Testing "Kangaroo - to graduates" Monitoring of mathematical preparation of primary school graduates. Kangaroo and IIPO testing

We present tasks and answers to graduates for the Kangaroo-2016 competition for grade 4.
The answers to the tasks Kangaroo 2016 are after the questions.

I. Given a series of numbers: 809, 305, 8964, 1024, 608, 75, 10181, 6035, 896. Is the statement true?
1) In this series there is the number six thousand three hundred five.
2) Most big number in this row is 8964.
3) In this row there is a number equal to 6 * 100 + 8.
4) There are exactly 4 three-digit numbers in this row.

II. Are the examples correct?
5) 96 - 27 = 79
6) 207 + 194 = 401
7) 13 + (48 - 16) : 4 = 21

III. Is the statement true?
8) In example 12 - 4 = 8, the number 8 is the difference.
9) The product of the number 5 and the sum of the numbers 6 and 8 can be written as 5 * 6 + 8.
10) In the example (2 + 4 * 3) : 7 - 1 the first step is addition.

IV. Is the statement true?
11) Half of the number 126 is the number 63.
12) A quarter of a segment 24 cm long is a segment 4 cm long.
13) One fifth of 20 rubles is 4 rubles.

V. Is the statement true?
14) 11 100 mm is 1 m 1 dm 1 cm.
15) From 13:20 to 14:10 50 minutes pass.
16) 1 t 20 kg is 120 kg.

VI. 4 points are marked on the straight line (see figure). The length of segment AB is 6 cm, the length of CD is 4 cm, and segment BC is 2 cm longer than segment AB. Is the statement true?

17) The length of segment AC is 8 cm.
18) Point C is twice as close to point D as to point B.
19) The distance from point B to the middle of segment AD is 3 cm.

VII. Is the statement about the figures on the right true?

20) There are 2 times more triangles than circles.
21) The total number of angles for all figures is 24.
22) There are more quadrilaterals than triangles.

VIII. One side of the rectangle is 4 cm, and its perimeter is 20 cm. Is the statement true?

23) The second side of the rectangle is 16 cm.
24) The area of ​​this rectangle is 24 square meters. cm.
25) If two such rectangles are attached to each other with long sides (see figure), then you get a rectangle with a perimeter of 28 cm.

IX. There are 10 rows of 15 seats in each row in the cinema hall. At the morning session, 60 seats were occupied, and at the evening session - twice as many. Is the statement true?
26) There are 150 seats in the cinema.
27) There were 90 seats available at the morning session.
28) At the evening session, three rows could be completely free.

X. A tourist rode a bicycle for 2 hours and then walked for 3 hours. He walked at a speed of 5 km / h, and on a bicycle he rode 7 km / h faster. Is the statement true?
29) A tourist walked 15 km on foot.
30) The entire path of the tourist was 29 km.

XI. In the school cafeteria, a pie costs 20 rubles, and a bun is 4 rubles cheaper. Is the statement true?
31) You can buy 2 buns for 30 rubles.
32) Four pies cost as much as five buns.

XII. The squirrel stocked up fir cones, pine cones and nuts for the winter. She stocked up m pieces of spruce cones, 40 more pine cones, and twice as many nuts as all the cones. Is the statement true?
33) If there are 100 pieces of pine cones, then m = 60.
34) In total, the squirrel has stored 4 m + 40 nuts.

XIII. Masha collected sea pebbles. In total, she collected 12 gray stones and 14 brown ones. 13 pebbles have stripes and 16 have holes. Is the statement true?
35) Masha always has a gray stone with a hole.
36) Masha will definitely have three pebbles that have both holes and stripes.

Answers Kangaroo 2016 - Grade 4:

There are only a few days left before the event - testing "Kangaroo - graduates": testing will begin January 22. But those who have not yet applied can still do so.

  • Testing is carried out in January directly at the school, students of the 4th, 9th and 11th grades who have paid the registration fee are allowed to participate in it.
  • Test for elementary school contains 36 questions, for grades 9 - 48 and a test for grades 11 - 60 questions. Each question of the test provides one of two answers: "Yes" or "No". For a correct answer, points are assigned, for an incorrect one - they are removed, for a question left unanswered, points are not assigned, but they are not removed either (this is regarded as the answer "I don't know").
  • Students of the 9th and 11th grades are given 90 minutes to complete the work, and 45 minutes to the students of the 4th grades.

