A technique for memorizing English words for children. How to learn English words: simple and modern tricks

Why memorize English words?

Learning English has become a necessity for many people. For schoolchildren, it is dictated by the requirement to pass exams. For traveling people, this is an opportunity to communicate with representatives of other nations. Learning a language involves mastering several skills. The basis on which these skills are based is the study of words. Having studied several times and having practiced a couple of weeks in their use, you can already express yourself quite clearly. But then another difficulty arises, the study of words. If you approach this, at first glance, tedious process creatively, you can speed it up many times. You can even learn to enjoy it. Let's look at a few known ways study English words.

1. Write words in a notebook

This is the easiest way to accumulate new words. It is usually offered in schools. Maria Ivanovna gives the task to write out all the new words in a notebook and learn them by heart.Then she asks for their translation from Russian into English and from English into Russian. This method of memorizing words is not bad, but it has its drawbacks. The position of the words in the list is remembered. Difficulty concentrating on words that are hard to remember. In the future, words learned in this way are poorly recognized.

2. Write words on cards

This method is much more efficient than the previous one. You write words on cards on both sides. An English word and its transcription are written on one side. On the other side are written synonyms (if they are), example words in a sentence and translation into Russian. Such memorization of words allows you to divide words into " I know», « Don't know"And then focus on words that are difficult to learn, that is -" Don't know". Here is a more detailed description of the process of learning English words from flashcards. You can make the cards themselves from cardboard or thick paper, or you can purchase ready-made ones in the online store.

3. We select synonyms and antonyms

If possible, it is necessary to think and find synonyms and antonyms for the word being studied. In this form, words are remembered faster. For example, do you know the word fast - fast. Then you met the wordswift - fast, but you don’t know this word yet. You associate it with the word fast, swift = fast. So it will be remembered much faster. And if you still find the antonym slow for it - slow, then the connection will be stronger.

4. Surprised by the new

If possible, create some unrealistic association in your mind. For example, remembering the word fast – fast you along with fast food represent the title slow food . Such associations usually cause a smile. They are unusual - so they are remembered much faster. This ability to change, design and wonder is very important. You are not just assigning one value to another, but looking at it with different sides, at different angles. You wonder, admire and laugh at what you made up. Any information undergoing such processing will be kept in memory much longer.

5. Looking for associations

Sometimes it is difficult to remember a new English word. Well, it is not remembered and that's it! In this case, it is necessary to find associations to it. For example, the words are often confused blackberry - blackberry, bilberry - blueberries and strawberries - strawberry. If we break them down into components, for example, black - black, berry - berry. Bill similar to bill - account and straw - straw. It is quite easy to remember these words.blackberry remembered as "black berry". And if you also remember the once very popular phone, then remember the meaning of the word even better.

Blueberries are remembered as "the berry that lies on the bill."

Strawberries are remembered as "a straw that is stuck in strawberries."

For associations, it is better to use words that can be easily imagined, that can be seen, endowed with taste, color, touch, etc.

The more words you know, the easier it will be for you to find associations to new words. Therefore, many are surprised how 80-year-old professors sometimes remember words or other information better than teenagers. The secret lies in right habit memorize and a huge vocabulary.

6. Remember words in context

Unprepared students memorize words as "word" = "translation". In this form, they are remembered very poorly. Too loose connections. Our memory works with images, emotions, rhythms, and therefore information should be presented to it in this form. Don't forget to look at how a particular word is used. We have a tendency to use words that we use in Russian in English without specifying the context. For example, when we ask in a cafe “whether a chair is occupied or not”, in Russian, we use the word busy -busy . Unfortunately, we cannot say Is this chair busy ? Is this chair occupied? It would be correct to say " Is this chair occupied? Is this chair occupied? Word busy implies a lack of time, which cannot be applied to inanimate object, in our case, a chair. Therefore, check the context of each word according to the examples given in dictionaries.

7. Learn to Express Emotions with Synonyms

We have already written that it is very desirable to find synonyms with antonyms for the words you want to remember. New words connect more easily with words you already know. Another aspect of such memorization is finding words to express certain emotions. We live in a world of emotions and logic. Depending on the temperament of a person, one or another component predominates in it. Therefore, it is good to have ready-made blanks in stock. For example, let's take joy. How can we admire this or that event? Let's find a few words that make it possible to do this.

