What exercises can help you deal with hyperactivity. Hyperactive child: signs, symptoms and diagnosis of hyperactivity in children

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a medical diagnosis and a feature of the psyche of some children. The task of parents and psychologists is to teach such a child self-control, and special exercises have been developed for this.

The manifestations of hyperactivity, doctors include excessive impulsiveness of the baby, increased motor activity. Attention deficit is manifested by the inability to concentrate, absent-mindedness and, often, all this provokes problems in relationships with others, difficulties in learning and, as a result, low self-esteem.

In working with a hyperactive child, relaxation exercises and exercises on the body contact. They contribute to a better awareness of the child of his body, and subsequently help him control motor activity. Try to do some of the exercises with your child yourself. The only and necessary condition success - your calmness and sense of humor.

Exercise 1. Talking with hands

  • It is aimed at teaching the skill to control their actions.

If the child had a fight, broke something or hurt someone, offer him such a game: circle the silhouette of the palms on a sheet of paper, then revive the palms - draw their eyes, mouth, color the fingers with colored pencils. After that, you can start a conversation with your hands. Ask: who are you, what is your name? What do you like to do? What don't you love? What are you?

If the child does not join the conversation, say the dialogue yourself. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that the hands are good, they can do a lot (list what exactly), but sometimes they do not obey their master. You need to finish the game by “concluding an agreement” between the hands and their owner. Let the hands promise that within two or three days they will try to do only good deeds: tinkering, greeting, playing and will not offend anyone. If the child agrees to such conditions, then after a predetermined period of time, it is necessary to play this game again and conclude an agreement for a longer period, praising the obedient hands and their owner.

Exercise 2. Talking with the body

  • It is aimed at teaching the child to control his body.

This exercise is a modification of the previous one. The child lies on the floor on a large sheet of paper - a piece of wallpaper will do. An adult traces the contours of the child's figure with a pencil. Then, together with the child, he examines the silhouette and asks questions.

« This is your silhouette. Do you want us to paint it? What color would you like to paint your arms, legs, torso? Do you think it helps you your body in certain situations, for example, when you are fleeing from danger, etc.? What body parts help you the most? And there are situations when your body fails you, does not obey? What do you do in this case? How can you teach your body to be more obedient? Let's agree that you and your body will try to understand each other better..

Exercise 3. Glomerulus

  • Aimed at teaching one of the methods of self-regulation.

A naughty child can be offered to wind bright yarn into a ball. The size of the ball can become larger and larger each time. An adult secretly tells the child that this ball is not simple, but magical: as soon as a boy or girl begins to wind it up, he immediately calms down. When such a game becomes habitual for a child, he himself will definitely ask an adult to give him “magic threads” whenever he feels that he is upset, tired or “wound up”.

Exercise 4. Archeology

  • Playing with sand and water is good for soothing the child and is especially suitable for hyperactive children.

These games do not have to be played only in the summer on the beach, they can be organized at home. Pick up suitable toys: boats, rags, small items, balls, tubes to facilitate the inevitable cleaning, sand can be replaced with cereals preheated in the oven.

An adult lowers his hand into a basin with sand or grains and falls asleep. The child carefully digs out his hand - makes " archaeological excavations". In this case, you can not touch the hand. If a child touches an adult's palm, they switch roles.

Exercise 5. Little bird

  • Designed to develop muscle control.

The child is given a fluffy, soft, fragile toy bird or other animal in the palms. Adult says: “A bird flew to you, it is so small, tender, defenseless. She is so afraid of the kite! Hold her, talk to her, comfort her."

The child takes the bird in his hands, holds it, strokes it, says good words, calming her, and at the same time calming himself. In the future, you can no longer put the bird in the palms of the child, but simply remind him: “Do you remember how to calm a bird? Comfort her again". Then the child himself sits on a chair, folds his hands and calms down.

Be patient and consistent and you will definitely succeed. Remember: the road will be mastered by the walking one. Health and joy to you and your families.

Impulsive and mobile children are often called hyperactive. However, children's activity, which is the norm, should not be confused with hyperactivity, which is a neurological problem. The latter is called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). And today it is a fairly common diagnosis.
Both simply active and hyperactive children can show impatience, restlessness and strong excitement. Make noise, act up, run and jump - in a word, "stand on your ears." But still, there are several signs that will help distinguish a child's character trait from a serious neurological problem.

active child

1. Spins like a clockwork, cannot sit in one place, prefers active games. However, if he is interested, he can do something calm.

