Rebirthing and holotropic breathing difference ultrasound scanner. Proper holotropic breathing technique and what it is

Rebirthing (english-rebirthing) is a respiratory psychotechnics created in the early 1970s in the USA Leonard Orr.

During the creation of the rebirthing, it was calculated that its main goal would be to re-experience the process of birth and liberation from birth trauma. The fundamental idea of ​​rebirthing is that every person has a birth trauma, the type of birth trauma affects his psyche. Defense mechanisms By suppressing the negative information stored in the memory, they cause negative side effects that produce a negative effect throughout a person’s life. Liberation from suppressed negative experiences by introducing into altered states and approaching the conditions of birth, according to supporters of rebirthing, has a positive therapeutic effect. Modern rebirthing declares the possibility of getting rid of repressed negative experiences, regardless of the moment when they arose.

In the 21st century, several varieties of rebirthing have appeared that differ significantly from the classical method of Leonard Orr, so practitioners classical method usually qualify the name of their method as rebirthing-breathwork. One of the most popular varieties of the classic rebirthing was created by a student of Leonard Orr and called it integral rebirthing.

Accidentally discovering the rebirthing technique

Wet rebirthing

The opening of the rebirthing did not happen in one day. It all started in 1962, when Leonard Orr, while taking a bath at 36 degrees, felt the urge of the body to breathe in a coherent rhythm, as a result of which he had his first experience of re-living birth. After that, he began to experiment with his discovery.

In 1973, he gave a seminar where he talked about his experience of reliving birth. The workshop participants expressed their desire to go through this process as well. He suggested that they go to their bathrooms and sit in the bathroom until they felt it was time to leave. Then, stay in the bath for another 30-60 minutes. The feeling that we have to get out of the bathroom is the so-called. motivation barrier. Every time we pass through this barrier we get very interesting information about ourselves, and we can trace the programs that control us.

This was the start Rebirthing movements. This was the first Rebirthing technique: to sit in the bathtub and meditate, passing through the "urge" barrier.

Leonard Orr continued his experiments in water, using a snorkel and nose clips in his sessions. At the same time, his patients very quickly regressed to the birth and perinatal conditions. Their memories were not only emotional or mental, but they also had psychophysiological states corresponding to this age period. And these states gave integration, healing effect. People felt relaxed and at peace, which surpassed their understanding. Through the technique of rebirthing, his clients came out of a state of pain and tension into a state of relaxation and peace.

Most Rebirthing sessions work on a psychological, emotional and spiritual level. People using altered breathing stop feeling chronic pain, tensions, individual life dramas and traumas, all this translates into relaxation, softness and peace.

In 1975, after hundreds of rebirthing sessions, Leonard Orr noted that people experience "healing by the breath." He realized that their breathing mechanism was completely transformed and their mind-body-spirit connection changed forever. Usually these experiences came after a few sessions, when the person got used to the technique and began to feel safe.

Psychology and rebirthing

The birth of dry rebirthing

Over time, Leonard Orr began to experiment with a coherent breathing rhythm without water. As a result of his research, he found for himself that it is much better to do ten one to two hour sessions of connected breathing without water before giving a session in water with a nose clip and snorkel. Thus was born Dry Rebirthing. This enabled the Rebirthing to become a mass movement.

The term rebirthing can be translated from English as "second birth", "rebirth". This is true in figuratively: a person is freed from what was done wrong in his life, from suppressed emotions, he receives a new influx of energy, activity, as if reborn. This is also true in the literal sense: a person can relive those real sensations and situations that he experienced during his real birth, and thereby neutralize those deep unconscious causes that negatively affected his life, health, behavior and condition.

The method of rebirthing technique, according to supporters, is a way of opening and searching for hidden unconscious complexes, repressed experiences, psychological trauma, wishes, wrong actions and harmonization inner world, the way of physical and mental recovery. The method of immersion in the personal collective unconscious, access to the transpersonal area, the global information field.

