Rebirthing deep and slow breathing technique. Myths about rebirthing

What can give us conscious breathing?

Conscious breathing enables us to breathe in energy as easily and simply as we breathe in air. AT ordinary life it improves our health, makes us feel happier, increases our ability to give and receive love, improves our relationship with the world around us.

Conscious breathing increases our energy level, which gives us the opportunity to be more productive in our work and, accordingly, to receive a higher income.

Since the Divine Spirit is the source of breath, conscious breathing enables us to contact the Primordial more fully and bring the power of the Spirit into our body more holistically and effectively.

Understanding and studying our breath gives us the opportunity to relax, experience peace, transcendence, ecstasy, happiness and fill our body with new life energy every day.

If you stop breathing, you will die. If you are the master of your breath, your life will be more fulfilled.

I breathe all my life and I know how to breathe! Why should I learn to breathe?

Most adults think they know how to breathe, even if they rarely think about it. But it is unlikely that any of them will become aware of their breathing until they have completed 10 sessions with a well-trained Rebirthing trainer. Here is a small simple test:

  1. How often do you get cold and cold?
    If often, then you do not know how to breathe. People who have completed 10 sessions or more usually have fewer colds and suffer from colds. After 10 sessions, people almost do not get sick during the year. For example, Leonard Orr has not had symptoms of a cold since 1974, as have many of his students. Rebirthing cures the common cold because we first learn to breathe air when we are born and the symptom of chilling due to birth trauma is built into our breathing mechanism. Therefore, the safest treatment for a cold is to heal a birth injury.
  2. Can you remember your first breath at birth?
    If you cannot remember this, then your breathing capacity is limited. Most people's experience is that their breathing capabilities have changed during the first ten sessions of rebirthing. As a result of 10 individual sessions with a professional rebirther, people report that their breathing has become freer and easier.
  3. Are you completely sure that you know how to inhale energy like air?
    One of basic tasks the first 10 sessions is to learn this ability.
  4. Do you have severe headaches, asthma or epilepsy?
    If so, then you definitely need a Rebirthing. Energy breathing is what will help you manage your various symptoms and make your life easier and more fulfilling.
  5. How often do you experience negative emotions?
    Energetic breathing is the secret to our health and vitality of the body as well as the mind. We can breathe out anger, depression and negativity and fill ourselves with peace and purity, the energy of life.

Along with the ability to take care of yourself and change your thoughts about feelings, Energy Breathing is the most valuable ability to explore yourself as a Human.

When we learn to breathe in energy consciously, we are only learning to become masters of the art and science of breathing willingly and with pleasure. We connect with our Creator to be healthy and Alive.

How do Rebirthing sessions take place?

At the rebirthing session, you are dressed in comfortable clothes, lying on a mattress on the floor, covered with a blanket (except for water sessions). Rebefer helps you to breathe in a smooth rhythm, where there are no pauses between inhalation and exhalation. In a few minutes, vital energy will begin to flow in the body, expressing itself in various physical and emotional stress which can be experienced and released through connected breathing. The session ends after 1.5-2 hours when the flow of energy slows down and then stops. The result of a completed session or energy circle is deep peace and complete relaxation.

What should I know before starting my first rebirthing session?

Some people experience apprehension during the first sessions when their body begins to be amazingly cleansed inside and out by natural divine energy - the fear of the past and the fear of the future rise. With the experience of rebirthing, these fears are transformed into pleasure from life.

Most meaningful thought what you will learn in the first sessions is that the natural divine energy will clear and take away pain and tension.

The physical sensations that you may feel are not caused by your breathing rhythm or just by the flow of natural divine energy, but by the release of pain and tension. After we get rid of the accumulated stresses, we feel only a gentle flow of energy. No more long dramatic experiences. We can dissolve the negative energy blocks accumulated during the day with Connected Energy Breathing just as well as with other cleansing spiritual practices.

Any fears and tensions that may arise in the middle of the session will go away as breathing relaxes you. Many people experience peace and understanding for the first time in their lives. Often people say after their first sessions "I feel so relaxed for the first time since I was born"

Can I breathe on my own?

It is possible to get a partial Rebirthing experience on your own, but it is long and tedious. Leonard Orr notes that even he had to train rebirthers in order to get a quality Rebirthing session himself.

