Methodical development of the lesson "Great geographical discoveries" (grade 5). In the Kolyma delta, the Cossacks were attacked by the Yukaghirs, but broke through the river and set up a prison in the area of ​​Srednekolymsk

In 1725, the 1st Kamchatka expedition. her boss Russian emperor Peter I appointed Vitus Bering (1681-1741), instructing him to build ships, go north on these ships and look for where Asia met America. Bering was a native of Denmark, who had been in the Russian naval service for 20 years. As a result of his research, the first accurate maps of the sea and were created.

In 1741, during the second expedition on the ships "St. Peter" and "St. Paul" under the command of captain-commanders Vitus Bering and Alexei Chirikov (1703-1748), the coasts of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands were explored, their nature and population were described.

This voyage marked the beginning of Russian research in. Great merit A. Chirikov is that he summarized the material collected during the expeditions and compiled exceptionally valuable maps. For the first time in the history of cartography, the northwestern coast of North America and the Aleutian Islands are plotted on them. On the world map you will also find Chirikov Island.

Consisted of five individual detachments who surveyed the northern coast of Asia from 1733 to 1743. Among the participants of one of them were the outstanding Russian pioneers Semyon Chelyuskin (1700-1764), Khariton (1700-1763) and Dmitry (1701-1767) Laptev, Vasily Prdnchishchev (1702-1736). As a result, the rivers flowing into (Ob, Yenisei, Lena, Yana, Indigirka) were explored, and the most north point mainland - Cape Chelyuskin.

The expedition members collected and presented invaluable material for geography about sea ​​tides and low tides, about the nature of the northern region, the life and way of life of the local population.

Since that time, new geographical names: sea, Dmitry Laptev Strait, Laptev Cape, Khariton Laptev coast, Chelyuskin Cape. Named after Vasily Pronchishchev east coast Taimyr Peninsula. On the same coast there is a bay that bears the name of Maria Pronchishcheva, the first Russian polar explorer, the wife of a brave explorer.

First Russian trip around the world lasted three years (1803-1806). The expedition circled Earth on the ships "Nadezhda" and "Neva" under the command of Ivan Kruzenshtern and Yuri Lisyansky.

Discovery of Antarctica

The round-the-world Antarctic voyage of Thaddeus Bellingshausen (1778-1852) and Mikhail Lazarev (1788-1851) on the ships Vostok and Mirny in 1819-1821 is a great feat, and their discovery on January 28, 1820 of a new continent - Antarctica - is the most important event.

Since ancient times, the territory on the maps around South Pole cartographers designated as dry land. Sailors who were attracted by "Terra australis incognita" (unknown southern land), making sea ​​trips in search of her, and the chain of islands, but remained a "white spot".

Famous English navigator(1728-1779) in 1772 1775 several times crossed the boundary of the Southern polar circle, discovered the islands in the Antarctic waters, but did not find the southern polar continent.

"I went around the ocean southern hemisphere, - Cook wrote in his report, on high latitudes and did it in such a way that he undeniably rejected the possibility of the existence of the mainland ... ”However, it was he who said that, judging by the great cold, a huge number ice islands and floating ice, land in the south should be.

The members of the expedition of Bellingshausen and Lazarev conducted meteorological observations of winds, precipitation, and thunderstorms. Based on these data, Bellingshausen drew a conclusion about the features of the Antarctic climate. The cartographic material of the researchers was distinguished by its accuracy. This was later confirmed by many travelers.

New geographical names appeared on the world map: the Bellingshausen Sea, Peter I Island, Lazarev Island, polar station"Mirny" and others.

Where Asia meets America. In 1725, the 1st Kamchatka Expedition set off from St. Petersburg. The Russian emperor Peter I appointed Vitus Bering (1681-1741) as its head, instructing him to build ships in Kamchatka, go north on these ships and look for where Asia met America. Bering was a native of Denmark, who had been in the Russian naval service for 20 years. As a result of his research, the first accurate maps of the Bering Sea and Chukotka were created.

In 1741, during the second expedition on the ships St. Peter and St. Paul under the command of captain-commanders Vitus Bering and Alexei Chirikov (1703-1748), the coasts of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands were explored, their nature and population were described.

This voyage marked the beginning of Russian exploration in the Pacific. The great merit of A. Chirikov is that he summarized the material collected during the expeditions and compiled exceptionally valuable maps. For the first time in the history of cartography, the northwestern coast of North America and the Aleutian Islands are plotted on them. On the world map you will also find Chirikov Island.

Great northern expedition consisted of five separate detachments that surveyed the northern coast of Asia from 1733 to 1743. Among the participants of one of them were the outstanding Russian pioneers Semyon Chelyuskin (1700-1764), Khariton (1700-1763) and Dmitry (1701-1767) Laptev, Vasily Prdnchishchev (1702-1736). As a result, rivers flowing into the Arctic Ocean (Ob, Yenisei, Lena, Yana, Indigirka) were explored, and the northernmost point of the mainland, Cape Chelyuskin, was discovered.

3. Voyages of V. Bering and A. Chirikov. 4. Alexey Chirikov. 5. Semyon Chelyuskin. 6. Research routes of V. Pronchishchev, Kh. Laptev and S. Chelyuskin.

The members of the expedition collected and presented material, invaluable for geography, about the tides of the sea, about the nature of the northern region, about the life and way of life of the local population.

Since that time, new geographical names have appeared on the map: the Laptev Sea, the Dmitry Laptev Strait, Cape Laptev, the coast of Khariton Laptev, Cape Chelyuskin. The eastern coast of the Taimyr Peninsula is named after Vasily Pronchishchev. On the same coast there is a bay that bears the name of Maria Pronchishcheva, the first Russian polar explorer, the wife of a brave explorer.