Based on the test results, each test participant receives a detailed individual review. Each fourth grader receives a small memento.

Under the motto "Kangaroo for graduates" a series of three tests is combined: for students in grades 11, grades 9 and grades 4. All of them are carried out directly at the school and are based on the mentioned system for assessing the mathematical preparation of schoolchildren.

Important to remember: testing is not a competition, no ratings are made based on its results, and its participants should be most interested in the reliability of the results. It is best to consider such testing as a self-test before important tests. Such a check is useful for both the student and the teacher, it helps to plan the repetition of the subject on the eve of the final tests.

Please note: participation in testing is in no way connected with participation in the Kangaroo contest, and all test participants, if they wish, can take part in the contest in March.

If you are a student:

Contact your teacher: if the school is already participating in our events, then you just need to apply at the school and pay the registration fee. If the school did not participate in the testing, tell your teacher about it, perhaps he will be interested, and testing at the school will be organized. Otherwise, contact your regional organizing committee (MBOU "Lyceum No. 39"), they will try to help.

Testing "from Kangaroo" is a natural combination of technology developed over the years of the competition, and pedagogical experience accumulated in the Laboratory of School Problems mathematics education, created under the leadership of M.I. Bashmakova.

The basis of the assessment methodology mathematical training test participants are given a system of parameters developed by the laboratory staff. hallmark of this system is attention not only to knowledge and skills on specific topics school course mathematics, but, in addition, to a number of indicators of a broader plan (the development of logical skills, the ability to use visual representations, etc.). The system has been tested in educational institutions With different levels teaching mathematics and received appreciated specialists both in our country and abroad.

It is important to note that all tests in this series are not tied to any specific textbooks. Their content is aimed at Federal educational standards focusing on the skills and knowledge that most will be in demand at the next levels of education.

All tests are united by common features:

  • Each test contains a large number of questions, which allows you to cover all significant sections of the course.
  • All test questions require only “Yes” or “No” answers. Points are added for a correct answer, points are deducted for an incorrect one. However, there is another possibility - not to answer the question. This is treated as a "Don't Know" answer when reviewed and is not awarded or deducted.
  • The most main feature testing is a comprehensive assessment of the mathematical preparation of each participant, based on the mentioned system of parameters (depending on the age of the participant, such an assessment contains from 12 to 19 parameters). Testing is currently taking place in the following age categories:
  • · 4th grade: "Kangaroo - graduates" in January;
  • · 5th grade: entrance Internet testing in September;
  • · 7th grade: entrance Internet testing in September;
  • · 9th grade: "Kangaroo - graduates" in January;
  • · 11th grade: "Kangaroo - graduates" in January.

The next day after the completion of each test, the organizers conduct a video analysis of all tasks.

Graduates have been tested since 2003 high school under the motto "Kangaroo - graduates".

"Kangaroo - graduates" - Continuing Education Readiness Mathematics Test. That is why it includes not only tasks in algebra and analysis, but also in geometry. great attention is also given to tasks that test the skills of logical reasoning, because it is the lack of such skills that is the cause of many complications in the final exams.

For many years, testing was conducted for students graduation classes- 9th and 11th.

Since 2008, the Russian Organizing Committee "Kangaroo" has also been conducting similar testing for primary school graduates (4th grade students), which was called "Monitoring of the mathematical preparation of primary school graduates."

Starting from 2015, the organizing committee combines testing for "Kangaroo graduates" and monitoring into one event - testing for "Kangaroo graduates", which is carried out for 4th, 9th and 11th grades. All test participants are given personal reviews, and participating schools receive summary reports. In addition, participants of the 4th grade receive a memorable gift.

The test for students in grades 11 consists of 60 questions, for grades 9 - 48, and children from elementary school answer 36 test questions. All questions are grouped into blocks (questions for grades 11 - in blocks of 5 questions, for grades 9 - 4 each, for grade 4 - 4 and 2 each). Each block of the test is either a plot or several questions combined common theme. As a rule, within the block questions are arranged in increasing complexity. Each question of the test allows one of two answer options "Yes" or "No", while three points are awarded for the correct answer, and two points are deducted for the wrong answer. In addition, you can leave the question unanswered, in which case points are not awarded, but they are not removed either.

The organization of testing has much in common with the Kangaroo competition: testing takes place at school, participants fill out an answer form designed for computer verification.

