Abstracts on famp 2 younger group. Synopsis of the famp lesson in the second junior group "big-small

PURPOSE: to summarize the ability of children to distinguish and name the properties of objects - color, shape, size (large, medium, small, long, short, wide, narrow)
- to form ideas about the properties of objects: color, shape, size;
- to consolidate the ability to distinguish contrasting objects in size, using the words "big", "small";
-continue to learn to compare two groups of objects in the way of superposition and application, to designate the result of the comparison with the words “equally, as much as”;


V. Guys, today I invite you to the Land of Toys. Imagine that not toys came to visit us, but now, by magic, we will find ourselves in the Land of Toys.
Do you love toys? (Yes). And you, of course, have your favorite toys - cars, dolls, cubes and others. Did you know that toys can be upset, happy or sad? When children throw toys, throw them, break them, the toys get upset and cry, and if they take care of them, they put them back after the game, they rejoice and smile.
Come quietly to the group - to our Land of Toys. Be calm - do not make noise, do not shout, do not upset our toys.
(children enter the group)
V. Guys, look what beautiful toys! How many toys are there? (many). Look what a fun ball!
1) The game "More - less"
C. Let's play with our ball in the game "More - less." To whom I throw the ball, he answers.
- Who is bigger: an elephant or a mouse?
- What is higher: a table or a chair?
- Who is bigger: an owl or a sparrow?
- How many hairs are on your head?
- How many stars are in the sky?
- How many needles does a hedgehog have?
- Who is bigger - a camel or a dog?
How many noses does a person have?
- And the sun in the sky? ... (one)
Well done. The ball liked to play with you.
2) The game "Let's set the table for dolls"
V. Guys, look at what elegant dolls are here (shows three dolls different sizes). What is Tanya doll? (large). What is Katya doll? (small). And what about Olya doll? (medium height). Let's sit them down and set the table for them. What kind of plates will we put? Let's put Tanya - a plate ... (large). Katya - a plate ... (small). Ole - a plate ... (medium size). Let's give them a meal.
Well done, the dolls are very happy and thank you.
3) The game "Broken plates"
Q. Guys, the dolls accidentally broke their plates: look - these are the fragments left (shows colored circles cut into 3-4 parts). What to do? Let's help the dolls glue the plates? Come to the table. Here, Diana, you have a “broken plate”, and Artyom will collect this plate.
(Children fold the “plates”). What form are they? (round). What colour? (red, blue, yellow, etc.)
Thank you very much from dolls guys.
4) Game "Gifts for Dolls"
V. Guys, they don’t go to visit without a gift. Here are these beautiful bows (distributing bows), give each doll one bow. Let them be smart. Look, did all the dolls have enough bows? What is more - bows or dolls? (there are more dolls, because one doll was left without a bow). What needs to be done so that the dolls and bows are equally divided? (you need to bring another bow). Bring it, Polina. Now dolls and bows are equally divided? Why do you think they are equal? (because each doll has one bow). How many dolls, so many ... bows. How many bows, so many ... dolls. Well done, now all the dolls with gifts.
5) The game "Shorter, longer"
Q. Guys, they want to give these doll ribbons to you. Look, all tapes different lengths Some are shorter, some are longer.
We compare one end of the ribbons and see which ribbon is longer.
Which tape is the longest? (red). Which tape is the shortest? (green). That's right, well done...
6) The game "Listen to music" (dynamic pause)
Q. Guys, let's play an interesting dance game with these ribbons. While the music is playing, you can dance and move. As soon as the music stops, you must stop and do not move until the music starts again. Be careful, listen to music (children play). Well done, you were careful.
7) Psycho-gymnastics "Merry and sad"
Q. Did you have fun? Dolls can also be funny or sad. Look at these pictures. If children do not throw dolls, do not offend - they are funny. Show how a funny doll smiles (children mimic a funny doll). What if the doll is sad? (children portray a sad doll).
8) The game "House for bunnies"
V. Guys, look, a bunny has come to us. How sad he is.
- Bunny, what happened?
-The fox kicked my bunny friends out of the houses. There she is, hiding under a tree. Now they have nowhere to live.
-What do you guys do? (it is necessary to build houses for bunnies)
- Bunny, the guys will help you. Go, Rita, Alena, Aida.
What figures will you take to build houses? (take a square). Does the house need a roof? What shape will you take? (triangle). Will there be windows? What figures will you take? (circle, square and triangle).
(children fold houses on the carpet).
What beautiful houses. Come in, bunnies, don't be afraid (hides bunnies in houses).
Bunny: Thanks guys. You have been so helpful to my friends.
B. Goodbye, bunny. Come visit us again.
9) The game "Ice tracks"
V. Zaichik galloped away, but who is this? Look, there are two ice tracks here. They decided to ride ... a squirrel and a dog. What track is the squirrel on? (on narrow). What track is the dog on? (on wide). Danil, jump over the narrow path. Well done! Rita, and you try to step over the wide path. Well done! Toys also decided to jump. Well done!
10) Finger gymnastics
Q. Our toy animals do not sleep in winter, but here are some forest animals sleep in winter. Let's play the finger game "Who sleeps in winter."
Hedgehog, bear, badger, raccoon
They sleep in the winter every year.
Wolf, hare, lynx, fox
And in the winter you will find in the forest.
Well done, good finger play

V. Guys. where were we today? (in Toyland).
- What did we do? (they played, danced, helped the dolls glue plates, built houses for bunnies, drew a funny doll, etc.)
- What did you like the most?
I really liked the way you played.
(“comes in” doll - postman with a letter)
Guys, look - this is Christina the postman doll. She brought you a letter from toys. Listen to what toys write to you?
(reads letter)
How many toys in the world
And of course everyone loves them.
All children in the world.
You need to play
have fun, make friends
And cherish every toy!
Love us kids
Appreciate, keep.
We love to play with you
But we don't love
When they stain us, bite us,
Throw, tear and break.
Take care of us, children!