2. Shows interest and curiosity, talks incessantly, comments on everything, asks many questions.

3. Despite daily activity, sleeps well at night.

4. Adapts to the situation, is not always active in equally(for example, at home - this is a person with a "motor", and in the kindergarten a completely calm child).

5. Does not show aggression, but at the same time it can defend its interests.

hyperactive child

1. Constantly in motion, active in all situations equally. He will jump and make noise both at home and in the store, away or at school. Moreover, he cannot stop, even if he is very tired. Practically uncontrollable - no arguments work, it is impossible to agree with him.

2. Talks a lot, emotionally, jumps from thought to thought, “swallows” endings or skips words. Can't listen to others.

3. Difficulty falling asleep, sleeping badly.

4. May be aggressive or provoke other children. If going through powerful emotions can't control himself.

Of course, this is only external signs, by which ADHD can be distinguished from simple activity. Specialists - child neuropsychologists and psychoneurologists - have more detailed assessment criteria. Only a doctor can make this diagnosis, and after a thorough examination, which includes testing, an encephalogram of the brain and a long-term (at least six months) observation of a psychoneurologist.

Regardless of whether it is increased activity a child with a confirmed diagnosis or just a feature of it, it is the parents who can help the baby cope with behavioral problems. The life of excitable (both active and hyperactive) children must obey certain rules.

7 rules for active and hyperactive children

1. Be sure to set clear “boundaries” that must not be violated under any circumstances (prohibitions, time limits, rules of behavior at home and on the street, etc.). This will allow the child to feel the ground under his feet, which means to become more collected and calmer.

2. Organize a regular daily routine. Life on schedule due to its predictability will also soothe the baby. It is extremely important for excitable and active children to have a good rest: night sleep should last at least 10-12 hours, and daytime rest should not be neglected for preschoolers and younger students. And to make it easier to remember the sequence of events of the day, hang the schedule in a prominent place.

3. Avoid products that have a stimulating effect on nervous system(chocolate, drinks containing caffeine).

4. Dose the load and impressions. Do not abuse noisy games and communication. Be sure to alternate active classes with calm ones.

5. Satisfy the child's need for physical activity - write it down in sports section or in the pool so that he can throw out excess energy.

6. Be sure to train your attention with special exercises. Contact a pediatric neuropsychologist - he will recommend a complex for homework that is suitable for your baby.

7. Limit watching cartoons and games on your computer, tablet, phone. A preschooler can watch TV without harm or be at a computer for no more than 30-40 minutes a day, and it is better with breaks, junior schoolchild- no more than an hour.

IMPORTANT: only a doctor can diagnose a child with ADHD! Do not take the word of caregivers or educators who tell you that the child is hyperactive. Moreover, you should not self-medicate - so you can only do harm. For example, in a child with ADHD, sedatives are often not only useless, but contraindicated. By exerting an inhibitory effect on the speed of nervous reactions, they impede the development of memory and attention.

If you have any doubts and you suspect hyperactivity in your baby, start with a visit to a child neuropsychologist - using special techniques, he will help confirm or refute the suspicion of ADHD, if necessary, refer him to a doctor, and also offer a system of activities that will help the child develop perseverance and attention.
Korkunova Maria, d child neuropsychologist

Exercise "Stork"
(To overcome disinhibition and to train perseverance)

The host invites the children to portray a stork that stands on one leg: standing on one leg, stand, while reciting a poem:
- Bird stork, bird stork,
What do you dream about at night?
- Swamp frogs for me!
- What else?
- More? Frogs!
To catch them - not to catch ...
That's all!
It's time to go!
The children walk on the spot. Then the children recite the poem, repeating all the movements after the “stork” (waving their “wings”):
Stork, stork, long-legged
Show me the way home.
The stork answers (children stand still):
- Stomp with your right foot
Stomp with your left foot.
Right foot again
Left foot again
After the right foot
After the left foot
That's when you come home.
Exercise "Dap!"
(Finger play therapy)

The driver slightly raises his hand and stretches it forward. The players put index fingers to the palm from below, and they themselves move in a circle under the words of the driver:
Who is under the roof?
Cats, mice,
Hares and bunnies.
Dad, mom, toad: tsap!
Hearing the word "tsap", you need to quickly pull your fingers away, otherwise the driver will grab the finger of the gaping one.
Exercise "Sounds of the surf"
(for relaxation)

