How does addiction to sensual pleasures arise? What is sensual massage.

Watch the movie, enjoy it, it's a training...

Unlike physical pleasure, sensual pleasure does not imply the satisfaction of the body's need for material sources its functioning. Sense pleasure arises from repeated viewing of pictures, listening to music, reading books and other ways of perceiving already known information. The reason for sensual pleasure is the coincidence of the transversal velocities of the sensual image in the dynamics of its change with the transversal velocities of the image retrieved from memory. Multiple re-perception of a sensual image increases the energy of the memory state corresponding to it. This state of memory is the basis for the program installation of human actions in order to re-perceive the sensory image. There is a positive Feedback. The human mind becomes dependent on sensual pleasure.

The danger of dependence on sensual pleasures is not recognized by all. For earthly life, this pleasure is considered by many to be a boon. Indeed, it can be perceived as a reward for passivity, which contributes to the stability of society. But, like any attachment to the material, it is objectively harmful. The mind of man is only a moment in the process eternal life exists in an embodied state in the material world, and these attachments will be a burden to him.

Can the Mind of a collector of stamps, paintings, and other works of art have fulfilled its task? Its development is one-sided and by earthly standards. While living in the conditions of Paradise, his intellect will be developed, increasing the imbalance. Harmony, good weather on the planet of memory is out of the question. Reception of extrasensory information and development intellectual sphere Reason in the lower dimensions will be difficult. There will always be a danger of the manifestation of programmatic installations of attachment in any situation.

Attachment to sensual pleasures is one of the links of karma and causes the need for re-incarnation. Collecting works of art makes sense for the wider dissemination of their informational content, expressed more in the circumstances of creation and motivation of the activities contained in them than in the aesthetic forms themselves. Collecting for personal use, enjoying the beautiful, can cause nothing but the birth of black karma.

The question arises: what, brilliant artists and musicians, poets and writers have nurtured black karma and are therefore doomed to re-incarnation and new suffering? No, their creativity is not a source of black karma. The creative achievements of geniuses are based on supersensory information received from the Essence. Among sensory perceptions there is only creative inspiration, ecstasy, which is akin to the feelings experienced when reaching Enlightenment. These feelings are contained in the programmed setting of the desire for supersensory knowledge, which will remain forever and become the basis for the formation of the macroprogram of the personality in the process of the future eternal life in the non-embodied state. They have no attachment to their own works. On the contrary, they tend to be inclined towards their critical appraisal. They have the same attitude towards the achievements of their colleagues.

For many geniuses, the problem of karma lies elsewhere - in attachment to drinking alcohol. creative process goes more intensively with the reduction of potential barriers that prevent the penetration of the Mind of lower dimensions into the area of ​​consciousness. But the elimination of vicious addiction will require a new incarnation in a different capacity, with a different, it can be a very difficult fate, when the karmic link of addiction to alcohol is broken.

This does not mean that one should be indifferent to works of art. Brilliant creations reflect the achievements of civilization, are an example to follow, guide creative thought, drive the progress of society. They constitute the main material content of achievements collective mind. Their impact on the spiritual life cannot be overestimated. An example to follow should be the process of creating a brilliant work and the program setting of the activity that it contains, and not the form of this work itself. Works of art are material objects. Their contemplation enhances energy base states memory. But only the software settings contained in them have positive influence for the birth of white karma.

Sensual perception of works of art helps to overcome many program settings for the reproduction of black karma. However, one must keep in mind that after the destruction of black karma, white karma will lose its white color. A further increase in the energy of its program settings can create a new karmic link of attachment to a sensual material object. Then it will turn black. exact edge it is impossible to draw between white and black karma. A person is forced to balance between them all his life, but there is no other way. Only works aimed at improving spirituality and mastering true knowledge do not pose a danger of changing the color of karma. On a way spiritual development karma doesn't change white color because this path is endless. (With)

While the personality has not established itself in the transcendent, it is important for him to fulfill different rules mentioned in scriptures. These regulations restrict some activities while encouraging others.

