The best spaceship games. Spaceship

Quite a short time separates us from April 12, 1961, when Yuri Gagarin's legendary "Vostok" stormed space, and dozens of spaceships have already been there. All of them, already flying or just being born on the sheets of whatman paper, are in many ways similar to each other. This allows us to talk about the spacecraft in general, as we just talk about a car or an airplane, without referring to a specific brand of car.

Both a car and an airplane cannot do without an engine, a driver's cab, and control devices. The spacecraft also has similar parts.

By sending a man into space, the designers take care of his safe return. The descent of the ship to Earth begins with a decrease in its speed. The role of the space brake is performed by corrective braking propulsion system. It also serves to carry out maneuvers in orbit. AT instrument compartment power sources, radio equipment, control system devices and other equipment are located. Astronauts travel from orbit to Earth in descent vehicle, or, as it is sometimes called, crew compartment.

In addition to the "mandatory" parts, spaceships have new units and entire compartments, their sizes and masses are growing. So, the Soyuz spacecraft got a second "room" - orbital compartment. Here, during multi-day flights, cosmonauts rest and put scientific experiments. For docking in space, ships are equipped with special connecting nodes. American spacecraft "Apollo" lunar module - a compartment for landing astronauts on the moon and returning them back.

We will get acquainted with the structure of the spacecraft on the example of the Soviet Soyuz spacecraft, which replaced the Vostok and Voskhod. On the Soyuz, maneuvering and manual docking in space were carried out, the world's first experimental space station was created, and two cosmonauts were transferred from ship to ship. These ships also worked out the system of controlled descent from orbit and much more.

AT instrument-aggregate compartment"Soyuz" are placed corrective brake propulsion system, consisting of two engines (if one engine fails, the second one turns on), and instruments that ensure flight in orbit. Outside the compartment installed solar panels, antennas and radiator system thermoregulation.

Chairs are installed in the descent vehicle. Astronauts are in them during launching the ship into orbit, maneuvering in space and during descent to Earth. In front of the astronauts is the control panel of the spacecraft. The descent vehicle contains both descent control systems and radio communication systems, life support systems, parachute systems, etc. descent control motors and soft landing engines.

A round hatch leads from the descent vehicle to the most spacious compartment of the ship - orbital. It is equipped with workplaces for cosmonauts and places for their rest. Here the inhabitants of the ship are engaged in sports exercises.

Now we can move on to a more detailed account of the systems of the spacecraft.

space power plant
In orbit, the Soyuz resembles a soaring bird. This similarity is given to it by the "wings" of the open solar panels. For the operation of instruments and devices of the spacecraft, electrical energy is needed. The solar battery recharges those installed on. board chemical batteries. Even when solar battery is in the shade, the instruments and mechanisms of the ship are not left without electricity, they receive it from batteries.

AT recent times On some spacecraft, fuel cells serve as sources of electricity. In these unusual galvanic cells, the chemical energy of the fuel is converted into electrical energy without combustion (see article "GOELRO Plan and the Future of Energy"). Fuel - hydrogen is oxidized by oxygen. Reaction gives birth electricity and water. This water can then be used for drinking. Along with a high efficiency, this is a great advantage fuel cells. The energy intensity of fuel cells is 4-5 times higher than that of batteries. However, fuel cells are not without drawbacks. The most serious of them is a large mass.

The same disadvantage still hinders the use of atomic batteries in astronautics. Protection of the crew from radioactive radiation of these power plants will make the ship too heavy.

Orientation system
Separated from the last stage of the launch vehicle, the ship, rapidly rushing by inertia, begins to rotate slowly and randomly. Try to determine in this position where the Earth is and where the "sky" is. In a tumbling cabin, it is difficult for astronauts to determine the location of the ship; celestial bodies, it is impossible in this position and the operation of the solar battery. Therefore, the ship is forced to occupy a certain position in space - its orient. When astronomical observations are guided by some bright stars, sun or moon. To get current from a solar battery, you need to direct its panels towards the Sun. The approach of two ships requires their mutual orientation. Maneuvers can also only be started in an oriented position.

The spacecraft is equipped with several small attitude control jet engines. Turning them on and off in a certain order, the astronauts turn the ship around any of the axes they choose.