Guys, do you like your toys? Don't hate them?
Gifts were sent to all good and kind children - this is a package with gifts (takes out a smart box). Say goodbye to your guests and see what's in this fancy box.


  1. To consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, answer the question “how much? with the words one, many, none.
  2. To consolidate the concepts of "big", "small" and compare and select objects by size.
  3. Develop orientation in space and on yourself.

Educational tasks

  • continue to teach children to listen and understand question asked and answer it clearly.
  • consolidate and generalize children's knowledge about the number of objects (one, many, none), about the size of objects (big-small);
  • to consolidate the ability to distinguish and name the primary colors: red, blue, yellow, green.

Development tasks:

  1. Develop auditory and visual attention, imagination.
  2. Develop speech, observation. Expand and activate children's vocabulary.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate kindness and compassion.

Equipment and materials:

Equipment: soft toy Little mouse from the fairy tale by S. Marshak. Large and small cardboard frames in the form of a lock and a set of inserts - multi-colored keys. Large and small colored circles. Two dolls, clothes - different sizes.

Lesson progress

1. Introduction to the game situation

Introductions fairy tale hero smart little mouse from Marshak's fairy tale "The Tale of the Smart Mouse"

Guys, a guest will come to us today, I will ask you a riddle, and you guess who he is?

small stature
A long tail
Collects crumbs
Hiding from a cat.

The mouse says that he came to the children, because he knows that they are as smart as he is.

2. The main part.

Didactic game "Pick the key to the lock (on the carpet)


Guys, something our little mouse is sad. Mouse, why are you so sad?

Guys, he says that he lost the key to the magic door. He must be found and picked up. Let's look at them: - Egor, what are the largest keys (larger and small), and what locks? What color are the keys?

Children name colors (blue, yellow, red, green)

See what kind of castle this is? (big)

What is this castle? (little)

Guys, what are the keys? (small, same, many)

BUT big keys you have found?

That's right, not one big key

The red key, which lock did it go to, and the green one?

So we helped the Mouse to open the doors: to big castle a small red key came up, and a small key also went to the small lock. The keys are all the same. The mouse is happy, he smiles.

Finger game "Finger-boy"

Guys, the Mouse says that in his fairy tale even the fingers on the hands of children become magical, and he offers to play with the fingers:

Finger boy, where have you been?

With this brother I went to the forest,

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,

I ate porridge with this brother,

I sang songs with this brother. ( thumb hands alternately connected with the rest in accordance with the text) 2-3 times.

Game-lesson "Two dolls"

The guys came to visit us, the dolls Dasha and Masha came. They heard that the children helped the Mouse open the locks. They are also asked to help them choose a coat by size. Can we help you guys?

That's right, guys, the Dasha doll is higher than the Masha doll. So, for Dasha, clothes should be large, and for Masha, small.

What clothes does Dasha have? What about Masha?

I suggest, guys, to make a gift for the Mouse - a rug. Choose small circles different color, and lay out on a large circle.

What circles, and what color did Sonya choose, and Valeria, Alice?

What color is our big circle Rodion? How many big circles do we have?

How many little Elisha circles do we have?

How many small circles do we have left?

That's right, none.

Guys, the mouse invites us to play the game "Run to me." The mouse wants to see how attentive you are and will stand in different places. You must see where the Mouse is standing, run there.

Did you enjoy playing with the Mouse?

Guys, let's say goodbye to the Mouse.

What game did Matvey, Sonya like?

I also liked how you helped Mouse.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten "Rainbow", branch "Solnyshko"

Working programm

on educational field « cognitive development»

Type of organized educational activity:Cognitive Development (FEMP)

Age group:Second youngest (3-4 years old)

Developer info:

Ignatova L.N., teacher

2015 – 2016 academic year


Explanatory note

By the age of four, with the successful development of the program, the child has formed the skills necessary for the implementation various kinds children's activities. The study of mathematics already in preschool age leads to the development logical thinking, orients children to understanding connections and relationships. The basis of knowledge is sensory development, acquired through experience and observation. In the process of sensory cognition, representations-images of objects, their properties, relations are formed.

Formation of initial mathematical knowledge and skills in children preschool age provides not only immediate bottom line(counting skills, performing elementary mathematical operations), but also a broad developmental aspect.

Work program educational area "Cognitive development" on the formation of elementary mathematical representations atchildren of the general developmental group (from 3 to 4 years old) is compiled in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, based on an exemplary general education programmunicipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten "Rainbow"

The work program is focused on the use of teaching aids:

Program implementation mode

The program provides for:

  • diagnostic classes - 4
  • practical classes - 32

Program goal: To form elementary mathematical representations in children 3-4 years old, instill interest in mathematics, develop mathematical abilities.

The main tasks of the program


Develop the ability to see common feature items of the group (all balls are round, these are all red, these are all big, etc.).

To form the ability to make groups of homogeneous objects and single out individual objects from them; distinguish conceptsmany, one, one at a time, none; find one and more identical items in environment, understand the question "How much?"; use words when answeringmany, one, none.

To form the ability to compare two equal (unequal) groups of objects based on the mutual comparison of elements (objects). To acquaint with the techniques of sequential imposition and application of objects of one group to objects of another. Develop the ability to understand the questions “Is it equal?”, “What is more (less)?”; answer questions using sentences like: “I put a fungus on each circle. There are more circles, but fewer mushrooms ”or“ There are as many circles as mushrooms.


Compare objects of contrasting and identical sizes; when comparing objects, measure one item with another according to a given sign of size (length, width, height, size as a whole), using the methods of imposition and application; indicate the result of the comparison with the words:long-short, identical (equal) in length, wide-narrow, identical (equal) in width, high-low, identical (equal) in height, large-small, identical (equal) in size.

The form

Introduce geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle. Examine the shape of these figures using sight and touch.

Orientation in space

To develop the ability to navigate in the location of parts of your body and, in accordance with them, distinguish spatial directions from yourself:top-bottom, front-back (behind), right-left; distinguish between right and left hands.