Slow music is playing. The children lie on the carpet.
Leading: "Let's imagine that we are lying on warm sand, pleasant light breeze caresses our body, we will close our eyes and rest a little by the sea, the waves will sing us their lullaby(children lie in silence for 20 seconds). The ray of the sun touched our legs, the right leg is relaxed and warm, the ray of the sun touched the left leg - the leg is relaxed and warm, it is pleasant to lie down, breathing clean sea ​​air. Inhale - exhale, both legs are warm, it's nice. A ray of sun touched the stomach and chest - it becomes even warmer, we like this warmth, we breathe deeply, there is pleasant sea air around. A ray of sun touched the face, it all relaxed, the mouth slightly opened ... How well we rest, calmly, we enjoy this relaxation, we breathe evenly, deeply, the whole body is warm. It's light as a cloud, we still want to listen to the song sea ​​waves(children lie and listen for a few seconds). But it's time to go, we slowly get up, stretch and go to rest ... "
Exercise "Ship"
(To develop the ability to regulate muscle tone)
The host explains, the children perform the movements: “Imagine that we are on a ship. Shakes. In order not to fall, spread your legs wider and press them to the floor. Clasp your hands behind your back. Rocked the deck to the left - press your right foot to the floor. The right leg is tense, the left is relaxed, slightly bent at the knee, the toe touches the floor. Straightened up! Relax! swung in right side- we press the left leg. The left leg is tense, the right leg is relaxed.
Straightened up. Listen and do as I do. Inhale - exhale!
It began to rock the deck.
Press your foot to the deck!
We press the leg tighter,
And we relax the other.
The exercise is performed first for the right leg, then for the left. The facilitator draws the attention of the children to the tense and relaxed state of the leg muscles.
Exercise "Neighbour, raise your hand!"
(for focus training)

Players standing or sitting form a circle. A driver is chosen by lot, who stands inside the circle. He calmly walks in a circle, then stops in front of one of the players and loudly says: “Hands!” The player addressed by the driver continues to stand (sit) without changing position. And both neighbors must raise one hand up: the neighbor on the right - the left, the neighbor on the left - the right, that is, the hand that is closer to the player between them. If one of the guys made a mistake, that is, he raised the wrong hand or forgot to raise it at all, then he changes with the leading roles.
Play for a set time. The winner is the one who has never been a driver.
A player is considered a loser even when he only tried to raise the wrong hand. The driver must stop exactly opposite the player he is addressing. Otherwise, its command is not executed.
Exercise "Broken Doll"
(For the development of muscle self-regulation)
The facilitator explains to the children: “Sometimes toys break, but they can be helped. Depict a doll in which the ropes that fasten the head, neck, arms, body, and legs have broken. She's all loose, they don't want to play with her ... Shake all the broken parts at the same time. And now collect, strengthen the ropes - slowly, carefully connect the head and neck, straighten them, now straighten your shoulders and fasten your arms, breathe evenly and deeply, and the torso will be in place, well, straighten your legs. That's it - you fixed the doll yourself, now she is beautiful again, everyone wants to play with her!
Exercise "Tree"
(for relaxation)

The children are standing. The facilitator invites them to introduce themselves in the image mighty oak: “Stretch your arms forward with tension, clench your fingers into a fist, straining your hands, arms, shoulders. Relax your hands one at a time, then your arms and shoulders.
Slowly spread your arms with tension to the sides, spread your fingers, relax your hands, shoulders and arms. Drop your hands freely, swing your arms like a pendulum, gradually increasing or decreasing the width of the swing, as if oak branches are swinging in the wind.
Exercise "Pinocchio"
(To overcome disinhibition)

Together with the leader, the children perform movements simultaneously with the pronunciation of the poem:
Pinocchio stretched,
Once - bent over
Two - bent over
Three - bent over.
Raised hands to the sides,
Apparently the key has not been found.
To get us the key
You need to get on your toes.
Game "Buttons"
(For the development of attention)

