For those who think that others live better. When you are sure that this is what you need

Surely at least once in your life you have experienced the feeling that what is happening now has already happened before. Or, from time to time, be sad that you will not see how your great-grandchildren will live. Do you know the incomparable feeling of comfort and warmth when it rains outside the window, and you bask in a warm bed under the covers? All of these have enough complex emotions and feelings have their own names. Most likely, among them there is the very thing that you often experience, but do not know how to express.


Not to be confused with hard drugs. Opia is a sudden feeling of excitement when one gaze meets another. Visual contact that provokes a surge of energy. If this person is pleasant to you, most likely, it will give pleasure. And if your counterpart is a potential threat, a nasty chill can run through the skin from such an exchange of glances.

deja vu

Deja vu is translated from French: deja vu - “seen before”. This feeling when you feel like you have been to some new place before, or when it seems that a new event is actually repeating itself. Deja vu is a fairly common emotion, reported by about 75% of respondents to various psychological surveys.


Ellipsism is the sadness that a person experiences from not seeing the future. This emotion is most characteristic of older people who watch their grandchildren grow up and worry that they will not live to see some important points in their lives.


The term comes from the Latin chrysalis - "chrysalis", denoting one of the stages of butterfly development. This is a feeling of bliss, peace and security - for example, when you are in a warm and dry house, and a thunderstorm is raging outside the window.


This is the name of the feeling of annoyance that you experience after a new acquaintance, when you realize that a person is very interesting, but it is almost impossible to get to know him better or it will take a very long time. This word in Ancient Greece called the male half of the house.


This is the name of the desire to loosen control over your life and worry less. That feeling of release when you think, “I wish I could be a kid again and not have to worry about anything!”


People experience this bitter feeling when they receive an answer to a question that has long tormented them and want to return to the past in order to tell themselves about the future. There are on this topic good proverb: "If I knew where to fall, I would lay straws."


The name for this emotion is formed by adding to the name of the ancient Greek philosopher Zeno, known for his reasoning about the impossibility of movement and the immobility of time, the name of Mnemosyne, personifying in ancient Greek mythology memory. The essence of this feeling is that with each subsequent year it begins to seem that the years pass faster and faster.


Surely everyone at least once after a dispute or some kind of discussion scrolled in his head what needed to be said and what could be said in response. These imaginary dialogues are called zhuska, and in Russian - "wit on the stairs."

Fugu state

No, we are not talking about fish now, although it is she in the photo. We are talking about a state when a person does something, talks, goes somewhere, but is not aware of all this, and then cannot remember that he did all this. This may be the result of drug or alcohol abuse.

Incredible Facts

Test yourself.

They say that our real life is one of the many cycles of life. In Buddhism they say that each person is not just a person, but a whole treasure of a huge flow of energy.

After the death of a person, this flow passes to another person, and a new cycle begins. It is believed that our life today is direct reflection experiences from past lives. In Buddhism, each person is reborn for the purpose of learning and doing in the next life something that he could not do in the previous one.

If you believe it, you will be able to find a large number of signs and confirmations that you have reincarnated more than once. And now let's talk about the most common signs that you are not the first time living in the world.

past lives

1. You have recurring dreams.

Throughout your life you see very realistic dreams that repeat over and over again. Often in a dream, it seems to you that you are not sleeping at all, or you can even see yourself waking up.

This may be a sign that you have already come to Earth in other incarnations and therefore you are experiencing the experience of previous lives in your dreams.

2. You feel like you are older than your age.

The expression "very old soul" is very appropriate for you. You don't understand the reason why it seems to you that you know so many things of life, as if you had lived a very long life and gained experience.

Moreover, many people around you say that you are too mature person for his age. Your peers often turn to you for advice because they consider you experienced and wise.

3. You have a very developed intuition

It often happens that you know what will happen in specific situation, since, apparently, you remember at the subconscious level what happened in similar situations in past lives.

You have a great intuition about other people, as you have seen a lot of this in your previous incarnations.

soul, journey

4. You know what's out of this world

You often feel like you are a stranger in this world. As if you already had experience in other conditions, but you cannot realize and remember it. You get the impression that you are incredibly different from other people.

They say that in this case a person experiences nostalgia for home, that is, for the place where all souls gather before next life. Buddhists say that the oldest souls, those who know the most and who have gone through fire, water and copper pipes, have the greatest need to return home.

5. You have a lot of empathy for others.

It is not clear to you why, but you have a very sensitive attitude towards others and you sometimes understand them better than yourself. You can even learn from afar about their feelings or at a glance.

This is especially true with those who are very dear to you. You know how they feel, even if you are thousands of miles away.

6. You know how to anticipate

It is the feeling that you are certain of what will happen in certain situations. Most often it manifests itself in the form of a premonition, a vision, or an incredibly vivid sensation.