Let's remember a simple school experience with a water spinner. Reactive force a stream of water splashing from the ends of a tube bent in different directions, suspended on a thread, makes the pinwheel rotate. The same happens with spaceship. It is suspended perfectly - the ship is weightless. A pair of micromotors with oppositely directed nozzles is enough to rotate the ship about some axis.

Included in a certain combination, several thrusters can not only turn the ship in any way, but also give it additional acceleration or move it away from the original trajectory. Here is what pilot-cosmonauts A. G. Nikolaev and V. I. Sevastyanov wrote about the control of the Soyuz-9 spacecraft: optical devices, to orient the ship relative to the Earth with great accuracy. An even higher accuracy (up to several arc minutes) was achieved when the spacecraft was oriented toward the stars."

Spacecraft "Soyuz-4": 1 - orbital compartment; 2 - descent vehicle, in which astronauts return to Earth; 3 - solar panel
night batteries; 4 - instrumentation compartment.

However, "low thrust" is only sufficient for small maneuvers. Significant changes in the trajectory already require the inclusion of a powerful corrective propulsion system.

The Soyuz routes run 200-300 km from the Earth's surface. During a long flight, even in the very rarefied atmosphere that exists at such heights, the ship gradually slows down on the air and descends. If "no measures are taken, the Soyuz" will enter the dense layers of the atmosphere much earlier than the specified time. Therefore, from time to time the ship is transferred to a higher orbit by turning on the corrective braking propulsion system. The corrective installation works not only when moving to a higher orbit. The engine turns on during the rendezvous of ships during docking, as well as during various maneuvers in orbit.

On the spacecraft "Soyuz" "fur coat" of screen-vacuum insulation.

orientation is very main part space flight. But just orienting the ship is not enough. He still needs to be kept in this position - stabilize. In unsupported outer space, this is not so easy to do. One of the most simple methods stabilization - rotation stabilization. In this case, the property of rotating bodies is used to maintain the direction of the axis of rotation and resist its change. (All of you have seen a children's toy - a spinning top, stubbornly refusing to fall to a complete stop.) Devices based on this principle - gyroscopes, are widely used in automatic control systems for the movement of spacecraft (see the articles "Technology helps to drive aircraft" and "Automatic devices help navigators"). A rotating ship is like a massive gyroscope: its axis of rotation practically does not change its position in space. If the sun's rays fall on the solar panel perpendicular to its surface, the battery generates an electric current. greatest strength. Therefore, while recharging the batteries, the solar battery must "look" directly at the Sun. For this, the ship is spin. First, the astronaut, turning the ship, is looking for the Sun. The appearance of a luminary in the center of the scale of a special device means that the ship is oriented correctly. Now the micromotors are turned on, and the ship is spinning around the ship-Sun axis. By changing the inclination of the ship's axis of rotation, astronauts can change the illumination of the battery and thus regulate the strength of the current received from it. Spacecraft control Rotation stabilization is not the only way maintain the position of the ship in space. While performing other operations and maneuvers, the ship is stabilized by the thrust of the attitude control system engines. This is done in the following way. First, the cosmonauts turn on the appropriate micromotors to turn the spacecraft into the desired position. At the end of the orientation, the gyroscopes begin to rotate control systems. They "remember" the position of the ship. As long as the spacecraft remains in a given position, the gyroscopes are "silent", i.e., they do not give signals to the orientation engines. However, with each turn of the ship, its hull shifts relative to the axes of rotation of the gyroscopes. In this case, gyroscopes give the necessary commands to the engines. The micromotors turn on and, with their thrust, return the ship to its original position.

However, before "turning the steering wheel", the astronaut must imagine exactly where his ship is now. The driver of ground transport is guided by various fixed objects. In outer space, astronauts navigate by the nearest celestial bodies and distant stars.

The Soyuz navigator always sees the Earth in front of him on the control panel of the spacecraft - navigation globe. This "Earth" is never covered by a cloud cover like a real planet. It's not just a three-dimensional image the globe. In flight, two electric motors rotate the globe simultaneously around two axes. One of them is parallel to the axis of rotation of the Earth, and the other is perpendicular to the plane of the spacecraft's orbit. The first movement simulates the daily rotation of the Earth, and the second - the flight of the ship. On the fixed glass, under which the globe is installed, a small cross is applied. This is our "spaceship". At any time, the astronaut, looking at the surface of the globe under the crosshairs, sees what region of the Earth he is currently above.