A certain amount of “psychic energy” is expended in order to force out consciousness and keep it in the unconscious (in a suppressed, inhibited state of “undesirable experiences”). The more such "suppressed foci", the more vital energy a person is distracted by this blockage, as a result of which a person may experience a certain lack of it for his life, which manifests itself in unsatisfactory mental and physical well-being, in a weakening of activity and a loss of interest, joy in life, in an increase in problems, conflicts and difficulties. According to practitioners, the rebirthing method allows you to open and eliminate "hidden pockets of repressed feelings", release "psychic energy" and direct it to current activities, receiving a charge of activity, joy, pleasure and excellent well-being.

Rebirthing as a key to inner harmony

Rebirthing is practiced as modern method self-help and introspection. It involves the use of a specific breathing technique to give a person deep and detailed insights into their mind, body, and emotions.

As a result of these searches, the processes passing into the subconscious are realized. Thus, the “foci of suppression” are opened, and the consciousness integrates, transforms the suppressed states into a general feeling of activity and wellness. Rebirthing allows the mind and body to carefully reshape itself in ways that increase happiness, enhance performance, gain health, and feel empowered. inner harmony personality.

Rebirthing technique

To master the technique of rebirthing, you need to go through 7-10 sessions under the supervision of an experienced specialist. After sufficient study of the methodology, the client is allowed to practice rebirthing yourself.

The rebirthing technique is based on 5 elements:

  1. Cyclic connected breathing (no pauses between inhalation and exhalation)
  2. Complete relaxation (muscular and mental)
  3. Attention to detail, total volumetric attention, not controlled by consciousness. Attention should be released and free. Special attention is given to the sensations that come to you from the body in this moment time
  4. Integration in joy, flexibility of perception. Integration in joy - moving from a negative context to a positive one, from negative perception and assessment of the situation to a different, flexible, more positive view of the situation. Connected breathing has the ability automatic shift context (way of perceiving reality)
  5. Full trust in the rebirthing process: in each process, exactly what is needed at that moment happens this person. Complete trust in yourself, in your feelings, in the benefits that rebirthing brings to health and quality of life. There is no need to consciously control something, manage something, let the rebirthing proceed spontaneously, and it will proceed exactly as it is most useful for specific person At the moment

Types of breathing in the rebirthing technique

Connected breathing in rebirthing is one of the main tools for accessing information located in the unconscious part of the psyche. Depth, intensity and speed of the flow of the subconscious psychological processes directly depend on the type of breathing used.

The rebirthing technique uses 4 types of breathing:

  1. deep and slow breathing - used for a gentle introduction to the rebirthing process. Sometimes, instead of slow breathing, extended deep breathing is used. With this breath, the body relaxes. AT Everyday life it is useful to use it at the very beginning of some negative state to neutralize unpleasant feelings.
  2. Deep and fast breathing- this is breathing about 2 times more often and deeper than usual. Considered the main breath of the rebirthing technique, it is used to enter the levels of the unconscious. Exhalation is relaxed and uncontrolled. If the inhalation is through the mouth, then the exhalation is also through the mouth. Forcing or restraining exhalation, controlling it can cause "tetany" - tension and contraction of the muscles of the arms, legs, face, which is a manifestation of internal resistance and fear. The person should be reminded that there is no need to resist anything, let everything go spontaneously, and the exhalation should be more relaxed. Also in such situations, the practitioner is advised to move to the third type of breathing.
  3. Rapid and shallow breathing- it is similar to a "dog", it allows, as it were, to split, crush experiences into pieces, weaken and quickly overcome unpleasant and painful experiences and sensations. This type of breathing is considered a universal assistant in extreme situations when the emotion is brought to the limit and it is necessary to quickly "slip" it.
  4. Shallow and slow breathing- used when exiting rebirthing. There is no need to force yourself and do not rush to turn off the process in advance, you need to exit it slowly and carefully.

