Plan-summary of the lesson (preparatory group) on the topic: Integrated GCD “Water in human life. Experience2

Abstract on experimentation of the first junior group"Water, what is it"

Educator: Kozhevnikova N.V. November.

Purpose: Involving children in elementary research activities, to introduce some of the properties of water;


1. Introduce children to the properties of water (color, temperature, fluidity)

2. to tell about the importance of water in our life.


1.Develop the speech, thinking and curiosity of children.

2.Develop cognitive interest while experimenting with liquids.

3. Develop observation.


1.Educate careful attitude to the water.

2. To educate children in cultural and hygienic skills.

Dictionary enrichment: Liquid, transparent, cold, warm.

Material and equipment: A glass, a glass of water, a glass of white gouache, a stone, two plates, warm and cold water, a towel.

Lesson progress:

There is a knock on the door.

Q: I wonder who came to visit us?

Brings a bunny toy.

Hello guys, I went to visit you and carried some water, I wanted to get to know her better with you, but I fell and all the water spilled. But I still have a riddle, guess it ..

So that there is no trouble, we cannot live without (water)

V-l: Do not be upset, Bunny, we will help you. In our group, we have water in the faucet.

Bunny; Great, now we will go on a journey in search of water. You are ready? Then go!

On a flat path

(children walk)

Our feet are walking

One, two, one, two

By pebbles, by pebbles

(jump on two legs)

In the hole - boom!

(squatting down)

Children go to the faucet.

V-l: Gathers water in glasses.

Experience number 1: "Water is liquid"

Together with the children, we pour water from one glass to another.

Q: What happens to the water?

Children: It pours.

Q: Why is the water pouring? Water flows because it is liquid. So what is water? (liquid)

Water is liquid, can flow, it is called liquid.

Let's repeat together, the water is pouring, it is liquid. Well done. Let's go further on the road.

Conducted p / and "On a flat path"

We reach the table, where there are glasses of water and plates with white goose.

Q: Children, what color is the water? Children's answers. Transparent.

And now let's make water with you white color. Children stir gouache in water. What color is the water? White.

Bunny: Let's play hide and seek.

Experience number 2. The water is clear"

Bunny: Let's hide a pebble in clear water and in white water. And we will see where the pebble is visible, and where not. Children's answers.

V-l: Correctly, in one glass the water is transparent and you and I see a pebble, and in another glass the water is white and we do not see a pebble, the water is not transparent.

Bunnies: Let's say together the water is transparent and opaque.

T: Now let's rest a bit.

Pure water flows, we know how to wash ourselves.

Take the tooth powder, brush your teeth firmly with a brush

My ears, my neck, we are good in front of our eyes.

Children come to the table where there are two basins with warm and cold water.

Experience No. 3 "Water is cold, warm"

The teacher says that the water may be warm and cold. Offers to dip your fingers in warm and cold water.

V-l: So what kind of water do we have in cups? (warm, cold)

Bunny: All together, what kind of water? Cold, warm. Well done!

V-l: Children, you and I learned a lot of interesting things about this simple matter, like water. What is water like? (children's answers)

That's right, water can be liquid, transparent, it can be opaque, cold, warm.

I am reading an excerpt from a poem by N. Ryzhova:

We are used to the fact that water is always our companion!

Without it, we can’t wash, we can’t eat, we can’t drink.

I dare you to report without water we can not live!

Bunny, do you know why we need water?

Bunny: I know people drink water, wash their hands and face every day, wash dishes, wash clothes, cook food, wash dirty fruits and vegetables; water the plants so that they do not dry out.

V-l: Well done bunny right. Everyone needs water, not only for people, but also for plants, animals, all living things on earth. Therefore, it must be preserved and protected.

Bunny: How good it was at your place, but it’s time for me, I’ll come to you again. Goodbye kids.

MADOU "Development Center - Kindergarten No. 162"

Synopsis of the open show


WATER - Source of Life


To form children's knowledge about the importance of water in the life of all living beings.


