Who is building the northeast chord. The project of the chord section from sh

Road construction in Russian capital doesn't stop for a day. And, despite the fact that sometimes it seems that all the reserves to improve the transport situation are already close to exhaustion, the city authorities, designers and builders manage to find new solutions to make life easier for motorists and passengers public transport. The commissioning of the system of chord roads and rocades will additionally relieve the load on the center and the main ring roads of the city.

Initially, Moscow turned out to be a hostage to the radial-ring transport system. And at a time when motorization was relatively slow, this state of affairs suited everyone. However, the capital was not ready for a sharp increase in the city's population and the number of cars at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. Analysts of the Monarch and B construction company, which is part of the Monarch Group of Companies, came to this conclusion.

The actions taken then by the authorities of the city did not keep pace with the pace of its development - new and reconstructed streets instantly turned into places of traffic congestion.

It became clear that building more and more new rings is a solution that does not give a serious effect and improves the traffic situation only for a short period of time. But it was obviously impossible to abandon the existing radial-annular system. Under these conditions, the city authorities, together with the best engineering and design minds, had to figure out how to make sure that the city does not get stuck in giant traffic jams in the near future.

The main idea was the redistribution of flows. In order to get from one sleeping area to another, located at the opposite end of the city, there were two travel options: through the Moscow Ring Road and through the center. Alternative paths were either inconvenient or too time consuming. New routes were needed. This is how the project for the construction of a system of chords and rocades appeared.


This highway will pass The North-Eastern chord, 35 kilometers long, will run from the new M11 Moscow-St. Petersburg highway to the Kosinskaya flyover - an interchange at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road with the Veshnyaki-Lyubertsy highway. The chord will connect the Moscow Ring Road, Entuziastov Highway, Izmailovskoye, Shchelkovskoye, Otkrytoye, Yaroslavskoye, Altufevskoye and Dmitrovskoye Highways. It will reduce the traffic load on the center, the Third Transport Ring, the Moscow Ring Road and outbound highways.

The other day, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin opened traffic on overpasses at the junction of the North-Eastern Expressway with Entuziastov Highway and Budyonny Avenue. In August, an overpass was opened at the intersection of the new highway and Shchelkovskoye Highway. The main work on the construction of the North-Eastern Expressway is planned to be completed in 2019, said the head of the city's construction complex Marat Khusnullin.

In addition to the section from Entuziastov Highway to Izmailovsky Highway, two more have already been built - from Businovskaya interchange before festival street and from Izmailovsky to Shchelkovsky highway. Currently, work is underway on sections from the Entuziastov Highway to the Moscow Ring Road and from Festivalnaya Street to Dmitrovskoe highway.


The task of this city highway is to provide a diagonal connection between the northeast and southwestern regions the capital, bypassing the city center, unload the Third Transport Ring, Moscow Ring Road, Garden Ring, Leningradskoye, volokolamskoe highway and other highways. The new highway will run from Skolkovo to Yaroslavl highway.

The reconstructed Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street, together with the Alabyano-Baltic Tunnel, formed the main part of the highway, which, in the area of ​​Dmitrovskoye Highway, joined the North-Eastern Expressway and, through the Businovskaya interchange, got access to new track in the direction of Sheremetyevo airport.

Thanks to the Mikhalkovsky tunnel, it became possible to remove traffic light objects. Traffic has already been launched on the overpass at the intersection of Skolkovo highway with Vyazemskaya and Vitebskaya streets, along the turning overpass with Ryabinovaya and the bridge over the Setun River.

It is planned to complete all construction work on the North-Western Chord and launch the entire highway in 2018.


The road will connect the Moscow Ring Road through Rublevskoe Highway, Balaklavsky Prospekt, Varshavskoye Highway, Kantemirovskaya Street, Kashirskoe highway and street Borisovskie Ponds. Rokada will become a backup for the Moscow Ring Road and the southern section of the Third Ring Road. Its task is to redistribute traffic flows and unload the Kashirskoye and Varshavskoye highways, as well as Proletarsky Prospekt. The new highway will include existing roads, which will be reconstructed and expanded.