The use of all types of breathing allows you to achieve maximum result, psychological relief and pleasure. In rebirthing, it is considered that the more relaxed the exhalation, the higher the quality of the process: in order to relax the exhalation, you can make the inhalation sharper. In the rebirthing technique, it is advised to include in the breathing process chest, since it is believed that a lot of emotions “settle” in her muscles.

If you want to master the Rebirthing technique in Moscow, we invite you to group classes or individual sessions at the Free Space training center. Experienced trainers will help you find shortest way to yourself with the help of rebirthing!

Rebirthing (eng. Rebirthing, “re-birth”) is a special breathing technique that was developed by the American psychotherapist Leonard Orr in the late 70s of the 20th century. Due to its availability, ease of use and effectiveness, the method quickly gained fans around the world and became one of the most popular respiratory psychotechniques. The popularity of the method is understandable: thanks to this practice modern man manages to let go of thoughts, relieve bodily tension and, in addition to everything, get amazing changes in life.

Numerous reviews on the Internet tell about the amazing changes that begin after rebirthing: people discover a huge reserve of strength and energy in themselves, reveal their creative potential, get rid of stress and restrictions, become more free, happy and successful. In other words, rebirthing allows you to reach new level spiritual development.

Rebirthing - what is it?

As in the story of Newton, who, according to legend, an apple that fell from a tree contributed to the discovery of the law gravity, Leonard Orr was also helped to get insight by a very ordinary case. Being in a hot bath a little longer than usual, a scientist familiar with various Eastern practices tried to breathe in a certain way, and this helped him experience the experience of remembering his own birth. Then, together with like-minded people, Orr continued his research and invented his own breathing technique - rebirthing.

Despite the fact that even today there are supporters of rebirthing sessions in water (both hot and cold), the “dry” option is more common. By the way, we would not recommend for those whose rebirthing experience cannot be called great to practice classes in the bath: accidents are possible.

Originally Aimed this method it was considered "re-experiencing birth" and liberation from the trauma received at that moment. According to the theory of Leonard Orr, all people, being born, experience trauma (fears, worries, pain, etc.), these toxic experiences are then suppressed, continuing from the depths of the unconscious to provide Negative influence for the rest of your life.

The breathing technique proposed by Orr helps to release suppressed negative emotions and thereby get rid of their consequences - blocks in the body, all kinds of chronic diseases, depressions and neurotic reactions, etc.

The modern view of rebirthing is much broader. Today it is believed that with this breathing technique you can get rid of not only the injuries received by a person at the time of his birth, but in general from any that he has ever experienced. Unfortunately, not a single negative event passes without a trace for us.

  • birth injury;
  • parental disapproval;
  • unconscious desire for death;
  • karma of previous incarnations;
  • negative experiences.

In fact, rebirthing is a kind of reboot, which can be repeated as many times as you like, for any reason. Or for no reason at all. Need to heal old wounds? Feel the loss, the loss vitality? Rebirthing! It is necessary to stir up, catch the muse, run new project- this amazing technique will help again, helping to get rid of the burden of experienced negative experiences and get energized!

The rebirthing technique gives a chance not only to relive the moment of birth, but to begin new life Here and now. All once suppressed feelings and experiences in the process of conscious intensive breathing can come out and be transformed from negative to positive.

In other words, an experienced user with the help of rebirthing can enter the flow state and change his reality from it.

Rebirthing technique: how to breathe correctly

If we touch on the theoretical side of the method, then five elements formed the basis of rebirthing:
  1. Maximum physical and mental relaxation;
  2. Energetic connected breathing without pauses between inhalation and exhalation;
  3. Attention to detail (total focus on own feelings, emotions and thoughts, uncontrolled by the mind);
  4. Integration in joy (transformation of a negative vision of a situation into a positive one).
  5. Complete trust in the process (acceptance of everything that happens to you during rebirthing - your experiences, physical sensations, awareness; understanding that everything is going the way it should be - at the pace you need, with the possible this stage results).