1. Consolidate knowledge about the properties of water, about animals living in aquatic environment.

2. Teach to understand that clean water is priceless gift nature to be protected.

3. Develop skills in conducting laboratory experiments.

4. Activate and generalize the vocabulary of children with nouns, adjectives and verbs on the topic.

5. Instill in children a respect for water.

vocabulary work

Tap, fresh, evaporated.


"Magic wand", chest, envelopes with assignments, caps of wizards, cards - symbols indicating the properties of water, didactic game"Who needs water" with a set of pictures, a set of animals (animals living in the aquatic environment, insects, birds, wild and domestic animals, cups with dirty and clean water, funnels, cotton wool.

move educational activities

1. Organizing time. Game motivation

Children to quiet melodic music enter the group.

Educator: Guys, today we will go to wonderful world knowledge. We learn a lot of new and interesting things. And Znayka will help us with this, who has prepared tasks for us, they are in this wonderful chest. Znayka has a magical laboratory where miracles happen with water, sand, and air. Miracles are not easy, miracles are done by wizards. Do you want to become wizards? Get in a circle. I will take magic wand, I will speak the words, and you do what I say.

Chiki - chiki - chikalochka,

Help me magic wand

Turn around yourself

Turn into wizards.

Children perform

The teacher touches each child with a wand and puts on a wizard's hat for him. Now you are wizards!

2. The main part. Statement of the problem joint search for solutions

Children, together with the teacher, go to the table, on which there is a chest with tasks.

Perform the first task Znayka. The teacher takes out an envelope from the chest and reads the letter.

"Dear guys, I ask you to guess this riddle and give the correct answer"

Lives in seas and rivers

But often it flies through the sky.

And how bored she is to fly

Falls to the ground again (Water)

Teacher: Why did Znayka ask you this riddle?

Children put forward versions ... (We will talk about water)

Guys, there are still such interesting pictures in the envelope - these are “enchanted” droplets of water and we need to disenchant them. The teacher shows the cards to the children. We have already conducted experiments with water and know its properties. Now I will show you a card, and you need to name the property of water and tell you how to check it. The teacher shows the cards to the children one at a time, the children name the properties of water.

Water is colorless. If we put a stone in a glass of water, we will see it. This means the water is clear.

Water is tasteless. If you try the water, it is not salty, not bitter, not sour, not sweet. So she has no taste.

Water has no smell. If you smell it, it doesn't smell like anything.

Water has no form. If you pour it into a glass, it will take the shape of a glass; if you pour it into a plate, it will take the shape of a plate. So it doesn't have its own form.

And Znayka prepared another interesting task for us.

Children with a teacher return to the chest with tasks

The teacher takes out an envelope, reads the assignment.

“Dear guys, you coped with the first task, correctly guessed the riddle and “disenchanted” the water droplets. Now you have to tell who needs water and why you can't live without it.

The teacher asks the children to go to visual aid Who needs water. A sheet of whatman paper with the image of water is fixed on the easel, arrows are drawn from it. There are pictures on the table, you need to select the one you need and attach it to the arrow.

Children look at the pictures, choose the right one, explain who needs water and why (human, birds, animals, plants).

The teacher asks leading questions.

Why do plants need water? How do they get it?

Can animals live without water?

Why do people need water?

Invite the children to think: where does the water in the tap come from?

Teacher: There is water from the river in the tap. It is filtered through special big filters and the water is already pure comes to us through the pipes, which are called water pipes. Children repeat the name of the pipes.

How does water get into the river (in the form of rain)? Let's play the game "Drops"

Fizkultminutka "Droplets walk in a circle."

Teacher: And now guys, you will turn into small raindrops, put a bezel with a drop on your head. The teacher says that she, the Cloud's mother, puts a headband with a cloud on her head, and the guys are her little children, it's time for them to hit the road. Music sounds like rain. The droplets fell to the ground. Run, jump, dance. They got bored of jumping alone. They gathered together and flowed in little merry streams. Droplets make up a stream, holding hands. Brooks met and became a big river; children reorganize into a round dance and move in a circle. They swam - droplets swam in the river, and then they remembered that Mama Tuchka ordered them to return home. The sun warmed up. The droplets became light, stretched up, the crouched droplets rise and stretch their arms up. They evaporated under the rays of the sun, returned to their mother Cloud.

