Ege in English. Structure of KIM USE

Examination in a foreign language is in great demand among children who plan to further study at universities of just this kind.

Fundamental changes in the state exam in foreign languages ​​are not planned next year. It is planned to break all the questions into written part and questions requiring verbal answers

Some new points will appear in the procedure for passing the state exam. The student will be given three attempts to pass the exam.

Unified State Examination English language 2016 try to take about 9% of graduates. Changes in the examination affected only the structure of tasks. The oral part was introduced, and the form of several questions was modified. In general, the exam remained the same as in previous years.

USE in German 2016 was changed in the first part, where test items were replaced by oral questions.

USE in French 2016 is particularly unpopular among adolescents, however, even so, the number low grades, small enough. A number of changes affected the structure and form of the tasks themselves. Some questions about which it was required to choose the correct answer from the proposed options were replaced with tasks in the form of matching.

USE in Spanish 2016 is also not popular, due to poor quality teaching in schools. However, there are surprisingly few negative marks in this foreign language. There are no changes in the state exam, with the exception of structural rearrangements.

A number of innovations touched upon the organization of the state exam in a foreign language. The scheme of delivery of CIMs and the conditions of their storage will radically change. Until the examination period, the materials will be stored in special warehouses, under protection and local authorities will not have access to them.

It should be noted that KIMs will be developed not only on the basis of codifiers, but also taking into account the time difference between the regions.

The structure of tasks of the USE 2016 in foreign languages

For each foreign language, their own KIMs have been compiled. The number of questions in tasks for each language is 46.

The questions are divided into two groups. The first group is test tasks, and the second group in 2016 began to be oral.

The first 14 questions relate to the listened text, are basic and require a choice of answers from those offered. The next 7 questions require answers already in the written text.

A number of questions also concern the grammatical and lexical norms of the language and the answer, consisting of one word. When passing the test, you are required to write a letter to a friend. To last assignment an essay on the chosen topic. In general, the questions in all languages ​​are the same.

Letter to the exam in foreign languages ​​2016

As a task for the exam in a foreign language, it is proposed to write a personal letter to a friend in a foreign language. According to the requirements, the volume of the answer should not exceed 100-140 words. In general, the task is not difficult, however, it must be compiled quickly and in compliance with certain rules.

The rules for formatting and content are usually as follows:

  • the address of the recipient and the date of the letter are indicated in the upper right corner;
  • the letter should begin with an informal greeting with the name of the recipient;
  • it is very important to remember that a comma is placed after the treatment;
  • the text is divided into a number of logical paragraphs;
  • the first paragraph consists of gratitude to a friend for the message, the second is devoted to all issues that need to be raised according to the rules of the assignment itself, the last part indicates the reason why it is necessary to complete the letter and future contacts.

Before the exam test, a teenager should make an approximate letter template so that during the exam they do not waste time formulating and compiling it.

Essay in the exam in foreign languages ​​2016

Another task in the state exam in a foreign language was writing an essay.

Perhaps this task can be attributed to the most difficult tests in the exam. This is due to the fact that writing a paper requires high-quality content and a clear structuring of the text.

It is considered a big mistake of graduates that they complete the task in the wrong form, namely, instead of writing an essay with elements of reasoning, they simply do an essay. This does not allow to fully reveal the voiced topic.

It is necessary in writing an essay to use exclusively formal style and don't use abbreviations. Also, do not use water words in your work.

The success of the work lies in clearly structuring the essay. The writing plan should be as follows:

    1. The first paragraph formulates the main problem, which will be discussed further in the text.
    2. The second paragraph should contain your point of view on the problem and the reasons why other opinions are not acceptable.
    3. At the end, the discussion is summarized.

A very important point to remember is that the amount of work should be no more and at least 200-250 words. Otherwise, the task will not be counted.

Categories of those who pass the exam in foreign languages

To pass a test in a foreign language, you need to register and receive a special document to participate in the exam. Everyone is eligible to take the state exam. It can be school graduates, and teenagers who did not score the required number of points. Graduates of secondary schools can also take part in the examination. professional institutions who want to improve their previous results and enter a higher educational institution.

Also, citizens of foreign countries can participate, provided that they have completed the general school curriculum.

How to become a participant in the USE 2016

Registration of the application required to pass the examination test may take place in several places. First of all, such a document is accepted by the school organizers of the examination. Registration of the application is also allowed in the commission for admission to the university and in the regional body of the municipality.