It would seem that everything is clear and understandable. However, very often, in connection with the use of this technique, the question arises, is it possible, after reading a smart and detailed book on rebirthing, to repeat the theory in practice on your own? Probably you can. But there are nuances here: HOW to repeat and WHAT result to get.

It is quite possible that you will be able to get close to suppressed negative emotions, but deeply and for a long time (for several hours or even days) will get stuck in them, without having enough experience to competently integrate them (transform them into another energy).

Trainers, on the other hand, will help you live the process of “rebirth” as safely and environmentally as possible and get out of it without earning new ones. negative programs. Believe me, sometimes the “second birth” is no less painful than the first, and only a competent coach will help you cope with the surging panic or an attack of pain and, most importantly, integrate them correctly.

Therefore, we strongly recommend that the first steps in rebirthing (in fact, as in other practices, be it holotropic breathing, vayveishen, etc.) be done under the guidance of a competent rebirthing mentor. And you can hone your skills (as you know, there are no limits to perfection) on your own, at home. However, by this point you will know the basics.

And questions about how to breathe correctly (fast or slow, deep or shallow, mouth or nose, with an emphasis on inhalation or exhalation), you will not have. Usually for different tasks rebirthing techniques of different volume and speed of breathing can be used: deep and slow, fast and superficial, deep and fast, etc. And an experienced coach will definitely teach his students all these wisdoms and "tricks".

Despite the opportunities to work in different conditions, the group format of rebirthing was recognized as the most effective.

If you are planning to start rebirthing in Moscow, we invite you to master this wonderful technique at the Free Space training center.

Rebirthing (english-rebirthing) is a respiratory psychotechnics created in the early 1970s in the USA Leonard Orr.

During the creation of rebirthing, it was calculated that its main goal would be to re-experience the process of birth and liberation from birth trauma. The fundamental idea of ​​rebirthing is that every person has a birth trauma, the type of birth trauma affects his psyche. Protective mechanisms, by suppressing the negative information stored in the memory, cause negative side effects that produce a negative effect throughout a person's life. Liberation from suppressed negative experiences by introducing into altered states and approaching the conditions of birth, according to supporters of rebirthing, has a positive therapeutic effect. Modern rebirthing declares the possibility of getting rid of repressed negative experiences, regardless of the moment when they arose.

In the 21st century, several varieties of rebirthing have appeared that differ significantly from the classical method of Leonard Orr, so practitioners of the classical method usually specify the name of their method as rebirthing-breathwork. One of the most popular varieties of the classic rebirthing was created by a student of Leonard Orr and called it integral rebirthing.

Accidental discovery of the rebirthing technique. Wet rebirthing

The opening of the rebirthing did not happen in one day. It all started in 1962 when Leonard Orr, while taking a bath at 36 degrees, felt the urge of the body to breathe in a coherent rhythm, as a result of which he had his first experience of re-living birth. After that, he began to experiment with his discovery.

In 1973 he gave a seminar where he talked about his experience of reliving birth. The workshop participants expressed their desire to go through this process as well. He suggested that they go to their bathrooms and sit in the bathroom until they felt it was time to leave. Then, stay in the bath for another 30-60 minutes. The feeling that we have to get out of the bathroom is the so-called. barrier "motivation". Every time we pass through this barrier, we get very interesting information about ourselves, and we can trace the programs that control us. This was the start Rebirthing movements. This was the first Rebirthing technique: to sit in the bathtub and meditate while passing through the "urge" barrier.

Leonard Orr continued his experiments in water, using a snorkel and nose clips in his sessions. At the same time, his patients very quickly regressed to the birth and perinatal conditions. Their recollections were not only emotional or mental, but they also had psycho-physiological states corresponding to this age period. And these states gave an integration, therapeutic effect. People felt relaxed and at peace, which surpassed their understanding. Through the technique of rebirthing, his clients came out of a state of pain and tension into a state of relaxation and peace.