According to the plans of the city authorities, the Southern Rocade will pass from Balaklavsky prospect through the tunnel under the Varshavskoe highway, then through the overpass it will cross the railway tracks, cross the Chertanovka river over the bridge and connect with Kantemirovskaya street in the area Proletarian Avenue. Further through the tunnel, drivers will be able to get to Borisovskie Prudy Street in the direction of Maryino. Farther rocade will go along Verkhnie Polya Street, from where the transport will head towards the Moscow Ring Road through Kapotnya.

To date, the section from Rublevsky Highway to Balaklavsky Prospekt has already been put into operation. Overpasses and pedestrian crossings were built here. The plans of the city authorities include the construction of a junction at the intersection of Varshavskoye Highway and Balaklavsky Prospekt. A tunnel, overpass, U-turn ramps and side driveways will appear in this place. In addition, an overpass will be erected under the tracks Paveletsky direction, a bridge across the Chertanovka River and an underground pedestrian crossing. And the section from the intersection with Proletarsky Prospekt to the Moscow Ring Road will be formed at the expense of existing streets.

Total length of chord roads will be about 243 kilometers. They will build over a hundred transport facilities- tunnels, overpasses, bridges and overpasses. The launch of traffic along new high-speed routes will make it possible to create, in fact, a new ring, but with exits to the Moscow Ring Road, which will unload the last and the Third Ring Road. The plans are to connect the North-Western and North-Eastern chords in the area of ​​Festivalnaya Street with access to the road to the Businovskaya interchange and further to toll road Moscow, Saint Petersburg. The Southern Rocade will intersect with the North-Western Chord in the Krylatskoye area.

The situation with a significant congestion of the Moscow Metro and traffic jams on the roads is caused by several factors. Firstly, the capital attracts residents of Russia and foreign citizens striving for “ a better life”, secondly, the population is constantly growing and the number of private cars is increasing, and thirdly, the ill-conceived development of the city has an impact. To date, in the nearest development plans transport infrastructure the North-Western Expressway appears, the commissioning of which will make it possible to unload passenger traffic on Garden Ring, Moscow Ring Road, Third transport ring, Leningrad and Volokolamsk highways.

Development of a road junction plan

The need for construction Northwest chord first mentioned in master plans development of Moscow, dating back to 1971. At the same time, it was planned to build other chord highways. True, the project was delayed. The construction of the North-Western Expressway in Moscow was resumed only by 2011, when the government returned to the old plans for the development of the city.

Stages-sections of the project implementation

Large-scale construction of an infrastructure facility involves several stages. The northwestern chord is being built according to the following plan:

  1. The first section is a transport interchange on the territory of the Sokol district, which distributes the flows of cars, trucks and public transport of Leningradsky Prospekt and the highway, the Volokolamsk highway, Baltiyskaya, Alabyan and Bolshaya Akademicheskaya streets.
  2. The second section is two tunnels (Alabyano-Baltiysky and Mikhalkovsky) from Leningradskoye to Dmitrovskoye highway. Both tunnels have been built, but a small section of Mikhalkovsky (110 m) is still closed to traffic.
  3. The third section is about 16 km from Zvenigorodskoe to Leningradskoe shosse.
  4. The fourth section - in general, almost 50 km from Skolkovo to Zvenigorod highway (the North-Western chord will not cover the entire section of the highway).
  5. The fifth section is a total of 100 km between Dmitrovsky and Yaroslavl highways.

In addition, the North-Western Expressway provides for the construction of eight underground and surface pedestrian crossings, as well as two bridges across the Moscow River.

Each stage of the construction of an infrastructure facility provides for separate plan. The sites individually go through all the procedures prescribed by law: approval, public hearings, environmental impact assessment, informing residents of nearby areas.