It is very important that the application contains all the data of the teenager, as well as the disciplines in which the teenager wants to be examined.

To pass the test in early period, the application is registered before February, and in order to pass the exam in the main period, the student must register before the beginning of December.

Early delivery of the exam in foreign languages ​​in 2016

If earlier to take the state exam ahead of schedule, only those teenagers who have good reasons, such as: conscription for military service, moving or competitions, then next year it is planned to allow everyone to pass the state exam ahead of schedule. Early delivery USE allowed in mid-April.

The disadvantage of this option is that an additional burden falls on the child, since he is forced to combine his activities at school and preparing for the exam, which negatively affects the level of school performance and the number of points received in the state exam. The advantage, as before, is that a teenager can pass the state exam in advance and prepare for admission to a university.

Additional information about the USE 2016

Before going to the exam, the student needs to familiarize himself with the list of subjects approved by Rosobrnadzor that are allowed for the exam. The main items allowed are a passport, a worksheet and a black gel pen.

For a number of disciplines, some reference materials may be used. As a rule, before the exams, a specification of subjects is drawn up, in which these subjects and materials are indicated.

As far as a foreign language is concerned, as additional materials, you can use audio equipment and media containing texts to complete a number of tasks.

It is strictly forbidden to bring cell phones and other electronic computing devices to the examination. Also prohibited are manuals, textbooks, brochures that are not listed in the list of permitted items.

Next year the passing score in a foreign language will be increased from 20 to 22, and it is planned to use a new score when calculating the results.

There are situations when there is a violation of the examination procedure by the organizers. In this case, the examiner has the right to protest the state exam itself. To do this, you need to fill out two copies of the complaint without leaving the audience and give it to the organizers, take one copy with their mark for yourself.

In the event that disagreement arises regarding the number of points scored, then here, the teenager can protest the results by filing a complaint throughout two business days. Note that the check will be performed on the entire work and the number of points can be further reduced if additional errors are found. A very important point to be aware of is that the work should be re-checked by independent experts. Here is the time for drafting a response to the appeal is three days.

For several years, teenagers have not received a paper document confirming the passing of exams. This certificate was replaced by an electronic version of the document, which is registered on the official website of the Unified State Examination. The certificate is valid for four years from the date of issue. The document indicates the data of the examiner and the number of points that he scored on compulsory subjects. Other disciplines can also be included in the certificate if the total score for them is satisfactory.

How to prepare for the USE 2016 in foreign languages

Preparation for the Unified State Examination in English 2016 or in other foreign languages, such as German, French, Spanish, is to use both similar questions and tasks, tests, and textbooks, manuals, brochures.

As preparation materials, the following manuals are quite suitable:

Suitable for preparing for the exam in English demo version of the exam in English 2016 and demo materials. These versions of the past exams, posted on the FIPI website (, are designed so that the teenager can prepare for the test in a mode as close as possible to what it will be at the exam itself.

Another way to prepare is to train by taking online tests. The advantage of such training is that the graduate can practice doing tasks for a while.

In order to properly prepare for the exam, both mentally and physically, a teenager should properly build the preparation process. Psychologists advise to draw up a clear preparation plan and set goals.

Parents are required to provide the necessary atmosphere to support their child throughout the entire period.

Statistics of passing the exam in foreign languages ​​for the past years

All the years, foreign languages ​​were not popular with teenagers. The smallest GPA usually accounted for in German - 59 points. As for other languages, the average score there exceeds 65 points. The smallest number of dealers falls on French and English is the most popular. The maximum number of students who did not score the required number of points falls on the German language and is about 3.3%, and the most a large number of hundred points is observed in English - 581 graduates.

Exam Schedule

Early stage of passing the exam in foreign languages ​​in 2016 - April 8 (Fri) - orally; April 9 (Sat) - in writing.

The main stage of passing the exam in foreign languages ​​in 2016 - June 11 (Sat) - orally; June 14 (Tue) - in writing.

This page contains demonstration USE options in English for 2003 - 2019.

Starting from 2015, USE in English comprises two parts: written and oral, which includes five sections: "listening", "reading", "grammar and vocabulary", "writing" (written part) and "speaking" (oral part).

For the tasks of the first three sections in the demonstration versions, answers are given, and for the tasks of the fourth and fifth sections, evaluation criteria are given.

In comparison with, the criteria for evaluating the performance of task 40 of the "Writing" section in the written part of the exam, as well as the wording of task 40, in which the exam participant is offered a choice of two topics of a detailed written statement with elements of reasoning "My opinion", are specified.

