Opening St. Northeast Chord

The authorities decided to put another scar on the body of Moscow - to build the North-East Expressway. So far, only the draft layout of the future route is ready, let's see how the next billion rubles will be spent.

01. General form plot:

02. Regarding the entire area:

03. Well, now in more detail, prepare your imagination, let's go from Yaroslavl, because tracing through national park(!!!) for some reason not invested in the project:

04. Past the Botanical Garden:

05. Vladykino:

06. Separation (or vice versa convergence - depending on how you look) TSW and SZH:

07. Sections of several places:

08. TPU in the direction of travel:

09. Features:

Surprisingly, even not a single underground / overhead passage sounds somehow implausible.

10. And now the socio-economic justification. Although it is not clear where social is meant here, I see only economic calculations, not social effect, no transport effect in perspective:

11. Although I’m lying, there are transport calculations, it has already been calculated where there will be traffic jams in the future:

What can I say ... for some reason I wanted to drink from grief. But if in the case of the North-Western Chord, which walked along ordinary streets, and from which it was decided to make a semblance of a highway, despite the inhabitants, where I still wanted to exile all those responsible to North Korea then just have a drink. Unlike the SZH, this chord for the most part goes along and along the industrial zone:

Apparently because of this, there will be no off-street crossings, and public transport on the chord is also not provided.

BUT in fact, this road distributes all traffic from the M11, only if the M11 is a toll road, this one will be free, that is, it will actively stimulate car use, and will also distribute a huge flow of cars around the city, for example, if a resident of Khimki or another Moscow region used to Tver, if they would go to the city by train or public transport, now they will go by car. Also, monstrous junctions obviously will not decorate the city and will not unload the exit streets. Although, there is a tiny chance that after entering this chord, it will finally be possible to close northeast section Third ring, turning it into a normal street.

In any case, instead of investing money in socially useful projects (yes, at least for linking UDS between districts), these will go to roads and traffic jams. But Grey Cardinal Satisfied - builders will be able to master the budget for a couple more years.

PS On Thursday, August 20, hearings on this project will be held in Ostankino, Rostokino and 3 other districts, I suggest that residents take care of this now.

You can watch presentations

The Moscow government arbitrarily demolished "arbitrarily" built buildings.

In order to achieve this demolition in Civil Code RF in Art. 222 urgently made changes:

1. Unauthorized construction is a building, structure or other structure erected, created on a land plot not provided in accordance with the established procedure, or on a land plot, the permitted use of which does not allow construction on it this object, or erected, created without obtaining the necessary permits for this or in violation of urban planning and building codes and rules.

2. Unauthorized construction is subject to demolition ...

At the same time, Art. 222 in paragraph 4 specifically noted that an unauthorized building is subject to demolition if the building occupied by it » … the land plot is located in an area with special conditions use of territories ... or in the right of way of engineering networks of federal, regional or local significance.

The content of the new edition of Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation shows that unauthorized construction in Moscow that violates the Law is carried out not only by merchants, but also by the Government of Moscow, which initiated changes to Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. These changes will also affect new construction projects that will be carried out after the introduction of amendments to Article 222. In order that after the completion of construction, new buildings could not be recognized as unauthorized and subject to demolition, the requirements of Art. 222 must also be carried out in the projects of these new buildings. For this, projects must not be unauthorized, must comply with the requirements of laws, and before implementation must be tested for compliance with Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Such an unauthorized project is the project of the section of the North-Eastern Expressway in the Moscow region of Veshnyaki (VAO). The route of this section of the chord motorway according to the project is laid on the territory of the forest park of the object cultural heritage regional significance Manor "Kuskovo". It is laid on the site specified in paragraph 1 of Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as « not provided in accordance with the established procedure, or on a land plot, the permitted use of which does not allow the construction of this object on it.

Passage of the Northeast Chord

"Provided in accordance with the established procedure" is a site determined by the General Plan of the City of Moscow until 2025, at the address: 1st Veshnyakovsky proezd, Ryazansky district of the South-Eastern Administrative District. The estate "Kuskovo" is located in another, Eastern administrative district, and laying a route here is prohibited by the approved Master Plan Law of the City of Moscow No. 17 dated 05.05.2010.

