The feat of Catherine Zelenko. pilot, senior lieutenant, the only woman in the world who committed an air ram, Hero of the Soviet Union

    Ekaterina Ivanovna Zelenko, Ukrainian Katerina Ivanivna Zelenko September 14, 1916 September 12, 1941 Place of birth ... Wikipedia

    - (1916 41), pilot, Hero Soviet Union(1990, posthumously). Member of the Soviet Finnish war, tested the Su 2 bomber. During the Great Patriotic War, she made 40 sorties, died during an air battle with 7 aircraft ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Zelenko Ekaterina Ivanovna Encyclopedia "Aviation"

    Zelenko Ekaterina Ivanovna- E. I. Zelenko Zelenko Ekaterina Ivanovna (1916-1941) - Soviet pilot, senior lieutenant, Hero of the Soviet Union (1990, posthumously). She graduated from the Orenburg Military Aviation Pilot School (1934). She flew on 7 types of aircraft. Along with ... ... Encyclopedia "Aviation"

    Zelenko Ekaterina Ivanovna- E. I. Zelenko Zelenko Ekaterina Ivanovna (1916-1941) - Soviet pilot, senior lieutenant, Hero of the Soviet Union (1990, posthumously). She graduated from the Orenburg Military Aviation Pilot School (1934). She flew on 7 types of aircraft. Along with ... ... Encyclopedia "Aviation"

    Zelenko Ekaterina Ivanovna- E. I. Zelenko Zelenko Ekaterina Ivanovna (1916-1941) - Soviet pilot, senior lieutenant, Hero of the Soviet Union (1990, posthumously). She graduated from the Orenburg Military Aviation Pilot School (1934). She flew on 7 types of aircraft. Along with ... ... Encyclopedia "Aviation"

    - (1916 41) pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union (1990, posthumously). A participant in the Soviet-Finnish war, she tested the Su 2 bomber. During the Great Patriotic War, she made 40 sorties, died during an air battle with 7 aircraft ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (1916 1941) Soviet pilot, senior lieutenant, Hero of the Soviet Union (1990, posthumously). She graduated from the Orenburg Military Aviation Pilot School (1934). She flew on 7 types of aircraft. Along with service in the air unit, she tested aircraft and ... ... Encyclopedia of technology

Ekaterina Ivanovna Zelenko senior lieutenant - deputy commander of the 5th squadron of the 135th bomber aviation regiment(16th Mixed Aviation Division, Air Force of the 6th Army, Southwestern Front) . She was born on September 14, 1916 in the village of Koroschin, now the Belsky district of the Rivne region. Ukrainian. Graduated from 7 classes incomplete high school¦10 of the city of Kursk. With the mother's move to Voronezh, she entered the Voronezh aviation college. In October 1933 she graduated from the Voronezh flying club and, on a Komsomol ticket, was sent to the 3rd Orenburg military aviation school for pilots and pilot-observers named after K.E. Voroshilov. In December 1934 she graduated from aviation school with honors and was sent to Kharkov in the 19th light bomber aviation brigade. Along with the service in the brigade, she tested aircraft and aviation equipment. For 4 years she mastered 7 types of aircraft. Participant of the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940 ( the only woman among pilots). She fought in the 3rd Squadron of the 11th Light Bomber Aviation Regiment (Air Force of the 8th Army). She made 8 sorties on P-Z to bombard Finnish troops. She destroyed an artillery battery and an enemy ammunition depot, for which she was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. Then, as an instructor pilot, she took part in the retraining of the leadership of seven aviation regiments for the new Su-2 aircraft. On the fronts of the Great Patriotic War from its first day. She made 40 sorties (including at night), participated in 12 dogfights with enemy fighters.

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union Zelenko Ekaterina Ivanovna was posthumously awarded by Decree of the President of the USSR on May 5, 1990.

In one of the sorties in July 1941, a group of bombers under her command in the area of ​​​​the city of Propoisk destroyed 45 tanks, 20 vehicles, up to a battalion of enemy soldiers and returned without loss.