The first Russian round-the-world trip lasted three years (1803-1806). The expedition circled the globe on the ships "Nadezhda" and "Neva" under the command of Ivan Kruzenshtern and Yuri Lisyansky.

Discovery of Antarctica. The round-the-world Antarctic voyage of Thaddeus Bellingshausen (1778-1852) and Mikhail Lazarev (1788-1851) on the ships Vostok and Mirny in 1819-1821 is a great feat, and their discovery on January 28, 1820 of a new continent - Antarctica - is the most important event.

Since ancient times, the area around the South Pole has been designated by cartographers as dry land. Sailors, who were attracted by "Terra australis incognita" (unknown southern land), making sea voyages in search of it, discovered Australia and the chain of islands, but Antarctica remained a "blank spot".

The famous English navigator James Cook (1728-1779) crossed the Antarctic Circle several times in 1772-1775, discovered islands in the Antarctic waters, but never found the southern polar continent.

“I went around the ocean of the Southern Hemisphere,” Cook wrote in his report, “at high latitudes and did it in such a way that I undeniably rejected the possibility of the existence of the mainland ...” However, it was he who said that, judging by the great cold, the huge number of ice islands and floating ice, land in the south should be.

1. The discoverers of the ice continent Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev. 2. The route of the expedition of F. Bellingshausen and M. Lazarev. 3. Ships "Vostok" and "Mirny". 4. Discovery of Antarctica.

Members of the expedition of Bellingshausen and Lazarev conducted meteorological observations of air temperature, winds, precipitation, cloudiness and thunderstorms. Based on these data, Bellingshausen drew a conclusion about the features of the Antarctic climate.

The cartographic material of the researchers was distinguished by its accuracy. This was later confirmed by many travelers.

New geographical names appeared on the world map: the Bellingshausen Sea, Peter I Island, Lazarev Island, the Mirny polar station and others.

Questions and tasks

  1. Who was the initiator geographical expeditions in Russia in the 18th century?
  2. Mark on the contour map the route of one of the Russian expeditions of your choice.
  3. Using the text of the textbook, find and mark on the contour map all geographic features, which were discovered during Russian expeditions.
  4. Set the correspondence between the columns of the table.

Answer left Guest

Key dates.Traveler's name.His contribution to the development geographical knowledge about the territory of Russia.
1.1620-1623 (the way to the East) - to Chukotka and Kamchatka.Pantelei Demidovich Penda.Discoverer of the Lena River. Penda went up the Yenisei from Turukhansk to the Lower Tunguska, then for three years he walked to its upper reaches. I got to the Chechuy portage, crossing the portage, sailed down the Lena River to the city of Yakutsk, to the mouth of the Kulenga, then along the Buryat steppe to the Angara, where, having entered the ships, through Yeniseisk arrived in Turukhansk.
2.1639-1640 Ivan Moskvitin.He was the first European to reach the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. He was the first to visit Sakhalin. The coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk was discovered and explored for 1300 km, Uda Bay, Sakhalin Bay, Amur Estuary, the mouth of the Amur and Sakhalin Island.
3.1628-1655Pyotr Beketov.Voivode, explorer of Siberia. Founder of a number of Siberian cities such as Yakutsk, Chita, Nerchinsk. In 1628-1629 he participated in campaigns along the Angara. I walked a lot along the tributaries of the Lena. He founded several sovereign jails on the Yenisei, Lena and in Transbaikalia.
4.1641-1652 Mikhail Vasilievich Stadukhin.Russian explorer,researcher North- Eastern Siberia, one of the first to reach the rivers Kolyma, Anadyr, Penzhina and Gizhiga and the northern part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. He was the first to cross the Oymyakon Plateau.At the beginning of the summer of 1643, Stadukhin went down the Indigirkek Sea and headed east. In July 1643 opened the mouth of the Kolyma and having risen along the river to the middle course, he revealed the Kolyma lowland.
5.1630-1635 Vasily Ermolaevich Bugor.In 1630-1635 Vasily Bugor discovered new lands in Siberia and Far East, revealed a significant part of the Lena basin, traced all (4400 km) of its course, as well as a number of tributaries.
6.1633-1634 Ivan Rebrov.In 1633-1634 explorers led by Ivan Rebrovwent along the Lena River to the Arctic Ocean. Expedition Rebrov was the first to descend to the mouth of the Lena, opening the Olenyok Baywith the river Olenok (1634)
7.1643-1646 Vasily Poyarkov.Russian explorer, Cossack. The discoverer of the Middle and Lower Amur. In 1643-1646, he led a detachment, which was the first Russian to penetrate the Amur River basin, discovered the Zeya River, the Zeya Plain. He collected valuable information about the nature and population of the Amur region.
8.1649-1653 Erofey Khabarov.In 1649-53 made a trip along the Amur from the river Urka into it to the very lower reaches. As a result of his expedition, the Amur indigenous people took Russian citizenship. He often acted by force, which left a bad reputation among the indigenous population.
9.1648-1649 Semyon Dezhnev.Cossack chieftain, explorer, traveler, navigator, explorer of Northern and Eastern Siberia. He participated in the opening of the Kolyma as part of the Stadukhin detachment. From Kolyma on kochakh passed along the Arctic Ocean along north coast Chukotka. 80 years before Vitus Bering, the first European in 1648 crossed the (Bering) Strait separating Chukotka and Alaska.
10.1648Popov Fedot Alekseevich.Russian trader, organizer and participant of the expedition1648, which opened the strait (Bering Strait) between Asia and North America, from the North Arctic Ocean to Quiet.
1696-1697 Vladimir Atlasov.Experienced polar explorer. O organized at the beginning of 1697 an expedition to explore Kamchatka. Atlasov was not the discoverer of Kamchatka, but he was the first Russian who crossed the entire peninsula from north to south and from west to east. He drew up a detailed map of his journey. His report included detailed information about the climate, animals and flora. For the annexation of Kamchatka to Russia, Vladimir Atlasov, by decision of the government, was appointed there as a clerk.