Construction of a chord in the estate "Kuskovo" prohibits Federal Law No. 73 of 06/25/2002"On objects of cultural heritage ..." Art. 3_1, art. 5_1, because it is construction "on land, the permitted use of which does not allow the construction of this object on it." Federal Law No. 73 of 2002 prohibits such capital construction on the territory of a cultural heritage site. As a result, 20 hectares of forest will be cut down, with dozens of centuries-old oaks growing in it.

Manor "Kuskovo"

Thus, according to paragraph 1 of Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the construction of the Khordy motorway in Kuskovo is an unauthorized construction, and after this section is built, the motorway is to be demolished as an unauthorized structure.

The motorway of the chord is being laid in Veshnyaki along security zone cultural heritage site federal significance 370-year-old Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. The motorway in this place captures the land, which “located in a zone with special conditions for the use of territories” (clause 4, article 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Thus, this section of the motorway is also subject to the new wording of Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Section of the chord in accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 222 is an unauthorized building, and after the completion of construction the motorway at this location is also to be demolished as unauthorized construction.

The highway is being laid at a distance from the Temple building four times smaller than the permissible, safe. Physical state of the ancient Temple, built in 1644, was not surveyed in accordance with the requirements of MDS 11-17 of 2004 - "Rules for the inspection of buildings ... for liturgical ... purposes", which should have been done before the start of the project to find out whether the Temple building would withstand vibration loads from the flow motorway cars, and whether it is possible to build a chord in this place for this reason.

Such loads inevitably cause subsidence of foundations near located buildings. For the ancient Temple, the value of these allowable drawdowns is set to no more than 5 mm (SP 22.13330.2011, Appendix L). The project calculated these drawdowns for the fence of the temple and commercial buildings on its territory. And for the Temple building itself, there is no calculation in the project. The calculation was either not made or not published because it showed a larger drawdown than 5 mm. That is, the fact that the Temple will collapse in the project is hidden. As a result, the Temple will be destroyed by the vibrations of the traffic flow of 10,000 per hour. The lives of the praying parishioners are at risk.

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Veshnyaki

The chord highway is being laid in Veshnyaki for 3 kilometers over three tunnels of the largest sewage collector in Moscow, through which 3 million cubic meters of sewage passes daily to the Lyubertsy aeration station - this is half of Moscow's sewage.

So the motorway of the chord passes "in the right of way of engineering networks" and, according to paragraph 4 of the new edition of Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is an unauthorized construction, which, after the completion of construction must also be demolished as unauthorized construction.

The diameters of the collector tunnels are 3, 4 and 6 meters, they were built 50 years ago and, according to the workers involved in their repair, the walls of the tunnels are so rotten that they are pierced through with a crowbar. They are repaired (“sanitized”), but the strength of the walls cannot be restored by this. To restore strength, the tunnels must be built anew, must be designed for new loads and new external conditions their work.

The right of way of engineering networks (security zone) of the sewer collector in the conditions of water-saturated soil Veshnyakov according to the "Operation Regulations sewer network Moscow (DZhKH i B 2006)”, is 50 meters on each side, into which the motorway enters. The construction of a motorway on top of the collector and in its buffer zone is prohibited by road construction standards and urban planning standards (SP 34.13330.2012 clause 6.36; SP 42.13330.2011 clause 12.33; 12.34; STO NOSTOY 2.17.66-2012 clause 6.4. 2.; 6.4.7.; 6.4.8.).

If the highway is not demolished as an unauthorized structure, then during its operation the walls of the collector tunnels will not withstand the new loads from the weight of the highway roadbed, the weight and vibration of the traffic flow of 10,000 cars per hour and will constantly collapse along the entire length of the collector located under the highway. The roadbed will collapse into these failures. The motorway and the collector will not be operated. Half of the inhabitants of Moscow will be left without water and sewerage. Residential areas adjacent to the motorway, Kuskovo forest park, Temple, Railway, subways will be flooded with fecal sewage.

