"Belarusians build faster and cheaper than foreigners." How is the reconstruction of the M6 ​​highway going?

In Belarus, the reconstruction of the M-6 / E28 highway Minsk - Grodno - the border of the Republic of Poland (Bruzgi), which began in 2016, continues. The work is scheduled to be completed ahead of schedule - in November 2018.

The length of the M6 ​​highway is 272 kilometers. By 2018, it will be a first category road. More than 50 structures will be built along the route, including bridges and overpasses. One of the largest bridges will be built near Lida across the Ditva River. The road will meet European standards: only in one direction the width of the carriageway will be 7 meters plus 3.75 meters of the shoulder (3 meters of which will be asphalted). The width of the dividing strip is 5 meters. Estimated speed after reconstruction is 120 km/h.

Today, the reconstruction of the M-6 / E28 is the largest investment project with the involvement of the World Bank resources. On January 8, 2015, Belarus and the World Bank signed an agreement on a loan for our country in the amount of 250 million US dollars to implement a project to modernize the transit corridor.

“For us, this project is a priority and image-building one,” the Belavtodor holding noted. — Our subsidiaries employ excellent specialists in road construction Moreover, they build faster and cheaper than foreign companies.

By the way, it was at this facility that Belavtodor first developed and introduced elements of a unified corporate style: a new special clothing, painting of equipment, design of construction camps and work sites.

Every day, 416 units of road construction equipment and more than 800 specialists are involved in the facility. Work has been going on throughout the week.

Contractors are ahead of schedule, so it is expected that construction will not be completed in the summer of 2019, as envisaged by the original contract, but in November 2018.

- In winter, workers made an earthen bed, the volume is impressive - 4.4 million cubic meters. Engineering communications were rebuilt. Today, specialists are making a new lane, completing the laying of layers of pavement and the construction of artificial structures.

The traffic flow is transferred to the new lane of the route in stages. After that, the reconstruction of the old lane of the road will be carried out.

- Unfortunately, we also have problems - untimely delivery of crushed stone. Over the past two months, more than 70,000 tons have been underloaded. If this issue is not resolved promptly, it will have a negative impact on the pace of construction and the timing of the commissioning of the facility, the holding states.

What new will motorists see on the M6?

  • A New Jersey concrete fence will be installed on the median along the entire length of the reconstructed section. It is planned to use 2 types: prefabricated and monolithic fencing. It is assumed that both options will be domestic production.
  • During reconstruction highway M-6/E28 will make maximum use of secondary material resources, primarily asphalt granulate. The issue of reinforced concrete processing is discussed.
  • On separate construction sites, as an experiment, "emotional" information signs were installed - emoticons, designed to level the increased emotional background users.

The entire length of the M6 ​​is due to be completed in 2019. The 272 km long track will meet European standards. The width of the carriageway in one direction will be at least 7.5 m, a wide shoulder (3.75 m, including 3 m will be asphalted) will be equipped.

I will continue with the road theme. After all, the journey begins with the road. Today I will tell you not only about the M6 ​​highway, along which we drove to Volgograd, but also about the torment associated with choosing a path. So let's go!
If you open any map and plot a route from my city of Kimry, well, or from Moscow to Volgograd, then the route will be the same: the main part of the path goes exactly along the M6. And this is not surprising, because the M6 ​​penetrates Volgograd and rushes further, towards Astrakhan. And I was all so happy that everything was so simple, I calmed down. But a few days later, something made me read about the state of this track. And what was my horror when I started reading the Internet. What was there just not there: and a track, and pits, and eternal repairs, and trucks, and head-on overtaking, and terrible policemen, and cameras placed anywhere. In a word, horror. Thanks to all this, I now know three roads to Volgograd:

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  1. Mainly along the M6 ​​(Kimry - Moscow - a small section along the M4 approximately the Stupino-M6 area) - 1,131 kilometers, estimated travel time 14 hours 15 minutes.
  2. On the M4 "Don" to Voronezh, then to Borisoglebsk and from it along the M6 ​​to Volgograd - 1,249 kilometers, the estimated travel time is 14 hours 55 minutes.
  3. On M4 to the first big fork after Kamensk-Shakhtinsk and on M21 through Belaya Kalitva, Surovikino, Kalach-on-Don to Volgograd - 1,496 kilometers, estimated travel time 17 hours 30 minutes.