Having a leading professional Rebefer provides many of the benefits you need to master breathing skills:

  1. Their experience of ten to hundreds of sessions makes them relaxed and this enables the trainee to relax even more during the session. They provide comfortable environment combined with confidence in soft ending sessions.
  2. An experienced Rebefer is a powerful catalyst that speeds up the processes taking place in you and helps you gently go through energetically tense moments.
  3. The Rebefer gives practical and intuitive guidance regarding your breathing rhythm during the session, which is very essential. It only comes with practice and good training.
  4. During a breathing session, the often strong energy currents passing through our body raise frightening physical sensations as we release old patterns and tensions. Rebefer's guidance helps you comfortably and with the necessary assistance to end the session and achieve deep state real relaxation.
  5. Professional Rebirthers are happy to support people who have completed ten individual sessions in group work so that they can share experiences and support each other.

10 sessions bring deep relaxation and release from the stresses and tensions we have collected in our lives. Each of us has his own rich collection. After 10 sessions, we heal and transform our respiratory mechanism so that we can breathe freely and easily at all times.

Most people need ten sessions of 1 to 2 hours with a highly trained Rebirthing Coach to learn Intuitive Breathing skill.

After training, you will be able to consciously breathe while maintaining connected breathing for an hour without the help of a rebefer. You can breathe in divine energy every day and at any time you want.

Is there a hyperventilation effect in Rebirthing?

Rebirthing does not involve hyperventilation, which is present with increased breathing. It is a smooth, soft breathing rhythm that gives us the opportunity to connect with our natural Divine Energy and achieve deep relaxation.

Scientific research in laboratories with sophisticated equipment with back biological connection showed that when a person breathes more gently than usual, symptoms of hyperventilation can sometimes appear. This is due to the fact that any form of breathing induces relaxation and everything that is stored in emotional memory a person can come to the surface during deep relaxation and work through. This is not connected with the rhythm of breathing but with the accumulated tension in life.

When the blocks we have accumulated are released through the breath, only relaxation remains. Relaxed breathing is the cure for hyperventilation. Many medical practitioners often ask about this before learning Rebirthing.

Statistically, Rebirthing students often have symptoms of hyperventilation during the first 3 sessions out of 10. Then, sometimes after 10 sessions, when many tensions and stresses have been worked out, it passes. During this period, these symptoms are not considered as negative, but only as one of the ways to work through and get rid of tensions and stresses.

According to Leonard Orr, "Spontaneous hyperventilation is a natural way for people to understand that they need to learn to Rebirth."

After Rebirthing became a successful and widespread movement in the 70s, Leonard Orr was invited twice science community give a lecture in national institute US Health on the topic "Rebirthing as a cure for hyperventilation"

Should rebirthing take place in a group or individually?

Rebirthing is such a simple and powerful technique that everyone can learn it both in a group and individually, however group work for rebirthing has a lower potential. Leonard Orr says that "Despite my 27+ years of teaching experience, I personally can't breathe more than one person at a time, so I never do a group rebirth and don't recommend it to anyone."

How much does a rebirthing session cost?

Usually a rebirthing session in Europe and the USA costs from 40 to 150 USD for 2 sessions. Psychologists and other therapists who charge $50 to $100 an hour are much more expensive than most two-session rebirth coaches. Even if you pay $100 per session, it's only $1,000 for ten sessions. Learning to breathe in energy like air costs more than going to a psychologist for several months. intuitive energy breathing is an invaluable self-healing method that you can continue to use after training and always benefit from it. The ethics of the rebefer is such that he will not deprive a person of the opportunity to learn the breath of life because of money.

Leonard says "I have trained good Rebirthers who will find a way to give sessions to everyone who is interested in it, so that money is not a barrier. The breath of life is your birthright. And you need to find a way to give this opportunity to every person living in any country. Every person on earth deserves this major healing and enriching opportunity."

Is Rebirthing Similar to Holotropic Breathwork?

According to Leonard Orr, Holotropic Breathwork is lower form Rebirthing.

In any case, you will be able to feel the difference only after a session with an experienced Rebefer with good intuition, who performs all the basic and necessary spiritual practices for his own purification and spiritual growth in accordance with the requirements of Leonard Orr.

