Speed ​​limit on the toll road m3. Tariffs for travel on the toll section of the M3 "Ukraine" highway

accident involving two Vehicle but it happened on the Kiev highway in the TiNAO, as a result of which two people were injured. This was reported to the Moscow City News Agency by the press service of the Main Directorate of the Traffic Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the capital.
“An accident involving two vehicles occurred on the Kiev highway in the area of ​​​​the turn to the village. Krekshino. As a result of the incident, two people were injured,” the source said.
In turn, the source of the Moscow Agency in emergency services stated that there had been a collision between a truck and a car.

At the end of September, the specialists of the Organization Center traffic(TsODD) began re-marking of several sections of the Kyiv highway. Main road problems highways were entrances to the city of Moscow and exits from it, as well as Solntsevskaya and Rumyantsevskaya interchanges. What has changed on the highway and whether it was possible to remove congestion due to the new markings, read in the material of the Moscow 24 portal.

What was the Kiev highway

In the 2000s, the Kievskoye Highway was an ordinary highway leading from Moscow. But in 2012, when new territories from the Moscow region were annexed to the capital, the route became one of the two transport arteries of the TiNAO. Thousands of new Muscovites began to travel daily to Kievka to get to the city center.

In 2013, dedicated lanes were made on the highway to provide citizens with fast public transport. However, the "highlights" played bad joke with the rest of the motorists: due to the reduction in the number of lanes, in the morning motorists found themselves in traffic jams towards Moscow to the Moscow Ring Road, and in the evening - towards the region before turning into the city of Moscow.

In 2017, specialists partially solved the problem - they were able to increase the number of lanes by one in each direction by reducing their width (from 3.75 meters to 3.5 meters). Now on most of the Kyiv highway in each direction there are four common lanes and "dedicated" for public transport. But local problems remained: traffic jams at peak times continued to accumulate in the area of ​​​​the turn to Moskovsky and before entering the Moscow Ring Road.

What was the Kiev highway

At the end of September, the TsODD specialists began re-marking several sections of the highway. One of the most important was the site in the area of ​​​​the interchange near Moskovsky. Moreover, so that in the evening motorists do not stand at the entrance to the city, and in the morning they can leave it on the Kiev highway, they changed the markings at the junction itself.

After applying the new markings, there were six lanes before the turn to Moskovsky: two go to the interchange, four "go" to Moscow. Further, the flow in two lanes comes to the flyover, which was also re-marked: now there are three lanes in the direction of Moskovsky, two of which are from the Kievskoye highway. Departure from Moscow is now also allowed in two lanes, which literally flow into the highway. And at the exit, they drew a special safety island that separates the parallel streams of cars.

Also, on the section of the highway from Rodnikovaya Street to Admiral Kornilov Street, one more lane was added towards the center due to the narrowing of other rows. Thus, in the direction of Moscow from the Solntsevskaya interchange there were five rows, and from the Rumyantsevskaya interchange to Moscow - as many as six.

transport effect

According to Andrey Mukhortikov, deputy head of the situational center of the TsODD, problems with traffic flows towards the region have practically been resolved: even at the rush hour, the Kyiv highway travels, since the added bandwidth 1.8 thousand cars per hour is more than enough. The speed of public transport has also increased, because "if general ranks they drive normally, it makes no sense for motorists to enter the dedicated lane."

However, towards the center, the problem was only partially solved. Of the positive results, it is worth highlighting the reduction in the rush hour interval (from 3-2.5 hours to 1.5-1 hours), as well as the increased travel speed. Although in the morning there are still traffic problems on the Kiev highway in front of the Moscow Ring Road, Mukhortikov noted.

According to him, the reason for the congestion is the narrow overpass of the exit to both sides of the Moscow Ring Road: two lanes are not enough for those who want to get to the ring road, and the queue of motorists waiting for the turn is built in for several hundred meters, preventing other drivers from getting to the center.

Departure from Moscow is now also allowed in 2 lanes:

These 2 rows merge into the Kiev

And at the exit they are covered with an island in the markings

In the direction of the region, the problems were completely resolved: even at the very rush hour, the Kiev highway is "green". It turned out that the added capacity of 1800 cars per hour is more than enough!

Much better on the Kiev highway went and public transport. Because if the general rows are driving normally, it makes no sense to go to a dedicated lane! ..
But in the direction of the center, the problem was partially solved. Of course, the rush hour interval has also been reduced (from 2.5-3 to 1-1.5 hours), and the speed of travel has increased, but in the morning there is still a traffic jam on the Kiev highway in front of the ring road.