September 12, 1941 made 2 sorties for reconnaissance. On the second sortie, her Su-2 was damaged. After lunch, a message was received that German tanks had broken through the front. It was necessary to urgently reconnoiter the situation in the area of ​​Romen - Nizhyn - Priluki - Piryatyn - Luben. Zelenko, together with an observer pilot, Lieutenant N. Pavlyk, flew on the plane of the deputy regiment commander A.I. Pushkin, paired with the crew of Captain Lebedev. When returning from a mission near the city of Romny, they were attacked by 7 enemy Me-109 fighters. Our pilots accepted an unequal air battle, but lost each other in the clouds. Soon Lebedev's plane was hit and he left the battle. Zelenko was left alone against seven enemies. The Germans took her plane into the ring. As soon as one of them was in sight, Zelenko pressed the trigger. "Messerschmitt" caught fire and went to the ground. But the Su-2 was also hit, both crew members were injured, and Pavlyk, moreover, ran out of ammunition. Zelenko ordered him to leave the plane, while she continued to fight. Soon she ran out of ammo. Then she entered the course of the fascist who attacked her and led the bomber to approach. From a wing strike on the fuselage, the Messerschmitt broke in half, and the Su-2 exploded, while the pilot was thrown out of the cockpit. The wreckage of both aircraft fell to the ground near the village of Anastasievka, Sumy region.

The body of Ekaterina Zelenko was discovered by local residents M. Khomenko, A. M. Marchenko, I. Silchenko, V. Petrichenko, M. Butko, S. Balykin and identified by the Komsomol ticket ¦ 7463250, order book and identity card. They did not have time to report to the regiment, since the Germans captured the village the next day. Initially, she was buried in the center of the village of Anastasievka. After the war, her remains were transported to the city of Kursk. For her feat in December 1941, she was posthumously awarded the Order of Lenin.

Ekaterina Ivanovna Zelenko was the only woman who applied air ram. An obelisk was erected at the place of her death. In Kursk, Ekaterina Ivanovna erected a monument and a memorial plaque on the house where she lived in her childhood. In Berestovka, where the airfield was located and from where she left on her last sortie, a monument was erected. In honor of her minor planet solar system, discovered by an astronomer Crimean Astrophysical Observatory T. Smirnova, named after Katyusha. Her name was given to a sea vessel, streets in Kursk, Voronezh, Sumy, schools and pioneer squads. Her Komsomol card long time was kept by the teacher of the Anastasiev school A.M. Marchenko, and then was transferred to the Orenburg Higher Flight Military Aviation Red Banner School pilots named after I.S. Polbin. Museums of the pilot were created in Anastasievka and in the Kursk school ¦10, where she studied. On May 5, 1990, by the Decree of the President of the USSR, she was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Her husband, the commander of the 4th squadron of the same regiment, Pavel Ignatenko, died in an air battle in 1943.

The only woman in the world to use an air ram.

Ekaterina Ivanovna Zelenko, Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously), was born on September 14, 1916 in the village of Koroshino, Rivne region (Ukraine). She graduated from 7 classes of an incomplete secondary school in the city of Kursk, then - an aviation technical school and the Voronezh flying club in 1933. On a Komsomol ticket, she was sent to the 3rd Orenburg Military Aviation School of Pilots and Pilots - Observers named after K. E. Voroshilov.

In the fall of 1934, she graduated with honors from aviation school and was assigned to the 19th bomber aviation brigade. Along with the service in the brigade, she tested aircraft and aviation equipment. For 4 years she mastered such types of aircraft as U-2 (PO-2), R-1, R-5, R-10, UT-1, UT-2.
Participant Soviet-Finnish war 1939-1940 (the only woman among the pilots) as part of the 3rd Squadron of the 11th Light Bomber Aviation Regiment, which was part of the Air Force of the 8th Army. Flew 8 sorties P-Z aircraft, during which she destroyed an artillery battery and an enemy ammunition depot, was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. The documents of the air regiment testified: “On combat missions flies with great desire, in bad weather conditions and difficult conditions, she is cold-blooded and prudent. Fired by anti-aircraft artillery, boldly continues to fight, the task is performed perfectly. The intelligence data delivered by Zelenko is always accurate not only within the time limit and scope of the assignment, but also supplemented by valuable information obtained by a reasonable initiative.
P-Z air regiment in which Catherine fought.

After the end of the war with the White Finns, Zelenko served in the 19th Aviation Brigade of the Kharkov Military District. In May 1940, as an experienced pilot, she was appointed a flight commander in the newly formed 135th bomber regiment. The knowledge gained in the aviation technical school helped her quickly understand new aircraft. She visited the workshops where the Su-2 was assembled, conducted their tests. From October 1940 to May 1941, as an instructor pilot, she took part in the retraining of the leadership of 9 aviation regiments for the new Su-2 aircraft. Katya was less than 24 years old when she helped to develop new aircraft command staff where students much older than her met in age. But the young pilot knew how to teach others in such a way that no one considered it shameful to learn from a woman, pass her piloting techniques and did not take offense at the harsh demands.
Bomber SU-2.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Yekaterina Zelenko was again at the front. In July 1941, in the early morning, the regiment commander, Colonel B. Jansen, set the task for the commander of the Zelenko link: to defeat the column German tanks and cars in the Propoisk area (now Slavgorod, Belarus). It was not by chance that the command entrusted her with this important task: the pilot, unlike many other officers of the regiment, already had combat experience.