Test tasks.

1. Ferdinand Magellan was

a) a Spaniard in the service of the King of Portugal

b) a Portuguese in the service of the King of Spain

c) an Italian in the service of the King of Spain

d) a Frenchman in the service of the King of Portugal

2. Strait connecting Atlantic Ocean with the Quiet, Ferdinand Magellan named

a) Drake Passage

b) the Strait of Magellan

c) the strait of All Saints

d) the Bering Strait

3. The expedition of Ferdinand Magellan circumnavigated the globe, moving all the time

a) from west to east

b) from east to west

c) right to left

d) left to right

4. First circumnavigation continued

a) 3 years

5. The name of the captain who first sailed his ship around the world was

a) Fernand

d) Alvarez

6. List the geographical objects in the order they were reached by the expedition of Ferdinand Magellan. Put the corresponding letters in the table.

a) Indian Ocean

b) Philippine Islands

c) equator

d) Pacific Ocean

Thematic workshop.

Here are five excerpts from the notes of Magellan's companion Antonio Pigafetta, which he made in the form of a letter to his patron, Signor Philippe de Villiers Lil Adan. Put them in the correct order and answer the questions.

a) On Wednesday, November 28, 1520, we got out of this strait and plunged into the open spaces Pacific sea. In continuation three months and for twenty days we were completely deprived of fresh food. We ate breadcrumbs, but those were no longer crackers, but breadcrumbs mixed with worms. We often ate sawdust.

b) We reached Mactan three hours before dawn. As soon as morning came, forty-nine of our people rushed into the water, which reached their hips. I had to swim a distance of over two crossbow shots before reaching the shore. Because of the underwater rocks, the boats could not come closer to the shore. When we reached the shore, the natives, numbering over 1,500 people, lined up in three detachments. Seeing us, they rushed at us with incredible shouts, two detachments fell on our flanks, and one from the front.

c) The captain fell face down, and immediately they threw iron and bamboo spears at him and began to strike with cleavers until they killed the true leader. He kept looking back to see if we all had time to get on the boats. Believing that he was dead, we, wounded, retreated as soon as possible to the boats, which immediately set off.

d) Your Excellency, the fame of such a noble captain will not be erased from memory today. Among other virtues, he was distinguished by such steadfastness in the greatest vicissitudes, which no one has ever possessed. He endured hunger better than anyone else, more unmistakable than anyone else in the world, he knew how to understand
in navigation charts. And that this is indeed the case is obvious to all, for no one else possessed such a gift and such thoughtfulness in the study of how to circumnavigate the world, which he almost did.

e) Having heard that in the city of Seville a detachment of five ships was equipped to extract spices in the Moluccas under the command of Captain-General Fernand de Magallans (Magellan), I went there from the city of Barcelona, ​​carrying with me a lot of well-wishing -telnyh letters. I spent three whole months in Seville, waiting, while the fleet in question was getting ready to sail, and when the time for departure finally arrived, the voyage began with exceedingly happy omens.

d a b in G

1. How many times did Magellan's expedition cross the equator?

The voyage was around the world, crossing the equator 4 times.

2. What in the above passages gives reason to consider the assessment given by Pigafetta to Ferdinand Magellan as fair?

He was a famous military man and sailor. Portuguese, managed to win the favor of the Spanish king. who allowed to collect round the world expedition. Spanish merchants gave money for the expedition, believing Magellan that the trip would be profitable. Suppressed the rebellion of the Spanish captains. He had authority among all the sailors of the expedition. Managed to calculate the path across the ocean. Found the strait connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. He bravely fought and died in the battle with the natives. The expedition brought huge profits, many times greater than the costs.

Magellan strait - strait separating the archipelago Tierra del Fuego and continental South America.

4. How many days did the voyage across the Pacific last?

Almost 4 months, about 111 days. November 28 left with 3 ships in unknown ocean(called it Quiet because of the weather), and on March 15 the expedition approached the large Philippine archipelago.

Cartographic workshop.

Follow the path of the expedition of Ferdinand Magellan on the map and name the geographical objects through which he passed.

2 - Atlantic Ocean.

4 - Strait of all Saints.

5 - Pacific Ocean.

6 - Philippine Islands.

9 - Indian Ocean.

Geography Grade 5

Geography teacher MKOU Cherchetskaya secondary school Ogorodnikova G.I.

Theme: Great geographical discoveries

The purpose of the lesson : Creation of conditions for the formation of ideas about the great geographical discoveries of the 15th-17th centuries.

Lesson type: assimilation of new knowledge with elements practical activities(combined)

Planned results :


The manifestation of educational cognitive interest to geographical science, formation communicative competence in communication and collaboration with peers.

Awareness of the value of geographical knowledge, as essential component scientific picture peace.


- know great travelers and name geographical objects,render their travel routes their routes on a map.

Name the main results of outstanding geographical discoveries and travels;


Personal UUD

Respect for history, culture, national characteristics, tolerance

Cognitive UUD:

- be able to identify the differences between the two parts of geography.

Formation and development by means of geographical knowledge of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative results;

Leadership independent search, analysis, selection of information, its transformation, storage, transmission and presentation using technical means.

Regulatory UUD:

- form and develop competence in the field of ICT use.

Ability to independently acquire new knowledge and practical skills;

Ability to manage your cognitive activity;

Ability to organize your activities;

Determine its goals and objectives;

Choose tools and apply them in practice;

Assess the results achieved.

Communicative UUD:

- allocate main idea in the text of the paragraph ( semantic reading)

Organize yourself learning interaction in a group (determine common goals assign roles, negotiate with each other)

Equipment: physical map hemispheres, map "Great geographical discoveries", presentation, geographical atlases grades 5-6 with a set of contour maps. laptops, media projector.

