An unresolved issue as of yet. Not with different parts of speech

1. Assignment 12 Define-de-li-those prepositions, in some rum NOT with the word SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

On-stu-pi-la autumn with (not) skon-cha-e-we-mi until-wait-mi, mok-ry-mi do-ro-ga-mi, with longing for ve-che-frames .

The rain continued, but (not) strong, as in the morning, but weak, wet.

So (not) appearing on the stage, re-vi-zor tre-vo-lives all ob-va-te-lei.

The window in the kitchen was (not) for-on-ve-she-but.

Answer: endless

2. Assignment 12 Define-de-li-those preposition, in some rum NOT with the word SLIT-BUT is written. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

Well-fed go-lod-no-go (not) ra-zu-me-et.

In (not) usually-but-vein-noy ti-shi-not for-birth-yes-there-is-s-light.

(Not) having received another day from-ve-ta, he sent another letter.

For-da-cha (not) re-she-on.

At home, he couldn’t (couldn’t) use it anymore.

Answer: extraordinary

3. Assignment 12 Define-de-li-those preposition, in some rum NOT with the word SLIT-BUT is written. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

This film is not at all (not) in-te-re-sen.

(Not) pre-beautiful-scha-u-schi-e-sya rains on-ru-shi-whether all our plans.

At night he hardly (did not) sleep.

Only a person can do this, (not) thinking about the benefits of the forest.

Chintz (not) to-ro-goy, but de-che-vy.

Answer: incessant

4. Assignment 12 Define-de-li-those prepositions, in some rum NOT with the word SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

It was no-one (not) from-the-west art-tist.

Often (does not) reach re-shi-tel-no-sti in order to defend one's convictions.

I had to re-live (not) under-yes-y-y-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-ing horror.

In him (not) there was neither co-ve-sti, nor kind-ro-you, nor honesty.

Nobody (not) could call him an evil person.

Answer: missing

5. Assignment 12 Define-de-li-those preposition, in some rum NOT with the word SLIT-BUT is written. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

I, (not) having dealt with my dre-my, was already fast asleep.

He had (not) few such people to meet.

In the book (not) hva-ta-lo not-how many pages.

The story was told with nothing (not) comparable to my impression.

She, nothing (not) from-ve-tiv, continued to look at the sky.

Answer: a lot

6. Assignment 12 Define-de-li-those prepositions, in some rum NOT with the word SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

The bridge over the river this year is (not) built.

The secret of (not) race-roof-ta.

We are passing by (not) a shi-ro-coy mountain river.

For a long time (not) stri-wife-nye-lo-sy me-sha-li, climbed into the eyes.

Never (never) kept silent, conscience was his faithful companion.

Answer: narrow

7. Assignment 12 Define-de-li-those prepositions, in some rum NOT with the word SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

Dunya (not) li-she-on both-I-niya.

Project (not) co-gla-co-van.

His wave-but-val (not) resolved is still a question.

(Not) ve-ze-nie, but cro-pot-li-vaya ra-bo-ta was behind the log of his success.

Answer: unsold

8. Assignment 12 Define-de-li-those prepositions, in some rum NOT with the word SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

In re-she-those water (not) hold-live.

A healthy person learns from other people's mistakes - nothing (not) teaches a fool.

(Not) how many women ho-di-li along the river bank.

Li-ven (not) pre-beautiful.

Answer: several

9. Assignment 12 Define-de-li-those preposition, in some-rum NOT with the word SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

(Not) clear speech - muddy mirror-ka-lo.

The port-ret is (not) finished yet, but the glory of the talent-li-vom hu-doge-ni-ke is fast-ro about-le-te-la city.

(Not) write with a pen, but with the mind.

You (do not) please everyone.

Miraculous, never (never) seen a given sight of me.

Answer: unclear

10. Assignment 12 Define-de-li-those prepositions, in some-rum NOT with the word SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

All houses for a long time (not) piece-ka-tu-re-us.

Mountains, not yet (not) lit by the sun, you de-la-lis in the light-left sky.

It was (not) purchased, but its own kry-zhov-nickname.

Answer: no one

11. Assignment 12 Define-de-li-those prepositions, in some rum NOT with the word SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

The earth, for a long time (not) seeing rain, cracked.

The sun (not) you-but-si-mo burned.

The river, still (not) covered with ice, is gloomy, but ka-ti-la has its lead waters.

(Not) with whom to ask when he himself is vi-no-wat.

For a long time (not) I was in my native hundred.

Answer: unbearable

12. Assignment 12 Define-de-li-those preposition, in some rum NOT with the word SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

Lying bread (not) to-boo-desh.

It is better to (not) to-co-pour than re-re-co-pour.

(It’s not) visible this year, not a single be-le-yu-sche-go pa-ru-sa.

Through the windows, still (not) closed for the night, someone on the floor was surprised by the fresh air.

In the morning, nothing (not) on-on-mi-on-lo yesterday's storm.

Answer: undersalt

13. Assignment 12 Define-de-li-those preposition, in some rum NOT with the word SLIT-BUT is written. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

(Not) for-would-va-e-my vpe-chat-le-leave-vi-la thunderstorm in de-rev-not.

(Not) tar-kav-shie not on the mi-well-that race of thunder, co-wa-whether we were and kept us in the state of fear.

Words and words have (not) only a direct, but also a trans-nose meaning.

The windows were (not) for-on-ve-she-us.

Le-be-di pla-va-li, (not) for-me-tea me.

Answer: unforgettable

14. Assignment 12 Define-de-li-those preposition, in some rum NOT with the word SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

Ba-bush-ka (not) play-sa-la, but words-but tell-say-zy-wa-la something.

None of us (not) pre-ry-shaft her.

It was ti-shi-na, (not) on-ru-sha-e-may not a single sound.

Every man-lo-century (not) once remembers the day when he first crossed the threshold of the school.

Two not-de-whether pre-by-va-nia in the mountains pro-le-te-whether (not) for-meth-but.

Answer: invisible

15. Assignment 12 Define-de-li-those prepositions, in some rum NOT with the word SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

Still (not) see-di-my eye of the sun-tse-ki-well-lo across the sky a fan of pink rays.

Va-len-ting walked with a (not) hasty, but decisive step.

You-well-laid deep autumn, already (not) damp and rainy, but dry, windy.

There was (not) anyone around.

The foliage hangs (not) she-loh-nu-shis.

Answer: unhurried

16. Assignment 12 Define-de-li-those preposition, in some rum NOT with the word SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

People who (wouldn’t) have been on an eq-va-to-re cannot imagine a winter tro-pi-che-sky rain.

As a child, Chekhov was (not) an expert on you-dum-ki.

An-drey entered the still (not) lit hall of the go-sti-ni-tsy.

I (not) want to go home.

Answer: inexhaustible

17. Assignment 12 Define-de-li-those preposition, in some rum NOT with the word SLIT-BUT is written. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

Re-bya-ta went to the camp (not) quickly, but honey-len-but, with long stops.

Stars, (not) see-di-my with an armed look.

Please, (not) for-de-zh-va-yas, rushed past.

The field is (not) clear white-le-lo around.

(Not) strengthens la-u-schim, but ras-weak-la-u-schim acts in an after-afternoon dream.

Answer: not clear

18. Assignment 12 Define-de-li-those preposition, in some rum NOT with the word SLIT-BUT is written. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

Water pri-li-va shu-me-li (not) silent.

The wind is ko-leb-years ste-belok with still (not) dry dew.

