World Thank You Day January 11 presentation. Presentation for the lesson (middle group) on the topic: Presentation of the thematic day "World Thank You Day"

World Thank You Day. One of the most polite days of the year falls on January 11, when the whole world celebrates the holiday of the magic word "thank you". The purpose of the event is to remind the inhabitants of the planet about high value courtesy, good manners and the ability to thank others for good deeds. The word "thank you", according to psychologists, is really magical. Hearing it, a person experiences emotions similar to those that arise in children when they are affectionately stroked on the head. Having received verbal gratitude, a person subconsciously tunes in to positive. Can you imagine how much positive, for example, the waiters or sellers have? After all, they hear "thank you" a hundred times a day. Fortunately, in our country, people have become a little more polite and have learned to say thank you not only for disinterested help, but also for a paid service. However extra lessons courtesy will never hurt anyone. Therefore, on January 11, it is necessary to celebrate "World Thank You Day" or "International Thank You Day".

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Russian language grade 7

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World Thank You Day January 11th is the day on which it is customary to be polite and remember more often good manners. "Why?" - you ask. Of course, for a simple layman, January 11th is an ordinary day, but on this day one of international holidays, which is called World Thank You Day. In our everyday life, the word "thank you" is present every day. People say it every day different ages, gender, nationality, religion and even upbringing. But few people know that the expression of gratitude in the form of the word "thank you" occurred in the Russian language many centuries ago.

"Thank you" is the magic of this word World Day of the most polite word in any language - the word "thank you". If we turn to history, we will see that earlier in the Russian language the word "thank you" was not. In the 16th century, they said "God save" instead. Among the Christian people, this phrase had great power and meaning. The person who pronounced it wished the interlocutor good and the best in life. It was a sign of the highest gratitude, and therefore, the openness of people towards each other. Synonymous with given expression is the phrase "God bless

For scattered paper clips and paper on the tables, Unsolved problems and dishes in the corners, Unsent e-mail, overtime yesterday, Spilled coffee on the floor and a casual look in the morning, For support in the evenings when the balance is spinning, Explaining manuals for incomprehensible innovations, Naughty parties and gifts on the table, And funny pictures that are on the server - Precious colleagues, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I now pass the baton of the day "thank you" to you. 2 May the world become kinder on the Day of "thank you", May all people become grateful, May it gather full house friends And everyone will smile at each other! On the Day of "thank you" we want to say that this word should be cherished by us. You be more polite and will wish you health and strength.

Politeness is wonderful. Politeness is always beautiful - Let it come from the heart Constantly, hourly, breathe it like air. On the world day "thank you" I especially want to politely congratulate you And pat on the shoulder. Thank you. Important, for all people. ©

The history of this holiday Probably, today it is especially necessary to pronounce this word. We say this word out of politeness, to express our gratitude, but we do not realize its meaning. The Old Believers believe that it was born from the phrase "save Bai" ("Bai" is the name of one of the pagan gods), so they avoid this word in their speech. Psychologists are sure that words of gratitude are verbal "strokes" and they are able to calm and warm with their warmth. The main thing is that "thank you" comes from pure heart! It is no coincidence that for a long time there was a belief among the people - it is impossible to pronounce words of gratitude in a state of irritation.

There is great power in the word "thank you" And water comes to life from it, It gives wings to a wounded bird, And a sprout sprouts from the ground. Be grateful on this day world, on holiday"Thank you" open your soul, Melt the ice, remove the winter in your heart, Any discord will disappear at this time! We wish you to be loved, A strong family and success in work.

Thank you for your attention The presentation was prepared by a student of the 8th "A" class of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 89", Saratov Andreeva Daria

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Target: the formation of ethical norms of behavior in society and communication with each other, the development of the emotional and value sphere of students.

Tasks: to cultivate a culture of communication with each other, self-education of the personality of the child.

Equipment: presentation, multimedia projector.

slide 1.

Indeed, each of us has been given a lot, and we have much to be thankful for. A lot, but we don't understand it. Alas!
Charles Dickens.

Well, another unusual holiday has come to our street. Slide 2.

On January 11, the whole well-mannered world celebrates the Day of the word “thank you”. The international status of a significant date once again reminds us how we need such words in everyday life, and good manners in themselves can create a festive mood for others.