The person who is concerned various problems and is stressed, breathing shallowly and abruptly, or even holding his breath. It is possible to change the breathing pattern to a healthy one by changing thinking and consolidating skills. Rebirthing is a breathing technique psychological correction and self-study. The rebirthing technique is based on deep and frequent breathing without pauses between inhalations and exhalations. Inhalation, at the same time, is performed actively - muscles are involved for this, while exhalation, on the contrary, is relaxed and passive. One session of rebirthing involves the implementation of this breathing technique from half an hour to several hours. Find out about the benefits of rebirthing for the body.

Respiratory psychotechnics rebirthing was created in the early 1970s by the American Leonard Orr. The author of the technique set himself the goal of creating a technique that would allow him to relive the birth and free himself from birth trauma. These ideas have been criticized more than once by psychologists and physicians, but, according to the adherents of this technique, having established proper breathing, it is possible to free oneself from suppressed negative experiences.

Supporters of technology believe that rebirthing can help to open and find hidden unconscious complexes, which contributes to harmonization inner world and improve physical and spiritual health.
the main task rebirthing - by using special breathing techniques allow the mind and body to carefully readjust to increase the feeling of happiness and transform inner personal harmony.

Types of breathing during rebirthing

Connected breathing is the main tool for accessing information that is in the unconscious part of the psyche. The rebirthing technique involves the use of 4 types of breathing:

1. Breathing is fast and shallow. This type of breathing is useful in extreme situations, when the emotion is brought to the limit and it needs to be quickly “slip”.

2. Breathing is frequent and deep. Such breathing is twice as frequent and deeper than usual. This type of breathing is the main one in rebirthing. Exhalation should be relaxed and not controlled. If the inhalation is done through the mouth, then you need to exhale through the mouth.

3. Breathing is deep and slow. The breaths are slow and as if drawn out. Thus it is possible to achieve maximum relaxation. This type of breathing can be used when you want to prevent surging negative feelings and prevent depression from developing.

4. Breathing is shallow and slow. This type is used to exit rebirthing. The process should be exited carefully, slowly. Breathing should be carried out by the chest, since it is in its muscles that “settles” a large number of emotions.

Rebirthing consists of three stages:

Stage 1. Release of breath and energy, at this stage bloom muscle clamps in body.

Stage 2. Working out 5 main problems:

  • fear of death or unconscious longing for death;
  • parental disapproval;
  • birth trauma;
  • negative attitudes;
  • cellular memory of past lives.

Stage 3. The concept of “Thought is material”. One should, as it were, inhale pure and transparent thoughts and exhale bad ones.

It is believed that rebirthing can help get rid of children's fears and stuttering, get rid of depression, dissolve psycho-emotional "clamps" in the body. Also, thanks to this technique, it is possible to achieve improved sleep and unleash your creative potential.

Rebirthing (english-rebirthing) is a respiratory psychotechnics created in the early 1970s in the USA Leonard Orr.

During the creation of the rebirthing, it was calculated that its main goal would be to re-experience the process of birth and liberation from birth trauma. The fundamental idea of ​​rebirthing is that every person has a birth trauma, the type of birth trauma affects his psyche. Defense mechanisms By suppressing the negative information stored in the memory, they cause negative side effects that produce a negative effect throughout a person’s life. Liberation from suppressed negative experiences by introducing into altered states and approaching the conditions of birth, according to supporters of rebirthing, has a positive therapeutic effect. Modern rebirthing declares the possibility of getting rid of repressed negative experiences, regardless of the moment when they arose.

In the 21st century, several varieties of rebirthing have appeared that differ significantly from the classical method of Leonard Orr, so practitioners classical method usually qualify the name of their method as rebirthing-breathwork. One of the most popular varieties of the classic rebirthing was created by a student of Leonard Orr and called it integral rebirthing.

Accidentally discovering the rebirthing technique

Wet rebirthing

The opening of the rebirthing did not happen in one day. It all started in 1962, when Leonard Orr, while taking a bath at 36 degrees, felt the urge of the body to breathe in a coherent rhythm, as a result of which he had his first experience of re-living birth. After that, he began to experiment with his discovery.