Implemented Aspects

Educational aspect: Check the degree of assimilation of the material, identify problems, outline ways to eliminate them;

Developmental aspect : Contribute to the formation and development of UUD as the basis for the formation key competencies students:

educational aspect : to promote an increase in the level of cognitive interest in the subject, the development of horizons, to cultivate qualities tolerant personality, sense of camaraderie, collectivism.

Space organization: frontal work, work with a map, work with a contour map, work with video material, individual, in groups.

Types of control : frontal poll, decision situational tasks, practical control.

During the classes:

Lesson stage,

forms of organization of work.

Teacher activity

Student activities

1. Organizational stage.

The teacher greets the students, checks their readiness for the lesson;

Good afternoon, dear guys! Smile at each other, wish Have a good mood!

Greet each other

2. Definition of the topic of the lesson.

Setting goals and objectives for the lesson.

In ancient times, knowledge about the Earth was limited. But already ancient scientists assumed the sphericity of the planet and calculated its size.

Great geographical discoveries of European travelers of the endXV- middleXVIIcenturies were the result rapid development productive forces in Europe, the growth of trade with the countries of the East, the shortage of precious metals in connection with the development of trade and money circulation.

And today we will continue talking about travelers

Answer the question:

About travelers.

Write down in a notebook.

It is assumed: who and what trips made, the route.

3.Motivation learning activities students.

We'll take a trip.

For this you have a travel journal.

Work with a travel journal.

The guys look at the slides, work with the textbook and make notes in a notebook who made what trips, their routes

4. Primary assimilation of new knowledge.

Conversation and work with the map.

Organization of work in groups.

Initial test of understanding.

Conversation and work with the map.

    What was the significance of the expeditions of H. Columbus and F. Magellan.

Follow on the map the routes of the most important journeys (slideshow in progress)


1. When did the first round-the-world trip begin?

2. Who organized it?

3. What ocean was named? Why - guess?

4. When did it end?

5. Did the trip organizer manage to complete it?

Follow the path on the map page 5 of the atlas.


(Squats.) (Walking in place.) (Children sit at tables.)

3. Discovery of Australia.

Group #1.

Using a textbook, a map of the atlas "Great geographical discoveries", an encyclopedia, a slide, answer the questions:

1. What was assumed about Australia before its discovery?

2. By whom and when was Fr. New Guinea.

3.Wasopen mainland Australia together with about. New Guinea.

4. Who and when discovered mainland Australia and gave it a name?

4.Discovery of Antarctica.

Using a textbook, a map of the atlas "Great geographical discoveries", an encyclopedia, a slide, answer the questions:

Group #2.

1. Who and when discovered Antarctica?

2. What were the ships called?

3. What difficulties did you face?

4. Who was the first to set foot on the land of Antarctica?

Remember the names of travelers, scientists. What do you know about them?

Fill in spreadsheet, using a textbook, encyclopedia, reference books, slides. (No. 8 p. 15)

Show the route and answer questions.

Make short notes.

Work with contour maps: indicate the paths of travelers different color, focusing on degree grid along the contours of the continents.

Work in groups and complete assignments.

Reporting on the work done.

5.Secondary fastening.

Were we able to achieve our goals?

Express their opinion.

6. Information about homework instructions for its implementation

Prepare a message or presentation about one of the travelers.

Local history task: What do you know from the history of the development of your area. What historical and geographical monuments you are particularly interested.

Study § 2

Make entries in a diary.

7. Reflection (summarizing the lesson)


Analyze their work in class and evaluate themselves.

Physical minutes at the lessons in verse

Exercises for the eyes


One to the left, two to the right
Three up, four down.
And now we look around
To see the world better.
Let's look closer, further,
Exercising the eye muscle.
We'll see better soon
Check it out now!
Now let's press a little
Dots near your eyes.
We give them a lot of strength,
To amplify a thousand times!



The first drop fell - drop! (Show the trajectory from above with a finger
And the second came running - cap!
drop movements, eyes up.)
We looked at the sky
Look up.)
Droplets "drip-drip" sang,
Wet faces
We wiped them off. (
Wipe their face with their hands.)
Shoes - look -
They became wet. (
Point with hands down and look down with eyes.)
Let's move our shoulders together
And shake off all the drops. (
shoulder movements.)
Run away from the rain
Let's sit under a bush. (
They squat, blink their eyes.)



The donkey walks, chooses,
He doesn't know what to eat first. (Circle your eyes.)
Plum ripened upstairs
And nettles grow below,
On the left - beets, on the right - swede,
On the left is a pumpkin, on the right is a cranberry,
Below is fresh grass,
Above - juicy tops.
Couldn't select anything
And without strength fell to the ground. (
Close your eyes, then blink 10 times)



Curious Barabara
Looking to the left...
Looking to the right...
And then forward again.
Here you will rest a little;
The neck is not tense
And relaxed...

And Barbara looks up!
Above all, farthest!
Coming back -
Relaxation is nice!
The neck is not tense
And relaxed...

Now look down -
Neck muscles tensed!
Coming back -
Relaxation is nice!
The neck is not tense
And relaxed...


The eyes need to rest.(Guys close their eyes)
You need to take a deep breath.
(Deep breath. Eyes still closed)
The eyes will run around.
(Eyes open. Pupil movement in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise)
Blink many, many times
(Frequent blinking of eyes)
The eyes got better.
(lightly touching closed eyes with fingertips)
All my eyes will see!
(Eyes wide open. Wide smile on face)


The lesson is long
You have read a lot.
Calling won't help.
Once the eyes are tired.
Eyes need to rest
Know about it everyone.
Exactly five exercises
Everything is important to remember.
Exercise one -
Move the books to the edge of the desk.