What new edition Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation requires that the motorway of the chord after its construction in Veshnyaki was demolished says that it is impossible to build a chord in Veshnyaki.

New edition of Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation considers unauthorized and subject to demolition buildings that are created on a land plot:

« the permitted use of which does not allow the construction of this facility on it”;

which the “located in a zone with special conditions for the use of territories”;

which is located "in the right of way of engineering networks".

Article 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation prohibits the construction of a motorway on such land plots . It is necessary to build in accordance with the General Plan in the Ryazan region of the SEAD. There it will not be demolished.

Until now, the project for the construction of a motorway in Veshnyaki violated all existing federal laws and the laws of the city of Moscow in this area, about which we have repeatedly reported to the Government of Moscow. Now the project has switched to violating new laws that came out after its completion.

As of February 14, 2016, 121,359 citizens of Russia have signed a petition addressed to the President of the Russian Federation and the Mayor of Moscow, demanding that the construction of the North-Eastern Expressway be prohibited on the lands of the forest park of the federal cultural heritage site of the Kuskovo estate. Including their family members, the number of protesters is several hundred thousand people. The Moscow government does not notice these protests.

Residents of the Veshnyaki district, in accordance with Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation require from the Government of Moscow prevent unauthorized construction of the chord section in Veshnyaki, cancel the project and move the construction of the motorway to its rightful place, established by the General Plan of Moscow - 1st Veshnyakovsky proezd, Ryazansky district of the South-Eastern Administrative District.

On behalf of the initiative group
"Save Veshnyaki" architect
I.N. Kuznetsova

The situation with a significant congestion of the Moscow Metro and traffic jams on the roads is caused by several factors. Firstly, the capital attracts residents of Russia and foreign citizens striving for “ a better life”, secondly, the population is constantly growing and the number of private cars is increasing, and thirdly, the ill-conceived development of the city has an impact. To date, in the nearest development plans transport infrastructure the North-Western Expressway appears, the commissioning of which will make it possible to unload passenger traffic on Garden Ring, Moscow Ring Road, Third transport ring, Leningrad and Volokolamsk highways.

Development of a road junction plan

The need to build the North-Western Expressway was first mentioned in master plans development of Moscow, dating back to 1971. At the same time, it was planned to build other chord highways. True, the project was delayed. The construction of the North-Western Expressway in Moscow was resumed only by 2011, when the government returned to the old plans for the development of the city.

Stages-sections of the project implementation

Large-scale construction of an infrastructure facility involves several stages. The northwestern chord is being built according to the following plan:

  1. The first section is a transport interchange on the territory of the Sokol district, which distributes the flows of cars, trucks and public transport Leningradsky prospect and highway, Volokolamsk highway, Baltiyskaya, Alabyan and Bolshaya Akademicheskaya streets.
  2. The second section - two tunnels (Alabyano-Baltiysky and Mikhalkovsky) from Leningradsky to Dmitrovskoe highway. Both tunnels have been built, but a small section of Mikhalkovsky (110 m) is still closed to traffic.
  3. The third section is about 16 km from Zvenigorodskoe to Leningradskoe shosse.
  4. The fourth section - in general, almost 50 km from Skolkovo to Zvenigorod highway (the North-Western chord will not cover the entire section of the highway).
  5. The fifth section is a total of 100 km between Dmitrovsky and Yaroslavl highways.

In addition, the North-Western Expressway provides for the construction of eight underground and surface pedestrian crossings, as well as two bridges across the Moscow River.

Each stage of the construction of an infrastructure facility provides for separate plan. The sites individually go through all the procedures prescribed by law: approval, public hearings, environmental impact assessment, informing residents of nearby areas.

Current state of construction

As of mid-spring 2013, work was underway on the first and second construction sites, reconstruction and construction of road junction streets People's Militia, Marshal Zhukov Avenue and Zvenigorodskoe Highway. In December 2015, work on the first and second sections was completed (with the exception of a few small sections). In September 2016, the Winchester Tunnel was opened, passing the Street of the People's Militia under Berzarin Street.