In 1973 he gave a seminar where he talked about his experience of reliving birth. The workshop participants expressed their desire to go through this process as well. He suggested that they go to their bathrooms and sit in the bathroom until they felt it was time to leave. Then, stay in the bath for another 30-60 minutes. The feeling that we have to get out of the bathroom is the so-called. motivation barrier. Every time we pass through this barrier we get very interesting information about ourselves, and we can trace the programs that control us.

This was the beginning Rebirthing movements. This was the first Rebirthing technique: to sit in the bathtub and meditate, passing through the “urge” barrier.

Leonard Orr continued his experiments in water, using a snorkel and nose clips in his sessions. At the same time, his patients very quickly regressed to the birth and perinatal conditions. Their memories were not only emotional or mental, but they also had psychophysiological states corresponding to this age period. And these states gave integration, healing effect. People felt relaxed and at peace, which surpassed their understanding. Through the technique of rebirthing, his clients came out of a state of pain and tension into a state of relaxation and peace.

Most Rebirthing sessions affect the psychological, emotional and spiritual level. People using altered breathing stop feeling chronic pain, tensions, individual life dramas and traumas, all this translates into relaxation, softness and peace.

In 1975, after hundreds of rebirthing sessions, Leonard Orr noted that people experience "healing by the breath." He realized that their breathing mechanism was completely transformed and their mind-body-spirit connection changed forever. Usually these experiences came after a few sessions, when the person got used to the technique and began to feel safe.

Psychology and rebirthing

The birth of dry rebirthing

Over time, Leonard Orr began to experiment with a coherent breathing rhythm without water. As a result of his research, he found for himself that it is much better to do ten one or two hour sessions of connected breathing without water before giving a session in water with a nose clip and snorkel. Thus was born Dry Rebirthing. This enabled the Rebirthing to become a mass movement.

The term rebirthing can be translated from English as "second birth", "rebirth". This is true in figuratively: a person is freed from what was done wrong in his life, from repressed emotions, he receives a new influx of energy, activity, as if reborn. This is also true in the literal sense: a person can relive those real sensations and situations that he experienced during his real birth, and thereby neutralize those deep unconscious causes that negatively affected his life, health, behavior and condition.

The method of rebirthing technique, according to supporters, is a way of opening and searching for hidden unconscious complexes, repressed experiences, psychological trauma, wishes, wrong actions and harmonization of the inner world, the path of physical and mental recovery. The method of immersion in the personal collective unconscious, access to the transpersonal area, the global information field.

A certain amount of “psychic energy” is expended to force out consciousness and keep it in the unconscious (in a suppressed, inhibited state of “unwanted experiences”). The more such "suppressed foci", the more vital energy a person is distracted by this blockage, as a result of which a person may experience a certain lack of it for his life, which manifests itself in unsatisfactory mental and physical well-being, in a weakening of activity and a loss of interest, joy in life, in an increase in problems, conflicts and difficulties. According to practitioners, the rebirthing method allows you to open and eliminate "hidden pockets of repressed feelings", release "psychic energy" and direct it to current activities, receiving a charge of activity, joy, pleasure and excellent well-being.

Rebirthing as a key to inner harmony

Rebirthing is practiced as modern method self-help and introspection. It involves the use of a specific breathing technique to give a person deep and detailed insights into their mind, body, and emotions.

As a result of these searches, the processes passing into the subconscious are realized. Thus, the “foci of suppression” are opened, and the consciousness integrates, transforms the suppressed states into a general feeling of activity and wellness. Rebirthing allows the mind and body to carefully rebuild itself in ways that increase happiness, enhance performance, gain health, and feel empowered. inner harmony personality.

Rebirthing technique

To master the technique of rebirthing, you need to go through 7-10 sessions under the supervision of an experienced specialist. After sufficient study of the methodology, the client is allowed to practice rebirthing yourself.

