Always have your own opinion. Own opinion & Opinion of others

Everyone has an opinion on just about everything from the most mundane and unimportant topics like the best pizza toppings to really important issues politics and trends in society. It is important to correctly form your own opinion, regardless of the topic. Evaluate your experience and the experience of others, as well as the views of experts and specialists. Explore the issue in as much detail as possible to form a solid and comprehensive opinion. Keep an open mind at all times, as new information can change your views.


Consider experience

    Assess your own biases. When considering a particular topic, the presence of a positive or negative own experience will certainly affect your current beliefs. In any case, it should be understood that experience does not always accurately reflect true position things for a specific question.

    Get out of your comfort zone for a new experience. This is especially useful if you have no experience in a particular subject. For example, if you have a preconceived notion that members of a certain culture or the inhabitants of a certain city behave in a certain way, then visit these places to observe them with your own eyes. You may very well be surprised.

    • You can start small and try a dish that seems "unappetizing" to you. Try to eat it different ways. You may find shrimp unappealing or just plain unpalatable in texture, but in a particular recipe, shrimp tastes great.

    Explore the issue

    1. Read literature on a specific topic. Perhaps this is the most detailed way to investigate the issue. Read articles and studies on the Internet, as well as books from the library. The more you manage to read, the better you will understand the topic.

    2. Consider sources when analyzing information. A reliable source is based on facts that affect all sides of the issue. Beware of copyright articles and materials in popular publications. Often they have an ulterior motive and are written in a way that draws the attention and interest of the reader rather than presenting factual data.

      • Study the opinions of recognized experts and professionals on this issue.
      • If you are collecting information about health care, be aware that the opinions of adherents will be one-sided. Such information may well be useful in understanding the reasons for such an opinion, but it is also recommended to consider views from the opposite camp.
    3. Analyze the author's motives when considering information. If he is simply trying to convince the reader that his point of view is correct (or the only correct one), then do not give such material exceptional value. Try to find objective works with comprehensive consideration.

      • Even a one-sided article can present counterarguments against other points of view. In this case, the author at least took into account other views when forming his own opinion.
      • For example, you still don't know how to treat German Shepherds. An article by an author who also had an unpleasant experience is unlikely to help you form objective opinion if he is trying to convince readers of the dangers of such a breed (or dogs in general).
    4. Listen to other discussions to get the opinion of passionate people. This is especially important in political matters such as supporting a particular party or program. Informed debaters not only state their arguments, but also prepare to parry the arguments of opponents in order to prove the preference for their views.

      • Skillful debaters are able to change your mind by offering a way of looking at the issue and supporting evidence that you have not considered before.
      • If you're a student of health law, then watch TV debates to hear different opinions.
    5. Pay attention to (correct) details so you don't lose focus. Don't fall into the trap of trivia that doesn't really matter, or you risk missing the point. At the same time, certain details, such as the circumstances that led to certain event, will help you to establish your opinion.

      • In the German Shepherd story, details like the time of year or the weather don't really matter. It is much more important if the dog was fed food, and you tried to move the bowl away at that moment.

    Keep an open mind

    1. Ignore personal bias. Admitting bias is good, but ignoring it is even better. Don't let your bias stop you from learning new things. Each piece of information (be it an article or an interlocutor) must be perceived objectively, as if you are dealing with this topic for the first time.

      • Visit a dog shelter or visit the owners of a German Shepherd and act as if you are seeing such a dog for the first time. Be careful and try to find " mutual language» with a sheepdog.
    2. Consider reasons why the person might have a different opinion. This is especially appropriate in sensitive issues and taboo topics. When considering a question, think about why a person might have certain views. Try to find 2-3 arguments in favor of this opinion, even if you do not share it.

      • If you do not support compulsory health insurance, then you should not automatically reject the arguments of the supporters of such a solution. Perhaps there were situations with them when they could not get needed help due to the lack of insurance and the required amount.
      • It should be understood that often such opinions arise only after a person has experienced a similar situation for himself. He may have held the opposite opinion in the past.
      • A changed perspective may even show you in a favorable light, since you are ready to take into account all aspects of the issue.
    • One of better ways form your own opinion - follow your intuition. You may not immediately understand the reason for a particular attitude to a particular topic, but if it was formed instinctively, then trust your intuition.
    • Never put an end to a case if new evidence has emerged that contradicts your views. Keep exploring and see where it takes you.
    • If you have carefully studied the issue and formed your own opinion, then you are ready to share your views with others at the right time and in the right place.


    • People tend to unshakably believe in own views if they have spent a lot of time and effort to study the issue. Always remain calm and respectfully express an opinion or listen to points of view that do not coincide with yours. This will help you avoid conflict situations.

