Phone conversations are best. How to communicate effectively over the phone

AT modern world business, overflowing with information and communication, the ability to conduct a business conversation or negotiate with partners and customers is a determining success factor. It is possible to convince an opponent in a dispute, to be able to prove the importance and necessity of your project using certain tactics and strategies. We'll talk more about this in our article.

Business negotiations: secrets of communication

In the process of negotiating with partners and clients, everything is important:

  • preparation for negotiations;
  • ability to communicate with opponents and colleagues;
  • understanding the psychology of negotiation processes and accepting the interests of another person;
  • ethics of negotiation, the structure and stages of the conversation;
  • facial expressions, gestures and literacy of speech are all determining success factors in negotiations at various levels.

What do they represent business negotiations? Business negotiations are a form of communication and interconnection of two parties with opposite or coinciding interests, the purpose of which is to reach certain agreements or further mutually beneficial cooperation.

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The importance of conducting business negotiations is also proved by the fact that today individual researchers and even scientific communities around the world.

What determines the success of negotiations? First of all, on how well the host, the party most interested in the success of the event, prepares for them.

We constantly face negotiations in Everyday life when we need to reach an agreement or get some benefit, and this is possible only after an exchange of views with another person.

Business negotiations, as a rule, are conducted in the political, business sphere, sphere international relations and other areas where communication with opposite parties plays a crucial role. Most often, the parties sit down at the negotiating table when they pursue certain goals:

  • Extension of existing agreements on current terms;
  • Extension of existing agreements on new terms;
  • Communications for parties that have not previously had agreements;
  • Renewal of relationships;
  • Termination of cooperation and discussion of its conditions.

Also, business negotiations can be conditionally divided into situational and strategic ones. In the first case, discussion controversial nuances in the course of relations between the parties, and in the second, key issues are discussed and global tasks are solved, as a result of which the vector of development of the entire business or a certain area of ​​activity as a whole is “set”.

Also, business negotiations can be individual - when communications are carried out between two people, as a rule, officials or heads of enterprises tete-a-tete and collective - during which several specialists, employees or managers participate different levels from each side.

Stages of business negotiations

Today, experienced entrepreneurs know firsthand that conducting business negotiations is a whole art, which can be comprehended indefinitely.

There are special trainings on conducting business negotiations, quite a few different technologies have been developed.

Why is it so important? First of all, because most often the parties during the negotiations have opposite points vision and goals, which means that each of the interlocutors in the process of communication pursues a single goal - to convince the opponent and complete the negotiations in their favor.

In pursuit of this goal, the interlocutor must be firm, but flexible, must be able to give in, compromise, but at the same time remain of his opinion in order to achieve his own benefit.

Be competent in your field, have excellent communication skills, competent speech, be able to manage their emotions and have the gift of persuasion while using "body language" - all these skills a person must have to effectively conduct business negotiations.

As a rule, all negotiations are built according to a standard scheme within several main stages. Since there are types of business negotiations today great multitude, but still, their model can be generalized, and therefore experts distinguish several main stages.

  1. Preparation for negotiations. This stage is really important because the outcome of the negotiations directly depends on how the parties prepare for them;
  2. Beginning of negotiations. The "protocol stage", as it is often called, begins at the moment of the meeting of the parties, and this stage plays important role, since it is the first impression, the meeting will play an important role in making a decision and will affect the results of the meeting;
  3. Discussion, problem solving. On the this stage the parties exchange information, remarks, express their views on certain issues, discuss prospects or try to convince opponents of something. This is the climax milestone during business negotiations;
  4. Decision-making. Based on the results of business negotiations, the parties make a decision: this may be the signing of a document, the achievement of certain agreements, or, on the contrary, the decision to terminate cooperation and all past agreements;
  5. Analysis of the results of the meeting.

The scheme presented above is quite general, it may contain additions (for example, additional events are organized within the framework of negotiations) and exceptions, depending on the specifics or area in which negotiations are conducted, but, in general, all business negotiations are built according to this model .

Preparing for negotiations

To ensure that negotiations with both partners and customers take place according to top level and in your favor, you need to carefully prepare for them. This is not an easy task, but the outcome of the meeting depends on it.

What is the purpose of negotiations? Of course, this is to convince the opponent of something. As you know, negotiations are held because the interests of the “negotiators” partially coincide.

That is, if they did not coincide at all, then negotiations would not be needed, and if they coincided completely, then the need for them would simply disappear.

On the initial stage Before negotiating, it must be remembered that business negotiations are not a “random conversation”, but a clearly planned sequence of actions within a certain plan.