Some time later, a group of Su-2 bombers, led by Yekaterina Zelenko, took to the air. In a clear formation, they approached the indicated area. We found the target: enemy vehicles were moving along the road to the east. Anti-aircraft guns hit. Maneuvering through the smoke and fire, our planes entered the combat course. The Su-2, led by Zelenko, paved the way for them. At her signal, everyone rushed to the target. Bright flashes of explosions appeared on the ground, tanks, motor vehicles, tanks caught fire. Having completed the task, the group returned to the airfield without loss. Photocontrol confirmed the accuracy of the bombing strike. During his participation in the Great Patriotic war, deputy commander of the 5th squadron of the 135th bomber aviation regiment, senior lieutenant N. I. Zelenko made 40 sorties (including at night), participated in 12 air battles with enemy fighters.

Ram and death.
That fateful day, September 12, 1941, turned out to be gray, overcast, in a word, “gloomy”, as the pilots say. The commander of the 135th short-range bomber regiment, Colonel Jansen, returned from a reconnaissance flight with alarming news: tank formations were moving towards Lokhvitsa (Ukraine) from two sides. On the shelf after heavy fighting In the first weeks of the war, barely half of the aircraft remained, and of the remaining, many were damaged. There were not enough fighters to accompany the bombers at the front. The iron law of the bombers came to the rescue - a tight combat formation.
- Comrade Commander! Let me fly? Senior Lieutenant Zelenko approached Jansen.
Behind Yekaterina Zelenko, by September 12, there were 40 sorties, 12 air battles, 60 destroyed tanks and vehicles and up to a battalion of German infantry. The command of the regiment was going to present her to a high government award. But there was also an unspoken decision in the regiment: to protect Katya, to let her go into combat flights less often - she was the only woman in the regiment. And Jansen gave the order to fly the crew of Lebedev. But Katya did not leave, stood at attention, looked pleadingly.
- Fly in tandem with Lebedev, - the commander decided.
- Is it possible on your plane? - Katya asked, turning to Pushkin.
- Can.
Already from the cockpit of the Su-2, Katya shouted:
- Comrade Commander! Here are your tablet and leggings.
- All right, let them be there! Pushkin waved his hand.
- "A little blue, modest handkerchief!" - came through the roar of the engine: Katya Zelenko always took off with this song.
Su-2 Captain A. I. Pushkin. It was on it that E.I. Zelenko had her last fight.

Pushkin was waiting for the crews in 45-50 minutes, but for now he was busy with urgent matters: from the headquarters of the Air Force of the 21st Army they informed that an urgent relocation of the regiment to the city of Lebedin, Sumy region, was likely. The Germans approached Berestovka, where the regiment was stationed.
But neither after 45 nor after 50 minutes did the crews return. Only an hour later from headquarters Air Army Lebedev called and reported that he and the navigator, Captain Gavrichev, were at the airfield in Lebedino. They were attacked by 7 Me-109s, the bombers accepted the battle, but lost each other in the clouds. He knows nothing about the fate of the Zelenko crew.
Following Lebedev's call, the tired navigator Katya, Lieutenant Pavlyk, appeared in the regiment, wounded in the arm. Everyone rushed to him:
- What about Katya? Where is she?
- "After completing the task, we returned to the airfield. Aircraft attacked 7 Me-109. Lebedev's crew was lost during the battle. I fired a barrage. Katya, attacking the Messers, fired from wing machine guns. One of the Messerschmitts was in sight Katya. She pressed the trigger. The fascist smoked. There was a smell of burning in our cabin. "Pavlyk, where are you looking!" - Katya screamed, thinking that I was wounded and ordered to jump. I managed to fall out of the plane, seeing how Zelenko hit the German, and lost consciousness. I woke up from a jerk of the opened parachute. I saw how the fragments of the “drying” and the Nazi plane fell to the ground " .

As for her battle, eyewitnesses said that the fascist pilots were so shocked by the ram Soviet pilot that they forgot about the navigator hanging on a parachute and did not shoot him in the air. Katya died a few minutes from her airfield, located in a neighboring area near the village of Berestovka. She did not live two days before her 25th birthday. Fellow soldiers could not organize a search for her body, as they were forced to urgently retreat. The enemy occupied the territory where she fell.