Orientation in time

To form the ability to navigate in contrasting parts of the day:day-night, morning-evening.

The program is designed taking into account the integration of educational areas:

"Physical development"

Ability to comply elementary rules, coordinate movements, navigate in space; the ability to form a column one at a time, a line, a circle, to find one's place during construction and rebuilding, in an outdoor game.

"Cognitive Development"

The ability to establish the simplest connections between objects and phenomena, to make simple generalizations

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

Drawing straight lines (short, long) in different directions, crossing them; compilation of parts of a complete image of an object; consolidation of the concepts of "parts of the day"; image of objects of different shapes.

"Speech development"

The ability to give a full answer to the question; distinguish and name essential details and parts of objects; make up short story or a fairy tale with the use of the words "yesterday", "today", "tomorrow"; make a description of the picture using the concepts of "above", "below", "left", "right", "in front", "behind"; understand generalizing words, name parts of the day; communicate kindly with each other.

Pedagogical analysis of knowledge and skills of children is carried out twice a year

Length of the diagnostic period:

Starting diagnostics: 09/14/2015 - 09/25/2015,

Final diagnostics: 05/19/2016– 05/31/2016

Thematic plan

No. p / p

Program content

Number of lessons

The form



Orientation in space

Orientation in time


Calendar-thematic planning


date of

Direct educational activities

Implementation of topics in regime moments and free activity


Program tasks

Additional methodological support


1st week

The form.

To consolidate in children the ability to distinguish and name a ball, a cube, regardless of color and size.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.11

Examining geometric shapes.

Game "Hide the cube, ball"


2nd week


To consolidate in children the ability to distinguish contrasting objects in size, using the words “big”, “small”.

Examining two dolls, comparing them in size.

game exercise"Let's Build Towers"


3.4th week



5th week


Strengthen the ability of children to distinguish the number of objects using wordsone, many, few.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.12

The arrival of nesting dolls to visit the doll.

Matryoshka round dance.


1st week


Introduce children to how to make a group of individual items and the selection of one object from it; learn to understand wordsmany, one, none.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.13

Looking at the basket of balls. Mobile game "My cheerful ringing ball».


2nd week

Quantity. The form.

To continue to develop in children the ability to make up a group of objects from separate objects and to single out one object from it, to teach them to answer the question “how much?” and define aggregates with wordsone, many, none.Get to know the circle to learn to examine its form by tactile-motor way.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.14

Game situation "Gifts from Masha's doll".


3rd week


one, many, none.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.15

Game situation "Let's harvest vegetables."

Didactic game"Bouquet"


4th week

The form. Value.

Continue to teach children to distinguish and name a circle, compare circles in size, examine them in a tactile-motor way.

The game "Wonderful bag".

Game exercise "Bake pancakes."


2nd week

Value. Quantity.

To teach children to compare two objects in length and indicate the result of the comparison with the words dlinear-short, longer-shorter.To improve the ability of children to make a group of separate objects and to single out one object from the group, to designate sets of wordsone, many, none.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.16

Game situation "We are funny guys." Mobile game "Catch the ball".


3rd week

Quantity. Value.

To teach children to find one and many objects in a specially created environment, to answer the question "how much?" Using words one, many.

Continue to learn how to compare two objects in length using overlapping and application methods, denoting the results of the comparison with words

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.17

Game situation "Toy store".

Game exercise "Tie the boxes."


4th week

Quantity. The form.

Continue to teach children to find one and many objects in a specially created environment, denoting aggregates with words one, many. Introduce the square, learn to distinguish between a circle and a square.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.18

Game situation "The postman brought the parcel." Game exercise "Put and roll."


1st week

Quantity. The form.

To consolidate the ability of children to find one and many objects in a specially created environment, use words one, many. Continue to learn to distinguish between a circle and a square.

Journey to puppetry. Didactic game "Fix the train"


2nd week

Quantity. Value.

Improve the ability of children to compare two objects in length, indicate the results of the comparison with wordslong-short, longer-shorter, equal in length.Exercise in the ability to find one and many objects in the environment.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.19

Ball games. Didactic game "Threads".

Carousel game.


3rd week

Quantity. The form. Value.

Continue to improve children's ability to find one and many objects in the environment. To consolidate the ability to distinguish and name a circle and a square. To improve the ability of children to compare two objects in length using overlapping and application methods.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.20

Comparison of objects by length.

Mobile game "Find your house"


4th week

To teach children to compare two equal groups of objects in an overlay way, to understand expressionsmuch, equally.Learn to navigate in the location of parts of your own body, to distinguish between right and left hands.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.21

Didactic game "How many toys"

Game situation "Hats for snowmen."

Game exercise "Find a mitten."


5th week

Quantity. Value.

Continue to teach children to compare two equal groups of objects in an overlay way, activate expressions in speechTo improve the ability of children to compare two objects in length, using overlay techniques and applications and wordslong-short, longer-shorter.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.22

Game situation "Let's collect the doll for a walk."

Didactic game "Twigs for birds".


3rd week

Value. Quantity.

To teach children to compare two objects that are contrasting in width using overlay and application techniques; indicate the results of the comparison with the wordswide-narrow, wider-narrower.Continue to teach children to compare two equal groups of objects in an overlay way, indicate the results of the comparison with wordsmany, equally, so many.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.23

Game situation "Let's build paths for goats and kids." Didactic game "Let's feed the kids with cabbage."


3rd week

Value. Quantity. The form.

Continue to teach children to compare two objects in width using overlapping and application methods, to determine the results of the comparison in wordswide-narrow, wider-narrower.Improve the skills of comparing two equal groups of objects in an overlay way; ability to express comparison results in wordsmany, equally, so many.To consolidate the ability to distinguish and name a circle and a square.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.24

Game situation "Saucers for pancakes." Comparison of objects by width.

Game exercise "Through the stream".


1st week

The form. Quantity. Value.

Introduce children to the triangle: learn to distinguish and name the figure. To improve the ability of children to compare two equal groups of objects in an overlay way. Strengthen the skills of comparing two objects in width, learn to use wordswider, narrower, equal in width.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.26

Didactic game "Find the same figure." Game exercise "Let's build houses for bunnies."