The rebirthing technique is based on 5 elements:

  1. Cyclic connected breathing (no pauses between inhalation and exhalation)
  2. Complete relaxation (muscular and mental)
  3. Attention to detail, total volumetric attention, not controlled by consciousness. Attention should be released and free. Special attention is given to the sensations that come to you from the body in this moment time
  4. Integration in joy, flexibility of perception. Integration in joy - moving from a negative context to a positive one, from negative perception and assessment of the situation to a different, flexible, more positive view of the situation. Connected breathing has the ability automatic shift context (way of perceiving reality)
  5. Full trust in the rebirthing process: in each process, exactly what is needed at that moment happens this person. Complete trust in yourself, in your feelings, in the benefits that rebirthing brings to health and quality of life. There is no need to consciously control something, manage something, let the rebirthing proceed spontaneously, and it will proceed exactly as it is most useful for specific person Currently

Types of breathing in the rebirthing technique

Connected breathing in rebirthing is one of the main tools for accessing information located in the unconscious part of the psyche. Depth, intensity and speed of the flow of the subconscious psychological processes directly depend on the type of breathing used.

The rebirthing technique uses 4 types of breathing:

  1. deep and slow breathing - used for a gentle introduction to the rebirthing process. Sometimes, instead of slow breathing, extended deep breathing is used. With this breath, the body relaxes. AT Everyday life it is useful to use it at the very beginning of some negative state to neutralize unpleasant feelings.
  2. Deep and fast breathing- this is breathing about 2 times more often and deeper than usual. Considered the main breath of the rebirthing technique, it is used to enter the levels of the unconscious. Exhalation is relaxed and uncontrolled. If the inhalation is through the mouth, then the exhalation is also through the mouth. Forcing or restraining exhalation, controlling it can cause "tetany" - tension and contraction of the muscles of the arms, legs, face, which is a manifestation of internal resistance and fear. The person should be reminded that there is no need to resist anything, let everything go spontaneously, and the exhalation should be more relaxed. Also in such situations, the practitioner is advised to move to the third type of breathing.
  3. Rapid and shallow breathing- it is similar to a "dog", it allows, as it were, to split, crush experiences into pieces, weaken and quickly overcome unpleasant and painful experiences and sensations. This type of breathing is considered to be a universal assistant in extreme situations, when the emotion is brought to the limit and it is necessary to quickly "slip" it.
  4. Shallow and slow breathing- used when exiting rebirthing. There is no need to force yourself and do not rush to turn off the process in advance, you need to exit it slowly and carefully.

The use of all types of breathing allows you to achieve maximum result, psychological relief and pleasure. In rebirthing, it is considered that the more relaxed the exhalation, the higher the quality of the process: in order to relax the exhalation, you can make the inhalation sharper. In the rebirthing technique, it is advised to include in the breathing process chest, since it is believed that a lot of emotions “settle” in her muscles.

Rebirthing was developed in the early 70s of the XX century by Leonardo Orr and is a self-help method, restoring natural connection between the field life form and the physical body. This connection, according to the author, is broken when a person does something wrong, or under duress. People experience discomfort emotional sensation in the body, but consciously continue the work begun, suppressing these emotions. As a result of suppression, unpleasant sensations in the body are deposited as chronic stress causing some kind of physical ailment. This is how Jim Leonard and Phil Lauth describe it in their book Rebirthing.

“One model for describing repression uses the relationship between the physical body and the 'spiritual body'. The "spiritual body" in this model is the "body" you have while you sleep. It includes your mind, your sense of identity or self, and all of your conscious awareness. During sleep, you do not feel your physical body, because at this time your spiritual body is not in physical body. When you wake up, you feel your physical body exactly to the extent in which spiritual body is in contact with it. Suppression, from this point of view, means the long-term removal of the spiritual body from the sphere of the physical body ... "

In this model, your spiritual body is what gives life and organization to a group of molecules and coordinates them. joint work in an elaborate form that we call the "physical body". Withdrawal of the spiritual body from the physical body due to suppression leads to blockage of the vital, organizing energy in this part of the physical body. Molecules become less organized, conditions are created that are known as "aging", "disease". Areas of blocked energy inevitably affect other parts of the body in such a way that a person begins to act incorrectly. This then leads to more suppression, more energy blocking, etc.

In other words, this is the same "mental and emotional garbage" that causes "shells" and distortions in the field life form, which must be disposed of.

