Where and when was the compass invented? When and where exactly was the magnetic compass invented? How did the compass come about?

Very often, the postpartum period is complicated not only by lactation problems, but also by colds. It is against the background of a decrease in immunity after the stress suffered during childbirth that viral infections join. At such a moment, mothers are confused and do not know whether it is possible to breastfeed if their throat hurts.

How to be? Is it worth it to transfer the child to artificial nutrition? Let's talk about this in more detail.

Childbirth is a great stress for the female body, the mechanism of which involves all physiological and biochemical processes immunity is no exception.

For example, after reinforced physical activity you feel exhausted, you have no strength left for additional movements. Recovery comes after rest. So in the case of the birth of a baby, only viruses do not doze off and strive to find themselves when the opportunity arises. good conditions for life.

Entering the body with low defensive forces, viruses begin to multiply, affecting certain organs and systems. As a rule, the first thing that gets hit is the throat. Teeth not treated on time bad condition tonsils and you become a target for infection.

Ways of transmission of infection

The infection is mainly transmitted:

  • by airborne droplets;
  • contact route. For example, when you sneeze, the first thing you do is cover your mouth with your palm, and then, without noticing, touch various subjects leaving germs on them. Thus, the transmission of infection occurs.

Often, infection occurs during visits to relatives who seek to be the first to congratulate on the birth of a baby. Or older children attending preschool and school.

Sore throat is not a contraindication to breastfeeding. It is you with breast milk that supplies the baby with the necessary antibodies and amino acids necessary for his immunity. Until one year old, the child's immune status is imperfect, so feeding continues in the usual rhythm.

If your condition worsens and you need to apply medicines contraindicated during feeding, in such cases, you can transfer the baby to donor milk or use frozen own milk, in the absence of previous options, you can use artificial mixtures for the duration of treatment.

10 First Aid Tips for the First Sign of a Sore Throat

If you feel unwell, a slight rise in body temperature, a sore throat and discomfort when swallowing, do not be upset, this is not a reason to wean your child from yummy. In time, the measures taken will save the situation.

Tip 1. When symptoms of the disease appear, the first thing the mother should wear a mask. This is one of the operational prevention of infection in the future of the baby.

Tip 3. Feeding the baby must be continued, so he receives immunity against viral infections with mother's milk.

Tip 4. When the first symptoms appear, you need to contact a specialist who will choose the right necessary treatment. Do not self-medicate, many drugs are contraindicated during lactation!

Tip 5 Effective local treatment for a sore throat - rinses.

Recipe 1

We take a glass warm water one teaspoon salt, one teaspoon baking soda and 2-3 drops of iodine. Rinse with this solution several times a day.

Recipe 2

If there is intolerance to iodine, you can rinse with ordinary brine. One teaspoon of sea salt is taken in a glass of warm water.

Recipe 3

Rinsing with a solution of furacilin is considered effective. Ready-made solution can be purchased at a pharmacy in the drug manufacturing department.

Rinsing should be at least 3 times a day. After the procedure, you can lubricate the throat with Lugol's solution. The use of homeopathic medicines that help restore immunity in a woman helps a lot, while not affecting lactation.

Tip 6. Abundant, frequent, warm drinking will remove toxins from the body, thereby lowering body temperature and speeding up recovery. Warm milk and a little Borjomi or warm milk, a spoonful of honey and a piece of butter will remove pain in the throat.

Herbal teas will save the situation by lowering the fever, improving the protective function of the body, but not all herbal preparations are recommended during lactation, consult your doctor first.

Tip 7. Mom's diet should contain more vitamins, especially vitamin C. We exclude sweet foods, which are an excellent environment for the vital activity of pathogenic microbes.

Attention! The diet should not affect the condition of the child. Carefully observe your baby's reaction to the introduction of new products in your menu!

Tip 8. Instillation of the nose with a solution of oceanic or sea ​​water helps in the treatment of pain in the throat, increases local immunity of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Tip 9. Keep your feet warm, woolen socks are just right. Foot, warm baths with dry mustard are a great help in the treatment of a sore throat. At elevated temperature this procedure is contraindicated!

Tip 10. General, wet cleaning and ventilation of the room will not leave viruses any chance.

How not to infect a baby with a sore throat

If a breastfeeding mother has a sore throat, there is a high risk that the baby may catch an infection. In order not to infect the baby, a woman must follow simple rules:

· Be sure to breastfeed your baby, as it contains immunoglobulins that help protect against disease.

· Be sure to wash your hands with soap before feeding.