The holiday was initiated by UNESCO and the United Nations. The purpose of the event is to remind the inhabitants of the planet of the high value of politeness, good manners and the ability to thank others for good deeds.

“Thank you” knowingly takes its rightful place in the circle of “magic” words. It really can work wonders.

In one of the newspapers, a note was once printed about an unusually polite taxi driver. He said “thank you” to each incoming passenger for the fact that the person chose his car for the trip. At first, people were even lost from such courtesy. And then they got used to it - it's easy to get used to good things. And in response, they began to thank the driver for the wonderful service.

We are all well aware of the importance of good manners, their need for Everyday life, but most of the thanks we express, as if by chance, without thinking about their meaning. However, words of gratitude have magical properties - with their help people give joy to each other, express attention and convey positive emotions - something without which our life would become meager and gloomy.

Origin of the word "thank you"

Slide 3. For the first time, the word “thank you” was recorded in 1586, in a phrasebook that was published in Paris.

1. If we turn to history, we will see that earlier the word “thank you” was not in the Russian language. In the 16th century, they said “God save” instead. Among the Christian people, this phrase had great power and meaning. The person who pronounced it wished the interlocutor good and the best in life. It was a sign of the highest gratitude, and therefore, the openness of people towards each other. A synonym for this expression is the phrase "God bless."

It is no coincidence that for a long time there was a very wise belief among the people - do not say words of gratitude in a state of irritation.

It is known that the Old Believers do not use the word “thank you”, they avoid it in their speech, because they believe that this word was born from the phrase “save Bai”. Bai is the name of one of the pagan gods.

2. But recently such opinions have appeared: THANK YOU - the cosmic formula of Life, the formula of the divine Trinity:

"SPAS" - as a feminine, earthly, lower principle, in which the transformation and revival of Life takes place;

“I” - as a general, heavenly-earthly unifying principle, which is at the same time a neoplasm and a continuation of both the earthly and cosmic principles;

"BO" - as a male, heavenly, upper principle, which introduces an element of change, expansion, continuation.

The highest benevolent attitude towards another is manifested in wishing him “Thank you”

Thank you verbally.

Slide 4. Now “thank you” is used in oral speech, completely without thinking about the importance and magic of this word. People say "thank you" automatically if they are familiar with the rules of etiquette. The problem is that many people often forget to thank each other or say it only when not saying “thank you” is just rude! Although you can thank the people around us at every step. And for this you do not need to say a lot of words. Just saying "thank you" is enough.

Saying “thank you” can be done formally only by observing an element of good manners. But behind the "thank you" lies a feeling of gratitude. This is the best feeling that people can experience in relation to each other. Love and gratitude always go hand in hand in life. And the uttered “thank you” makes it clear to the interlocutor that you feel a sense of gratitude for him. It should be remembered that the tone of communication is set by “polite” words. And the most important among them is “thank you”!

There is one law of life associated with the feeling of gratitude, which is not proved or deduced, but has been repeatedly tested in practice by millions. successful people. Its essence is that stronger man thanks all the good things around him, the more good things happen in his life. Therefore, we can say “thank you” to the sun that it shines brightly, to the driver who slowed down at the pedestrian crossing. And, of course, you should say “thank you” to your parents, otherwise you would never have been in this world.

Psychologists have found that words of gratitude have a positive effect on a person, on his emotional state and mental activity. And the word “thank you” is the most grateful of all grateful words! It is easy to apply in life, it is very simple and sincere. Of course, if it comes from the heart, from a heart overflowing with gratitude. Only then will it play its magical role. The word "thank you" is a guide to establishing warm and friendly relations.

Using the word "thank you"

According to the widespread version, this word arose as a kind of abbreviation for the phrase “Save, God!”, which supposedly served in Russia as an expression of sincere gratitude. But look through the classics of Russian literature - how many of these “thank you” can you find in the mouths of the heroes? They mostly used the word "thank you" or "thank you." It seems that "thank you" only became widely used in the twentieth century.

Are you sure you only say "thank you" when you really want to thank someone? Paradoxically, our Magic word” serves as both a form of acceptance of something and a form of refusal. Sometimes emphatically polite. Remember the tone you use to say "thank you" when you reject someone's obsessive offer. And how - when you sort things out with your loved ones: “Ah, so I, in your opinion, am an ungrateful creature ?! Oh, thanks!".