To get rid of “mental garbage”, the authors of rebirthing applied several mutually reinforcing principles based on the features of the functioning human body. In turn, the author, while mastering classical rebirthing and explaining its mechanisms of action for himself, came across a mass of undescribed healing mechanisms of the impact of rebirthing on the physical body. In addition, having knowledge of biorhythmology and knowledge of the mechanisms of the effect of rebirthing on the physical body, it became clear to me how to combine all this together for the treatment of diseases associated with acupuncture channels. Based on this, I decided to supplement the classic rebirthing scheme with my own developments to increase efficiency. Thus, the following material is a combination of classical rebirthing with my biorhythmological recommendations and a description of the mechanism of influence on the physical body. If you wish, you can use the classic rebirthing technique described below, or my modernized one, which I called breath of happiness.

The first principle is ecstasy. The essence of this principle is that every person constantly is in a state of ecstasy, no matter what he feels. (Remember the excerpt from the Katha Upanishad: "The root cause Atman, Purusha, which created man, constantly enjoys his creation, no matter what a person feels - good or bad.") But the body and mind divide all sensations into useful, pleasant and harmful, unpleasant. Harmful and unpleasant sensations cause "garbage" in the field life form - suppression.

Positive emotions (ecstasy is the strongest of them) affect the hypothalamus (after all, it is associated with the formation of emotions), in which the structures regulating the functions of all levels of the autonomic, nervous system. Recall that the autonomic nervous system provides regulation of: endocrine glands - thyroid, pancreas, genital, adrenal glands, etc.; functions internal organs- heart, liver, kidneys, etc.; blood vessels, mucous membranes, muscles, etc. This is the healing effect of ecstasy on the physical body.

The second principle is integration. The essence of this principle is to transform suppression into glorification. In order to do this, you need to remember what was done wrong before and caused you to unpleasant feeling and this feeling, to experience it in a new way - not as before negatively, but positively, rejoicing and glorifying it. In other words, you must relive the negative, admiring and idolizing it. In order to put this into practice, there are several methods.

Be grateful. Each person feels a sense of gratitude for existence, for being here, for the opportunity to feel everything. But most people are limited in their sense of gratitude and recognize gratitude for only a few things. But really, all you have is this moment. So be grateful for every detail of it!

Adequate comparison. If you compare a paper cup with a beautiful crystal glass, it will seem like garbage to you. But if you compare it with itself, then it will turn out to be a normal means to pour water into it. If your hands cramp and you compare it with the usual feeling in your hands, then the cramp will be a painful and unpleasant thing. But if the spasm is compared with itself, then it will seem like a sweet sensation of energy in the hands. The same can be said about pain. Do not compare it with yourself, but enjoy the feeling of an intense manifestation of energy.

Recognition of benefit. Being aware of what happens to you during a rebirthing session evokes a feeling of gratitude.

Amazement. The sensations that arise in your body should arouse your interest and charm with energy overflows. In some cases, this is quite enough for integration.

Love for everything and delight for everyone. Love every moment of your life. If you love everything that exists just because it exists, then you will integrate everything. Get excited about every little thing and you'll quickly integrate. To drive something away means to stop integration.

As a result of integration, you will be freed from suppression and cleared of "garbage", which means you will become healthier and more energetic. The glorification of life in all cases causes a rise in the tone of the physical body, and laughter is a sign of successful integration.

The third principle is circulatory respiration. This breathing is used in rebirthing to provide access to "shells" and distortions in the field form of a person's life. This breath refers to any type of breath that meets the following criteria:

1) inhalation and exhalation are interconnected so that there is no pause in breathing;

2) exhalation is spontaneous, without tension, naturally following the inhalation;

3) inhalation and exhalation must be done through the nose. In some cases, breathing through the mouth is allowed.

As a result of circulatory breathing, energy is pumped into the field form of life and its circulation is increased. A person breathing in this way feels the flow of energy, feels where it is blocked (pain, bursting) by a "shell" or distortion. The feeling of being blocked is usually associated with some sort of unpleasant experience, a repression that you have to integrate into the joy. If you do this, you will release the blockage in the field lifeform and "descend" to a deeper level. This is how, layer by layer, you will purify and revitalize the field life form.