Demonstration versions of the exam in English

Note that demo options presented in pdf format, and to view them it is necessary that, for example, a freely distributed software program is installed on your computer. Adobe package reader.

Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in English for 2003
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in English for 2004
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in English for 2005
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in English for 2006
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in English for 2007
Demonstration version of the exam in English for 2008
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in English for 2009
Demonstration version of the exam in English for 2010
Demo version of the exam in English for 2011
Demo version of the exam in English for 2012
Demo version of the exam in English for 2013
Demo version of the exam in English for 2014
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in English for 2015 (written part)
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in English for 2015 (oral part)
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in English for 2016 (written part)
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in English for 2016 (oral part)
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in English for 2017 (written part)
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in English for 2017 (oral part)
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in English for 2018 (written part)
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in English for 2018 (oral part)
Demo version of the Unified State Examination in English for 2019 (written part)
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in English for 2019 (oral part)

Changes in the demonstration versions of the exam in English

Demo Options USE in English for grade 11 for 2004 - 2008 included five sections: "listening", "reading", "grammar and vocabulary", "writing", "speaking". The tasks of the first three sections in the demonstration versions were given answers, and for the tasks of the fourth and fifth sections, evaluation criteria were given.

Demonstration versions of the exam in English for grade 11 for 2009 - 2014 already consisted of four sections: "listening", "reading", "grammar and vocabulary", "writing". The tasks of the first three sections in the demonstration versions were given answers, and for the tasks of the fourth section, evaluation criteria were given.

Thus, from demonstration versions of the Unified State Exam 2009 - 2014 the "speaking" section was excluded.

AT 2015 USE in English began to consist of two parts: written and oral. Demonstration version of the written part of the USE 2015 in English Compared to the demo version of the USE in 2014, it had the following differences:

  • Numbering assignments was through throughout the variant without letter designations A, B, C.
  • Was the form of recording the answer in tasks with a choice of answers has been changed: the answer has become necessary to write down the number with the number of the correct answer (and not mark with a cross).
  • Listening tasks A1-A7 demo version in 2014 were transformed into task 2 written part of the 2015 demo.

AT 2015 in USE in English again returned section "speaking", now in the form oral part of the exam.

AT demo versions of the USE 2016 - 2018 in English compared with demo 2015 in Englishthere were no significant changes: the wording of the tasks of the oral part of the exam and the criteria for their evaluation were clarified.

AT demo version of the USE 2019 in English compared with demo 2018 in English the criteria for evaluating the performance of task 40 of the “Writing” section in the written part of the exam were clarified, as well as the wording of task 40, in which the exam participant was offered a choice of two topics of a detailed written statement with elements of reasoning “My opinion”.

On our website you can also get acquainted with the training materials prepared by the teachers of our training center "Resolventa" for preparing for the exam in mathematics.

For students in grades 10 and 11 who want to prepare well and pass USE in mathematics or Russian language for a high score, the training center "Resolventa" conducts

We also have organized for schoolchildren

This page details oral part of the exam in English 2016, the system of its assessment is explained and practical recommendations are given for the preparation and successful completion of this test.

Since 2016, the oral part, or speaking, has become a mandatory component of the exam in English. It presents a set of four tasks: 1) reading the text, 2) asking several direct questions, 3) describing one picture, 3) comparing two pictures. In the following, we will discuss each task type in more detail.

Task 1. Reading the text.

Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

Thus, according to legend, you and your friend are preparing a project. You have found an interesting presentation material and want to read it to your friend. You will have a minute and a half to prepare for reading, after which you will have another minute and a half to read.

The 2016 demo offers us the following text:

The mystery of why trees don't stop growing is still unsolved. Human beings usually stop growing sometime during their teens. Many animals reach full growth within a year. Others are fully grown in just a few years. Birds and insects also stop growing at a certain age. But trees keep growing as long as they live. Trees live, grow, and reproduce themselves by an amazing process. The thousands of leaves put forth by the tree breathe for it and manufacture its food. vast quantities of collections and collections of water. To carry this water to the leaves, the tree is equipped with an intricate circulation system that extends upward from the millions of root hairs through the trunk and branches. The trunk holds the leaves up to the sunlight, sends them water from the roots, and gets food back from them. Then seeds are born in flowers or cones.

This task can earn you 1 point. However, with regard to checking exam works, we can competently say that the vast majority of students fail this assignment. It's too hard for the exam takers.