It's cool!

It's wonderful!

It's beautiful!

It's amazing!

It's thrilling!

It's exiting!

It's breathtaking!

It's far out!

By forming words into groups according to their purpose, it will be easier for you to use them.

8. Ridiculous stories

We have already written that similar friend other words are remembered worse, so you should not learn words alphabetically. If the word is clothed in a story, or rather in an absurd story, the effect will be even stronger. For example, you need to remember the wordceiling - ceiling. You imagine that you have entered your room, and there the entire ceiling is made of silicone. It may be difficult for some to imagine silicone. Silicone is a material with elastic properties. The story is ridiculous, because ceilings are not made of silicone, so your memory will remember this image much better.

9. Chat with friends

In every difficult case man needs helpers. It is necessary to maintain your enthusiasm and one of the most effective methods is communication.Try to find friends with whom you will communicate in English. Now there are many different applications that allow you to find friends of interest from English speaking countries and discuss some interesting topics for you in the language you are interested in. There are applications where you can exchange help with those who study your native language, in return, getting advice on the language you are interested in. In this case, the language ceases to be an end, but becomes a means. This is well described in the book Passed By.

10. Watching movies in English

Watching movies is one of the most effective ways learning languages. You immerse yourself in the situation and struggle to understand what is at stake. In this state of “special interest,” you remember words much better. We recommend that you do screenshots(screenshots) with the words you want to learn if you are a beginner and watch movies on your computer. After taking a screenshot and looking up the word in the dictionary, leave it without writing down the translation. This will force your memory to be active. If you are watching a movie in a company and it is inconvenient to constantly stop it, then you can read the script in advance and learn all the unfamiliar words. In this case, it will look much more productive.

11. Repetition is the mother of learning

In this old proverb lies the key to success in the study of any subject. Memory cuts off unnecessary information, and its necessity or uselessness is determined by the frequency of its occurrence in your memory, and the relationship to it. We must really remember it. Having hung all the rooms, the bathroom and the toilet with stickers with English words, we will not force our memory to remember them. She will find a way to let them pass.

It is necessary to develop the habit of repeating the material covered in each next lesson. Go to the study of new material only when good mastery old. Proverb " to bounce off teeth” will help to understand the meaning of what was said. Unfortunately, this principle is not taken into account in many training programs. Such large intervals are made between repetitions that when the time comes to the test on the material covered, the student looks at the material already studied once as if it were completely new. Therefore, do not forget to bring what you have learned to perfection.

And how often do you need to repeat the learned words so as not to forget them?

There are many tips and tables showing memory cycles and effective repetition rates. It should be noted that they are designed for the average student or adult, while memorization performance in a very highly dependent on individual abilities, which, in turn, develop rapidly with regular training.

Start learning words proven 3 by 3 memorization technique with an interval between sets 2 hours and then see how it works for you. At good result you can increase the time interval between repetitions. If bad, it should be reduced.

12. We plan our training

Write down on a piece of paper the skills you are working on and the skills you want to develop in the future. Put them in a table, setting the tasks and the time allotted to them. Track your progress by working on these tasks every day. You don't have to be able to work on every skill every day. In our case over speaking, by reading, by letter and listening. Just systematically devote time to them, recording the results. If you don’t have the time or desire to practice a skill, then it doesn’t matter. Fixing your inability to do it now, sooner or later you will have a desire to do it. Well, you do not want to read something now. Okay, watch movies. Well, you do not want to write an essay today. Okay - chat with John about music.Use your mood for more effective learning. Learning should be fun, not torture. And most importantly, focus on your accomplishments, not on what you haven't done yet. You need to feel progress and planning with accountability will help you with this. You can register and study words on-line, then in personal account see how many words you have already learned, and how much you have learned them over time.

Everyone at least once in their life faced with the need to learn a foreign language. At what to do it quickly and efficiently. Unfortunately, for 11 years of school cramming, a person on average learns 1.5-2 thousand English words. This reserve is not enough even to understand the news.