With this method of breathing - active inhalation, passive exhalation - the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is activated, which: metabolic processes in the body; increases the content of red blood cells, sugar and hormones in the blood; stops development inflammatory processes and allergic reactions (adrenal corticoids have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect); raises arterial pressure; dilates the bronchi. In other words, similar way breathing activates the body for self-healing and strengthening.

During long cyclic exercises, and circulatory breathing belongs to them (remove the motor component in running, and you will be left with one circulatory breath), due to the constant volitional effort to maintain the proper intensity of the above breathing in the human body, the production of natural opiates- endorphins. Doing more and more more, they themselves cause and maintain a state of ecstasy and euphoria.

Endorphins causing sthenic emotions, additionally activate the sympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system, exciting defensive forces body and provide it with energy.

Exist different kinds circulatory breathing, which differently change the intensity and form of the flow of energy circulating in the field life form. This, in turn, leads to the activation of certain suppressions (“garbage”). Therefore, different types of circulatory breathing bring specific effects. Breathing can be changed according to the following parameters: increase or decrease the volume of inhalation, vary the inspiratory rate, inhale air into the lower, middle or upper part lungs, breathe through the nose or mouth (breathing through the mouth is ineffective due to the low absorption of prana, which is absorbed in the nasal channels - Ida and Pingala).

In practice, three types of circulatory breathing are mainly used. Full and slow- a larger volume of air makes it possible to better identify and understand the blockage, and slow pace makes it easier to focus on it for integration. fast and superficial breathing is best if the exit of "garbage" is intense. Shallow breathing makes exit easier, and speed speeds up integration. When using this kind of breathing, it is important to concentrate on the features of the "garbage" coming out. fast and full breath is best if the "garbage" that comes out puts you into a state of sleepiness (that is, separates the field life form from the physical body). A large volume of air helps to keep the field life form in the physical body, the speed enhances integration. Normal breathing rhythms imply that the above types of breathing may vary depending on the situation, the exit of "garbage", etc. In the same way, the filling of the lungs can change - upper or lower parts. If you feel the exit of "garbage" from the head or upper body area, then breathing with the tops of the lungs will facilitate the process; if the exit starts in the legs or lower body, then breathe in the belly. It is important to note the following: proper circulatory breathing does not cause hyperventilation and does not flush out carbon dioxide from the body. It "pumps" you with energy. Arms, legs, the whole body begin to "buzz". This is an important sign that you are breathing correctly.

Tetany - this is a contraction (twitching) of the muscles during the release of "garbage" from the body. During rebirthing, this most often occurs in the arms and muscles of the face (especially the mouth), as well as in other parts of the body where there was an energy block. In order to reduce tetany or avoid it altogether, it is necessary not to focus on it, but, on the contrary, to relax and integrate the unpleasant sensation into ecstasy.

"Releasing the Breath" Normal circulatory breathing activates "mental garbage" that pops up in the ordinary consciousness in the form of an unpleasant feeling. And we suppress unpleasant feelings - this is our protection. But this defense in rebirthing is to reduce the flow of energy that washes away this “garbage”, which leads to breath holding. As a result, such suppression creates various combinations of breath holding: blockage of the sinuses, constriction, tension, bronchospasm, and much more. To overcome this, a person needs to consciously continue circulatory breathing, and unpleasant feeling integrate into ecstasy. When you achieve this integration, your breathing will immediately become freer. This is called "freeing the breath."

The fourth principle is complete relaxation of the body. primary goal complete relaxation of the body is to remind you that breathing increases the flow of energy in the body, and you can either relax into it and allow it to heal you, or become constrained, which will cause even more tension. Relaxation of the body during rebirthing occurs by itself due to the fact that you get tired of maintaining the rhythm of breathing (fatigue of the brain structures responsible for maintaining breathing causes diffuse inhibition in the cerebral cortex, which leads to relaxation and immersion in a kind of hypnotic state). But active inhalation, by stimulating the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, allows you to constantly maintain a high concentration of attention, which is especially important for complete muscle relaxation and focus on emerging emotions, sensations for better integration.

When the body is relaxed, the constrained areas become more conscious. Remember, the area of ​​the body that doesn't "want" to relax is filled with repressed energy. In complete relaxation, it is much easier to feel the flow of energy in the field life form. Right at the very moment of integration, relaxation helps in that the energy formed by suppression is released and, not restrained muscle tension, freely leaves the body.