Most Internet users strongly recommended to hit the road by the second route. I will not describe my doubts and experiences with my husband, but it was decided to go according to the first option.

From MKAD to M4 we moved out at 7-42.

Please note that the speedometer shows that our path from home to the M4 exit is already 205 km. We were on the road for almost 3 hours.
A lot has already been said about the site, I will not repeat myself. After a little less than an hour, we saw a point to Volgograd and the M6 ​​"Caspian" highway.

We leave at the sign to the right, and under the bridge M4 tends towards Voronezh.

Of course, repairs are being carried out in some places, but not in some places, and there are such sections of the path

But frank pits were not met anywhere.

Now some numbers: we covered 1,131 kilometers in 16 hours and 30 minutes. The average speed is just under 70 km/h. Here is the track for you! I present your surprise. And there is nothing surprising here.
main scourge M6 are trucks. There are many of them, of course. But the worst thing is that when lifting, no pockets were made for them, into which they could safely go and puff their 50 or even 40 km / h there, and not collect a string of cars. Here is a clear picture for you.

The second largest scourge is great multitude these are the signs.

It seems that the road is free, but you won’t climb ... Deprivation ...
On the way, you see mostly fields... expanses...

A lot of churches. Near one we even stopped. This is Church of the Bogolyubskaya Mother of God in the village of Zimarovo Ryazan region 1852 built. I read about it on the Internet, and I was curious to visit it. Alas, this did not happen. The church gates were closed and the door to the temple was open and that made me go around. Literally around the corner saw working people. She came up and asked if she could go to the church. To which, apparently, the priest refused, saying that they were working and there was no one in the church.
I tried to tell that we were already going decently and would like to visit Holy place, put a candle in such beautiful place. She said that she had read about the church and knew a little of its history. To which the priest answered me that there is a lot of untruth on the Internet and you don’t need to believe everything. To say that I was upset, probably not, but somehow it was not very pleasant.

That's sort of all I wanted to tell you about the M6.
Although, I’ll probably add: it got dark already at about 19-30. It became even harder to ride, because. in front of Volgograd, a fresh repair was made, and there is no marking, there is no lighting either. We are tired, the children are tired ... or not?

Volgograd met us with many lights!!!

Deputy Chairman of the Regional Executive Committee Vladimir Deshko told the correspondent of "Grodnenskaya Pravda" how the work on the highway Minsk-Grodno-border of the Republic of Poland is going today.

The second stage of the reconstruction of the M6 ​​began in June from the 130th kilometer near the village of Starchenyata in the Ivye region and will end at the 197th kilometer near Shchuchin. From the very beginning of work, 500 units of road equipment have been employed on it. The first reconstructed section with a length of just over 12 kilometers from Shchuchin to the intersection with the Vasilishki-Zheludok road will start operating as usual by the end of the year. But in general, in September, work is underway on the entire 120-kilometer section of the reconstruction. Almost on a thirty-kilometer section, vehicles have already gone on a new surface.

After the regional forestry association coped with the task of clearing new areas, nine pits were prepared to deliver sand for backfilling, and three asphalt plants were deployed, the front of work was opened not only for road builders, but also for bridge builders. The works were also provided to the bridge construction participants of the M6 ​​reconstruction. The primary objects for them are interchanges near Lida and in the village of Gostilovtsy. In the immediate vicinity of Lida, it is necessary to build two overpasses over the railway lines towards Baranovichi and Mosty. It will also be reconstructed and road junction up to four lanes.