Testing "Kangaroo - graduates"

School administration,

mathematics teachers,

primary school teachers
Dear colleagues!
Russian Organizing Committee international competition"Kangaroo - mathematics for all" conducts testing "Kangaroo - graduates" for students in grades 9, 11 and monitoring of mathematical preparation for students in grades 4.

The main purpose of this testing is to help graduates on the eve of final exams gain experience in participating in independent test, get an idea of ​​the strengths and weaknesses ah his mathematical background. Based on the results of testing, each participant receives an individual review, in which his mathematical preparation is assessed by a large number parameters, - from the possession of specific sections of the program to the ability to properly manage the allotted time.

Monitoring of the mathematical preparation of primary school graduates is carried out in order to get an idea of ​​the level of mathematical preparation of schoolchildren on the eve of the transition to the main school, to determine their strengths and weaknesses. When compiling control materials attention is paid, first of all, to those aspects of mathematical training that will be in demand in the basic school. Based on the results of monitoring and testing, both individual reviews and a class report are compiled. This report includes data on the success of each participant in the main meaningful lines of education, as well as a number of parameters that characterize his overall development.

Monitoring and testing take place in the third decade of January, from January 20 to January 31, 2014, the school can independently choose a day convenient for itself during this period. Participation is paid, the registration fee for 2014 is 50 rubles for both monitoring participants and testing participants.

Please note that testing and monitoring are purely educational activities and have nothing to do with the Kangaroo competition. Both 9th graders and 4th graders can take part in the Kangaroo competition in March.

Any participant in testing or monitoring can receive in advance on the website "Kangaroo" ( http://mathkang.ru) personal code of the participant (PC). It is necessary to get a PC before the first Kangaroo event in which participation is planned. The received code can be used in all Kangaroo events. Participants who receive such a code enter it into their answer sheet, and after checking the work, they will be able, using a PC, to find out their result directly on the site.

Schools wishing to take part in testing (monitoring) must submit applications until December 20 (inclusive) to the regional organizing committee (application form attached) on e-mail by the address 244 kruspeh@ mail. en or in writing. The application is considered accepted upon receipt of confirmation of reading and registration.

Registration fees at the rate of 48 rubles for one participant should be transferred to a bank account. Be very careful when filling in the details. Be sure to include your educational institution, locality for which you transfer money, the number of participants. For example: Dzerzhinskaya secondary school No. 2 with. Dzerzhinsky Dzerzhinsky district for participation in the test. (or monitor.) 34 participants. Be sure to note:without VAT.

Payment can be made at any branch of Sberbank city ​​of Krasnoyarsk(no commission), by filling out a receipt (see attachment)

Our details : "Success" Multicultural Education Centre ANO

TIN/KPP 2464072915 / 246101001

account 40703810300120100005 in JSCB "ENISEY" (JSC),

corr. account No. 30101810800000000795 with the Central Bank of the Bank of Russia Krasnoyarsk Territory

BIC 040407795

Attention! District organizers who have concluded an agreement with ANO "POC" Success ", can pay for participation in TIM directly at the regional organizing committee according to the submitted application upon receipt of competitive materials.

Materials for testing (monitoring) (task options, answer forms, instructions, questionnaires of educational institutions) are issued to schools (districts) 20 – 24 January representative of the Regional Organizing Committee at . Working hours of the organizing committee: 9.00 - 17.00, lunch break from 13.00 to 14.00, days off: Saturday, Sunday.

Upon completion of testing (monitoring), the completed answer forms, lists and questionnaire of the MA are placed in a special envelope in which they entered the school task texts . The label on the envelope contains information about the actual number of forms, and it not laterFebruary 6 is handed over to the Regional representative of the Organizing Committee by courier. A package with answer forms, lists of participants and an OU questionnaire can be sent to the regional organizing committee by mail, but the postmark must be no later than February 1, 2014! (zip code: 660059).

Collecting the forms check that the participants fill in tables 1, 2 and 3 correctly (last name, first name, class, school code). Errors in tables 1, 2 and 3 should be corrected. On the contrary, corrections in the answer table (table 4) are strictly prohibited. Answers with corrections, even if the wrong answer is smeared with paste, are not counted (cancelled during the processing of forms).

The results of testing and monitoring will be sent to the school at the specified email address in the form of a module that allows you to print both a general statement with the results of all participants, and individual reviews of each student.