The current scheme of the passage of the North-Western Chord on the map of Moscow is presented below.

Construction parameters and budget

The total length of the highway will be almost thirty kilometers, most of of which is the existing road network. The plan provides for the construction of nine flyovers and eleven tunnels total length 4.8 and 6.4 km, respectively, of two bridges: over lock No. 9 of the Moskva River and additional to the existing Krylatsky.

The construction of the North-Western Expressway was originally estimated at 30 billion rubles. To date, the cost of building the facility has doubled and amounts to 63 billion rubles.

Difficulties in the implementation of the project

The construction of the North-Western Chord is associated with some difficulties. Thus, problems arose during the reconstruction of existing transport infrastructure facilities, as well as the construction of:

  • Alabyano-Baltic tunnel.
  • A section of the road passing over the metro (an additional reinforced concrete shield had to be erected).
  • Above the bed of the underground Tarakanovka (required cleaning of the river bed and construction of a new collector).
  • Under the MZD tracks in the Riga direction.

When conducting construction works several accidents occurred: flooding of the construction site due to heavy rain, collapse and flooding of part of the tunnel with groundwater.

Another difficulty is the dissatisfaction of the residents of some houses located in close proximity to construction sites. For example, residents of the Koptelovo district opposed the construction of the facility, offering a more expensive option as an alternative - along the Okruzhnaya Railway. Spontaneous rallies gathered in the areas of Shchukino and Kuntsevo. Protests are heard from the population of residential areas Sokol, Strogino, Mozhaisky, Krylatskoye and others.

Discontent local residents threatened the destruction of part of the green spaces in the Shchukino region. Construction was hindered by 825 trees, instead of which the capital's Department of Nature Management and Protection environment plans to plant 117 chestnuts and maples.

I recently published a report on construction. Finally got around to looking at what is happening in his native area. Today detailed story on the construction of the North-Eastern Expressway (SVKh) - a new highway that will connect the three districts of the capital: north, east and southeast.

01. This is how this place looked in 2016. Due to the construction of a tunnel under the Shchelkovskoye Highway, a large traffic jam for several kilometers formed in the morning.

02. Construction for a while, metro tunnel forever. The work is completed, there are no more traffic jams in this place. Now everyone is standing at the intersection with Khalturinskaya Street.

04. Exit from the temporary storage warehouse to Shchelkovskoe highway towards the Moscow Ring Road.

05. From top to bottom in the photo is Shchelkovo highway, from left to right - temporary storage warehouse. To the left - the metro station "Partizanskaya", to the right - "Cherkizovskaya".

06. 2016 Narrowing due to the construction of overpasses and a tunnel.

07. 2018 FROM Schelkovo highway exits to the temporary storage warehouse are open in both directions, to the south and to the north.

08. View towards Podbelka. On the left in the photo is the Moscow Central Circle station "Lokomotiv".

10. Further, the chord is folded into a compact version. Most likely this is due to the difficulty of freeing land for construction, as well as due to the passage of the park " Elk Island". If you look closely at the photograph, you can clearly see the temporal organization of the movement, which is transferred to one side.

11. Same place on the other side.

12. The compact version of the route looks like this: traffic from the north will be organized along the overpass, which is not yet open, and traffic from the south will pass under the overpass. Thus, the route will take up almost half the area.

13. While traffic is open to the Mytishchi overpass (until open highway). Next comes construction. Here you can clearly see two tracks located one under the other.

14. Open highway, view towards Metrogorodok. Oh, Metrogorodok, my homeland)

15. Building a chord to the side Yaroslavl highway. Everything is in full swing right now. The MCC station "Rokossovsky Boulevard" is visible on the right.

16. Future branches. On the left - the industrial zone of the Metrogorodok.

18. Closer to Losinoostrovskaya street. Here, communications are being laid. As far as I know, the design and approval of the chord project is still underway for the section to the Yaroslavl highway.