Teacher: It's time for the third task. Let's see what our Znayka has prepared for us this time.

Children with a teacher go to the table. The teacher takes out an envelope, reads:

“Guys, you correctly told who needs water. Now I offer you the following task. Aquatic animals are lost and can't find their body of water, you need to help them"

To complete this task, the teacher invites children to the next specially designed zone "Pond". Children stand around the experimental table, it contains containers with water, sand, a set of animals (animals living in the aquatic environment, domestic and wild animals, insects, birds). From the proposed set, aquatic animals are selected, their choice is explained, and they are placed in a “pond”.

The teacher asks the children questions:

What can all aquatic animals do?

Why can't aquatic animals live on land?

Why do fish have fins?

Why do fish have a tail?

Why do fish have gills?

Teacher: Now let's see if there are still assignments from Znayka in the chest. He takes out an envelope and reads:

"Dear guys, I bring to your attention a video letter."

Children go to the zone to watch the video letter.

There is a story on the screen, the river asks the children for help: “Help, it’s hard for me to carry my waters. I love it when people come to me kind people, but not everyone is like that, there are those who do not know how to behave, they throw everything at me: bags, bottles, cans, they wash cars. I'm dying"

Teacher: It's time to do miracles. You need to purify the water, cure the river. From dirty to clean. If we do this, we will prove that we are real wizards.

Children go to the laboratory. They sit at tables where there are glasses: one - with dirty water, the other - with clean water, cotton wool, a funnel, an empty glass for each child

Teacher: Guys, you have water from the river on your tables. In one glass - from a clean river, before people were there, and in the second from dirty river, after people polluted the river. Compare water in two glasses. How is it different.

Children: In one glass the water is clean, and in the other dirty.

Teacher: In which water can aquatic animals and plants live, and in which not?

Children: Aquatic animals and plants can live in clean water, but they cannot live in dirty water.

Teacher: That's right, guys, everyone needs clean water, all living things suffer from water pollution. In rivers and lakes, plants and animals do not live as well as before. Polluted water is also harmful to human health because we drink fresh water, which is taken mainly from rivers. What kind of water do we drink? Fresh. But dirty water can be cleaned with filters. Now we will purify dirty water so that the river becomes clean again.

Children pour dirty water through the filter into an empty glass.

Teacher: See if your water is clear? What is she?

Children: Clean, transparent.

Children compare it with water "from a clean river."

Behind a sheet of cardboard depicting a river, there is a glass - an aquarium. In the process of water purification, the children take turns bringing cups of purified water, which they “give” to the river - pour it into a glass.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the screen. On the screen there is a plot, the appeal of the river to the children: “Thank you, guys! I thought I would have to die, and you saved me! Now I am clean and transparent again. Come to visit me, I am not afraid of you, because you will not pollute me.

Teacher: Guys, all the water in the world cannot be purified as we have done now, therefore it is necessary to behave in such a way as not to pollute it. I hope that you will behave correctly in nature and teach this to others.

And what measures should be taken so that the water does not leave us and is clean?

Children: Do not throw garbage, do not open the tap strongly when washing and close after washing, do not pour water in vain.

3. Final part. Reflection.

Teacher: Now, guys, let's hold hands, smile at each other. You proved that you are real wizards. All the tasks of Znayka were completed. And as a keepsake from our hero, magic drops that will give you water life-giving force. Just do not forget about the benefits of water and respect for it.

So the game is over, it's time for us to return and again the magic wand will help us in this. The teacher takes a magic wand and says:

Chiki - chiki - chikalochka.

Help me, magic wand.

Turn around yourself.

Become boys again.

So we turned into guys again.

Consolidation of the acquired knowledge by children, summing up the educational activities.


what did you do today?

What do water droplets do in nature?

How did you help the river?

How should water be treated?

What did you like the most?