In 1943, when Sumy region was liberated from the Nazis, the teacher Anastasia Panteleymonovna Marchenko came to the regional military registration and enlistment office and brought a Komsomol ticket with blood stains. Here is what she said:
- This is the ticket of the pilot who rammed the fascist plane. We, the inhabitants of the village of Anastasyevka, on that day, September 12, 1941, were in a hurry to harvest the crops in the field and hide them. They were waiting for the Germans to appear. A battle broke out above us: 7 fascist planes surrounded one Soviet one. He fired back, and one enemy aircraft caught fire and rushed to the ground. Then the Soviet plane rushed to the fascist one on the fly, and both collapsed to the ground. Fascist - to the forest, and ours - to the edge of the field, to the Cossack grave - that's what we call Scythian barrows.
Old Musiy Khomenko, an experienced soldier, and Anastasia Marchenko were the first to run up to the plane. Among its wreckage lay the pilot in a burnt overalls. They took the papers out of their breast pocket.
- Tse maiden! That yak is young! said old Musiy sadly and bowed his head.
Anastasia Panteleymonovna looked at the documents - an identity card, an order book, a Komsomol card.
- Komsomol ticket No. 7463250 ... Ekaterina Ivanovna Zelenko ... Year of birth 1916 ...
“We must bury the maiden, otherwise the Germans may soon turn up,” said old Khomenko.
Katya was buried at the edge, not far from the place where her plane crashed (after the war, her remains were transported to the city of Kursk). And in the evening, the Germans occupied Anastasievka ...
Monument to Katya in Kursk.

In 1971, excavations were carried out at the site of the death of E.I. Zelenko. At a depth of three meters, parts of her aircraft were found, and a few kilometers from this place, the wreckage of the Me-109 with traces of a ram attack. Residents of Anastasyevka erected an obelisk at the site of the crash of Katya Zelenko's plane.
Ekaterina Ivanovna Zelenko is the only woman in the world who used an air ram.
In honor of her, the minor planet of the solar system "Katyusha" was named.

Questions of history

Ekaterina Zelenko. Photo: RIA Novosti

Forgotten feat: the story of Katya Zelenko's deadly ram
Kirill Yablochkin

The most famous in history domestic aviation became the rams of Peter Nesterov and Viktor Talalikhin. But history also knows another, no less unique case, when a fragile girl went to such a feat. For the birthday of the legendary pilot Ekaterina Zelenko, the website of the Zvezda TV channel prepared an article about the first woman who committed an aerial ramming.

By noon on September 12, 1941, pilot Yekaterina Zelenko made two reconnaissance sorties. The crews were already getting tired, but soon two Su-2s took to the skies for the third time. The regiment received an alarming message that German tanks had broken through the front, so it was vital to conduct reconnaissance and clarify the situation. Having completed the task, the planes turned back, but they were not destined to return home without loss. Near the village of Anastasyevka, they were attacked by seven Messerschmitt Bf.109 aircraft.

Given the superiority of German fighters in speed, the Soviet pilots had no choice but to engage in an unequal battle.

Katya, who dreamed of the sky

Ekaterina Zelenko was born in 1916 in the village of Koroshchino, Sumy region. Katya quickly decided on her vocation and after finishing seven classes she took a course at the Voronezh flying club. Then there was the 3rd Orenburg Military Aviation Pilot School, which she graduated with honors.

It is important to emphasize that in 1941 Zelenko was only 24 years old, but she already had serious combat experience. She was the only female pilot who participated in the Soviet-Finnish war, during which she made eight sorties, destroying an artillery battery and an enemy ammunition depot. For this she was
awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

The Miracle of the Pilot Zelenko

It is worth mentioning separately what the plane was like, on which the pilot got involved in a battle with one of best fighters second world. The Su-2 is a light bomber that was created in the late 1930s as a versatile aircraft that could be used as a reconnaissance, light bomber, attack aircraft, and even as an escort fighter. By different reasons the Su-2 did not become a truly massive one; 893 aircraft were built.

In the second half of the war, they were used most often as spotters of artillery fire, but in 1941, pilots had to perform tasks on these aircraft for which they were not quite suitable, and even get involved in battles with fighters, to which the Su-2 was much inferior in almost all respects. .

The very fact that Zelenko was able to destroy two Messerschmitt Bf.109s on the Su-2 seems like a miracle.

One against seven fascists

Leading in a pair, Captain Lebedev was attacked by enemy fighters first, his plane was seriously damaged and he was forced to withdraw from the battle, taking part of the enemy fighters behind him. Left alone, Zelenko, together with navigator Nikolai Pavlyk, took the fight.

"After doing reconnaissance task we turned back to our airfield. Our Su-2 was attacked by seven Messerschmitts. I fired defensive fire. The ammunition was running out. At that moment, one of the fascist fighters blocked the sight glass, Zelenko pressed the shutter of the ShKAS. Hitler's plane caught fire and abruptly went to the ground. However, we were also hooked. I reported to her that I was wounded. Zelenko gave the order to leave the car and by all means get to her own people in order to report on the results of the reconnaissance. She continued to fight herself, ”recalled partner Zelenko.