On the right, over the le-si-sty-mi-hol-ma-mi shone (not) mi-ga-yu-shaya stars.

The answer to the request is still (not) in-lu-chen.

Le-vin-dream listened, (not) intervening.

Answer: non-blinking

19. Assignment 12 Define-de-li-those prepositions, in some rum NOT with the word SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

Not-to-freedom of oneself (not) on-du-ma-but Tol-stym is part of his living soul.

It’s cold, damp and (not) cozy in someone.

For some time he sat (not) moving.

In the steppe, (not) having time to cool down during the night, a warm wind is already pulling.

(Not) with whom it was to de-pour, to-go-to.

Answer: uncomfortable

20. Assignment 12 Define-de-li-those prepositions, in some rum NOT with the word SLIT-BUT is written. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

The gro-mad crane trembled so, as if it were (not) steel, but bam-boo-ko-vy.

The river ran along (not) you-so-o-ry-vi-hundred-be-re-ha.

Once-go-va-ri-vat them more (not) about anything.

Nobody (not) from-zy-val-sya.

(Not) the place is beautiful che-lo-ve-ka, but the che-lo-vek is a place.

Answer: low

21. Assignment 12 Define-de-li-those prepositions, in some rum NOT with the word SLIT-BUT is written. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

The necessary book (not) about-chi-ta-na.

Kle-men-tiev left, (not) from-ve-tiv to our questions.

The hero of the eye-zy-va-et-sya oru-di-em (not) for-nya-that strength and gi-ba-et.

(Not) you-said reproach shone in the eyes of Sophia Ni-ko-la-ev-na.

(Not) sad, but a bright me-lo-dia sounded in the yard.

Answer: unspoken

22. Assignment 12 Define-de-li-those preposition, in some rum NOT with the word SLIT-BUT is written. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

(Not) looking at deep autumn, the days are warm and clear.

Were you (not) bored?

Ob-lo-mov is a child, but a (not) immoral ego-ist.

The bridge is still (not) built.

Behind his sleeping face was (not) evil, but rather kind.

Answer: despite

23. Assignment 12 Define-de-li-those preposition, in some rum NOT with the word SLIT-BUT is written. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

Only one (not) compressed in a lost way, she gives a sad thought.

Pub-li-ka (not) perplexedly looked-re-la at the p-go-to-le-niya art-ti-stov.

Many questions are still (not) re-she-na.

We (didn't) have water.

Behind the forest, on-chi-on-fosses (not) for-se-yan-nye, but only plowed-han-fields.

Answer: perplexed | perplexed

24. Assignment 12 Define-de-li-those prepositions, in some rum NOT with the word SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

Iron roof, for a long time (not) red-shen-naya, red-not-la from rust-chi-ny.

Nothing (not) with horror, Gav-rik rushed forward.

(Not) up to the mind, Olga remained.

The joy of labor (not) compare-no-ma with any other ra-do-stya-mi.

We need (not) passive is-pol-no-those, but active de-I-those.

Answer: perplexed

25. Assignment 12 Define-de-li-those preposition, in some rum NOT with the word SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

The novel, with pleasure, thought that he had to continue to live (not) finished yesterday, work-bo-tu.

In all the movements, there was a mo-lo-to-go me-ha-no-ka, there was some kind of (in) confidence.

In the thickened-shih-sya su-mer-kah, the si-lu-these people are already (not) visible.

Ex-pe-di-tion (not) should have come to work.

March day with a cap-pe-lew and the sun out-of-the-way, but changed to a stu-de-nym, with all (not) ve-sen-him in the evening.

Answer: uncertainty

26. Assignment 12 Define-de-li-those preposition, in some rum NOT with the word SLIT-BUT is written. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

For-se-shche-tion of the Tre-tya-kov-sky ha-le-rei left-vi-lo (not) for-would-va-e-my vpe-chat-le-nie.

Ser-gay had to hear about this strange man-lo-ve-ke a lot of calls, (not) de-la-yu-schisch honor.

The river is (not) frozen over yet.

It was (not) a ve-se-ly, laughing-thing-talk of spring, but a barely audible, drowsy chatter.

They are si-de-li, no-thing (not) go-in-rya.

Answer: unforgettable

27. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

Thoughts about (not) windows-chen-noy yesterday, ra-bo-te for-becoming-la-whether Mi-ha-i-la go faster.

The boy stubbornly shook his head and resolutely moved with (not) striated whirlwinds.

Who (does not) know the verses of Push-ki-na!

At all (not) in-the-res-ny film in-ka-for-whether ve-che-rum.

There was (not) a single glass in the windows.

Answer: uncut

28. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

Surrounding is udi-vi-tel-naya, nothing (not) on-ru-sha-e-may ti-shi-na.

In the humid air, the (not) second-hand smell of the coming spring was hovering.

Not a single sunrise (not) would be like another.

(Not) waiting for my brother, I left.

(Not) knowing the measure will go-re-vat and in wealth.

Answer: unique

29. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

(Not) looking at the complexity of studying my topic, we are trying to figure it out as best we can.

This year, his words sounded (not) warmly and kindly, as before, but cold, but somehow alienated.

The blue dawn-light peered into the (not)-at-the-ve-sh-noe window from the ve-che-ra.

For a long time he (not) breathed so easily.

The house stood in the middle of the steppe, nothing (not) ho-ro-feminine.

Answer: despite

30. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

Way-no-ki went without pri-va-la all day, (not) feeling tired,

Pub-li-cyst for-sharp so-qi-al-nuyu pro-ble-ma-ti-ku essay, indicating (in) justice

su-shche-stvo-yu-shche-go in a row.

I (not) have anything to be angry with you for.

She from-ve-cha-la to him, not at all (not) embarrassed.

He never (never) looks straight.

Answer: injustice

31. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

The old garden in the morning looks like a fairy-tale forest with (not) ho-we-we-mi tro-pa-mi.

He walked shi-ro-ko along the still (not) snow-cleared streets.

Convenience (not) you-ve-ze-but on the fields.

There were still (not) long waits.

I am (not) ready for the lesson.

Answer: untrodden

32. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

The moon is (not) pale, but transparent, like crystal.

He didn’t (from) receive letters.

(Not) explored-before-bath places attract me, but deaf wilds.

Do-ro-ga (not) even, but the shortest.

Cha-so-howl pro-pu-steel them, (not) pro-ve-riv pa-ro-la.

Answer: uneven

33. Task 12. In the Opr-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some-rum NOT with the word they write SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

Mal-chi-ki (not) recognize-whether the forest.

(Not) the boiler cooks, but streak-poo-ha.

Friends raz-e-ha-lis, and (not) someone to invite to visit.

The sun, still (not) hidden about-la-ka-mi, illuminates a gloomy yellow-whether cloud.

He is somehow (not) the same as everyone else, quiet, affectionate.

Answer: no one

34. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

(Not) a bright flame in the ca-mi-not illuminating the writing-table and the car-ty-ns on the walls.

(Not) anyone to ask, everyone is silent-chat.

It started to rain, (not) pre-beautiful in those hours.

(Not) stitched, but connected things I like more.

Answer: dim

35. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

In the suburbs they live from nowhere (not) bo-ga-chi.

On the snow, (not) touched by anyone, shadows lay down.

(Not) race-pro-given games-rush-ki utse-no-whether.

Dunya (not) li-she-on both-I-niya.

Vasya never (never) aspired to fame.

Answer: unsold

36. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

Around the cha-well-lis (not) skon-cha-e-my vi-no-grad-no-ki.