2nd week

Quantity. The form.

To teach children to compare two equal groups of objects using the application method, to indicate the results of the comparison with wordsContinue to introduce children to the triangle by comparing it with a square.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.27

Game situation "Balls for matryoshkas".

Mobile game "Find your house".


3rd week

Quantity. The form. Orientation in space.

Continue to teach children to compare two equal groups of objects using the application method, indicate the results of the comparison with wordsmany, equally, equally, as much as.Improve the ability to recognize and name familiar geometric figures(circle, square, triangle). Exercise in the ability to determine spatial directions from oneself.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.28

Game situation "Bunnies under the Christmas trees." Game exercise "Decorate the Christmas tree."


4th week

Value. Orientation in space. Quantity.

To introduce children to the methods of comparing two objects in height, to learn to understand wordshigh-low, up-down.Exercise in the ability to determine spatial directions from oneself. Improve the skills of comparing two equal groups of objects using the application method.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.29

Game situation "Let's build a fence around the Christmas tree." Game exercise "Let's feed the sparrows."


1st week

Value. Quantity.

Continue to teach children to compare two objects in height. Continue to improve the skills of comparing two equal groups of objects by means of superposition and application, designate the results of the comparison with wordsmany, equally, equally, so many.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.30

Game exercise "Let's build houses." Mobile game "Put the car in the garage."


2nd week

Quantity. Value.

To teach children to compare two unequal groups of objects in an overlay way, to indicate the results of the comparison with wordsImprove the skills of comparing contrasting and objects of the same height, the ability to indicate the results of the comparison with wordshigh-low, up-down.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.31

Game situation "Carrots for snowmen". Game exercise "Let's help snowmen build a pyramid."


3rd week

Quantity. The form.

Continue to teach children to compare two unequal groups of objects in the ways of superposition and application, to indicate the results of the comparison with wordsmore, less, as much.To improve the ability of children to distinguish and name a circle, square, triangle.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.32

Game exercise "Kitten Balls". Mobile game "Find the same figure."


4th week

Quantity. Value.

Improve the ability of children to compare two equal and unequal groups of objects, use expressionsmany, equally, as many, more, less.Fix ways to compare two objects in length, width, height,indicate the results of the comparison with the appropriate words.

The game situation "Which path will the car reach the garage faster?" Game exercise "Cars and garages".


5th week

Quantity. Orientation in time.

Exercise children in the ability to compare two groups of objects in ways of superposition and application, use the conceptsas much as, more or less. day Night.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.34

Game situation "Birdhouses for birds". Mobile game "Day-night".


1st week

Value. Quantity. The form.

To consolidate in children ways of comparing two objects in length, width,indicate the results of the comparison with the appropriate words. To form the ability to distinguish the number of sounds by ear (many and one). To consolidate the ability to distinguish and find geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.35

Game situation "Let's help the heroes of fairy tales." Game exercise "Let's build a gate." Mobile game "Piglets and the wolf".


2nd week

Quantity. The form.

To teach children to reproduce a given number of objects and sounds according to a model within three (without counting and naming a number). Improve the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.37

Game situation "Let's collect beads for dolls." Game exercise "Put as many sounds as you hear." Game Find a Pair.


3rd week

Quantity. Value.

To fix in children to reproduce a given number of objects and sounds according to the model within three (without counting and naming the number). Exercise in the ability to compare two objects in size, indicate the results of the comparison with wordsbig small.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.38

Game exercise "Trained dog". The game "Pick up large and small objects."


4th week

Quantity. Orientation in space.

Teach children to distinguish a certain number of movements and call them words one, many. Exercise in the ability to determine spatial directions from oneself, designate them with wordsfront-back, top-bottom, left-right.Improve the ability to make a group of objects from separate objects and select one object from a group. Develop attention and thinking.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.39

Game situation "We are playing." Game exercise "We play with balls." The game "Continue the row."


1st week


Orientation in time.

Exercise children in the ability to reproduce a given number of movements and call them words many and one. To consolidate the ability to distinguish and name parts of the day: morning evening. Develop thinking.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.40

Games "Mirror", "Building up for exercise", "Find your flower".


2nd week

Quantity. Value. Orientation in space.

To consolidate in children the ability to compare two equal and unequal groups of objects by means of superposition and application, use expressionsso many, more, less.Exercise in the ability to compare two objects in size. Learn to determine the spatial arrangement of objects using prepositions over, under, in

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Second junior group”, p.41

Game exercise "Let's help the doll to choose clothes for a walk."

35, 36


3.4th week


Filling out diagnostic tables.

The program "From birth to school", N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

The game "Find the extra figure." Game with sticks "Build a figure". The game "Wonderful bag".

Basic requirements for the level of preparation of children of the second junior development group

elementary mathematical representations:

  • Knows how to group objects by color, size, shape (select all red, all large, all round objects, etc.).
  • With the help of an adult, it can make groups of homogeneous objects and single out one object from the group.
  • Able to find in the environment one and many identical objects.
  • Correctly identifies quantitative ratio two groups of objects; understands the specific meaning of the words: “more”, “less”, “the same”.
  • Distinguishes between a circle, a square, a triangle, objects having corners and a round shape.
  • Understands the meaning of the designations: top-bottom, front-back, left-right, on, above-under, top-bottom (strip).
  • Understands the meaning of the words: "morning", "evening", "day", "night".

Diagnostic toolsto determine the level of assimilation of program material

Educational area "Cognitive development"

Formation of elementary mathematical representations (FEMP)

Child shows:



Exercise 1

The ability to group objects by color, size, shape.

Didactic exercise "Do it right" (the child selects all red, all large, all round objects).

Toys, miscellaneous items.

Task 2

The ability to make, with the help of an adult, a group of homogeneous objects and single out one object from the group.

Game situation "We harvest vegetables" (children put vegetables in the car).