To get one coveted point, you can make two blunders. A gross mistake is when one word is written, and you read it in such a way that it turns out another. For example, the word as [ez] is written - “when”, “how”, and you read it as [es] - “donkey”! Stunning the final voiced consonant is a typical mistake of most English exam takers, which often fails them.

Let's go over the proposed text and find places where gross mistakes can be made.

1. growing: the examinee may not read [grow…], but [grau…] 2. sometime: the examinee may add -s out of habit and read [samtimes], not [samtime] 3. insect: probably shifting the stress from the first word On the second
4. certain: for some reason, many read [kyoten] and not [shoten] 5. live (live): often mistakenly read [live] and not [liv] 6. process (process): often the emphasis is shifted to the second syllable, by analogy with the Russian language
7. through: this is generally a stumbling block for many examinees who distort it in any way

The list of “dangerous” places in this text can, of course, be further expanded, but this is not our task. We only want to say that there are plenty of such places in order to make a gross mistake more than once or twice. If there are three gross errors, then the point is not counted.

A phonetic defect should be distinguished from a gross error. A phonetic defect is an error that does not distort the meaning of the word. For example, in this text there is the word human, which correctly reads [human], but many people read it [human]. By ear, in general, you can still understand this word, and it is unlikely to be confused with any other word, so such a mistake will be considered only a phonetic flaw.

About intonation. The most important thing is not to confuse intonation affirmative proposal with an exclamation or interrogative. Otherwise, the experts evaluating this task look at the intonation very loyally.

1) In general, decide whether it is worth spending your time to prepare for the first task at all, because it gives only one point, and the probability of getting this very point is very small.

2) Find texts of approximately the same length (it can be fragments of any texts) and train for a while. You have one and a half minutes to read the text for the exam. During training, reduce this time.

3) Record yourself on audio. Listening to yourself from the outside is useful, because we do not sound quite the way we think.

4) When you come to the exam and see the text, do not try to delve into its meaning. Understanding the text is not the goal of this exercise.

5) If you made a mistake in reading a word and caught yourself in this mistake, then do not be afraid to immediately read the word again. The last option you spoke is taken into account.

6) Read the text clearly and moderately loudly so that the expert who checks the task can hear every word clearly. A slurred word - you may be given an error, since the expert, in fact, should not guess what you meant there.

Task 2. Direct questions.

From the second task, work with pictures begins. The demo version of 2016 offers the following picture:

The task itself is worded as follows:

Task 2. Study the advertisement.

You are considering starting breakdance lessons and now you'd like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:

1) training fee
2) course location
3) duration of the course
4) special clothes
5) evening classes

You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

Thus, according to legend, you are going to enroll in a breakdance school. But you have questions that you would like to know. You have a minute and a half to get ready. Then 20 seconds are given for each question.

The first question should be about the tuition fee, the second about the location of the school (course location), the third about the duration of the course, the fourth about special clothes, the fifth about the possibility of classes in the evenings (evening classes) .

The most important thing you need to understand is what a direct question is. Let's explain with examples:

How much does the tuition cost?
Where is the course located?
How long will the course last?
Do I need any special clothes?
Can I visit the class in the evening?

All of the above questions are straight forward! Here's an indirect question:

I'd lke to know how much the tuition costs. – I would like to know how much the training costs.

Questions like this don't count. Questions starting with What about… and How about… are also not counted.

Each question is worth one point. Five questions - five points. But in order to get them, it is necessary to ask direct questions (and not indirect ones) and avoid gross errors in the choice of words and pronunciation.

1) Find exercises on the Internet for interrogative sentences and work them out well.
2) Forget about What about… and How about…
3) Don't be smart! Ask simple questions without "frills"

Task 3. Description of one picture.

In the third task, you are given three pictures to choose from. The 2016 demo offers the following:

The task itself is worded like this:

Task 3. Imagine that these are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to present to your friend.

You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:

Where and when the photo was taken
what/who is in the photo
what is happening
why do you keep the photo in your album
why did you decide to show the picture to your friend

You have to talk continuously, starting with: “I’ve chosen photo number… “

According to legend, a friend comes to you, to whom you show your photo album. You choose one photo from the album and start a story about it according to a certain plan.

We immediately focus you on the volume of the statement - 12-15 sentences. Those. approximately two sentences for each paragraph of the plan and two sentences for the introduction and conclusion.

Let's see how your statement can be formed using the example of the first picture (Photo 1).

You start your story with the phrase: I've chosen photo number 1. This phrase is not an introduction and does not count towards the length of the statement.