After all, you are in nothing (not) about-vy-nya-e-tes.

Answer: endless

37. Task 12. In the Opr-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some-rum NOT with the word they write SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

The cat Ti-mo-fairy (not) is less than de-sya-ti years.

The air, which has not yet become hot, is pleasant, but refreshing.

Nastya had (not) correct, but pleasant facial features.

No-ko-bark pro-va-poured-sya into a heavy, (not) light-hearted dream.

Answer: wrong

38. Task 12. In the Opr-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some-rum NOT with the word they write SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

Ra-bo-tat came in-sh-elk in (not) is-sle-to-van-no-place.

Before us (not) before-le-tal gro-hot-torn-shih-sleeps-rows.

No one (not) right

On-ka-zy-vat sol-dat was (not) for that.

Answer: unexplored

39. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

No-ko-lai Ser-ge-ich claimed that the prince was (not) capable of not-bla-go-rod-no-mu in a mortar.

Now (not) some kind of demon, but something similar to tre-bo-gu-boo me.

There was a box with ru-ko-pi-sya-mi, no-one (not) needed-we-mi.

What can you (not) hear when all mat-ro-sy are co-be-rut-sya in a cube-ri-ke.

In the book, ras-ska-for-but about the fate of the (un) happy old-ru-hi.

Answer: unhappy

40. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

The old manor-ba-sto-I-la on (not) you-with-whom hill.

Not-something-ry exercises (not) you-full-not-us.

Lake Sevan is nothing (not) comparable to mine in terms of the beauty of your nature.

Answer: low

41. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

Along the streets of gro-moz-dyat-sya mountains (not) ra-ta-yav-she-th snow.

Almost (not) thirty rivers and re-cho-nok flow into Sevan.

There is (not) enough water in these parts.

Artist se-year-nya (not) in go-lo-se.

Answer: unmelted

42. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

A. N. Tol-stoy died, (not) having time to write the novel "Peter I".

(Not) easy, but worthy destiny awaits our hero.

War - (not) mi-ting.

(Not) meeting someone was pa-my-ten for me that day, but we-be-ty-eat with everything else in a row.

Answer: not easy | not easy

43. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

I feel that (not) about-ho-di-mo re-re-me-thread the topic of the once-in-ra.

Unfortunately, for-da-cha (not) re-she-na.

Your daughter is calling - no way (not) to-kli-chet-sya.

Why only (not) about-is-ho-di-lo in those days.

This, gos-po-yes, is (not) anyone other than ka-pi-tan Ko-pei-kin.

Answer: necessary

44. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

(Not) say-for-but there was not a word.

(There was no) anyone to ask how to get to the concert hall.

No one (not) for-me-chen-ny, Ivan quickly disappeared.

No-ko-barking, perfect-shen-but (not) feeling the body, for-ro-chal-sya, arranging-and-was-being comfortable for her.

Answer: no one

45. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

I had to (not) hurry to go further.

From the se-re-di-ny of the 19th century, Russian scientists (not) once or-ga-ni-zo-you-va-li ex-pe-di-tion on the vol-ka-ny Kam-chat- ki.

(Not) incomprehensibly in the way of the hero, it is explained-not-but an auto-rum in the next chapter.

(Not) everyone is able to behave in a different way with little-to-know-we-people naturally.

Our team-da (not) tre-ni-ro-va-las and pro-ig-ra-la.

Answer: incomprehensible

46. ​​Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

(Not) why think about the bad: everything will be ho-ro-sho.

Gor-de-e-you lived in a house with bre-ven-cha-you-mi, still (not) a thing-ka-tu-ren-ny-mi-ste-na-mi.

Behind the steppe tu-man (not) one can see neither a field nor a forest.

Ti-shi-na, (not) on-ru-sha-e-may, no move-no-eat, no sound, especially ben-but in-ra-zi-tel-na.

Tu-ri-sta passed (not) less than ki-lo-meter-ra.

Answer: no need

47. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

(Not) pre-beautiful-shchav-sha-i-sya in those three days a blizzard for-me-la a hundred horns with snow.

After the re-mon-ta com-na-ta still (not) with-ve-de-na in a row-dock.

(Not) remembering evil, we reward for the good.

(Not) the usual ob-hundred-new-ka me-sha-la co-medium-to-chit-sya.

(Not) need to ask about what happened.

Answer: unusual

48. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

Me-sya-tsa (not) was in the sky, and the stars shone brightly.

Until the New Year (not) more no-de-whether.

Ba-bush-ka, (not) looking at advanced age, sees and hears from-personally.

Seryozha (not) then-ro-pyas re-re-turn-zero country-no-tsu.

Not at all (not) difficult for-da-cha re-she-on a student-no-one.

Answer: despite

49. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

The computer is (not) connected to the network.

A dying garden and (not) co-hundred-yav-sha-i-sya love are two internally unrelated themes of the play.

Still (not) dis-p-stiv-shi-sya, the color-current is especially ben-but beautiful.

In-place (not) ras-count-ta-but for such a number of people.

(Not) ask-shi-vaya about anything, he understood everything.

Answer: failed

50. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

(Not) su-me-shi re-a-li-zo-vat yourself in life, Ba-za-ditch manifests its best qualities in the face of death.

The keys are still (not) found-de-we.

Peter's house is (not) big, but very cozy.

Brother (not) honored Misha even with a glance.

The building is (not) in order-e-but on time.

Answer: small

51. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

Our satellite-nick-of-the-eye was silently-cha-li-you, (not) once-a-thief-chi-you man-lo-ve-com.

The birds are driven south (not) to the cold, but from the lack of food.

More you-so-de-re-vya (not) you-der-zha-would mo-ro-call.

The sun has already (not) burned so much, the days have become for-met-but short-ro-che.

Which of us (not) loves nature!

Answer: taciturn

52. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

I didn’t want to think this hour about (not) you-full-nen-n yesterday both.

Manor-boo surrounded (not) frequent, but you-so-cue fence.

There are three versts left, (not) more.

In the wrong way, you don’t even let me on the porch.

Already from Christmas (not) there was its own bread, and flour in-ku-pa-li.

Answer: infrequent

53. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

But is it true that they are with everything (not) where their ideological anti-no-ki.

Sofia Ni-ko-la-ev-na (not) very old-re-la during this time.

It was (not) easy to chi-ta-te-lu at that time once-bi-army in pro-ti-in-re-chi-estimations.

Cup-le-na (not) to-ro-guy, but cheap furniture.

Answer: not easy

54. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

This locality(not) marked on any map.

(Not) asleep from the pain in his leg, Iva-ni-hin saw everything.

From-ve-you stu-den-ta were yes-le-ko (not) true-us and knocking-chi-you-mi.

The door in someone-on-that was (not) closed.

Through the (not) drawn curtains, one could see brightly lit someone.

Answer: unfinished

55. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

Ivan Iva-no-vich listened to his son with a tense and (not) wisely-va-yu-schey smile.

The theme of co-chi-non-niya (not) race-cover-ta.

Yes-le-ko (not) a clear plan for the development of the production of the kri-ti-ko-va-li in the mini-stvo.

This place is (not) for-nya.

No one (not) necessary information.

Answer: perplexed

56. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

All this pro-iso-went (not) for a long time before ours, from-e-e-yes.

Zhur-on-li-hundred eyes-behind (not) go-you to such-to-mu cut-to-mu in-ro-that event.