Despite the restrictions on sinful activities, creature retains a taste for them even in the performance of a regulated spiritual practice.

But as one becomes established in the consciousness of the Lord, one loses attraction to dead objects. material world.

Spiritual pleasures are higher and...

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We said earlier that joy is something completely different from pleasure, so let's find out what pleasure includes, and whether it is possible to live in a world in which there is no pleasure, but there is tremendous joy, bliss.

We are all engaged in the incessant pursuit of pleasure, in one form or another: intellectual pleasure, sensual pleasure, cultural entertainment; pleasure in reforming, teaching others, correcting the faults of society, doing good...

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Material pleasures arise from the contact of the material senses with the objects of perception. Such pleasures are transient because the material body itself is perishable. The liberated soul is not interested in anything transient.

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“For yogis, the Absolute Truth is the source of unlimited spiritual bliss. Therefore the Supreme Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead. called...

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When we look into pain...

It is ignorance that kindles a thirst for pleasures (kama) in a person and encourages the search for eternal happiness in the world. But not all our desires are directed towards gross objects of enjoyment; there are also desires for wealth, prosperity, offspring...

Therefore, the indicated phenomenon must be considered within the framework of primary human needs. From which it follows that this is a necessary physiological function and should be regularly implemented.

Ways to achieve orgasm:

- Is it possible on your own? Of course.

- In a partner couple (sexual relations or sex)? Perhaps, both in sexual intercourse, and without it. Sensual completion can also be achieved in same-sex contacts.

- With the help of "tools" or various devices.

- In training sessions or specialized sessions.

- Other methods of achieving orgastic sensations from "exotic" to the so-called "perverted" methods.

Possible various ways realization of a physiological function - the achievement of a sense of pleasure, a sense of satisfaction.

Feel an orgasm, perhaps only in person, no one can do it for you. Only knowledge will help to reach the climax own feelings. The path to sensual completion is one's own achievement, not the efforts of an outsider.

AT public consciousness the sexual model of satisfaction of sensual needs is cultivated. That is, paired sexual relations are taken as the basis. In this case, the expectation from the partner that he will help satisfy the sexual need often leads to disappointment.

The level of claims to satisfy one's own sexuality leads to tragedy.

- I want only with this or with such and such a dream of mine. Only "love" and nothing else.

We are trying to turn the primary need for sensual pleasure into a socially significant phenomenon.

And, you just need to understand and accept that sexual-sensual need, childbearing function and love are different independent concepts. They are not interconnected and perform various functions and are in various fields human life.

- love is the sphere of feelings;

- sex is a physiological need;

- childbearing - inclusion in socially significant activities.

Man and woman, as rational individuals, are independent, autonomous in their biological and social functioning.

- Only the birth of a child requires the participation of both carriers of the sex. This is a condition for the preservation of humanity as a species (the need is specific, not individual).

Love reflects my personal emotional attitude to the opposite sex.

- Sexual relations, as one of the ways to achieve orgasm, but not the most reliable.

Quite understandable is the desire of hierarchical structures (both political and social, especially religious) to unite personal aspirations with supposedly social necessity (it is easier to manage). Physical desire, feelings and procreation would like to pass off as a pyramid of needs at the level of an individual.

Striving for personal level to the “proposed ideal” can only lead to loss of meaning and disappointment.

But when you understand what is happening and you can separate the concepts according to their functional affiliation, then there is no spiritual discord. The realization comes that these are only your feelings, your ability to receive sensual pleasure and your desire communication. And how to use them and how to combine them depends only on you.

Recently, my friend Rita called me in a complete panic. For the past five years, she has been a strict vegan and has been on a strict diet. However, for several months she really wanted to eat ice cream, pizza and other forbidden foods. She ate it - and worried that she was indulging her desires.

The first thing my intuition told me was that Rita's body yearns for balance. A passionate desire for some particular pleasure suggests that a person has limited himself in it for too long.