Top Ways to Learn English Words Fast

Consider the most popular methods fast learning language. 1. Cards This is an old, economical and effective trick to quickly learn English words. Cards in the form of small sheets of paper can be created in several ways. On one side, write down a new word in a foreign language, and on the second - a Russian translation. People with associative thinking can use the pictures on the back. Those who already have a certain vocabulary, can use foreign dictionaries when creating cards. In this case, an explanation must be written on the reverse side. foreign word. So synonyms and antonyms are absorbed faster. And what about grammar? Foreign words are better remembered in the context of a sentence. To study vocabulary, you can create another version of the cards. The new word is written in a sentence with the Russian text, and the translation of only this word is indicated on the reverse side. For example: "I love to read books" - "Read". Cards need to be reviewed, vocabulary repeated and after a while returning to old words. 2. Textbooks Modern textbooks are different from the old ones. They not only provide beautiful illustrations for words, but also examples of their use. Phrases in context are easier to remember. 3. Training on sites People who spend all their time at the computer can learn a foreign language without leaving the cash register. Today, a lot of sites have been developed for this. In them, information is immediately structured into sections (words, phrases, cartoons, films, grammar). An explanation is given for each word using pictures, frames from the film. After watching the videos, a task is given to repeat the studied material. The words are pre-divided into topics, so they are easier to learn. To consolidate the result, you can use the Restorff effect: enter “foreigner” into a group of words. For example, in words meaning seasons, insert the day of the week. This will make the brain focus on the terms faster. The learning process is built in the form of a game. Therefore, information is absorbed faster and easier. 4. Make up stories The association method described earlier can be applied in another way. A person remembers words better if he recreates them in his imagination. Having studied even 20 words from one group, you should come up with incredible story in which all of them will be used.

The best way to learn English with translation

Whatever method of studying speech is chosen, the main thing is that the student repeats the material covered as often as possible. If you are learning from a textbook or program, then this process is already set up. As you complete tasks, the program will automatically suggest which words you need to repeat. But what about those who study on their own? According to linguists, to understand simple speech, it is enough to master 2.5-3 thousand words. Those who have been studying foreign words for a long time need a living vocabulary with associations and content. Therefore, after reading the chapter of the book, do not write out all the new words, but only the most memorable ones. With their help, you can quickly repeat the material covered. Another way is to create a dictionary notebook. This method is similar to using cards. The only difference is that you can always carry a notebook with you and not worry about the safety of the sheets in it. Each day, one page of the notebook should be filled out. It specifies new words and repetition interval. On the day of learning words, they should be repeated after three to five hours, and then the interval increases exponentially.

If you use the capabilities of the brain correctly, the learning process will become simple and exciting. How to do it? Consider the main strategies. The power of emotions Each word must be associated with something important. For example, the word milk can easily crash into the brain of any person who loves Milka chocolate. You can come up with an association from a story you like, a movie, an advertisement, etc. Positive emotions activate the ability to learn. They signal that the new word means something to the person. Therefore, this strategy works. Embedding words in experience When a child is learning native speech, he uses each new word in different situations. Hearing "white", he will repeat it when he sees a white sheet of paper and white sugar. So a new word is fixed with what a person already knows, and it becomes more familiar. To use this method in the study of foreign words, it is necessary to use a new word in retelling the text, performing a written task and in a conversation with a native speaker. Believe in yourself Often a person in the study interferes past experience. At school there were bad marks in language subjects, but at the institute he failed the exam. In fact, the reason for the failures was lack of time, poor health, or the realization that the knowledge gained would not be useful. People who learned the language believed they could do it. This belief turned into a prophecy for them. How long the information will be stored in the head also depends on internal beliefs. If a person has an image of a rapid loss of knowledge, then it will take a long time to learn. Instead, focus on the image of a quick recovery of skills.