How many vegetables did Alyosha, Artem, Dasha ...? (one).

How many vegetables are in the car? (many).

How many vegetables are left? (no one).

Vegetables (toys, dummies), car.

Task 3

The ability to find in the environment one and many identical objects.

Mobile-didactic game "Train" (one locomotive, many cars).

Didactic game "Many - few" (pictures depicting many animals - in one direction, in which one animal is in the other direction).

Pictures depicting animals.

Task 4

The ability to correctly determine the quantitative ratio of two groups of objects.

Didactic game "Saucers for pancakes" (comparison by overlay method).

Didactic game "Dice for nesting dolls" (comparison by application method).

One-strip and two-strip cards, pancakes cut out of cardboard, toy saucers, cubes, nesting dolls.

Task 5

The ability to distinguish between a circle, a square, a triangle, objects that have corners and a round shape.

Didactic games "Wonderful bag", "Pick the key to the lock."

Geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle; pouch.

Task 6

Didactic exercises "Who is where?", "What is where?" (top - bottom, front - back, right - left ...).

Subject-spatial developing environment.

Task 7

Understands the meaning of wordsmorning, evening, day, night.

Didactic games "Riddles" "When does it happen?", "Daily routine".

The mobile game "Day and Night" (on the command "day" everyone plays - they throw the ball with both hands on the ground and catch it, on the command "night" everyone squats down and "falls asleep").

Plot pictures, ball.

Evaluation of results:

High level - the child performs the task independently and correctly;

Average level - the child performs the task on his own, can make mistakes, which he corrects with a little help from an adult;

Low level - The child completes the task direct participation adult;

lowest level - the child cannot complete the task even with the direct assistance of the teacher.

High level - 10 - 12 points, average level - 7 - 9 points, low level - 4 - 6 points, the lowest level - 3 points.


1. Approximate general education program preschool education"From birth to school" / Ed. N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2014.

2. Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. Formation of elementary mathematical representations. The second junior group. - M .: Mosaic-Sintez, 2014.

Diagnostic table

The level of assimilation of skills and abilities in the educational field "Cognitive development"

(Formation of elementary mathematical representations)

Group Second Junior

Educator Ignatova L.N.

Senior teacher Kopylova T.N.

Able to group objects by color, size, shape

Can make groups of homogeneous objects with the help of an adult and single out one object from the group

Able to find one and many identical objects in the environment

Correctly quantifies

venous relation

two groups of objects

Distinguishes between a circle, a square, a triangle, objects that have corners and a round shape

Understands the meaning of symbols: top-bottom, front-back, left-right, on, above-under, top-bottom (strip)


misses the meaning of the words: morning,




Total points




Abstract complex lesson according to FEMP and physical development at 2 junior group

"We are visiting"

Synopsis of the GCD in the direction "Formation of elementary mathematical representations" in 2 ml. gr.

"We are visiting"



To consolidate the ability to recognize geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle.

Compare objects of contrasting sizes and indicate the result of the comparison with the words: short - long

To consolidate the previously formed concepts of “one, many, none”, to understand the question “How much?”

Strengthen knowledge of primary colors


Enrich children's musical experience, create a joyful mood

Develop the ability to listen to music, hear the beginning and end piece of music


To consolidate children's knowledge of the names of toys and the generalizing word "toys"

Develop auditory attention

Physical Culture

Continue to introduce health-saving technologies: self-massage with massage balls.

Lesson progress

Hello children! Let's greet each other and smile at each other.

Guys, we got a letter. (The teacher shows a colorful envelope). Want to know who it's from? To do this, you need to solve the riddle.

Furry, mustachioed

Soft paws, and scratches in the paws


Children guess. The teacher takes out an image of a cat from the envelope.

What a beautiful cat. Let's think of a name for her. Children offer their options.

Guys, will you come with me to visit the Cat? And our Cat lives beyond the stream. You have to go far. And how can you get there, by what transport? (children list different types transport, as soon as the train is called, show them the game "Fix the train")

    Didactic game "Fix the train"

There are circles and squares on the table. The teacher asks the children to find the circles and finds out “What color are the circles? What can be done with them? (Roll) ”Then, on the instructions of the teacher, the guys find the squares, name the figures and try to roll them on the table. The teacher reminds that corners interfere with the square, and asks the children to show them. At the end, the children “repair” the train, commenting on their actions: they put circles instead of wheels, and squares instead of windows.

Become a friend

The train is moving along the track.

Children line up one after another in a "train", and the teacher gives the command: "Let's go!". We snake around the hall, holding on to the shoulders of the person in front.

We've arrived. Stop "Cat's house".

(there is a house, a toy cat looks out the window. Near the house there are "flower beds" of various geometric shapes: circle, triangle, square)

See what beautiful flower beds Kisonka made near her house. What are flowerbeds for? (to plant flowers) How many flower beds did the Cat make? (three) What is the shape of the flower bed? (round, square, triangular) Each flower bed has holes for flowers.

Guys, let's please the Cat, plant flowers in the flower beds. (the teacher on a tray distributes a flower to each child)

How many flowers do you have? (one) (The question is asked to each child) Come to the flower beds and plant your flowers in the holes. One flower can be planted in one hole. (Children plant flowers in flower beds)

Guys, look how beautiful it has become. How many flowers did Kirill plant? (the question is asked to each child). How many flowers are in the flower bed? (many) And what about the number of holes and colors? ( when answering, children use words a lot, equally, equally)

And ducks live next to the cat's house. Let's do exercises with them.

Gymnastics for legs to music

1. "Ducklings are walking towards the river" I. p. - sitting, legs bent, hands in support behind. Walking in place without lifting your socks off the floor.

2. "The duck walks waddle-stumbling" I. p. - the same. 1-2 - raising the inner arches, lean on the outer edges of the feet. 3-4 - and. P.

3. "Ducklings met a caterpillar on the path" I. p. - the same. Crawling movements of the feet forward and backward with the help of fingers.