To do this, at the stage of planning and preparing for negotiations, it is necessary to perform the following tasks:

  • You must clearly know the subject of negotiations, the specifics of the problem under discussion, understand the issue "from and to" so that, firstly, your opponent cannot mislead you with his arguments or "confuse" you. As a rule, the one who better understands the problem and issue “wins” in negotiations;
  • Model the beginning, the course and the end of the meeting in your head. In what way will the conversation take place? According to what plan will it develop? In what way should the interlocutors be set up? All this is up to you. Without sample program, a conversation script is indispensable here;
  • Think over all the questions to the opponent, sketch out the theses and basic phrases with which you will run away from the interlocutor. Prioritize and decide for yourself what points during the negotiations you will need to pay attention to Special attention, and what aspects can be left “for later”;
  • A business conversation should include both offensive and defensive. Consider the moments in which you are ready to compromise, and those aspects that you will defend to the last;
  • Imagine yourself in the opponent's place. What are his motives, goals, interests? Find " weakness» from your opponent, that key moment in the discussion, which is the most interesting and important for him. If the issue is price, then your “trump card” will be a profitable price reduction, but if a partner or client is interested in something specific, then always be ready to make concessions to him in these matters;
  • In the process of conducting a business conversation, it is really important to conduct "reconnaissance" of your partner or client. What firm does the manager represent, what proposal might he be interested in? What is the urgent need for the partner firm today? Everyone must be competent in their partner's business when both parties sit down at the negotiating table;
  • Rehearse your main speech. If within the business conversation a presentation is expected, it is necessary to prepare for it. Always speak clearly and to the point;
  • Think over the number of participants in the negotiations on your part, try to attract the most competent specialists who are well-versed in the subject and the skill of persuasion, try to clearly explain to them the goals of the meeting.

Also, immediately before the negotiations, it is necessary to study and fully imagine such aspects as;

  • purpose and subject of negotiations;
  • what kind of company the second party represents;
  • what kind of people are present at the negotiations and what level these specialists are;
  • under what conditions the meeting will take place;
  • What kind of relationship do the parties have - warm and mutually beneficial or cold and tense?

But, the most important thing to do before the parties sit down at the negotiating table is to identify the interests of the parties. When both parties clearly understand what goals and what benefits they pursue and what interests their opponent is guided by, this will greatly facilitate the process of negotiating.

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11 Secrets of Successful Business Negotiations

Before starting business negotiations, there are a few things to be aware of. binding laws conducting such meetings and a few secrets that will help achieve the desired result:

  1. You won't get a second chance to make a first impression., which means that the meeting plays an important role. According to the ethics of business communication, you need to greet the interlocutor with a handshake, and the first to give a hand is the one who is the organizer of the meeting or the one on whose "side" it is held;
  2. Turning to the essence of the issue, it is better to start with voicing and clarifying interests and positions of the parties. After it becomes clear what goals are pursued by the meeting participants, it will be easier to move on to substantiating their views, discussing "hot" issues;
  3. Always remember that meeting times are limited.. It is necessary to do without long boring monologues, abstract stories. All arguments, thoughts, facts and points of view must be stated clearly, simply, understandably and as concisely as possible. This will help the other party understand your position immediately.
  4. During business negotiations, always try to be polite, do not raise your voice even at the most critical moments, do not succumb to emotions and in no case go personal even in the most heated argument;
  5. If an opponent asks you a question to which you do not know the answer, the best tactic will divert his attention asking him a counter question. This, as a rule, confuses a person and he may no longer return to a “difficult” question for you;
  6. If you know in advance that the negotiations are going to be difficult, that is, the reaction opposite side a negative response is expected to your proposal or arguments, then to such a development of events need to prepare in advance. First, find out which solution this issue will be ideal for your opponent, and which you can give up without loss in order to “please” your opponent;
  7. Try to always come to a compromise solution when there is a conflict of interest. The agreement must be approached in stages, when the negotiators will gradually move away from their requirements, by putting forward new proposals;
  8. try tactfully "find out" the hidden needs of the client or a partner and offer a solution to their problems based on your product or service. Talk about discounts, bonuses that a partner can receive;
  9. If the client or partner is not satisfied with the price, convince him that the product or service is "worth" the money if the client claims that your competitors offer a better offer, tell him about your advantages, put forward new ones convincing arguments in your favor;
  10. On the final stages business negotiations once again announce the results of the meeting, verbally or in writing fixing them. Once again, “describe” to the partner or client the course of your further action after the signing of the contract or the conclusion of the agreement;
  11. During business negotiations, avoid basic mistakes: don't let the other party false information, avoid an "instructive" tone during the conversation, listen to all the arguments and arguments of the other side as carefully and interestedly as possible.