To the question "Where am I?" stargazers, as well as sailors, are helped by the well-known navigation device - sextant. A space sextant is somewhat different from a sea sextant: it can be used in the cockpit of a ship without leaving its "deck".

Astronauts see the real Earth through the porthole and through optical sight. This device, mounted on one of the windows, helps to determine the angular position of the ship relative to the Earth. With its help, the Soyuz-9 crew performed orientation by the stars.

Not hot and not cold
Turning around the Earth, the ship plunges either into the dazzling incandescent rays of the Sun, or into the darkness of a frosty cosmic night. And the cosmonauts work in light tracksuits, not experiencing either heat or cold, because the cabin is constantly maintained familiar to man room temperature. The ship's instruments also feel great in these conditions - after all, man created them to work in normal earthly conditions.

The spacecraft is heated not only by direct sunlight. About half of all solar heat that hits the Earth is reflected back into space. These reflected rays additionally heat the ship. The temperature of the compartments is also affected by the instruments and units operating inside the ship. They do not use most of the energy they consume for its intended purpose, but emit it in the form of heat. If this heat is not removed from the ship, the heat in the pressurized compartments will soon become unbearable.

Protecting the spacecraft from external heat flows, dumping excess heat into space - these are the main tasks thermal control systems.

Before the flight, the ship is dressed in a fur coat screen-vacuum insulation. Such insulation consists of many alternating layers of a thin metallized film - screens, between which a vacuum is formed in flight. This is a reliable barrier to hot sun rays. Layers of fiberglass or other porous materials are laid between the screens.

All parts of the ship, which for one reason or another are not covered by a screen-vacuum blanket, are coated with coatings capable of most radiant energy reflect back into space. For example, surfaces coated with magnesium oxide absorb only a quarter of the heat incident on them.

And yet, using only such passive means of protection, it is impossible to protect the ship from overheating. Therefore, on manned spacecraft, more effective active thermal control means.

There is a tangle of metal tubes on the inner walls of sealed compartments. A special liquid circulates in them - coolant. Installed outside the ship radiator-refrigerator, the surface of which is not covered by screen-vacuum insulation. The tubes of the active thermal control system are connected to it. The coolant liquid heated inside the compartment is pumped into the radiator, which “throws out”, radiates unnecessary heat into space. The cooled liquid is then returned to the ship to start over.

Warm air is lighter than cold air. When heated, it rises; pushing down the cold, heavier layers. There is a natural mixing of air - convection. Thanks to this phenomenon, the thermometer in your apartment, in whatever corner you put it, will show almost the same temperature.

In weightlessness, such mixing is impossible. Therefore, for uniform distribution heat over the entire volume of the spacecraft cabin, it is necessary to arrange forced convection in it with the help of ordinary fans.

In space as on Earth
On Earth, we don't think about air. We just breathe it. In space, breathing becomes a problem. Around the ship space vacuum, emptiness. In order to breathe, astronauts must take air supplies from Earth with them.

A person consumes about 800 liters of oxygen per day. It can be stored on the ship in cylinders or in a gaseous state under great pressure or in liquid form. However, 1 kg of such a liquid "drags" into space 2 kg of metal from which oxygen cylinders are made, and even more compressed gas - up to 4 kg per 1 kg of oxygen.

But you can do without balloons. In this case, not pure oxygen is loaded on board the spacecraft, but chemicals containing it in bound form. A lot of oxygen in the oxides and salts of some alkali metals, in the well-known hydrogen peroxide. Moreover, oxides have another very significant advantage: simultaneously with the release of oxygen, they purify the cabin atmosphere, absorbing gases harmful to humans.

The human body continuously consumes oxygen, while producing carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, water vapor and many other substances. Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide accumulated in the closed volume of spacecraft compartments can cause poisoning of astronauts. Cabin air is constantly passed through vessels with alkali metal oxides. At the same time, it happens chemical reaction: Oxygen is released and harmful impurities are absorbed. For example, 1 kg of lithium superoxide contains 610 g of oxygen and can absorb 560 g carbon dioxide. Activated carbon, tested in the first gas masks, is also used to purify the air of sealed cabins.

In addition to oxygen, astronauts take food and water into the flight. Plain tap water stored in durable polyethylene containers. So that the water does not deteriorate and does not lose its taste, a small amount of special substances, the so-called preservatives, are added to it. So, 1 mg of ionic silver dissolved in 10 liters of water keeps it drinkable for six months.