4. "Duck quacks" I. p. - the same. 1-2 - tearing off the heels from the floor, spread them apart. ("beak opened", say "quack-quack" 3-4 - i. p.

Guys, while you were planting flowers and playing with ducks, the Cat told me a secret that somewhere in the forest she had lost her favorite toys. Can we help Cat find them? Get on the train, let's go!

We've arrived. Look, guys, we have two paths in front of us - what are they? (massage tracks)(children answer: the tracks are long and short). Let's take the short path first. Now let's go down the long road.

Didactic game "Long - short"

Before the start of the game, the teacher lays out sets of games on two ottomans in advance. didactic material(multi-colored ribbons, stripes). The teacher takes out two toys - Teddy bear and doll Katya. With the help of a teacher, children try on and apply belts to toys. The teacher offers to examine the belts and asks to spread them side by side on the table, and then put a short ribbon on a long one. He asks which ribbon is long and which is short, that is, he asks to give the name of the quality of the quantity - length.

So we came to the lake (in front of the guys there is a hoop with three fish of different sizes: two small ones and one big one) Who lives in the lake? (fish) what are they? (big and small) How many small fish? (two). How big fish? (one) How many fish are there? (three). (remove the fish, lay out the colored ribbons).

Well done. Let's play with fish. Lots and lots of fish in the lake. (game "Find your color with a hoop and colored ribbons") While the tambourine plays, you swim with your palms clasped in front of you - this is "a fish swims." On a signal, the children take any ribbon and stand on a “pebble” (mark) of the same color as the “fish” (ribbon in their hands).

Get on the train, let's go! The next stop is Forest. (walk around the room) We've arrived. Look at what a beautiful clearing we found ourselves in. Here are the toys that the Cat lost. What are these toys? (balls). Who do they look like?

Exercises with massage (spiky) balls. (poem game)

one. " Hedgehog walks without paths through the forest, through the forest »

I. p. - standing, the ball in the palms. Roll the ball back and forth between your palms.

2. "And pricks with its thorns, pricks »

I. p. - the same Roll the ball right and left with your hands, holding them with a “shelf” in front of your chest.

3. " And I'll show the hedgehog that path »

I. p. - the same Circular movements palms, rotating the ball to the right and left.

4. " Where mice roll small cones »

I. p. - sit down, press the ball to your stomach and hide with both hands.

After the hand massage, approach the parents and ask them to massage the back of the children, roll the massage balls in a circle, and then vice versa.

Let's collect the balls and take them to the Cat. Children collect balls in a large basket and carry them to the house.

Guys, the Cat really liked you and in gratitude she wants to give you air balloons. "Here's a gift for you guys from the Cat for your help - balloons!"

Children are offered to play with the balls: toss them several times, raise the ball over their heads, circle from one side, then to the other, hide the ball behind their backs and jump.

We say goodbye to Kitty, thank you for the gifts and leave for the group.

Library "Programs of education and training in kindergarten" under general edition M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova

Pomoraeva Irina Alexandrovnamethodologist of the Educational and Methodological Center for professional education Moscow, teacher of methodology mathematical development College of Education No. 15, Honored Teacher of Russia.
Pozina Vera Arnoldovnamethodologist, teacher of methods of mathematical development of the Pedagogical College No. 4, excellent student of public education.


This manual is addressed to educators working under the "Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten" edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova, to organize mathematics classes in the second junior group.
The manual discusses the organization of work on the development of elementary mathematical concepts in children 3–4 years old, taking into account the patterns of formation and development of their cognitive activity and age options.
The book presents rough planning math class for a year. The proposed system of classes includes a complex game tasks and exercises, visual-practical methods and techniques of work on the formation of elementary mathematical representations; helps children master the methods and techniques of cognition, apply the acquired knowledge and skills in independent activity. This creates the prerequisites for the formation of a correct worldview, which, in turn, allows for a general developmental orientation of learning, connection with the mental, speech development and a variety of activities.
The plot of classes and specially selected tasks contribute to the development mental processes(attention, memory, thinking), motivate the child's activity and direct his mental activity to find ways to solve the tasks. The methodology of conducting classes does not imply direct teaching, but involves the creation of situations of community, collaboration, which increases the child's activity in understanding and self-fulfillment math assignments. The knowledge acquired by children in the classroom should be consolidated in Everyday life. To this end, in working with children, both in preschool and can be used at home workbook to the "Program of education and training in kindergarten" "Mathematics for kids" (M .: Mozaika-Synthesis).
Included in the allowance additional material compiled in accordance with the recommendations modern psychologists and teachers, allowing to expand the content of work with children of the fourth year of life and increase their interest in tasks with mathematical content.

Approximate distribution of program material for the year

Considering adaptation period children, classes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the second junior group are held from the second half of September once a week (32–34 classes per year).

I quarter


Lesson 1
Lesson 2
big small.


Lesson 1
one, many, few.
Lesson 2
many, one, none.
Lesson 3
one, many, none.
Lesson 4
Improve the ability to make a group of separate objects and select one object from a group, designate aggregates with words one, many, none.
big small.


Lesson 1

Improve the ability to make a group of objects from separate objects and select one object from a group; label aggregates with words one, many, none.
Lesson 2
Learn to find one and many objects in a specially created environment, answer the question "how much?" Using words one, many.
Continue to learn how to compare two objects in length using overlapping and application methods, designate the results of the comparison with words long - short, longer - shorter.
Lesson 3
Continue to teach to find one and many objects in a specially created environment, designate aggregates with words one, many.
Introduce the square, learn to distinguish between a circle and a square.
Lesson 4
To consolidate the ability to find one and many objects in a specially created environment, designate aggregates with words one, many.
Continue to learn to distinguish and name a circle and a square.

