I want to work in another city. Work and career

Monitoring of the labor market shows that more and more applicants are going to look for their dream job in another city. Choosing between hometown and career, professionals increasingly prefer career.

When changing work and place of residence, you need to take into account some points, as well as the pros and cons of such a change in life situation. Let's start with the fact that you can look for work in another city in different ways. AT general case There are 3 search strategies:

First we look for a job - then we move

This scheme, in which you are looking for work, being employed. You start packing your bags only after an agreement with a new employer. The advantages of this strategy are:

  • No risk financial collapse. You are looking for new job while still working and getting paid, which gives confidence.
  • For employers, working applicants are more interesting than unemployed ones.
  • You can choose until you find the right vacancy, because there is a current job as a safety net.

Moving first, then looking for a job

Compared to the first strategy, this one loses in convenience and some other points:

  • When you move to a new place, you find yourself unemployed, thereby risking losing all your financial reserves if the job search process drags on. Extra risk is fraught with psychological tension, while it is better to look for a job in a calm state, without unnecessary problems over your shoulders.
  • The "Employer is looking for you" job search scheme is more profitable than the "You are looking for an employer" scheme. And after being fired and relocated, you will most likely have to act according to the more aggressive second scheme, that is, first of all, you are looking for a job, and not the employer is interested in you. Not the essence is important, but it has some influence on the perception of the applicant by the employer.

Actively use vacation

An option for those who have already found another job, but are not completely sure of the correctness of the decision and the need to move. Cunning this method is that you are using a scheduled or recent months maternity leave for passing the "correspondence" probationary period. There is a mutual assessment of you by the employer and the employer by you, followed by a decision to move or continue the job search. A plus of the strategy is that it is possible to avoid erroneous dismissal due to own will, minus - you have to sacrifice vacation.

Regardless of the chosen strategy, the job search should be carried out as actively as possible, using 3 main search channels:

  • Targeted appeal in the company of your dreams;
  • Active monitoring free places posted by the employer himself, followed by sending a resume;
  • Placing your resume on specialized job sites.

Skype interviews, despite their growing popularity, do not exclude the need to travel to another city for an interview. Always be prepared for this, as a live interview will not replace either a resume or skype. But when accepting an offer from a non-resident employer, ask about possible support in finding housing, especially if your candidacy is very valuable for the company.

You can study all the offers of employers on the Jobs in Russia portal, according to Rostrud. There are places for "tops" and for laborers. If you sort them by salary, then the top line will be the offer for the boss in Perm region. He is offered a salary of 100 thousand to 280 thousand rubles a month. There are several offers for salaries up to 90 thousand rubles, mainly for turners. The lowest paid offer is a janitor job in Rostov region- 8 thousand rubles a month.

One of the main reasons for the low mobility of citizens is the salary non-competitiveness of vacancies, the Vice-Rector of the Academy of Labor and social relations Alexander Safonov. Why go to another region if you can earn almost as much there as in your small homeland?

Anyone who decides to work in another region can receive 225 thousand for relocation, accommodation and other expenses

The second reason is lack of confidence in tomorrow. plus clean everyday problems housing, for example. As a rule, those who choose to work in another region travel from depressed regions and regions to developing ones, and the price of real estate in them is very different. People are much more interested in working on a rotational basis. Due to the fact that prices in depressed regions are lower than in progressive ones, a person can live quite comfortably on what he earns.

According to the expert, in order for citizens to stop being afraid to change their place of residence, the state should help them. First, we need social support services. Secondly, additional guarantees, for example, an open-ended employment contract.

In the United States, for example, says Alexander Safonov, healthcare professionals working in remote regions and small towns earn 30-50 percent more than their counterparts from major cities and solid medical institutions. This is precisely due to the fact that, having left for work in distant lands, a person is deprived of many communications social character, as well as in a foreign environment, he has higher expenses for arrangement.

By the way, now from the federal and regional budgets in Russia they compensate the employer who hired a person under the labor mobility program, 225 thousand rubles, at the expense of which the employee must pay for moving, training, accommodation and other expenses. During the first 1.5 years of the program, 2.2 thousand people moved, Denis Vasiliev, deputy head of Rostrud, said earlier.

Anyone who is interested in a vacancy on the Jobs in Russia website can also get information about the cost of rental housing, about the infrastructure of the settlement.

Without going into the depth of the study of the causes of labor migration of Russians, we will try to develop an algorithm for the popular in recent times enterprises.