In general, our people have formed a very ambiguous attitude to the word “thank you”. There are about a dozen proverbs and sayings of a frankly consumer nature with him.

slide 5 “Thanks, you won’t be full”, “Thanks, it doesn’t feed and doesn’t warm.”

And the expressions of modernity: "Thank you does not drip" and "Better a small dollar than a big thank you." And how much hidden irony in the well-known expression: “Thanks to this house - let's go to another”!

But also examples respectful attitude there are also a lot of words of gratitude in folklore: “Thank you - it’s a great thing”, “And it’s ugly, thank you”, “Soon - so thank you, but soon - so two”, “If you say thank you, that’s fine.”

“Thank you” even managed to be in some sense a synonym for stinginess. The meaning of the expression “work for thanks” is known to everyone, and no one would wish this on themselves.

Consonance of expressions of gratitude in different languages.

Slide 6. It is interesting that the roots of the English analogue - Thank you - also go much deeper than simple gratitude. This suggests that both the Russian “thank you” and “thank you”, pronounced in almost all languages ​​of the world, had and have extremely importance for the culture of any people.

In Ukrainian, this word “thank you” sounds “thank you”, however, Ukrainians prefer the synonym “dakaya”. It is interesting that the form of expressing gratitude to DYAKUYU, which has taken root in the Ukrainian language, is primordially Russian, our ancestors used just such a sound. Historians have found confirmation of this in the Book of Veles - annals past life Rus, leading a description of 20,000 years before Kievan Rus was forced to be baptized in the Christian faith. It is the word DYAKUYU in today's pronunciation that is consonant with the words of expressing good feelings at the root European languages belonging to different groups of languages:

Slide 7. The English say “thanks”, Germans - “danken”, Belarusians - “dzyakui”,

Poles - zenki, Czechs - dekuyi, in Yiddish “thank you” sounds - “adank”,

in Norway they write “takk” (takk), the Danes write - “tak” (so), Icelanders - “takk” (takk),

Swedes - “tack” (takk).

It is noticeable that these terms are very similar in sound.

"Thank you" in different languages.

Slide 8. Here's how the word "thank you" sounds in other languages:

  • Arabic: Shoukran (shukran)
  • Armenian: Shnorhakalutjun
  • Hawaiian: Mahalo (mahalo)
  • Greek: Evkaristo (efcharisto)
  • Georgian: Mahd-lobt (madlobt)
  • Irish: Goraibhmaithagat (go rai mas agate)
  • Italian: Grazie (grace)
  • Spanish: Gracias (gracias)
  • Cambodian: Orkun
  • Chinese: Xie-xie (Sie-sie)
  • Korean: Kamsuhamnida (kamsa hamnida)
  • Latvian: Paldies
  • Lithuanian: Kobchie (kob chi)

Slide 9. Malaysian: Terimakasih (porridge termima)

  • Mongolian: Vayarla (vayala)
  • Portuguese: Obrigado (obrigado)
  • Romanian: Multimesk (maltimesk)
  • Somali: Mahadsanid (mahasanid)
  • Swahili: AsantesanaThai: Kabkoonkrup (if you are a man), Kabkoonka (if you are a woman)
  • Tatar: Rekhmet (rekhmet)
  • Turkish: sagol (saol), tesekurederim (teshekur ederim)
  • Filipino: Salamat (Slamat)
  • Finnish: Kiitos (kiitos)
  • French: Mercibeaucoups (merci boku)
  • Hindi: Shoukriah (shukran)
  • Japanese: Domoarigato (domo arigato)

The most polite city in the world.

Slide 10. The Reader's Digest edition ranked the courtesy of megacities around the world. During the study, journalists spent three times several times simple test in 35 cities around the world.

For example, researchers would drop papers in the middle of a busy street and see if passers-by would help. In addition, they counted the number of times a salesperson says "thank you" per various stores, as well as how many times people leaving the entrance hold the door in front of them. As a result, the most New York is the most polite city in the world. The former mayor of this city, Ed Koch, explained to reporters that New Yorkers became more attentive to people after the September 11 attacks: they realized how short life is. Second place - Zurich, third - Toronto. Bombay became the roughest metropolis in the world, while Bucharest, the most cavalier city in Europe, came in second from the bottom.