Exercise two
Repeat easily after me.
Shut up and can't open
Train your eyes.

We do everything at once
Repeat four times.
Exercise number three.
Do with us and see.

( Sitting, put your hands on your belt, turn your head to the right, look at your elbow right hand, turn your head to the left, look at the elbow of your left hand, then sit up straight again)

Repeat five times
Relaxing eye muscles.
Exercise four
There is nothing more difficult in the whole world.
Let's start with care
And we do it clearly
(Sitting, look ahead, look at chalkboard 2-3 seconds. Extend the finger of the left hand middle line face at a distance of 5-20 cm from the eyes. Look at the end of the finger and look at it for 3-5 seconds, then lower the hand.)

Repeat 5-6 times
Everything will work out for you.
Exercise number five
It needs to be done clearly.
(Sitting, stretch your arms forward, look at your fingertips. Raise your hands up - inhale, follow your eyes with your hands without raising your head, lower your hands - exhale.)



Oh how long we wrote
The children's eyes are tired.(Blink eyes.)
Look everyone out the window
(Look left and right.)
Ah, how high the sun is.
(Look up.)
We'll close our eyes now
(Close your eyes with your palms.)
Let's build a rainbow in class
Let's go up the rainbow
(Look up-right and up-left in an arc.)
Turn right, turn left
And then we slide down
(Look down.)
Squint hard, but hold on.
(Close your eyes, open and blink them.)



Slept flower(Close your eyes, relax, massage your eyelids, pressing lightly on them clockwise and counterclockwise.)
And suddenly woke up
(Blink eyes.)
I didn't want to sleep anymore
(Raise your hands up (inhale). Look at your hands.)
Startled, stretched
(Arms bent to the sides (exhale).
Soared up and flew.
(Shake brushes, look left and right.)


"Magical dream"

Eyelashes fall...
Eyes are closing...
We are relaxing…
We fall asleep with a magical dream ...
Breathe easy...
Our hands rest...
Resting... Falling asleep...
The neck is not tense
And relaxed...
Lips slightly open...
Everything is relaxing...
Breathe easily...evenly...deeply...
We are relaxing…
We fall asleep with a magical dream ...
(Louder, faster, more energetic.)
It's good for us to rest!
But it's time to get up!
We squeeze our fists tighter.
We raise them higher.
Stretched! Smiled!
Everyone open your eyes and stand up!


"Fun week"

All week in order
The eyes are charging.
ATMonday how to wake up
Eyes smile at the sun
Look down at the grass
And back up.
(Raise eyes up; lower them down, head is motionless)

InTuesday eye watch,
They look to and fro,
Walk left, walk right
They will never get tired.
(Turn your eyes to right side, and then to the left, the head is motionless)

ATWednesday we play hide and seek,
We close our eyes tightly.
One, two, three, four, five,
Let's open our eyes.
We squint and open
So we continue the game.
(Close your eyes tightly, count to five and open your eyes wide)

ByThursdays we look into the distance
It's not a pity for this time
What is near and what is far
Eyes must be considered.
(Look straight ahead, put your finger at a distance of 25-30 cm from the eyes, look at the tip of the finger and look at it, lower your hand)

ATFriday we didn't yawn
Eyes darted around.
Stop and again
Run to the other side.
(Raise your eyes up, right, down, left and up; and back: left, down, right and up again)

Even inSaturday day off,
We are not lazy with you.
Looking for corners
To run the pupils.
(Look to the upper right corner, then to the lower left; look to the upper left corner and lower right)

ATSunday going to sleep,
And then let's go for a walk
To make the eyes harden
You need to breathe air.
(Close eyelids, massage them with circular motions fingers: upper eyelid from the nose to the outer edge of the eyes, lower eyelid from the outer edge to the nose, then vice versa)


We close our eyes, that's what miracles
(Close both eyes)
Our eyes rest, exercises are performed
(Keep standing with closed eyes)
And now we will open them, we will build a bridge across the river.
(Open eyes, draw a bridge with a glance)
Let's draw the letter "O", it turns out easily
(Eyes draw the letter "O")
Let's go up, look down
(Eyes up, eyes down)
Turn right, turn left
Eyes move left and right
Let's start working again.
(eyes look up and down)


That's what a dragonfly is like pea eyes.
(Glasses are made with fingers.)
Left-right, back-forward-
(Look left and right with eyes.)
Well, just like a helicopter.
(Circular eye movements)
We are flying high.
(Look up.)
We're flying low.
(Look down.)
We are flying far.
(Look ahead.)
We are flying close.
(Look down.)


Raise the carrot up, look at it.
(Look up.)
Just look with your eyes: up and down, right and left.
(Eyes look up and down, right and left.)
Ay-da hare, skillful! Blinks his eyes.
(They blink their eyes.)
Closes the eyes.
(Eyes are closed.)
They took carrot bunnies, they danced merrily with them.
(We jump like bunnies).


Here the window is open
(Spread hands to the sides.)
The cat stepped onto the ledge.
(Imitate the soft, graceful gait of a cat.)
The cat looked up.
(Look up.)
The cat looked down.
(Look down.)
It turned to the left.
(Looking to the left.)
She looked at the flies.
(Looking through the "fly" from the left shoulder to the right.)
Stretched, smiled
And sat down on the ledge.
(Children sit down.)
Turned her eyes to the right
I looked at the cat.
(Look straight ahead.)
And closed them in a purr.
(Close their eyes with their hands.)


There is a swing in the meadow:
Up-down, up-down
(Look up, look down)
I will swing run
Up-down, up-down
(Look up, look down)


« In the woods"
The sun goes round and round
(Rotational eye movements)
Dozing deer.
(eyes closed)
We walk with you through the meadow quietly, quietly.
(Open eyes)
We walk along the edge and find a path.
(Look down)
Here's a magpie on top
(look up)
Beak cleans the back.