Current state of construction

As of mid-spring 2013, work was underway on the first and second sections of the construction, reconstruction and construction of a road junction of the street People's Militia, Marshal Zhukov Avenue and Zvenigorodskoe Highway. In December 2015, work on the first and second sections was completed (with the exception of a few small sections). In September 2016, the Winchester Tunnel was opened, passing the Street of the People's Militia under Berzarin Street.

The current scheme of the passage of the North-Western Chord on the map of Moscow is presented below.

Construction parameters and budget

The total length of the highway will be almost thirty kilometers, most of of which is the existing road network. The plan provides for the construction of nine flyovers and eleven tunnels total length 4.8 and 6.4 km, respectively, of two bridges: over lock No. 9 of the Moskva River and additional to the existing Krylatsky.

The construction of the North-Western Expressway was originally estimated at 30 billion rubles. To date, the cost of building the facility has doubled and amounts to 63 billion rubles.

Difficulties in the implementation of the project

The construction of the North-Western Chord is associated with some difficulties. Thus, problems arose during the reconstruction of existing transport infrastructure facilities, as well as the construction of:

  • Alabyano-Baltic tunnel.
  • A section of the road passing over the metro (an additional reinforced concrete shield had to be erected).
  • Above the bed of the underground Tarakanovka (required cleaning of the river bed and construction of a new collector).
  • Under the MZD tracks in the Riga direction.

When conducting construction works several accidents occurred: flooding of the construction site due to heavy rain, collapse and flooding of part of the tunnel with groundwater.

Another difficulty is the dissatisfaction of the residents of some houses located in close proximity to construction sites. For example, residents of the Koptelovo district opposed the construction of the facility, offering a more expensive option as an alternative - along the Okruzhnaya Railway. Spontaneous rallies gathered in the areas of Shchukino and Kuntsevo. Protests are heard from the population of residential areas Sokol, Strogino, Mozhaisky, Krylatskoye and others.

Discontent local residents threatened the destruction of part of the green spaces in the Shchukino region. Construction was hindered by 825 trees, instead of which the capital's Department of Nature Management and Protection environment plans to plant 117 chestnuts and maples.

These strange words in the title - the name of grandiose objects road construction in Moscow. One way or another, you heard them - the North-East Chord, the North-West Chord and the South Rokada. - just an exit from the Schelkovo highway to the temporary storage warehouse in the direction of the Entuziastov highway. And now let's look at these construction sites from the air. The first part on TSW was published by me in May -.

In Moscow, 104 km of roads were built in 2016, which is a record commissioning.

In total, over the past 6 years (between 2011 and 2016), 544 km of roads have been built and put into operation (about 12.5% ​​of the entire existing road network cities), including:
- 162 artificial structures (overpasses, tunnels and bridges) and 160 off-street pedestrian crossings were built;
- 8 outbound highways (126 km) were reconstructed, full-fledged alternates were created, as well as dedicated lanes for public transport with a total length of 150 km (this is 60% of the entire length of the existing dedicated lanes in the city - 250 km), 350 driving pockets were created;
- built and reconstructed 13 largest and most complex transport interchanges at the intersection of highways with the Moscow Ring Road.

In 2017-2019 it is planned to ensure the commissioning of roads with a length of 353 km; build 61 artificial structure and 36 pedestrian crossings.

All aerial surveys completed sturman from urbanoid.pro . He has on channel on youtube you can find many interesting videos.

1. The diagram shows the mileage only by chords: how much has already been done, what is in work, and what is still being designed.

2. Let's start from South Rokada, where at the intersection with Varshavskoye highway, the first stage of construction is in full swing - the construction of an overpass for Varshavskoye highway.

3. Scheme of the site.


4. The second stage, as I understand it, will be the construction of a tunnel for South Rokada. By at least, there is such a scheme and rendering.

5. We managed to fly, right before the squall.

6. The construction of the tunnel under the railway will be completed, as usual, without stopping traffic.

7. And now the famous T-junction in the air. This is the denouement Southern Understudy Kutuzovsky prospect from Mosfilmovskaya street.