I often hear about how important it is to have your own opinion regarding almost all issues, even those in which a person thinks absolutely nothing. This is what we call freedom, which we all supposedly need. In fact, not many people need this, and those who nevertheless express their opinion, as a rule, have definite purpose, the essence of which is to influence a person in order to force him to act in his own interests. But about everything in order, according to the correct arrangement of thoughts, in which we will find out with you whether you need your opinion and, if necessary, why. To begin with, I want to tell you that I have nothing against you having your own opinion. It is good when you think with your own head and try to look at everything with your own eyes, and do not take on faith other people's thoughts and ideas. However, expressing your opinion is a completely different matter, in which you already begin to influence other people in a certain way, in any case, you are making an attempt to do so. Well, you have your own opinion, so what? Why say it, for what purpose?

Imagine married couple and, say, one of their children, who, let's say, will be ten years old. On the day off, the family is going to have a great time together, for which they need to decide how they will actually spend it. At the same time, each family member may have his own opinion regarding this, the father wants to go fishing, the mother will go to visit, and the child may want to take a walk in the park and ride the rides. And what will happen if they all begin to express their opinion on how best to spend the day off, without insisting on their point of view, but it seems like just like that? Just as you yourself understand, nothing happens, and on the one hand, defending your point of view will lead to conflict, or someone will have to abandon their plans, that is, sacrifice their opinion and their desire, which this opinion promotes, in favor of the world and consent.

Moreover, here it may also be that a more powerful family member can simply force the others to do as he wants, which in turn makes it meaningless to have his own opinion, which is simply unable to translate his desire into reality, which underlies his opinions. And defending one's point of view, which will lead to conflict, is somehow not relevant for a family that should be friendly. In this way, it turns out that it seems to be useful to have your own opinion, but without being able to defend your interests, it is pointless to express it, if only. For example, if in the above family, someone decides to defend their point of view on how the family should spend the weekend, and at the same time not call conflict situation, or the feeling of oppression in those whose point of view will be ignored, as well as the possible impact on a family member who more power, then he needs to convince the rest of the correctness of his decision, to put it forward as the only correct one.

In addition, this can be presented as a decision that the rest of the family members sort of came up with on their own, you only formulated its final version, according to which, the only right decision, there will be a solution that reflects exactly your interests. Of course, this can only be done by a smart and tricky dick family, which is why I gave the example of a child who will be forced to obey, or it is pointless to express his displeasure, despite the fact that he was allowed to express his opinion, but at the same time they did not care about his desire. Of course, parents can be more loyal towards their child, and sometimes do as he wants, but at the same time, it is obvious that adults will not follow his lead, this is simply stupid and will not lead to anything good. You can increase the scale of this family to the size you need, the meaning of this will not change. You can thus look at any team, at the country, and at the world, the essence is the same.

Your opinion is meaningless precisely when you express it, without a clear hope that they will listen to it, that is, if it is not able to influence or you are not able to defend your point of view, forcing everyone to agree with it and therefore act in your interests. Why do people argue, defending their point of view, why is it so important for them to convince others to think this way and not otherwise? After all, the spoken word is always aimed at the material embodiment, otherwise it would not make sense to speak it. However, only an unconsciously living person can claim that he is saying something just like that, expressing his opinion, because he has the right to do so, and again he just needs to show people that they are mistaken. In general, it doesn’t matter how a person argues for expressing his opinion and convincing others in it, since he either has a goal and does not recognize it, or he himself does not understand what he is doing and why, that is, he does not understand how his opinion is connected with his interests.

Obviously one thing Friendly family maybe only if everyone adheres to one opinion, one point of view, and not to pull the blanket each in his own direction, everyone has heard the fable about the swan, cancer and pike. So do you need your opinion, my friends, which of your interests do you want to realize through influence on other people, if you decide to actively express your opinion? If you do not see such goals and you just want to tell others what you think about this or that event, person, decision, and so on, congratulations, you belong to ninety-nine percent of the population living unconscious life. It is this figure that psychologists say, as they thought, I don’t know, but they are probably right, because even I can confirm this, giving an assessment to most of the people with whom I had a chance to communicate.

If you often rely on other people's opinions, know that everyone has their own tastes, values, character, and what is good for others does not always suit you. Therefore it is worth have your own opinion and rely on it. Consider the following tips, they will help you stand up for your opinion!

So, how to learn to defend your opinion:

1. Gain confidence

I think you know what to say and uphold personal opinion often quite difficult. In order to defend your opinion, you need self-confidence and a strong character.

  • So that fear does not force you to hide behind the backs of more confident colleagues, you you need to know and understand your strengths and weak sides and be able to use them.
  • It happens that you do not quite understand the topic where you want to express your point of view. Fill the knowledge gap you will be helped by those who are well versed in this area, and you will be able to argue your personal opinion.
  • If you have a temper never express your opinion rashly- you can hurt yourself. Cool down and think, perhaps you will have a different point of view on the problem.
  • If someone imposes their opinion on you, think well whether it is worth agreeing. It is possible that you do not take someone else's advice just because you want to go against the grain, in which case you will only hurt yourself.

2. Trust your feelings

We've all been wrong about other people and it's very frustrating. If you completely rely on someone else's opinion when you get to know a person, this is a mistake. Thus, you can refuse a relationship with a person who in the future could become your true friend or loved one.