The best method to learn the spelling of English words

Linguists recommend for rapid development learn at least 100 words a day in a new language, 10% of them must be action verbs. It will take a long time to write down all the words on the cards. Therefore, it is better to use the "Clean" application for gadgets. It contains all the previously described techniques. To quickly learn English words, a card mechanism is used. Words are written and reproduced in English, and then in Russian. If the word is remembered in an hour, then it is set aside by clicking on the "Learned" button, if not, then it is updated in the list. All studied terms fall into the "Repeat after ..." section, in which the user himself sets a convenient time. The repetition of material contributes to the fact that words are transferred from short-term memory to long-term memory. Here you can also use the association method: reading a word - checking pronunciation - translation - making an association - repeating the word 5 times and scrolling in the head of the association. After that, you can transfer the word to the "Learned" section. English speech over a million words. Of these, only a few thousand are used in Everyday life. To understand information from each area, it is enough to know 100 commonly used words. It is on this principle that the "Clean" dictionaries are compiled. First of all, the user selects 3 dictionaries to assess their knowledge. As he masters the topics, he can acquire other dictionaries. To visually monitor the learning process, the program presents a progress scale. With its help, you can track the process of replenishing vocabulary daily: 100 words per day \u003d 3 thousand words per month - necessary minimum for colloquial speech!The application provides an excellent platform to start learning English. To consolidate knowledge and develop other skills, you should take lessons with a native speaker. If you know other ways to quickly learn English words, share with us in the comments.

Why is it difficult to memorize English words? And how to learn to memorize English words quickly and easily? - These questions are asked by many, so we will answer each of them in detail.

Why is it difficult to memorize English words?

First of all, new english word is accurate information, i.e. information that you need to know exactly, 100%.

Try to "approximately" or "partially" pronounce the English word! Foreigners will not understand you. Therefore, it is very important to memorize English words accurately. BUT any exact information is poorly remembered, even after exhausting "cramming" only 20% remain in memory.

Knowing this feature of memory, our ancestors 2 thousand years ago created mnemonics - the art of memorization. Today, mnemonics has been enriched with new techniques, methods, techniques and is one of the components of the “Memory Development Systems”.

Secondly, remembering English words is difficult due to the incorrect organization of words. Please note that most books and dictionaries aimed at building vocabulary are compiled in alphabetical order, i.e. English words follow in alphabetical order. And this order is convenient only for word search but not for memorization.

Memorizing words in alphabetical order leads to the following negative consequences.

  • The memorized word is difficult to remember, “get it out of memory”, because the English word was memorized without a block of words related to it in meaning, and “stored on the same shelf”.

    A word memorized in alphabetical order can be compared to a book that you want to find in a bookcase, but you don’t remember which shelf it is on and what topic it belongs to. And in order to find the right book, you will need to "dig through" the entire closet. But if you put this book on a shelf with books on the same subject, you would find it very quickly.

  • When words are presented in alphabetical order, adjacent English words start with the same letter and differ little. And, as you know, homogeneous information is prone to forgetting, i.e. being memorized sequentially, words displace each other from memory.

    Therefore, it is very important that adjacent English words begin with different letters.

Thirdly, memorizing English words is difficult if you memorize a word without context. In addition, difficulties with memorization are associated with the ambiguity of English words.

Let us quote the famous psychologist A.N. Leontiev (“Lectures on general psychology 2001): “The difficulty is that if you teach like this dictionary words(foreign - Russian, foreign - Russian), then you will not know the language for a very simple reason: words, including foreign ones, are polysemantic. No value match. And another big annoyance. Do you know what a statistical dictionary is, a frequency one, where the frequency of using words in a language is indicated just next to the word as a frequency coefficient?

You see, high-frequency words are especially polysemantic, and low-frequency ones, that is, rarely found in the language, have a much smaller number of meanings, scientific terms should ideally not have many meanings at all (alas, ideally, because practically they are also polysemantic). If we take a very common word and learn it in this way, nothing will come of it. Because if you open a dictionary, not quite small, but larger, 20-30 thousand, then you will see that against German, English, French words the first, second, third meanings of the word and so on, I'm not talking about changes in meanings in idioms.

Fourth, memorizing English words is difficult due to the wrong memorization sequence. By "sequence of memorization" is meant the sequence of memorization of the constituents of an English word. What are the components of an English word?

Take, for example, wedding ["wedIN] - a wedding

1. wedding is writing English word
2. ["wedIN] is pronunciation English word
3. wedding is translation English word

So, English word consists of three components: 1) spelling, 2) pronunciation, 3) translation. And most often, in this sequence you wrote down a new English word in a dictionary, and it is in this sequence that English words are presented in numerous books and dictionaries.

How did you start memorization?
- Of course, from writing, - you say and remember how many times you wrote down an English word on paper.
- And what did you do then?
- Then he said it out loud many times, i.e. "crammed": "["wedIN] is a wedding, ["wedIN] is a wedding..."