How did you feel when you helped the river?

Educational area: « cognitive development»

Children age: 5-6 years old

Forms of directly educational activity: Cognitive - research activity

Form of organization: subgroup


Educational: consolidate the initial knowledge of the water cycle in nature, develop the skills of conducting laboratory experiments ”explain to children why water sometimes needs to be cleaned, and give elementary representation about the filtration process

Developing: to activate and enrich the vocabulary of children with nouns, adjective verbs on the topic of AML, to develop social skills: the ability to work in subgroups, negotiate, take into account the opinion of a partner, prove one's own

point of view.

Educational: to instill a careful attitude to water, to cultivate a moral and aesthetic attitude to the world around, right attitude to your health.

Dictionary of new words: funnel, cycle diagram, dirty water, water containers, funnels, fabric, cotton wool, gauze, paper napkins, cotton wool, cloth napkins, oilcloths

Preliminary work: conducting experiments on the topic "properties of water, purification of water with gauze" , learning poems, guessing riddles, looking at illustrations, reading fairy tales, educational literature about water

Equipment and materials: funnel, cycle diagram, dirty water, water tanks, funnels, cloth, cotton wool, gauze, paper napkins, cotton wool, rags, oilcloths, multimedia projector, laptop, tape recorder.



Let's stand side by side. round.
Let's say "Hello!" each other.
We greet not a day:
Hi all!" and "Good afternoon!";

If everyone smiles - Good Morning will begin.


Guys, today guests came to our group to see our work with you.

Let's wish them good morning too.

Children: - Good morning.

Educator: Guys, look what I brought you today. This is a magical box that contains what you encounter every day. To correctly name, listen to the riddle:

Without which mother cannot neither cook nor wash,

Without what, we will say directly,
Man to die?
To make it rain from the sky
To grow ears of bread.

To sail the ships - We can not live without ...

Children: Water.

Educator: (pulls out a bottle of water) Yes, indeed, today we will talk about water.

Teacher: What is water?

Children: water is a liquid.

Educator: Where can you find water?

Children: In the river, in the lake, in the sea, ocean ...

Teacher: What is the state of the water?

Children: In the form of snow, ice, rain, dew, fog ...

Educator; And what properties of water do we already know?

Children;: It is transparent, has no smell, color, taste .... It has no shape.

Educator: Well done, and for your correct answers, I give you a drop of water. (blue and blue drops are awarded)

Teacher: Water is everywhere. It can move, change its state, and we call this process the water cycle in nature.

Water travels in nature.
She never disappears
Now turn into snow, then turn into ice,
It will melt - and again on a hike!

Over the mountain peaks.
wide valleys.
Suddenly up into the sky
Will turn into rain

Take a look around
Take a look at nature
Surrounds you everywhere and always
This magician is WATER!

Educator: I have a suggestion for you guys. And now let's all together create a model of the water cycle in nature. Do you agree?

Educator: Here on the tables I have prepared models for you. You need to consider them, discuss what they mean, find a place for them on a sheet with arrows and stick them on. You will work in teams: the first table - blue drops, the second table - blue drops.

Children do their own work.

Educator: Well done, you did a good job with this task. And now let's analyze the water cycle in nature on a large diagram.

Children: When the sun heats the surface of a pond, the water turns into steam and rises into the air. High above, the air turns into steam. you get clouds and clouds. With the help of the wind, they move and fall to the ground in the form of rain or snow. On land, it enters either rivers or lakes or groundwater.

Teacher: How did you do this job?

Children: good.


The sea is very wide (children spread their arms wide to the sides)
The sea is very deep (squat down with palms touching the floor)
The fish live there, friends, (perform the exercise "Fish" - put your palms on edge, put them together, fingers tightly closed, move tightly pressed brushes from side to side - fish

But you can't drink water! (spread arms to the side, raising shoulders)

Educator; Today we received a package from our group. Here is a letter

"Hello guys. Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka are writing to you. We've had trouble in the city; the water pipe broke, and we take water from the river. But it's dirty there, and we don't know what to do."