At the so-roar-but-va-ni-yah for five-bo-ryu Anton po-ka-hall da-le-ko (not) the best re-zul-tat.

The plots across the river were (not) for-stro-e-us.

No-to-mu (not) from-the-west is-to-riya.

Answer: shortly

57. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

His demon-po-ko-i-la for a long time (not) for-zhy-va-yu-shchaya wound.

He, apparently, is not at all (not) la-no-vy.

Jumped-zero (not) you-so-ko, but low.

(Not) you-so-cue officer with a shi-ro-kim east face entered the ka-zar-mu.

The film is west-woo-et about the fate of pro-win-qi-al-no-go, no-one (not) from-west-no-go mu-zy-kan-ta.

Answer: low

58. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

It was not at all (not) difficult task.

Before-ro-ha was (not) illuminated.

Partners offer a new contract on extremely (not) favorable conditions.

(Not) pro-watch-roar to the end.

The Japanese maps of this be-re-zhya were (not) similar to the maps of the European-ro-pei-sky on-vi-ga-to-ditch.

Answer: disadvantageous

59. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

They walked along the yet (not) for-se-yan-no-mu field.

The lessons were (not) so-beautiful.

The answer of another student also turned out to be (in) true.

(Not) to-de-lan-naya until the end of the ra-bo-ta, don’t give-va-la Olesya peace.

On the eq-for-me-not (not) times-re-sha-et-xia pol-zo-vat-sya no-ka-ki-mi-voch-no-ka-mi and study-no-ka- mi.

Answer: incorrect

60. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

This is (not) happiness, but grief.

Rooks gu-la-li in still (not) white-left-neck rye.

(Not) continued ex-pe-di-tions pro-vo-di-liss in order to collect hundred-sti-ches-che-de-tions about on-se-le- research institutes.

(Not) only adults, but also children, started dancing.

Some-one-rye gi-ma-lay-sky peaks-shi-na, yielding in your you-so-know-me-no-that Jo-mo-lung-me, (not) taken al -pi-ni-hundred-mi-lu-bi-te-la-mi until now.

Answer: not long

61. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

I was (un)happy with our meeting.

My co-be-sed-nick threw a very (not) greedy look at me, one-on-one kept silent this time too.

Pri-nya-whether from-anywhere (not) the right solution.

Forgive me, dear mother, I was (wrong) right.

Kind-not yet (not) harvested fields of rye.

Answer: unfriendly

62. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

It was (not) easy at all to beat the meeting with a scrap.

On the wall hung a Persian carpet with a (not) catchy or-on-men-tom.

Alek-san-dru in the same way, so that each new day of his life is (not) like the previous one.

Masha played-ra-la on pi-a-no-but very beautiful me-lo-dia (not) from-west-no-go to me com-po-zi-to-ra.

The table was (not) cleared.

Answer: unknown

63. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

In-cla-zha was (not) easy, but very heavy.

Alexander co-verged (not) ob-du-man-ny, but the edge is not bold in a stu-pok.

Gri-go-ryev himself is not small, that he drank (not) in a friendly way.

In the collection of lectures, the eye-for-moose is not-how-to-no-mu (not) from-known ba-bo-checks.

The plan was (not) completed.

Answer: reckless

64. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

It was not at all (not) you-du-man-naya history.

My (not) to-bad-whether-y-y-y-t-tut-chik didn’t see anything.

Alexander-sander (not) race-by-lo-women was to the times-th-in-ru.

This-year-nya then-va-rishch was clearly (not) happy to share.

The barge was just a hundred-I-la in the port yet (not) once-loaded-women-noy in those two weeks.

Answer: unthinking

65. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

He ran (not) fast, but slowly.

(Not) for a business, a person can never enjoy complete happiness.

Still visible are the remnants of (not) races-ta-jav-she-go on the fields of snow.

Two days later, so-hundred-yal-sya yes-le-ko (not) easy time-go-thief.

Mo-ti-you in his steps and remained (not) for-nya-you-mi.

Answer: misunderstood

66. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

These yes-le-ko (not) ra-dignified events for-whether we are vras-bad.

Some kind of strange feeling, to-se-le (not) is-py-tan-noe, suddenly for-hva-ti-lo me.

I was (not) in agreement with the author of the article.

In the is-ri-che-sky in-vest, rass-say-zy-va-elk about de-i-ni-yah prince-zey-vo-i-nov, their struggle with external -mi vra-ga-mi and (not) skon-cha-e-my races-spun.

Room-on-that was with everything (not) illuminated.

Answer: endless

67. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

Way-no-ki went without pri-va-la all day, (not) feeling tired.

The reason for the mi-grace of these rare birds is still (not) studied.

(Not) happiness ensures success on the ex-for-me-not, but good knowledge of the pre-me-ta.

Don in the place of pe-re-pra-you da-le-ko (not) shi-ro-cue, only about so-ro-ka meters.

(Not) looking at the pouring rain, the children are beautifully feeling themselves in the country.

Answer: despite

68. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

Still (not) pro-dry-shay after the rain, before-ro-ha was a mustache-I-on lu-zha-mi.

(Not) to-said-ness de-la-et the final of the ro-ma-on open-air.

(Not) you-le-chen-naya in-time pro-stu-yes can lead to serious complications.

The computer is (not) connected to the network.

Brother (not) honored him even with a reproach.

Answer: innuendo

69. Task 12. Determine which letter, E or I, needs to be inserted in place of the pass. You-pi-shi-those word, in some rum NO yav-la-et-sya attached and pi-shet-sya merged.

In order (n ..) to remain without at-te-sta-ta, it is necessary to hand over ek-for-me-us at any cost (n ..).

What (n ..) ask, ra-tal-ku-et, teaches, talk to her (n ..) when (n ..) bored-chit.

On the wet earth, pa-da-li (n ..) frequent drops of rain, the sound of the wind (n ..) sti-hal (n ..) on mi-well-tu.

No matter how we (n ..) have become, for-da-tion remained (n ..) you-full-nen-us-mi.

(N ..) one of us and (n ..) was able to prove that he was (n ..) right.

Answer: never

70. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

This task is so and (not) re-she-on teaching-no-ka-mi.

Irina An-dre-ev-na go-vo-ri-la (not) loudly, but very you-ra-zi-tel-but.

I was (not) ready for such-to-mu-in-ro-that events and in races-te-ryan-no-sti remained-but-vill-sya.

(Do not) keep silent until the dead of night the sounds of mu-zy-ki na-po-mi-na-li about the proximity of the park at-trak-qi-o-nov.

Ko-nech-but, it was yes-le-ko (not) the best in-stu-pok.

Answer: not loud

71. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

Dunya (not) li-she-on both-I-niya.

Still (not) race-pro-given games-rush-ki utse-no-whether.

He was (not) ready for such a one-time.

Even in the is-pe-pe-la-th-heat in the (not) big du-bo-vom le-soch-ke you feel alive-ve-tel-nuyu cool-du.

(Do not) mesh-kai no mi-well-you, re-bya-ta co-bra-whether che-mo-yes.

Answer: small

72. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

Our companion also (not) sat idly by.

Put-no-ki went to the still (not) grown-she-th edge of the ice be-re-gu.

And mo-lo-doy man-lo-age even got money from him forward, very (not) small money.

(Not) waiting for dinner, po-te-she-stven-no-ki went to bed.

Cause of laughter serve at all (not) funny places of his pro-vis-for-tion, and those grim-ma-sy, someone behind his back silt Ka-ra-u-lov.