Moscow took 30th place in the courtesy list after one Muscovite got nasty to a Reader's Digest correspondent, who himself asked her to hold the door. Only residents of Singapore, Seoul, Kuala Lumpur, Bucharest and Bombay behave rudely than Muscovites.

At the same time, journalists separately noted Zagreb as the city with the most helpful passers-by, after an elderly Croat with arthritis rushed to collect papers. Stockholm has earned the title of the city with the most polite sellers.

Slide 11. To say words of gratitude or not - each person decides for himself, but even children need to know the originally laid down meaning of this expression, what message the word of thanks gives to another person.

To thank a person today by saying THANK YOU is meant to do good, a well-known common truth, as well as to say hello or goodbye. "Thank you" in literature.

slide 12

You are near, and everything is fine:
And rain and cold wind.
Thank you my clear

Thanks for those lips
Thank you for these hands.
Thank you my love
For what you are in the world
We are close, but we could
Never meet each other...
My only one, thank you
For the fact that you are in the world.

Thank you for the rain
The storm of your words and dreams.
Thank you for the eternity of the stars
That always lit up with radiance.
Thank you for the sweet wind
Behind the summer moonlight.
For your voice that furtively
Whispered "Hello" to me softly.
For your lips that kiss.
For hands that give warmth
For your heart that is jealous
And a soul with which it is warm.

Thank you for beeing,
Who cares, thanks.
You came like good news
When the soul was drizzling.
Thank you for beeing
For keeping me warm.
You know it's not flattery
And the joy of a happy heart.
Thank you for beeing,
That somewhere you sing and dream
Soul swaying like a forest,
That you often melt from tenderness.
I got the highest honor:
God granted my requests for a miracle...
Thank you for beeing,
Thanks for being you.

slide 15.

Thank you! - sounds good
And everyone knows the word
But it so happened that it
Less and less flies from the lips of people.
Today I have a reason to say
Thank you! those who are close to us
Easy a little become kinder,
To make mom more fun
And even brother and sister
With whom we often quarrel,
Say thanks! and in warmth
The ice of resentment will melt soon.
I'll tell you a secret, friends:
All the power of the word in our thoughts -
Without kind words no way,
Give them to your family and friends!

slide 16.

Cheerful holiday - Thanks Day!
All thanks can not be counted,
From kind sunny smiles.
Evil and revenge huddled in a corner.
Thank you! let it sound everywhere
Good sign all over the planet
Thank you, little miracle
A charge of warmth in your hands!
Say it like a spell
And you will feel how suddenly
Good and happiness wishes,
A new friend will give you!

Slides 17-18. Thank you.

For development class hour Internet resources were used.

To help the teacher to accompany the conversation dedicated to Thanks Day. Designed for ages 5-7 grades. Short story day and word formation, poems-congratulations. At the end of the lesson, the guys are invited to write words of gratitude on the clouds to the one to whom they would like to say them now, all the clouds are hung on the stand in the hall.



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Slides captions:

thank you day

How the word "thank you" sounds in different languages

What the word "thank you" means January 11 is the most "polite" date of the year - this day is World Thank You Day. The word "thank you" is an abbreviation for the phrase "God save you." This phrase in Russia expressed gratitude. Words of gratitude have special properties, with their help people give joy to each other and express attention.

The history of "thank you" The word "thank you" was first recorded in 1586 in a phrase book published in Paris. Around the same time, our Russian analogue of the way of expressing gratitude in a new way appeared, originating from the Proto-Slavic language. Archpriest Avvakum tried to introduce him into the philistine speech, instead of the usual "thank you" using "God save". But this step did not manage to supplant the old form of politeness in the blink of an eye: three centuries passed before the word "thank you" took root in modern society, becoming one of the rules of etiquette.

Talk to each other more good words! Today we celebrate World Thank You Day And we say: “Thank you!” - to all those who congratulate. Let this day be thankful for everything and we will say to everyone. It is pleasant to be polite - everyone knows this!

The most polite of major city New York is considered to be the world's most famous place - "thank you" is most often said here. Moscow took 30th place in the courtesy rating among 42 "big" cities. It is very rare to hear a word of gratitude in the very populated city India - Mumbai