8. Monstrous scheme.


9. Junction of the Southern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt with Mosfilmovskaya Street.

10. In the center of the road, a backlog was left for the continuation of the southern understudy to the center, along the railway.

11. The south understudy will go to the left and the appendix will be connected to it.

12. But very unusual view, certainly.

13. And this is the junction of the Southern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt with South Rokada. It is also shown in the diagram above.

14. The most delicious thing is the construction of a new bridge across the Moscow River in the section of the North-Western Chord.

15. Scheme of the site.


16. It is being built parallel to the existing Krylatsky bridge.

17. The superstructure of the old bridge is made in the form of a continuous steel beam with a ride on top, the span formula is 51.2 + 90.0 + 51.2 m. The structure is based on two box-shaped beams 2.5 m high, 2.74 m wide, covered with an orthotropic slab. The beams rest on two common V-shaped supports. The total width of the bridge is 25.4 m, including the carriageway - 18.0 m (4 lanes). As far as I understand, the new bridge will be a copy of the old one according to the scheme.

18. Section of the North-Western Chord from the bridge to northern understudy Kutuzovsky prospect.

19. And this is the beginning of work on the construction of a 300 meter cable-stayed bridge through gateway No. 9

20. It will connect Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street with Nizhniye Mnevniki over the lock along an oblique line, not far from the existing small Karamyshevsky bridge. At the same time, it is planned to create pedestrian zones and an observation deck on the suspension bridge.

21. View towards the junction of Marshal Zhukov Avenue and Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street.

22. And already in the evening we stopped at the construction of the North-Eastern chord in the area of ​​​​Festivalnaya Street.

23. Scheme of the site. Notice the gray branch to the east. If you want to get acquainted - then here is a link to another scheme.


24. Partially commissioned junction of temporary storage warehouse with Festivalnaya street.

25. Beautiful, damn it.

26. View towards the Moscow Ring Road.

27. If anyone forgot, then the scheme for the already built site. By the way, when we walked under the flyovers, there is a surveillance camera on each support!!! There are no dead zones at all. Wow.


28. View towards the platform "NATI", "Likhobory" MCC, depot "Likhobory" LDL.

29. See that in order to save the access railway line, the pitch of the supports had to be changed.

30. View towards Festivalnaya.

31. Interchange of temporary storage warehouse with a section that will go to the east.

32. Station "Likhobory" MCC.

33. Likhobory station and temporary storage warehouse under construction.

34. Interchange at temporary storage warehouse. On the right you can see the new depot "" of the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line.

35. And 3D panoramas. To see and spin them - welcome here: https://urbanoid.pro/pano/17_08_05_roads.html

36. Grand construction.

37. Moscow is changing before our eyes

38. In total, 561 km of roads have been built in Moscow over the past 6 years. This is approximately 12.5% ​​of the entire existing street and road network of the city. Reconstruction of 13 transport interchanges at the intersection of major highways with the Moscow Ring Road, 8 outbound highways was carried out. The length of backups and dedicated public transport lanes was about 150 km. In 2017-2019 it is planned to ensure the commissioning of roads with a length of 353 km; build 61 artificial structures and 36 pedestrian crossings.

39. Happy Builder's Day!

I recently published a report on construction. Finally got around to looking at what is happening in his native area. Today detailed story on the construction of the North-Eastern Expressway (SVKh) - a new highway that will connect the three districts of the capital: north, east and southeast.

01. This is how this place looked in 2016. Due to the construction of a tunnel under the Shchelkovskoye Highway, a large traffic jam for several kilometers formed in the morning.

02. Construction for a while, metro tunnel forever. The work is completed, there are no more traffic jams in this place. Now everyone is standing at the intersection with Khalturinskaya Street.

04. Exit from temporary storage warehouse to Schelkovskoe highway towards the Moscow Ring Road.

05. From top to bottom in the photo is Shchelkovo highway, from left to right - temporary storage warehouse. To the left - the metro station "Partizanskaya", to the right - "Cherkizovskaya".

