Dictation on a dividing soft and hard sign. Separating ъ and ъ

1. Veshunin's head was spinning with praise, his breath choked in his goiter with joy. (...) 2. I dare to convey that down the stream from the lordship of his steps I drink a hundred and he deigns to be angry in vain: I can’t stir up his drink in any way. 3. The wolf at night, thinking to get into the sheepfold, got into the kennel. 4. The jumping Dragonfly summer sang red. 5. And the Pike, a little alive, lies with his mouth open, - and the rats have eaten off her tail. 6 We strike you with a forehead sweet Nothing. 7. And at home, guard food from mice. Kota left it. But what does he see when he returns? There are pie scraps on the floor. 8. To be a musician, you need skill. (...) And you friends, no matter how you sit down, you are still not good at musicians. 9. The snake came to the Peasant to ask to enter the house. (112 words)

I. Krylov.

How beautiful the forest is at dawn in early autumn!.. It is still warm, but a thin cobweb is already twisting in the air. Bird voices are still heard everywhere.

And the whole forest is embraced by some kind of thoughtfulness, like a person before leaving for a long journey. The earth still drinks the dew, the trees catch the light and heat, but soon the cold and snow will take full control of the forest. Leaves shrivel, fall off. Silver will shine on the branches, patterns of footprints will intricately cross the snow carpet, and the wind will sing its songs.

It will be like this all winter, until the spring wind announces to the forest that it is warm.

Loose lumps of gray snow will slowly slide down the slopes of ravines, the first snowdrops will break through, streams will murmur. Spring will come. (101 words.)

1. The vastness of our Soviet homeland. 2. The Terek River flows in the deep Darial Gorge. 3. The teacher explained well to the students each new topic lesson. 4. There is nothing supernatural in the world. 5. A street-snake winds. (Lighthouse.) 6. He wanders alone through the tall grass with a chain on his feet White horse in the dark. (Nick.) 7. Having moved down, Dolokhov ordered the Cossacks accompanying him to wait here and rode at a large trot along the road to the bridge. (L. T.) 8. The rain has passed, but the drops fell from the trees. (L. G.) 9. Approaching the gate, Petya saw Dolokhov in the powder smoke. (L. T.) 10. Riding horses with axes, shovels, stakes raced ahead. (Deputy) 11. The peasants, out of patience from ruin, that the rivers and streams caused them to water, went to ask for justice by the river, into which those streams and rivers flowed. (Cr.) 12. The play was staged not on Sunday, as usual, but on Friday. (V.) (121 words.)

1. Every day early in the morning, the postman handed newspapers to subscribers. 2. The construction battalion completed the construction of a huge building with honor. 3. The collective farmer's family rejoiced at the win. 4. For lunch, mother cooked a delicious broth with croutons. 5. The girl always wore a medallion with a portrait of her mother around her neck. 6. The old honored colonel was always accompanied by an adjutant. 7. A four-tiered theater was built in the city. 8. The trills of the nightingale were heard in the grove all night. 9. On the pre-anniversary day, an evening took place at the House of Culture. 10. There was a strong blizzard at night. 11. The train stopped at almost every siding. 12. A beautiful gorge was visible between the mountains. 13. Passengers hurried to the entrance of the station. 14. Tourists made a lot of interesting filming. 15. On the platform there was an announcement with the address of the camp site. 16. During long road everyone has become good friends. (104 words.)

1. A (...) fly was crawling on a flower, and on its (...) transparent wings it was as if one black ant was drawn. (Mar.) 2. The insects we met seemed incomprehensible, mysterious and inexplicable. 3. The quiet murmur of a stream, the rustling of reeds and the clucking of mountain chickens are the only sounds in (...) the gorge. (Mar.) 4. There are many insects in the foothills of Alatau. 5. A whole crowd of sparrows poured out of the green foliage with noise onto the path. (God.) 6. A few more days will pass - the old sparrows and sparrows will teach them everything that an educated sparrow needs to know. 7. Finally, the teaching is over, the young have grown up: they cannot be distinguished from the old. (Bogd.) 8. On the hillside, the road went into the steppe. (Nikul.) 9. Spring is coming. Everyone tries to dress up in the best dress for the meeting of spring. (God.)

10. Talkative (sparrow) became simply surprising. (Bogd.) 11. The roads are beautiful, smooth as asphalt, and wind through the dry and hard soil of the desert. (Mar.) (113 words.)

1. A delegation of Chinese geographers participated in the work of the Congress of Soviet Geographers (Burk.) 2. The adjutant saluted with a respectful and impassive air. (Cupr.) 3. A courier approached the station at full speed. 4. The boy wanted to destroy the swallow's nest in autumn, but his father did not allow it. 5. Teachers followed the mood of the people of the coast. (Sem.) 6. The children admired the cheerful monkeys for a long time, marveled at their liveliness and ability to climb trees. (Iv.) 7. Happiness does not wind in the air, but gets it with your hands. (Pogov.) 8. Spring has come (...), the hare's fur coat has begun to darken. (Karav.) 9. Wolf Pack sang her song, a song as old as these mountains. 10. The wolves crossed only a few old deer tracks. (Success) 11. The she-wolf ran at a small trot. (Success)