  1. We start by preparing ourselves for changes (we define ourselves more precisely with the choice of upcoming activities, the availability or possibilities of acquiring housing, a living wage).
  2. We collect information about the selected area (how much does housing, food, etc. cost, how much your abilities and experience in this region are in demand and paid). It makes sense to expand the search geographically. Potential employers should also be studied for reliability (one-day offices that appear with different purposes, lots of).
  3. Compiling a resume:
  • indicating the city of residence, it is advised to name the area where you are now with a note "Ready" in the relevant section on moving. All cities where relocation is possible should also be indicated, although this reduces the integrity of the resume. Employer more interesting people aimed at specific place residence and place of work. They assure that Moscow employers quickly respond to the proposals of Muscovites and do not consider profiles from other cities. But, indicating the place of residence in Moscow and your phone number with your native city code, you can get into an awkward position and cause bewilderment of the recruiter; such caught slyness is highly undesirable;
  • in « Additional Information» we inform about the absence of problems with housing and registration at the future place of residence or about the need for housing, about finding a job with accommodation. Your organization will be demonstrated by information about the exact date of the move and readiness to go to work, as well as the reasons for changing the place of residence;
  • in "Wishing for work" specify the type of activity ( , for example).
  1. The questionnaire was exposed in all possible search engines, we are waiting for responses and invitations, but we ourselves look at the vacancies of large sites and local, city ones, we respond to them.
  2. Many search sites in response to a job offer include a cover letter. Here we firmly write about the desire to work only in this city, at this particular enterprise, to apply our abilities in this workplace, since the work is familiar, there is relevant experience and achievements (indicate what was achieved) in the former company engaged in this and that -something and well-known merits in their field.

In the letter, we express our readiness to appear for an interview in person or to hold a Skype meeting. We try to help the employer to form an opinion about us, to make a positive decision.

  1. Preparing for the first interview:
  • If Skype is used, we check the condition of the equipment, the quality of the connection, by the agreed moment of connection, we take care of presenting ourselves in a favorable light (literally, about the lighting in the room), appearance, interior.
  • For us, applicants, the employer should not have unresolved issues of the possibility of a personal meeting, we are ready to appear anywhere and anytime for an interview and go to work when required; we have no problems with housing and registration (or we rely on all this, and the company assumes this).
  • We do not hide our plans for the future and the motives for moving.
  • We are preparing questions for the personnel officer that are really important, not turning into a huge package of requests.
  • Having studied the information about the company, we formulate the answer to the personnel officer to the assumptions about your personal usefulness in it. And the answer to the question about the timing of going to work should be specific, with accurate information - how much time (days, not months) it will take to move or solve some urgent problems.
  1. It will help a lot in your job search. professional groups in social networks, conferences, forums. You can become a freelancer in your activities, try yourself in something new, and then get an assessment of your work, a letter of recommendation, finally. The presence of new acquaintances-colleagues from different cities will not be superfluous either, among them they can provide professional powerful people. It is necessary to use the already existing acquaintances and connections.

Perhaps, having accepted the offer, you will be faced with the fact that you were offered a position of less status and less paid than promised, and lower than the one you previously held. Be ready to build your authority anew, you should not have complexes about this “humiliation”.

A resident of the outback is afraid to suddenly find himself in the midst of everything new, alien, hostile. But this is our planet, our country, our language. Over time, everything will become familiar, dear.

You have joined a company that is engaged in a business familiar to you, focus on the fullest possible, accurate performance of your duties, delve into the “foreign” charter, try to follow it. And let the whole world wait until you adapt and, without particularly going into the cuisine of the new society, declare yourself as a good specialist, colleague, comrade.

Out-of-town candidates cause recruiters fear that the funds and time allocated for them will turn out to be wasted - the newcomer will not justify himself, he will turn out to be incompetent, unnecessarily demanding, he will remain a stranger.

And at the same time undertook the move new employee forced to be useful. It was he who spent his, perhaps, the last funds on a change in fate. And he will try to change himself into better side, which will help the HR not to worry about (what if!) an unsuccessful acquisition of the company.

Non-Russians should be prepared for a deeper examination of the questionnaire. Applicants from other countries should inquire in advance how their employment is legally carried out, what are the rights and obligations of the company when hiring, providing any conditions foreign citizens, for this you need to go to the Russian official website of the FMS.

But these difficulties should not scare away, make you stop in search of a good job. Labor market websites offer their help through the system feedback. They will answer questions, select vacancies, optimize your resume, and advise you on how best to “get through” to the most suitable employer.

How to realize yourself and find a decent job in a city where everyone knows each other and it seems that all the "bread" places are already taken? Yet work in small town(anyone!