(the teacher takes out a bottle of dirty water)

Educator; How can we help Crocodile Gene and Cheburashka?

Children; The plumbing can be repaired. bring clean water.

Educator; Or you can purify your own water. Water can be purified with a filter. As a filter, we will use various filters; cotton pads, paper, gauze, cloth. I invite you to the laboratory. Divide into pairs, so that each pair has blue and blue drops. In our mini-laboratory, we will learn how to purify water, that is, filter it.

We will conduct an experiment.
We will find clean water.
Dirt is not allowed through the filter.
Our water will be clean in no time!

You have glasses of dirty water on your tables. Such water cannot be used anywhere, so it must be purified. Also, you have empty glasses, filters, funnels, paper napkins to dry your hands. All this you will need at work. Guys, are you ready?

Educator; Then attention. Do the work with me. First, we will take an empty glass and insert a funnel into it. And in the funnel - the filter. Now we need to filter the water. Pour from a large glass in a thin stream into a small glass.

Children filter their own water.

Teacher: Let's look at the filter.

Children:; He became dirty.

Educator; Put the filter on a plate and let's compare the water in the glasses. Which filter did the best job of purifying water?

Children:; cotton wool

Teacher: What conclusion can we draw?

Children:: the dirt remained on the filter, and the water became clean.

Educator: And where can we use our clean water?

Children: wash hands, toys. Water the flowers.

Educator: Let's water our flowers on the window.

Educator: Well, did we cope with the request of Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka?

Children: Yes.

Educator: In the evening we will draw them the rules for water purification and I will definitely send them a letter.

Teacher: What is your mood now? Why

Children: Good, because we were able to help our friends

Educator: This is not the end of our work with you. And for your excellent work, I have prepared for you one little trick.

(A glass of water is taken. We dissolve the ink in it. Stir. The water is colored. I add crushed Activated carbon. The water becomes clear.)

This concludes our lesson. Thank you very much for your work.

Material Description: I bring to your attention a summary of the GCD on familiarization with the outside world with elements of experimentation for children of the older group on the topic: "What do we know about water, they say, it is everywhere." This material It will be useful for educators of the older group. This is a summary of a cognitive research lesson aimed at expanding children's knowledge about water and developing curiosity in preschoolers.

Integration educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Cognitive Research", "Reading fiction”, “Productive”.

Target: generalize children's knowledge about water.


Educational : To expand children's ideas about the properties of water, the importance of water in the life of animals, plants and humans, about the role in nature. Teach children to do simple experiments with water. To give children an idea of ​​why water sometimes needs to be cleaned, and to give an elementary idea of ​​​​the filtration process.

Developing: Develop thinking, attention, memory, the ability to analyze and observe. Develop the skills of conducting laboratory experiments, curiosity.

Speech: Develop coherent speech, enrich the vocabulary of children: evaporation, filters, filtration, sewage treatment plants, the water cycle in nature.

Educational: To educate children in respect for water, to form the skills of everyday environmental behavior in relation to water reserves.

Demo Material: illustrations depicting water resources planets (rivers, lakes, seas, oceans); demonstration poster "The water cycle in nature"; box "with a riddle (a piece of ice)"; a sprig of balsam cut in advance in a glass of colored water; spacing with items - an apple, a small fresh fish, a sprig of balsam, a slice of watermelon; bucket of water.

Handout: for experimental work - mirrors, pieces of cotton and gauze, funnels, plastic glasses, two per child, water from the river, aprons and hats, for playing - paper masks for children with droplet patterns, one mask with the image of the Sun, and one with the image – Clouds.

Methodological techniques: Organizing time, game situation, conversation-dialogue, viewing illustrations, conversation, experimentation, creation problem situation, physical culture minute-didactic game, analysis, summing up.