They play in twos. Each player has a set of buttons in front of them (the sets of both players are exactly the same, not a single button is repeated inside one set). The level of complexity depends on the number of buttons in the set: harder game, the more buttons are used. To start, you can take three buttons. Each player has a playing field, which is a square divided into cells. The more cells in a square, the more difficult the game. To begin with, a playing field is taken two by two cells. The beginner of the game puts three buttons on his field. The second participant must look at the location of the buttons and remember where which one lies, after which the first player covers his playing field with a piece of paper, and the second must select the necessary buttons from his set and arrange them accordingly on his playing field. Then the first player opens his playing field, and both check the correctness of the task. Memorization time - 30 seconds.
For the first time, the guys may not be able to cope with the game, they need the means of mastering arbitrary attention and memorization. A pointing gesture and a detailed speech description of objects and their spatial arrangement are chosen as such means. Some children do not yet know the concepts of "left", "right", "up", "down". At first, the child explains aloud, after a while in a whisper, and then to himself. Then just pointing to the button is enough.
An exercise " Tin soldier»
(For the development of self-regulation)

The facilitator explains to the children: “When you are very excited and cannot stop, pull yourself together, stand on one leg and bend the other at the knee, lower your hands at the seams. You - steadfast toy soldiers at your post, honestly carry out your service. Look around, notice what is happening around you, who is doing what, who needs help. Now switch legs and look even closer. Well done!"

Correctional lesson

with hyperactive children

senior preschool age


Teacher-psychologist MKDOU-

d / s No. 14 "Gerel"

Kurbatova T.M.


The lesson is intended for children of preschool age.

The number of children in the group is 5-8 people.

The reason for enrolling a child in a correctional group are: the diagnosis of a doctor, the conclusion of a psychologist, the observations and reviews of educators, the wishes of the parents.

Part correctional group in addition to hyperactive ones, insecure, impulsive and inattentive children, as well as one balanced child, may be included. The latter serves as a role model (but without undue praise for his exemplary behavior). Unsure of themselves, fearful children get the opportunity to be more active, and at the same time their safety is protected by rules that are binding on all members of the group.

Before proceeding to the main course of classes, it is advisable to carry out with hyperactive children individual work aimed at developing attention or control over impulsivity.

Group classes can be held both in the morning and in the afternoon.

The duration of the lesson is 30 minutes.

Each of the corrective classes includes games for the development of attention, control over impulsivity and control motor activity, psycho-gymnastic and body-oriented exercises. (The need to introduce the latter is explained by the fact that, according to the observations of physicians and psychologists, hyperactive children not only poorly control their behavior, but also have poor command of own body, do not feel enough parts of the body.)

At the beginning of each stage of the lesson, the recommended duration of its implementation is given.

Classes are best done in the music room - there is quite spacious, there is a carpet and at the same time there are few distractions.

For the best organization the introduction of the group into the hall and the withdrawal from it is carried out in the form of a game of "Train": the children are built in a column one after another. The first of the children is a “train”, the rest are “carriages”. The children put their hands on the shoulders of those in front - “the carriages are linked”, and, making the sounds “Tu-tu”, “the train enters” into the hall or “leaves” it.

Psychocorrective work requires a long time and, of course, more classes. This complex should be considered as indicative, from separate parts which can be made extra classes. Children enjoy playing the same games many times, and the benefits of the proposed games also lie in the fact that they allow you to train underdeveloped mental functions.


  • development of arbitrariness and self-control;
  • development of attention and imagination;
  • development of coordination of movements;
  • removal of psycho-emotional stress;
  • development of emotional and expressive movements;
  • development and improvement of communication skills.

Materials for the lesson: soft toy.

1. Game "Forbidden Movement"(5 minutes).

Children stand in a semicircle opposite the psychologist. Psychologist says:

I will show different movements. You will repeat all movements except one.

First, the psychologist shows different movements(for example, arms up, to the sides, etc.). Children repeat them.

Then the psychologist names and shows the "forbidden" movement (for example, jumping up), which children should not repeat. The signal is given to start the game. Children repeat all the movements of the psychologist, except for the “forbidden” one.

Mistakes usually cause violent emotional reactions, laughter, but children should not be taken out of the game.

2. Game "Zoo" (8-10 min).
Psychologist says:

Now try to depict the movements of various animals. If I clap my hands once - jump like bunnies, clap twice - waddle like bears, clap three times - “turn” into storks who can stand on one leg for a long time. We start the game.

  1. An exercise "Tell and Show"(3 min).

Children stand in a semicircle opposite the psychologist and repeat the words and movements after him.