Body position. Rebirthing practitioners are advised to take a supine position, do not cross their legs, palms up. But we must remember that the field form of life, representing a spatial formation in which energy circulates, will be better "washed out" of individual sections"emotional garbage" and other suppressions, when its form changes, and energy flow increases due to this. For example, when people integrate strong fear or sadness, it is better for them to curl up.

It is important to know the following: after taking a comfortable position, do not move or scratch yourself during the rebirthing session. Instead of moving or scratching, you have the opportunity to experience the feeling desires do it. This is one of better ways quickly activate the energy of suppression and integrate it easily.

The fifth principle is concentration of attention. During a rebirthing session, you need to focus on the sensations that come to your attention from the body. Suppression (“emotional garbage”), when opened, can cause any sensations. It can be localized pain, tickling, a cat howling in the street, a memory of something, etc. Therefore, pay attention to any sensation that arises at the moment.

So, when you have any sensations, you focus your attention on them and explore every detail that you feel. And then you begin to integrate it into ecstasy and glorification.

A hypnotic state arising from the fatigue of the center supporting required level circulatory breathing, allows you to better "grasp" all the details of activated suppressions. And the constant activation of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, again by circulatory breathing, allows you to constantly maintain a high concentration of attention to completely relax the muscles and focus on emerging emotions, sensations and better integrate them.

As already mentioned, suppressions are arranged in "layers". Each layer of suppression is formed in certain time of your life. So when a repressed layer of energy integrates, it will usually activate another repressed layer that lies underneath. As a result, you can move from one sensation to another, because the layers of suppression are formed from various trapped emotions and sensations.

Understand the main thing - every time during a rebirthing session something starts to “distract your attention”, this means that there is a suppressed energy that draws your attention to yourself with the requirement to concentrate on it and feeling it in every detail at the moment.

Some people are so depressed that they just can't feel. They experience themselves as thoughts floating through space towards the body. The simplest test for identifying such a person is the question: “If you are angry, how do you know about your feeling?” If a person responds with a five-minute speech, which thoughts he calls anger, this is a depressed person. An angry person experiences certain sensations in various parts body. Therefore, wet types of rebirthing are more suitable for depressed people. For example, rebirthing in warm water.

The sixth principle full confidence in the rebirthing process. Doubt is the same suppression that leads to the formation of “mental garbage”. If you doubt rebirthing, then you will not succeed. All previous theoretical part is designed to dispel your doubts, to inspire faith in success, in a powerful and unconditional recovery. Operate with unshakable faith in success, fully trust the process of self-healing with the help of the natural mechanisms described above, and you will succeed. Remember, rebirthing only works effectively when it is pleasant and you completely trust it.

Rebirthing methodology

1. Set yourself up to admire everything you feel.

2. You will perceive all sensations as beautiful, internally glorifying them.

3. Take a relaxed comfortable position, best lying down.

4. Begin to perform circulatory breathing easily, simply and self-regulating. It pleases you.

5. Everything that pops up in your mind, that you feel and feel in the physical body, is bliss for you. You bathe in a boundless ocean of varied bliss, feeling and experiencing it in great detail.

7. End the rebirthing session only after enough suppressions have been activated, come to the surface, and been integrated. As a result, you feel great, internally cleaner and lighter.

Practical advice. To learn rebirthing yourself, start practicing it for 5 minutes. Then bring gradually up to 30 minutes. And only after you feel that everything is working out well for you, spend more time, fulfilling the conditions of paragraph 7. In the future, you can independently master other types of rebirthing (in a warm and cold water etc.) in order to activate deep suppressions that have arisen in early childhood and even in utero.

Due to the fact that each person has an incredibly large amount of "emotional garbage" and other suppressions. "Slag capacity" field uniform life is huge, it is many times larger than that of the physical body, but it also has a limit. The process of purification of the field form of life stretches for several years (if you regularly practice rebirthing sessions every other day for 1-2 hours, then a year or even less is enough). But the beneficial effect of the above healing mechanisms on the physical body affects much faster. You will see for yourself that every properly conducted rebirthing session makes you healthier and life better. In addition, this breathing allows you to saturate the body with energy and relax.