A tube comes out of the water tank. It ends with a mouthpiece with a locking device. The astronaut puts the mouthpiece in his mouth, presses the button of the locking device and sucks in water. That's the only way to drink in space. In weightlessness, water slips out of open vessels and, breaking up into small balls, floats around the cabin.

Instead of pasty purees, which the first cosmonauts took with them, the Soyuz crew eats ordinary "terrestrial" food. The ship even has a miniature kitchen where cooked meals are heated up.

In pre-launch photos, Yuri Gagarin, German Titov and other space explorers are dressed in suits, smiling faces look at us through the glass helmets. And now a man can't get out in outer space or to the surface of another planet without a spacesuit. Therefore, spacesuit systems are constantly being improved.

The space suit is often compared to a pressurized cabin reduced to the size of a human body. And this is fair. The suit is not one suit, but several worn on top of each other. The outer heat-resistant clothing is dyed in White color well reflecting heat rays. Under the outer clothing - a suit made of screen-vacuum thermal insulation, and under it - a multilayer shell. This provides the spacesuit with complete tightness.

Anyone who has ever worn rubber gloves or boots knows how uncomfortable a suit that does not allow air to pass through. But astronauts do not experience such inconvenience. The spacesuit ventilation system saves a person from them. Gloves, boots, a helmet complete the "outfit" of an astronaut going into outer space. The porthole of the helmet is equipped with a light filter that protects the eyes from blinding sunlight.

The cosmonaut has a knapsack on his back. It has a supply of oxygen for several hours and an air purification system. The satchel is connected to the suit with flexible hoses. Communication wires and a safety rope - a halyard connect the astronaut with the spacecraft. A small jet engine helps an astronaut "float" in space. American astronauts used such a gas engine in the form of a pistol.

The ship continues to fly. But astronauts do not feel lonely. Hundreds of invisible threads connect them with their native Earth.

Many complex tasks of automatic control space objects arises during the control of manned rocket and space complexes designed to carry out a manned flight to the Moon and return to Earth. As an example, consider the control system of the American spacecraft "Apollo", designed for a crew of three.

In general, such a spacecraft consists of three compartments, which are put on a flight path to the Moon with the help of a powerful launch vehicle.

The command compartment is designed for atmospheric reentry and houses all three crew members for most of the flight. The auxiliary compartment contains propulsion systems, providing the possibility of performing maneuvers, power sources, etc. For landing on the Moon, it is supposed to use a special compartment, in which at that time there will be two crew members, and the third astronaut will fly in a selenocentric orbit.

The control and navigation system of such a spacecraft is an onboard system used to determine the position and speed of the vehicle, as well as to control maneuvers. Parts of this system are located both in the command compartment and in the compartment intended for landing on the moon. Each part contains devices for storing orientation in inertial space and measuring g-forces, devices for optical measurements, instrument panels and control panels, devices for displaying data on indicators and an on-board digital computer.

Flight plan of the Apollo spacecraft

The flight path of the lunar spacecraft consists of active sections and inertial flight sections. The tasks of the management system in these areas differ to some extent.

During the flight by inertia, it is necessary to know the position of the apparatus and its speed, i.e., to solve navigation problems. This uses information received from ground stations for tracking the flight. spacecraft, data on determining the position of the device relative to the stars, the Earth and the Moon, obtained using on-board optical devices, and data from radar measurements. After collecting this information, it becomes possible definition the position of the apparatus, its speed and the maneuver necessary to hit a given point. In free flight areas, and especially during the periods of navigation information collection, it often becomes necessary to ensure the orientation of the apparatus. When performing maneuvers, a platform is used, stabilized in space with the help of gyroscopes.

Accelerometers are installed on the platform, which measure accelerations and provide information to the on-board computer. When controlling the device before landing on the moon, you need to know it initial speed and position. Information about these values ​​is formed in the flight segments by inertia.

Let us briefly consider the tasks that the control and navigation system must solve on various stages programs.

Injection into geocentric orbit. When launching a launch vehicle, control is carried out by a system installed in front of the launch vehicle. In the launch phase, however, the command compartment system generates commands that can be used in the event of a failure of the launch vehicle's control system. In addition, the command compartment control system provides the crew with information about the accuracy of launching the vehicle into a given geocentric orbit.