I know many yogis who do not feel the boundary between pleasure and self-indulgence. And this is understandable, since the attitude to pleasure in different traditions of yoga is different. In classical yoga and Vedanta, for example, it is believed that there is some basic contradiction between yoga and pleasure. This view is expressed in the Katha Upanishad:

“Both good and pleasant come to a person; a wise man, having considered, distinguishes them. For a wise man prefers what is good to what is pleasant, while a fool chooses what is pleasant for the sake of worldly well-being. (Translated by A.Ya. Syrkin)

Entire generations of yogis took this as a call to abandon soft carpet for the sake of a hard concrete floor and from sex in favor of abstinence. (Perhaps it would be more accurate to interpret this as a call to choose an early morning practice instead of an extra hour of sleep!) If you ignore the concrete floor, then there is truth in this text, especially if you replace the word “pleasant” with the phrase “comfort zone”. Transformation requires movement outside of your comfort zone.

In the ancient tantric texts Vijnana Bhairava Tantra and Spanda Kariki we find a much more subtle understanding of pleasure. While classical yoga and Vedanta see the world as something fundamentally illusory and its pleasures as distractions to be transcended, tantra sees the body and world as shakti, or divine cosmic energy. One of the most beautiful tantric ideas is that the body, the senses, and the brain are the instruments through which the spirit (or consciousness) enjoys itself. When you look at life in this way, then pleasure is in its conscious experience becomes a way of honoring the Divine. A well-known tantric wisdom says: “Some people believe that where there is yoga, there can be no pleasure, and where there are worldly pleasures, there can be no yoga. But on this path, both yoga and worldly pleasures come and settle in your palm.”

Of course, in order to combine yoga and worldly pleasures, discipline is required. One of my teachers once advised a student to overweight who couldn't imagine life without chocolate, to offer herself tiny pieces of chocolate as if she were offering sweets to an inner deity, and chew them very slowly. I myself have used this practice for many years when I wanted to enjoy sweets without overeating. Discipline and a sense of the sacred are the most important things here, but so is pleasure.

5 levels of fun

From the point of view of yoga, the greatest pleasure comes from the greatest depth. It is when you dive into pleasure through awareness, deep enjoyment or surrender of the ego that its divine nature becomes apparent. This happens regardless of the source of pleasure - be it chocolate, lovemaking, energetic vinyasa or chanting mantras. There are five basic levels pleasures that range from relatively superficial to very subtle:
1) sensual pleasure;
2) pleasure from intimacy with a loved one;
3) pleasure from some important business;
4) pleasure from creativity;
5) the pleasure of immersion in the Spirit.
The most subtle levels of pleasure are the deepest, and most correspond to what the Upanishads call goodness. It is something that we often intuitively understand but cannot describe in words. The point is that the attainment of subtle pleasures requires more effort and practice.

These levels are not interchangeable, which is why we need all kinds of pleasure.

1. Sensual pleasures

This is the taste of food, and the hugs of a loved one, and the view is bewitching. beautiful face, and the contemplation of a masterpiece. Sensual pleasures can be primitive and refined. The rougher part taste buds a donut seems more appealing than a perfectly balanced creme brulee dessert. However, both satisfy hunger, both stimulate the pleasure centers, although when the waves of pleasure from eating a great chef's dish reach higher centers in the cerebral cortex, then pleasure can cause incomparable waves of joy.

What does it take to deepen sensual pleasures? To be fully present in the moment in which the taste, touch or aroma is felt.

Most big enemy pleasure is abstraction. When we are distracted, we tend to replace quality with quantity and grab another meal or have another lover. Therefore, when you feel a lack of pleasure, great experts on this topic recommend that you turn your attention inward and start savoring the smells, tactile sensations and tastes.

2. The pleasure of intimacy

If the practice for deepening physical pleasure is mindfulness, then the practice for experiencing the pleasure of love is trust and acceptance. The deep pleasure of intimacy comes when you can maintain your sense of intimate connection with another person, even if they don't meet your needs. Like all forms of inner yoga, intimacy yoga begins with awareness. Be aware of the expectations you bring with you to the relationship. Notice when you are caught up in expectations of a particular outcome and when you are holding on to resentments. All this interferes with the pleasure of intimate love. That is why forgiveness is one of the greatest yogic practices for opening the heart. A friend of mine works with a kind of mantra that helps her (according to at least, for a while) to interact with your family: "I forgive you, please forgive me too, let's forgive ourselves."