GCD progress:

The children are in the group.
Good morning I tell you
Good morning! I love you all!
I wish you do well
Listen carefully, get smart.
- Guys, I have prepared for you interesting riddles. Here is the first riddle. Go to the table (children find a box on the table with a round hole on the side).
- Touch with one hand what lies inside the box, but do not say the answer, keep it secret ("in the fist").
- Here is the second riddle - sound (the noise of the surf, a splash of waves).
“Now tell me: what was in the box and what sounds did you hear?” What will be discussed in today's lesson? (children's answers).
- Yes, that's right, there was a piece of ice in the box, which quickly turned into water in your palms and the sounds of the sea surf are also familiar to you. Today's lesson is about water.
Have you heard of water?
They say she's everywhere!
In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean
And at the faucet
Like an icicle freezes
Creeps into the forest with mist
Boiling on the stove
The steam of the kettle hisses.
We can't wash without her
Don't eat, don't drink!
I dare to tell you
We cannot live without water. (N. Ryzhova)

- And you guys, what do you think, why can't all living things live without water? (children's answers).
- That's right, they also say about water - water-resin, that is, water is life. And now go to the table and let's see what is on it (there are an apple, a fresh fish, a sprig of balsam and a picture of a watermelon on the table).
- Today we are talking about water, and what does what is in front of you have to do with water (full answers of children).
- I agree with you, there is a lot of juice in a watermelon, that is, water, an apple also contains juice. Water is the habitat of fish. If we crush the cut stem of a sprig of balsam with our fingers, we will feel moisture. The leaves also contain water. Where? Why?
- Yes, that's right, we water the flowers with water, the roots of the plant absorb water and it gets into the leaves along the stem. And the balsam was popularly called "Vanka-wet", because before the rain, numerous drops of water appear along the edge of the leaves. In support of this, let us consider our previous experiment. A sprig of balsam was placed in a jar of water dyed red.
— What did you notice? (children's answers). The stem and leaves are stained yellow. This proves that the plant needs water, the plant “drinks” water and it gets into the leaves along the stem.
Now I ask you to close your eyes and see what has changed? (changes fresh fish to dry).
- It’s true that you noticed that the fish became dry, there was no water in it. Where did the water go? (children's answers).
“That’s right, the water evaporated, that is, it turned into steam.
- Give examples when you observed the evaporation of water? (Mom hangs clothes on the balcony after washing and it becomes dry, wipes the table with a wet cloth, washes the floors).
Now I suggest you play interesting game "The droplets go in a circle." But for this you need to turn into small droplets (music sounds like rain, the teacher asks the children to put on droplet masks, she puts on a cloud mask and the game begins).
Educator: I'm Mama Cloud, and you guys are my little kids, and it's time for you to hit the road. (Music.) Droplets jump, scatter, dance. Droplets flew to the ground. Let's jump and play. They got bored of jumping alone. They gathered together and flowed in little cheerful streams. (The droplets make up a stream, holding hands.) The streams met and became a big river. (Streams are connected in one chain.) Droplets float in big river, travel. The river flowed and flowed and fell into the ocean (children reorganize into a round dance and move in a circle). Droplets swam and swam in the ocean, and then they remembered that their mother cloud ordered them to return home. And just then the sun came up. The droplets became light, stretched up (crouched droplets rise and stretch their arms up). They evaporated under the rays of the sun and returned to my mother - Cloud. Well done, droplets, they behaved well, they didn’t climb into the collars of passers-by, they didn’t splash. Now stay with me, I miss you.
- Now we will conclude: the sun heats the earth, water, when heated, rises, there it cools and falls in the form of rain, snow, back to the earth, into rivers, seas, oceans. This natural phenomenon is called the water cycle. Let's all repeat in unison (we are looking at the poster "The water cycle in nature"). Water evaporates from the surface of the earth under the influence of the sun, forms clouds, and returns to the earth in the form of rain and snow. The water cycle in nature occurs daily, at any time of the day, in any weather, at any time of the year.
Let's continue talking about water. We are talking about the fact that all living things need water and are made of water.
- Tell me, is there liquid in a person? What proves that we have water? (children's answers).
- Yes, I completely agree with you, these are tears, drool, sweat, blood. And to make sure of this again, we will go to the girls' play corner and use the small mirrors from the box.
Take a mirror in your hands, breathe on them with your mouth open and immediately touch the mirror. What do you feel? (children's answers).
Yes, the finger is wet. This experience proves that there is water in a person and when he breathes he loses it. Let's go to the laboratory again (put on aprons and hats).
- Before starting work, here's another question: where do we get water from? (children's answers).
How does she get into our house? (through pipes, from the river).
- Guys, have you seen what kind of water flows in the river? (cloudy, dirty, dark).
- What kind of water flows from the tap? (clear, transparent).
What kind of transformation happens to water? (it is cleared).
- Many machines and devices purify water to get into the tap. In every major city there are treatment facilities in which the incoming water from the river undergoes special treatment, after which clean water enters the houses of residents through pipes. Yes, and at home, many of you have filters for water purification (looking at illustrations). Thus, you and I drink clean water.
- So, in front of you in glasses is water from our Volga River. Through the walls of the glasses you can see that the water from the river is dirty. And we will be engaged in the fact that we will try to purify the water in our laboratory. The first thing we will do is make filters. To do this, take a piece of cotton wool and a piece of gauze, rolled up in four layers. Put cotton wool and gauze in the funnel. Place the funnel in a clean glass. In a thin stream, we will pour dirty water from the river into a funnel with a filter.
- Through the transparent walls of the glass you can see that the water has become cleaner? But you can't drink this water. And to achieve even more good result when purifying water, can be added to a glass of purified water, such as charcoal. Leave for a while and filter the water again. Such water will be considered well purified. But how much time we spent cleaning just a few glasses of water. And for adults, those who work on treatment facilities You have to spend a lot of effort and money and time to get clean water. Therefore, water must be protected and treated with care.