It is said to speak of your soul's journey through several different dimensions.

7. You are a religious person

You feel your closeness to God or to some higher power. You consider the energy that you receive during prayers and rituals to be extremely important and feel it.

It's like you have a connection with higher powers. You are sure that someone from afar is taking care of you, and you feel this unconditional love.

8. You like history

When you were a child, you had an inexplicable love for a particular historical event Or some culture? They say that having an inexplicable attraction to a certain culture or time period is a kind of leftover past life, which brings to mind the certain place, culture.

9. You have inexplicable fears.

It is said that we can experience traces of trauma from our past lives in the form of unexplained fears and phobias. Examples include: fear of drowning, fear of certain animals, fear of a specific place, fear of specific numbers or colors, etc.

Future lives, past lives

10. You know how to judge a book by its cover.

Watching how a person behaves for just a few minutes, you can tell a lot about this person, about his character and lifestyle.

Like you have software, which helps you look around and download information about other souls. This is because in a past life you saw the archetype of this person and are familiar with general behavior and psychology of such people.

11. You can not be deceived

You do not naive person. You are not susceptible to brainwashing like other people. When you see this, you subconsciously understand that deception is taking place. You also see through people, you know their real intentions.

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The fact that a person likes you can be understood not only after the recognition “on the forehead”, but also by the unconscious behavior of the admirer.

website collected confessions of anonymous lovers from the Internet. This is what they think betrays the feelings of most people. What is most curious, people unconsciously behave in this way, regardless of gender and age.

  • People of the first type always try to be closer to the object of their feelings: go to places where they can cross, try to stumble, as if by chance, touch at every opportunity (push a little, then, apologetically, hug, etc.).
  • People of the second type, on the contrary, avoid the person they like, and when talking, they are rude, because it seems to them that the “victim” either guesses about their feelings, or now they are simply not good enough to appear before her. And if "object X" goes up, they will automatically go down.

So if from you recent times someone shied away or, on the contrary, often accidentally intersects with you, know: all this is not without reason.

  • The lover often looks at his object of adoration: he always seems to have missed some important detail. If this unrequited love without a chance, then there will be even more views: it’s better that way than nothing.

    However, if a glance is intercepted, then often a “second front” is suddenly activated in a lover: for example, the nearest curtain requires immediate inspection or an unfamiliar grandmother in the next room is clearly eager to meet.

With conversations, there are also two options:

  • In a person, the "alloy" of a poet, philosopher and journalist wakes up sharply; he speaks the most difficult and interesting topics even if you never thought about them in your life. A bonus sometimes connects a kaveenshchik.
  • An adequate and well-read person turns into a dumb sheep with vocabulary like a stool. If you are one of those people, try not to overdo it with trying to impress the interlocutor.
  • People often talk about the person they like with others. or trying to bring the conversation to this topic. Even if they have serious conversation with a company of colleagues, hearing out of the corner of my ear desired name, they will casually go over to a neighboring company.
  • Interesting detail: a person can talk about the object of desire even very, very negatively, allegedly proving to himself and everyone around him that he doesn’t like him at all: “Masha is kind of strange ...”, “Come on, this Dima is such an idiot!”
  • Or another way - emphasizing similarities in conversation, for example: “It seems that only Pasha and I are watching Game of Thrones.”
  • When the person you like comes into view, the hero inner romance, most likely, unconsciously smiles, and when meeting, involuntarily raises eyebrows- from an overabundance of emotions.
  • And when everyone in the company begins to laugh at someone's joke, lovers, without noticing it themselves, First of all, they look at the one they like.
  • A person in love may suddenly become interested in the same things as the object of his feelings: abruptly begin to get involved in sports, read literature unusual for him, etc.

Oh yes, we almost forgot about the constant checks of the counter of page views of the object in in social networks and unconscious hatred for all his close friends of the opposite sex. What can you do - love!

P.S.: Of course, there are exceptional people (however, as elsewhere), to convict of such behavior, no matter how hard you try, it will not work.

You can love in different ways, and there is no one way to understand that you really fell in love, and not, say, just seriously carried away by someone. However, if you listen to yourself and evaluate your behavior when you are close to the person you like, then you can draw certain conclusions that will reveal to you the secret - is it love or not.