"Morning Hours"
Dew drops in the morning: drip, drip, drip.
(Blink three times)
Like a ringing clock: drip, drip, drip.
(Blink three times)
It became dry and warm: drip, drip, drip.
(Blink three times)
So the morning is over: cap!
(Blink once)


Oh how long we wrote

The children's eyes are tired. (Blink your eyes.) Look out the window, (Look left - right.) Oh, how high the sun is. (Look up.) We'll close our eyes now, (Close our eyes with our palms.) We'll build a rainbow in class, Let's go up the rainbow, ( Look up in an arc to the right and up to the left.) Turn right, turn left, And then slide down, (Look down.) Squint hard, but hold on. (Close your eyes, open and blink them.)


Hands behind your back, heads back. (Close your eyes, relax.) Let your eyes look at the ceiling. (Open your eyes, look up.) Let's lower our heads - look at the desk. (Down.) And up again - where is the fly flying there? (Up.) Let's turn our eyes, look for her. (On the sides.) And we read again. A little more.


« Painters"

We poke our eyes.
Let's draw a big circle!
Let's draw a window
And a big log.
Draw an elevator run:
Eyes down, eyes up!
Everyone blinked: one-two!
Head is spinning.
We blinked our eyes
Instantly, the garlands sparkled.
Looking straight ahead
This is a plane flying...
Blink once, blink twice
Our eyes are rested!

Performed sitting at their desks, the children “draw” a circle with their eyes,
without turning your head
“draw” window
“draw” a log

look down, look up

close your eyes tightly (3-5 sec.)

blink your eyes for 3-5 seconds.

look straight ahead

blink your eyes for 3-5 seconds.

Fizminutki for fingers. Finger motility


"My friends"

Everyone in our class is friends. (Rhythmically tapping fists against each other)

The youngest is me. (Unclench fingers, starting with the little finger)

This is Masha

This is Sasha

This is Yura

This is Dasha.


"At Matryoshina's sister..."

At Matryoshina's sister

(Rhythmic strikes with the fingers of the right hand, starting with the index, on the left palm.)

In the village of fiction:

Rhythmic strikes with the fingers of the left hand, starting with the index, on the right palm.

A duck walks in a skirt

For each name of the animal, fingers are bent on the hands, starting with large

In a warm coat

Chicken - in a vest,

Cockerel - in a beret,

Goat - in a sundress,

Zainka - in a caftan,

And all of them are nicer

Rhythmic alternating handclaps and fist bumps.

Cow in a mat.



We chop cabbage, chop, (sweeping movements with our hands, like an ax)

We mash cabbage, we mash cabbage,

We salt and salt the cabbage, (“they take” a pinch of salt and “salt”)

We press cabbage. (flexion and extension of the hands)


"To the Plum Garden"

(We bend our fingers one by one)

A fat finger and a big one went to the garden for plums,

The pointer from the threshold showed him the way.

Middle finger- the most accurate, he knocks plums off the branch.

Nameless - collects, and the little finger is the gentleman

Throws bones into the ground.



Rain, rain (Knock fingers alternately)
All day
Drumming on glass.
The whole earth, (Squeeze and unclench fists)
All earth
Wet from water...



(Alternately unclench the fingers of the fist)

This finger is the forest has gone,

This finger mushroom found

This finger began to clean,

This finger began to fry,

This finger sat down and ate

That's why he got fat.


"My family"

(Close your hand into a fist, unclench your fingers one by one, starting with the thumb.)

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me.

That's my whole family

(Clench your hand vigorously into a fist several times.)


This finger is small - the little finger is remote.
The nameless one wears a ring, he will never leave it.
This finger is the longest, it stands in the middle.
This one is a wonderful index finger.
This finger - that's what, is called big.

We'll shake our hands
Let's stretch each finger.
One, two, three, four, five
We will start writing again.


To write well
You gotta stretch your fingers
One, two, three, four, five
We get five for the letter!



Friends in our group

Girls and boys.

We will make friends with you

Little fingers.

One, two, three, four, five.

We've finished counting.


The fingers of both hands are connected rhythmically to the lock. Rhythmic touch of the fingers of both hands. Alternately touching the fingers on both hands, starting with the little finger. Hands down, shake your hands.


One, two, three, four, five.

The fingers went out for a walk.

One, two, three, four, five.

They hid in the house again.

Unclench the fingers from the fist one at a time, starting with the big one. Rhythmically we unclench all fingers together. We squeeze in turn widely spaced fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger. Rhythmically squeeze all fingers together.


We'll shake our hands
Let's stretch each finger.
One, two, three, four, five
We will start writing again.

To write well
You gotta stretch your fingers
One, two, three, four, five
We get five for the letter.

Physical minutes for formation correct posture

I have a straight back

My back is straight, (Walking in place, hands behind my back.)

I'm not afraid of tilting: (Tilt forward.)

I straighten up, I bend, (Tilt back, straighten up.) I turn around. (Turns of the body.)

One, two. three. four.

Three. four times. two. (Bend forward and straighten up.)

I walk with a proud posture. (Turns of the body.)

I keep my head straight, (Tilt forward and straighten up.)

I'm not in a hurry. (Walking in place, hands behind back.)

Once. two. three. four, (Turns of the torso.)

Three. four, one, two. (Walking in place, hands behind back.)

I can bow. (Bow and straighten up.)

And sit down, and bend over, (Squat, bend forward.)

Turn back and forth! (Turns of the torso to the right and left.) Oh, straight back! (Bend forward and straighten up.)


Once. two. three. four

(Turns of the body.)

Three. four times. two.

We bend with cotton.

We bend with cotton.

And then we get up with a clap.

Down and up, down and up.