Geocentric orbit flight segment. The spacecraft and the last stage of the launch vehicle make one or more turns in a geocentric orbit. At this stage, navigational measurements carried out by the airborne equipment are carried out mainly to check the correct functioning of the equipment. The optical elements of the command compartment control system are used to clarify the position and speed of the vehicle. Data received from on-board devices is shared with data transmitted from ground tracking stations.

The free-flight segment to the Moon. The device separates from the last stage of the launch vehicle shortly after leaving the geocentric orbit. Starting positions and the speed of the vehicle are accurately determined both by on-board systems and by ground stations. When the vehicle's trajectory is accurately determined, trajectory correction can be performed. Typically, three corrective maneuvers can be performed, each of which can lead to a change in vehicle speed by up to 3 m/s. The first trajectory correction can be performed approximately one hour after the launch from a geocentric orbit.

The section of the launch of the lunar compartment on the flight path to the surface of the Moon. The first task of the control system of the lunar compartment is to ensure the precise execution of the maneuver, in which the lunar compartment, due to a change in its speed by several hundred meters per second, is displayed on a trajectory ending at an altitude of 16 km in the vicinity given point landing. The initial conditions for this maneuver are determined using the navigation equipment of the command compartment. The data is entered into the lunar compartment control system manually.

Landing site on the lunar surface. At the appropriate time, set by the control system of the lunar compartment, the landing engines are started, reducing the rate of descent of the lunar compartment. At the initial stage of targeting the compartment using inertial system accelerations are measured and the necessary orientation of the device is provided. With further landing control, after the altitude and speed of the compartment fall to the specified limits, the radar will be used. At the same time, crew members ensure the orientation of the compartment with the help of special marks on the porthole and information coming from the computer. The control system should provide the most effective use fuel during a soft landing in a given place.

Stage of stay on the surface of the moon. When the lunar compartment is on the surface of the moon, a special radar, which is also used to ensure the meeting of the compartments in orbit, monitors the command compartment for exact definition position of the command compartment orbit relative to the landing point.

Stage of launch from the surface of the Moon. For the appropriate initial conditions, the computer of the compartment determines the trajectory that ensures the meeting with the command compartment, which is flying in the orbit of the Moon's satellite, and a take-off command is issued. With the help of the inertial system, the lunar compartment is guided and the moment of engine shutdown is determined. After turning off the engine, the lunar compartment makes a free flight along a trajectory close to the trajectory of the command compartment.

Stage of flight along an intermediate trajectory. A radar installed on the lunar compartment makes it possible to obtain information about the relative position of both compartments. After clarification relative position trajectories, they can be corrected in the same way as it was done on the leg of the flight to the Moon.

The rendezvous stage in a selenocentric orbit. When the compartments approach, the thrust of the engines is controlled by the signals of the inertial and radar systems in order to reduce the relative speed between the compartments. Bay docking can be controlled manually or automatically.

Return to the Earth. The return of the command and auxiliary compartment to the Earth is carried out similarly to the stage of the flight to the Moon with corrective maneuvers. At the end of this section, the navigation system must accurately determine the initial conditions for entry into the atmosphere and provide entry into a relatively narrow "corridor" bounded above and below.

Atmospheric entry. At the atmospheric entry site, according to the data on overloads and attitude of the apparatus obtained from the inertial system, the movement of the compartment is controlled by changing its angle of roll. The command compartment is an axisymmetric body, but its center of mass does not lie on the axis of symmetry, and when flying at the trim angle of attack, the aerodynamic quality* of the apparatus is about 0.3. This allows, by changing the angle of roll, to change the angle of attack and thus control the flight in the longitudinal plane. When entering the Earth's atmosphere, aerodynamic braking of the command compartment occurs. At the same time, its speed decreases from the second cosmic speed to a speed slightly lower than the first cosmic (circular) speed. After the first immersion into the atmosphere, the apparatus switches to a ballistic trajectory, leaving the atmosphere, and then re-enters the dense layers of the atmosphere and switches to a descent trajectory. The stage of spacecraft control during the first immersion into the atmosphere is extremely important, since, on the one hand, the control system must ensure the maintenance of g-forces and aerodynamic heating within the specified limits, and on the other hand, it must provide the required amount of lift force, at which the required range and landing of the ship in a given area.

* Aerodynamic quality is the ratio of lift to drag.