Answer: a lot

73. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

(Do not) promise zhu-rav-la in the sky, give si-ni-tsu in your hands.

All the same, you were (not) right, Stepan Ilyich!

Rai-sky considered himself from-no (not) from-an-old man-lo-ve-com.

Local on-se-le-nie times-go-va-ri-va-lo in (not) in a clear language.

In his dreams, he opened the still (not) explored lands.

Answer: incomprehensible

74. Task 12. Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

In the forest, as if in nothing (not) would-va-lo, spring life continued.

Tya-nut-sya along the Volga on-gr-women-nye ar-bu-for-mi bar-ka-sy with (not) you-so-ki-mi bor-ta-mi.

In complete loneliness, he stood with mi-well-tu, (not) re-sha-ing to move further.

She was already (not) glad that she was going.

The place was so-ver-shen-but (not) familiar to me.

Answer: low

Incorrect and simply shameless questions can ruin relationships with others in one second. These are the questions you should never ask unless you want to be seen as a prude and a sly one.

1. "Why are you still not married?" Do you think a girl would be pleased to hear such a question? If she still has not gone down the aisle, there is good reasons. And you don't need to know about them. Your sympathetic questions will only make things worse.

2. "How much do you earn?" Personal finance information is nobody's business. You are not a tax man to ask such a question. A person can hide his earnings. And he has every right to do so. Not everyone advertises their wealth. And they do it right.

3. "Where did you just dig up that awful sweater?" Only a great couturier can say that. If asked. In other cases, asking such a question is simply uncivilized. A person buys what he likes, not you. Not the fact that you yourself are normally dressed.

4. “When are you going to have kids?” The issue of childbearing in its impudence has no equal. Maybe a person does not want to have children at all, this is his inalienable right. Or can not do it for health reasons. With your questions about children, you hurt to the very heart.

5. "How many men (or women) have you had?" A similar question, even addressed close friend, can not be called polite. No one is obligated to share the secrets of their personal lives with you. And one more thing: for what purpose are you interested? Why do you need this information? Probably to spread gossip later.

6. “Do you know that your ex has a new crush?” Maybe the person knows. But he does not want to stir up the past. Why remind him once again of past love. In general, such a question is asked for the purpose of provocation. See how the victim will react.

7. "Have you tried dieting?" The question is asked in a sympathetic tone with sadness in the eyes. Like, look at yourself, you have finally turned into a fat piggy. Let the person decide for himself whether he should go on a diet.

8. “Why do you need two higher education Indeed, why should a person study? You can safely go to work for a penny and not be interested in anything. Don't judge people by yourself. They will learn and develop as much as they see fit.

9. "How did you manage to marry him?" Such pitiful questions show that a person does not know where politeness lives. He allows himself to interfere in other people's family affairs. Although for sure not everything is so smooth with your spouse (or wife).

10. "Why do you disfigure yourself with tattoos?" The Constitution states that a person has full freedom actions. He can do whatever he wants with his body. Your permission is not required. If a person likes tattoos, he will do them.

Never ask similar questions surrounding. Or ask if you want to quarrel. Remember that a shameless question can come with a harsh answer.

Option 2


1) obvious (un)luck 3) not at all (un)capable

2) a very (un) pleasant thing 4) (not) eat up during the war

2. In which example is NOT written separately with the word?

1) (in) able to work 3) extremely (not) thoughtful decision

2) (not) fall in love with a classmate 4) (not) must believe


1) (not) waiting

2) not at all (not) an interesting story

3) (not) finished playing the sonata

4) (in)exhaustible possibilities

4. In which example is NOT written separately with the word?

1) (Not) far from the playing children, their parents comfortably settled down.

2) For a long time (not) cut hair interfered, climbed into the eyes.

3) His eyes looked straight and (im)moving.

4) He had no reason to go there.

5. In which example is NOT written together with the word?

1) The motives of his act are by no means (not) noble.

2) The project is (not) approved.

3) The conscience that never (never) fell silent was his faithful companion.

4) Small, (not) perceptible dust settled on the windows.

6. In which example is NOT written together with the word?

1) He repeated the (un)heard words twice.

2) He was worried about the (un)solved issue so far.

3) The (un)passable strip of land for fire removed the steppe from the fire.

4) The tasks set before us have not been (not) solved.

11. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which it is NOT written separately?

Non-(1) stopping rain in a non-(2) large provincial town, standing over a non-(3) deep river, did not (4) transient melancholy for the visitor, who did not (5) manage to find a worthy occupation for himself.

1) 3, 4, 4, 5 4) 5

12. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word?

1) Our janitor is (not) capable of offending a fly.

2) Without friendship, no communication (does) make sense.

3) (Not) everyone is capable of noble deeds.

4) The (un)flattering review of Lisa's abilities jarred Petrov.

13. In which sentence is NOT with a word (or with words) spelled together?

1) Behave decently: you are (not) smarter and (not) better than others!

2) The fields were (not) mowed, the grain (not) harvested; not for a minute (not) stopping rains alarmed the villagers.

3) (Not) hasty conversations with his father liked the (not) sedentary boy.

4) Is listening to your advice far (not) the best thing?

14. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which it is NOT written separately?

Not (1) despite the (2) weather, the strawberries were born not (3) large, but sweet and not (4) usually bright, not (5) Siberian fragrant.

1) 2, 3 2) 1, 3 3) 1, 5 4) 5

15. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which NOT (NOR) is written together?

I saw in Griboedov an unusual person; not (2) an insurmountable force pulled towards him, because he neither (3) when and nor (4) in front of anyone and did not (5) think to shine; his intolerant attitude towards flatterers and saints was shown in everything.

1) 1, 2, 3, 6 2) 1, 3, 6 3) 2, 3, 6 4) 1, 2, 3, 4

16. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word?

1) (In) abilities helped him out, but great perseverance.

2) The windows were (not) washed and wide open.

3) (Not) where to help Ilya Muromets wait!

4) Stepan was (not) accustomed to listening to women's advice.

17. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which NOT (NOR) is written together?

It was not a very (1) easy task: to dig up the roses that had not yet (2) blossomed and transplant them to a new place not (3) far from home, where no (4) no matter who (5) accidentally (6) broke them.

1) 1, 3, 4, 5 2) 2, 3, 4, 5 3) 1, 2, 3, 4 4) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

18. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which it is NOT written separately?

The student confusingly cited facts that were not (1) necessary for proof, made completely incorrect (2) conclusions, did not (3) once make mistakes, naming the theories of famous scientists that never (4) existed.

1) 1, 3 2) 1, 3, 4 3) 1, 2, 3 4) 3, 4

19. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word?

1) The rider (not) willingly got off his horse and went to the fire.

2) This backpack is by no means (not) heavy.

3) You are my song, not yet (not) sung.

4) He (not) started the fight first.

20. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which NOT (NOR) is written together?

In not (1) ordinary, nor (2) when not (3) heard silence, not (4) bright dawn arises; pines are not (5) mobile.

1) 1, 3, 4, 5 2) 1, 3, 4, 5 3) 1, 2, 4, 5 4) 1, 2, 4

21. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which it is NOT written separately?

Timofey was not (1) only not (2) glad for the appearance of hunters - he did not (3) slowly order that these not (4) decent people should not be allowed (5) close to the forest.

1) 1, 2, 5 2) 1, 4, 5 3) 1, 2, 3, 5 4) 2, 3, 4, 5

22. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which it is NOT written separately?