It turns out the following sequence of memorization:

writing - pronunciation - translation.

Memorization in this order is called "recognition" those. you need to see the English word written or heard to remember the translation. That's why we all read and translate well English lyrics. That is why we all, when traveling abroad, understand foreigners, but we cannot say anything. We can’t say, because we can’t quickly and easily remember the translation of the word, i.e. "reproduce" it from memory. This process is called "reproduction" and is the following sequence:

translation - pronunciation - spelling.

Memorizing an English word in this sequence guarantees high quality memorization and high speed of recall, but using a certain method, which we will discuss below.

How to learn to memorize English words quickly and easily?

Obviously, you need to eliminate the above difficulties and learn:

  • correctly prepare the material for memorization, i.e. a) group English words according to topics and situations of use; b) arrange English words so that next to worthwhile words started with different letters;
  • memorize an English word in context according to the principle one English word - one context containing one translation;
  • memorize in the correct sequence, i.e. translation - pronunciation - spelling using certain method, integral part which is mnemonics.

Everything is clear, except for the third point, - you say, - What is this "certain method"?

This is a method of memorizing the words of any foreign language called "Polyglot". With this method, you will learn to memorize 100 - 200 new English words a day quickly and easily!

The "Polyglot" method is a sequence of mental actions and operations that form the skill of memorization.

It is enough to memorize only 500 English words using this method to form a memorization skill. You will not think about how you memorize, your brain will use this method itself, and English words will “memorize themselves”. If you are interested theoretical part and details, you can familiarize yourself with them in another book “Secrets of memorizing irregular verbs of the English language” by E.E. Vasilyeva, V.Yu. Vasilyeva, where the “Polyglot” method is described in more detail.

(for independent memorization of English words)

  1. Provide a translation of the word.
  2. "Take a picture" is a foreign word.
  3. Write a foreign word.

Let's use the "Polyglot" method to remember the English word:


1. "beard" is a translation
2. and bied is the pronunciation of the word (the second option is “Russian transcription”)
3. beard is the spelling of an English word

  1. Provide a translation of the English word.

1) “Present a translation of the English word” means to present a “beard”.
Some may "see in their imagination" a beard hanging in the air, others - the face of a grandfather with a beard.

It is advisable, at first, to help yourself with questions:
What does this word remind me of?
- What does this word look like?
- What does this word have to do with me?

2) And then we form a “picture” based on beard image according to principle: "Place. Hero. Situation", i.e. we ask ourselves questions:
- Where?
- Who? What?
- What situation?

Important! When forming the “picture”, place the translation of the English word in the right context.

AT this case the word is unambiguous and the word "beard" conjures up the face of a grandfather with a beard. Next, we form a “picture”, i.e. we remember a familiar grandfather in a familiar place (Place. Hero), we connect as many sensations and feelings as possible.

Let's imagine a familiar grandfather with beard sitting on a bench in the park, we will hear cheerful children's voices, we will smell the flowers, we will feel the warm rays of the sun ...

Please note that the situation is some kind of interaction of heroes, and we have only one hero. Let's leave the “unfinished picture” alone for now and move on to another point.

  1. Choose a consonant pronunciation Russian word.

Pronunciation is

Let's choose a consonant Russian word for pronunciation, i.e. a word that has the same first sounds. In this case, the sound of the word "BIDON" is suitable. Please note that we highlight the matching consonant part capital letters. It is desirable that the Russian consonant word designate an object or person.

  1. Connect the image of the translation with the image of the consonant word.

The image of the translation is a familiar grandfather with beard, sitting on a bench in the park.
“Combine the image of the translation with the image of a consonant Russian word” means

- “complete the translation picture” by including a BIDON in it, the result will be a “key-phrase” connecting the words “beard” and “BIDON”, for example: “Grandfather accidentally dipped beard in a can with milk";

Holding in the imagination the "key - phrase" simultaneously say aloud 2-3 times: bIed

  1. "Photograph" is an English word.

The English word is the word "beard ».
“Take a picture of an English word” means to highlight the word from all sides with yellow cards (size 6 x 7 cm) so that in the “window” there is only the word “beard ». Now let's set ourselves up to remember graphic image words (Remember the spelling!) and read the word aloud 2-3 times.