Most Rebirthing sessions work on a psychological, emotional and spiritual level. People using altered breathing cease to feel chronic pain, tension, individual life dramas and traumas, all this turns into relaxation, softness and peace.

In 1975, after doing hundreds of rebirthing sessions, Leonard Orr noted that people experience "healing by the breath." He realized that their breathing mechanism was completely transformed and their mind-body-spirit connection changed forever. Usually these experiences came after a few sessions, when the person got used to the technique and began to feel safe.

Psychology and rebirthing. The birth of dry rebirthing

Over time, Leonard Orr began to experiment with a coherent breathing rhythm without water. As a result of his research, he found for himself that it is much better to do ten one to two hour sessions of connected breathing without water before giving a session in water with a nose clip and snorkel. Thus was born Dry Rebirthing. This enabled the Rebirthing to become a mass movement.

The term rebirthing can be translated from English as "second birth", "rebirth". This is also true in a figurative sense: a person is freed from what was done wrong in his life, from repressed emotions, he receives a new influx of energy, activity, as if reborn. This is also true in the literal sense: a person can relive those real sensations and situations that he experienced during his real birth, and thereby neutralize those deep unconscious causes that negatively affected his life, health, behavior and condition.

The method of rebirthing technique, according to supporters, is a way of revealing and searching for hidden unconscious complexes, repressed experiences, psychological trauma, desires, wrong actions and harmonization of the inner world, a way of physical and mental recovery. The method of immersion in the personal collective unconscious, access to the transpersonal area, the global information field.

A certain amount of “psychic energy” is expended in order to force out consciousness and keep it in the unconscious (in a suppressed, inhibited state of “undesirable experiences”). The more such “suppressed foci”, the more a person’s vital energy is diverted to this blockage, as a result of which a person may experience a certain lack of it for his life, which manifests itself in unsatisfactory mental and physical well-being, in a weakening of activity and a loss of interest, joy in life. , in increasing problems, conflicts and difficulties. According to practitioners, the rebirthing method allows you to open and eliminate "hidden pockets of repressed feelings", release "psychic energy" and direct it to current activities, receiving a charge of activity, joy, pleasure and excellent well-being.

Rebirthing as a key to inner harmony

Rebirthing is practiced as a modern method of self-help and introspection. It involves the use of a specific breathing technique to give a person deep and detailed insights into their mind, body, and emotions.

As a result of these searches, the processes passing into the subconscious are realized. Thus, the “foci of suppression” are opened, and the consciousness integrates, transforms the suppressed states into a general feeling of activity and well-being. Rebirthing gives the mind and body the opportunity to carefully rebuild itself in such a way as to increase the feeling of happiness, increase efficiency, gain health and feel the inner harmony of the individual.

Rebirthing technique

To master the technique of rebirthing, you need to go through 7-10 sessions under the supervision of an experienced specialist. After sufficient study of the methodology, the client is allowed to practice rebirthing yourself.

The rebirthing technique is based on 5 elements:

  1. Cyclic connected breathing (no pauses between inhalation and exhalation)
  2. Complete relaxation (muscular and mental)
  3. Attention to detail, total volumetric attention, not controlled by consciousness. Attention should be released and free. Particular attention is paid to the sensations that come to you from the body at a given moment in time.
  4. Integration in joy, flexibility of perception. Integration in joy - moving from a negative context to a positive one, from a negative perception and assessment of the situation to a different, more flexible, more positive view of the situation. Connected breathing has the ability to automatically change the context (way of perceiving reality)
  5. Full confidence in the rebirthing process: in each process, exactly what is needed at this moment for a given person occurs. Complete trust in yourself, in your feelings, in the benefits that rebirthing brings to health and quality of life. There is no need to consciously control something, manage something, let the rebirthing proceed spontaneously, and it will proceed exactly in the way that is most useful for a particular person at the moment

Types of breathing in the rebirthing technique

Connected breathing in rebirthing is one of the main tools for accessing information located in the unconscious part of the psyche. The depth, intensity and speed of the flow of subconscious psychological processes directly depend on the type of breathing used.