3. The pleasure of being immersed in work

In the myth of Kama (the Indian god of pleasure) in the retelling of Heinrich Zimmer, the first thing that the god says when he is born into this world is: “Tell me what I have to do here, because without a goal life has no meaning!” Neither sensual pleasure nor the pleasure of intimate love can replace the pleasure you get from meaningful activity; when you dedicate yourself to a cause that you deeply believe in and that you believe will make the world a better place.

Two of my students still remember the feeling of magic that they experienced when they helped the victims of the earthquake in Asia. When they began to help, they realized that they intuitively felt what needed to be done, and that their every action was effective and harmonious. This complete devotion of their whole being to something that seemed to them vital, not only allowed them to help people, but also gave them an experience of incredible pleasure.

The yogic practice for achieving this level of pleasure is to do what you do for the sake of the cause itself, and not for the sake of praise or fame. This is one of the laws of life: when you work for recognition, and not for the sake of the cause itself, you will never get real pleasure from what you do.

4. The pleasure of inspiration and creativity

To feel inspired means to enter a space where ideas, movements, words, music flow through you. The pleasure of true creativity connects you directly to your higher self, to the creativity of the universal consciousness itself. God is an artist, says one of the sages of Kashmir Shaivism, and when we create, we are in touch with the Almighty. Inspiration can be present during a conversation in which all participants are open and willing to be conduits for something greater than themselves. It may come when you ask internal leadership in problem solving. Or it can come by itself, as a gift. What does it take to experience the pleasure of inspiration? First, you need to have the desire and ability to surrender to it—let go of the fears, doubts, and beliefs that prevent you from receiving it. Secondly, you need to have patience and skills in order to turn inspiration into action. And, thirdly, you need to be able to be attentive and avoid pride, which arises when there is a temptation to appropriate this inspiration for yourself. To experience the full depth of the joy of inspiration, you need to let go of the feeling of “I did it” and recognize that creative inspiration comes from the essence, from the “I”. The practice for experiencing the pleasure of creativity is not-doing; what in Taoism is called doing in non-doing.

5. Pleasure of pure spirit

The most subtle and deepest level of pleasure is pure communication with the essence, God, with the inner "I". You can experience it as being in pure awareness. But you can also experience it in the form of intimate communication with personal form deities. The yoga of devotion, or Bhakti yoga, is known as the path of deep mystical pleasure. She has sensuality the highest type physical pleasure, the sweetness of intimacy, selfless participation in something greater than yourself. The pleasure of pure spirit comes when the sense of "I" dissolves and you enter a state of pure being. The key to this is to allow the ego to dissolve into the presence that is its source. There is a practice that opens pure awareness. It can be performed anywhere and anytime.

Try it. For a moment, let go of the idea that you are a separate "I". Recognize that your body, mind, and emotions continue to function perfectly without the feeling that there is a "I" that feels them. Note how you feel. Try to taste the rare pleasure of freedom. When the sense of "I" returns again, release it again. Keep feeling what is left when the sense of "I" goes away for a second. See if you can become a real connoisseur of the subtle pleasure that comes when the ego relaxes. Full immersion

When you experience the absence of ego even for a second, you can bring that awareness into any experience of pleasure. Every level of pleasure can be a door to the true self if you know how to be completely immersed in it without the separation that the ego creates. This is the secret that tantra points us to. Whether you are eating something delicious, enjoying the company of a friend, dedicating yourself to a cause or goal, or enjoying the flow of creativity, you can turn any of these pleasures into a path to the serenity of your true self.