12. Smoke from the chimney and the smell of human habitation hit the she-wolf's nose. 13. At the time of shooting, the beast jumped out of the frame, and only its tail was captured on the plate. (115 words)

1. My childhood was closely connected with hunting dogs, with guns, and somewhat later with hunting. 2. The spacious and always cool room was divided into two halves by an invisible edge. 3. The simplicity of the situation was combined here with rigor and exemplary order. 4. The very atmosphere of this room somehow made me be serious, try to look older than my age. 5. Mother sits me down at the table, persuades me to drink a glass of milk and eat a cutlet. 6. When I was seven years old, I received a gift from my father - a gun. From it it was possible to shoot a shot and a bullet. 7. At four o'clock in the afternoon, my father was returning home from work, our whole family met in the dining room. 8. We are driving a cart through the bleak autumn steppe. The wind whistles, sometimes howls, under its gusts the surviving dry stalks of grass beat. 9. He (the owner) hurried us to leave. 10. The grass is a little green, the birch trees are covered with young greenery, rosemary flowers are reddening on the slopes of the hills. (134 words.)

E. Spangenberg.


1. The hippo door opens. In the gap it shows a huge muzzle with a mouth similar to an open suitcase. The hippo greedily draws in the air, shifts from foot to foot, but does not go: the intoxicating spring air frightens him. 2. For the movie "Among the Animals" it was necessary to shoot a walk of hippos. (…) The shooting was done on a circle where children ride ponies. 3. Until 1941, hippos were fed fruit, white bread, cereals, and very little roughage was given, fearing that this would damage their health. But replacing delicate feed (...) with root crops, potatoes, hay only strengthened the animals. 4. Under natural conditions (...) the native population arranges a hunt for hippos. For several days, the animals are not allowed to move, they are injured with spears and guns. The surrounded herd is almost completely exterminated. (111 words).

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© Uzorova O.V., Nefedova E.A.

© AST Publishing House LLC

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Dear adults!

AT this manual control and test dictations for students of the third-fourth grades under the program 1-4. Dictations contain a large number of spelling, so give them as test papers better in strong classes. For weak and middle classes, dictations can be used when ongoing verification, which is desirable to carry out two to three times a week.

Such work will certainly increase the literacy of students and develop them spelling vigilance. Dictations are arranged by topic in accordance with program requirements.

The guide can be used as didactic material in schools, as well as for homework.

3rd grade

Separating hard sign - b


Today we get up early. A car pulled up. Let's go for mushrooms. The car drove off dirt road, went around the pond and drove into the forest. Looking for edible mushrooms. Everyone collected a large amount of mushrooms. We combine them together and fry with potatoes. There was a meal. Each ate two bowls. The leftovers will be eaten by the dog Barbos. (49)

grammar task

2. Divide into syllables to transfer the word GROUND.


The director announced the start of filming. He explained to everyone their duties. He is very picky. Everyone else will get bored. Filming the departure of the train. We have to show tickets. Here comes the train. Drives up to us. We sit down. The train is leaving. A disheveled operator runs. There is a flaw in the film! The director is furious. We cringed. He explains again. Re-shooting. (51)

grammar task

1. Write out two words from the dictation with a separating b.

2. Write letters preceded by b.


Builders are building a house. It will have nine entrances. The crane is working. A truck pulled up through the main entrance. Bring the blocks. Workers separate the blocks. Now we have to lift the blocks up. The truck drove off. Now break. Each worker will eat his lunch. (36)

grammar task

1. Write out two words from the dictation with a separating b.

2. Insert two letters in the middle of the word GO to make a word with b.

Spelling words with a soft and hard sign


There is a sign on our front door. The atelier makes suits and dresses.

Below is an explanation of how to approach or drive up to the studio. Marya Vasilievna ordered a dress for herself.

Week later. Marya Vasilievna came to the studio. Showed a receipt. She was given a dress. She tried on. Not a single flaw! What sewing skills! Such a skill requires a long study. (53)

grammar task

2. Write one word each with the letter combinations Yu, Yu.


We ate the pie. There were crumbs on the ground. The chickens will eat everything. Here lies a fat pig. She will eat any leftovers. She has a free life.

A car drove into the yard. This is our parents. They embrace us. Kitten Demyan pressed his ears and cringed. Dad picked it up and stroked it. Demyan purrs with happiness. A dad is like a crane to a kitten. (58)

grammar task

1. Write out two words from the dictation with separating b and b.

2. Write two words with b and with the root YASN.


In autumn, the weather is usually cloudy. Caravans of gray clouds float across the sky. They look like shapeless pancakes. It often drizzles with light rain. Sometimes the storm starts.

Leaves turn yellow and fall from branches and branches. The ground is covered with leaves and dirt. Lumps of dirt stick to the soles. It is difficult to come back from a walk with clean shoes in autumn.