A river flows from afar
A river flows from afar
How good and deep
Or maybe it's the ocean?
Preschooler Sidorov Ivan
I forgot to turn off the faucet in the kitchen.

- Guys, today we brought a bucket of water with us to class. This is water that has dripped overnight from an open faucet. Where do we put this water? (we will water the flowers, wash the toys, wash the doll's linen). That's right, we will treat water with care. And so that you always remember this, we will hang this sign (crossed out tap, with a drop of water) in the washroom.
- Let's invite our guests to listen to advice on how to save water (children's answers - do not pour water in vain; close the tap tightly; do not play with water that flows from the tap; do not leave open taps unnecessarily). Well done guys, your advice is very important.
- And now I suggest that you remember everything that you learned about water in today's lesson (children, together with the teacher, remember bright and interesting moments, answer questions, sum up the lesson).

Summary of the lesson on Cognitive Development - research activities in middle group.
Topic: "Water - what is it?"

Target: determine the properties of water: water is transparent, but can change color. Water can heat up and heat other objects. To develop observation, the ability to compare, analyze, generalize, develop the cognitive interest of children in the process of experimentation, the establishment of a causal relationship.


Learn to observe and draw conclusions.

Develop logical thinking, speech, outlook.

Cultivate curiosity.

Expand children's understanding of water.

Familiarize with various properties water.

Methods and techniques:

Game (surprise moment);

Practical (experiments);

Visual (

Verbal (questions of a search nature).

Educational area:Cognitive development according to GEF

Region Integration:Socially - communication development, speech development, physical development(according to GEF)

Materials: Katya doll, chest, container with cold and hot water, measuring cups, paints, cutlery from doll utensils.

Location:group room.

Lesson progress:

There is a knock on the door, but no one comes in.

caregiver asks children: who could it be (children's answers are discussed).

caregiver opens the door, the Katya doll enters and brings in a magic chest with a letter.

AT. : Children gave us a magic chest, but how do we open it? (children's statements are discussed)

caregiver opens the envelope and reads: in order to open the magic chest, you need to guess the riddle:

If our hands are in wax,
If there are blots on the nose,
Who then is our first friend,
Will it remove dirt from the face and hands?
What Mom Can't Do Without
No cooking, no washing
Without what, we will say directly,
Man to die?
To make it rain from the sky
To grow ears of bread
For ships to sail
We can't live without...

