Speech therapy classes quiz school supplies speech development. Outline of a lesson in speech therapy (preparatory group) on the topic: Speech therapy quiz

Purpose: in game form consolidate the knowledge acquired by students in the classroom


  1. Consolidation and expansion of children's knowledge of proverbs;
  2. Development of attention, memory, thinking, speed, auditory perception, development of word formation skills, sound analysis the words;
  3. Activation and verification of existing educational knowledge in children;
  4. General Comprehensive mental development students.

The quiz is a great opportunity to gain knowledge and at the same time, have fun with your friends. The rules are simple, it's easy to play, the main thing is to have a rich supply of information, as well as be able to make decisions quickly, since the participants of the quiz also try to quickly answer the questions. This type of work helps children to spend time usefully, which sometimes does not work. Quiz develops creative activity students, their ingenuity, ingenuity.

This type of work was carried out for the first time. The tasks were mainly selected according to the program passage of the material in the lessons. According to the results of the quiz check, all classes adequately answered the questions.

Based on a survey of teachers elementary school, it turned out that this species work is very interesting and useful, and most importantly needed! You can increase the number of tasks, complicate them, and somewhere on the contrary, make them easier. There were even proposals from high school teachers with a request to develop tasks for high school. In general, there is something to think about and something to work with. The main thing is that this type of work is needed. Therefore, in next year speech therapy quizzes will be included in school life legally. See you!

Speech therapy quiz Grade 1

1 task. Answer the questions

✔ Home for tutorials.
✔ Letters that do not make up a sound.

✔ Apple, tangerine, pear - in one word.

✔ Wardrobe, bed, table - in a word.

✔ We ourselves with ears
✔ More business, less dreams

✔ Moose will not lead to good

3 task. "Freezes". It is necessary to form adjectives from nouns.
Example: Rook-Rook Nest

✔ Dog paw -
✔ Wolf head -
✔ Lion head -
✔ Wood grouse tail -
✔ Crow's Nest -

4 task. A letter from Grandfather Bookvoed (this is a grandfather who deliberately confuses letters in words). Listen to what is written here. Correct the "wrong" words.

He grabbed the tongs and tore out the oak.

2. The hunter shouted: Oh!
The doors are chasing me!

3. The cauldron gored me,
I am very angry with him.

4. Drags a mouse into a mink
Huge bread pile.

5. Didn't learn lessons
And he played football.
That's why in the notebook
There was a goal.

5 Task. Compose a "word-title" of the story according to the "addresses" of the letters in the alphabet.
The first letter of this word lives immediately after the letter "E", the second letter is before the letter "Z", the third letter is located between "Z" and "Y", the last letter - before the letter "L" what word did you get??

6 Task. "Make a word."
Twilight, coolness, ice, school, gift, hook, jump

Speech therapy quiz Grade 2

✔ What part of speech answers the questions: What does it do? What do?, What will do?
✔ How many vowels are there in Russian?
✔ What is the most common punctuation mark at the end of a sentence?
✔ If yesterday was Tuesday, what day will be the day after tomorrow?
✔ A word opposite in meaning to the word "CURVE"?
✔ Notebook for writing homework.

✔ Is the word opposite in meaning to the word "FAST"?
✔ Name a letter consisting of two sounds.
✔ Very large - in one word.
✔ One of the twelve parts of the year.

2 Task. Find in proverbs and sayings "naughty" letters that have fallen out of place.
Example: Care is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest (work)

✔ We ourselves with ears
✔ More business, less dreams
✔ Not the dough paints the person, but the person the dough
✔ Cow in the yard, milk on the pole
✔ Moose will not lead to good

3 task. "Freezes". Form adjectives from nouns. Example: Rook Nest - Rook

✔ Dog paw -
✔ Wolf head -
✔ Lion head -
✔ Wood grouse tail -
✔ Crow's Nest -

1. Didn't learn lessons
And he played football.
That's why in the notebook
There was a goal.

2. On the wolf - sour cream,
Curd, milk.
And I'd love to eat
Yeah, it's hard to get.

3. The doctor reminded Uncle Vita:
“Don't forget one thing:
Be sure to accept
10 herons before bed.”

4. Under the birches, where is the shade,
The old day is gone.

5. We did not write letters:
They searched for the cloud all day.

5 Task. Compose the "word-title" of the story by the "addresses" of the letters in the alphabet. The first letter of this word lives immediately after the letter "E", the second letter is in front of the letter "Z", the third letter is located between "Z" and "Y", the last letter is in front of the letter "L". what was the word?