Bird flocks head south. Caravans of geese and shoals of cranes fly in the sky. And the sparrows stay at home. They will find something to eat even in winter. Clusters of mountain ash and dried grass seeds will be their food. How amusingly these disheveled birdies jump in the snow! Crows don't fly either. They fly to human habitation and eat leftovers. (103)

Yesterday in our yard there was a congress of the children's party of mushroom lovers. The congress united two groups. A group of edible mushroom lovers and a group of non-edible mushroom lovers. The leaders embraced each other. These are friends Cyril and Stepan. Today is the pre-jubilee day for Kirill's party. Tomorrow will be one year since its founding. The chairmen explained to the audience their responsibilities. (56)


A car pulled up to our door. Grandpa's brothers Yakov Ilyich and Leonid Ilyich arrived. Tomorrow is my grandfather's birthday. Today is the anniversary day. We welcome guests. They embrace us.

Take the elevator to the tenth floor. Here is our housing. Grandpa is very happy. Everyone sits on chairs with soft seats. There is a conversation about health, about life. (57)


This year January is very cold and snowy. Every day, white flakes fly from the sky. Everything is covered with a sparkling white tablecloth.

Yesterday was a rainy day, with a blizzard. The air was full of snow dust. Lanterns shone dimly through the blizzard. Passers-by cringed from the cold. The front doors were difficult to open. On the roadway, snow mixed with mud. Skids have become a serious problem for drivers. The city streets were quiet.

The storm continued into the night. Then the wind and snow stopped. The moon peeked through the clouds. (79)

double consonant

A large scale was brought to our class. They can measure the mass of bodies. How many grams are there? How many kilograms do we weigh? But is it possible to weigh an elephant on these scales? No. An elephant weighs several tons. You need special weights.

In Moscow, elephants live only in the circus and on the territory of the zoo. That's where the scales are. How much does our planet weigh? Many million tons! (61)

grammar task


Early Saturday morning. Why did we get up so early? We received a telegram last night. Our uncle Savva Kirillovich is coming from Odessa. He is a professor. Uncle is a very intelligent and tidy person. Savva Kirillovich studies crystals.

We are going to the station. The train is coming. How many passengers are there! Here is our uncle. How are you, professor? We take a taxi and go home. We have breakfast with gusto. Uncle is taking a bath. (62)

grammar task

1. Write out two words from the dictation with a double consonant.

2. From the last sentence write out a word in which there are more sounds than letters.

Early autumn. Evening. Kirill Koshkin has the flu. High temperature. What to do autumn evening? Kirill loves to read Russian classics. He holds a neatly wrapped volume of Pushkin in his hands. Reading a fairy tale about a mermaid.

Here are the illustrations. This is a mermaid. On another page, pop and Balda. There are clouds above them. And there's the sun. Tomorrow Kirill will start reading Chekhov's stories. He will be well soon. He's going to play tennis. And there already autumn vacation. (66)

grammar task

1. Write out two words from the dictation with a double consonant.



Holidays have begun. What will our program be? On Saturday we go to hockey. Sunday stroll through autumn forest. The forest is so beautiful in autumn! The alleys are covered with a colorful carpet of leaves.

We play tennis on Monday. On Tuesday, our friend assistant director invited us to shoot. On Wednesday we visit the Crystal Museum. On Thursday we go to the pool. We are getting ready for school on Friday. We read Kuprin's story and repeat the grammar. (68)


A film based on the play by the great Russian playwright Ostrovsky is being shot. The director explains the task to the team. Assistant director talking to reporters. The operator adjusts the camera. The filming process has begun.

The movie camera hums. A group of actors walk down the alley in front of the camera and sit on chairs. The actress takes a jug and pours milk into mugs. In the background is an old mansion with columns. The entire area must be well lit. One spotlight hangs on an aspen, and the other on a pine. (70)


I went out to the highway and hailed a taxi. There was already a passenger there. We were driving along the highway. The car's spring broke. What to do? I was late for the meeting of the commission on the organization of festive illumination.

Fortunately, a trolleybus was passing by. In that morning hour the trolleybus is full. A group of passengers got off at the next stop. I went to the middle. (56)


Anna Kirillovna returned to Russia from Holland from a commercial trip. Husband Savva Gennadievich meets her at the airport. He received a telegram yesterday from his wife. Among the other passengers, Anna Kirillovna went into the lobby.

There was an announcement on the radio. It's time to submit your documents. Everyone leaves the airport in main entrance. A long procession stretched out. (49)

Alla dreams of becoming a doctor and curing diseases. She will put compresses and do injections. Kirill dreams of going to the factory. He will put the metal under the press. Kirill wants to work in a good team. Anna will be the director. She loves the process of filming. Rimma will become an athlete. She will run cross-country or play tennis. Gennady will become a military man. He will go to serve in the artillery. Inna draws well illustrations for the stories of Russian classics. She wants to become an artist. (70)


This Saturday I got up early. Did morning exercises. I ran along the alley of the park. Pleasant spring morning. The dirt is already dry. I came back and took a bath. After the bath, the appetite worked up. I ate pancakes with jam for breakfast. Went to the alley. I took Russian grammar with me. Intelligent person must know the native language well.