In order for the work to be carried out on schedule, the Grodno Regional Executive Committee raised the question of the need to involve road construction organizations from other regions in the reconstruction of the M6. Questions on the supply of crushed stone from Mikashevichy are addressed to the Belarusian railway. The tasks are set to increase the pace of work and at the same time strictly comply with all technological requirements for the construction of a highway of this class.

One of the features of the modernization of the second section of the road is the installation of a concrete fence on the median strip. Part of it will be carried out in a prefabricated version. Almost half a kilometer of such a barrier has already been installed by the Gomel Road Construction Trust No. 2. At the site of the Grodno road construction trust No. 6, which is working in the Shchuchinsky district, the barrier will be in a monolithic design for a length of 13 kilometers. For these works, a plant has been assembled here, and in the near future a special machine with a sliding formwork will receive its products. Work must be completed before the first frost. The Brest Road Construction Trust No. 4 will be involved in them. If the weather does not interfere, then the laying of the so-called finishing layers on the Shchuchin site will begin, which will allow traffic to open here without any restrictions, Vladimir Deshko emphasized.

Bicycle paths are being laid along the entire length of the Shchuchinsky section on its left side from the Minsk direction. Their arrangement is a condition of the World Bank as a guarantee of safety for cyclists and pedestrians.

The first of two underground passages is being equipped in the places of migration of wild animals in the Shchuchinsky district. The so-called cattle route will open by the end of the year. In addition, special fencing nets will be installed along the entire length of the motorway through the forests.

Many who have ever planned a trip from Moscow to Volgograd by car have decided which route to choose, where the road is better and where is shorter? In this article, we will look at existing options, which will give you the opportunity to choose the best route for yourself.

So, the road Moscow - Volgograd is part of the federal highway M6 "Caspian". So the route will be called until the end of 2017, then the name will be changed to P22.

One of the most popular and common routes is the following: Moscow - Tambov - Borisoglebsk - Volgograd. The distance between cities when traveling through Tambov is approximately 970 km, the car overcomes it in an average of 12 hours. The M6 ​​highway to Volgograd starts in Moscow at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and Lipetskaya street simultaneously with the M4 "Don" road, in the Kashira region, the M6 ​​disconnects from the M4 and goes to the east. The road Moscow - Volgograd goes through the territory of the Moscow, Ryazan, Tambov and Volgograd regions.

Moving along the M4 highway, you will have the opportunity to drive along toll road or alternative free. Paid sections of the road on the M4 in the Moscow region from 21 to 93 km, from 93 to 211 km, but you will need to move along the second paid section to Kashira. Payment for the second segment is introduced from June 27, 2016. As drivers who have recently traveled along this road write, “here the driver encounters the most decent section of this road. The road in this section is eight-lane (four lanes in each direction) from Moscow up to the exit towards the city of Vidnoe. After the exit to Vidnoe, the highway has six lanes (three lanes in each direction). This section is a motorway, maximum speed here it is 110 km/h, in some places 130 km/h. The quality of the road in some places is simply excellent, in some places it’s a four, as there is a track rolled by trucks, but there are no pits and bumps. There are lighting poles almost everywhere. The only negative is the cameras along the road to Volgograd, which are installed along the entire length of this section and record speeding. On the advice of experienced drivers, it is better to use a radar detector for greater reliability.

The bridge over the Oka River and the traffic police post immediately after the bridge will serve as a reference point for the imminent exit from the M4 Don to the M6 ​​Kaspiy. I advise drivers here to slow down and buckle up, as the traffic police actively slow down, especially at night. “Next, we leave the M4 Don and move along a two-lane road (one lane in each direction). This is the beginning of the full-fledged M6 Caspian highway. The quality of the road in the Moscow region is quite good, but there are a lot of continuous marking and accordingly signs "Overtaking prohibited". The traffic here is dense, there are a lot of trucks that are difficult to overtake.” At the very end of the Moscow region for about 10 km you will drive along Tula region, and then again you will get to Moscow - this is how the route goes.