II quarter


Lesson 1
Improve the ability to compare two objects in length, indicate the results of the comparison in words long - short, longer - shorter, equal in length.
Exercise in the ability to find one and many objects in the environment.
Lesson 2
Continue to improve the ability to find one and many objects in the environment.
To improve the ability to compare two objects in length by methods of imposition and application; indicate the results of the comparison with the words long - short, longer - shorter.
Lesson 3
Learn to compare two equal groups of objects in an overlay way, understand the meaning of words much, equally.
Practice focusing on own body distinguish between right and left hands.
Lesson 4
Continue to learn to compare two equal groups of objects in an overlay way, activate expressions in speech
Improve the ability to compare two objects in length using overlay techniques and applications and words long - short, longer - shorter.


Lesson 1
To learn to compare two objects that are contrasting in width, using overlay and application techniques, to indicate the results of the comparison with words wide - narrow, wider - narrower.
Continue to learn to compare two equal groups of objects in an overlay way, indicate the results of the comparison with words many, equally, so much - how many.
Lesson 2
Continue to learn how to compare two objects in width using overlapping and application methods, determine the results of the comparison in words wide - narrow, wider - narrower.
Improve the skills of comparing two equal groups of objects in an overlay way; ability to express comparison results in words many, equally, so much - how many.
To consolidate the ability to distinguish and name a circle and a square.
Lesson 3
Introduce the triangle: learn to distinguish and name the figure.
To improve the ability to compare two equal groups of objects in an overlay way, to indicate the results of the comparison with words many, equally, so much - how many.
Strengthen the skills of comparing two objects in width, learn to use words wide - narrow, wider - narrower, equal in width.
Lesson 4
Learn to compare two equal groups of objects using the method of application, designate the results of the comparison with words many, equally, so much - how many.
Continue to introduce the triangle, learn to name and compare it with a square.


Lesson 1
Continue to learn to compare two equal groups of objects using the application method, designate the results of the comparison with words many, equally, so much - how many.
Improve the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle).
Exercise in determining spatial directions from oneself and designate them with words top - bottom.
Lesson 2
To acquaint with the methods of comparing two objects in height, to learn to understand words
Exercise in determining spatial directions from yourself.
Improve the skills of comparing two equal groups of objects using the application method and use words many, equally, so much - how many.
Lesson 3
Continue to learn how to compare two objects in height using overlay and application methods, indicate the results of the comparison with words high - low, higher - lower.
Continue to improve the skills of comparing two equal groups of objects by means of superposition and application, designate the results of the comparison with words equally, as much as.
Lesson 4
Learn to compare two unequal groups of objects in an overlay way, designate the results of the comparison with words more - less, as much - how much.
Improve the ability to compare two contrasting objects in familiar ways, indicate the results of the comparison with words high - low, higher - lower.

III quarter


Lesson 1
Continue to learn to compare two unequal groups of objects by means of superposition and application, designate the results of the comparison with words more - less, as much - how much, equally.
Improve the ability to distinguish and name a circle, square, triangle.
Lesson 2
Improve the ability to compare two equal and unequal groups of objects, use expressions equally,
Fix ways to compare two objects in length and height, indicate the results of the comparison with the appropriate words.
Lesson 3
Exercise in comparing two groups of objects by means of superposition and application and use words so much - how much, more - less.
day Night.
Lesson 4
Fix ways to compare two objects in length and width, designate the results of the comparison with the appropriate words.
To form the ability to distinguish the number of sounds by ear (many and one).
Exercise in distinguishing and naming geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle.


Lesson 1
Learn to reproduce a given number of objects and sounds according to a model (without counting and naming a number).
Improve the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle.
Lesson 2
To consolidate the ability to reproduce a given number of objects and sounds according to a model (without counting and naming a number).
Exercise in the ability to compare two objects in size, indicate the result of the comparison with words big small.
Exercise in the ability to distinguish spatial directions from oneself and designate them with words: front - back, left - right.
Lesson 3
Learn to distinguish between one and many movements and designate their number with words one, many.
Exercise in the ability to distinguish spatial directions relative to oneself and designate them with words front - back, top - bottom, left - right.
Improve the ability to make a group of objects from separate objects and select one object from a group.
Lesson 4
Exercise in the ability to reproduce a given number of movements and call them words many And one.
To consolidate the ability to distinguish and name parts of the day: morning evening.


Lesson 1
To consolidate the ability to compare two equal and unequal groups of objects by means of superposition and application, use expressions so much - how much, more - less.
Exercise in comparing two objects in size, indicate the results of the comparison with words big small.
Learn to determine the spatial arrangement of objects using prepositions on, under, in etc.
Lesson 2
Improve the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, ball, cube.
Lessons 3-4
Free planning work taking into account the assimilation of program material and the characteristics of a particular age group.

Lesson plans


Lesson 1

Program content
To consolidate the ability to distinguish and name a ball (ball) and a cube (cube), regardless of the color and size of the figures.

Demo material. Large and small red balls, large and small green cubes; 2 boxes of red and green colors; toys: bear, truck.
Handout. Little red balls, little green cubes.


I part. The teacher brings a truck into the group, in the back of which there are a bear, balls and cubes, and asks: “Who came to us? (Children look at the bear.) What did the bear bring in the truck?
The teacher offers the children to find the ball (gives the concept ball): What did you find? What color is the ball?
The teacher asks to show what can be done with the ball. (Ride.)
Children perform similar tasks with a cube. (Actions with a cube are denoted by the word put.)
II part. Game exercise "Hide the cube (ball)".
The teacher invites one of the children to take a ball in one hand and a cube in the other and hide one of the figures behind their backs. The rest of the children must guess what the child hid and what was left in his hand.
III part. The teacher asks the children to help the bear put balls and cubes into boxes: balls should be put in a red box, and cubes in a green one.
In the process of completing the task, the teacher clarifies with the children: “What did you put in the box? How many balls (cubes)? Are they the same color? How else are balls and cubes different? (Large and small.)
The bear thanks the children for their help and says goodbye to them.

Lesson 2

Program content
To consolidate the ability to distinguish contrasting objects in size, using words big small.
Didactic visual material
Demo material. Large and small dolls, 2 beds of different sizes; 3-4 large cubes.
Handout. Small cubes (3-4 pieces for each child).