6 Task. "Make a word."
Determine the 3rd letter in each word, make a new word out of them.
Twilight, coolness, ice, school, gift, hook, jump. What was the word???

Speech therapy quiz Grade 3

1 task. Answer the questions:
✔ How many vowels are there in Russian?
✔ What is the most common punctuation mark at the end of a sentence?
✔ What is the name of the main part of the word?
✔ If yesterday was Tuesday, what day will be the day after tomorrow?
✔ A word opposite in meaning to the word "CURVE"?
✔ Notebook for writing homework.
✔ What is the name of the part of the word that comes before the root?
✔ Always in the mouth, not swallowed.

✔ Is the word opposite in meaning to the word "FAST"?
✔ Name a letter consisting of two sounds.
✔ Very large - in one word.
✔ One of the twelve parts of the year.

2 Task. Find in proverbs and sayings "naughty" letters that have fallen out of place. Example: Care is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest (work)

✔ Forest is cut, caps fly
✔ Regiment in sheepskin
✔ Lies have short nails
✔ Found a goat on a stone

3 task. "Freezes". Form adjectives from nouns. Example: Rook nest - Grachinoe

✔ Crane nest -
✔ Goose feather -
✔ Chicken Feather -
✔ Fur coat -
✔ Leather gloves -

4 task. A letter from Grandfather Bookvoed (this is a grandfather who deliberately confuses letters in words). Listen to what is written here and correct the "wrong" words

1. There was a doctor on the movements stingy,
He grabbed the tongs and tore out the oak.

2. The hunter shouted: Oh!
The doors are chasing me!

3. On the wolf - sour cream,
Curd, milk.
And I'd love to eat
Yeah, it's hard to get.

4. The doctor reminded Uncle Vita:
“Don't forget one thing:
Be sure to accept
10 herons before bed.”

5. Under the birches, where is the shade,
The old day is gone.

6. We did not write letters:
They searched for the cloud all day.

6 task. "Make a word."
Determine the 3rd letter in each word, make a new word out of them.
Twilight, coolness, ice, school, gift, hook, jump. What was the word???

Speech therapy quiz Grade 4

1 task. Answer the questions
✔ How many vowels are there in Russian?
✔ What is the most common punctuation mark at the end of a sentence?
✔ What is the name of the main part of the word?
✔ If yesterday was Tuesday, what day will be the day after tomorrow?
✔ A word opposite in meaning to the word "CURVE"?
✔ Skating area?
✔ Notebook for writing homework.
✔ What is the name of the part of the word that comes before the root?
✔ Always in the mouth, not swallowed.
✔ What part of speech answers the questions Which one? Which? Which?
✔ What are the names of words formed from the same root?
✔ Is the word opposite in meaning to the word "FAST"?
✔ Name a letter consisting of two sounds.
✔ Very large - in one word.
✔ One of the twelve parts of the year.

2 Task. Find in proverbs and sayings "naughty" letters that have fallen out of place. Example: Care is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest (work)
✔ Forest is cut, caps fly
✔ Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into fashion
✔ Regiment in sheep's clothing
✔ Lies have short nails
✔ Found a goat on a stone

3 task. "Freezes". Form adjectives from nouns. Example: Rook nest - Grachinoe
✔ Crane nest -
✔ Goose feather -
✔ Chicken Feather -
✔ Fur coat -
✔ Leather gloves -

4 task. A letter from Grandfather Bookvoed (this is a grandfather who deliberately confuses letters in words). Listen to what is written here and correct the "wrong" words.

1. The doctor reminded Uncle Vita:
“Don't forget one thing:
Be sure to accept
10 herons before bed.”

2. Under the birches, where is the shade,
The old day is gone.

3. We did not write letters:
They searched for the cloud all day.

4. There was a doctor on the movements stingy,
He grabbed the tongs and tore out the oak.

5. The hunter shouted: Oh!
The doors are chasing me!

5 Task. Compose the "word-title" of the story by the "addresses" of the letters in the alphabet. The first letter of this word lives immediately after the letter "E", the second letter is before the letter "Z", the third letter is located between "Z" and "Y", the last letter is before the letter "L". What was the word???

6 task. "Make a word."
Determine the 3rd letter in each word, make a new word out of them.
Twilight, coolness, ice, school, gift, hook, jump - what was the word???