Pavlyk landed safely on his territory and returned to the unit, but he did not know anything about what happened next with Zelenko. The pilot did not return to the airfield, and an entry appeared in the documents of the 35th regiment: "Fate is unknown."

Only after the war, from the local residents of the village of Anastasievka, was it possible to find out details about last minutes pilot's life. According to their memoirs, Zelenko continued to fight with enemy aircraft until she ran out of ammunition. Her plane was badly damaged and she could have saved herself by parachuting, but instead went for a ram.

After the collision, the Soviet plane immediately flew down. The German fighter was able to fly another two kilometers and also crashed. According to other sources, Zelenko tried to land the Su-2, but she was shot down by those who remained in the sky german fighters. After the fall, the bomber caught fire and the residents who came to the rescue were able to pull out only a badly burned corpse from the cockpit.

They learned that it was a girl from the documents: next to the crashed plane, an order book, an identity card and the Order of the Red Banner were found. The pilot was buried, wrapped in a parachute, and the documents were hidden and preserved by a local teacher Anastasia Marchenko.

Before her 25th birthday, Ekaterina Zelenko did not live only two days.

Asteroid "Katyusha"

The command of the regiment introduced the pilot to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, but she was awarded the Order of Lenin posthumously. Perhaps the reason for this was the ambiguity of her fate.

After the war, fellow soldiers Zelenko for many years sought to ensure that the first woman in history who committed an air ram was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Their efforts were crowned with success only 55 years later: the corresponding order was signed by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1990.

In honor of the pilot, several streets in the cities of Russia and Ukraine are named. In Kursk, a memorial plaque was installed on the building of the house where she lived, and at the place of the death of the pilot locals after the war, they erected an obelisk at their own expense.

In 1998, astronomer Tamara Smirnova discovered a bright asteroid spectral type S and gave him the name "Katyusha" in honor of the pilot Zelenko.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ekaterina Ivanovna Zelenko (September 14, 1916, the village of Koroshino, now the Olevsky district of the Zhytomyr region - September 12, 1941, near the village of Anastasievka, Sumy region) - pilot, senior lieutenant, the only woman in the world who committed an air ram, Hero of the Soviet Union (May 5, 1990).

From the first day of the Great Patriotic War, she took part in the battles, being deputy commander of the 5th squadron of the 135th bomber aviation regiment (16th mixed aviation division, 6th Army Air Force, Southwestern Front). In total, she managed to make 40 sorties (including at night), participated in 12 air battles. In July 1941, she commanded a group of bombers that destroyed 45 tanks, 20 vehicles, up to a battalion of enemy soldiers in the Propoisk area.
and returned without loss.

In 1971, excavations were carried out at the site of the death of E.I. Zelenko. At a depth of three meters, parts of her aircraft were found, and a few kilometers from this place, the wreckage of the Me-109 with traces of a ram attack. Residents of Anastasyevka erected an obelisk at the site of the crash of Katya Zelenko's plane.
She also erected monuments in Berestovka (there was an airfield from which she made her last sortie) and in Kursk.
Streets in Kursk, Voronezh, Romny, Sumy, schools and pioneer squads were named after her.
In honor of her, the minor planet of the solar system (1900) Katyusha was named.
In Kursk, at house number 23 on Gorky Street, where she lived, a memorial plaque was installed.
Museums of Yekaterina Zelenko were created in Anastasyevka and at school No. 10 in the city of Kursk, where she studied.
In honor of Zelenko, a dry-cargo vessel built at the Leningrad Shipyard named after V.I. D. D. Zhdanova.
In honor of E. I. Zelenko, an annual volleyball tournament among schoolchildren is held in the homeland of the Hero in the Olevsky district of the Zhytomyr region.
In 1998, by decision of the head of the administration of Voronezh, the flying club was named after E.I. Zelenko.

The purpose of this article is to find out how the death of the pilot, the only woman in the world who committed an air ram, the Hero of the Soviet Union, EKATERINA IVANOVNA ZELENKO, is embedded in her FULL NAME code.

Watch in advance "Logicology - about the fate of man".

Consider the FULL NAME code tables. \If there is a shift in numbers and letters on your screen, adjust the image scale\

9 15 27 33 47 58 73 79 90 91 110 116 133 143 157 158 168 171 172 186 201 204 218 219
219 210 204 192 186 172 161 146 140 129 128 109 103 86 76 62 61 51 48 47 33 18 15 1

6 17 18 37 43 60 70 84 85 95 98 99 113 128 131 145 146 155 161 173 179 193 204 219
219 213 202 201 182 176 159 149 135 134 124 121 120 106 91 88 74 73 64 58 46 40 26 15

219 \u003d 146-IN PLANE CRASH-(EKATERINA IVANOVNA) + 73-END IN A \ via accident \- (ZELENKO).