Come on. clap the loudest!

(Bend over and clap your hands below, straighten up - clap above your head.)

We ride on one leg.

Like an elastic ringing ball.

Let's jump on the other one too.

We can jump for a very long time.

(Jumping on one leg.)

Turn your head slowly.

Look left, look right

(Turn head right and left.)

And we'll walk a little.

(Walking in place.)

And let's go back to the lesson.

(Children sit at their desks.)


We tried, we learned.

We tried, we learned

And a little tired.

What we must do now

Back exercise.

(Rotation of the body to the right and left.)

We work with our hands.

We fly under the clouds.

Hands down and hands up.

Who flies the fastest?

(Children imitate the movements of the wings.)

To keep my feet from hurting.

One - sat down, two - sat down.

Three. Four. Five and six.

Seven and eight. Nine ten.


We walk next to the party,

(Walking in place.)

And then we sit down.

(Children sit at their desks.)


All the guys stood up together

(straighten up)

And they walked in place.

(Walking in place.)

Stretched on toes.

(Bend back, put your hands behind your head.)

Like springs we sat down

(Sit down.)

And they sat down quietly.

(Stand up and sit down.)

To begin with, we are with you

We only turn our heads.

(Rotation of the head.)

We also rotate the body.

We can do this, of course.

(Turns right and left.)

Finally stretched

Up and to the side.

Have caved in.

Blushed from the workout

And they sat down at the desk again.

(Children sit at their desks.)

Physical exercises for all muscles of the body

Russian language, literary reading


We will show the letter A,
(all smile at first!)
Jump legs to the side
Hands up hut ...
Here is the letter A:
Once sat down, got up - two!


smile at each other

feet shoulder-width apart” jump
raise your hands up and join your palms
do squats (2 times)

I'll get up on my toes
I'll stretch well.
One is tilt, two is tilt,
Like the letter "O" curl up.
And I jump a little
And I'll twist my hands
Stand on my right foot
And I'll turn my head...
Quietly sit down, smile
And I'll get to work!

stand on your toes, stretch

do 2 forward bends
get the socks of the feet with your hands (2-3 times)
jumping on two legs 3-4 times
perform hand rotation 3-4 times
stand on the right leg (2-3 sec.)
head tilts left and right (4-6 times)
sit down

. ***

We strike with a hammer
By words, by words.
The vowel O is now stressed,
Or A, or a!
Let's hit with an accent
According to, according to...

children clench their hands into fists,
fist to fist,
changing hands


Suffix walks along the path
And he plays the harmonica...
Here is the house. This is a house.
This is a house. A gnome lives here.
This is the home of the giant
Giant Istukan…
Run away from him
don't touch anyone!!!

walking in place for 3-4 sec.
hands in front of the chest, hand jerks
sit down, get up
get up
get up on your toes, hands up,
running in place for 2-3 sec.


FAST all the guys got up
Hands quickly raised up.
QUICKLY clapped 5 times.
And now the blink of an eye:
And ... they knocked with their feet.
FAST leaning to the left
And now straightened up!
Left and right 10 times -
The tired class rested...
How did the penguins fly?
And they quietly sat down at their desks!

stand up, hands on the belt
put your hands up
5 hand claps

blink your eyes for 3-4 seconds.
stomp your feet for 3-4 seconds.
tilt to the left
stand up straight
tilt left and right 5 times
to each side
running in place waving arms
sit down at the desk


So many times, friends, sat down,
How many days do we have in a week!
We'll jump so many times
How many eyes does Three-Eyes have?
Let's make so many slopes
How many green Christmas trees.
And let's drown so many times
How many girls do we have;
And slap so many times
How many boys we have!..

sit down 7 times

jumping on two legs 3 times

tilt left and right 4 times

stomp your feet so many times
how many girls are in the class
clap your hands so many times

how many boys are in the class

Hands locked in a lock:
One jump, two jump!
This is round Mr. Zero -
Good-natured our king!

hands folded into the castle - this is the “belly”
jumping on two legs (6-8 times)

One - sat down, two - got up,
Stretched, swayed...

do squats
arms up, stretch, tilt to the right and left 4-6 times

Mr. Zero went camping:
One - back, two - forward! ..

walking in place (3-5 sec)

The world

« Flight to the moon"

Flew to the moon
One hand to the side.
And the second one was raised
It's like flapping wings.
jumped high -
Here is the moon, not far!
Stretched - here she is
On the palms of the whole moon!

stand near the desk
raise your right hand to the side
left hand up
both hands - to the sides, swing your arms 6-8 times
jump as high as possible
stand still
hands up, stretch
stand still, fold your palms in the shape of a bowl


Morning at the forest edge
The animals are gathering.
All are accustomed to order:
Charging together!

walking in place throughout

reading first four lines

Squirrels and bunnies jump -
1-2-3, 1-2-3…
Jumping, jumping on the lawn -
Look, look!
Get up - sit down, get up - sit down,
Looked left and right.

jumps: 3 times on one leg,
3 times on the other leg
jumping on two legs (6 times)
sit-ups 2 times
look to the right, to the left,

Make inclinations together
Black-browed crows.
And toothy beavers
They took axes in their paws.
Get used to everything:
Start your day with a boost!

forward and backward bends 4-6 times
exercise “axe” 6-8 times


Shoulders raised -
Jumping grasshoppers!
10 reps on two legs
In colorful boots!
And now on the right leg
Ride along the track!
And now on the left leg
Ride along the track!

raise your shoulders

10 jumps on two legs

10 jumps on the right foot

10 jumps on the left leg

We will now show the point:
One, two, three - puffed out cheeks!
Together they jumped on the lines -
Here is the point!

take a deep breath, hold
breath count 1-2-3
jumping on two legs 5-6 times

The back is all bent so
The question mark is the right sign!
He walks like an old grandfather
One hundred and fifty years!

forward bends 4-5 times
slow walking high
raising your legs

Physical minutes at any stage of the lesson

Warm up - stand up! Turn right - turn left, Count turns, One-two-three, keep up.(Rotation of the body to the right and left.) We begin to squat - One, two, three, four, five. The one who does the exercises, Can we squat dance.(Squats.) And now let's raise the handles And lower them with a jerk. It's like we're jumping off a steep summer sunny day.(Children raise their straight arms above their heads, then with a sharp movement lower them and take them back, then with a sharp movement up again, etc.) And now walking in place, Left-right, stop, one-two.(Walking in place.) We'll sit down at our desks, together Let's get down to business again.(Children sit at desks or tables.)