Get rid of stereotypes

“Yes, there is no work here ...”

"Well, where do I get settled here? .."

Such motivation is a reflection of your inner pessimism, and with it you will definitely not get a job anywhere (even if tomorrow your city becomes a metropolis). Prove to yourself that you can solve what now seems like a difficult task of finding a job in a small town, and then it will not be difficult for you to adequately present yourself to a good employer. The ability not to cry, but to overcome difficulties is valuable now in the labor market.

If you do not believe in such words, here is a logical confirmation for you:

  • Any business tends to expand and upgrade. Therefore, you can always find a job in this sector, and even if there is no formalized position that suits you now, it will be created. Either with time or seeing you. Often, many areas of development are closed, and many ideas are buried alive, because there is simply no one to deal with them. That's 15 accountants for one workplace. And there are at least 15 times fewer responsible, independent, honest and congenial people.
  • Many enterprises, especially large and city-forming ones, do not know how to correctly communicate their needs for personnel to people (the Soviet habit of doing business), therefore they know for sure that “there is a place there”, only those who work next door or in the personnel department . An unplowed virgin land of possibilities!
  • At enterprises, sometimes there are "hanging people" - people who seem to be working, but not everyone is satisfied. But because of the fear of being completely without an employee, no one is looking for a new one, and he himself is not being looked for. Who knows, maybe by getting a part-time job somewhere “temporarily”, you will get the very full-time job you need?

Search loud

Word of mouth is the most effective method promotion of everything this case you as an employee. Tell everyone that you are looking for a job, what kind, what you know how. And it does not matter that you are a culinary specialist, and your friend is a steelmaker. You never know what kind of acquaintances he has!

Without pessimism, like "I can't find a job, the city is too small!". Even sitting in a cafe, you may well ask if they need someone, you can leave a business card (it will be useful to have one for such a case).

Don't limit your search

Of course, they say that the more specific you present what you want, the more likely it is that you will get it. Q: How much are you looking for? half a life?

You need to try, maybe at one job you will meet someone who will really give you a dream job.

You never know what they say.

If you really need a job, you live in a small town and you won't go through the options, write a list: "I can", or better, write it on a business card and hand it out when you implement point one. The employer will appreciate the courage and unusual approach. At a minimum, he will notice you among hundreds of similar seekers.

Pay attention to the Internet

We are not considering business on the Internet now, so do not rush to close the article.

How to find a job in a small town? And who told you that you can’t work in a big one, but live in a small one?

Now administrators are required for online stores who will work at home, but in fact - throughout the country. Or some organizations use the virtual office principle. accountants, financial analysts, marketers sit at home with Skype turned on and work the same way as before in the office. Languages ​​are taught via Skype. Lawyers consult online.

This trend is taking over everything. large quantity jobs, including in small towns. Why does an employer need to focus on his city if he can find an excellent employee thousands of kilometers away and not pay for an office? So go to major sites in any field of activity and pay attention to the tabs "Jobs" or "Write to us" and feel free to write, ask, offer. Mohammed went to the mountain, why can't you?

Also go to employment sites and look at work not only in your city, perhaps the site does not have a technically debugged search system for employees throughout the country or there is no checkmark that “we are ready to consider an employee from another city”.

In addition, having found the perfect job in another city, you can always make an offer to the employer for a virtual job (if the field allows). Finding good man, the employer may reconsider their requirements. It is sometimes easier to redo some processes than to find an employee.

Write a list of city businesses

And follow them. Or collect information on them: on the Internet, among employees. If everything suits you, go there yourself, ask if they need someone, talk about what you can do and in what area you can be useful to them.

An ordinary resume, most likely, immediately after your departure will fly into the trash, but if you prepare and tell them WHAT they will come from your work with them, then they will think.

Do not sit, find out, go, offer. Often the process of hiring staff in small towns is not well-established for businessmen.


You can find a job in a small town,. While looking, sign up for courses offered by the employment service. Additional skills have not bothered anyone yet, but what if this opportunity “shoots”?

Search everywhere. You never know which option will be successful. Sometimes you can't log in open door and sometimes the exit opens in the wall. The world is very amazing. Use it.

A good person is not a profession, but it is easier to teach a good person than to re-educate a bad one. Employers love initiative. Search.

Who is looking, he ... well, you remember.

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Looking for a job in another city may be called different reasons. Someone is trying to find a job in connection with the forced relocation, and someone specially leaves to build a career. In any case, the question arises before the applicant - what is important to know for employment and how to successfully pass an interview among many competitors?