Here is the introduction: To start with, I'd like to say that I have a friend. His name is Steve. He lives abroad and sometimes visits Russia with his family.

Next, you proceed to the points of the plan. The first item is where and when the photo was taken, i.e. where and when the photo was taken. You can say: I took this photo in my flat when Steve visited me last month. Frankly speaking, his visit was so unexpected. But I was over-excited to meet him at my place.

The second point is what/who is in the photo, i.e. who/what is in the photo. You continue the story: You can see Steve and his wife in the photo. Their daughter wanted to be photographed, too.

The third point is what is happening, i.e. what exactly is happening in the picture. You speak: The family are sitting on the sofa, smiling and showing love for each other. They are really happy.

The third point is why you keep the photo in your album, i.e. why do you keep this photo in your album. Your answer: I keep the photo in my album to have an opportunity to show this picture to all my guests. In additiion to it, I often look at the photo to recall the nice moments when we were sitting here and talking about our life.

The fourth point is why you decided to show the picture to your friend, i.e. why did you decide to show this photo to your friend. You can give the following reason: I'm showing the picture to you because you have always wanted to see how Steve looks like.

And conclusion: Now you know how my friend looks like. Next time I will show more pictures to you.

This task is evaluated on three aspects: a) decision communicative task(content), b) organization of the utterance and c) language design statements.

Our task is to obtain in all aspects maximum score. To get the maximum score for content (3 points), we need to reflect all aspects and keep within the volume of 12-15 sentences.

To get the maximum score for the organization (2 points), we must have an introduction and conclusion, consistency in the disclosure of task items, the correct means of logical connection.

To get the maximum score for language design (2 points), we must not make blunders. One blunder - forget about two points. Also, you can not count on two points if you allowed three non-rough lexico-grammatical or phonetic errors. You can make two mistakes, but busting is fraught with a loss in the assessment.

Now we will talk about one very important nuance, non-observance of which will completely ruin any even very good answer. You are not in the photo! When describing a photo, keep in mind that you are not in it, so it is not acceptable to say something like “I am in the photo with my wife and daughter.” You are the one who took the photo, not the one who was photographed. If you mention at least once that you are also present in the photo, then your entire answer will receive zero points - you did not understand the task.

1. Learn clichés to help you organize your sentence: To start with, I’d like to say that…, First of all, …, And I’d like to add that…, etc. All these clichés are the very means of logical connection that are welcomed and appreciated in the statement.

2. Don't forget the introduction and conclusion. These parts of your statement must be present.

3. Write and memorize a few sentences in advance about why you keep this photo in your album, and why you decided to show it to a friend. After all, the answers to these questions are universal and suitable for any photographs.

4. Remember - you are not in the photo!

Task 4. Comparison of pictures.

In the fourth task, you need to compare two pictures, again following a certain plan. In the demo version of 2016, the following pictures are given:

The task is worded like this:

Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

Give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
say what the pictures have in common
say in what way the pictures are different
say which of the activities presented in the pictures you'd prefer
explain why

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.

You need to build your statement according to the same principles as the previous one, since the fourth task is evaluated according to the same aspects and criteria as the third one. Therefore, make sure that your story has an introduction and conclusion, a clear, consistent disclosure of task items, and a means of logical connection. And do not forget about the volume - 12-15 sentences.

Let's start the answer. We start with an introduction, which could be something like this: I have just found two pictures in my album.

Next, we move on to the disclosure of the first point - give a brief description of the photos (action, location), i.e. a brief description of what the event is in the photo and where it takes place. In our case, you can do it like this: To start with, I’d like to say that you can see my Jane sister on both pictures. She is an active girl and likes doing different kinds of activities. In the first picture she is cooking dinner in the kitchen and in the second picture she is snowboarding outside.

Next, open the second paragraph - say what the pictures have in common, i.e. talking about what the pictures have in common. Both pictures have much in common. Firstly, you can't see anybody else around my sister. She is alone in both photos. Secondly, my sister is smiling in each case, which means that she is doing both actions – cooking and snowboarding – with pleasure.

Let's move on to next paragraph- say in what way the pictures are different, i.e. to differences. Despite the fact that both pictures have much in common they have a number of differences. The first action takes place inside, but the second one takes place outside. In photo 1 my sister is wearing shorts and a T-shirt; in photo 2 she is dressed in warm clothes.

