Bad manners and bad habits. Being late for meetings

Sometimes some trifle that you do not attach importance to can spoil the whole impression of you. It's about about bad habits and manners . Maybe you yourself have noticed more than once that a certain person becomes unpleasant to you only because of his disgusting manners . And it seems that the person himself didn’t do anything bad to you, but for some reason you don’t want to communicate with him.

So, in order not to get into trouble yourself and not to earn the reputation of a person who is not familiar with elementary rules decency, you just need to know the following.

1. Loudly, sneeze, yawn, hiccup in society unacceptable.

If you feel like sneezing, try rubbing the bridge of your nose with your fingers or pinching your nose near your eyes with two little ones - sometimes this helps to keep from "sneeze". If this method does not help and you feel that you are about to sneeze anyway, it is best to bring a handkerchief to your nose. If this was not at hand, at least turn away.

An unpleasant impression is made by a person who constantly “sniffs” his nose. Understand that you are not doing this on purpose - what can you do if you have a runny nose. In this case, it would be better to blow your nose. You need to blow your nose quietly. It is absolutely unacceptable in society to blow your nose "from the heart", making loud noises. It is not necessary to turn around.

Another unpleasant phenomenon that can happen to anyone and at any time is hiccups. To get rid of it, you can try the following method: holding your nose tightly with your hand, drink a lot of water - in small sips, but continuously, without inhaling air. If it doesn't work the first time, try again.

But what, as a rule, cannot be dealt with is a cough. When coughing, you should slightly turn away from the interlocutor, covering your mouth with your hand. If the cough is strong, it is necessary to apply a handkerchief to the mouth.

2. A terribly unpleasant impression is made by a person picking his nose or teeth; this is not only impolite towards the interlocutor, but also looks simply disgusting.

3. Many guys have a habit of fiddling with clothes when talking to someone: sleeves, pockets, buttons, zippers. And not only his own, but also the interlocutor. Another option is to pull or wind a strand of your hair around your finger. All this produces best impression on others, and from such habits need to get rid of. If you can’t get rid of them so easily, carry some little thing in your pocket to occupy your hands during a conversation, but this should be done unnoticed by the interlocutor.

4.If you have habit tap your fingers on the table, scratch yourself, scratch your head, look at your nails, click your knuckles on your fingers, then know that from these habits should be disposed of.

5. Not the best impression is made by a person who, during a conversation, tends to slap the interlocutor on the shoulder, hold the sleeve, push with his elbow. Before straightening a friend's clothes, removing a thread, shaking off the villi, etc., be sure to ask his permission.

6. Sitting at the table, you should not pull the tablecloth, twist the cup, tap with a spoon, etc.

7. Very bad habit - “slobber” your finger when you turn the page of a book.

8. Absolutely ridiculous habit - Wipe shoes on trouser legs. What's the point of cleaning your shoes while getting your clothes dirty at the same time? If you are embarrassed that others will notice your dirty shoes, then don't you think that they will notice your dirty trousers? And it’s much easier to brush your shoes than to wipe street dirt from your trousers later.

9. On the street, a well-mannered person does not litter, does not spit, does not throw bits, candy wrappers, chewing gum on the ground.

10. You should not eat on the go. However, an exception may be ice cream or chocolate. Well, you certainly shouldn’t eat in transport: the bus can twitch, and you, swaying, will dirty someone.

11. When you go out into a room (no matter what), you should not slam the door loudly. If the door is on a spring, it should be held to avoid a loud bang.

12. A strange impression is made by a person who constantly “purrs” something or mumbles under his breath, and also giggles for no reason after every phrase he utters.

A bill that should regulate behavior on Twitter and other social networks, with someone light hand already dubbed "the law of Lesya Ryabtseva". Because Lesya Ryabtseva, assistant to the editor-in-chief of Ekho Moskvy, Alexei Venediktov, herself boasted that she would develop such a bill, attracting the broad journalistic community.

Some attacked the poor braggart, demonstrating several examples of disgusting behavior on social networks at once. Others supported, arguing that it is impossible, honestly, to constantly be rude to each other, talk nasty things about the dead and ... what else is there? The list of forbidden things promises to be endless.

Facebook freedom-lovers choked barking about the fact that the drafting of the rules of conduct on Twitter is the seven thousand five hundred and twenty-sixth attack on freedom of speech and we are standing on the edge of the abyss of silence (for as long as I can remember, we have been standing on this edge).

Facebook analysts, after analyzing the situation, came to the conclusion that the preparation of this bill is a fee that Alexei Venediktov had to agree to in order to keep the radio station and his employee. And it was a subtle analytical observation, about as subtle as if the analysts touched the water and came to the profound conclusion that the water is wet.

Meanwhile, it is impossible to draw up rules for the behavior of people on Twitter and other social networks. Impossible, with all my sympathy for Lesya Ryabtseva. It is impossible because communication between people is regulated not by laws at all, but by decency, more or less generally accepted ideas about what good manners are.