Moving along the highway to Volgograd in the Moscow region, you will pass such settlements as Vidnoe, Domodedovo, Stupino.
Traffic police posts in the Moscow region are located at km 19, km 26, km 38, km 95, km 155, km 156, km 214; ambushes can be: 8 km, 18 km, 72 km, 99 km, 133 km, 195 km. Cameras and radars installed: 16 km, 25 km, 26 km, 29 km, 46 km, 186 km. Repair work is carried out in the area of ​​Odintsovo, Kashira.

After the Moscow region, at the entrance to the Ryazan region, the quality of the road surface decreases sharply. On the given segment there is no lighting. Gas stations and cafes are also few. Traffic police posts at 276 and 335 km. The largest settlement is the city of Mikhailov.

The passage of the city of Ryazhsk will signal you that you are approaching Tambov region. The quality of the road surface here is good, better than in the Ryazan region, according to drivers, but in some places it is satisfactory. There are more gas stations and roadside cafes. The traffic flow is quite saturated. Especially a lot of heavy trucks on the track. At the same time, there are no large settlements along the road itself. There are many descents and ascents, so overtaking is sharply difficult, as trucks collect impressive tails from cars. You will pass cities such as Michurinsk and Tambov, which are located away from the highway. In front of Tambov there are several sections of excellent four-lane road (two lanes in each direction) with a fender and lighting. According to the drivers, tripods stand between the bumpers and fix your speed. Excellent sections are replaced by terrible ones with temporary asphalt, a detour in the oncoming lane and old sections of the track. Before Tambov itself, about 10-15 kilometers is the last stretch of the four-lane road, but the quality of the asphalt leaves much to be desired. Before Tambov, the highway goes to the right and further to Volgograd itself it goes in the form of a two-lane road. According to drivers, “on the section after Tambov there are few solid ones, it becomes possible to overtake loaded trucks, there are fewer oncoming lanes.” Traffic police posts are located at: 429 km, 466 km, 468 km, 472 km.

Next, we get into Voronezh region, here the quality of the road surface, according to drivers, is the best of the regional ones. The road is not winding, there are not many ups and downs, it is comfortable to ride on it. The bridge over the Khoper River is often repaired, especially in summer. Traffic police posts are located at: 561 km, 592 km, 631 km, 683 km.

Having passed the interchange to the village of Gribanovsky and the city of Borisoglebsk, you find yourself on the border with the Volgograd region. The number of holes and patches on the road, according to drivers, is increasing dramatically. Now in Mikhailovka renovation in progress in several places. Sometimes the Volga River can be seen from the road, which pleasantly enlivens the steppe landscape and encourages those traveling along the Volgograd-Moscow highway. There are not many cameras along the way: the radar is at 986 km. Traffic police posts at: 823 km, 876 km, 976 km, 978 km, 981 km, 983 km. Large cities are Novoanninsky, Mikhailovka and Frolovo.

Drivers warn everyone who will drive along the M6: “According to the situation as of June 2016, after Borisoglebsk (about 677 km), there is a “No Overtaking” sign, but after 500-1000 meters the marking becomes intermittent, and many go quietly to overtake. Further, the traffic police joyfully jump out and incriminate the departure to the oncoming lane with deprivation! When asked about the inconsistency of the markings with the signs, they say that there will be repairs, which is why the sign was put up. ”

There is no bypass road near Volgograd, so in any case you will go through the city, where the quality of the canvas also leaves much to be desired. “This is a mixture of dangerous and deep pits, ruts, all kinds of bumps with protruding patches,” the drivers write. I am glad that in the current 2016 the city plans to repair many streets.

The route Moscow - Volgograd, which runs along the M6 ​​highway, is the shortest of all possible with the absence of large settlements along the road. However, a number of drivers prefer other routes. Firstly, along the M4 road to Voronezh, then along the P298 road through the city of Anna to Borisoglebsk and from it along the M6 ​​highway to Volgograd. Secondly, along the M4 through Voronezh to the first big fork after Kamensk-Shakhtinsk and along the M21 through Belaya Kalitva, Surovikino, Kalach-on-Don to Volgograd.