In general, the success of business negotiations directly depends on the ability to manage the course of the meeting, on correct setting issues, and most importantly - from the observance by partners of ethical standards of negotiation, such as punctuality, accuracy, correctness, tact and honesty.

Negotiation tactics that guarantee results. Video

Every businessman should know how to conduct telephone conversations. dynamic rhythm modern life dictates its own rules. The desire to increase sales, improve the quality of service or improve technological processes compels business people increasingly perform many tasks outside of their office. The time allotted for solving current office problems is often scheduled by the minute. In such a situation, it is almost impossible to pay attention to the interlocutor who has done the honor of an unplanned visit. Telephone communication has become a full-fledged way of negotiating. However, the necessary agreements can only be reached if there is an understanding key features this form of communication

Preparing for a conversation

Before conducting telephone conversations, you need to prepare for them. In this case, communication will be as productive and focused on a specific interlocutor as possible. This approach is simply necessary in the case of presenting your services and goods to potential business partners or clients. Typically, preparation involves the following steps:

  1. Intelligence (search for information about the company of interest and its management helps to identify needs; sources of this type of information can be various forums, printed publications, the organization's website, reviews of other partners, etc.);
  2. Development of an exclusive offer (the presentation should take into account the industry, market position, work prescription, etc., since the terms of cooperation should be adapted to solving the problems of a particular company);
  3. Goal setting (focus on expected results allows you to choose the most effective means; negotiations may involve acquaintance, preliminary agreements, sale, etc.).

Intonation nuances

Understanding how to conduct telephone conversations contributes to the choice correct intonation. The main difference between communication of this format is the absolute concentration of the interlocutor's attention on the auditory and verbal features of the presentation of the material.

To achieve the maximum effect, several rules should be followed in terms of intonation:

  • try to communicate only in the most appropriate mood for this (otherwise, the feeling forced necessity transferred to the interlocutor);
  • present the material optimistically (a slight friendly smile will help make communication more pleasant);
  • radiate confidence in the value of your proposal (often even the opportunity given to the partner to refuse allows you to achieve the desired results faster than numerous arguments);
  • avoid begging intonations (with psychological point view, the request can irritate and provoke refusal);
  • apply adjustment to the interlocutor (the ability to speak with the same volume and speed contributes to the most successful delivery of information).

Word design

Almost all types of communication involve following certain traditions. Compliance business etiquette will favorably reflect the cultural level of the initiator of the call and will allow you to demonstrate concern for the interlocutor. Successful communication help over the phone:

  • classic greeting (a small self-presentation usually includes last name, first name, position, company and purpose; this helps to understand the importance of the call);
  • definition chronological framework conversation (information about the planned duration of communication will allow the interlocutor to assess the possibility of communication in a specific period of time);
  • formulation of proposals in in a positive way(heard denials at the subconscious level force you to refuse the offer).

Induce the interlocutor to the necessary actions can various tricks. Telephone sales technique makes it possible to effectively use many traditional ways to attract a client or partner in a conversation. These include:

  • presentation in the “features-benefits” format (this presentation of information will explain specific benefits certain clauses of the offer);
  • the principle of triple “yes” (obtaining agreement on 2 minor issues with a high probability will allow reaching agreements on the third);
  • clarity in numbers and details (the use of statistics and detailed calculations inspires confidence);
  • link to respected partners (mention famous people as real clients or business partners indicates the obvious value and profitability of cooperation);
  • rhetorical questions (this form helps to formulate hidden statements);
  • choice without an alternative (a proposal in this format contributes to the achievement of desired result regardless of the decision of the interlocutor), etc.

Orientation to the future

Often, talking on the phone is just one step in a long negotiation process. An indicator of the success of communication in this case is an agreement on a further meeting. For the initiator of the call, it is fundamentally important to be able to control the situation until the end of the conversation. It is he who must clarify the time necessary for making a decision, find out the coordinates of the employee assigned to this direction, and agree on the date of the control call. Proper telephone conversations will attract promising customers and reliable partners. It will help dynamic development business and make good profits.


We offer you to watch a video in which a business coach talks about the technique of conducting telephone conversations.


Show genuine interest in the person you are talking to.

Be careful, try to communicate in his language (use images that he understands, use his terminology), and do not forget to demonstrate your professional competence.

Address your opponent by his patronymic, avoiding familiarity or vague address.

Let him know that you are on his side and try to help him.