Laws consist of a harmonious system of prohibitions. Decency consists of an arbitrary set of random recommendations.

Well, for example, everyone knows what is decent at the table in right hand hold a knife, and in the left hand - a fork. But if you want to legislate this good manner, you will have to pass a whole code that would prohibit holding a knife in your left hand, a fork in your right foot, putting a knife handle in your mouth, tying a fork to your ear, inserting both cutlery in the genitals and anus , keep them under the armpits ... A more or less educated person understands that limiting the rules of behavior at the table by law is an absolutely absurd task, but it is very easy to describe decorum at the table with just a couple of recommendations. The trouble is that our legislators are badly educated people, and therefore they are trying to pass laws that prohibit everything in the world.

bad manners, indecent behavior, licentiousness are characteristic of people not when there are no laws regulating behavior, but when people are badly brought up and when there are many of them.

In January 1917, the Chairman of the State Duma, Rodzianka, did not even think of passing a law that would prohibit blowing your nose in the curtains and throwing cigarette butts on the floor in the Tauride Palace. Even if I went to State Duma any one sailor or soldier, he would hardly have blown his nose into the curtain and hardly would have thrown a cigarette butt on the floor. But just a month later it happened February Revolution. The Tauride Palace was flooded with revolutionary soldiers and sailors. And - there's nothing to be done - they began to blow their noses into the curtains and threw cigarette butts on the floor. And they did it all in the struggle for freedom.

With "Twitter", "Facebook", "LiveJournal" - the same thing. People get into social media without any selection, without having to pass at least some minimum test for the ability to behave decently. And there are many people there. Of course, they will behave like people who came to a rock concert or football, that is, it is pointless to yell.

So I wish Lesya Ryabtseva success in her hopeless and completely unnecessary business.

bad manners

rudeness, bad manners, bad manners, ineptness

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The differences in the mentality of representatives of different nations are so striking that some things that are familiar in one country can be perceived in another as wild and blatant rudeness. Russians also have many habits that are considered “rude” at home, but in far abroad countries they will be regarded as good form.

Slurp at the table

Since childhood, Russian mothers have struggled with the childish desire to slurp at dinner and teach their kids that this is terribly uncivilized. Intelligent person in Russia, he would never slurp and smack his lips in society. This can discourage the appetite of overly squeamish companions.

But if a guest does not champ at the table in Japan, Taiwan or China, then it is not tasty for him, and this is rude to the owners of the house. Even if you are sitting in the most luxurious Japanese restaurant, slurping and noisily drinking drinks is a must! The chef will be satisfied because he managed to please the guests.

Don't pay in a restaurant for a lady

All Russian young ladies have long been accustomed to the fact that lunch in a restaurant is always paid for by a gentleman. Even if the lady herself has a 2 times higher income than the guy, she will leave him the right to pay. This delicate moment, as it were, demonstrates the “chivalry” of a gentleman and is mandatory only in Russia.

If the man did not even offer to pay for the lady, she will regard this as a manifestation of extreme greed and most likely will not give him a second chance. But abroad, the girl’s categorical offer to pay the entire bill can be regarded by the girl as an encroachment on her rights, extreme disrespect and an attempt to “buy” intimacy.

Don't eat everything away

Russian people always come to visit hungry and treat themselves plentifully, praising the cooking art of the hostess. The latter will be very happy and proud of herself if the guests eat everything offered and leave satisfied. Russian hospitality has reverse side: in Russia it is considered impolite and rude to leave food half-eaten on your plate.

But in Asian countries, this is the only way to do it. The guest's empty plate is a hint that the treat was insufficient and the person was left hungry. The hospitable hostess will immediately rush to impose a second, and then a third portion, until the guest is finally satisfied. So that this does not continue indefinitely, you should leave a little of the food offered on your plate. So the owners will understand that you are full and happy with everything.

Being late for meetings

In Russia, as in many European countries It is considered indecent to be late for business meetings. Partners may interpret this as gross disrespect and even neglect. In India, no one will even pay attention to being late for 10-15 minutes or even half an hour. In this country, people live in a different rhythm, and therefore they are somewhat philosophical about time.

Don't stop by to visit friends

Hospitality is highly valued in Russia. You can come to your bosom friend almost at any time. If you were shy or for some other reason passed by your friend's house and didn't look "at the light", the person may be offended.

In European countries, to come without an invitation is utter rudeness. Even a meeting with their parents, people plan a few weeks in advance, calling them up and asking permission to visit. Be sure to clarify the convenient time of the visit (suddenly the parents want to devote this day to their business). And this is only part of the existing differences. When planning to travel to another country, always find out in advance the traditions existing in it, so as not to get into an awkward situation.

An educated person lives in harmony with himself and those around him. It is impossible to become well-mannered all at once, or only in some cases, good manners are not a suit or dress that is kept in the closet until the big occasion. You either have education or you don't.

What is good manners?