To deal with this bottleneck, we developed a project to re-mark the beginning of the overpass into 3 lanes. I hope it will be implemented in 2019, which will make it possible to remove the last bottleneck, still poisoning the lives of motorists.

Be that as it may, already now, as a result of our redevelopment of Kievsky, tens of thousands of people a day save from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the direction and time of day. And this is the most main result our work, because time is our only non-renewable resource.
Did you use the Kyiv highway after adding the lanes? Where else in Moscow is such a redevelopment needed?

This road passes from Borovsky to Kyiv highway through the village. Storytelling, pos. Vnukovskoye, TiNAO. The reconstruction of the road was completed in June 2014; in August, the road was opened by Moscow Mayor S.S. Sobyanin.
The length of the road is 2.9 km, the total cost of the reconstruction of the above road is 1,780,925,476.12 rubles.
The customer of the work is the Department for the Development of New Territories of the City of Moscow. The contractor is Transstroyinvest LLC.

In April 2016, I found many different road defects: about 12 failed rain grates and hatches (this is one of them):

As well as the destruction of asphalt; subsidence of the carriageway and sidewalks; destruction of tactile tiles; broken fence in places.
I wrote an appeal to OATI for TiNAO, received a response:

OATI issued an order with a deadline for elimination until June 1, 2016. Unfortunately, practically nothing was done, except for two hatches.
I am writing a new letter to OATI, in July I receive a response that all violations have been eliminated:

That is, according to the OATI, such a redone warranty work is normal:

When the storm water inlet falls apart again a month after the elimination of the violation.
I was also outraged by the fact that the contractor, when eliminating violations under the guarantee, uses a completely different brand of asphalt concrete. Initially, the ShMA-20 grade was laid, and now the contractor uses a cheaper and lower quality grade B-1.
It doesn't take a genius to understand that asphalt is different:

OATI point-blank do not notice this fact, in one letter I repeated twice my requirements and comments on asphalt grades, unfortunately, they were never heard.
I wrote a new letter to OATI, they confirmed the violations, set a deadline for elimination until August 8, 2016:

On August 8, of course, nothing was done, work did not even begin.
Now I have written an appeal to the Department for the Development of New Territories of the City of Moscow. The answer came on September 22, 2016:

This time, the contractor deigned to do at least something. This site is being redone for the second time in three months:

AT once more decided to pretend to be fools and save on the brand of asphalt:

They forgot about hatches and storm water inlets, and about the rest of the asphalt failures too.
I am writing a new letter, only this time to the Moscow mayor's office, where I demand that I be invited to the commission for the inspection of the road. But our officials decided to hold a commission without me:

Three weeks later, a response came from the Department for the Development of New Territories of the city of Moscow:

Sent a defective statement:

In December, the contractor eliminated one drawdown with poured asphalt concrete:

He didn't show up here again. A new email has already been sent.
As of February 5, 2017, some of the violations redone by the contractor are again in need of repair:

This site was done twice in 2016, the third time is about to happen.
In total, only 2 drawdowns of the carriageway were eliminated in 2016 ...
A whole kilometer new road motorists jump, not go, this is best seen in the video of the bus:

Here is what one of the local residents, on condition of anonymity: “I live on this very road and the whole street - we live like on a volcano in a zone of constant earthquake - the houses are shaking when cars run into hatches, which are in abundance on the road, the foundation is destroyed and the walls of houses are cracking !! !
It's a pity the contractor and the New Territories Development Department don't live on this street.
As of February 2017, more than 20 manholes and rain inlets do not comply with GOST (some are failed, others are above the road surface, and around the third the asphalt is destroyed):

Here is a broken fence, but somewhere it disappeared altogether:

Tactile tiles are also destroyed:

Back in 2014, all stops were glass:

But already in 2016, all stops were sheathed with polycarbonate:

I am very surprised by the situation with the customer, who, before my appeal, did nothing at all, although the road is under warranty. The contractor constantly - either does not comply with the instructions, or, as they say, "pulls the cat by the balls."
And now a little about the contractor Transstroyinvest LLC. Alexey Fomenko, Chairman of the Board of Directors. Now the company "Transstroyinvest" is engaged in the reconstruction of the highway Borovskoe highway - Kyiv highway - the village of Botakovo, through the villages of Rogozinino, Verkhovye in New Moscow. Total length road 15 km. Participates in the construction of the M11 road. This is only a small part of the contractor's work on the development of the next budget of the Russian Federation.
Judging by how hard it is to force the contractor to fulfill the warranty obligations on the road from Borovskoye to Kievskoye highway through the village. Rasskazovka, then, most likely, there will be similar situations with other government contracts.
Nikita Tanasiev
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Alena Sobkalova, Vladimir Kuznetsov | 19:35 April 12, 2018
In the Novomoskovsky district of the capital, a cyclist was electrocuted when he drove under an overpass. A palpable discharge paralyzed his leg, and the victim almost fell under the wheels of cars on the roadway.
Evgeny Platonov travels to work along the Kyiv highway every day: in winter by car, and just a couple of days ago he switched to a bicycle. But the opening of the cycling season almost ended in tragedy for the Muscovite - while driving under the overpass, Evgeny was shocked.

With a paralyzed leg, the cyclist barely kept his balance. I had to continue on foot. First thought. Which visited the man, is that he could run into a bare wire. I called the Ministry of Emergency Situations, they explained that there really is a current in the air.

We have to move to a safe distance from the affected area. The place is lively. Nearby is a pedestrian zone, it is also under power lines. Another cyclist uses this route every day. strange anomaly noticed a long time ago. Now, when he gets on the bike, he puts on gloves to isolate his hands from the metal. With such protection, the current is not terrible, the man says. He agrees to drive under the overpass again and show where the high voltage zone begins.
The transmission lines that cross Kievskoye Highway are owned by one of the largest distribution grid companies in Russia. We contacted them for clarification. However, the staff said that nothing of the sort could be. Their networks are not powerful enough to create such a strong electromagnetic field.

Perhaps the very electric shocks that cyclists talk about are just static electricity, the engineer suggests. Synthetic clothing plus friction force is a principle familiar to everyone since childhood. It is possible that this version could become the main one. If we had not noticed the main power transmission lines next to the wires of MOESK. According to the engineer, their power is at least twice as high.
Who owns high voltage lines, not yet known. There are several dozen electric grid companies operating in Moscow and the region. The Ministry of Energy will certainly be able to establish the owner of the backbone network. And, if experts confirm the fears of cyclists, then a warning sign “High voltage” should appear on this section of the road.

Is it a road?

As you know, on March 20, a toll section from 124 to 173 km appeared on the Kyiv highway with two toll collection points (Toll Collection) at 136 and 168 km. If you are driving a car, then you will have to pay 50 rubles for the 136 km toll booth, and 40 rubles for the 168 km toll booth. It turns out that one kilometer of the toll road will cost 2 rubles for car owners, and even more for truck drivers.

By the way, for a speculative idea of ​​how the fare on the toll road, just multiply the cost of gasoline by two. This will practically correspond to reality, when calculating that you have a car with a 1.6 engine that consumes about 6-7 liters of 92 gasoline per 100 km on the highway.

If we consider the most "hard" option, when you need to "dangle" from Obninsk to Kaluga every day back and forth, then you will have to give 5,400 rubles a month to the new owners of the road. Not so little.

Alternative route

So, after a new encroachment on the modest budget of ordinary citizens appeared on the usual path, many motorists thought about a free alternative road.

There is an opinion that if the road is free, and even instead of a paid one, then you can’t drive along it. We decided to find out everything own experience and made a trip along an alternative route, turning from M-3 "Ukraine" in the Erdenevo area at km 129 in the direction of Aleshkovo - Vorobyevo - Detchino - Yubileyny. It is worth clarifying that in order to get to this interchange, it is necessary to snuggle to the right already at the 128th km, do not miss the sign, in which the lower point is VOROBYEVO, after it turn into a parallel check-in (very long), drive under the bridge and turn right onto the same bridge. Further along the signs VOROBYEVO it will be difficult to get confused.

Just in case, we publish a video of this maneuver:

Having changed a four-lane road to a two-lane one, we expected that we would immediately run into the “rear” of some truck and then we would practice for a long time overtaking similar trucks. But the track surprised us with the absence of any excitement and almost deserted. Throughout the journey, we met 5-6 trucks. The road surface is mostly excellent, sometimes there were bad sections, but it's still spring!