Worked out at home during the day English language. I'm already making great progress. I learned Zhukovsky's ballad by heart. Then my sisters Anna and Alla called. We went to the tennis court. (78)

Suzanna Gennadievna is preparing a festive dinner for tomorrow on the terrace. He puts yeast in the dough. She is fascinated by the cooking process. Who's walking down the alley? Susanna's friends Kirill and Anna? No. The village is dark and quiet. Suzanne is home alone. In the morning she had a quarrel with her friend Alla. All illusions are gone. Suzanne has a headache. She goes into the house and gently places a compress on her forehead. (64)

Spelling prefixes and prepositions


The red horse escaped from the stable and ran across the field. Ran up the mountain. Looked around. There is a break nearby. The horse walked up to the cliff and looked down. There is a river. The horse moved away from the cliff and went down to the river. Then he ran to the water and looked at his reflection. Drank from the river. He entered the water and swam across the river.

Came out of the water on the other side. He shook off the water and galloped to the forest. Soon he ran under the trees. A magpie took off from the aspen and flew towards the village. A hare sat on the path. I saw a horse and ran into the thicket. The horse ran through the forest. Then he ran across a large field. Very tired. In the evening I barely made it to the stables. (108)

grammar task

1. Write out words from the dictation with the prefix C-, with the preposition C.

2. Write down two words with a checked unstressed vowel at the root of the word. Write test words.


The dog Marat was a cur. He was fascinated by the shepherd Arna. Arna lived in a neighboring house. Every day she was taken for a walk. Marat was waiting for her at the entrance. Arne Marat liked it. But the owner of Arna did not let Marat near her. The dog trotted behind. After the walk, Arna and the owner entered the entrance, and the owner closed the door behind him. Then Marat sat for a long time under Arna's window. Sometimes the dog would howl in grief. His howl was picked up neighbor dogs. Howling turned into barking. The whole street could then hear the dog concert. (83)

grammar task

1. Write out from the dictation the words with the prefix POD-, with the preposition POD.

2. Write out two words with a double consonant in weak position. Write test words.



A dangerous bandit robbed a big bank. The director of the bank invited the great detective Sherlock Holmes. At the crime scene, Holmes studied the tracks. At home, he was lost in thought. He filled his pipe with tobacco and blew out a puff of smoke. He took out cards from his extensive file cabinet. After much thought, the detective guessed where to look for the robber.

Holmes put on his overcoat, took with him a whip and a revolver. Holmes went to track down the bandit. Three hours later he found it. Now the great detective Sherlock Holmes was watching a dangerous bandit. The bandit turned the corner. But then the cops showed up. Holmes called out to them. The robber was captured. (90)


The old professor was going to the institute. He left the entrance. Rare drops fell from the sky. The professor opened his umbrella and turned up the collar of his overcoat. A large car stopped nearby. The door opened. The driver looked out of the car and greeted the professor. It was a neighbor.

The professor walked across the yard to the other side of the street and approached the trolleybus stop. A trolley bus has arrived. The professor with difficulty climbed into the crowded salon and put his briefcase on the floor. Then the professor got off the trolleybus. Here is the subway entrance. You have to pass five stations. Soon the professor was approaching the entrance of the institute. Logged in via main entrance and went up to the sixth floor. The students were walking along the corridor. They greeted the professor. (104)

Pirates walked along the seashore. There was a forest behind. Spyglass Hill rose up ahead. The pirates climbed the hill and made a halt. Captain Flint sat down on a treasure chest. Cook Silver took food and a bottle of rum out of the bag. Boatswain Ben Gan and the rest of the pirates went to collect firewood.

Silver cleaned a piece of cheese from adhering dirt. Cooked meat soup on the fire. Filled it with salt. Then the pirates ate the fish and threw the fish heads into the fire. Everyone ate and started talking. Urgent need to grab good ship. Without it, it will not be possible to attack Fort Bayard. Now it's time to lie down and take a nap. One pirate remained on watch. The rest cut branches and lay down on them. They put cloaks under them. (116)

Checked unstressed vowels in the root of the word


A rain cloud passed. We are going to the forest. We have knives and baskets with us. After the mushroom rain, there are a lot of mushrooms in the forest. There are chanterelles, mushrooms, russula, raincoats, butterflies. Sometimes we notice boletus and boletus. They grow in clearings and under trees. Sometimes they are guarded by thorns. Often guarded by nettles. They hide in lush grass and under shaggy trees. Forest midges also interfere with mushroom pickers.

We walked along the path through the thicket and ended up on the bank of a stream. The flow of the river is slow. We crossed over the bridge. It's already getting dark. It's time to walk home. (89)

grammar task

1. Write down two words with a checked unstressed vowel at the root of the word. Write test words.

2. In the words of the first sentence, underline the stem.


Writer Alexei Grigoriev wandered around our district. He walked over the grassy hills. He crossed our river. He escaped from bright sun under branchy trees. In the evening he lay down in a small clearing and dozed off.

The writer woke up and heard a noise. It was the crackling of the bushes. A bear stood in front of Alexei. The writer lay and did not move. He was very afraid of wild animals. Any brave man would be scared in his place. How can he be saved? The bear held out its nose to the man. Then he turned and ran into the woods. On the way, he broke a mountain ash. The writer later recalled for a long time how he met a bear. (93)

grammar task

1. Write out two words with a checked unstressed vowel I at the root of the word. Write test words.

2. Disassemble the composition of the words CRAVE, FOREST.

Tonight my parents went to the theatre. The younger brother grabbed his skates and ran to the rink. The older sister was sitting in the living room preparing for tomorrow's class.

