents for opening and developing your own company for the production of foam blocks includes the following steps:

  • Collection of information and analysis of the situation on the building materials market.
  • Creation of a business plan.
  • Analysis of the financial situation (if your own savings are not enough, you need to look for alternative sources funding).
  • Business registration.
  • Search for premises for the workshop and administration.
  • The conclusion of labor contracts with the personnel of the enterprise.
  • Product certification.
  • Purchase of equipment and tools.
  • Signing contracts with suppliers, buyers, etc.

Solving the above issues is a rather laborious task, so many novice entrepreneurs turn to law firms in order to receive a ready-made package of documents for a certain fee (the cost of services depends on the region of residence and other factors).

Business plan for organizing the production of foam concrete with a volume of 14 m 3 per day on equipment manufactured by METEM
(compiled on the basis of data from a real operating enterprise).

Initial conditions:

  • Production room about 100 m2
  • Three workers (working hours 6 - 8 hours per day, 22 working days per month)
  • Set of equipment "METEM"

Manufactured products:

Wall blocks 600x300x200 - 28 blocks per m 3. The volume of production is 14.3 m3 - this is 400 blocks per shift.

Consumption of materials per 1 m 3 foam concrete (28 blocks).

The consumption of materials depends on the density of the resulting material. The density of foam concrete is indicated by a number, which is equal to the weight of one cubic meter. We are considering the consumption of materials for obtaining foam concrete with a density of 800 kg / m 3 , since based on production experience, a material of this density is the most advantageous in terms of price / quality ratio, and also has an excellent thermal conductivity (0.34 W / (m * 0С)), and has a B2 strength class (the closest brand in terms of strength M15). The equipment also allows the production of foam concrete with a density of 250 kg / m 3 to 1400 kg/m3 . The consumption of materials for these densities is indicated in the documentation attached to the equipment.

Cement M500 - 310 kg. x 4.5 p. = 1395 rubles.
average price for 1 kg of cement in our region 4.5 rubles. (data from 01.01.17)

The sand is washed. 210 kg. x 0.35 p. \u003d 73.5 rubles.
The average price of 10 tons of sand (KAMAZ car) is 3500 rubles. (data from 01.01.17)
(Sand can be replaced by other more accessible inert fillers. For example: slag meal, ash).

Foaming agent BIO-LUX 1 kg. x 184 p. = $184.00
The price of foaming agent BIO-LUX is 184 rubles per kg.

Setting accelerator KX - 1% by weight of cement 3.2 kg. x 45 = 144 rubles.

Electricity 5.2 kW * 2.5 p. = 13 p.
Mixer 3 kWh + Compressor 2.2 kWh = 5.2 kWh.

The productivity of the METEM-500 plant is 3 m3 per hour. The time of continuous operation of the equipment for the production of 1.5 m3 of foam concrete is 30 minutes.
Total costs for the production of 1 m 3 foam concrete, excluding wages three workers will amount to 1809.5 rubles.

Payroll preparation

The salary of one worker with employment of 6-8 hours a day, 22 working days a month will be 15,000 rubles. The salary of three workers per month will be 45,000 rubles. Three workers per month will produce 314 cubic meters / m with a dimension of 600x300x200 mm, and the payment for the work will be:
45,000 rubles / 314 m 3 = 143.3 rubles per cube of foam concrete (28 blocks)
The cost of one cube of foam concrete, with a dimension of 600x300x200 mm, with the salary of workers is 1960.8 rubles. Selling price of one cubic meter foam concrete with a density of 800 kg / m 3 in our region is from 2950 to 3150 rubles, the average price is 3000 rubles per cubic meter.

Expenses per month (22 working days) in the warm season (natural drying):

Cement M500 - 453,024 rubles.
Washed sand - 39 886 rubles.
Foaming agent - 57 776 rubles.
HK accelerator - 45 302.4 rubles.
Electricity - 1333.64 rubles.
Wages for workers 45,000 rubles.

The cost of foam concrete blocks with a dimension of 600x300x200 mm, produced in one month, will be 642,322.04 rubles. The selling price of the foam concrete produced for this period of time will average 943,800 rubles.

That is, the monthly profit will be 360 472 ruble.

* The calculation did not take into account taxes and rent of industrial premises. Additional costs can be calculated independently or contact our specialists.

With the expansion of production and the reduction of overhead costs, the profitability of the enterprise will increase significantly.