06. 2016 Narrowing due to the construction of overpasses and a tunnel.

07. 2018 From the Shchelkovo highway, exits to the temporary storage warehouse are open in both directions, to the south and to the north.

08. View towards Podbelka. On the left in the photo is the Moscow Central Circle station "Lokomotiv".

10. Further, the chord is folded into a compact version. Most likely this is due to the difficulty of freeing land for construction, as well as due to the passage of the park " Elk Island". If you look closely at the photograph, you can clearly see the temporal organization of the movement, which is transferred to one side.

11. Same place on the other side.

12. The compact version of the route looks like this: traffic from the north will be organized along the overpass, which is not yet open, and traffic from the south will pass under the overpass. Thus, the route will take up almost half the area.

13. While traffic is open to the Mytishchi overpass (to the Open Highway). Next comes construction. Here you can clearly see two tracks located one under the other.

14. open highway, view towards Metrogorodok. Oh, Metrogorodok, my homeland)

15. Construction of a chord towards the Yaroslavl highway. Everything is in full swing right now. The MCC station "Rokossovsky Boulevard" is visible on the right.

16. Future branches. On the left - the industrial zone of the Metrogorodok.

18. Closer to Losinoostrovskaya street. Here, communications are being laid. As far as I know, the design and approval of the chord project is still underway for the section to the Yaroslavl highway.

19. Let's look at the chord from the other side. View towards "Partizanskaya". Everything has been open here for a long time, the only thing missing is a park and ride at the MCC station.

20. Intersection of the chord with the Entuziastov Highway. Here, almost all overpasses are already open, except for the direct passage to the south along the chord and the exit from the Enthusiasts Highway.

21. Set up!

22. View from the highway of Enthusiasts to the south. On the right you can see the interchange with Budyonny Avenue.

23. In this place, on all diagrams, a "knot" is tied on the chord. The main course will go further south parallel to the MCC, and the chord itself will sharply go southeast to Vykhino.

24. At first glance, you can’t figure it out without a hundred grams. But everything is simple. On the left comes the chord from Vykhino. If you move straight along it, you will get to Budyonny Avenue (goes to the right in the frame), if you turn right, you will get to the continuation of the chord that goes to the north (at the bottom of the frame). From above, the MCC station "Andronovka" and grounded for the future construction of the highway at the top of the frame.

27. Unique time while the road is not open yet. You can freely walk along the track on foot.

29. View of the same interchange from Perovo.

30. Large freight station "Perovo".

33. View towards the park "Kuskovo". In this section, the chord is almost ready.

35. View towards Vykhino. The first overpass is the streets of Papernik and Yunosti, the second, in the distance, is the Moscow Ring Road.

36. It turns out that in the near future we are waiting for the opening of the chord from the Moscow Ring Road to the Open Highway. For me personally, a person living in Izmailovo, this will be a long-awaited event.

Dmitry Chistoprudov,

For more than a year, I was going to make a report about the construction of the North-Eastern Expressway in the area of ​​the Shchelkovo highway and the Entuziastov highway. standing once more in a traffic jam, I glanced at the towering overpasses, and promised myself to coordinate access to construction sites. As a result, he didn’t get together, didn’t agree, and didn’t take it off. But the other day I looked at the endless interchanges in Moscow from above. It turned out even clearer.

1. Let's start with the eternal construction in the area of ​​​​the Enthusiasts Highway. Here passes the North-Eastern Chord (SVKh), which will connect the most densely populated areas Moscow - southeast and north. The route crosses Izmailovskoye, Shchelkovskoye, Dmitrovskoye, Altufevskoye, Otkrytoye Highway and Entuziastov Highway.

2. Probably every Moscow motorist at least once stood in a big traffic jam on the Enthusiasts Highway.

In the morning to the center to Burakova street, in the evening to the region from the Third Ring Road.