I can no longer sit in four walls! I put on my coat and hat and leave the house. I'll go to the playground. I want to meet my friends there. (80)

grammar task

1. Write out two words with a checked unstressed vowel O at the root of the word. Write test words.

2. Disassemble the composition of the word CHORUS, AREA.



It's been a rainy autumn day. Evening came. Fighter coast guard Private Alexei Kruzhkin looked out of the window and looked up at the sky. It turned black. A thundercloud crept across the sky. A storm was coming. Large raindrops pounded on the dilapidated roof of a small hut. Alexey went under the roof.

A thunderous rumble was heard from afar. It was as if two artillery batteries were talking at once. The rumbling repeated. Long and branched lightning flashed over the mountain. Raindrops hit the roof more and more often. Finally the rain poured down like a bucket. bright lightning appeared here and there. Outside the window flashed endless rain streams. Thunder rumbled in the sky. Sea water frothed. Big waves evenly ran up the rocky shore. (105)

I was walking through thick deadwood with a gun on my shoulder. It was a lovely July morning. At this early hour, the forest had already awakened from its nightly slumber. I was five kilometers from the forestry and wandered through the thickest of our forest. Under your feet thick grass and rhizomes. Occasionally a cautious forest flower flashes. Hairy green growths on tree trunks. This is moss. I got my foot in wormhole and almost fell. Barely stayed on his feet. Here lies the mighty trunk of a hundred-year-old pine. Who knocked down the forest giant? Under the roots of a lying tree in winter there was a bear's lair.

Time to go home. The heavens rumbled menacingly. I decided to take a shortcut. Soon a bright window appeared among the tree trunks. I got out on the edge. Field ahead. The peasants went out to hay. You can see the roof of my house behind that hill. (123)


The princess's magical cat has been stolen. The king called a meeting of the government. The ministers gathered in the royal chamber. What to do? The daughter is crying. The king himself wept. The first minister appeared. This is a grey-haired man. He is a great sage. Only a wizard can find a magic cat!

The magician has arrived. We need to save the princess! The magician took a colored braided belt from his sleeve and waved it ten times. Dazzling flash! Everyone got up from their seats. Several huge green snowflakes appeared in the air. They easily flew around the room. Then suddenly they became heavy and fell on the carpet. The magician blinded them together and hid them under the floor of his cloak. There was a familiar voice. From under the magical cloak, the princess's magical cat gracefully stepped out. (103)


On a rainy autumn day, I walked without boots, got my feet wet and got the flu. it bad disease. I have severe headache and runny nose. I need to be treated. I will take medicine, gargle and drink warm milk. I lie in bed. Tea with lemon and sweet honey are on the table. I love honey. Nearby lies a kitten Barsik. He just dozed off. Then he stretched lazily, yawned, and raised his head above the sheet. Sideways glanced at me. The cat's ears moved. He's watching a big fly. She flies around the room and buzzes. Suddenly the kitten jumped. He wanted to grab a fly with his teeth. But he missed. Now he sits on the floor and again watches the insect. Learn, Barsik. Catching mice is more difficult. (114)


Border guards guard the borders of our country. Privates and officers carry out a difficult service. Together with them are faithful service dogs. Let the trespasser appear! Dogs will find his footprints on the ground and in the snow. Let the enemies threaten! Our soldiers are always ready to protect their people.

On a rainy autumn evening, two fighters went on patrol. An experienced foreman and a young soldier. He is new. Soldiers have machine guns on their shoulders. The foreman was silent. He didn't say a word the whole way. Here is the control strip of the earth. It was specially plowed by border guards. It should leave traces of violators. Whose footprints are there? Who ran through the fields to the spruce forest? The foreman illuminated the ground with a flashlight. No, those are rabbit tracks. Oblique jumped. It's almost midnight. It's time to go to the outpost. (113)


I was sitting on the river bank. It was an early morning. Dew. From wet grass There was a fragrant sweet smell. got me covered mild drowsiness. We need to break the slumber. I stretched, yawned, and looked at the river. Two ducks and five ducklings swam in a large pool. They glided lazily and gracefully across the water. Here are the parents with their brood climbed ashore. Little ducklings waddled funny on short legs. The kids began to dig in the ground in search of insects and worms.

There was a noise from behind. A starling flew up from a branched mountain ash. I followed him with my eyes and looked up at the sky. It was cloudy in the morning. But now the sky is starting to clear up. It'll be a good day. I went down to the river. Near the shore, tadpoles flashed in the water. It's time to bathe. I swam out to the middle of the river. The water cooled the body pleasantly. I went ashore and shivered slightly from the cold. (132)

"Dictionary Words" - Accounting individual differences students' memory. To low level trainability include five people. One person can be considered high level learnability. Thus, in the third grade, I had to restructure my work. Present material through all channels of receiving information. Second group.

"Vocabular words simulator" - S ... rock. Teacher ... nickname. M… squaw. In ... ron. ...Zyk. In ... r ... beat. Illustration source: K…rzina. Training apparatus " vocabulary words» Grade 1 (EMC Zankov).