Target: to consolidate and summarize the knowledge and skills of children in speech therapy classes.


Strengthen acquired pronunciation skills;

improve grammatical categories, work on word formation;

Develop general and fine motor skills;

Cultivate a sense of responsibility and mutual assistance.



State Treasury educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care,
special (correctional) boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care, with handicapped health named after Akchurin A.Z. With. Kamyshla.

Speech therapy quiz

within the framework of the week of correctional pedagogy

with students of 5 "A" and 5 "B" classes

Prepared and conducted

teacher - speech therapist Rayanova E.M.


Target : to consolidate and summarize the knowledge and skills of children in speech therapy classes.

Tasks :

Strengthen acquired pronunciation skills;

Improve grammatical categories, work on word formation;

Develop general and fine motor skills;

Cultivate a sense of responsibility and mutual assistance.

Lesson progress:

Children enter the hall to cheerful music.

Organizing time(aimed at general positive attitude showing interest in learning at school).

Speech therapist: Today we will go to the country of the Correct and beautiful speech. We will be traveling in the country of Speech in teams, but before we split into teams, we will play the Golden Gate game. Get up in pairs, let's play trickle. And now those who are on the right will be on the same team. Your team will be called "Smarts" (red emblems), and those on the left - "Znayki" - you have emblems of blue color. Are you ready to go on an exciting journey?

Well, meet our members! Teams - "Znayki" and "Umniki".

Introduce yourself to us teams. Greet each other.



We are fighting guys

We love to fight.

And ready with "Umniks"



We are funny guys

We don't let ourselves get bored.

With pleasure we will

"Knowledge" to answer.


We wish the guys

Do not get bored and do not yawn

Questions from a speech therapist

Answer faster.

Speech therapist : To find out who will win, we need judges. Let's welcome our judges. For each correct task you will receive a point. Whoever earns the most points wins.

So let's start our competition.

In order for us to have good mood let's look at each other and give our smiles. Now let's call each other affectionately by name.

1 competition - "warm-up".

  1. Which nocturnal bird preys on mice and is therefore called the "feathered cat"?




  1. Why did the sawfish get its name?

For bad character

Looks like a saw

She can cut everything

  1. “Mom has a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok and a daughter Dasha. How many children does the mother have?
  1. Teams take turns calling words, designating edible objects. The first command is for the sound M, the second - for the sound K.
  1. To the sound P - what can be found in the room.

2 competition - "competition of captains".

What is the name of the old man Hottabych's "plane"?(Magic carpet)

What is Grandma missing all the time?(glasses)

Name the baby sheep?(lamb)

What is the name of the postman from Prostokvashino?(Postman Pechkin)

What was the old man's first wish granted by the goldfish?(trough)

What are the yellow fruits?(lemon, banana, pear, apple)

Name the story where main character made from flour?(Kolobok)

What is the name of Baba Yaga's plane?(mortar)

What time of year and month is it?(spring, April)

Name the baby horse?(foal)

What was the old man's second wish that the goldfish fulfilled?(hut)

Can you name yellow vegetables?(turnip, zucchini, onion, corn).

3 contest - "Say the opposite."

  1. "Opposite Words"

Participants with a ball in their hands run to the desk and put the ball in the basket. On the desk, they pick up two words that are opposite in meaning and attach them to the board. They take the ball from the basket and run back, passing the ball to another. After that, the next participant starts the relay. Team won...

Fizkultminutka,(in a circle)
Early in the morning at dawn
Children walked to Zvukovograd
On toes and heels.
And over the bumps, and squatting,
And with a jump, and with a swoop,
Narrow circle and wide.
Oh! Tired. Let's have a rest.
And then let's go again!

4 competition - "Chatterboxes".

- Each team is given a sheet with tongue twisters that need to be spoken quickly and correctly.

Correct the mistakes in the proverbs.

5 competition - "physical culture".

Well, now it's time for us to warm up, jump, run. Now let's check how fast our participants are. On command, you run around the hoop and create a model ship on the table with counting sticks. Each participant can put only one stick.

6th competition - "Dreamers".

Our next contest will show how you learned to fantasize. You have a sample of anagrams in front of you, and other anagrams on your slips. Whoever quickly, accurately and funny draws encrypted pictures, that team won.

7 competition - "Comic!"

Game "He - She" (at a fast pace).

I have a game for you.

Under the name "He - she."