On the forums you can read similar reviews of auto travelers. "Most the best way go along the M4 highway, I arrive in about 10-11 hours. The detour is about 100 km, but the M4 is a pleasure to drive, and there are 2-3 lanes in each direction.” “I confirm the optimality of the hook through M-4. It turns out somewhere 100 km longer, but almost halfway will be normal, flat road in two lanes. Considering the killed M-6 and the number of Dagestan trucks varying degrees killed, trudging at the speed of a wounded pedestrian, it is better to go by detour and 200 km away.

However, there is another opinion. “Most of the route (from Moscow to the M6 ​​junction with the M4) is still going along the same road (somewhere around 600 km). The route along the M4 is 150 km longer. In my opinion, it makes no sense to lengthen the path by 15% in order to pass them on the motorway. All advantages will be lost precisely on the section of the transition to the M6 ​​in the Voronezh region - there are more settlements, lower average speed. There are also traffic jams on the M4, and many hours (unlike the M6). In addition, there is a high probability of a delay in the Voronezh region. And again, you still most the way you will go along the same road for both options. The route through Kamensk-Shakhtinsky is a big fan."

Experienced drivers are advised to have either a navigator or an up-to-date road atlas in the car so as not to get confused. It will also be useful for the driver to study the entire route of the M6 ​​Moscow - Volgograd highway on the map before the trip and choose the most optimal option for yourself.

If your plans include visiting another big city on the Volga - Saratov, then you can keep your route like this: Moscow - Tambov - Borisoglebsk - through Balashov and Kalininsk along the M22 "Caspian" highway to Saratov. However, according to some drivers, the Moscow-Saratov road along the route through Ryazan along the M5 Ural highway to Penza will be more successful in terms of the quality of the canvas, and from there along the highway federal significance P158 to Saratov. The M5 highway from Moscow to the Ryazan region has 2 or more lanes in each direction, then 1. According to drivers, in Ryazan and Penza regions Road repairs are underway. The P158 road has 2 traffic lanes, one in each direction. According to drivers, “in general, the P158 highway in good condition, the quality of the road surface allows you to confidently keep the speed at 100 km / h. The only broken section with a length of 30 km is located at the entrance to Saratov.

And Astrakhan, choose this way. pre-training and helpful information o R-22 will help make driving on the highway as safe, fast and comfortable as possible.


The peculiarity of the "Caspian" route is that it crosses several regions, but at the same time, for almost its entire length, it lies away from cities. This is convenient for drivers, as large settlements slow down traffic and increase the likelihood of an accident.

R-22 highway "Kaspiy" originates in the south of Moscow, at the intersection of Lipetskaya street and Moscow Ring Road in the same place where the federal highway "Don" (aka M-4) begins. In the Kashira region, the R-22 highway branches off from the Don and rushes southeast to the Caspian Sea through the following regions and cities:

  • Moscow, with a short stop in the Kursk region;
  • Ryazanskaya, through the city of Mikhailov, near the cities of Skopin and Ryazhsky;
  • Tambov, near the cities of Michurinsky and Tambov;
  • Voronezh, near the city of Borisoglebsk;
  • Volgogradskaya, through the cities of Novonikolaevsky, Novoanninsky, near the settlement of Mikhailovka, Ilovlya and the entrance to Volgograd;
  • Astrakhan, with the intersection of a small section of Kalmykia;
  • The route ends in Astrakhan.

Description of the R-22 route: what is the quality?

The length of the Caspian route is 1,383 kilometers. Almost all sections of the road have two-lane traffic, the width of the road is 8 meters. There are a few sections with four lanes, but they are too short and do not really affect general impression from the highway.