10 Rules for Conscious Pleasure
1. Don't give up any pleasure. Learn to distinguish pleasure from self-indulgence.
2. Mindfulness is needed to deepen sensual pleasures.
3. When you feel a lack of pleasure, pay attention to your sensations and start savoring smells, touches, and tastes.
4. To enjoy communicating with a person, be aware of all your expectations and watch your reactions to certain actions of him. Resentment interferes with the pleasure of intimate love. Reciting the forgiveness mantra will help you maintain trust, openness, and therefore a sense of joy from what is happening.
5. When you start doing something, do it for the sake of the work itself, and not for the sake of praise.
6. While doing your work, think of something more than comfort and dedicate your actions to the Highest.
7. To experience the pleasure of inspiration, you need to let go of the fears, doubts, and beliefs that prevent you from receiving it. Be patient and learn to turn inspiration into action.
8. To experience the full depth of the joy of inspiration, you need to let go of pride and admit that inspiration is given to you from above, and you simply broadcast it.
9. When you eat a ripe peach, or watch the sunrise, or feel the touch of a loved one, focus on inner feeling pleasure, and not on the phenomenon that caused it. Let the feeling expand.
10. Inner focus, acceptance and full presence in any form of pleasure can open the door to samadhi for you.

In pursuit of joy

Pleasure is the main emotional component of our being and the motivator of our life. It is impossible to stick to any practice if it does not bring pleasure. From a mystical point of view, the ability to enjoy is a sign of the primordial bliss of the universe. Scientifically speaking, we are created for pleasure. The pleasure centers are located in the midbrain, the seat of emotions. Food, sex, and vigorous exercise trigger pleasure centers that send chemicals like dopamine and serotonin to the cortex. AT healthy situation higher brain chooses pleasures that are useful for the survival of the individual and society as a whole. In an unhealthy situation, the system breaks down due to imbalances - be they genetic, chemical, or caused by stress. This is what happens in our society, which is dominated by stress, in which many are used to enjoying fast food, drugs and alcohol.

Pleasure centers are also activated by more subtle activities such as yoga, pranayama, meditation, and feelings such as empathy, gratitude, and love. So, science confirms what yoga sages intuitively understood: pleasure not only helps us survive, but also has several levels. There are relatively superficial levels of pleasure and deeper levels that can only be accessed by making an effort to awaken: practicing mindfulness, acting with love, letting go of the bonds that the selfish self attaches to any experience. Paradoxically, such actions often require us to move beyond our comfort limits.

It is not pleasure that is opposed to the good. The good is opposed by our dependence on comfort. This is an idea that came to us from the Musar school, the system ethical education in the mystical Jewish tradition. This is exactly what the Katha Upanishad says. When the sage and author of this work tells us that a wise man prefers the good over the pleasure, he means that the sage will choose the good and not just the comfortable. In other words, a wise person will choose effort and depth, preferring them over laziness and superficiality.

Familiar to every person, which is difficult to express in words. But let's try to figure it out. The meaning of the word "pleasure", the top of the most important pleasures, which will make you wonder, and a little beautiful sayings on the topic - in the article.

What does the dictionary say?

Dry science has given the subtle concept several definitions:

  1. Pleasure is a collection of pleasant feelings, such as delight, joy, satisfaction.
  2. Another definition of pleasure is a harmonious state of mind and body, the joy of life, the fulfillment of desires.
  3. Pleasure is a synonym for the word "pleasure". Sensual experience with satisfaction of any interest or needs.

Pleasure in human life

A person can experience a feeling of pleasure for several reasons:

  1. Overcoming poverty, financial success.
  2. Release from control or strong pressure.
  3. Goal achievement and self-assertion.

A person experiencing pleasure reduces stress loads, and his body recovers faster. Pleasure is medicine.

Top Pleasures

Pleasure is a state in which you want to stay longer. What are the most attractive pleasures?

The greatest pleasures in a person's life

Some of the most pleasant sensations that a person experiences:

  1. A hug after a long break.
  2. First kiss.
  3. Throw off heels or uncomfortable shoes.
  4. Get into a fresh, clean bed.
  5. Hand touches.
  6. A sip cold water on a hot day.
  7. Stroking a pet.
  8. Food after a hard day.
  9. Listen to the purr of a cat.
  10. Walk under the rain.

Desire is the flower of love, pleasure is its fruit. Fearlessness is the most short cut in order to enjoy life.