"Dictionary words grade 1" - K_rova, K_r_ndash, P_nal. V_rona, S_baka, Malch_k, V_r_bey, S_roka, Dictionary words. Girl,

"Dictionary words Grade 3" - Carrot. Cucumber. Tomato. Remember! Apple. Carrot. Potato. Harvest. Potato. Peas. Apple. Check yourself. Dictionary words "GARDEN" Grade 3. Tomato. Cucumber. Peas. Our harvest.

"Dictionary words grade 2" - Carrot. Watermelon. Milk. Candy. Vocabulary words grade 2 was compiled by Kulikova N.N. teacher of the beginning classes. Sparrow. Sausage. Bear. Pencil. Tomato. Dog. Pasta. Orange.

"Vocabulary work" - The effectiveness of experience. Grandma came and called everyone home for dinner. “You can do wonders with the Russian language. Need compulsory exercises aimed at memorizing the visual-graphic image of the word. Grade 4 225 words. Stages vocabulary work. Control - verification types of exercises. Friends did not notice how time passed.

Test No. 2 on the topic "Separating b and b signs, b is an indicator of softness."

1. When is the separating b written?

1. after the suffix before the letters A, I, O, E

2. after prefixes that end in a consonant, before the letters E, Yo, Yu, Ya

3. at the end of some words after vowels

4. after a root that ends in a consonant, before vowels

2. When is the dividing b written?

1. after vowels before vowels E, E, I, Yu, I

2. when the consonant is soft

3. after vowels before consonants

4. at the root and before the end of words after consonants before vowels E, E, I, Yu, I

3. In which line are all the words with a separating b?

1. big..shoy, p..et, rise..em, ant..i, con..ki

2. bez..yanka, in..south, rise..em, l..gunner, l..isa

3. volume..em, s..emka, in..driving, under..driving, s..ate

4. In which line are all the words with a separating b?

1. fell .. then, white .. e, detour .. drive, street ..itsa, gave .. ny

2. ant .. and, guest .. me, tree .. me, night .. yu, wing .. me

3. from..drive, kid..yata, guest..me, pis..mo, little..chik

5. How many words with a separating b in the text?

Early in the morning on Sunday ..e, my friends and I drove up ..we went to the lake. Fishermen came to the shore with.. went. They pulled up tents, boiled kettles and cooked s..natural. They eat breakfast and wait for dawn. Everything around is about .. yato silence. My father explains to me how to prepare tackle. There will be a wonderful catch.

1. 6

2. 4

3. 7

4. 5

6. Read the text. Write the words with a separating soft sign in the first column; words in which soft sign shows the softness of the consonant, in the second column.

Sofia and Ilya go to school. Leaves are falling on the path. Sofya stopped at the porch of the school. The dog Zhulka ran up to her. They are friends with her. The children were warmly welcomed in the classroom. The bell rang. Control work has begun.

7. Divide the words into three columns:

1 - with a separating soft sign;

2 - with a soft sign - an indicator of the softness of the consonant;

3 - with a separating b.

I, from the ride, happy, to the south, teacher, little boy, s.yomka.

8. Indicate the number of letters and sounds in words.

Housing -________________________________________________




Ring - ________________________________________________

9. Correct the mistakes and write the text correctly.

Loot heavy rain. The friend lies under the wing. Sabaka joyfully meets Ilya. Ilya and my friend are friends.

Dictations on the theme "Dividing solid sign".

A noisy, cheerful, stormy spring has come. The hot sun ate the last snow. The trees rustled softly with their bare, tousled branches. Below, the angry river rumbled, breaking the ice. The wind sang its free songs about the expanse of desert fields, where spring streams ring under the melting snow, and in high skies flocks of cranes are chirping. (45 words)

The closer we drove to the town, the lower the clouds fell, the more clearly the grumbling of the wind was heard. Then large drops dripped heavily and loudly over the leaves, the tousled grass, the paths, the roofs. The rain poured down like a bucket. He covered not only the panorama of the mountains, but also all objects located at a distance of several meters. Filming had to be postponed. (52 words)

"Spring in the steppe"

Spring is at the very beginning. The steppe, watered with heavy rains, forgot winter cold and angry blizzards. She opened her arms to the warm rays pouring from the sky. A variety of herbs and flowers covered it with a fabulous carpet. It spreads with an immense smoothness until it meets mountains or terrible sandy deserts on its way. (49 words)

Grammar tasks.

1. Insert, where necessary, a separating b character. (Orally.)

Words: night ... th, tr ... yapka, happiness ... e, l ... epka, friends ... I, br ... yuki, b ... et.

Insert, where necessary, a separating b sign. (Orally.)

Words: approached ... rode, drove ... rode, once ... traveled, for ... a phenomenon, explained ... clarified, rise ... eat, raz ... poison.

2. Development work visual attention and sound-letter analysis and synthesis at the word level.

Write the words in two columns: in the left word with b, in the right word with b.

Words: monkey ... yanka, explanation ... explanation, in ... rode, in ... young, under ... rides, l ... o, n ... o, s ... shuddered, ant ... and, in ... it turns out, announcing ... a phenomenon, rise ... eat. (Slide 10)

3. Work at the level of the phrase.

Replace the highlighted words with words with a separating b with the opposite meaning. (Orally.)