Let's check the decryption with a table:

3 4 7 17* 18** 29 30 49 50 68 87 104 119 140*146**
V A V I A K A T A S T R O F E +
219* 216 215 212 202**201*190 189 170 169 151 132 115 100 79**

157*172*186**192**215 218 219**
C O N E C V A (via accident)
73* 62* 47** 33** 27* 4 1**

And also 5 matching columns: 18**\\202** 79**\\146** 47**\\186** 33**\\192** 219**\\1**

Let's check the decryption with tables:

5 8 14* 28 29 34* 57 58 77* 92** 98** 116 122 136*155 187 189*206 238*
238*233 230 224*210 209 204*181 180 161**146** 140*122 116 102* 83 51 49* 32

4 14* 16 22 34* 63 77* 92** 98** 99 102*112 113 129 146*161**171 189*214 220 238*
H B E L N O E A V I A P O I S S E S \ tvie \
238*234 224*222 216 204*175 161**146** 140* 139 136*126 125 109 92** 77* 67 49* 24 18

The tables contain 2 chains of 3 consecutive numbers: 77-92-98 140-146-161

And also 3 matching columns: 92**\\161** 98**\\146** 161**\\92**


Air accident - Air accident(previously a flight accident, generally accepted abbreviation: LP) an event associated with the flight operation of an aircraft that led to the death (fatal injury) of a person who was ... ... Wikipedia

Let's consider a different decoding: 238 = 28-(in) the SKY + 124-AIR Crash + 86-CABIN OF THE AIRCRAFT / flight \ = (86-aircraft).

14* 20 22 28* 29** 32* 42 43 54 71 91 116*122**136**146*152
238*224*218 216 210**209*206*196 195 184 167 147 122**116**102* 92*

163 164 166 176 190 191 209*210**223 238*
K A B I N A S A M O \ flight \
86 75 74 72 62 48 47 29** 28* 15

And also 4 matching columns: 29**\\210** 122**\\122** 136**\\116** 210**\\29**

Number code full YEARS LIVES: 86-TWENTY + 96-FIVE = 182.

It should be noted that when deciphering, we meet with a certain PROVISION! ..

5 8 9 14* 37 38* 57 86* 102**134**153 182*
182*177 174 173 168*145 144*125 96** 80** 48* 29

1 4 14* 15 38* 48* 80** 96** 113 128 131 141 146 152 166 176 182*
A V I A C I A + S R O V I D E N I E
182*181 178 168*167 144*134** 102** 86* 69 54 51 41 36 30 16 6

The tables contain 2 chains of 3 consecutive numbers: 48-80-96 86-102-134

And also 2 matching columns: 102**\\96** 134**\\80**

Many years ago, people realized that they were far from alone in the universe. There is something higher, something more developed than all of humanity put together. At all times this "something" had different names: messiah, god, demon, higher intelligence, however, the essence of this does not change. All beliefs in such a supernatural force are based on the fact that it is higher in its level of development, and this, in turn, gives it the opportunity to control the affairs and fate of mankind. But here a tricky question arises. How does the higher mind “regulate” human actions? In the process of studying this difficult issue, scientists called a similar phenomenon providence.


general characteristics term. In the narrowest sense, providence is the process of influencing, regulating and coordinating people, their behavior, fate, life process, feelings and emotions by some kind of supernatural being, in other words, a deity. Such a definition of the term is very complex and incomprehensible, but even here one can single out a rational kernel. Scientists have suggested that God does exist. Moreover, having intelligence and strength, he is able to influence the world of people.
Thus, providence is the activity of a supernatural being called God. - Read more on

102 - PROVISION - 80 - AVIATION \u003d 22 \u003d DIE \ l \.

182 = 80-AVIATION + 102-DEATH.

1 4 14* 15 38* 48* 80** 98 111 117 134*153**182**
A V I A C I A + D E R T
182*181 178 168*167 144*134** 102* 84 71 65 48** 29**

The table contains 1 chain of 3 consecutive numbers: 134-153-182

And also 3 matching columns: 134**\\80** 153**\\48** 182**\\29**

182 \u003d 125- \ 23- (y) GIFT + 102- DEATH \ + 57- (ka) TAST \ rofa \.