The artist went on stage and, not at all (1) smiling, somehow not (2) deftly tried to joke, but this not (3) skillful attempt caused not (4) bewilderment of the audience, who did not (5) want to listen and see this.

1) 1, 5 2) 1, 3, 5 3) 2, 3, 5 4) 2, 3, 4, 5

23. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which NOT (NOT) is written separately?

I don’t (1) feel sorry for the years wasted in vain, I don’t (2) feel sorry for the soul of a lilac blossom, a fire of red mountain ash burns in the garden, but it can warm no (3) anyone (4).

1) 1, 2, 3 2) 3, 4 3) 1, 2, 3, 4 4) 1, 2, 4

24. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which NOT (NOR) is written together?

Not (1) the intricate song of a lark, not (2) the vast azure expanse of heaven, gave rise in us to an absolutely not (3) transferable feeling of delight, not (4) described joy: not (5) wanting to hold them, we ran down with joyful cries along the slope.

1) 2, 3, 4, 5 2) 1, 3, 5 3) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 4) 1, 2, 3, 4

25. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word?

1) (Not) in vain I was in such a hurry to see you!

2) Spectators (not) though went to the exit.

3) If you are (not) sure you are right, don't be stubborn.

4) Is dinner still (not) cooked?

26. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which NOT (NOR) is written together?

Nothing (1) that (2) costs us so cheaply and is not (3) valued as dearly as politeness - the most (4) quality that is not (4) needed in communication.

Show answer

27. In which sentence is NOT (NOT) with the word written separately?

1) The sounds were heard as if from nowhere.

2) The boy was dressed (not) in a rustic way.

3) (Not) beloved is waiting for me at the window in dark evenings.

4) (Im) thoughtful decision can turn into big trouble.

Show answer

28. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word?

1) You have (not) bad taste.

2) He was a (not) spiteful, but picky person.

3) (Not) looking at anyone, the mother got up and left the room.

4) (Un)ceasing applause touched the artist.

Show answer

29. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word?

1) The (un)plausible act of the student angered the teacher.

2) (Not) the hut is red in the corners, but red in the pies.

3) (Not) a Christmas tree planted on time began to wither, crumble.

4) The diploma is (not) written yet.

Show answer

30. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word?

1) The letter (not) read by me was left lying on the table.

2) (Un)imaginable delight was caused by the performance of aerial gymnasts.

3) He had (not) a lot of work to do.

4) During the war, many (not) finished eating.

Show answer

31. Indicate the correct explanation for the spelling of the highlighted words.

Rembrandt's painting "Return prodigal son"I (N ..) CAN (N ..) STOP - she plunges me into an even and powerful stream of her mood.

1) I can't - verb c negative particle; nor stop - a verb with a particle neither, reinforcing negation.

2) I can't stop - neither - nor - a repeating union connecting verbs.

3) I can’t - a verb with an intensifying particle, don’t stop - a verb with a negative particle.

4) I can’t help but stop - the particle is not in front of both verbs included in the combination, “double negation” has the meaning of a statement.

Show answer

32. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which NOT is written?

The baron n (1) spared n (2) time, n (3) money to search for the culprit of his disgrace, and already n (4) what, except revenge, n (5) could think of.

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33. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which NI is written?

N (1) once I n (2) had to n (3) see, n (4) hear a current black grouse.

Show answer

34. In what sentence is AND (NI) written at the place of the pass?

1) Traveler for friendly communication with local residents n .. no special wisdom is needed.

2) The prospect of waiting for several hours in the stuffy hall of the airport did not tempt us a little.

3) Our city was not at all distinguished by its architectural sights.

4) N.. spectacular appearance makes an actor an actor.

Show answer

35. In place of which digit(s) is NI written?

Whenever n (1) appears in the reading room, n (2) when it happens without visitors n (3). Write down those who n(4) will appear for the exam.

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36. In place of what (th) number (s) is written NO?

The picture made n (1) with which n (2) a comparable impression. I've been here n(3) n(4) times before.

Show answer

37. In place of which digit(s) is NI written?

I n (1) knew, n (2) who would come for me from those who arrived, n (3) that they would inform me of a new one. What only thoughts n (4) came to mind!

Show answer

38. In place of which digit(s) is NI written?

N (1) here, n (2) there n (3) one person spoke to him n (4).

Show answer

39. In place of which digit(s) is NI written?

In the forest, as n (1) in what n (2), spring life continued. H(3) one person n(4) began to ask where to look for her.

Show answer

40. In the place of which digit(s) is NI written?

No matter how hot n (1) was, no matter how frost cracked n (2), work n (3) for a minute n (4) stopped.

Show answer

41. In place of which digit(s) is NI written?

It is impossible n (1) to love the fatherland, no matter what it n (2) was. What would n (3) see now Petya, n (4) what would n (5) surprise him.

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42. In place of which digit(s) is NI written?

What n (1) ask, explain, teach, talk to her n (2) when n (3) gets bored. Wherever he n (4) turned!

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43. In place of which digit(s) is NI written?

Wherever fate n (1) throws us and happiness where b n (2) leads, we are all the same ... Whoever n (3) once n (4) has been in the lower reaches of the Lefou River, that n (5) can imagine that going on there.

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44. In place of which digit(s) is NI written?

As Aleksey n (1) tried, n (2) he could see on their faces n (3) joy, n (4) surprise.

Show answer

45. In which sentence is the letter I missing?

1) N .. just out of boredom, he confided his dreams to me.

2) We can't n.. invite him.

3) Where only n .. this general fought!

4) As the road is difficult, it is necessary to move forward.

Show answer

46. ​​In which sentence is the letter E missing?

1) N..who else could not have performed this romance so magnificently.

2) Anyway, it was, but Kirill answered my mocking remark quite seriously.

3) He is n.. alive n.. dead rushing back.

4) What n .. will present itself to a frightened imagination!

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47. In which sentence is the letter E missing?

1) In the forest, as if nothing had happened, spring life continues.

2) All these days I have never deviated from my system.

3) How n.. it was a pity for Levin to crush the grass, he drove into the meadow.

4) N.. are these amazing results?

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48. In which sentence should there be a continuous spelling NOT or NOR?

1) Lisa did not dream of acting in films (neither) when she was a schoolgirl, (nor) when she studied at a theater school.

2) For five years of service in the army, Ilya (not) rose even to the rank of corporal.

3) We noticed that the conductor's shirt was wrinkled, and the shoes were (not) cleaned.

4) The young singer had a good ear, but a (not) set voice.

Show answer

49. In which sentence is the letter E missing?

1) When I n.. go to them, they immediately call me.

2) Makar returned in the evening n .. alive n .. dead.

3) What n..speak, and the performance of the artists was wonderful.

4) Please, n .. words!

Show answer

50. In which sentence is the letter I missing?

1) Semyon came home in the evening as if nothing had happened.

2) N.. once he did not talk about the upcoming trip.

3) The son n.. could n..know about his father's illness.

4) Are you sick?