I ask you not to yawn

Add a word to my verse.

He is an elephant - she ... (elephant).

He is an elk - she ... (a moose).

He is a cat - she ...

Of course not! It's a cat!

Well, you made a mistake.

Well let's play it again

I want to play you.

He is a walrus - she ... (walrus).

He is a hare - she ... (hare).

He is a hedgehog - she ... (hedgehog).

He is a bull - she ... (cow).

Does everyone know this word?

Yes Yes Yes! She is a cow.

8 competition - "Words on the contrary."

You remember that there are words that are opposite in meaning. I ask you a phrase, and you answer me with a phrase with the opposite meaning. The team with the most correct word combinations wins.

Light frost - (intense heat)

Take a lot - (give a little)

Cheerful grandfather - (sad grandmother)

younger brother (older sister)

Quiet laughter - (loud crying)

Old man - (young woman)

Early morning - (late evening)

Lazy girl - (hardworking boy)

Short day - (long night)

Be silent a lot - (speak a little)

Good start - (bad end)

Straight road - (winding path)

Good friend - (evil enemy)

Narrow exit - (wide entrance)

Open entrance - (Closed exit)

Easy descent - (difficult climb)

Last spring - (first autumn)

Run fast (go slowly)

Hot breakfast - (cold dinner)

Physical education minute

How is it going?
Like this! (Show.)
How are you going?
Like this!
Are you running?
Like this!
Do you sleep at night?
Like this!
How are you silent?
Like this!
Are you threatening?
Like this!
Tick-tock - 3 times
All clocks go like this!
See what time it is:
Left - time
To the right, two.
Tick-tock - 3 times
We can do it too

Well, that's the end of our quiz. All participants tried very hard, helped each other, showed good knowledge. Well done! Now a word to our judges. Let's see which team won. Even competing in sports relay races, you can develop your speech. In memory of our relay, accept the prizes.

Announcement of the results of the jury. Awarding of winners and participants.


I. Competition "Blitz"

Team members have 5 minutes to answer maximum amount questions.


1 team

  1. Home for textbooks.(Briefcase )
  2. Letters that do not make a sound.(b, b)
  3. He will bring to Kyiv.(Language)
  4. Flower - a fortune teller?(Chamomile)
  5. Which month has 29 days?(All except February, unless a leap year)
  6. What dishes can not eat anything?(From empty).
  7. Where can you find dry stone?(In water)
  8. Emblem of the state.(Coat of arms )
  9. Who picks apples with his back?(Hedgehog)
  10. What part of speech answers the questions: What does he do? What do?, What will do?(Verb)
  11. In what century did the Greeks grind flour?(Do not grind flour)
  12. How many vowels are in Russian?(10)
  13. What is the most common punctuation mark at the end of a sentence?(Dot)
  14. What is the name of the main part of the word?(Root)
  15. Apple, tangerine, pear - in a word.(Fruit)
  16. If yesterday was Tuesday, what day is the day after tomorrow?(Friday)
  17. A word opposite in meaning to the word "DIRECT"? (Crooked)
  18. Ice skating area?(Rink)
  19. Notebook for recording homework.(A diary)
  20. A ball, jump ropes, a hoop - in a word.(Sports Equipment)

2 team

  1. Home for money. ( Wallet )
  2. How does summer end and autumn begin?(Letter O).
  3. What is the name of the part of the word that comes before the root?(Console)
  4. Always in the mouth, not swallowed.(Language)
  5. What does half an apple look like?(To the other half)
  6. Which bird does not lay eggs, but hatch from an egg.(Rooster)
  7. If the day before yesterday was Monday, what day will tomorrow be?(Thursday)
  8. What part of speech answers the questions Which one? Which? Which?(Adjective)
  9. What are words formed from the same root called?(single root)
  10. White, sweet, melts in water.(Sugar)
  11. Blazer and trousers - in a word.(Costume )
  12. Is the word opposite in meaning to the word "FAST"?(Slow)
  13. Name a letter that consists of two sounds.(Any vowel 2 rows)
  14. Which tree does a crow land on when it rains?(on wet)
  15. An object with which they wipe their hands and face.(Towel)
  16. Vacuum cleaner, microwave, deep fryer - in a word.(Appliances)
  17. Very big - in a word.(Huge).
  18. One of the twelve parts of the year.(Month)
  19. A small nimble animal whose tail can come off and grow back.(Lizard)
  20. The smallest measure of time.(second, millisecond)
  1. Contest "Say it right"

Evaluation: For each correct answer, the team gets 1 point.