Of course, the road that runs through many settlements, did not allow to accelerate, but it was possible to admire enough picturesque places. In general, the loss of time on the 25-kilometer section is not so significant, about 10 minutes. Such a detour may well suit those who travel to the northern part of Kaluga. If in Detchino turn again to Kievka, which in this place is very close - a kilometer away, then you can bypass the payment point almost without loss of time. But there is a clarification: if you go to the toll road along Matrosov Street, you will have to drive a lot in reverse side before the turn. A little further there is another turn to the right to the Kyiv highway, but the road there, as if on purpose, was left in a “virgin” state, although it goes straight to the junction and, accordingly, to the U-turn.

It makes no sense to try to bypass the second toll plaza or go to the southern part of Kaluga, for example, to Annenki. Starting from Detchino, this path becomes twice as long as along the M-3 "Ukraine", which means much longer in time, and even more expensive in terms of money, since you will also have to go through the city.

It remains to add that today there is only one unpredictable nuance in the journey through bypass road, or rather two - these are railway crossings. We were lucky and we passed them without stopping. But according to the stories of those who have been driving along this route for more than a year, there have been cases of “great standing” for 20-30 minutes.

In general, the road produced good impression, and one can only hope that from the income of a wealthy "neighbor" she will have something to fall on the maintenance and support of a "good shape".

Well, if someone wants to drive along an alternative road in 9 minutes, then we can offer a short video tour of the scenic route. Only here is the path in the opposite direction captured.

At the beginning of the week, drivers are forced to pay for travel on the reconstructed M3 "Ukraine" highway. Not everyone likes this situation. And, although it did not come to mass protests, discontent spills out both in social networks and in appeals to the editor.

Average fare for ordinary car to Kaluga - 90 rubles one way. If the fee does not suit someone, there is an alternative free road. However, if in fact everything was as planned, obviously, no one would express dissatisfaction. So what's the deal?

Dissatisfied with the organization of the detour

First of all, the alternative road is much worse in quality: there are only two lanes. Some kind of tractor will stand in front of you, and there are a lot of them between the villages - that's all, a traffic jam. In addition, the old road from Maly to Kaluga, although it belongs to the 3rd category of roads, in fact is not such - there are too many railway crossings. Will something change in its arrangement? As explained in the Ministry of road facilities of the region, there are no such plans yet. That is, the alternative road will remain conditionally alternative. “Now, if it were the same as the repaired Varshavka, there would be no questions,” motorists say.

Bad start

In addition, motorists are firmly convinced that they are forcibly driven onto a toll road. And here it is "every bast in a line." It was on the very day when they began to take money for travel along the Kyiv highway, they blocked railroad crossing on an alternative free road. There was a blockage. It is understandable that people were very upset about this. “For some reason, it was on Monday that it was necessary to carry out maintenance work at the crossing in Goncharovka (30 minutes of waiting), the car owner is indignant Andrey Chulkov, - and the road builders with their patching (from Aleshkovo to the exit to Kievskaya) reduced average speed and the passability of the road at times ... ".

To suspect that the spring repair of the pits was started in order for everyone to move to a toll road - this, of course, is too much. But people are still sure: the inconvenience on the bypass road is created on purpose to drive everyone onto the toll road.

Very expensive

The third thing that is very annoying is, in fact, a rather high fare. To Obninsk from Kaluga, as, in fact, from Obninsk to Kaluga, a lot of people go to work. Director of the sports complex "Olimp" Stanislav Lopukhov says that both he and many coaches now have to choose twice a day whether to pay 180 rubles round trip or take an alternative route. If the amount is multiplied by 20 working days, it turns out 3,600 rubles. This is a burden on the family budget. In Kaluga, they seem to promise to come up with some kind of move for people who go to work, but specific solution not yet.

The leadership of Avtodor states that only school buses and municipal public transport have the right free travel on toll sections of the M3 "Ukraine" highway. It turns out that people, in fact, are offered to transfer to buses and trains.

But quickly

However, not everyone expresses dissatisfaction with the toll road. For example, Elena Zhumaeva, who constantly travels from Obninsk to Kaluga, says she likes the reconstructed toll road. “Four out of 10 passages worked at the payment points, but there was no queue,” she says. - And there was no loss of time. It suits me that on the toll road section speed mode. The official speed limit is 120 km/h. It's very comfortable."

A new toll road will soon appear in Russia - money will be collected for travel along the reconstructed section of the M3 "Ukraine" highway from 65 to 194 km. True, for now real work the roads are being upgraded in the section from the 124th to the 195th km. The next section - up to the 65th km - is only being designed, work there will begin in best case in next year. Nevertheless, the automotive community is actively discussing the progress of reconstruction and arguing about whether it is good or bad to have toll roads.