The control of the spacecraft during the second dive can be carried out by analogy with the control during the descent of the spaceships-satellites.

The science and technology of spacecraft control is still in initial period of its development. In the decade that has passed since the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite, it has made tremendous progress and solved many of the most difficult problems, but the prospects for its development are even more grandiose.

Improvement of computer technology, microminiaturization of elements of electronic devices, development of means for processing and transmitting information, construction of measuring and information devices on new physical principles, the development of new principles and devices for orientation, stabilization and control open up boundless horizons for the creation of perfect manned and unmanned space aircraft which will help a person to know the secrets of the Universe and will serve to solve many practical problems.

::: How to control a spacecraft: Instruction The Soyuz series ships, which were promised a lunar future almost half a century ago, never left earth orbit, but gained a reputation as the most reliable passenger space transport. Let's look at them with the eyes of the ship's commander.

The Soyuz-TMA spacecraft consists of an instrument-assembly compartment (PAO), a descent vehicle (SA), and an amenity compartment (BO), and the CA occupies central part ship. Just as in an airliner, during takeoff and climb, we are ordered to fasten our seat belts and not leave our seats, astronauts are also required to be in their seats, to be fastened and not to take off their spacesuits at the stage of launching the ship into orbit and maneuver. After the end of the maneuver, the crew, consisting of the ship's commander, flight engineer-1 and flight engineer-2, are allowed to remove their spacesuits and move to the service compartment, where they can eat and go to the toilet. The flight to the ISS takes about two days, the return to Earth takes 3-5 hours. The information display system (IDS) Neptune-ME used in the Soyuz-TMA belongs to the fifth generation of the IDS for the spacecraft of the Soyuz series. As you know, the Soyuz-TMA modification was created specifically for flights to the International space station, which suggested the participation of NASA astronauts in these more voluminous spacesuits. In order for the astronauts to be able to get through the hatch connecting the household unit with the descent vehicle, it was necessary to reduce the depth and height of the console, of course, while maintaining its full functionality. The problem was also that a number of instrument assemblies used in previous versions of SDI could no longer be produced due to the disintegration of the former Soviet economy and the cessation of some production. The training complex "Soyuz-TMA", located in the Cosmonaut Training Center named after. Gagarin (Star City), includes a mock-up of the descent vehicle and the domestic compartment. Therefore, the entire SDI had to be fundamentally reworked. The central element of the ship's SDI was an integrated control panel, hardware-compatible with an IBM PC type computer. space console

The information display system (IDS) in the Soyuz-TMA spacecraft is called Neptune-ME. There are currently more a new version SDI for the so-called digital "Soyuz" - ships of the "Soyuz-TMA-M" type. However, the changes affected mainly the electronic filling of the system - in particular, the analog telemetry system was replaced with a digital one. Basically, the continuity of the "interface" is preserved. 1. Integrated control panel (InPU). In total, there are two IPUs on board the descent vehicle - one for the commander of the ship, the second for the flight engineer-1 sitting on the left. 2. Numeric keypad for entering codes (for navigation on the InPU display). 3. Marker control block (used for navigation of the InPU sub-display). 4. Block of electroluminescent indication current state systems (TS). 5. RPV-1 and RPV-2 - manual rotary valves. They are responsible for filling the lines with oxygen from spherical balloons, one of which is located in the instrument-aggregate compartment, and the other - in the descent vehicle itself. 6. Electropneumatic valve for oxygen supply during landing. 7. Special cosmonaut's sight (VSK). During docking, the ship's commander looks at the docking port and observes the ship docking. To transmit the image, a system of mirrors is used, approximately the same as in the periscope on a submarine. 8. Movement control knob (RUD). With this help, the spacecraft commander controls the engines to give the Soyuz-TMA a linear (positive or negative) acceleration. 9. Using the attitude control stick (OCC), the spacecraft commander sets the rotation of the Soyuz-TMA around the center of mass. 10. The refrigeration and drying unit (XSA) removes heat and moisture from the ship, which inevitably accumulate in the air due to the presence of people on board. 11. Toggle switches to turn on the ventilation of spacesuits during landing. 12. Voltmeter. 13. Fuse block. 14. Button to start conservation of the ship after docking. The resource of Soyuz-TMA is only four days, so it must be protected. After docking, power and ventilation are supplied by the orbital station itself. The article was published in the journal Popular Mechanics

As soon as the spacecraft or orbital station separates from the last stage of the rocket that carries them into space, they become objects of work for specialists in the Mission Control Center.