  1. Write an English word.

Write an English word, i.e. write the word "beard » on a draft, without looking anywhere. Wrote once - checked, then write a second time, but without peeping. Recorded a second time - checked. And once again write down and check. It is important that you remember the spelling of the word from memory and do not peep anywhere! It is enough to write the word 3-5 times.

  1. Check the quality of visual memory.

“Check the quality of visual memorization” means to write the word backwards, from right to left, so that the word is read correctly.
For example: ....d

If you correctly spelled the word the other way around, then you can be congratulated, you have memorized the spelling of the English word by 100%!

  1. Write down on a card for further repetition.

On one side of the card, write down the translation of the word, i.e. "beard » , and on the other hand, write down the English word "beard ».

It is important to do two repetitions:
- repetition No. 1: according to the translation, i.e. remember the English word to the Russian word, having previously shuffled all the cards,
- repetition No. 2: according to the English word, we recall the Russian translation.

It is important that you first complete steps 1, 2 and 3 on a prepared list of words (50 - 200 English words), and then complete steps 4, 5, 6 with the same list of words.

Remember! English words need to be memorized not one at a time, but in lists grouped by topic!

To memorize English words on your own using the Polyglot method, you first need to develop certain abilities and form some skills using simpler technology. Such a technology that allows you to memorize 200-500 English words in 1 lesson is the “ENGLISH-memory” technology. This technology contains "easy-to-learn" material in the form of "keys - phrases", and you just have to read the "key - phrase" and submit!

Learning English words is much easier than you think. If you do not agree with this, then, apparently, because at school you were forced to cram columns of words that were difficult to remember, but were forgotten the next day. Fortunately, now with simple tricks, tutorials and easily accessible materials in English, learning words is a pleasure.

Learning English words and learning a language are not the same thing.

First of all, we note that learning a language is not limited to memorizing words. Yes, you cannot throw words out of the language, but their interaction in speech occurs according to the rules of grammar. In addition, grammar will not be "brought to life" without practice in reading, listening, speaking and writing. Some of the techniques listed below involve memorizing words precisely in the context of live speech.

Cards with words

Ordinary cards made of cardboard - powerful tool memorization of words. Cut out cards of a convenient size from thick cardboard, write English words or phrases on one side, Russian on the other and repeat.

For greater efficiency take sets of 15-30 cards and learn words in two directions - English-Russian and Russian-English - in four stages:

  1. Introduction to words. Look through the cards, pronouncing the words aloud, trying to imagine the objects, actions and even abstractions they represent. Don't try to memorize the words thoroughly, just get to know them, pick them up on the memory hook. Some of the words will be remembered already at this stage, but not reliably.
  2. Repetition of English - Russian. Looking at English side, remember the Russian translation. Go through the deck until you can guess all the words (usually 2-4 runs). Be sure to shuffle the cards! Memorizing words in a list is inefficient, largely due to the fact that words are remembered in a certain order. Cards do not have this disadvantage.
  3. Repetition of Russian - English. The same, but from Russian to English. This task is a bit more difficult, but 2-4 passes will suffice.
  4. Consolidation. At this stage, mark the time with a stopwatch. Drive the deck as quickly as possible, achieving instant recognition of the word without hesitation. Do 2-4 rounds, trying to get the stopwatch to show less time with each round. Don't forget to shuffle the cards. Words can be driven in both directions or in one direction (preferably in Russian-English, as it is more difficult). At this stage, you will achieve instant, without mental translation, recognition of the word.

It is not necessary to make cards out of cardboard, there are convenient programs for creating electronic cards, such as Quizlet. Using this service, you can make voiced cards, add pictures to them, teach in different modes including games.

Spaced repetition method

The method consists in repeating words with the help of cards, but at some intervals. It is believed that, following a certain repetition algorithm, the student consolidates information in long-term memory. If the information is not repeated, it will be forgotten as unnecessary.

The most popular program for memorizing words using the spaced repetition method is Anki. Create a deck of words, and the application itself will select partially forgotten material and offer to repeat it at a certain frequency.