Do not get carried away by now fashionable adjustment and mirroring. By doing this intrusively and ineptly, you will only alienate customers and cause irritation.
By knowing how to talk to customers without causing such a reaction, you will achieve best results in promoting their interests.

Useful advice

Do not forget to greet and say goodbye to the client, sincerely saying greetings and wishes.
Remember - the best seller is not the one who actively offers the product, but the one who offers the client the best solution to his personal problem.


  • how to talk to the manager

Your personal success and the income of the company you work for as a whole largely depend on how well you build communication with your existing and potential customers.


Even if you have a lot of work and a huge list of clients, you should not announce to each of them how many other buyers are ahead of him in the queue. Do everything in your power to make the client feel special and special. Of course, it is worth observing the feeling dignity otherwise the person will not see you as a person. Be calm and polite, but don't talk obsequiously to the person.

When selling a product or service, first find out the needs of the client, and only then proceed to the presentation. Some managers allow big mistake. They do not understand why a person came to them, what prompted the company to contact their organization, and immediately begin to offer something. Such a sale may not take place precisely because this case the seller did not identify the needs of the buyer. Find out what the situation of your client is, what he expects, and only then start presenting the product or service.

When responding to customer objections, follow certain rules. Do not argue with the buyer. Listen to his doubt or claim to the end. Do not interrupt the client, let him speak. Then demonstrate that you share his concerns, that his question is well founded. If this is not possible, then at least just show that you understand the client. You can ask clarifying questions to clarify the situation. Then answer the objection clearly, clearly and with reason. Check if the client understood you and clarify if you dispelled his doubts.

The basis of the correct treatment of customers is how you perceive them. If you treat your customers solely as cash cows, you are unlikely to succeed in productive communication. And when you talk to the buyer with respect, attention and sincere interest, demonstrate your disposition and desire to help, he feels it.

When two business people meet, everything is simple. They shook each other, smiled, talked. When you see the interlocutor in front of you, talking with him is much easier. But it also happens that the opponent is at a great distance from us, we have never seen him in person. It's about about telephone conversations. According to statistics, business people from four to twenty-five percent of their working time "hang" on the phone. It's comfortable. can be accepted operational solution, no need to go anywhere or send a letter. The phone is ideal for getting information and advice. However, in a telephone conversation the only weapon- voice and speech. True, you are deprived of the opportunity to track the reaction of the interlocutor by gestures or glances. In addition, a telephone conversation is usually more time-limited than a face-to-face meeting. But this type of conversation has a lot of advantages. After all, the interlocutor does not see either you, or your suit, or your office. He judges by the timbre of the voice and intonations. And then everything is in your hands! Or vocal cords...

Preparation first!

Getting the phone ready. There is no room for improvisation in telephone conversations. Everything must be ready in advance. And first of all - the telephone set. Even if the interlocutor is pre-configured benevolently, poor quality Communication will quickly spoil his mood. A self-respecting person will not shout over the noise, squeak and squeal in the receiver. Please use decent lines.

We make a memo. Now turn to the topic of negotiations. It has already been said above that they require serious and painstaking preparation. And presence telephone set as an intermediary does not change anything. Even vice versa. In a personal meeting, you can afford a couple of interjections, a few sentences that are not relevant. On the phone you need to speak quickly, clearly and only to the point. You can’t spread your thoughts along the tree, otherwise your buzzing in the receiver will get tired of your interlocutor very quickly. And he also has things to do, he is also in a hurry somewhere ... Make it a rule - before each conversation, draw up a reminder for yourself: what you need to say and what you should never say. Your speech should be "licked" in advance!

We put a vote. Without a confident voice and clear diction, you don’t even have to answer the phone. Therefore, take the trouble to work out the pronunciation in advance, to achieve confident intonations. Calmness, confidence, solidity in the voice - a guarantee of success.

Getting a job, say, in the Helpline is not as easy as it might seem. After all, a lot depends on intonation. They will first check the "intonation pattern" of the candidate's speech. Does it show irritation or disdain? Sometimes our speech seems absolutely normal to us, but others hear it so-and-so... In the Helpline, people are trained in a special way. They try to select the owners of voices with a pleasant timbre and those who have a clear diction.

Getting ready for rejection. In our crazy time, people sometimes do not have a minute for a very important conversation. Psychologically prepare for the fact that the interlocutor now does not have time for a conversation. Make an appointment right now for another time. You also need to be prepared for the objections that, as you know, arise in the course of any conversation.

10 seconds saves 10 minutes

However, before calling specific person, ask yourself again if you need it and what benefits these negotiations will bring. Have you made sure that the call is really necessary? Before picking up the handset, follow a few simple steps.