· During feeding, use a four-layer gauze bandage. After each use, it must be replaced with a clean one.

· Ventilate the room often, regardless of the weather and season. At the time of airing the child to take to another room.

· Do regular wet cleaning.

· To reduce the possible risk of infection of the crumbs, make garlic beads. Peel the garlic, divide into cloves and put on a string. Beads place near the crib. Or you can arrange an onion cut into pieces in the room. Onions and garlic are natural phytoncides that prevent the spread of viruses.

· To stimulate immunity, the pediatrician may advise dripping Gipferon or Interferon into the nose.

When a mother is sick, all the care for her and the baby falls on the strong shoulders of the second halves. Yes, yes, the time for rest has not yet come for you dear fathers! If your loved one is sick, surround her with your care, and you will see the recovery period be reduced significantly. Recovery usually takes a few days.

The main thing in the first days is complete rest, mommy can get up to gargle, if necessary, and to feed her child. It is your responsibility to temporarily take over all household duties. Remember, if you endure the disease on your feet, this can lead to complications, then you will have to fulfill the duties of a mother for a long time.

Sore throats in breastfeeding mothers are quite common, so do not panic. During the measures taken, they will put on their feet and retain the opportunity to continue to feed their baby with breast milk.

  • Antibiotic therapy and antipyretic drugs are used only after consulting the attending physician. Unreasonable use of antibiotics can harm the mother and child, provoking the development of dysbacteriosis of the intestinal flora. Not all drugs are applicable during lactation to reduce body temperature. Paracetamol is the only medicine that can be used for fever in a nursing woman.
  • Eating right, drinking plenty of water and gargling will help you quickly solve this little nuisance.
  • It is possible and necessary to feed the baby, when you carry viral infections your body produces immune system antibodies that fight infection. Some of them are transmitted to the baby through mother's milk, thereby protecting him from microbial attacks. The main thing during the period of illness is not to forget to wear a mask and wash your hands every time.
  • The room where the sick mother is located must be constantly ventilated and we must not forget about wet cleaning. Viruses and bacteria do not like this very much.
  • It is desirable that the baby be isolated for this period, but if this is not possible, you can get out of the situation as follows: put a plate of chopped onion near the patient’s bed or a swab soaked in tea tree oil, this will destroy microbes in the air of the room. Another method of prevention is to lubricate the wings of the baby's nose with oxolin ointment.
  • The main advice is to limit the visit of guests during the period when epidemics of viral and bacterial diseases break out. Stop kissing, kissing your crumbs, his immunity is only formed due to breast milk and vaccines, and he does not need unnecessary provocations.

A sore throat is not a terrible ailment, if measures are taken in time, there will be no trace of the problem. If there is no improvement within 3 days, do not delay visiting a doctor. Remember, your baby needs you, so you need to be careful about your health.

We invite you to solve the riddle:

You won't get lost along the way

Holding a box with a magnetic arrow in the palm of your hand.

It will help you stay on track.

And lead to the appointed point.

You easily guessed, of course, that this is a compass. This is a great invention, which rightfully belongs to category four the greatest inventions of mankind, preserved and used to this day. The compass was the first navigation device, which helped the navigators navigate the open sea.

The essence of the structure of the compass is a magnetic needle mounted on a small rod and capable of freely rotating in all directions. The arrow points to the North. In accordance with its location, other objects that are on Earth are plotted on the map. Due to this, the compass is used in orientation not only on water, but also on land.

The question of where the compass was invented and who invented the compass does not have an exact answer. Long time yet it was believed that the discovery, based on an iron magnetized arrow, belongs to China. The semblance of a compass was originally used for orientation when moving through the desert. The primacy of the invention of the device and the country in which the compass was invented are disputed by Indians, Italians, Arabs, French. In all arguments and evidence there are inaccuracies, inconsistencies. Unfortunately, judgments have survived to this day, records of this discovery only in the minds of scientists and assumptions about who invented the compass, and not the testimony of navigators.

In the third century, there was already a description of the first compass, which belongs to the Chinese scientist Hen Fei-tzu. It was like a polished spoon with a handle, which was mounted on a plate made of wood or copper. The directions of the light were marked on the plate. Having positioned the magnetite spoon in such a way that the stalk did not touch the plane, they began to rotate it. That side of the world, which the stalk pointed to after its independent stop, denoted the south.