The convenience is that you only need to load the words, and the program itself will tell you when and what to repeat. But sometimes there is simply no need for an interval method. If you study collections of such common words like days of the week and months, verbs of motion, vehicles, then there is no need to repeat them according to a special algorithm: they will already be encountered very often in the textbook, when reading, in speech.

Memorizing words while reading in English

It makes sense to learn words with the help of cards when the vocabulary is still insufficient even to understand the simplest texts. If you do not yet know such basic vocabulary as days of the week, colors, verbs of motion, politeness formulas, then it is convenient to lay the foundation of vocabulary by memorizing words from cards. According to linguists, the minimum vocabulary for understanding simple texts and speech - about 2-3 thousand words.

But, if you can already, try to write out words from the text while reading. It will not be just vocabulary taken from a dictionary, but living words, surrounded by context, associatively tied to the plot, the content of the text.

Do not write down all unfamiliar words in a row. write out useful words and phrases, as well as words, without understanding which it is impossible to understand even the basic meaning. Write out only a few words per page to reduce distractions from reading. After reading an article or a chapter of a book, words can be quickly repeated.

They can greatly simplify and speed up the memorization of words. For example, when reading texts online, you can save words with a translation with one click and then repeat them using the Leo Translator browser extension.

Memorization of words from video and audio recordings

If during reading it is easy to underline or write out a word, then with a film or audio recording it is more difficult. But listening (listening) for learning vocabulary is no less interesting than books. In the live speech of native speakers, there are fewer bookish, little-used words and more popular colloquial phrases. In addition, listening develops not only vocabulary, but also the ability to understand speech by ear.

The easiest way to learn English from movies and audio recordings is to simply watch or listen without being distracted by writing out words. This is the easiest approach, but this way you are unlikely to learn something new, just reinforce already familiar words well (which is also important).

If you write out and then repeat new words, then you will not only enjoy the movie, but also replenish your vocabulary. Of course, while watching, it is very inconvenient to be distracted by pressing pause and writing out words, but you can take short notes, and then return to them and analyze the material in more detail. As with reading, you don't have to write everything down. incomprehensible words contract.

It is much easier to engage in audio and video with the help of special sites. The popular online services LinguaLeo and Puzzle English are most suitable for this, which use a special interface for easy video viewing with the ability to quickly (click on a word in subtitles) translate and save words.

Memorizing words while writing and speaking

Reading and listening are passive speech activities, speech perception. Written and oral speech- This active use language. When you write or speak, vocabulary develops differently: you have to practice using familiar words by translating them from passive reserve(at the level of understanding) into active.

While writing, whether it be an essay or informal correspondence in a chat, you have to constantly select words and try to express your thoughts more clearly, more accurately. Often there is a situation when you want to say something, but do not know the right word or expression. It is not difficult to find it with the help of a dictionary, but do not let this valuable find be forgotten right away - write down such small discoveries and repeat in free time. Practice in active speech activity helps to identify such gaps.

During an oral conversation, of course, you won’t be able to look into the dictionary, but conversational practice makes you practice already familiar words and constructions. You have to strain your memory, remember everything that is stored even in its most distant corners in order to express a thought. Speaking practice to learn a language is like training for the body: you strengthen, develop your “language form”, translating words from a passive stock into an active one.


The first two methods are cards and spaced repetitions- suitable for memorizing collections of words, for example, "In the city", "Clothes" and so on. Methods from the third to the fifth are designed for memorizing words during speech practice.

If you want words not only to be remembered but also not forgotten, practice reading and listening regularly. Having met familiar word several times in a live context, you will remember it forever. If you want to not only have a passive vocabulary, but also express your thoughts freely -. So you will turn dry knowledge into confident skills. After all, we do not learn languages ​​in order to know them, but in order to use them.

Knowledge of English has never been superfluous. Both in everyday life and in professional field. AT last years knowing English becomes a matter of course. This is the skill that will only increase your level of professionalism. Also in everyday life, we sometimes come across foreign words and do not always know their translation, and this is where difficulties arise.
When learning English, in addition to memorizing grammar rules and pronunciation rules, there is also vocabulary. Without sufficient vocabulary, comfortable use of English in everyday life and at work becomes impossible.

Learning any language is a real powerful brainstorm in terms of the need to remember large amounts of information.