A person is judged not by clothes, but by manners, by how he behaves in society, how he treats others, how he talks and gesticulates. Generally speaking, good manners are the presence or, conversely, the lack of respect for people. old saying“Treat people the way you want to be treated” will probably never get old. You can not read treatises on the ability to behave in society, but simply act in accordance with this proverb, and you will be considered very pleasant and well-mannered person having refined manners.

Why are good manners important?

Have good manners also very useful. We have to communicate with many people every day - at work, in transport, with friends, and its result depends on how friendly this communication will be. Without observing at least elementary rules of decency, it is difficult to adapt to a new society. It can be seen that successful and self-confident people are almost always well-mannered. About people who have achieved their goals, earned recognition, and, at the same time, are calm and restrained, they often say: "He has aristocratic manners, it is pleasant to communicate with him."

Good manners in today's society

You can often hear - in modern society not up to manners. However, a person who speaks loudly, is dressed dirty or yawns at all times, except for rejection, does not cause anything. Another thing is that some manners have changed, but not lost. Modern manners are based on respect for the other person, but convenience and practicality come to the fore. For example

  1. Let the woman go forward, open the door in front of her. Now the door is opened by the one who is more comfortable, regardless of whether you are a man or a woman. If a man with a child is in front of the girl, naturally, she will open the door for him.
  2. Men must give way to women. Just as in the first case, the one who is easier stands, and the woman may well give way to a disabled man.

Rules for good manners

What should be done and how to behave in order not to be considered ignorant? The basic rules of etiquette and good manners are simple: be reserved, benevolent, in control, and behave naturally.

  1. There is no need to hide from everyone that you are seeing or trying something for the first time. It would be better if you were taught how to do it than to be publicly embarrassed.
  2. It is very important to look good, and this is not about clothes. It is unacceptable to sit with your legs wide apart, or putting the ankle of one foot on the knee of the other, shouting loudly and gesticulating widely.
  3. Do not chew gum while talking and do not look at your watch or cell phone.
  4. Do not come to visit without warning, if you find people in pajamas in an uncleaned room, you will feel inconvenience.
  5. Be sure to knock on the room before entering, and it doesn't matter if it's the boss's office or the child's nursery.
  6. Naturally, one cannot read other people's letters, but in modern conditions SMS, emails.
  7. No need to talk with a full mouth and, moreover, wipe your mouth with your hands - use a napkin.
  8. Good manners for a girl is never to put her bag on her lap or on the table. A small clutch is allowed, but a fashionable tote bag is only on the floor or can be hung on the back of a chair.

How to deal with manners?

The main sign of bad manners is to point out to other people their bad manners. It is better to take a closer look at yourself, you can probably find a couple of bad manners.

  1. If you are irritable, flare up over trifles and can be rude in the heat of the moment, try to control yourself. Practice breathing deeper at home, counting during an attack of irritation, use what works best, and gradually it will become a habit.
  2. Bad manners can be caused by ignorance, especially if you are in another country. Ask, or better yet, find out in advance how to behave, what are the customs in this area.
  3. If you are inattentive to people, or simply do not notice the need for help - ask, thereby you will be known considerate person and gradually get used to showing concern for others.
  4. Write down all your bad habits, manners, ask someone you trust what annoys you, analyze what situations provoke them. At first, you can ask loved one gently draw your attention to the manifestation of bad manners, later you will see them for yourself and can control them.

How to learn good manners?

Can good manners be learned? How can a woman learn good manners so that a situation does not arise: she seemed beautiful and spiritual until she spoke? The rules of behavior are brought up in childhood, but this does not mean that an adult cannot master them.

  1. First of all, learn to be calm. A calm reaction to stimuli contributes to the development of self-control, and self-control will not allow you to flare up and commit an act that you may later regret.
  2. Nurture in yourself positive perception the surrounding world. A well-mannered person is not one who refrains from answering if he is pushed, but one who is not offended by a push at all.
  3. Try not to provoke situations in which a feeling of embarrassment may arise, and if such a situation arose through no fault of your own, make a distraction.
  4. Remember what annoys you in other people and try not to repeat it.
  5. Be polite in all situations, politeness is the basis of good manners, do not allow rude expressions, disregard for people.
  6. Carefully observe those who seem to you a well-mannered person and try to repeat their actions in different situations.
  7. Watch your speech - do not allow jargon or special terms not to mention outright vulgarism. Secret correct speech easy - read on! especially Russian classic literature, the more you read, the faster your speech will improve, and enough has been written about good manners in books.

Films about good manners

There are films to study proper manners behaviors:

  1. "How to Become a Princess" Is it possible to change manners and remain yourself.
  2. "Pride and Prejudice"- how to successfully marry without a dowry, but with impeccable manners.
  3. "Kate and Leo"- sophistication and slowness of the 19th century and crazy New York of the 20th.
  4. "Miss Congeniality"- Policewoman and good upbringing incompatible?
  5. "The Devil Wears Prada"- what lies behind the good manners of a successful lady?
  6. "My Fair Lady" how to turn into society lady from the ugly duckling.