Arrival guests -departure guestsdescent from the mountain -climb on mountain,connect ends -disconnect ends,come To home -drive off from the house.

Write down the word combinations by inserting the missing letters b or b.

Phrases: raising ... raising the flag, with ... shooting a film, ... going into the forest, drinking ... milk, edible mushrooms, explained ... the task, sh ... dress, approached ... drove to the house, stopped at the entrance ... entrance.

4. Work at the supply level.

Complete the proverbs with words with b or with b.

1. You can’t crack a nut - not ... and a nucleolus.

2. Friendship is strong not by flattery, but by truth and ....

3. They beat the wolf not because it is gray, but because the sheep ....

4. When ... water, remember those who dug the well.

Words for reference: eat, drink, honor, ate.

Write down the proverbs. Underline the words with b, highlight the prefixes.

5. Write in the appropriate words.

it is forbidden

Says to the ram _____:
- Well, what kind of friendship ____?
If you and I _____,
So, eat you _____!

6. Letter from the board.

Write off, graphically explain the spelling of separatorsb andb .

On theblackboard:

Angry beast, cowering, explain the problem, pouring rain, disconnect the wires, large volume, lose faith in everything, narrow the skirt, driveway to the house, builds a nest, sparkle in the leaves of trees, serious danger

7. Work on options.

1 group.Form the plural of nouns
Brother, nightingale, feather, ear, wing, log.

2 group. Write in plural Chair, sparrow, feather, stream, leaf, friend.

3rd group. Write in the plural:

Rod, tree, ant, stake, bough, son.

1 group. Write, paste where necessary, b.

Il ((?) and Murav (?) Eva eats (?) dog B (?) obik.

2 group. Write, paste where necessary, b.
On duty Dar (?) I Solov (?) Eva floor (?) is color (?) Ety.

3rd group. Write, paste where necessary, b.
On the branches (?) of trees (?) Eve in (?) hang cotton (?) I sn (?) Ega.

Group 1: Insert where necessary, b and write down these words.

At ... walked, under ... eat, from ... rode, in ... rides, presented ... imagined, behind ... spit.

Group 2: Insert where necessary, b and write down these words.

About ... clarified, under ... rides, on ... walked, under ... eat, behind ... twisted, with ... cringed.

Group 3: Insert where necessary, b and write down these words.

About ... a phenomenon, you ... fled, with ... edible, deception ... man, det ... rides.

8. Insert the letter b where necessary. Write the text.

My friend and I in ... two were skiing on the rise ... we,

And then from the mountain with ... they started, once ... they drove and with ... they drove.

All the stumps went around ..., until ... they went to the river.

We climbed up again ... to go down with ... later.

9. Independent work on the topic "Spelling of separating b and b signs".

1 Write the sentences by filling in the missing letters. Select attachments. Underline the separator b.

Nebo..yatnye expanses opened up to our gaze. C .. the film will end only in next year. Once .. a furious tiger rushed around the cage. Subways to the city are closed - you will have to take a detour.. It was about .. landing on a plane. Vz..ruffled sparrow bathed in a puddle.

2 Write down the sentences. Insert the appropriate words according to the meaning from the references. Underline the separating b.

1. Know how to distinguish _________ mushrooms from poisonous ones. 2. The squirrel has a lot of __________ supplies in the pantry. 3. __________ crane lifts and lowers heavy slabs. 4. The cat _________ a whole jar of cream. 5. We ___________ the whole world. 6.____________ uphill turned out to be very difficult.

WORDS FOR INFORMATION: with..natural, with..edible, under..dark, about..were, with..ate, under..em.

3 Write off by inserting the missing signs b or b.

Under .. we take the flag, green in .. young, in .. go to the forest, drink milk, nightingales .. another trill, restless ant .. and, with .. huddled in the cold, raz .. furious lion, s..leaving the apartment, driving documents, split..dark lightning, s..edible weed, drinking..water, exact explanation..explanation.

Form start

End of form


Beavers live on the river. They are excellent builders. Beavers have razor-sharp teeth. On the river, beavers make dams from aspen trunks. (21 words).

On the river

Lyuba and Masha grazed ducklings on the river bank. The ducklings were small. Suddenly, a kite appeared in the sky. He grabbed one duckling. The girls screamed. Vanya came running. He also started screaming and waving his arms. The kite released the duckling and flew away. (38 words)


The morning was warm. The bees woke up early and flew into the field. There are many flowers there. These are buttercups and daisies. Fragrant linden blossoms. Bees fly around the linden. They work all summer. We get a lot of honey from bees. (35 words)

In the woods

Our forest is big. The children came to the forest. They are looking for mushrooms. Borya and Andryusha gathered a lot of mushrooms and oil. Yura and Yasha found a hedgehog under the tree. They put it in a hat. The hedgehog pricked Yura. But Yura did not cry. The guys touched the animal and released it. (44 words).

Grammar tasks

1. Write down the words, highlight the root in them. Underline at the root the letter whose spelling you want to check.

I option. Eyes, boat, birch.

II option. Spring, garden, mushroom picker.

2. Write out words with a separating b

I option. Sparrows, skates, hemp, fun.