The rebirthing technique uses 4 types of breathing:

1. Deep and slow breathing- used for a gentle introduction to the rebirthing process. Sometimes, instead of slow breathing, extended deep breathing is used. With this breath, the body relaxes. In everyday life, it is useful to use it at the very beginning of some kind of negative state, to neutralize unpleasant feelings.

2. Deep and frequent breathing- this is breathing about 2 times more often and deeper than usual. Considered the main breath of the rebirthing technique, it is used to enter the levels of the unconscious. Exhalation is relaxed and uncontrolled. If the inhalation is through the mouth, then the exhalation is also through the mouth. Forcing or restraining expiration, controlling it can cause "tetany" - tension and contraction of the muscles of the arms, legs, face, which is a manifestation of internal resistance and fear. The person should be reminded that there is no need to resist anything, let everything go spontaneously, and the exhalation should be more relaxed. Also in such situations, the practitioner is advised to move to the third type of breathing.

3. Rapid and shallow breathing- it looks like a "dog", allows you to split, crush experiences into pieces, weaken and quickly overcome unpleasant and painful experiences and sensations. This type of breathing is considered to be a universal assistant in extreme situations, when the emotion is brought to the limit and it is necessary to quickly "slip" it.

4. Shallow and slow breathing– used when exiting rebirthing. There is no need to force yourself and do not rush to turn off the process in advance, you need to exit it slowly and carefully.

The use of all types of breathing allows you to achieve maximum results, psychological relief and pleasure. In rebirthing, it is considered that the more relaxed the exhalation, the higher the quality of the process: in order to relax the exhalation, you can make the inhalation sharper. In the rebirthing technique, it is advised to include the chest in the breathing process, since it is believed that a lot of emotions “settle” in its muscles.

During the rebirthing process, all 5 elements described above must be activated simultaneously, realizing this three-stage process principle:

  1. explore the subtle changes in your body
  2. immerse yourself in the strongest feelings
  3. enjoy this feeling as much as possible

Effective implementation of the rebirthing technique is facilitated by a specially selected music for rebirthing.

Time did not allow.
But everything coincided so that I got to Lyosha for a rebirthing lesson as a breather (between ourselves we jokingly call this “being a carcass”).
Lyosha teaches his techniques. He transfers his knowledge very carefully so that the level of consciousness of the student, the level of his culture corresponds to the amazing knowledge that Lesha has.
More than once I have even been a “carcass” in training sessions on rebirthing.

And after this lesson, I came to the conclusion that, perhaps, in vain I lost sight of this technique for personal use :)

Rebirthing is a powerful process of working both along the energy and psychological lines (especially if the rebirthing is under the supervision of a holistic specialist). A holistic specialist works not only along the lines traditional for rebirthing: bodily, bioenergetic and emotional, but also along other lines of work with consciousness, which increases the effectiveness of the session at times.

The whole breathing session is accompanied by music, very accurately selected by a specialist. The specialist monitors the musical flow, based on the dynamics of the process of this particular breather, and changes tracks, monitoring the state of the breather. There is not the same averageness that exists in group sessions, where processes take place that often even worsen a person’s condition, which Lyosha spoke about quite succinctly on the page dedicated to group practice.
A specialist who works in such an individual way must have a particularly finely tuned sensory apparatus, so that even without talking to a client, he can catch a change in his inner, emotional state. Very delicate work...

Rebirthing is a technique of connected breathing, it causes a large surge of oxygen in the body, due to which certain physiological processes that cause the desired state, and work begins on the release of energy blocked in the body.

By the way, it is interesting, physiologically due to such breathing, there is a change in the acid-base balance of fluids in the body.
And in what direction?

Pay attention to the multitude of practices offered modern world? Everything: from any kind of yoga to transurfing. How to understand this diversity, how to understand what you really need? And most importantly, how to determine whether the proposed practice corresponds to the original spiritual content?