We determine the timing

Employment for non-residents causes quite a few problems for which you need to be carefully prepared. Therefore, it is necessary to start the search even before moving - monitor the offers of employers and send your resume to the companies of interest.

“Technology today allows you to conduct an initial interview with a job seeker via Skype, so you need to be puzzled by looking for a job shortly before moving,” says recruitment specialist Oksana Ismailova. – A typical mistake applicants in this case is a vague indication of the timing of the move. If the resume does not indicate a specific date when you can start working, then the likelihood of being rejected increases dramatically. If you really cannot name the date of the move with absolute certainty, but you need to take care of being able to come to the face-to-face interview. The employer must see in a potential employee responsible person who knows how to clearly plan his time.

When writing your resume, make sure to include as many the exact date readiness to start work. Phrases like “I plan to move in the next six months” will not leave you any chance to get a job in a serious company.

Some job seekers prefer not to think about looking for a job until the actual move, hoping to find a job immediately after arriving in the city. This is one of the main mistakes. Firstly, the first month housing issues will take up a lot of time, and secondly, unforeseen difficulties may arise in the requirements of employers. And thirdly, do not forget that if you move to Big City, and even more so in the capital, you will face very high competition.

“It is rare that out-of-town job seekers manage to find a job without a preliminary search within the first month,” says Oksana Ismailova. – Sometimes there is no time left for monitoring the market, quite often there are difficulties with registration. Large companies are wary of candidates without registration, so this question should also be considered in advance. I strongly do not advise buying a fake registration - in a serious company it is very easy to figure it out, and your life in a new city will end there.

Studying the labor market

Not less than important question to which you need to be prepared is the supply and demand in the market in a foreign city. Very often the same industries in different cities have their specific features and all your past experience work received in your region may be simply useless.

“Even just by going on business trips, it is easy to see that the service market in different regions has many differences,” says Marketing Department Specialist Sergey Ashmarin. – Some of my colleagues left for the capital and returned back after a few months because their experience did not meet the requirements of the company, although here they were excellent specialists. Therefore, the peculiarities of the market must be studied long before the move. Moreover, if possible, it should be not only theoretical knowledge but also practical. It is necessary to establish the necessary business connections and constantly exchange information. good option there will be a passage professional trainings oriented to the specifics of the region.

The information indicated by the applicant in the resume will not be convincing if there are no references from previous jobs. When applying for a job in another city, this item is especially important, so make sure that the current employer draws up for you letter of recommendation with positive feedback.

“When considering candidates from other cities, the employer will pay attention, first of all, to achievements in professional field, - says Oksana Ismailova. – Therefore, the winners will be those candidates who provide a letter of recommendation from past jobs. It is also important when filling out a resume to focus on professional achievements and numerical indicators, and not just list previous jobs. Specify in detail everything that you could achieve, what you did for the company, how much you increased production or sales, whether you participated in business negotiations which partners were able to attract.

If you have previously worked in companies that are leaders in your region, then this should also be noted. But to list those places where you worked for several months and achieved nothing is not worth it. A potential employer is unlikely to be happy with an employee who could not prove himself even in his city.

After compiling a resume, you need to send it to those search channels that are most popular in the city where the move is planned.

How to get a pre-interview

The first interview with non-resident candidates is most often conducted via video link. However, this does not mean that it can be taken lightly. A video interview requires just as much preparation as a face-to-face meeting, so make sure you dress appropriately and think carefully about your speech.

"You don't have to talk to potential employer in a dressing gown and with an untidy look, even if this conversation is conducted via Skype,” says Oksana Ismailova. - It is from the first interview, regardless of whether it is face-to-face or conducted in video format, that one gets the impression of a potential employee, which will be quite difficult to change. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of your appearance, as well as the environment that the interlocutor will see. Try to appear responsible and business man. Also, be prepared for questions about your arrival time and your ability to visit the city in the next few days. The applicant must understand that by hiring a person from another city, the employer also bears considerable risks. Therefore, if you cannot clearly determine the time frame in which you are ready to start work, then the chance of employment is almost zero.

To summarize: looking for a job in another city is associated with considerable difficulties. Therefore, it is necessary to start studying the labor market long before the expected move. It is especially important to pay attention to the specific features of your industry in a foreign region, to correctly compose a resume listing all your achievements, prepare a letter of recommendation and indicate the time frame in which you can start working. If these recommendations are followed, the candidate has every chance not only to be as prepared for the interview as possible, but also to choose a company that meets his expectations.