How to say right? (Questions are asked to the teams in turn)

1. Is the phone ringing (or ringing)?

2. Blinds (or shutters)?

3. Catalog (or catalog)?

4. Twenty (or twenty) to eight?

5. Lay down or lie down?

6. Wear a dress or wear a dress?

III. Competition "Decipher the words."

Read the words by arranging the letters in the order the numbers indicate.

Evaluation: For each correct answer, the team gets 1 point.


4 6 3 2 7 1 5 5 4 2 1 6 3 6 2 5 4 3 1 2 6 3 7 1 4 5

(Ship) (Skates) (Silence) (Airplane)

IV. Competition for attention "Underline the words denoting clothes."

Held at the board. Each team member finds one word.

Evaluation: For each correct answer, the team gets 1 point.

a) mpiaplatiero; b) shrobryukilhu; c) shorts d) Wakemaikagro;

e) nekblouzkaakn; e) shlopaltosv; g) iprkoftagolb; h) lognunoskitr;

V. Contest "Troubles"

Conditions of the competition:Teams are given cards. Team members need to fill in the cards, forming new words: forming adjectives from nouns.
The cards for both teams are the same.


Team name

Example: Rook's Nest


dog paw


wolf head


lion head


capercaillie tail


crow's nest


Crane's nest


goose feather


chicken feather


Fur coat fur


Leather gloves


VI. competition for attention "Find and cross out all the letters At and circle all the letters AND ".

All team members receive the same cards. You have 1 minute to complete the task.

Evaluation: For an error-free task, the participant receives 1 point. Team scores are cumulative.



(20 - "U"; 20 - "I")

VII. Competition "Answer the questions with a proverb or saying."

(Questions are asked to the teams in turn)

Evaluation: 1 point for each correct answer

  1. Who will the Cossack be if he endures?
  2. When are chickens counted?
  3. What can't you hide in a bag?
  4. When does appetite come?
  5. What does money love?
  6. What should be done when he called himself a loader?
  7. How many times do you need to measure before cutting?
  8. Who lives in the still waters?
  9. Without what not to catch a fish from a pond?
  10. Who's better than two new friends?
  11. What is better to have, 100 rubles or 100 friends?
  12. How many times does the miser pay?
  13. What is friendship?
  14. Where does the apple fall?
  15. Who praises his swamp?
  16. Whose soul is darkness?
  17. What metal is silence compared to?
  18. On whom hat burning?
  19. What do you get when you want too much?
  20. More expensive than an agreement?
  21. What does Moscow not believe?
  22. When are they not waving their fists?
  23. What can't be cut with an axe?
  24. What doesn't break bones?
  25. Who is afraid of business?
  26. There is no better friend than who?
  27. Who is the native side, and who is the alien side?
  28. What should you do if you want to eat kalachi?
  29. When is the soul in place?
  30. What should you do if you like to ride?

Speech therapy quiz game "Visiting Smeshariki" for first graders

This material is useful for speech therapists and teachers primary school. The quiz will help to consolidate children's knowledge of sound-letter analysis and synthesis, to promote the development of phonemic ideas, to activate lexical material on the topic "Berries", "Summer".
Target: consolidation of previously studied material on topics sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words, development phonemic perception and coherent speech, activation of the dictionary on the topics "Berries", "Summer"
consolidation of pronunciation skills acquired by children in spontaneous speech;
consolidation of knowledge on lexical topics"Berries", "Summer";
development of sound analysis and synthesis skills, phonemic representations;
development of verbal-logical thinking;
auditory development and visual attention, memory;
education of self-control over speech, independence and activity;
fostering interest in speech therapy classes.
A laptop, a projector, red, green and blue circles for sound patterns, tokens for correct answers, a “chest” with prizes for winners and participants.
Lesson progress
Speech therapist: Dear Guys! Today we have an unusual activity.
In the classroom we studied beautiful and correct speech the ability to read and write correctly. And today we have a special final lesson - the heroes of the cartoon "Smeshariki" came to visit us. Let's remember the name of the hero of this cartoon?
Children: Krosh, Hedgehog, Nyusha, Barash, Losyash, Pin, Kar Karych, Sovunya, Kopatych.
Speech therapist: Well done, remember everyone! The first to visit us was Kar Karych. (Second slide included). He asks us for help - let's help him highlight the second letter in each word and then we will definitely get a new word.
Children from a series of words SHIRT, DONKEY, ORANGE, SWANS, PROTECTION highlight the second letter - the word SUCCESS is obtained. (Each child is given a token for the correct answer)
Speech therapist: Okay, we did it. Now Kar Karych offers these words (The third slide is included):
SCIENCE, BUCKET, ORANGUTAN, DREAMERS, PEANUTS. Be careful, we highlight the third letter in the word. What word is obtained?
Children: Luck.
Speech therapist: Well done! Kar Karych wishes us success and good luck in our quiz.