  1. Once again, clearly imagine everything that you are going to say.
  2. Think about the future interlocutor and what he would like to hear.
  3. Plan ahead in your mind short message to dictate if the other party is away and the secretary or answering machine answers.
  4. Put all the necessary documents on the table.
  5. Get paper and pen ready.
  6. Write a short summary of the most important names and facts.
  7. Relax and take a few deep breaths before picking up the phone.
  8. Mentally imagine the future interlocutor.
  9. Think of something nice.
  10. Try to call only when your interlocutor is not busy with anything and he has time to talk.

How to write a memo

Whatever you say, the memo for the conversation is important. How many times have you found yourself in a stupid situation: the number is dialed, and everything you were going to say suddenly flew out of your head. And now the arguments are no longer so logical, and the interlocutor intercepts the initiative from you. After all, it takes one minute to remember! Write down literally one sentence for each point of the conversation. Number them. Write clearly, there will be no time to understand your scribbles. And only having made a clear plan, call without fear.

By the way, a separate item of the memo should be: "What exactly do I want to achieve." Do you need to make an appointment? Or about the supply of equipment? And did you get what you wanted? Check the memo and end the conversation. Business does not tolerate idle chatter ... Remember: everything that can be said off the phone should be said off the phone. Using the device, you can arrange a meeting, give quick, clear and clear arguments. Make the interlocutor come to this meeting, “peck” on your offer. The goal is to generate interest. Here's another reason to think ahead. But the main thing: no one needs long conversations, just like unclear and vague deadlines.

By the way, the memo can also serve as a kind of concise outline of the conversation. Such a detailed memo is needed if the conversation is going to be complex and delicate. For example, you need to apologize to someone. You will feel much more confident if all the “necessary” words and expressions are already in front of your eyes. So, do not get confused and do not become nervous. That in itself promises the success of your mission.

By the way, it does not hurt to put an empty sheet next to the memo. Sometimes it is simply necessary to capture significant points and details during a conversation. Don't trust own memory too much. There are already a hundred things in your poor head, so why bother once again because of a telephone conversation? Put it on paper and with a clear conscience forget about it.

Confidence is the key to success!

An uncertain voice is a guarantee of failure in a telephone conversation. In a personal meeting, uncertain notes can be masked with a smile, gesticulation, or something else. Only a voice is heard on the phone. And the lack of confidence here is like death. But confident people can sometimes achieve significant success.

Another case that we talk about at the trainings. It was about residency. Junior researchers, waiting for the exam on foreign language. But for some reason, the administration was in no hurry. It was necessary to negotiate with the department of another institute, but they simply did not need an extra load. Then Alexander, the same junior Researcher, like everyone else, I decided to call this department myself. He had a pleasant confident voice He knew how to play with intonation. “Hello, you are receiving a call from the Research Institute... Future professors are here waiting for an exam... Yes, at any time... Who is speaking? Alexander Ivanovich. That department agreed without hesitation, only asked for the necessary paper. The fact is that the person "at the other end of the line" mistook Alexander, at least for the director of the research institute. It was even inconvenient for him to ask again who exactly was talking to him. That's what confidence in the voice means! And the residents passed the exam in a clearly appointed time.

That is why pumping yourself with confidence before talking is necessary. Even the most uninhibited person before telephone conversations feels a little uncomfortable. What if they won't listen to him? Will they hang up after a couple of minutes? Of course, such thoughts do not add self-confidence. So charge yourself with faith in your strength! Before calling, joke, tell a joke, laugh, laugh. And put a reminder before your eyes. With the text you always feel much more confident.

Prepare for battle! Sit comfortably so that the diaphragm is free. No need to curl up in a chair, it is better to lean back and relax. The voice is your weapon, so breathing should be as free as possible. Some people find it more comfortable to stand while talking. Someone walk - it creates a kind of rhythm. It's best to experiment ahead of time. Try to determine how you "say" better: lying down, sitting or standing.

Learn to follow your breath, speak only on the exhale.

And remember: voice is power! People tend to attribute to other people advantages or disadvantages in accordance with the first impression. Hearing a sonorous melodious voice, we see in front of us a young and beautiful girl. The velvety bass creates the impression of a "voluminous", self-confident boss. The whole problem is that very often voice and appearance have nothing in common.

One of the visitors to our trainings told how she arranged negotiations with the director of a large company. Before that they for a long time talked on the phone. She was struck by his deep and pleasant baritone, in his voice one could feel confidence and possession of all life's blessings. She became so interested that she decided to attend the talks in person. Seeing a stately, broad-shouldered middle-aged man, she, smiling, went towards him. She was startled to hear his high, shrill voice. The owner of the familiar baritone turned out to be a short, bald little man, almost lost in the crowd of the delegation...