  • To learn to understand people, you you need to see a person as a whole with all the advantages and disadvantages. You can accept him for who he is and avoid unnecessary disappointments.
  • If a friend speaks unflatteringly about your loved one, ask why she thinks so. It is possible that those shortcomings of your beloved that your girlfriend does not accept are insignificant for you. If a friend turns out to be right, and over time you will be disappointed in your once beloved person, do not be upset. After all everyone makes mistakes sometimes. In any case, trust your own intuition!

3. Stand up for your point of view

Surely among your acquaintances there are people who literally force you to accept their point of view. Don't agree!

  • Ask the interlocutor why he believes that his opinion is the only true one. Then talk about your motives and goals, but do not forget to show interest in the opinion of the interlocutor. When discussing a problem, speak to the point, argue your words.
  • Often a person begins to behave aggressively, when they actively impose their opinion on him, he screams, scandals. It will only lead to one unpleasant consequence- rupture of relations. So this is not the way to behave. Refuse calmly and with dignity, without offending anyone.
  • Be sure to thank for the advice when you refuse. It is very important for people when they listen to their opinion, even if they do not act as they advised. But still, sometimes it’s worth listening to someone else’s opinion, it is possible that it’s not others who are mistaken, but you.

We live in an era when it is easier for us to follow the crowd than to try to form our own opinion and have the courage to express it. If something is popular or generally accepted, it becomes doubly scary and uncomfortable to go against this phenomenon. But how often have we seen in history that publicity and popularity are not the best allies of truth? This has happened and is happening all the time. We don't want to appear stupid or vulnerable to criticism from the public or even those close to us. We are afraid to say something that may shock many, although we ourselves are well aware that the thought is true and true. That's why people watch TV, that's why they continue to live full life propaganda in any country in the world.

But if you continue in the same spirit and do not openly express your, perhaps unpopular point of view, you will never become a strong and independent person. You can never become a man of action, bringing your ideas to life. There are many people who will want to take advantage of you when they see that you cannot stand up for your ideas.

You will become more interesting if you stop shutting your mouth. Nobody likes the indecisive and shy people. Or rather, even something else: they may be loved, but they are used in every possible way and do not provide any prospects. Unfortunately, it is not possible for people to live in their own microcosm. modern world. And in itself it is a signal for predators who perceive it as a lack of maturity and inexperience. You must clearly show your views and knowledge in the areas you speak about. This should not be the bravado of a couch warrior, it should be the opinion of a specialist and an intelligent person.

You will also reduce the tension that is bound to be between you and the person who does not understand your views. Innuendo can be a cause of mistrust, anxiety and stress. And both on your part and on the part of the interlocutor. Simply put, we will trust more an opponent we know well than a man on the street who we haven't heard a damn thing about until the moment he knocks on the door.

An important step in forming one's own opinion is training. - this is not a static procedure at all, they must be practiced throughout life. This will give you more confidence. It is difficult to argue with the fact that an opinion based on facts, statistics, personal experience, stands much stronger than the opinion taken from the TV, whose justification is based only on emptiness. Do not hold on to your stupidity, learn better and become wiser.

When you have a detailed concept of the worldview, and your point of view is justified and justified, you will have a great opportunity to influence other people. You can help them do the same, because this is a step forward, not otherwise. Those around you will be inspired by the strength of your personality, smart people I will appreciate your courage and courage. All this sounds beautiful and even a little pathetic, but believe me, it often works. This is how the personality grows. In addition, you will learn how to influence others.

When you think, “I would like to say…” but don’t say it, a very dull image appears in your brain. Desires are clogged like blood vessels with blood clots. And it's also bad for your health. There is such a sour feeling of regret, unfinished business. You look into the past and see many missed opportunities. If you want to get rid of regrets, you need to tell others what you think. Don't be afraid to do it. If your friends, girlfriends or colleagues cannot accept it, you will not go along with them. And conflicts can grow on any ground. The main thing is to be human.

Whether you will be taken seriously is up to you. But your solutions to problems won't come out of nowhere. To do this, you need to trust yourself and be able to express concerns to other people. Let's say your boss offered to solve a problem in production in a certain way. He's your boss and you have to listen to him, right? What if you know more good decision? If you do not show initiative and do not tell about your method, you will make worse not only for yourself, but also for the enterprise. Therefore, many successful companies welcome the initiative from below - this is the key to success.

The truth of life is that the brave ones rule the world. They can be anything: good guys, adventurers, criminals and villains, but they all do what others cannot. When you express your opinion, you automatically set yourself apart from others. Do you understand that not everyone is given such a skill? Most dutifully do what others tell them to do. You have to show heroism to get out of this circle.

You shouldn't be afraid. Although there may be problems and misunderstandings, and in states where there is censorship, there may be criminal liability. But what is the meaning of a person's life if he blindly obeys and destroys all signs of his "I"? Why would he even live then? The answer is yours.