Exist Chinese legend about who invented the compass. During the reign of Lord Huang Di, big fight, during which evil spirit with the help of witchcraft, he let in a thick fog. In this position, the soldiers could not fight: they did not see anything around them, they did not understand where the rear was and where the front was. The enemy suddenly emerged from the fog and dealt a fatal blow. The situation was very deplorable. Only one dignitary named Feng-hou sat on his chariot and thought. He was looking for a way out of this situation. It was necessary to come up with something that would help to navigate in the cardinal directions. This man was very wise. Under the roar of battle, he made a chariot and installed on it the figure of a little iron man, who always pointed his outstretched hand south, no matter which way the chariot turns. Feng-hou is said to be the inventor of the first compass.

Magnetic device for determining cardinal points in daytime days is first mentioned in Chinese book dated 1044. After 44 years, a slightly improved compass was described in his work by the Chinese scientist Shen Ko. At present, this version that the Chinese were the first inventors of the compass is questioned. One thing is undeniable - the Chinese were among the first to guess the principle of the compass. In the 11th century, a compass was already present at the stern of all Chinese ships.

Europe got acquainted with a marvelous invention thanks to Arab merchants at the beginning of the XXII century. As early as the 11th century, all Arab merchant ships had compasses. Then the compass was a bowl of water in which a wooden plank or cork with a magnetized arrow inserted into it floated. (On an Arab ship, the compass was made in the form of an iron fish, which, when immersed in water, invariably pointed north.) Following the Arabs, the sailors of Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, and England began to use the compass. With the help of such a compass, it was possible to find out where the north and south are. Around this time, the compass was guessed for convenience to cover with glass.

An improved model of the compass was invented by the Italian Flavio Joya in the 14th century. For the convenience of determining other cardinal points, he proposed breaking the compass circle into sixteen parts. He also improved the rotation function by adding a pin under the arrow.

We may not be able to find out exactly who invented the compass. Too many doubts about this recent times. One thing is clear: a simple and very smart device helped humanity make a giant leap forward in its development.

The magnetic compass is one of the greatest discoveries in the history of mankind. It was thanks to this device that the Great geographical discoveries.

What is a compass and what is it for?

The compass is an amazing device, using which you can always determine your exact location relative to the cardinal points. Undoubtedly, his invention is one of the greatest achievements humanity, thanks to which all the great geographical discoveries were perfect. The invention of this device has the same significance for navigation as the beginning of the use of gunpowder in military affairs. Thanks to the compass, new level rose cartography.

In order to accurately lay routes (primarily by sea), you need to know where you are and in which direction you are heading. Ancient sailors determined their location using the sun and stars. But they were not always visible. In the old days, ships tried not to go out to sea and stay close to the coast. According to the landmarks on the shore, the sailors determined their position.

Only the invention of the compass and sextant made it possible to make long journeys and discover distant lands. Who invented the compass is not exactly known. It is believed that this device was invented in ancient China. However, then it was repeatedly improved, and the device that exists today bears very little resemblance to its distant ancestor.

The principle of operation of the compass is that the magnetic needle interacts with magnetic field Earth and located along lines of force planets.

Simply put, the magnetic needle will always be rotated along the magnetic line of the Earth. One end of it will point to the North magnetic pole our planet, and the second - to the South Pole.

The invention of the compass

What kind of people first guessed to use the Earth's magnetic field to determine their exact position relative to the cardinal points? Scientists believe that they were Chinese.

Historians suggest that the first compass was invented in China during the Han Dynasty. It was the Chinese who discovered amazing properties magnetic iron. True, they used this mineral at first not for navigation, but for divination. Their description can be found in the ancient Chinese treatise "Lunheng".

The Chinese were the first to use magnetized iron to determine the cardinal points. Even the name of the scientist is called - Shen Gua, who lived during the Song Dynasty. At first, magnetic iron was cast special shapes which were then placed in a vessel filled with water. In 1119, Zhu Yu proposed the use of a compass with a needle. This is reported in the Chinese treatise "Table Talk in Ningzhou".

There is a description of another ancient Chinese compass, made in the form of a spoon with a thin handle. The spoon was made from magnetic material. It was installed on a polished surface, so that the handle of the spoon did not touch the surface. It was he who showed the sides of the world. The polished surface was often decorated with the signs of the Zodiac or designations of the countries of the world.

This device is considered one of the four great Chinese inventions: gunpowder, paper, typography and compass. But, as you understand, the information about that distant era is rather vague and uncertain, so many scientists doubt it.

Compass in Europe and the East

It is believed that the ancient Chinese used the compass to navigate the deserts. They were also equipped with Chinese ships.

In the XII century, a similar device appeared among the Arabs. It remains not entirely clear: they themselves invented it or borrowed it from the Chinese. In Europe, the compass appeared in the XII or XIII century. Some scientists believe that the Europeans borrowed its device from the Arabs, others argue that they thought of this invention on their own. The first to use the compass were Italian sailors.