Voice, manner of speaking, diction, pronunciation are extremely important. Consider Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion. How did the hero of the play manage to make a lady out of a simple flower girl? Changing her pronunciation, diction and manner of speaking.

Phone Traps

What "pits" are waiting for someone who decides to conduct serious business negotiations over the phone?

Apparatus trap. Bad technique will nullify even the most brilliant speech. Cleanliness of telephone lines - first of all. Otherwise, the interlocutor will only have an earache.

Text trap. I repeat once again: without a memo anywhere! 99% - preparation, 1% - improvisation. You need a pre-written text! Especially since when you're talking on the phone, more attention worth paying attention to HOW you speak. WHAT to tell you should be written on a piece of paper and be in front of your eyes.

diction trap. Bad diction will obscure the meaning of the statements. So, if you have speech problems, it makes sense to use some other way of negotiating.

Bounce trap. It’s also worth preparing for failures in advance. And to know exactly what you will say in this or that case.

intonation trap. Irritation, uncertainty, boredom in the voice are always very "striking". Be kind enough to achieve the perfect intonation pattern. Who will talk to a bore who pulls every word? The interlocutor will not want to sleep by the phone or slowly sink into depression, he simply will not communicate with you.

If the phone rang...

Correctly answering a business call is, by the way, also an art. Which, alas, many business people do not own. And you just need to remember a few rules.

  • The handset should be picked up immediately after the first ring. If you have a visitor, you are writing a letter, or you are busy with something else, it is perfectly acceptable to answer after the phone rings two or three times. But it's better not to delay. Remember: it is in your interest to answer every call. What if there is a person with the best business offer on the other end?
  • If you can't hear well, don't shout into the phone. It's you who can't hear the caller well, not him. Ask him to speak louder, ask how he hears you.
  • "Yes", "Hello", "I'm listening" - all these options for starting a conversation in business world are at least inappropriate. After picking up the phone, you need to introduce yourself: say the name of the company and your last name. If the subscriber has the wrong number, the mistake will immediately become clear and you won't have to waste time on unnecessary conversations.
  • Never be rude. You don't know who is on the other end of the wire. But whoever it is, he doesn't care that you just had a fight with your boss or flunked the annual report and your mood is to hell ...
  • If they call your colleague who is not in place, you should not abruptly “send off” the caller. After all, he needs to get through, he will ring in an hour, and in two. Wouldn't it be better to politely ask who it is and what to say to a colleague?
  • Learn to "receive telephone messages." By the way, there are special forms for recording telephone messages. It indicates who called, when they called and what they wanted to say.
  • Never say "no" on the phone. Look for positive wording. Forget the phrase "I don't know" or "I can't." You work here, it's your responsibility to know. And if it is impossible to fulfill the client’s desire, instead of a direct refusal, you can always offer Alternative option. If you need to step away from the phone for a couple of minutes, honestly tell the other person how long you are leaving and ask if they can wait. The usual "I'll wait a second" will not work here.
  • Don't talk to anonymous people. If the interlocutor; forgot to name, politely ask who he is and where he is from. Otherwise, you risk making a lot of mistakes when accepting an order or providing information to it.
  • The caller ends the call. Impatiently "rounding off" the interlocutor is at least a bad form. Perhaps the interlocutor still has questions, and you have already hung up the phone ...
  • At the end of the conversation, reassure the interlocutor that you are always happy to call and meet with him. Thank him if he helped you or gave you good news. Wish you all the best and say goodbye.

I. Vagin, N. Kirsheva. Negotiation: win every round. M. 2002

From this article you will learn:

  • How to negotiate with a client
  • How to negotiate a price with a client
  • What books are there on how to negotiate with a client

Nowadays, it is not enough just to create a product or offer a service. You need to be able to sell them. And this will require the skills of negotiating the price. In the article, we will dwell on how to negotiate with a client, provide practical advice, as well as offer literature that will help you become professionals.

7 basic rules for how to negotiate with a client

For successful negotiations, the following rules must be observed.

  1. Training.

Even before negotiations begin, you need to have a firm understanding of what their purpose is. It will be great if you suggest three final options - one that is planned, one that will be acceptable to you, and also undesirable. For all variations, you should prepare a line of conduct that you will adhere to. Suppose it becomes obvious to you that the negotiations are not going as expected, you are unable to reach a consensus with the interlocutor. In this case, you need to use techniques that will help resolve the situation.