The coating is cement concrete or asphalt concrete. For several years now, the Caspian Sea has been actively repaired, so there are practically no sections with frankly poor coverage left. General quality highways can be rated as a solid four. And although the repair is wonderful, because thanks to it the condition of the R-22 highway is constantly improving, but at the same time, repair work inevitably brings inconvenience to drivers.

Traffic on the road is intense, especially high traffic in summer and early autumn, when trucks carrying agricultural products from southern regions in central Russia and returning back. Trucks seriously complicate the movement, long lines of cars line up behind them, impatient motorists go to dangerous overtaking, as a result, the number of accidents is growing. Although, in general, reviews describing the R-22 route are more often positive. Typically, drivers believe that the advantages of this road far outweigh its disadvantages.


This is the most short cut from the capital to Astrakhan and Volgograd. Although some drivers prefer to get to the Caspian along the wider and faster highway "Don", making an impressive detour and sometimes gaining time due to higher average speed. But this is a debatable issue and largely depends on the case.

There are very few settlements on the Caspian highway with their mandatory speed limits, but at the same time there are enough cafes, hotels and gas stations along the road.

R-22 highway "Kaspiy" is completely free, unlike the same M-4.

Beautiful landscapes. The route crosses Russia for more than a thousand kilometers to the southeast, outside the window gradually change climatic zones and landscape. Near Moscow, the road winds between wooded fields, they are replaced by light forests, then the turn of the Volga steppes comes, and the route ends in a semi-desert. On the way, you can stop by the beautiful Russian city of Tambov or glorious Volgograd.


  • Repairs in some areas.
  • The road is narrow and has only two lanes.
  • Tripod cameras are periodically installed on the roadsides, especially in repair areas where temporary signs have been installed.
  • Lots of trucks slowing down and making it difficult to overtake.

Roadside hotels

Even for an experienced driver, it is problematic to drive the R-22 "Kaspiy" highway without stopping for the night, and for an inexperienced person who is not used to driving in the dark or over long distances, this is completely impossible. Therefore, throughout the entire road, right on the highway or settlements next to it you can find roadside hotels.

  • 210 kilometers. Motel "Comfort". Located right on the highway: 700-2,000 rubles per person, four- and double rooms, a cafe, parking.
  • 284 kilometers. Hotel "Zhemchuzhina", Zheltukhinsky village: 800-2,500 rubles, guarded parking, cafe, gas station nearby.
  • 409 kilometers. Motel "Half Way": from 800 rubles, regular and VIP rooms, parking, cafe, banquet hall, billiards.
  • 465 km. Motel "California": 1,500-2,000 rubles, parking, cafe.
  • 465 km. Motel" forest fairy tale", located on the highway: 1,500-3,000 rubles, parking, cafe, internet, sauna, banquet hall.
  • 615 km. Hotel "Povorino", town of Povorino, 2 km from the highway: 900-2,800 rubles, parking.
  • 887 km. Motel "Limo", Ilovlya village: 1,600-2,200 rubles, separate houses for 2-3 people, parking.
  • 888 km. Motel "Kovcheg", built next to the highway: 1,200-2,500 rubles, parking, 24-hour cafe, sauna.
  • 939 km. Motel "Seven Winds": from 350 rubles, cafe, parking.
  • 947 km. Motel "Captain Jack". From this hotel to Volgograd - 13 km. The cost of rooms is 1,600-3,500 rubles, a cafe, a sauna.
  • 948 km. Hotel "Sputnik": 1,500-2,800 rubles, restaurant, parking.
  • 1143 km. Camping "Volga", village Cost of rooms from 400 rubles, sauna, cafe, parking.

Helpful information

A service station on the R-22 highway "Kaspiy" can be found not only in or Tambov, but also in smaller settlements: Znamenka (486 km), Ilovlya (887 km), Enotaevka (1255 km), Narimanov (1347 km).

On the Caspian highway, drivers need to be extremely careful in some areas even during the day. For example, due to limited visibility at 1245, 1300 and 1379 kilometers, and due to steep ascents and descents - at 448 and 1378 kilometers.