Money will make way

During a recent trip along the reconstructed section of the highway, the chairman of the board of the state company Avtodor, Sergei Kelbakh, said that the 50-kilometer section of the road from km 124 to 174 would be put into operation before the end of this year. It will change quite noticeably - intersections where traffic jams used to gather will turn into modern interchanges, and there will be four lanes on each side instead of one or two. At about 40 km of the road, everything is already ready - the builders are finishing finishing touches. For example, electricity is being connected, since modern lampposts have been installed throughout the toll road. You don't have to drive in the dark. But for the pleasure of riding this modern wide road without crossings you really have to pay.

Road builders work in strict accordance with the schedule, even ahead of it, - said Kelbakh. - Financing of works for 2016 is provided in in full. Financing for the section from the 124th to the 65th kilometer is still partially planned. But here we are talking about 2017.

It is too early to talk about the price of travel on the renovated highway, they specify in Avtodor, this issue will be resolved after the completion of the reconstruction stages, and then the collection of fees will begin. However, the approximate cost is still there - more than 1.2 rubles per kilometer. This figure was announced back in 2014, but by the time the fee is introduced, it will certainly increase, taking into account inflation. However, compared to the section of the M11 highway, where you can pay several hundred rubles for a trip to Solnechnogorsk, the price is quite acceptable. In addition, they will start collecting money only when all the work is completed, and before that, everyone will be able to drive along the renovated section of the road for free. With the introduction of fees for those who do not want to pay, there will be alternatives in the form of free routes through Medyn and Kaluga. The estimated speed on the toll section will be 120 km/h, and the cost of reconstruction will be total is equal to 15.6 billion rubles, of which 1.88 billion are investor funds. The rest is public money.

City tariff

It is worth recognizing that toll roads for Russia are no longer a novelty. There are quite a lot of such sites in the country as a whole, a lot of them are also concentrated in the Moscow region from the M11 highway under construction to the bypass of the city of Odintsovo on the M1 "Belarus" road. In a few years, the first intracity toll highway will appear in the capital - we are talking about the northern understudy Kutuzovsky prospect. The route, 11 km long and at least 4 lanes wide, will connect the Moscow Ring Road with the international business center"Moscow-City", the poor transport accessibility of which has been talked about for more than a year. Most of trails from Molodo-gvardeiskaya road junction to the complex of skyscrapers will pass through bridges and overpasses.

It is assumed that tens of thousands of people will use the road a day - the expected flow of cars is at the level of 30-40 thousand. The route will be the first highway from the Moscow Ring Road to the center of the capital in many years. Although the first time after the introduction of money for travel is not planned, drivers will be allowed to test the highway for free in order to identify and eliminate problems before the launch of toll traffic.

Construction of the track will begin this year, and they promise to complete the work within three years. The fare has not yet been announced either - the city will approve the tariffs together with the investor closer to the opening date of traffic.

It is noteworthy that the construction of an understudy is also an example of the largest concession project in the capital. The city took over the purchase and release of land for the construction of the road, and the concessionaire in the form of a private investor will bear all the costs associated with the design, construction and operation. The parties share the costs of preparing the territory and transferring engineering communications among themselves. The amount of the toll will be set by the concessionaire, but the maximum limit will still be determined by the city.


5 Mitsubishi i-MiEV parkons began to monitor the Moscow parking space. "In the world experience, electric vehicles are gradually turning from the technology of the future into the familiar and popular view transport. Of course, we strive to keep up with the times and put into operation 5 electric parking lots. We believe that one of the important advantages is the absence of harmful emissions, which are one of the elements of pollution. environment", - said Dmitry Gorshkov, deputy head of the Moscow Traffic Management Center.

By the way

You will have an ecoduk

On the 170th km of the route in Kaluga region they are building a facility that is truly unique for our country - the first eco-duct in Russia. This is a large bridge across the road, on which animals, including large ones, can safely cross the track. It can be, for example, moose living in the Kaluga forests.

Ecologists describe the structure as a football field raised above the ground. The comparison is not exaggerated - it is 33 meters long and over 50 meters wide. As RG was told in Avtodor, grass, shrubs and trees will grow on the eco-duct, and in general it will copy the surrounding forest so that animals are not afraid to step on it. Noise barriers will be installed on the sides facing the highway - they will protect animals from the noise and the sight of speeding cars.