  1. Performance.

In order to negotiate with the client most effectively, at the very beginning of the conversation, you need to introduce yourself to him, explain exactly who you are and what company you represent, why he was invited to the meeting. Such a beginning will help to avoid further questions. You can start an informal conversation only if you know the art of talking on topics that are not related to the subject of the main conversation. Otherwise, when the conversation “about nothing” begins only “for appearance”, it can become a waste of time, which business people do not have enough anyway. In this case, you should immediately go to the main thing.

  1. Understanding.

Of course, during the negotiations, you first need to be guided by self-interest. However, looking at the conversation through the eyes of the interlocutor can be very useful. With this technique, you will be able to better understand what the merits of your proposal and how to emphasize.

  1. Entourage and appearance (for "live" negotiations).

For the success of the negotiations, the place of their holding is important. It is worth making sure that no one distracts you. If meeting in the office, create a businesslike atmosphere. If a cafe is chosen for the conversation, let it be quiet and cozy. You should not invite persons whose presence is not mandatory to participate in the negotiations. Keep track of the time of the meeting, you should not delay it, but you should not constantly look at your watch - this is indecent and indicates your disinterest in the deal. Pay attention to your appearance- He must be careful. You came to a business meeting, which means you need to look appropriate.

  1. positive nature of the conversation.

You and your client have an interest in further profitable cooperation. It is necessary to negotiate with the client, adhering to positive attitude. At the same time, one must show sincere interest in the subject of the meeting, openly demonstrate lively emotions. If you are truly confident in your product / service, then you will talk about the benefits of cooperation with enthusiasm and a gleam in your eyes. At the same time, do not forget about the distance. There is a possibility that you and your client will become close friends in the future, but at present you represent different business sides and advocate for your needs.

  1. Specify.

If any phrase of the interlocutor is not clear to you, be sure to clarify what he meant. Clarifying questions - The best way dealing with misunderstandings, insecurities, doubts, etc.

  1. A good end to a conversation.

Negotiations should end with a mutual result. You can end the conversation with a certain compromise, preliminary agreement, or even come to a categorical disagreement with the interlocutor. In any case, the negotiation process should be logically completed, even if it is only a stage of further cooperation, and there are still numerous meetings and correspondence ahead. The negotiations that took place should be treated like a chapter of a book that you have read and drawn the appropriate conclusions. Of course, we must not forget about elementary politeness. A man should shake hands, a woman should smile, wish have a good day. These requirements must be observed regardless of how the conversation ended.

  1. We calculate the price in advance.

You are lucky if you are one of a kind in the market you represent. Then the final price of the product/service is calculated by multiplying the direct and indirect costs by three or four (this is normal, since you pay salaries to employees and pay taxes).

If there are rivals, ask what the cost of their similar product or service is. In this case, you will be able to offer the client a competitive price without underestimating or overestimating it. Negotiating with a client is much easier, knowing the pricing policy and offers of competitors.

  1. Goods - face!

To begin with, you should tell the client why it is beneficial for him to purchase this product or service from you. It will be great if at the same time you refer to the numbers, showing how easy, economical, multifunctional, and convenient your product is to use. If you correctly tell about all the benefits, it is unlikely that the consumer will consider that the cost of the product/service is too high, and, therefore, it will be much easier to negotiate with him.

  1. Your problems of the consumer do not concern!

Under no circumstances should you be embarrassed. In addition to understanding how to negotiate, the seller needs to know about all the merits of his product, how good it is and how highly valued it is in the market. No need to tell the buyer about how expensive raw materials and production are - the client should not be worried about your costs.

At the same time, you should definitely tell the potential consumer about saving time and money, which will provide him with the purchase of your product / service.

  1. Define a trade discount and additional benefits!

There are buyers for whom it is very important to bargain in advance, otherwise they are not interested in buying. Of course, in the case of working with small consumers who take a couple of units of goods, we are not talking about big discounts (unless you are running a sale). But when you work with large customers, it makes sense to pre-compile a table of discounts when buying 100, 150, 300 units of products and other bonuses, for example, in the form of payment in installments with several interest-free payments, free shipping, extending the warranty period, etc.

  1. Don't start by talking about price!

It is best to negotiate with a client according to the principle of “multi-colored dragees”. To begin with, you should familiarize him with the assortment (if there are products in different price categories), show the product in action or tell about it, explain the benefits that the client will receive after purchasing the product. Only after that you can firmly but politely name the price (if the customer immediately starts haggling, you can say that this issue is discussed additionally). Next, we should talk about possible additional benefits for the buyer, for example, the ability to exchange goods, supplement them with components, etc.