Mentions of this device can be found in the Kipchaks in 1282 and in al-Makrizi. Both of them describe the use of the compass at sea. It was adopted from the Italians by the Spaniards and the Portuguese, and then by the British and French. It was the use of this device that allowed Europeans to discover new continents, cross oceans and make the first trip around the world.

What did the first instruments look like?

At that time, the compass was very different from the device that we are used to seeing today. At first, it was a container of water in which a piece of wood or cork floated, a magnetic needle was inserted into it. To protect the vessel from wind and water, they began to cover it with glass.

This instrument was not very accurate. The magnetic needle looked like a thick needle. It is worth adding that the first devices were very expensive, and only very few people had the opportunity to purchase them. wealthy people. Then there was an improvement of this device.

In the 14th century, the Italian scientist Flavio Gioia proposed to put a magnetic needle on vertical axis, and attach a coil to the arrow, breaking it into 16 points. This innovation was very much liked by the sailors. A century later, the coil was already broken into 32 points, and it became even more convenient. The compass itself began to be placed in a special suspension in order to reduce the influence of sea rolling on it.

In the 17th century, a direction finder appeared - a special ruler with sights, which was fixed on the lid. The device has become even more convenient.

Modern appliances

Nowadays, despite the advent of satellite navigation, the gyrocompass, the usual magnetic compass continues to faithfully serve people. Certainly, modern appliances bear little resemblance to their medieval predecessors. They are made using the latest technologies and materials.

Today, the usual magnetic compass is most often used by tourists, geologists, climbers, travelers and just lovers of excursions and hikes. Ships and aircraft have long been using other, more advanced instruments. An electromagnetic compass that excludes interference from the metal hull of the ship, a gyrocompass that accurately points to geographic pole or satellite navigation devices.

But of all the instruments that indicate the direction and cardinal points, the ordinary compass is the simplest and most unpretentious. It does not require electricity, it is simple, convenient and reliable. And will always show you right direction to a safe harbor.

The history of the compass will be of interest not only to specialists. The compass can be safely included in the list of the greatest discoveries of mankind. Thanks to him, cartography was later created, which allowed a person to learn about new ones. We owe it to the compass. After all, before its appearance, travelers were guided only by the stars and geographical objects. But these landmarks were highly dependent on the weather. Ordinary clouds could easily disarm a traveler. Since the invention of the compass, these problems have disappeared. But the history of the creation of the compass requires a more detailed story. Well, let's start!

Compass: the history of its discovery

The word "compass" itself comes from the ancient British "compass", meaning "circle". Most modern historians claim that the compass was invented in China in the 1st century BC. BC e. Although there is evidence that this device existed as early as the 2nd millennium BC. e. In any case, then the compass was a small piece of magnetized metal that was attached to a wooden plank that was in a vessel of water. Such a compass was used when driving through the deserts. It was also used by astrologers.

The history of the discovery of the compass says that in Arab world it appeared in the 8th century, and in - only in the 12th century. The Italians were the first to adopt this device from the Arabs. Then the Spanish, Portuguese and French began to use the compass. The Germans and the British were the last to learn about the new device. But even at that time, the compass device remained as simple as possible: the magnetic needle was fixed on a cork and lowered into the water. It was in the water that the cork, supplemented by an arrow, was oriented accordingly. In the XI century. all in the same China, a compass needle appeared, which was made from an artificial magnet. As a rule, it was made in the form of a fish.

The history of the compass was continued in the XIV century. The baton was taken over by the Italian F. Gioia, who managed to significantly improve this device. In particular, he decided to put a magnetic needle on a vertical hairpin. This simple, at first glance, device helped to significantly improve the compass. In addition, a coil was attached to the arrow, divided into 16 points. Two centuries later, the division of the coil was already 32 points, and the box with the arrow began to be placed in a special gimbal. Thus, the pitching of the ship ceased to affect the compass. In the 17th century the compass was equipped with a rotating ruler, which helped to more accurately count the direction. In the XVIII century. he had a direction finder.

But the history of the creation of the compass does not end there. In 1838, a way was found to neutralize the influence of the ship's iron products on this device. And in 1908, a gyrocompass appeared, which became the main navigational instrument. It is he who always points to the north. Today, the exact direction of movement can be found using satellite navigation, however, many ships are equipped with them for additional verification or in case of technical problems. Thus, the history of the creation of the compass has not even hundreds, but thousands of years.