I Speech therapist: Guys, let's remember how many letters are in the alphabet?
Children: 33 letters
Speech therapist: Right. And how many vowels? How many consonants?
Children: 10 vowels, 21 consonants
Speech therapist: Okay, remember. And who will tell me how sounds differ from letters?
Children: We hear and pronounce sounds, we write and see letters.
Speech therapist: Our next hero, Pin, asks for help understanding special sounds - always soft and always hard. (The fourth slide is included). He accidentally mixed them up and forgot what sound he lived in in what house. It is necessary to distribute all the sounds into two houses.
Children alternately distribute sounds among the houses, each correct answer is a token. As a result, in the left house (always solid sounds) the sounds [Ж], [Ш], [Ц], and in the right house (always soft sounds) - [H], [SCH], [Y].
Speech therapist: They did an excellent job, Ping is very happy. Only here is bad luck: there are two sounds left - [T] and [D], and Pin wants to know what kind of sounds these are. Why didn't they get into the houses?
Children: Because these sounds can be both hard and soft.
Speech therapist: Let's characterize them. Sound [D] - what?
Children: The sound [D] is consonant, voiced, solid, paired.
Speech therapist: And the sound [T]?
Children: The sound [T] is consonant, deaf, solid, paired.
Speech therapist: Great, and we have the next task. Krosh came to visit us and asks us to help him compose words (the fifth slide is included). To the syllables from the left column, you need to pick up the ending from the right column. What words will we get?
Children: holidays, friendship, summer, lesson, textbook. (each child gets a token for a correct answer)
Speech therapist: yes, we have just a little bit left before the holidays, the lessons will end and summer will come. And we have the next task. Nyusha brought us pictures and asks us to find one that fits sound scheme. (sixth slide included).
Children: the net fits the diagram.
Speech therapist: right. And what will be the scheme for the rest of the words? (each child is given three blue, three green, three red mugs)
Children lay out a diagram - a blue circle, a red circle, a blue circle, a red circle, a blue circle.
Speech therapist: Well done, what is the difference between the scheme that Nyusha prepared from the one that we posted?
Children: There is a green circle in Nyusha's scheme, because the sound [H] is always soft.
Speech therapist: right. It's time to stretch. We stand next to the desks (the seventh slide turns on).

II Fizmin weaving
Karych stretched sweetly (pull hands up)
and turned to Sovunya, (turn left and right)
Pin jumped high- (jump up)
Apparently it was far away.
Krosh bent down to the ground - (bend over, reach to toes)
Did you see a beetle? (we straighten up, spread our arms to the sides)
And Losyash claps his hands (clap hands)
And he stomps his feet loudly. (stomp feet alternately)
Speech therapist: And we have the next task for you. (the eighth slide turns on). Sovunya sent Losyash a letter, but only a very strange one - in it all the words are not connected to each other, but scattered. We need to connect all the words in a sentence.
Children: Come visit me for dinner.
Speech therapist: Okay, but this is only the first part of the letter (the next slide is included). Let's find out what else Sovunya wrote to Losyash.
Children: I baked a delicious strawberry pie.
Speech therapist: Great, Losyash thanks us for the help. And here Sovunya herself brought the following task for us. (The tenth slide is included). It is necessary to color the empty squares in accordance with the fourth sound in the words. The first word is raspberry. What color will the square next to this word be?
Children: Red because the fourth sound in this word is the vowel.
Speech therapist: Okay, next word is currant. (further similar work with every word)
Speech therapist: We did an excellent job with the task of Sovunya. Guys, what kind of words did she bring, how can we call it all together in one word?
Children: These are berries
Speech therapist: What word is redundant? Why?
Children: Margarine, because it is not a berry, but a food product.
Speech therapist: Right. Well, there are only a few tasks left until the end of our quiz. Be careful! (the eleventh slide is included) In the next task, you need to rearrange the letters in given order. There was strength, but it became ...
Children: Fox
Speech therapist: There was a boar, but it became ...
Children: Jar.
The rest of the words are done in a similar way.
Speech therapist: Excellent, and we have with you last task are riddles.
Warm, long, long day
At noon - a tiny shadow,
An ear blooms in the field,
The grasshopper gives a voice
The strawberry ripens
What month is it, please?
We cry without him
And when it appears, we hide from it.
What a marvelous beauty!
painted gate
Showed up on the way!
Do not enter them
Neither enter
On a green fragile leg
The ball has grown by the track.
The breeze rustled
And dispelled this ball.