I part. Two dolls come to visit the children. The guys, together with the teacher, examine them, find out that one doll is big and the other is small, give them names.
Then the teacher draws the attention of the children to the beds: “The beds are the same size? Show me the big bed. And now the little one. Where is the bed for the big doll, and where for the little one? Put the dolls to sleep. Let's sing them a lullaby "Tired toys are sleeping."
II part. Game exercise "Let's build towers."
The teacher places large and small cubes on the table, invites the children to compare them in size, and then build turrets. The teacher builds a tower of large cubes on the carpet, and the children build towers of small cubes. At the end of the work, they all look at the buildings together, show a large (small) tower.


Lesson 1

Program content
Strengthen the ability to distinguish the number of objects using words one, many, few.
Didactic visual material
Demo Material. Doll.
Handout. Nesting dolls (two more than children).


caregiver. Matryoshkas came to visit the Katya doll, and together we will dance around her. Look how many nesting dolls came to visit? (Many.) Take one nesting doll and put them in a round dance around Katya's doll.
Children arrange nesting dolls.
caregiver. How many dolls? How many nesting dolls are in a round dance? All matryoshkas got into a round dance? How many nesting dolls do not dance? (Few.)
In conclusion, the children dance around the dolls and matryoshkas to the music.

Lesson 2

Program content
To acquaint with the compilation of a group of objects from separate objects and the selection of one object from it; learn to understand words many, one, none.
Didactic visual material
Demo material. Parsley, basket.
Handout. Balls of the same color and size (one for each child).


I part. Parsley brings the children a basket of balls.
caregiver. What did Petrushka bring? What color are the balls? How many balls did Petrushka bring?
Parsley drops the balls on the floor. At his request, the children take one ball each.
caregiver(turns to the children in turn). How many balls did you take? How many balls are in the basket? (The concept is introduced no one.) What should be done so that Petrushka has a lot of balls in his basket?
The children put the balls in the basket.
caregiver. How many balls did you put in? How many balls are in the basket? How many balls do you have in your hands?
II part. Mobile game "My cheerful, sonorous ball."
The teacher reads a poem by S.Ya. Marshak:

My cheerful, sonorous ball,
Where did you jump,
Yellow, red, blue,
Don't chase after you.

I clapped your hand
You jumped and stomped loudly
You fifteen times in a row
Jumped to the corner and back.

And then you rolled
And never returned
Rolled into the garden
Ran up to the gate.

Here he rolled under the gate,
Ran to the turn
Got hit by a wheel
Popped, popped, that's all.

Children jump to the beat of the poem. At the end of the poem, they run away.
The game is repeated several times.

Lesson 3

Program content
Continue to form the ability to make a group of objects from individual objects and select one object from it, learn to answer the question "how much?" and define aggregates with words one, many, none.
Get to know the circle to learn to examine its form by tactile-motor way.
Didactic visual material
Demo material. Doll, basket, circle, cardboard train without wheels, tray, napkin, basin of water.
Handout. Circles of the same size and color, ducks.


Game situation "Gifts from Masha's doll".
I part. From the basket of Masha's doll, the teacher takes out a circle and tells the children: "This is a circle (circles his hand)". Then he clarifies the name of the item: “What is this?” He invites several children to circle around with his hand.
II part. The teacher invites the children to take one circle from Masha's basket and asks: “What is the shape of the figure? What color are they?" Children, at the request of the teacher, circle the outline of the circle with their hands and find out that the circle can be rolled.
The teacher shows the train to the children: “Can I ride this train? (Not.) Why? (No wheels.)" The teacher asks the children to prepare the train for the trip. The guys attach wheels (circles) to the train and “go” to the park to feed the ducks to the music.
III part. The teacher takes a napkin from the tray and asks: “Who is this? (Ducks.) How many ducks? (Many.)
The children take one toy, and the teacher finds out: “How many ducks did each of you take? How many ducks are left on the tray?
The teacher invites the children to play with the ducks. To the music of the "ducks" run, peck grains.
The teacher puts a bowl of water on the table and asks the children to make sure that there are a lot of ducks in the bowl. Children let their ducks into the bowl. The teacher finds out: “How many ducks did each of you let in? (One.) How many ducks are in the basin? (Many.) How many ducks are left in your hands? (None.)"
Doll Masha says goodbye to the guys. The kids are going home.

Lesson 4

Program content
one, many, none.
Continue to learn to distinguish and name the circle, examine it in a tactile-motor way and compare the circles in size: big small.
Didactic visual material
Demo material. Machine, bag, large and small circles of the same color.
Handout. Vegetables (according to the number of children), clay (plasticine), modeling boards, napkins.


I part. Game situation "We harvest vegetables."
On the floor is an imitation of a vegetable garden. The teacher invites the children to see what grows in the garden. The children list the vegetables. The teacher summarizes their answers (“these are vegetables”), then finds out: “How many vegetables have grown in the garden?”
The teacher offers to collect vegetables in the car (imports the car). Children take one vegetable at a time, and the teacher clarifies: “Which vegetable did you take? How many vegetables did you take?
Children take turns putting vegetables in the car and commenting: “I put one carrot (beets, potatoes ...).” The teacher accompanies the actions of the children with the words: “There are more vegetables in the car.” When the guys fill the car, the teacher finds out: “How many vegetables are in the car?”
II part. The game "Wonderful bag".
In the car with vegetables, children find wonderful bag. They take out a circle from it, tell the name of the figure and what color it is.
The teacher attaches the circle to the flannelograph and invites one of the children to circle the figure with his hand.
Similar actions are performed with another circle.
Then the children find out how the figures are similar and how they differ.
III part. Game exercise "Bake pancakes."
Children sculpt large and small pancakes from clay (plasticine). Then the teacher suggests putting large pancakes on a large circle, small ones on a small one.


Lesson 1

Program content
Learn to compare two objects in length and indicate the result of the comparison with words long - short, longer - shorter.
Improve the ability to make a group of objects from individual objects and select one object from a group, designate aggregates with words one, many, none.

End of Free Trial