The main control room - a spacious room lined with rows of consoles, behind which specialists are located - strikes with concentrated silence. Only the voice of the operator communicating with the astronauts breaks it. The entire front wall of the hall is occupied by three screens and several digital displays. On the largest, central screen - a colorful map of the world. The cosmonauts' road lay on it like a blue sinusoid - this is how the projection of the spacecraft's orbit unfolded on a plane looks like. The red dot is slowly moving along the blue line - the ship is in orbit. On the right and left screens we see a television image of the cosmonauts, a list of the main operations performed in space, orbit parameters, crew work plans for the near future. Numbers flash above the screens. They are showing Moscow time and time on board the ship, number of the next orbit, day of flight, time of the next communication session with the crew.

Above one of the consoles is a sign: "Head of the ballistic group." Ballistics is in charge of the movement of the spacecraft. This is what they count exact time launch, the trajectory of launching into orbit, according to their data, spacecraft maneuvers are performed, their docking with orbital stations and descend to earth. The head of ballistics monitors information coming from space. In front of him on a small TV screen are columns of numbers. These are signals from the ship that have undergone complex processing on electronic computers(computer) Center.

computer different models make up a whole computing complex in the Center. They sort information, evaluate the reliability of each measurement, process and analyze telemetric indicators (see Telemechanics). Every second millions of mathematical operations, and every 3 seconds the computers update the information on the consoles.

In the Main Hall are people receiving direct participation in flight control. These are flight leaders and individual groups specialists. In other areas of the Center there are so-called support groups. They plan a flight, find best ways for execution decisions taken, advise sitting in the hall. Support groups include ballistics specialists, designers of various spacecraft systems, doctors and psychologists, scientists who developed scientific program flight, representatives of the command and measurement complex and the search and rescue service, as well as people who organize the leisure of cosmonauts, prepare musical programs for them, radio meetings with families, well-known figures science and culture.

The control center not only manages the activities of the crew, monitors the functioning of systems and units of spacecraft, but also coordinates the work of numerous ground and ship tracking stations.

Why do we need a lot of communication stations with space? The fact is that each station can maintain contact with a flying spacecraft for a very short time, since the ship quickly leaves the radio visibility zone of this station. Meanwhile, the volume of information that is exchanged through the tracking stations of the ship and the Mission Control Center is very large.

Every spacecraft has hundreds of sensors. They measure temperature and pressure, velocities and accelerations, stresses and vibrations in individual structural units. Several hundred parameters characterizing the state of on-board systems are regularly measured. Sensors convert thousands of various indicators into electrical signals, which are then automatically transmitted by radio to the Earth.

All this information needs to be processed and analyzed as quickly as possible. Naturally, station specialists cannot do without the help of computers. Processed at tracking stations minority data, and the bulk by wire and radio - through artificial satellites Earth "Lightning" - is transferred to the Control Center.

When spacecraft pass over the tracking stations, the parameters of their orbits and trajectories are determined. But at this time, not only the radio transmitters of the ship or satellite are working hard, but also their radio receivers. They receive numerous commands from the Earth, from the Control Center. These commands turn on or off various systems and mechanisms of the spacecraft, the programs of their work are changing.

Imagine how a tracking station works.

A small star appears and slowly moves in the sky above the tracking station. Smoothly rotating, the multi-ton bowl of the receiving antenna follows it. Another antenna - a transmitting one - is installed a few kilometers away: at such a distance, transmitters no longer interfere with the reception of signals from space. And this happens at each next tracking station.

All of them are located in places over which space routes lie. The radio visibility zones of neighboring stations partially overlap each other. Not yet completely leaving one zone, the ship already enters another. Each station, having finished talking with the ship, "transfers" it to another. The space relay race continues beyond the borders of our country.

Long before the flight of the spacecraft, floating tracking stations go out to sea - special ships Expeditionary Fleet of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Vessels of the "space" fleet keep watch in different oceans. It is headed science ship"Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin", 231.6 m long, 11 decks, 1250 rooms. The ship's four huge antenna bowls send and receive signals from space.

Thanks to tracking stations, we not only hear, but also see the inhabitants of the space house. Cosmonauts regularly make TV reports, show earthlings their planet, the Moon, placers of stars shining brightly in the black sky...