IIoption. ants, embers, coats, friends.

We are working.

New Years is soon. The children themselves make toys for the Christmas tree. Glue, bright paper, paints on the desks.

The tree will be smart! (eighteen)

Grammar tasks

1. In the first sentence above the words indicate the number of syllables.

2. In the second sentence, put an accent mark above the words.

3. In the third sentence, underline the soft consonants in the words.

4. *Come up with and write down one word each, consisting of one, two, three syllables.

5. * Write down a sentence on the topic "Winter" corresponding to the scheme (three words).

Our yard.

We love our yard. There is a swing and a horizontal bar. In summer the boys play ball. Girls play with dolls. In winter, older guys make a slide. (24)

Grammar tasks

1. Write down in number how many words are in the first sentence.

2. Underline the vowels in the words of the last sentence.

3. In the second sentence, find a word with two syllables.

4. * From these syllables, make three words: shcha, zhi, e, shu, cha, ka.

Underline the vowels after the sibilants in the words. Write one word for these rules.

5. * Write down a sentence on the topic "Winter" corresponding to the scheme (4 words).


The whole sky is in clouds. It's raining heavily. There are large puddles on the porch. The cat jumped on the stone. He began to drink water from a puddle. (21)

Grammar tasks

3. Choose a word in which there are more letters than sounds: forest, cone, stump, spruce.

4. * Hide a soft sign in the middle of the word and write down the words:

Day…, wing…, stump…, fire…, Machine….

5.* Write down the names of the summer months, underline the soft consonants in them.

Winter evening.

There is a severe frost outside. A blizzard is blowing. And the house is warm. Embers are smoldering in the oven. Vaska the cat went to sleep in a corner. Yura is reading. Little Nadia listens. (24)

Grammar tasks.

1. Underline the soft sign in the words.

2. Separate words for transfer: strong, snowstorm, embers.

3. Choose a word in which there are more letters than sounds: squirrel, knives, horse, spruce forest.

4. * Write down the names of the winter months, underline the soft consonants.

5. * Write down 2 words from memory with a soft sign at the end and in the middle of the word.

In the woods.

Fluffy snow covered the winter forest.

I'm going into the woods. A spotted woodpecker knocks on an oak tree. There are cones under the tree. (19)

Grammar tasks

1. Underline combinations of zhi-shi, cha-cha, chu-shu in words.

2. Divide words into syllables: lily of the valley *, square * di, h * desa.

3. Change words hedgehog, siskin, mouse so that they have 2 syllables.

4. *Add syllables, underline the letters denoting a hissing sound:

cha…, ro…, lu…, stri…, small…..

5. *Make a sentence with the phrase fragrant tea.


Children go to the country. They will live with Masha's grandmother. Her grandchildren will help her dry the hay. Children will run into the grove, pick sorrel in the meadow. (24)

Grammar tasks

1. Underline combinations of zhi-shi, cha-cha, chu-shu in words.

2. Divide words into syllables: grandchildren, dry, grove.

3. The number indicates the number of letters and sounds in the word country house, draw a sound scheme.

4. * Write down one word with combinations of zhi-shi, cha-cha, chu-shu.

5. * Finish the sentence: Busy in the grove …………….. .


Anya Petrova lives in the village of Lesnoy. She loves animals. The girl has a dog Sharik and a kitten Fluff. Anyuta gives them bread and milk. (22)

Grammar tasks

1. Emphasize capital letter in proper names.

2. Underline the voiceless consonants in the words of the first sentence.

3. Separate words for transfer: secrets, gray, lights.

4. *Insert the first letter and write down the words:

...ashenka, ....anyechka, ...dryusha, ...young.

5 . * Write down 2 sentences: - What is your name?

What city do you live in?


Entered the class new student Kostya Demin. The boy came from the city of Astana. He lived there on Pushkin Street. The guys quickly became friends with the newcomer. (22)

Grammar tasks

1. Underline the capital letter in proper names.

2. In the words of the first sentence, underline the voiced consonants.

3. Divide to transfer the word: new, beginner, arrived.

4. * Write down 3 names of girls and boys.

5. * Write down 2 sentences: - What is your name?

What city do you live in?

On the river.

Here come the warm days. The children walk along the path to the river. It's noisy and fun. The kids play in the sand. They are building a big house. (23)

Grammar tasks

1. Write in a number how many syllables are in the words: dog, mink, hedgehogs.

2. In the words fun, children, emphasize soft consonants.

3. Write down in numbers how many letters and sounds are in the word money.

4. *Choose words that are opposite in meaning: high -……

Narrow - …..

Long away- …

5.* Compose and write down 2 sentences with the words Ginger, Ginger.

In the woods.

The boys Yura and Vanya go to the forest. The dog Bimka is running nearby. Red squirrels jump along the branches. Mink under the tree. Gray hedgehogs hid there. (25)

Grammar tasks

1. Write in a number how many syllables are in the words: dog, mink, hedgehogs.

2. In words squirrels, hiding emphasize soft consonants.

3. Write in a number how many letters and sounds are in a word boys.

4. * Choose words that are opposite in meaning:

High - …. distant - .... narrow - …. kind - ….

5. *Compose and write down 2 sentences with the words fruit, raft.