5** 6 23 41 54 60 77 96*125** 144**145**163 182*
(y) D A R + S M E R T b + (ka) T A S T \ rofa \
182**177*176 159 141 128 122 105 86** 57** 38** 37* 19

The tables contain 2 chains of 4 consecutive numbers: 96-125-144-145 37-38-57-86

And also 4 matching columns: 5**\\182** 86**\\125** 57**\\144** 38**\\145**

We look at the column in the lower table of the FULL NAME code:


182 - 43 \u003d 139 \u003d 55-DIES + 84-AVIACATAST \ rofa \.

The only woman in the world to use an air ram.

Ekaterina Ivanovna Zelenko, Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously), was born on September 14, 1916 in the village of Koroshino, Rivne region (Ukraine). She graduated from 7 classes of an incomplete secondary school in the city of Kursk, then - an aviation technical school and the Voronezh flying club in 1933. On a Komsomol ticket, she was sent to the 3rd Orenburg Military Aviation School of Pilots and Pilots - Observers named after K. E. Voroshilov.

In the fall of 1934, she graduated with honors from aviation school and was assigned to the 19th bomber aviation brigade. Along with the service in the brigade, she tested aircraft and aviation equipment. For 4 years she mastered such types of aircraft as U-2 (PO-2), R-1, R-5, R-10, UT-1, UT-2.

Participant of the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940 (the only woman among the pilots) as part of the 3rd squadron of the 11th light bomber aviation regiment, which was part of the Air Force of the 8th Army. She made 8 sorties on a P-Z aircraft, during which she destroyed an artillery battery and an enemy ammunition depot, and was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. The documents of the air regiment testified: “He flies to combat missions with great desire, in bad weather conditions and difficult conditions, he is cold-blooded and prudent. Fired by anti-aircraft artillery, boldly continues to fight, the task is performed perfectly. The intelligence data delivered by Zelenko is always accurate not only within the time limit and scope of the assignment, but also supplemented by valuable information obtained by a reasonable initiative.

P-Z air regiment in which Catherine fought.

After the end of the war with the White Finns, Zelenko served in the 19th Aviation Brigade of the Kharkov Military District. In May 1940, as an experienced pilot, she was assigned as a flight commander in the newly formed 135th Bomber Regiment. The knowledge gained in the aviation technical school helped her quickly understand new aircraft. She visited the workshops where the Su-2 was assembled, conducted their tests. From October 1940 to May 1941, as an instructor pilot, she took part in the retraining of the leadership of 9 aviation regiments for the new Su-2 aircraft. Katya was less than 24 years old when she helped to master new aircraft to the command staff, where students who were much older than her met. But the young pilot knew how to teach others in such a way that no one considered it shameful to learn from a woman, pass her piloting techniques and did not take offense at the harsh demands.

Bomber SU-2.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Yekaterina Zelenko was again at the front. In July 1941, in the early morning, the regiment commander, Colonel B. Jansen, set the task for the flight commander Zelenko: to defeat a column of German tanks and vehicles in the Propoisk area (now Slavgorod, Belarus). It was not by chance that the command entrusted her with this important task: the pilot, unlike many other officers of the regiment, already had combat experience.

Some time later, a group of Su-2 bombers, led by Yekaterina Zelenko, took to the air. In a clear formation, they approached the indicated area. We found the target: enemy vehicles were moving along the road to the east. Anti-aircraft guns hit. Maneuvering through the smoke and fire, our planes entered the combat course. The Su-2, led by Zelenko, paved the way for them. At her signal, everyone rushed to the target. Bright flashes of explosions appeared on the ground, tanks, motor vehicles, tanks caught fire. Having completed the task, the group returned to the airfield without loss. Photocontrol confirmed the accuracy of the bombing strike. During the period of her participation in the Great Patriotic War, the deputy commander of the 5th squadron of the 135th bomber aviation regiment, senior lieutenant N. I. Zelenko made 40 sorties (including at night), participated in 12 air battles with enemy fighters.

Ram and death.

That fateful day, September 12, 1941, turned out to be gray, overcast, in a word, “gloomy”, as the pilots say. The commander of the 135th short-range bomber regiment, Colonel Jansen, returned from a reconnaissance flight with alarming news: tank formations were moving towards Lokhvitsa (Ukraine) from two sides. After heavy fighting in the first weeks of the war, only half of the aircraft remained in the regiment, and many of the remaining ones were damaged. There were not enough fighters to accompany the bombers at the front. The iron law of the bombers came to the rescue - a tight combat formation.

Comrade Commander! Let me fly? Senior Lieutenant Zelenko approached Jansen.