After all, when learning English, you need to learn great multitude new foreign words, which can then be used in various everyday and work situations. When traveling abroad, your knowledge of foreign colloquial speech should be enough to be able to explain yourself to a foreigner and convey your request or wish to him. The volume of new foreign words is quite large, because when learning English, it is necessary to memorize the words and turns of speech that native speakers of a foreign language use in their speech.

Memorizing English words is a very laborious process. First of all, let's see why for many it is a difficult and demanding maximum concentration procedure. The whole point is that memorizing a new foreign word is like memorizing scientific term, it should be as accurate as possible, because then it will need to be used in conversation and correspondence.

Repeating these words will help prevent them from being forgotten. Let's say you learned a certain number of words. At the end of one day after studying, you should repeat these words again, so the neurons will be strengthened. After a couple of days, you need to repeat the learned words again. It is also necessary to carry out verification test to find out how well you remember new words, so the memory will be long-term. After another week or two, the words must be repeated again, so they will strengthen neural connections, and the words will be firmly planted in your memory.

The thing is that when learning new words of the English language, certain connections are created in the neurons of the brain, in which all information is stored in the future. To this information remained there for a long time, these ties must be maintained, preventing their disintegration.

Basic memorization methods

How to set your brain to perceive new information and in the future to accurately transmit it? First of all, you need to teach your brain to work correctly with incoming information and process it correctly. With the help of the "Hummingbird Method" it is possible to learn how to study English language. First of all, the "Hummingbird Method" will provide a methodology by which in one hour you can memorize almost a hundred words and use them in the future throughout your life. Also, the "Hummingbird Method" will help to reveal the English way of thinking, this will help in the future to speak and perceive the speech of foreigners.

Ways to memorize English words

There are many methods to learn and memorize English words. When you start learning new words you are filled with determination and motivation to learn new words, phrases and phrases. But, unfortunately, after a while, the enthusiasm passes, because all the study comes down to banal cramming. You remember the words for just a few days, but gradually they are forgotten, the translation of the word and its spelling are erased from memory. Of course, this method takes a lot of time, and it is a pity that after a while it is difficult to remember them, and half of these words are forgotten.

It is believed that some people do not have the ability to learn foreign languages

It would be wrong to say that this student has made little effort, that he is not talented enough and persistent in learning English words. Very often, in order to achieve success in the study, it is necessary to choose the right and effective methodology.

Here are the simplest ones:

  • Cards. This is a very easy way to do. You need to take small sheets of paper and write words in English on them, and on the other hand, the translation of this word. Since they are small in size, they can be taken with you and repeated at any time. free moment. You can prepare cards with words on different topics, with the most used set expressions and return to them periodically. This will allow you to constantly train your memory.
  • Sticker. You need to take self-adhesive sheets (stickers) and write on them the names of things that surround you, of course, in English. Thus, the words will always be in front of you, which will help you remember them faster. But this method has its drawbacks. First, the place of use is very limited, this is your home and workplace. Over time, you will learn these words, and there will be nowhere to move on. Secondly, this method helps to learn specific words, while abstract meanings, such as the joy of "happiness", the success of "success" and the like, will no longer work.
  • background method. To implement it, you need to record the words that you want to learn on the recorder, as well as their translation. No need to write down a large number of words, because large volume information through certain time the brain stops accepting new information. So the number of words should not be more than 30 or 40. Then you can turn on the recording or use headphones and listen to it many times. Thanks to this method, the words will be remembered mechanically, as if by themselves.

It's an undeniable fact that it's easiest to learn languages ​​at a young age.

  • Synonyms. You need to take a notebook and write down in it the words that you want to learn, and next to them their synonyms and translation. Write the words gradually, throughout the course and repeat the ones already written down. This will increase your vocabulary and help you express your thoughts more accurately in the future. For example:

Smart - clever-smart-intelligent;

Kind - good-kind-warmhearted;

Rule - rule-law-principle, etc.

Most efficient method

Of course, the presented methods are not without effectiveness, they are time-tested, but still have their drawbacks. But there is one method that will allow you to consolidate the learned words. Using the "Hummingbird Method" you can learn up to a hundred words in one lesson, and also with the help of unique system repetitions, you can remember the learned words for a long time.

The system includes mnemonics and the effect of visual memory. Also, the method itself is quite easy and does not require all the free time to be devoted to it.