Then point three - say which of the activities presented in the pictures you'd prefer, i.e. What type of activity would you prefer. As for me, I'd better go snowboarding. And then we explain - why, i.e. we reveal the last point: I’m fond of spending free time more actively. And frankly speaking, I'm not good at cooking.

And in conclusion: If you’d like to know more about my sister, I will show some more pictures to you next time.

As we said, the fourth task is scored the same as the third, so go back a little and read the information about what needs to be done and how many mistakes you can make to get the maximum points.

1. Regularly conduct an exercise to compare two pictures with each other according to the described scheme. The more pictures you compare, the better you hone your skill.

2. Do the comparison task in writing. This will not allow you to rush, and your statement will be more thoughtful.

3. Learn clichés - you can't do without them.

So, in general terms, we told you about how you can prepare and successfully pass the oral part of the exam in English in 2016. We hope that our information was of interest to you. Good luck on your exam!

English is one of the four languages ​​that students can choose to take as part of the exam. Starting from 2015, the exam consists of two parts: written and oral, which graduates will have to take on different days. To get the maximum score, you must successfully pass the written test and pass the oral part of the exam. Changes in 2016 affected only the wording of the 3rd task of the oral section, as well as an increase passing score up to 22 (last year the minimum score was 20 units). For all other parameters, testing is almost completely identical to last year's version.

The structure of the exam in English

The structure of the written part of the exam in a foreign language, including English, includes four sections. 180 minutes are given to complete the tasks, there will be 40 tasks in total. Maximum amount points that can be obtained for the written part - 80.

Structure of the written exam:

1.listening. It contains 9 tasks, in two of which it will be necessary to establish a correspondence between the content of the text heard and the proposed statements, and in the remaining seven - to choose the correct answer from three. Suggested writing time is 30 minutes.

2.Reading. It contains 9 tasks, seven of which require the choice of the correct answer from four options, in one it will be necessary to establish a correspondence between mini-texts and headings, and in one more - to fill in the gaps in the read text from the proposed passages. Suggested writing time is 30 minutes.

3.Grammar and vocabulary. It contains 20 tasks, of which 13 have a short answer, and the remaining 7 are asked to choose the correct answer from four options. The recommended writing time is 40 minutes.

4.Letter. Contains 2 tasks in which the student will be asked to answer a letter (100-140 words) and write a short essay expressing a personal opinion on the proposed problem (200-250 words). Recommended run time is 80 minutes.

Oral exam, for the successful delivery of which you can get a maximum of 20 points, is held separately from the written one. Each student is given 15 minutes to answer, including preparation time (one and a half minutes for each task). The oral block includes 4 tasks:

1. Reading aloud a short passage of text on a popular science topic.

2.Composing five questions using keywords. Questions must be formulated after reading the proposed advertisement.

3. Description of one of the three proposed photographs based on the proposed plan.

4. Comparison of events in two photographs using the proposed plan.

Tasks are given to the student sequentially, after completing the previous one. The maximum number of points will be received by the examinee who fully completes the tasks, adheres to the proposed response plan and the topic of the assignment.

Preparation for the exam in English

For successful delivery USE in a foreign language, the student needs to solve at least 17 tasks from 2 and 3, or only 3 sections of the written part. The points obtained are converted into a five-point scale in accordance with the normative tables.

Preparation for the exam in English should begin in advance, even if the applicant has a good command of the subject. Before taking the exam, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the control and measuring materials and demo options, practice passing tests online on specialized sites. However, this may not be enough, especially if the applicant expects a high score, because it is impossible to independently assess the correctness of the letter and the level of preparedness for the oral part of the exam. The specialists of the English&Home center will be happy to help graduates in preparing for the exam, check the level of preparation, explain the nuances of passing the exam and help them to believe in themselves.

Annotation to the book :

Thematic test tasks in English are focused on the preparation of students high school for the successful completion of the Unified State Exam.

Each section begins with step-by-step instructions for effective implementation given test USE assignments. The instructions are accompanied by training tasks for practicing the techniques necessary to successfully pass the exam in the sections "Listening", "Reading", "Grammar and Vocabulary" and "Writing". In the "Writing" section, teachers and students will also find the parameters and evaluation criteria for both parts written work, which will help them better understand what to look for when preparing and writing a personal letter and essay.

In addition to practice tasks, the manual offers two full versions of the trial exam and sample forms for entering answers, which allows you to simulate the situation of a real exam.

Audio files contain texts for listening tasks, reproduced by professional speakers - native speakers.

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USE 2016. English. Typical test items (PDF+MP3) was last modified: March 9th, 2016 by Koskin

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