I IISpeech therapist: What time of year are all these riddles about?
Children: About summer.
Speech therapist: So our quiz has come to an end. Let's find out who won (the number of tokens for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place is counted)
Smeshariki thank us for our help and offer to collect a word from the letters they have prepared (the thirteenth slide is turned on, the children collect the word "well done")
You were active participants and I want to reward you with gifts. (all participants will receive small prizes)
Have a great summer, see you soon!

Presentation on the topic: Quiz game "Visiting Smeshariki"

Speech therapy quiz game "I want to know everything!" for younger students

This material is useful for speech therapists and primary school teachers. The quiz will help to consolidate children's knowledge about the sound-letter and syllabic analysis of words, stress, as well as learn Interesting Facts from the life of animals, birds and insects. Teachers can use both the entire quiz and its individual questions as part of the lesson.
Target: consolidation of previously studied material on the topics of sound-letter and syllabic analysis of words.
1. To consolidate the skills of sound-letter and syllabic analysis of words.
2. Expand children's knowledge about the animal world;
3. Educate careful attitude to nature;
4. To form the ability to work in a team.
Rules for the quiz: the class is divided into two teams, questions are asked to the teams in turn. Only demonstrative answers are accepted. For example: when finding a stressed syllable, the word must be called and divided into syllables, and so on.
materials: pictures with the image of animals, birds and insects, materials for awarding the winners of the medal with the image of animals.

First team questions

1. Which animal hibernates?
(Badger or squirrel).
In the word of the riddle percussion second syllable.

2. What insect has blue blood?
(Spider or ant).

3. What mammal sleeps with one eye open?
(Cat or dolphin).
There are fewer sounds in the word guessing than letters.

4. What kind of fish is called a forest orderly?
(Pike or carp).
In the word guess, the first sound is a soft consonant.

5. What is the cleanest animal?
(Bear or badger).
In the word guess, the last sound is a solid consonant.

6. Which animal has the most deep sleep, you can slow him down as you like and he will not wake up?
(Marten or ground squirrel).
The word riddle has 2 syllables.

7. What bird does not have wings and a tail?
(Kiwi or thrush).

8. Which bird arrives first in spring?
(Swallow or rook).
If you change the first sound in the word, you get the name of the profession.

9. It happens that you hear a wonderful bird's voice in the forest: as if someone is playing a flute. And suddenly, from the same tree, from where the melodious singing came, such sounds will rush that even plug your ears - as if a cat had stepped on the tail. What bird makes these sounds?
(Oriole or magpie).
The name of the river was hidden in the guess word.

Questions for the second team

1. What insect has an ear on its leg?
(Fly or grasshopper).
In the word guess, the stressed syllable is the second.

2. What bird is a symbol of kindness and happiness. Were the owners happy if this bird settled near their house?
(Starling or stork).
In the word riddle, all consonants are deaf.

3. The oldest poultry?
(chicken or goose)
There are more letters in the word guess than sounds.

4. What bird is protected in some countries because it cleans the beaches of garbage?
(Seagull or flamingo).
In the word guess, the first consonant is soft.

5. Which bird produces real bird's milk from the goiter?
(Klest or dove).
In the word guess, the last sound is soft.

6. What kind of forest police bird gives a sign to the forest dwellers with its raspy voice about the appearance of a person?
(Jay or cuckoo).
The word riddle has 2 syllables.

7. Which animal sees everything in gray color, does not distinguish other colors? (Cat or dog).
There are as many vowels in a word as there are consonants.

8. What kind of fish can be turned into a bird?
(Carp or carp).
If you change the first sound in the word, you get the name of the bird.

9. The most voracious insect?
(Ant or dragonfly).
A word, the name of a pet, was hidden in the guess word.