Behind Ekaterina Zelenko, by September 12, there were 40 sorties, 12 air battles, 60 destroyed tanks and vehicles, and up to a battalion of German infantry. The command of the regiment was going to present her to a high government award. But there was also an unspoken decision in the regiment: to protect Katya, to let her go into combat flights less often - she was the only woman in the regiment. And Jansen gave the order to fly the crew of Lebedev. But Katya did not leave, stood at attention, looked pleadingly.

Fly together with Lebedev, - the commander decided.

Is it possible on your plane? - Katya asked, turning to Pushkin.

Already from the cockpit of the Su-2, Katya shouted:

Comrade Commander! Here are your tablet and leggings.

Okay, let them be there! Pushkin waved his hand.

- "A little blue, modest handkerchief!" - came through the roar of the engine: Katya Zelenko always took off with this song.

Su-2 Captain A. I. Pushkin. It was on it that E.I. Zelenko had her last fight.

Pushkin was waiting for the crews in 45-50 minutes, but for now he was busy with urgent matters: from the headquarters of the Air Force of the 21st Army they informed that an urgent relocation of the regiment to the city of Lebedin, Sumy region, was likely. The Germans approached Berestovka, where the regiment was stationed.

But neither after 45 nor after 50 minutes did the crews return. Only an hour later, Lebedev called from the headquarters of the Air Army and reported that he and the navigator, Captain Gavrichev, were at the airfield in Lebedino. They were attacked by 7 Me-109s, the bombers accepted the battle, but lost each other in the clouds. He knows nothing about the fate of the Zelenko crew.

Following Lebedev's call, the tired navigator Katya, Lieutenant Pavlyk, appeared in the regiment, wounded in the arm. Everyone rushed to him:

What about Katya? Where is she?

- “After completing the task, we returned to the airfield. Aircraft attacked 7 Me-109. Lebedev's crew was lost during the battle. I fired defensive fire. Katya, attacking the Messers, fired from wing machine guns. One of the "Messerschmitts" was in the sight of Katya. She pressed the trigger. The fascist smoked. There was a burning smell in our cabin. "Pavlyk, where are you looking!" Katya screamed, thinking that I had been wounded and ordered me to jump. I managed to fall out of the plane when I saw how Zelenko hit the German and lost consciousness. I woke up from the jerk of the opened parachute. I saw how the fragments of the “drying” and the fascist aircraft fell to the ground.

As for her battle, eyewitnesses said that the fascist pilots were so shocked by the ramming of the Soviet pilot that they forgot about the navigator hanging on the parachute and did not shoot him in the air. Katya died a few minutes from her airfield, located in a neighboring area near the village of Berestovka. She did not live two days before her 25th birthday. Fellow soldiers could not organize a search for her body, as they were forced to urgently retreat. The enemy occupied the territory where she fell.

In 1943, when the Sumy region was liberated from the Nazis, the teacher Anastasia Panteleymonovna Marchenko came to the regional military registration and enlistment office and brought a Komsomol ticket with blood stains. Here is what she said:

This is the ticket of the pilot who rammed the fascist plane. We, the inhabitants of the village of Anastasyevka, on that day, September 12, 1941, were in a hurry to harvest the crops in the field and hide them. They were waiting for the Germans to appear. A battle broke out above us: 7 fascist planes surrounded one Soviet one. He fired back, and one enemy aircraft caught fire and rushed to the ground. Then the Soviet plane rushed to the fascist one on the fly, and both collapsed to the ground. Fascist - to the forest, and ours - to the edge of the field, to the Cossack grave - that's what we call Scythian barrows.

Old Musiy Khomenko, an experienced soldier, and Anastasia Marchenko were the first to run up to the plane. Among its wreckage lay the pilot in a burnt overalls. They took the papers out of their breast pocket.

Tse girl! That yak is young! said old Musiy sadly and bowed his head.

Anastasia Panteleymonovna looked at the documents - an identity card, an order book, a Komsomol card.

Komsomol ticket No. 7463250 ... Ekaterina Ivanovna Zelenko ... Year of birth 1916 ...

It is necessary to bury the maiden, otherwise the Germans may soon turn up, - old Khomenko remembered himself.

Katya was buried at the edge, not far from the place where her plane crashed (after the war, her remains were transported to the city of Kursk). And in the evening, the Germans occupied Anastasievka ...

Monument to Katya in Kursk.

In 1971, excavations were carried out at the site of the death of E.I. Zelenko. At a depth of three meters, parts of her aircraft were found, and a few kilometers from this place, the wreckage of the Me-109 with traces of a ram attack. Residents of Anastasyevka erected an obelisk at the site of the crash of Katya Zelenko's plane.

Ekaterina Ivanovna Zelenko is the only woman in the world who used an air ram.

In honor of her, the minor planet of the solar system "Katyusha" was named.