First of all, when you start looking for a school, direction and mentor for your spiritual practices, make sure that the person who will be your teacher or instructor really has the necessary practical skills and has undergone some spiritual training. It is very interesting to watch such a person when he does not work, but simply communicates with people or rests.

For example, a yoga instructor who smokes on the street between classes can hardly be a teacher who can give something to his students. Spiritual practices require dedication from everyone who is involved in them, everything is important in them, and there can be no trifles.

An important component for those who want to immerse themselves in the practice consciously and seriously is spiritual and informational preparation. Study on your own those spiritual and scientific works that are the basis of practice, be sure to ask questions and discuss them with those people with whom you plan to practice. Nothing incomprehensible should remain for you, because any practice is based on awareness, i.e. fully understanding what and why you are doing.

A serious issue for any spiritual practice is the presence of many of its interpretations and interpretations. More precisely, everyone who practices is sure to bring something of his own into the original system. It's not bad - it's natural. The right approach to spiritual practice is adaptation.

It is foolish to wear medical shoes if they are two sizes smaller: no matter how medical they are, in this case, the result you need is unlikely to come. Most likely, it will be completely opposite.

It is the same with practices: if in the process you feel discomfort or fear suddenly arises, change your approach, exclude something, adapt it. Any system is good as long as you feel good, and only in this case there will be that positive result that any practice is aimed at achieving.

So, three main points that are necessary for any spiritual practice:

  • teacher, his spiritual level, his knowledge and the ability to transfer this knowledge.
  • Your awareness of the practice itself, its history, its spiritual teachers and scientific papers underlying practical exercises.
  • Adapting what you are doing to suit your physical and emotional state.

"The mind and breath are the king and queen of human consciousness" (Leonard Orr)

The creator of the rebirthing technique is Leonad Orr. In fact, he began to study the spiritual practices of yogis in order to work with memories and his own psychological problems that have haunted him since childhood. This was his path, which he went through to heal the spirit and correct operation with energy flows. All his experiments were intuitive.

From such a complex bunch of personal experiences and conscious exercises with the body, and especially with breathing, rebirthing appeared. A breathing technique aimed at removing the mechanism for suppressing energy stagnation, negative parental programming - this is what rebirthing is.

At first glance, you can tell that rebirthing is similar to a regular one. breathing exercises. This, of course, is not true. And although the practice uses the alternation of inhalations and exhalations at certain time intervals, it must be remembered that rebirthing is characterized by:

  • Awareness, i.e. you do not just breathe - you control the breath, its coherence, duration, depth, rhythm, your state.
  • The focus of the practice is on psychological purification and attraction of vital energy - prana.
  • Usage basic techniques obtained directly from yogis.

Rebirthing is a new trend in psychology. In all his works, Orr proclaims principles of working with consciousness that are different from those established in traditional psychology and new attitudes that should become the basis for the perception of life. The founder of rebirthing teaches to resist not only diseases or complexes, he insists that humanity is able to challenge even death.

His books are permeated with a life-affirming call to abandon the habit of dying, i.e. stop waiting for death and not perceive it as inevitable. To do this, it is necessary to change the approach to life, to realize that the person himself is the creator of both his own health and illnesses, injuries and death.

Many students of Leonard Orr not only studied the methodology and philosophy he created, but also made changes to them, sometimes very significant, creating independent schools, only remotely similar to rebirthing.

Often, practitioners have a question about whether rebirthing has any contraindications. Let's put it this way: you should never do something that you are not sure about or that you think is dangerous. For any of your actions, the main thing is the inner mood. If, going for a walk in the morning, you are sure that you will fall and break your leg, this will definitely happen. It's not about WHAT you do, but HOW.

“We could build a heaven on earth if people were as devoted to the ideas of health, love and life as they are attached to their own ignorance, negative thoughts and dying in order to go to heaven,” said the founder of rebirthing, Leonard Orr. There is something to think about. Author: Ruslana Kaplanova