Gromov Lyudmila Ivanovna,

chairman of the regional organizing committee

tel. 268-68-49, 8-913-566-06-77

Application No. 1

Application for participation in testing "Kangaroo - Graduates" and

Monitoring the mathematical preparation of primary school graduates

in 2014 (do not change the application form)

1. District (city) _________

2. Full name of the school

3. Address and phone numbers of the school


4. Surname, name, patronymic of the director of the school ( fully)

5. Number of students willing to participate

6. Surname, name, patronymic of the teacher (teachers) responsible (responsible) for holding events at the school ( fully) and their contact numbers (work and home) Testing "Kangaroo - Graduates"

Monitoring of mathematical preparation

Materials must be picked up at the Regional Organizing Committee (Vavilov St., 86B, room 103, from January 20 to 24, 2014, the results - no later than March 10, 2014.
This application is a written notice of consent educational institution specified in paragraph 2, with the conditions for testing "Kangaroo - graduates" and monitoring mathematical preparation, which are set out in the attached information materials, and on the basis of Articles No. 437-441 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation testifies to the fact of concluding a public offer agreement with CTT Kangaroo Plus LLC. The educational institution has the written consent of the parents (legal representatives) of the minor students included in the application for the processing of their personal data.

administration of the educational institution ____________ __________ _______________ Date: _________

position signature Surname I.О.

Seal of OU

Application №2

Instructions for a school organizer on monitoring the mathematical preparation of 4th grade graduates
Monitoring the mathematical preparation of primary school graduates aimed at checking the level of preparation of elementary school students. For monitoring, a test with large quantity questions, the results of which generate an individual review based on a wide group of parameters that characterize various parties learning activities.

In that academic year monitoring will take place in the third decade of January 2014. Each school determines independently the day for monitoring from the specified period.

Monitoring is carried out directly at the school. For getting objective evaluation mathematical preparation of the class, it is necessary that students of the whole class participate in the monitoring.

Pupils of the 4th grade, who took part in the monitoring, can also take part in the competition "Kangaroo Mathematics for All", which will be held on March 20, 2014.

The registration fee for participation in the monitoring is 50 (fifty) rubles per participant, of which two rubles remain at the school for organizational expenses.

The right to free participation in monitoring is granted to orphans, students from boarding schools and schools at hospitals and sanatoriums

Materials for monitoring (sealed envelopes with the texts of assignments, answer forms, instructions for the office attendant, questionnaires from the school organizer) are issued to the school organizer at the regional organizing committee (district organizer) on the eve of the monitoring.

The package with tasks is opened immediately before the start of monitoring, after the students have entered their personal data and school code into the answer forms. The instruction of the duty officer in the office should be carefully read the day before. It is recommended that the teacher fill in the "School Code" and "Class" fields in the answer forms in advance.

Approximately 15 minutes should be reserved for explaining the monitoring rules and the rules for completing the forms. You have 45 minutes to complete the test questions. Thus, the total duration of work will be approximately 1 hour.

The works of monitoring participants are checked using a computer. You should be very careful when filling out the answer forms, since violations of the rules for filling out the forms can lead to distortion of the read information and unreliable results.

Upon completion of work, you must:

  1. Compose common list participants. In the title of the list, indicate the code of the school, its full name. Further in order, after indicating the class with a letter (for example, 4A), the participants of this class are indicated, then the next, and so on.

  2. Fill out the form of the educational institution. The questionnaire is placed first in the stack of monitoring participants' response forms.

  3. Submit the completed answer forms, the list of participants and the OU questionnaire to the Regional Organizing Committee no later than February 3, in the same envelopes in which the task forms were issued.

List sample:

List of monitoring participants
Krasnoyarsk Territory, Krasnoyarsk

MBOU secondary school No. 99 (code - 24401099)

  1. Alekseev Alexey

  2. Ivanov Ivan

15. Petrov Petr

1. Danilov Danil

2. Semyon Koshkin

21. Yakushev Yakov

Application №3

School organizer's instructions for conducting

testing in mathematics "Kangaroo - graduates"
The main purpose of testing is to check the graduate's readiness for continuing education. Based on the results of testing, each participant will receive an individual review indicating the strengths and weaknesses of his mathematical preparation.

This academic year testing will pass in the third decade of January 2014. This period was chosen so that graduates could take into account the results of testing in preparation for graduation and entrance exams. Each school determines independently the day for testing from the specified period.