One two three four five!
We can show you everything!
These are elbows - we will touch them.
Right, left we swing.
These are the shoulders - let's touch them.
Right, left we swing.

If we move forward
We'll touch our knees.

One two three four five!

We can show you everything!

4. Exercise "Humpty Dumpty" (2-3 minutes).

Children stand in a circle at a distance outstretched hand from each other and turn the body to the right and left. At the same time, the arms dangle freely along the body.

The psychologist says:

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall
Humpty Dumpty collapsed in his sleep.
Children squat or fall on the carpet.

5. The final stage(2-3 min).

Children sit on the floor in a circle. The psychologist asks the children to say which task was the most difficult today. Children passing each other soft toy take turns expressing their opinion.


Create a psychologically relaxed atmosphere for comfortable communication between children and adults, relieving stress muscle clamps harmonization of relations between children.

Develop the ability to control impulsive actions, control your body, follow instructions, follow the rules of communication.

Methodical methods:

Conversations aimed at harmonizing communication;

Music therapy;

Color therapy;

Development exercises volitional regulation;

Games for concentration of attention;

Breathing exercise;

Psychological testing.

Materials: magnetic board, tape recorder, colored palms, multi-colored petals, subject cards

The course of a psychologist's lesson with hyperactive preschoolers


Purpose: to create a psychologically relaxed atmosphere.

Children stand in a circle, hold hands, give each other a smile, with the help of a poem, wish everyone well.

2. Exercise "My mood".

Purpose: to activate children to the manifestation of internal psychological activity.

Children, standing in a circle, express their thoughts about their mood.

3. "Rules of joyful communication."

Purpose: to orient children to another subject, to develop receptivity, sympathy.

Children remember the rules of communication with each other:

Do not interrupt;

Don't offend anyone;

Help everyone;

Smile, be polite;

Compliment each other

If you did something bad - apologize;

Put up.

4. Exercise "What color is my mood, what does it look like."

Purpose: to promote the development of self-knowledge, the expression of their feelings.

Children come to the table where there are multi-colored petals, choose a petal that matches their mood and make up a "Mood Flower".

Explains the meaning of each color. Then the children express their opinion on what their mood is like, choose a certain card.

5. Game "Interview".

Purpose: To develop self-awareness emotional state the ability to express one's thoughts.

Children answer the question:

"When it's fun, joyful ....";

"When it's sad..."

6. The game "Forbidden movement".

Purpose: to develop the speed of reaction, the ability to follow the rules of the game.

Children face the leader, to the music, the children repeat the movements that the leader shows. Then one movement is selected that cannot be performed. The children take turns acting as the leader.

7. Exercise "Colored palms".

Purpose: development of observation, volitional regulation, the ability to act according to the rules.

Children stand facing the leader. When an adult raises his red palm "chants" - you can run, jump, scream; yellow palm "whisper" - you can quietly move and whisper, to the signal "silence" - blue palm - children should freeze in place and not move.

8. Exercise "Pull yourself together."

Purpose: to encourage children to learn the ability to control impulsive actions.

The psychologist explains that if children are worried, excited, angry about something - they want to hit someone, push, scatter something, there is a very simple way to pull yourself together - you need to clasp your elbows with your palms and press your hands strongly to your chest.

9. Music therapy.

Purpose: to develop emotional sensation music, creative imagination and the ability to express your feelings.

Children listen to a piece of music and share their impressions of how the character of the music evoked feelings.

10. Exercise "Save the chick."

Purpose: to build confidence, the ability to help those who need it.

Children imagine that they have a small, helpless chick in their palms. They warm him with their breath, give their love and warmth. Then, when he mentally comes to life, he is released (they open their palms, raising them up) and see how the chick joyfully takes off.

11. Exercise "And I ..."

Purpose: to expand children's understanding of the world human feelings. To develop the ability and desire to give warmth to friends and love to relatives.

The psychologist asks the children to complete the sentence:

Grandma got sick and I...

Little brother can't sleep and I....

My sister fell and I...

Dad fixes a chair and I....

Grandpa is resting and I ....

My friend is sad and I....

Mother's Day is coming and I...

I have candy and I....

12. Exercise "Psychological praise."

Purpose: to provide a positive psychological atmosphere in a group, fun.

I am a good, affectionate child

And friendly, kind, interesting.