  1. Don't be afraid to say "No!" client.

When a customer wants a discount more than that, which can actually be provided, do not hesitate to say that such an offer is unprofitable. At the same time, you can offer your options: installment purchase, use of a company club card, purchase of a cheaper product (which will be less economical and more noisy), a two-year warranty. Can you explain that rendering additional services in your power, but giving a higher discount is not.

  1. Does the buyer take the initiative?

Does the client immediately talk about the price without asking any questions? Ask why he chose this particular model, maybe he needs a more powerful one or vice versa, ask about the conditions in which the product is supposed to be used (it’s not worth proving that an office vacuum cleaner is not suitable for a small apartment, but you can note its severity and energy consumption). Move the consumer's attention to other products. The question: “How do you like this model?” will give the client the opportunity to think, after which he is likely to agree with your arguments and the cost of the product.

  1. The price is good to compare with anything.

For example, when selling a book, you can note that its price is equal to the cost of fifteen bus rides. Offering an orthopedic mattress, you can mention that when you were in a restaurant, you left some money there, but you could buy the right thing instead of “hitting” in a cafe.

If you are negotiating with a client to sell insurance, say that for an urgent operation you can pay about 50 thousand rubles immediately, and for insurance you need to pay only 1 thousand monthly, that is, in a year the savings will be 50%.

How to negotiate with a client on the phone

The main channel of communication with customers today is the telephone. It is important that your communication leaves the client satisfied. However, many people have a fear of a telephone conversation, and in most cases it is the reason for unsuccessful negotiations. You can overcome unnecessary excitement with the help of the following techniques.

First of all, you should say hello sincerely and politely.

That is, to begin with, say hello, then name the company you represent, and then introduce yourself. This will give the client the opportunity to get used to your style of presentation and make further communication lighter. Psychologically, this technique helps the interlocutor feel more comfortable and safer, which also affects the effectiveness of negotiations. Keep in mind that the end of a sentence is easier to remember, so the most meaningful information needs to be stated at the end.

Do not neglect the so-called "verbal handshake"

In order to negotiate with a client on the phone correctly, you should consider the following points. The caller has the ability to evaluate you and your organization by hearing alone. You may not know, but we receive only 7% of information through words, while paralinguistic signals (intonation, voice tonality, speech volume) allow us to receive up to 38% of information. While talking on the phone, we more using the auditory channel.

If your voice sounds friendly during the conversation, then the client's voice "mirrors" your attitude. Therefore, even if at the time of negotiations you are in bad mood customers must be treated kindly. Great importance has a tone of voice. Low tone is perceived more attractively, professionally and "not indifferently", in contrast to the high.

If you have an accent or a certain dialect in your speech, you should speak more slowly. The handset must be taken as quickly as possible, because after listening to 5 beeps, the client begins to lose his temper. In most cases, the waiting time is longer, and if in fact one minute has passed, then the caller may seem to be waiting for at least three minutes. This will affect the attitude of the customer towards the employee who answered the call. Annoyed by expectation, a person is not ready to listen to the arguments of the interlocutor.

Do not tell the interlocutor: “Wait, please, a second!”

For the one who calls, this phrase is meaningless. It will be better if you explain to the potential client why he needs to wait for you. Returning to the conversation, thank the interlocutor for waiting and apologize for the current situation.

Allow the interviewer to answer the questions

You should not talk about your assumptions about any points of the conversation. The interlocutor must be carefully listened to, comprehend his phrases. After that, you need to repeat his words, separating them from negative and emotional statements, thereby showing that you heard everything correctly.

If you have any doubts about the words of the client, you should ask clarifying questions. Remember that you can not interrupt the consumer, especially if he is in an irritated state. Thus, you will piss him off even more, but most of all terrible mistake– an attempt to talk simultaneously with the customer.

In no case do not put the handset on the table while you are negotiating with a client, if you do not want your interlocutor to hear any information not intended for him. If you need to pause the conversation, it is better to use the "Mute" ("turn off the microphone") key on the telephone.

  • When calling third-party organizations, it makes sense to find out the name of the secretary (interlocutor) and address him by name in a conversation. This technique will present you in a more favorable light.
  • Last but not least, do not divert calls under any circumstances.

Imagine yourself in the place of a person who needs to dial extension numbers one by one. Your task is to help the client in case of call forwarding: tell him the name and position of the person to whom you are forwarding the call, as well as his extension number, if necessary. Effective communication over the phone is quite difficult, it requires a lot of dedication and training. All people are different, with everyone in a conversation you need to use different ways and communication styles. Do not forget that by taking care of the client, you can count on reciprocal attention. Otherwise, your competitor will be able to take care of your potential client.