19. Let's look at the chord from the other side. View towards "Partizanskaya". Everything has been open here for a long time, the only thing missing is a park and ride at the MCC station.

20. Intersection of the chord with the Entuziastov Highway. Here, almost all overpasses are already open, except for the direct passage to the south along the chord and the exit from the Enthusiasts Highway.

21. Set up!

22. View from the highway of Enthusiasts to the south. On the right you can see the interchange with Budyonny Avenue.

23. In this place, on all diagrams, a "knot" is tied on the chord. The main course will go further south parallel to the MCC, and the chord itself will sharply go southeast to Vykhino.

24. At first glance, you can’t figure it out without a hundred grams. But everything is simple. On the left comes the chord from Vykhino. If you move straight along it, you will get to Budyonny Avenue (goes to the right in the frame), if you turn right, you will get to the continuation of the chord that goes to the north (at the bottom of the frame). From above, the MCC station "Andronovka" and grounded for the future construction of the highway at the top of the frame.

27. Unique time while the road is not open yet. You can freely walk along the track on foot.

29. View of the same interchange from Perovo.

30. Large freight station "Perovo".

33. View towards the park "Kuskovo". In this section, the chord is almost ready.

35. View towards Vykhino. The first overpass is the streets of Papernik and Yunosti, the second, in the distance, is the Moscow Ring Road.

36. It turns out that in the near future we are waiting for the opening of the chord from the Moscow Ring Road to the Open Highway. For me personally, a person living in Izmailovo, this will be a long-awaited event.

Dmitry Chistoprudov,

This autumn, the North-Eastern and Northwest Chord in Moscow will be connected by a turning overpass on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street. Pyotr Aksenov, First Deputy Head of the Construction Department, told journalists about this when he visited one of the sections of the North-Eastern Expressway under construction.

As RG already wrote, the metropolitan chords can be compared with the Moscow Ring Road or the Third Transport Ring in terms of the scale of construction and the impact on city traffic. They will save Muscovites from tens of kilometers of reruns, which they are now forced to do in order to get to the neighboring area. Chords will allow you to cross the city through and through, without stopping at the historical center. Both highways will be free.

In particular, the SZH will run from Dmitrovsky to Skolkovskoye Highway, and the SZH - from toll road Moscow - St. Petersburg to the interchange at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and the interchange Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy. After the highways are fully launched, the load on the outbound routes, according to the calculations of the NI and PI of the General Plan of Moscow, will decrease by 20-25 percent.

Separate sections of chords are already used by motorists, and some of their elements are still being completed. For example, connection festival street and Dmitrovsky highway. It is almost 11 km long, and half of this path goes along bridges and flyovers. Artificial constructions they were specially designed so that they went as far as possible from the houses and did not cause inconvenience to their residents. Nevertheless, just in case, in the skyscrapers of the northeast, builders replaced 6,000 windows with silent ones. However, construction is already over. Visually, the overpasses are almost ready, there is still something left to finish on the engineering side.

We have indeed completed 90 percent of the work, Aksenov said. - But there was a slight delay. On one of the plots there is the Khovrinsky pumping station, where communications need to be shifted. In winter, this could not be done so that 3.5 thousand local residents, whose houses are powered by it, do not suffer.

Turning off the station, it turned out, is possible only on May 15. According to Aksenov, it is possible to launch the northern section of the chord by the City Day in September. This will complete the work for almost the entire length of the temporary storage warehouse. Construction is still ongoing on the section between Schelkovskoye and Otkrytoye Highways.

Infographics "RG" / Alexander Chistov / Sergey Babkin

In the near future, in the southwest of the city, the North-Eastern passage will connect with the North-West. In the area of ​​Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street, it is planned to build several connecting overpasses at once. The first of them, a reversal, will be completed in October this year. It allows you to drive from one chord track to another without wasting time on a detour along the Dmitrov highway. Let me note that the Moscow authorities expect to complete both chords by 2020-2021.