3. For the entire period of construction on this section, they managed to dismantle the old overpass of the railway ring road, build 4 new overpasses for the MCC and 7 overpasses of temporary storage warehouses.

4. Some of them are already open - these are the exits from the temporary storage warehouse to the Entuziastov highway to the center and the region, the exit from Perovskaya Street and the exits from the Entuziastov highway to the temporary storage warehouse. Who traveled, he knows.

5. TSW, view to the north towards Izmailovo.

6. View to the south.

8. Nearby, 200 meters away, two more flyovers were built, leaving for Budyonny Avenue.

11. It can be seen that the flyovers are already ready, but not all the buildings on the path of the new road have been demolished.

12. A large interchange is being built near the Andronovka station of the MCC. To the left in the frame the road goes towards Izmailovo, down - to Budyonny Avenue. Left up in bright sun- to Kosinskaya, Anosova streets, Pervaya Mayevka, Plyushchev and Masterova alleys.

13. View from Annosov street. On the right in the frame, the road with cars is the current exit to the temporary storage warehouse from Perovskaya Street.

14. On the section from the platform of the Plushevo station, the projected highway will rise to the overpass and pass over the tracks Gorky direction railway, as well as over Anosova street. Anosov Street itself will be expanded to 2 lanes in each direction, with the possibility of exits and arrivals on the overpass of the main passage.

15. Industrial area and the intersection of the Gorky and Kazan directions of the railway. If you look closely, you can see two passenger platforms - Chukhlinka and Perovo. The construction site of the new overpass is visible in the foreground.

16. At this point, the Overpass will connect several cut railroad tracks districts. It will take 30 seconds to get from Pervaya Mayevka Alley to Annosova Street, instead of the usual 15 minutes for a detour.

17. Part of the Kuskovsky forest park and a view towards the station Plushevo and Veshnyaki. At this point, the new flyover should run right along the border of the park, which causes a lot of controversy and criticism from a number of local residents and environmentalists.

18. Now let's fast forward to the west and look at some more huge interchanges. This is how the large junction of the Aminyevskoye Highway and General Dorokhov Street, one of the sections of the South Rokada, looks like.

19. New the road will pass to Mosfilmovskaya street. As part of the interchange, a two-lane tunnel will be built for the exit from General Dorokhova Street to Aminyevskoye Highway in the direction of Mozhaika. If you look closely, you can see its portal in the photo.

20. View from the Aminevsky highway.

24. New flyover at the intersection with Vereiskaya and Nezhinskaya streets, as well as the bridge over the Setun.

25. Future tunnel at the intersection with Artamonova street.

27. I haven't been to Ryabinovaya Street for 5 years. I didn't recognize her at all. This is how the turning overpass from Vyazemskaya and Vitebskaya streets to Ryabinovaya street looks like.

29. To the left - Projected passage 1901, passing into Vyazemskaya, Vitebskaya and Skolkovo highways, to the right - Ryabinovaya street.

31. Curious in form interchange with Troekurovsky passage. She is on cover photo vertical)

33. Vyazemskaya street, Skolkovo highway and Vitebskaya street. Above you can see Mozhaika.

34. Built, you know!

The idea of ​​building chord highways was born in the city more than forty years ago, but they came to its realization only now, when it became finally clear that there were not enough roads between the districts, and there was nothing for transit traffic to do in the center. Above large-scale project chord employs specialists from JSC "Mosinzhproekt" - an engineering company full cycle specializing in projects for the development of transport infrastructure and utilities.

For reference: Mosinzhproekt JSC is the sole operator of the Moscow Metro development program, the general designer of the reconstruction of outbound highways and interchanges, a participant in the Moscow Transport Interchange Hubs (TPU) development program, the general contractor for the reconstruction of the Luzhniki stadium and management company for the construction of the Zaryadye park.

P.S. It's a pity I didn't have time to shoot the temporary storage warehouse and Shchelkovo highway. Next time now.

Dmitry Chistoprudov,