How to become successful in your career. Allow yourself the right to be wrong

What did you think of under the chiming clock on New Year, is it really a cherished promotion? Your dream can come true if you listen to career advice.

Allow yourself the right to be wrong

Rejection is never pleasant. It corrodes you from the inside, lowers your self-esteem and almost deprives you of hope for a brighter future. But what if you look at the situation from the other side? What if failure is a big help on the road to success? Look at things philosophically: a person cannot win every time, but every day he makes a move forward. So our failures can also become driving force. If your first attempt fails, you always have a second and subsequent chance.

Talking to colleagues before visiting the boss

When your group is working on a difficult project, at some stage natural desire contact your superiors for help. However, before entering his office, it would not be superfluous to warn colleagues about this. Perhaps they will dissuade you from a rash step by offering valuable ideas.


Your career has several components, including informal communication with colleagues. Modern corporate requirements do not accept loners fighting for personal wealth. The bosses believe that if you do not know how to work in a team, you do not want to work for the good of the company itself. Therefore, do not position other employees as your direct competitors. Find each other in in social networks, have lunch together, take a walk in the vicinity of the building and offer your help.

Don't be afraid to look helpless

People are afraid to ask for help because they don't want to appear incompetent in the eyes of their colleagues. However, if you are unable to complete a task, it may be the only way out enabling you to move forward. To avoid feeling too helpless, sketch out a few potential solutions. Colleagues or the boss will choose the best one or suggest an alternative.

Speak up more often

If you are an introvert, the very thought of business meeting makes you feel a little panicky. You can cope with your nerves if you give yourself a clear statement: today I will offer at least three valuable ideas. Closed people capable of longer and more detailed reflection, therefore, as a rule, they are the driving force of progress.

Gratitude to colleagues

Find out what your colleagues value most. The tactic of gratitude supports team spirit and unites team members even more. Thank you not only for your help, but also for your work. If someone especially loves pleasant words in your address, show this person such a courtesy. Give a friend a friendly pat on the shoulder, or order a croissant and coffee for a member of staff.

Don't be afraid to ask for a raise

When you work hard to change for the better, but your superiors are unwilling to recognize your merit, it is unsettling. However, just because the manager didn't put you on the quarterly bonus list doesn't mean he doesn't notice your efforts. Politely ask your boss if your promotion is part of his plans.

Encourage Brainstorming

If you are a boss and a subordinate comes to you for help, before discussing a decision, arrange brainstorm. Ask the employee for any ideas. If he's in a quandary, give him some time to think before you have your coffee.

You might be surprised how often people sabotage their career paths without realizing it. Even if you think you have Good work and are able to deal with it easily, but there may be some errors that we usually do not pay attention to, but are actually very important. If you want to be the best at work and get promoted, look at the mistakes that keep us from having a successful career.

1. Too much help

You can't be the best of staff if you always put your tasks aside to help your co-workers. You are not them personal teacher and not a nanny. Then why should you do someone else's work? You perform these tasks for free, and your own depends on it. Do you want to spend your precious time and effort to make someone's life easier? Your boss is likely to reward those who give top scores but not those that are naturally good. Sometimes being a little helpful.

2. Too much routine

Getting stuck in a rut is one of the paths where your career may end. Your routine showers you with a lot of boring everyday duties and takes a huge part of your energy. It makes you forget about any growth and the only thing you can think about is the end of the working day. Don't be afraid to get more interesting projects and try to develop yourself all the time. Look for ways to learn some new things and expand your knowledge.

3. Wrong choice of target

Do you want to get promoted? When do you hope to receive it? If your answer is "yes, I want to, but I don't know when," then you have installed wrong goals. The goal to achieve the most at work is to imagine it. I'm serious, there's nothing impossible that we can't achieve, except for eternity, of course. If you want to become a manager or you want to start your own own business, what are you waiting for? Install precise targets and do your best to reach them.

4. Perfectionism

Being a perfectionist is also bad for your career. Even if you work hard to make everything perfect, paying too much attention to detail can also get you into trouble. You won't get promoted if you try to idealize your every assignment. While your colleagues will be taking over challenging tasks, you'll have to keep doing the same job, because you can't leave it until it's done perfectly, the way you want it to be.

5. Stress

When you're at work, when things go wrong, it's not really serious problem. Ignoring these signs of stress and pretending everything is fine when it really isn't can ruin your career. Not to mention that it can also damage your health. Learn to control your stress levels and control your emotions. If you notice it's hard for you to focus on your tasks, irritability becomes business as usual and often forget new information, this is a sure sign to take a break.

6. Choosing the wrong career path

One of the most common mistakes many people make in their lives is the wrong career path. If you are not very interested in your work and do not think about promotion, you will never be successful. When you think only about money, it means that you do not like what you are doing and believe that all promotions are about money, nothing else. Although earn more money necessary, you can't be happy when you hate your job.

7. Overwork

There is big difference between, work and work too much. Many successful people work 2 hours a day and manage to complete their tasks on time. Overwork can lead to physical and emotional health problems, and what's more, your performance gets worse when you don't have time to get enough rest and sleep.

We often subconsciously sabotage our careers. You think you love your job, but then you see that time flies and you are in the same position and getting the same salary, the same hope of getting a promotion in the future. But now I hope you understand what prevents you from being successful at work.

How to be successful in your career

Many of us dream of dizzying career. The imagination imagines a separate office overlooking a cloudless sky, a company car, perhaps without a flashing light, but with a personal driver, an alert secretary and "thirty-five thousand one couriers." The beauty! But just how to achieve all this? What qualities will make it possible to achieve success and beat the competition?

1. Purposefulness.

Careerists do not waste their time on empty dreams. They strive to make the dream come true. For a fairy tale to come true, it is necessary set a goal and think about ways to implement it. And at the same time soberly assess their own capabilities. You also need to outline the path to achieve the goal, imagine the route along which you will move towards the dream. And start taking action.

2. Planning your future.

Careerists are constantly working for their own future in order to meet it fully armed. They strive to prove that they deserve more high position than the one currently occupied. And do not hesitate to demonstrate it to others - and appearance and knowledge and ambition. If for more high office, which is claimed by a person striving to succeed in his career, he will need expand professional opportunities , he will acquire the necessary skills: get a job in advanced training courses, learn foreign language, will master the related field in the profession. So in the present, the careerist lays the foundation for his future. Therefore, he is always ready to do more than is required of him.

3. Self-discipline.

In order to do more and succeed in everything, you need discipline. If there is no habit of working regularly, day after day, then it will have to be developed. Of course, it will be difficult to get used to the fact that Life is going Scheduled. Not everyone can bear busy schedule and ordering of actions. Therefore, in order to avoid disruptions, you need to rest. On holidays and weekends, of course, we are free to do whatever we want: sleep, walk and have fun. The opportunity to relax restores strength. Such pauses are necessary, but they should not be too long, otherwise it will be unbearable to return to life according to a strict routine.

4. Caring for people.

If you want to succeed in your career, you need to learn take care not only about yourself, but also about other people. A high position implies the ability to work with people, to be responsible for them. In order for a manager to effectively manage subordinates, he must have their trust. People support those who are attentive to them, who help solve their problems. When you care about people, you should not expect an instant return, this is a long-term investment.

It seems that fans of psychological extreme will be disappointed, with fights without rules and walks on the heads of colleagues, the actions of real careerists have little in common. good career build, not conquer. Therefore, we will have to strengthen, not destroy, create, not destroy.