  1. Consider if you can imagine your future without your loved one. If you are in love, then the answer is no. Actually, if at any time of the day or night, in any situation and next to any people, you cannot imagine yourself without her or him, you have fallen in love. Whatever you dream about - about moving to another city, about children, about living a year in another country or achieving something, if you fall in love, you should represent your loved one next to you. If you can't imagine anything without it, then you've fallen in love. However, there are a number of other signs that you have fallen in love:

    • You can't even think about starting a new one life stage without the person you love.
    • You think about children, but do not even allow the thought that the children may not be from your loved one.
    • You cannot imagine that you will grow old without your loved one.
  2. See if you can spend at least a few hours without thinking about your loved one. Love and obsession with someone are not the same thing. Essentially, these are two different feelings. If you have healthy loving relationship, then you should be able to spend some time away from each other, without returning every now and then to thoughts about what that person is doing now. However, if you can spend a whole weekend, or even a whole month, without thinking about your loved one, then perhaps there is no love between you yet. Here are other signs that you are in love:

    • When reading a book or watching a movie without your loved one, you think about whether she/he would like this work or not.
    • When buying clothes for yourself without your loved one, you think about whether she / he would like these things or not.
    • If you write or call your loved one just to say “Hi” or just to hear your favorite voice, then you have fallen in love.
  3. Try to understand whether you really value the opinion of your loved one. If you really fell in love, then you will not see your loved one as something ideal and infallible - on the contrary, for you it will be alive, real man having personal opinion. And if you really fell in love, then you will appreciate this opinion - and opinion on any issue. Of course, it is not at all necessary to be interested in the opinion of your loved one on any issue. In general, the principle is as follows: if you do not properly value the opinion of your loved one, then this is hardly love. Here are other signs that you are in love:

    • If, taking important decisions, you take into account the opinion of your loved one.
    • If, being in a difficult situation, you enlist the opinion of your loved one, then this is really love.
    • If you value the opinion of a loved one on issues and topics that are important to you, then you have fallen in love.
  4. Think about whether you want to become better for the sake of a loved one. If you really fell in love, then the status quo is no longer for you, even if everything seems to suit you anyway. Of course, the fact that you are satisfied with the established relationships and who you are in them is important. However, if you really fell in love, then you want to become better, you definitely want to! And, according to tradition, other signs that you have fallen in love:

    • If you want to read more books to know more, to know more, to become more developed personality not only to make your loved one feel good, but because that person motivates you to change for the better.
    • If the mere fact that you are together makes you work on your shortcomings and develop character, then this is love.
  5. Stop for a second and think about whether you are feeling lately, so to speak, best version myself? If you fell in love, then your loved one, as it were, helps you to reveal all the best in yourself. The principle is simple: you fell in love, you want to spend your whole life together and, accordingly, become better. If you do not observe such a feeling in yourself, then perhaps it is not love. And yes, new signs of love:

    • If you feel more beautiful than everyone around when next to your loved one (even if you are wearing completely ordinary clothes).
    • If you feel smarter and wittier than everyone when your loved one is with you.
    • If next to your loved one you feel most confident and do not worry about what you can say something stupid.
  6. Think about whether you notice flaws in your loved one. Think about whether they interfere with you. If you really fell in love, then the flaws of that person will not hide from you, and this is normal. If it seems to you that the object of your feelings is perfection itself, then, alas, you still have problems, and serious ones. If you know about certain shortcomings of your loved one and can put up with them, then this, most likely, is love.

    • Of course, just because you can put up with these shortcomings doesn't mean you shouldn't try to fix the situation!
    • If you cannot find a single flaw in your loved one, then this is not love.
    • If you and your loved one can laugh at each other's shortcomings, then that's love.

    Part 1

    Pay attention to your actions
    1. Do you like helping your loved one? Love, as they say, is not only when you receive, but also when you share! Accordingly, even if you only have a pack of instant noodles left, you will be happy to share it with your loved one. You will be happy to help and help out, for that matter, a loved one. Of course, this is not a reason to turn your neck and let you sit on it - be prepared to receive help in return. Here are the next signs that you are in love:

      • If you don't feel like you're wasting your time ordering your loved one a coffee or other gastronomic surprise.
      • If you like to help your loved one by teaching him anything.
    2. Pay attention to whether the person you love can make you laugh. You know, there is always time for laughter, even if we are talking about lofty matters and feelings. That is, we do not argue, you can sit for hours, be silent and look into each other's eyes ... but wouldn't it be a little, how to put it more delicately, boring? If you really fell in love, then you will like your loved one's sense of humor, and you will not have problems laughing together at a joke. All this is a sign that the two of you are comfortable.

      • If the object of your feelings is able to make you laugh even in the darkest moments, then this is love.
    3. Think about it, do you like to do all sorts of little things and trifles with your loved one? Love is, you know, not only like in the movies. Love is also when the most ordinary, routine and everyday things are not a burden for you if you do them together. Here are some signs that you truly appreciate the time you spend with your loved one:

      • If you like to just sit next to your loved one while watching TV.
      • If going for ice cream with your loved one is as precious to you as going to best restaurant cities.
      • If an unusual date with a loved one and just an evening spent together are equally valuable and pleasant for you.
    4. Remember if you have already experienced difficult trials that you went through together. Love is a path that is not strewn with rose petals (more precisely, it is strewn, but not everywhere). If you are really in love, then there will be much more clear days than gloomy ones, and even in difficult moments you will be satisfied with the relationship. Difficult situations are a kind of test of the strength of your relationship. Consider, if you have not yet eaten, as they say, a pound of salt together, then perhaps you do not yet have sufficient reason to say that you really fell in love.