Get on the charger! Hand up, other hand down!(One straight arm up, the other down, with a jerk we change hands.) We repeat the exercise, we make faster movements. One - we will bend forward, Two - we will bend back. And tilts to the sides We will undertake to do.(Tilts forward, backward and to the sides.) Squats again We will perform together. One, two, three, four, five, Who started to lag behind?(Squats.) We'll move on to walking(Walking in place.) And let's start again.(Children sit at tables.)


Raise the handles higher, Lower the handles down. You get the roof first, then you touch the floor. (Pull your arms up, then sit down and touch the floor with your hands.) We perform three inclinations, we bend to the floor,(Leaning forward.) And then we will bend at once Deep back three times.(Tilts back.) Let's do jerks with our hands - One, two, three, four, five.(Jerking hands.) And now we squat, To become stronger and stronger.


To begin with, you and I Turn only our heads.(Rotation of the head.) We also rotate the body. We can do this, of course.(Turns right and left.) Finally stretched up and to the sides. Have caved in.(Pull up and to the side.) They blushed from the warm-up And sat down again at their desks.


Let's get started. To begin with, only rotate the body. We repeat the exercise, All familiar movements.(Rotation of the body to the right and left.) We stretch our shoulders, We move our hands towards: One hand flies up, And the other down for now.(One hand up, the other down, hands change jerkily.) One, two, three, Turn the Corps to the left. And help with your hands, stretch your lower back.(Torso twists to the side.) And now we have jumps. After the jump - another jump, Jump and jump, jump and jump.(Jumping.) Let's work with hands, And elbows, and shoulders.(Hands in front of chest, jerking hands.) Let's stop and again We are ready for classes


white bunny sitting
And wiggles his ears.
Like this, like this
He moves his ears.

In the morning the gander got up on its paws
Ready to charge
Turned left, right
Did the squats right
Cleaned the fluff with a beak
And again at the desk - plop!


sunflower growing in the garden
Here it is, here it is!
sunflower growing in the garden
With a bright yellow head.
He turned his head
I wanted to see everything.
What did the sunflower see there
He will now tell us.


“Now everyone is quiet…”
- And now we'll go to the forest ...
- And now everyone quietly stood up,
Hands raised together,
To the side, forward, back,
Turned right, left
We sat down quietly, back to business.
We are little bunnies
They jumped in the meadow.
jumping, jumping,
They ran to school.
Behind the desks quietly lope
And let's continue our lesson.


Walking along the path, walking
Many stones were found.
Sat down, collected
And we went further.


We kick top top,
We clap-clap with our hands,
And then jump
And one more time,
And then squatting
And again - in order.
We will run along the path
One two Three!
And clap your hands
One two Three!
And turn our heads
One two Three!
Everybody dance with us
One two Three!


Cha, cha, cha (3 thigh claps)
The stove is very hot (4 jumps on two legs)
Chi, chi, chi (3 overhead claps)
Oven bake kalachi (4 squats)
Choo, choo, choo (3 claps behind the back)


We raise our hands up,
And then we let them go.
And then we unfold them
And we'll take it to ourselves soon.
And then faster, faster
Clap, clap more cheerfully.


We stomp our feet
We clap our hands
We nod our heads.
We raise our hands
We lower our hands
And let's start writing again.


Here are my helpers
Turn them however you want.
One, two, three, four, five.
Knocked, turned
And they wanted to work.
Everyone quietly sat down.


One - rise, stretch,
Two - bend, unbend,
Three - clap, three claps,
Three head nods.
Four - arms wider
Five - wave your hands,
Six - sit quietly in place.

. ***

The ducks went out to the meadow
Quack, quack, quack.
Flying green beetle
Geese necks arched
The beak straightened the feathers.
The reeds rustled in the pond
Sh - sh - sh
And again there was silence.


One, two - it's time to get up,
Three, four - arms wider,
Five, six - sit down quietly,
Seven, eight - let's discard laziness.


One, two, three, four, five
Bunny came out to play
Jump gray garazd
He jumped 300 times.



Pinocchio - stretched,

Once - bent over

Two - bent over

Raised hands to the sides,

Apparently the key has not been found.

To get us the key

You have to get on your toes.



The wind blows in our face, (movements of hands to ourselves)

The tree swayed, (swaying with raised arms)

The breeze is quieter and quieter - (gradual squatting)

The tree is getting higher and higher, (get up, stretch on your toes)


"We went to the forest lawn"

We went out to the forest lawn, (walking in place)
Raising your legs higher
Through the bushes and bumps, (jumping in place)
Through branches and stumps.
Who walked so high ─ (clap)
Didn't trip, didn't fall.


"In winter"

We'll warm up a little, (We rub our shoulders)

We clap our hands (clap our hands)

We stomp our feet (Stomp in place)

And pat ourselves. (Slap on knees)

1. Kulnevich S.V., Lakotsenina T.P. Non-traditional lessons in elementary school. - Rostov-na / D., TC "Teacher", 2002.
2. Tsvyntary V.V. We play with fingers and develop speech. - St. Petersburg, 1997