Just like the Kangaroo competition, testing is carried out directly at the school. All interested students of the 9th and 11th grades are allowed to it without preliminary selection.

Pupils of the 9th grade who took part in the testing can also take part in the competition "Kangaroo Mathematics for All", which will be held on March 20, 2014.

The registration fee for participation in testing "Kangaroo - graduates" is 50 (fifty) rubles per participant, of which two rubles remain at the school for organizational expenses. The right to free participation in testing is granted to orphans, students from boarding schools and schools at hospitals and sanatoriums. To do this, the school administration draws up a written application to the Regional Organizing Committee.

Materials for testing (sealed envelopes with the texts of tasks, answer forms, instructions for the office attendant, questionnaires from an educational institution) are issued to the school organizer at the regional organizing committee on January 20-24.

The package with tasks is opened immediately before the start of testing, after the students have entered their personal data and the school code into the answer forms. The instruction of the duty officer in the office should be carefully read on the eve of testing.

About 15 minutes should be reserved for explaining the rules for testing and filling out the forms. You have 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete the test. Thus, the total duration of the test will be approximately 1 hour 45 minutes.

The works of test participants are checked using a computer. You should be very careful when filling out the answer forms, since violations of the rules for filling out the forms can lead to distortion of the read information and unreliable results.

Upon completion of testing, you must:

  1. Compile one (general) list of participants parallel to alphabetical order . Specify in the head of the list school code, its full name, locality, district.

  2. Fill out the form of the educational institution. The questionnaire is placed first in the stack of test participants' answer forms.

  3. Fill in the actual number of participants on the envelope sticker.

  4. Submit the completed answer forms, the list of participants and the questionnaire of the OS to the Regional Organizing Committee no later than February 3rd in the same envelopes in which the task forms were issued.
The test results will be sent to the school by e-mail (to the address indicated in the questionnaire of the educational institution) in the form of a file that allows you to print individual reviews of participants (certificates) and a general statement. Be sure to receive printed certificates for participants at the regional organizing committee no later than March 10.

Application No. 4

Novosibirsk region Grade 9

Kalininsky district 2011

MBOU secondary school №345

(code: 54053345)


Number of points: 69

The result obtained should be recognized as GOOD.

Question cycles (top), selected answers (middle) and correct answers (bottom):



Right answers: 33 (number of points: 99) D- "Yes" H- "Not"

Wrong answers: 15 (number of points: - 30) x- No answer

We remind you that three points were awarded for a correct answer, and two points were deducted for an incorrect answer.

Analysis of test results
Parameter type Parameter name success

Program Sections

Whole numbers


Numeric expressions




Text tasks


Linear function


quadratic function




Equations and inequalities


Geometric figures


General Skills and skills

Use of definitions and facts


Using Standard Algorithms


Using visual representations


Logical reasoning


conjecture, intuition


Work organization

Ten easiest questions


ten most difficult questions


Ten first questions


Ten last questions


Success was calculated as percentage the number of correctly solved problems associated with this parameter, to total number such tasks. A success greater than 75% should be considered very good, while a result less than 40% indicates that it needs to be reversed. Special attention for training in this area.

Application No. 5


Form No. PD-4-

« ________

2464072915 _____________ №____ 40703810300120100005

JSCB "ENISEY" (JSC) Krasnoyarsk ____

BIC 040407795 _________ № 30101810800000000795

for participation in the competition "______________________" MOU ____________ in the amount of _______ people.

(payment Description)


« Success" Multicultural Educational Center" ANO ________

(name of payee)

2464072915 ________ № _ 40703810300120100005 ______

(payee's TIN) (payee's account number)

AT JSCB "ENISEY" (JSC) Krasnoyarsk __________________________

(name of the beneficiary's bank)

BIC 040407795 _ ________________№ 30101810800000000795 ___________

(number of box / from the beneficiary's bank)

for participation in the competition "________________________" MOU ____________ in the amount of _____ people._


(payment Description)


Payment amount __________________ rub. _________cop.

Amount of payment for services ________________ rub. _________ kop.


Total _________________ rub. _________ kop.

Back side


Information about the payer


(full name, address of the payer)

MOU ____________________




Back side

With the conditions of acceptance in the specified in the payment

document amount, including with the amount charged

fees for bank services, I have read and agree


_____” ____________ 20_____ (payer's signature)

Information about the payer


(full name, address of the payer)





(personal account number (code) of the payer)