      • If you were able to resolve difficult situation together, whatever it may be, then you have strengthened your relationship.
      • If you were able to bear the death of a loved one with dignity, then it was and is love.
    5. Remember if you are ready to get out of your comfort zone for the sake of your loved one. If you truly love, you will be ready to discover something new for yourself, even if for now this prospect scares you a little. It is not at all necessary, of course, to agree to walking barefoot on coals or something similar, but if a loved one offers you to keep him company during a trip to the other side of the world to his or her distant relatives, then maybe you should not refuse?

      • If you're willing to do something you've never done before because it's important to your loved one, then that's love.
      • If you feel uncomfortable without a loved one nearby, and you are already somehow used to this feeling, then this is love.
    6. Think about whether you are ready to compromise with your loved one. If you have fallen in love, you should know that not everything will always be the way you want it to be. If you break through decisions that are beneficial for yourself for a while, and you are constantly making concessions, then this is not love. Remember - give and receive, give and receive, that's what love is. Compromises are always appropriate.

      • If you're in love, you'll not only be willing to compromise, but you'll also be glad that you've found a solution that works for both of you.
      • Keep in mind that both parties to the relationship must make compromises, otherwise it’s not love.
    7. See if you can stay the person you are. If you are in love, then you do not need to turn into a complete copy of your loved one, giving up all your hobbies, interests and hobbies to replace them with the hobbies of the person you fell in love with. On the contrary, you need to be yourself! If you really fell in love, then this is what you should be able to do without problems:

      • You are not bothered by spending time with your friends and without your loved one (and also when he or she meets with his friends without you).
      • You continue to be fond of what you were fond of, even if the object of your feelings does not share this.
      • You can enjoy the time spent alone with yourself.

    Part 2

    pay attention to your words
    1. Think about whether you can say what you think when you are around your loved one. If you are already in love, then this should not be a problem. Of course, this does not mean that you should only do what to say, talk, talk ... The bottom line is that you should be able to share with him or her pain, feelings and innermost things without any discomfort or regret.

      • If you can pour out your soul to a person and not be afraid of looking stupid, then this is most likely. love.
      • If you can joke next to your loved one without being afraid that he will not understand humor, then this is love.
    2. Think about whether you like to spend hours together, chatting about all sorts of things. If you have fallen in love, then you do not need to have deep and meaningful discussions about the meaning of life, the universe and all that. Believe me, much more often conversations will be conducted on much more mundane topics, and this is normal.

      • If you fell in love, then even a simple discussion of the latest episode of a series and a short conversation during football match will seem to be sufficient.
      • If you have been joking and laughing with your loved one for so long that you have lost the thread of the conversation, but you can afford a phrase like “so what are we talking about?”, then this may be love.
    3. Pay attention to whether you can confess to your loved one your weaknesses. If you're truly in love, the answer is yes, even if you have to show yourself in a very...unattractive way. If you are afraid to open your weak sides, then this is hardly the kind of love that you once read about in books.

      • If you can calmly discuss your mistakes or problems with your loved one, then this is definitely love.
      • It is not at all necessary to tell your loved one everything at all, the important thing is that they are ready to discuss their problems and sorrows.
    4. Try to remember if you are constantly looking for new ways to compliment your loved one. When you are in love, the usual compliments seem to be something insipid, and therefore, accordingly, there is a need for new compliments. If all you can think of are compliments like, "You're okay," then you need to, as they say, dig deeper. You need to praise the best that is in a person, both inside and out.

      • If you yourself are pleasantly surprised that you have no problem finding reasons to compliment, then you are in love.
      • If you always give special compliments dedicated to your loved one, and sincerely, then this is love.
      • If you pay attention to the inside and not the outside.
    • If you are dating, but not really for a long time then don't assume that you love the person and always will. Accept serious decisions things like getting married or losing your virginity may seem like a good idea at the moment, but later on you may realize that you don't love that person and made a mistake.
    • If you fall in love you will notice inner beauty person, not how he looks externally.
    • If you feel that you want only his body from a person, then this is just lust, not love.
    • If you like him/her, you will blush and feel embarrassed around this person. If you truly love a person, you will feel shy but comfortable around them.
    • You need to know if he/she is interested in you.
    • All of this should be titled "How to Know You're Passionate".
    • Don't say you're in love if you're not sure.
    • If you are very close with someone, but you do not have a single thought of physical intimacy, then you are just good friends.
    • If you are truly in love, admit it as soon as possible.
    • If you feel like you're willing to do anything to protect the person you like, you may have fallen in love.