"Still undecided land issue»

The still unresolved land issue in the mountainous strip of the Terek region is especially aggravated in recent times in the Vladikavkaz region. The mania to become a millionaire in the blink of an eye seized everyone, from the lapotnik to all ranks. social position. Thousands of "treasure hunters" roam like the legendary Ossetian hero Beso through the mountain slums and dig in the wild rocks. Discovered deposits of fossil minerals are marked with columns or inscriptions and then an application is made to the state property department. The very method of applications is the most interesting procedure in the pursuit of the Golden Fleece. No matter what area the ore was discovered, whether private, family or public - this is indifferent for treasure hunters - they make applications, as on state land. Often, in order to give the case a "legal look and sense", they enter into an agreement with the owners of the land on penny terms, and yet, taking advantage of the ignorance of the Russian language of the owners and their illiteracy, they write a confidential sentence or condition differently from how they translate them illiterate owners. Instead of, as they assure the owners, to designate the leased plot as personal, tribal or public property in the verdict, they write: such and such a plot of state land that is in our use, we, etc. Not only a friend does this Frenchman, Belgian or Muscovite, but also our intelligent natives.

These treasure hunters are far from the night of Ivan Kupala, but still, what they managed to do with such energy deserves a better fate. The entire Alagir Gorge up to the Mamison Pass has already been plundered. Societies "Alagir", "French" and all sorts of anonymous people seized dozens of miles. Once centuries old pine forests, the beauty of the Alagir Gorge, cut down to the ground. Only lonely orphans remained, who escaped human savagery on the inaccessible cornices of the “giant cliff”; thousands of beams thrown down from a huge steepness into the gorge, unable to withstand such a fall, with their crippled "corpses" cluttered the bottom of the gorge of the Ardon riverbed. It hurts to tears how much forest is rotting here without any use. Treasury agreements with joint-stock companies operating in the Alagir Gorge clearly state that the forest can be used free of charge up to a certain period only for the special needs of the mine, that is, for props in mines and similar needs. Employees in the society "Alagir" and French company use this forest free of charge, in addition to special needs, also for all kinds of factory buildings, private and even for trade on the side.

Along with this, all forests were taken away from the population, which they used as their property from time immemorial, despite repeated instructions from the Ministry of Agriculture and State Property that the native population of the Caucasus should be given the right to use the forest for their needs in such places, which before were in their use; forest glades for grazing and mowing should also be in their use. Meanwhile, the zeal of the unreasonably rude and completely ignorant of their duties forest guards has reached such colossal proportions that it is positively hard to believe what a heavy burden it has fallen on the population. This is greatly facilitated by the allotment of plots where this or that village is given the use of the forest for its needs. If the village is located in the northeast of the Vladikavkaz district, then it is assigned a forest in the southwestern corner of the same district, and the nearest forests are protected like the apple of an eye. If the village is located at the edge of the forest, then it is assigned a forest on such inaccessible rocks that it is impossible to get there not only on a cart, but also by crawling, and if some daredevil climbs, then in any case he will not bring home an armful of dry branches. . The results of such diligent protection of "state" forests are amazing. There are quite a few native villages, for which there are from 20 to 40 thousand rubles of fines "for unauthorized felling of state forests." And how many of this poor people have been in prisons for resisting the authorities (traveler)! All protocols are drawn up not at the felling site, but along the roads and in the villages, where the rider stumbles upon a log that has not yet burned down on the hearth of a miserable hut. The population, which, with a few exceptions, does not have stoves and spends the whole long and harsh winter with half-naked children at the hearth of the sakli, is placed in such stalemate, which is nowhere.

Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

(Un)sold toys were discounted.

Dunya is (not) devoid of charm.

The project is (not) approved.

He was worried about the (un)resolved issue so far.

(Not) luck, but hard work was the key to his success.

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Here is the correct spelling:

Unsold toys were discounted.

Dunya is not without charm.

The project has not been approved.

He was worried about the unresolved issue.

Not luck, but hard work was the key to his success.

Answer: UNSOLD.

Answer: unsold

Relevance: Used since 2015

Difficulty: normal

Codifier section: Continuous and separate spelling NOT with various parts speech. Spelling NOT and NOR.

Rule: Continuous and separate spelling NOT and NOR with different parts speech. Task 13

Spelling NOT and NOR.

As per job specification of this type checked:

− the ability to distinguish a particle NOT from a particle NI;

- the ability to distinguish the prefix NOT from the prefix NI;

- the ability to write together or separately NOT with all parts of speech.

In this regard, we draw attention to the fact that the condition of tasks, depending on its goals, can vary significantly. At the same time, we also note that typical tasks The Unified State Examination (authors Tsybulko I.P., Lvov, Egoraeva) only checks the ability to write together or separately NOT with different parts of speech, and in the tasks of other authors, including Senina, MMIO (StatGrad), tasks are also presented to choose NOT or NOR. The editors of RESHUEGE also consider it necessary to expand the types given task within the specification of the current year.

We also draw attention to the fact that a number of rules by which spelling is checked are not studied in school course. Such rules are marked with *.

12.1 Merged and separate spelling of particles NE and NI.

The particle is not written separately:

1) If there is or is implied opposition with names, adverbs and participles.

It is necessary to distinguish between direct opposition, in which one of the two features called adjectives is denied, and the second is affirmed, and opposition with a concessive connotation of meaning, in which both features, called adjectives, are attributed to the object, i.e. there is a contrast, but without negation .

Wed: The lake is not deep, but shallow (the sign "deep" is denied and the sign "shallow" is affirmed). - The lake is shallow, but wide (both signs are affirmed: "both shallow and wide"; "although shallow, but wide") .

1) This is not happiness, but grief. The river is not shallow (deep). You are not my friend. They didn't go fast, but slowly. Not a silent, but a growing rumble.
2) * With adjectives, adverbs in -o and participles, words in -my, if the opposition is implied and the negation is reinforced by the words:

a) not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all;

b) negative pronominal words: not at all, not at all, no one, no one, no one, never, nowhere, not at all, nothing, nothing, nothing, etc.

For convenience of explanation, we call them negative amplifiers.

a) This is not true at all; This case is by no means unique; This is by no means obvious; She is far from brave; He is by no means stupid; It's no fun to talk about it; Not in the least embarrassed; She is by no means more educated than her husband;

b) The case is in no way suitable; A worthless project; He is no friend of mine; not at all envious, not needed by anyone, in no way useless, good for nothing, incapable of anything, not interesting in anything; He is not in the least prettier than his sister;

3) *C short adjectives which are not used in full.3) not happy, not supposed to, not right, not visible, not intending, not disposed, not ready, not obligated, not needed, not agreeing.
4) C full participles in the presence of dependent words (except for the words of degree enhancers, see the list) or opposition (as a general rule)4) Fields of rye not yet harvested could be seen. Not a laughing, but a crying child.
4) *C verbal adjectives formed from transitive verbs imperfect form with the help of suffixes -em-, -im- only if there is a dependent word in the instrumental case. Otherwise, they will not be participles, but will be verbal adjectives.4) The subject I did not like was to be taken this year.
5) With verbs, gerunds, short participles, with numerals, conjunctions, particles, prepositions:5) was not, could not, without recognizing, not ordered, not removed, not one, not five, not that ... not that, not only, not above us.
6) * With adverbs and words of the state category

a) comparatively

b) as a predicate impersonal predicate

6) moved no louder, spoke no faster

I don't need, she doesn't need

7) in negative pronouns with an accented preposition7) not with anyone, not in anything, not about anyone
7) in negative pronouns with a preposition without stress7) with no one, in nothing, about no one

12.2 Consolidated spelling NO and NO.

The particle is not written together:

1) If the word without NOT is not used.a) Nouns: fiction, tumbler, ignorance, ignoramus, adversity, unseen, invisible, slave, scoundrel, touchy, ailment, forget-me-not, hatred, bad weather, malfunctions, fidget, slob, foolish, loser, infidel;

b) adjectives and adverbs derived from them: negligent, nondescript, irrevocable, unharmed, inevitable, unchanging, absurd, necessary, invincible, incessant, inseparable, inexpressible, unending, incessant, undoubted, incomparable, awkward, unfortunate, clumsy, unbearable, unshakable, indisputable, indomitable; carelessly, absurdly, necessary, undoubtedly;

in) Verbs: to dislike, to dislike, to be indignant, to be unwell, to be unwell, to hate, to be unwell, to be sick, to be perplexed, to be numb, to be numb;

G) adverbs and other invariable words: unbearable; unbearable; unbearable in spite of, in spite of (prepositions)

2) *NOT is part of the prefix NEDO, which gives the verbs the meaning of incompleteness, insufficiency in comparison with some norm. The same rule also works in participles formed from verbs with the prefix NEDO. The prefix NEDO- is often antonymous with the prefix PERE-: undersalt - oversalt, underfulfilled - overfulfilled, underfilled - overfilled, underfilled - pass.2) The child was very lacking in the care of his parents. During the war, children were undernourished and undersleeped. Rozhdestvensky believed too much in his own strength, considering himself a genius, but underestimated the abilities of his opponent.
3) With nouns, adjectives, adverbs in -o, -e, when a new word, a new concept is formed, often with a negative quality.3) misfortune (trouble), difficult (difficult), difficult, ugly, not far (close), nearby
4) * In combination with adjectives and adverbs of the word denoting the degree of quality: very, extremely, quite, extremely, obviously, quite (pretty much), enough do not affect the continuous or separate spelling, therefore it is NOT written together.

For the convenience of explanations, we call them strengths and degrees.

4) A very unpleasant incident. A completely uninteresting game was invented. He spoke rather incomprehensibly.
5) With full participles in the absence of dependent words or *when dependent words are degree enhancers5) We walked along the unlit streets of the town. I made a very rash decision.
6) * In verbal adjectives formed from intransitive verbs or transitive perfective verbs with the help of suffixes -em-, -im-. These are not participles, since participles with suffixes -em, -them should only be imperfective, they are the present tense.6) unfading, inexhaustible, irreconcilable, irresistible, indomitable, inexhaustible, indestructible.
7) in negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs depending on the stress, E or I, but together.7) nobody-nobody, nothing-nothing, nobody-nobody, nothing-nothing, nowhere-nowhere, nowhere-nowhere, no need-nothing, once-never.

12.3. Particles NOT and NI differ in meaning:

For right choice particles HE and NI should take into account their semantic differences. Let's show them in tables.

The main uses of negative particles

Particle NOT usedNI particle is used
1) to express negation:

There were no letters or telegrams.

Brother does not look like a liar.

Not the moon, not the stars interest me, but only meteorites.

1) to strengthen the negation expressed by the particle NOT

There were no letters or telegrams.

The brother does not look like a deceiver or a joker.

I'm not interested in the stars or the moon.

2) to express a statement with a hint of obligation (double negation):

He couldn't call.

We couldn't help but notice.

2) to express quantitative negation:

The sky is clear.

Not a dewdrop in my mouth.

3) to express impossibility in impersonal sentences:

Do not catch up with you crazy trio!

Do not be war-fire!

3) for the emotional expression of a prohibition, order, duty:

Not one step back!

Not a sound! Not a day without a line!

4) when expressing uncertainty, fear or admiration:

Are you my guest?

No matter how frost strikes!

Why not a hero!

4) for the expression of uncertainty:

He is neither old nor young, neither fat nor thin (cf.: He is either old or young).

In phraseological units: Neither this nor that, neither fish nor meat.

5) in interrogative-exclamatory sentences when expressing an underlined statement:

Who didn't curse stationmasters who did not fight with them!

(A. Pushkin)

Is it not true that we have grown wiser?

With your condition, how not to get married? (L. Tolstoy)

5) in subordinate clauses with a generalized amplifying value (with allied words: whoever .. , whatever .. , wherever .. etc.).

Whatever the child amuses, if only she does not cry.

Whenever you ask him, he will not reach into his pocket for a word.

Difficult cases of distinguishing between NI and NOT

1. In subordinate clauses. Compare:
Does NOT express negation:

When the brother did not come, everyone felt bored.

There are no wars where soldiers do not die.

NI expresses a statement with a touch of generality:

Whenever a brother came, he always brought animation and joy.

Wherever soldiers die, they should be remembered and honored.

2. In revolutions not one and none; not once and never. Compare:
Doesn't express negation

Not one of us (ie many) was ready for the ascent.

More than once (that is, many times) I had to meet with a wild beast.

Ni expresses the strengthening of negation:

None of us (i.e. none) were to ascend.

Not once (i.e. never) did I have to meet with a wild beast.

3. In pronominal phrases. Compare:
Emphasizing phrases with NOT contain the meaning of hidden opposition and are used in affirmative proposals(cf .: no one else, but ..)

None other than a woodpecker thumped dully in the forest.

Before us was nothing but an ancient cave.

These turns are used in negative sentences and serve to reinforce the negation: no one... not; nothing is not:

No one else would lead us to the right path.

Nothing but music fascinated me so much.


Composite amplifying revolutions with a particle neither:

no matter what, no matter what, wherever, wherever, as if nothing had happened, etc.

Spelling varies not with verbal adjectives my and with participles -my; in the presence of explanatory words, the first ones are written together (like denominative adjectives), the second ones - separately, for example:

a) uninhabited long time island insoluble crystals in water indistinguishable figures of people in the dark;

b) reserves not visited by hunters, unreadable non-specialist magazines, not favorite mother child.

For adjectives on my include words formed from intransitive verbs (for example: independent, waterproof, fireproof) or from perfective verbs (for example: incorrigible, unworkable, indestructible). These words apply general rules writing not with adjectives, i.e. they are written together and in the presence of explanatory words (see examples above), as well as in short form(for example: island uninhabited, disease incurable, these countries are economically independent). However, the rule remains separate writing adjectives with not, if pronouns and adverbs starting with neither, or combinations far from, not at all, not at all(see above, paragraph 6, note 1. subparagraph 2), for example: with nothing incomparable impression from no one dependent countries, by no means insoluble crystals; this phenomenon is neither from life nor from art not removable. The exception is words that not not used, for example: by no one invincible army, for no one incomprehensible case, under no circumstances unique experiment.


The spelling must be distinguished not with words to my formed from transitive imperfective verbs: such words can be like passive participles present tense, and adjectives (in the first case, spelling with not separate, in the second - merged). They are participles if they use as an explanatory word instrumental case actor, less often creative tools (the so-called instrumental); in the presence of other explanatory words, they become adjectives (lose the meaning of passiveness and the meaning of time and acquire qualitative value). Wed: not favorite mother child - unloved in childhood games (in the second case, the word unloved indicates constant sign, means approximately the same as “unpleasant”, “undesirable”); traffic, not braked air - invisible from the Earth side of the Moon.

Adjectives of this type include: invisible, insane, inflammable, inextinguishable, immovable, indivisible, unforgettable, invisible, unchangeable, unloved, unthinkable, tax-free, inalienable, untranslatable, incommunicable, unknowable, unverifiable, unconjugated, intolerant, etc. Cf. their spelling in the presence of explanatory words: indivisible for three number unforgettable meeting for us, through invisible world tears, unthinkable recent records, non-transferable in simple words the senses, unverifiable for a long time accounts, impassable mud in the spring indeclinable nouns in Russian intolerable behavior in our society, etc.