The teacher opens the chest and takes out a transparent glass of water. He asks the children: what do you think we will talk about today? (children's answers)

Reading a poem about water:

Have you heard of water?

They say it's everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And at the faucet

Like an icicle freezes

Creeps into the forest with mist,

It's boiling on our stove.

The steam of the kettle hisses.

We can't wash without her

Don't eat, don't drink!

I dare to tell you

We cannot live without her.

The game "Water is not water"

If I call a word for something that contains water (puddle, rainbow) - raise both hands; if an object or phenomenon is only related to water (a boat, a dolphin) - raises one hand. If the named object or phenomenon has no connection with water (wind, stone) - you do not need to raise your hands.

So, let's begin:

Rain, stream, cloud, ice, swamp, ocean, puddle, river, rainbow, lake, snow, spring, sea, hail, cloud, boat, fish, bath, whale, kettle, umbrella, frog, fountain, swan, shower, train, moon, fence, stone, mirror, fork, wind, book.

So we found out that water takes different forms and happens in different states. It is now rain, now snow, now a cloud, now a calm lake, now a rough sea, now solid ice. What if the water suddenly disappeared? It's scary to even think about it! There would be no rain and snow - rivers, lakes and seas would dry up, grasses and trees would die. So, there would be no fish, birds, animals and humans!

Today we will try to learn a little about water.

Experience No. 1 "Water is a liquid."

caregiver : Guys, what is water? (Answers of children).

Water is a liquid. She is flowing. It can be poured into anything: into a glass, into a bucket, into a vase. It can be poured, poured from one vessel into another.

Do you guys want to try pouring water from one glass to another. (Answers of children). Come to the tables, look and repeat after me. The teacher takes a transparent glass of water in one hand, an empty transparent glass in the other and pours water from one glass into another.
Conclusion: water flows.

Experience number 2 "Tasteless water"

caregiver : And now, I suggest you guys taste the water. (Children are invited boiled water). What is she? Sweet? Salty? bitter? (children's answers)

Conclusion: water has no taste, it is tasteless.

Experience number 3 "Water has no smell."

V .: And now, I suggest you guys smell the water. Does the water smell of anything?

Conclusion: water does not smell of anything, it has no smell.

Experience No. 4 "Colorless water."

caregiver : Guys, what do you think, what color is the water? (Answers of children). Now we will check this, take a glass of water, lower objects one by one into the water. What object is in the glass, how did you guess and why? (A fork and a spoon were lowered into the glass. They are visible because the glass is transparent and the water is transparent.)
What color is milk? (white). Can you say that water is white? (Answers of children).

Conclusion: water has no color, it is colorless

Experience number 5 "Water can change color"

Guys, I know that water can change its color. Do you want to verify this? (Answers).

There are several glasses of water and paints on the teacher's table.

caregiver : I will now add a drop of paint to the water and we will see what happens to the water. (Children repeat after the teacher) Has the water changed its color? (Answers of children).

Conclusion: Water can change color depending on what is added to it.

Experience No. 6 "Water can heat objects."

caregiver : Take two cups and touch them. What can now be said about water, what is it like and how did you guess? (In one glass cold water, in another hot. We determined it by touch). Drop two into both glasses identical items, count to five, take out the objects and say what they became and why? (the spoons got wet because we took them out of the water. One spoon is cold, it was in a glass of cold water. The other is warm because it was in a glass of warm water)

Conclusion: water can heat up and heat other objects.

Finger gymnastics "Rain"

Rain, rain drip, yes drip (Finger right hand touch the palm of the left hand, imitating droplets)

Don't drip like that anymore! (With the finger of the left hand, touch the palm of the right hand, imitating droplets)

Stop watering the earth, (Threaten index finger, negation sign)

It's time for us to go for a walk! (Imitate steps with two fingers of each hand)

Bottom line: Today, guys, we talk a lot about water, we learned a lot about it. Water is a liquid, it can be poured, poured, poured

Water is tasteless.

Water is colorless.

Water has no smell.

Water can change color.

Water can heat up and heat objects.