The place for the eco-duct was not chosen by chance - the hunters call it the "moose maternity hospital", because in the surrounding dense forest animals produce new offspring. This concerns not only moose, but also roe deer, hares, foxes and wild boars, which are found in abundance in these places.

Ecoducts are not a new phenomenon in the world. The first ones appeared in France back in the 1950s, and now hundreds of such structures can be found on the roads of the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, Canada, the USA and other countries.

In Russia, the ecoduct on the M3 is a kind of first sign, although Avtodor promises that similar ones will also appear on the Central Ring Road (TsKAD), which is now being built around the capital. True, this road will also be paid. However, the latter is just not surprising - the construction of ecoducts costs quite a lot of money, because these are full-fledged bridges. This prevents their widespread occurrence. In our country, instead of them, so-called animal passes are usually arranged - tunnels under the road. But animals are often afraid to enter them and they perform their function only partially.

Infographics "RG". A photo: Maria Pakhmutova / Alexander Meleshenko

Drivers will have to pay for the next 93 years to travel along the 70-kilometer section of the M3 Ukraine highway. The corresponding document was signed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The repaired four-lane section of the highway has a total width of 15 m. As free alternatives, motorists are offered a two-lane 135-kilometer section through Maloyaroslavets or a 123-kilometer variant through Kaluga.

"Establish that the use of the site highway common use federal significance M3 "Ukraine" Moscow - Kaluga - Bryansk - the border with Ukraine in the Kaluga region is carried out on a paid basis until May 1, 2109, - stated in the order.

According to the text of the document, this segment traffic is organized in four lanes. The width of the carriageway is 2x7.5 m with a dividing strip width of 2.75 m.

Preliminary fares became known to the media in advance. They should be significantly lower than, for example, on the M11 Moscow-St. Petersburg highway under construction. Full fare on the 70-kilometer paid site afternoon for cars will be 90 rubles, for two-axle trucks up to 2.6 m high - 135 rubles, for two-axle trucks above 2.6 m - 180 rubles, for trucks above 2.6 m and having three or more axles - 340 rubles. At night, travel should cost half as much, with a transponder, the discount will be about 20%.

The fare will be divided into two sections: from the 123rd to the 150th and from the 150th to the 173rd km. The start date for the collection of fees in the resolution is not indicated, but this may happen as early as the end of March.

Note that traffic on the site federal highway M3 "Ukraine" from the 124th to the 174th km in the Kaluga region was opened on September 13, 2016 after reconstruction. Until the completion of the reconstruction of the entire section of the road from km 124 to 194, motorists could use the new section of the route free of charge.

The total length of the M3 highway in Russia is about 500 km. The highway is being reconstructed with the subsequent introduction of tolls on the road, so the first toll section will not be the last - it is expected that in the coming years, tolls will begin to be collected after a few tens of kilometers from Moscow.

The volume of investments in the reconstruction of the M3 "Ukraine" highway to transfer it to paid work exceeded 17 billion rubles.

This amount includes the cost of building free alternate roads. Bus stops will be removed from the M3 and transferred to alternate roads. Also on toll road after the reconstruction, overhead crossings, noise barriers, roadsides, dividers and an eco-duct - a special crossing for animals will be equipped. All this will increase the speed limit on the highway up to 110 km/h. Complete the reconstruction of the M3 highway and transfer it to paid basis planned until December 2017.

The test period started on February 15, 2017: drivers began to receive coupons without paying fares.

Recall that the road was transferred to the trust management of Avtodor State Corporation in October 2011. To the border with Ukraine, it runs from Moscow through Kaluga and Bryansk. Thus, the motorway originates at the intersection Leninsky Prospekt and MKAD, then goes to southwest direction on the territory of the Moscow region, passes south of the district Solntsevo and Vnukovo airport.

Then the highway goes through the territory of the Kaluga region, intersecting in the area of ​​the city of Obninsk with the highway A101 Moscow - Maloyaroslavets - Roslavl, passes Kaluga at a distance of 20 km to the north-west of the city, then goes through the territory Bryansk region in southbound, lying at a distance of 10 km east of Bryansk, passes several kilometers through the territory Kursk region, turns to the south-west in the area of ​​​​the junction of the Orel - Kyiv highway and reaches state border with Ukraine. In the neighboring state, the section to Kyiv is more than 200 km.