Man as a carrier of public social relations. Man as a subject and object of social relations

1. Man as a subject social relations and conscious activity defined by the concept: a. citizen b. personality, c. individual, g. individual. 2. An individual person as a representative of the human race is defined by the concept: a. citizen b. personality, c.individuum, g.individual. 3.Self-existing separate animal organism defined by the concept: a. citizen b. personality, c.individuum, g.individual.

4. Conscious need personality, which encourages her to act in accordance with her value orientations, is defined as: a. beliefs b. honor, c. dignity, Mr. motive. 5. Aggregate mental characteristics, which make up the personality of a person and which are manifested in his actions, behavior, is determined by the concept: a. beliefs b. character, c. morality, g. motive.

6. The quality of a person that distinguishes him from an animal is: a. ability to procreate, b. the ability to defend against enemies, c. the ability to find food and equip housing, d. fear of death. 7. Which of the following human needs is social: a. in food b. in warmth, in defense against enemies, d. in communication. 8. Common for man and animal is: a. Ability to defend against enemies b. possession of articulate speech, c. the ability to create a new one that has no analogues in nature, d. the ability to display the surrounding world with the help of consciousness.

9. Personality means: a. first of all, the originality of the external appearance, b. qualities that develop in the process of interaction with society, c. qualities inherent in a person from birth, innate instincts, d. the uniqueness and originality of an individual. 10. An individual means: a. single representative of the human race, b. person who has mastered public forms consciousness and behavior, c. uniqueness and originality of natural and social qualities individual person, Mr. person as a bearer of the values ​​of national and world culture.

11. Among necessary conditions socialization of the individual, the formation of personality is superfluous: a. joint labor activity, b. child development outside human society, c. communication with other people, d. participation in social activities. 12. Play, learning, work act as: a. criteria of truth, b. social qualities, c. activities, d. biological needs.

13. Makings for development cognitive abilities have: a. only people with higher education, b. only people visiting Kindergarten and school, c. all people from birth, d. children born of educated parents. 14. Are the judgments correct? The inner world of a person: A. make up feelings, emotions, thoughts, experiences associated with life and communication in social environment. B. is due to natural inclinations and abilities, features of temperament, thinking. memory.

15. Are judgments about the unconscious in a person correct? A. the unconscious in a person exists only in early childhood, as it grows older, it is displaced by the conscious. B. in the early stages human history the unconscious began to prevail over the conscious. 16. Human nature is determined by two factors: biological (qualities acquired from birth) and ………………. (qualities formed in the process of interaction with society).

17. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "personality"? 2 offers. 18. Watching twins grow up in different families, scientists concluded: heredity causes from 25 to 50% of varieties personality traits. What factors influence the rest? personal qualities? Name three factors. (social environment, lifestyle, type of activity, immediate environment, family traditions education, upbringing...)

Along with the concept personality We also use terms such as person, individual and individuality. All these concepts have specifics, but they are all interconnected. The most general, integrative concept is the concept Human - being that embodies the highest level development of life, a product of social and labor processes, the indissoluble unity of the natural and the social. But bearing in itself a social and generic essence, each person is a single natural being, an individual.

Individual- this is a specific person as a representative of the genus Homo sapiens, the bearer of the prerequisites (inclinations) of human development.

Individuality- the unique originality of a particular person, his natural and socially acquired properties.

In concept personality the system of social significant qualities person. In the relations of a person with society, his social essence is formed and manifested.

Each society forms its own standard of personality. The sociology of society determines psychological types of this society.

The personality has a multi-level organization. The highest and leading level of the psychological organization of the personality - its need-motivational sphere - is personality orientation, her relationship to society individual people to himself and his work responsibilities. For a person, not only his position is essential, but also the ability to realize his relations. It depends on the level of development of the activity capabilities of a person, his abilities, knowledge and skills, his emotional-volitional and intellectual qualities.

A person is not born with ready-made abilities, character, etc. These properties are formed during life, but on a certain natural basis. hereditary basis human body(genotype) determines its anatomical and physiological features, basic qualities nervous system, dynamics nervous processes. AT biological organization man, his nature is based on the possibilities of his mental development. But a human being becomes a human being only through mastering the experience of previous generations, enshrined in knowledge, traditions, objects of material and spiritual culture. The natural side of a person should not be opposed to his social essence. Human nature itself is the product of not only biological evolution but also a product of history. The biological in man cannot be understood as the presence in him of some "animal" side. All natural biological inclinations of a person are human, not animal inclinations. But the formation of a person as a person occurs only in specific social conditions.

What at first glance seems to be the "natural" qualities of a person (for example, character traits), in reality, is the consolidation in the personality of social requirements for its behavior.

Personal development is associated with the constant expansion of its capabilities, the elevation of its needs. The level of personality development is determined by its characteristic relationships. At a low level of development, personality relationships are mainly due to utilitarian, "businesslike" interests. High level characterized by the predominance of her socially significant values, her spirituality.

Regulating his life in society, each individual solves complex life tasks. The same difficulties, collisions are overcome different people differently. To understand a personality means to understand what life tasks and in what way it solves, what initial principles of behavior it is armed with.

Being included in certain social relations and conditioned by them, the individual is not a passive participant in these relations. Individual life activity is largely autonomous.

The personality trait is also its isolation. The consciousness of one's isolation allows the individual to be free from arbitrary transient social institutions, the dictates of power, not to lose self-control in conditions of social destabilization and totalitarian repression. The autonomy of the personality is connected with its higher mental quality- spirituality. Spirituality - supreme manifestation essence of man, his inner commitment to the human, moral duty, subordination higher meaning being. The spirituality of the personality is expressed in its superconsciousness, the need for a steadfast rejection of everything base, selfless devotion lofty ideals, isolation from unworthy motives, momentary prestige and pseudo-social activity. But the more primitive the society, the stronger its tendency towards general equalization, the more people in it who blindly obey the required standards. A person who speaks in ready-made slogans ceases to care about his personal self-building.

The qualities of a personality are determined by the range of its practical relations, its inclusion in various areas the life of society. Creative person goes beyond the immediate social environment forms itself on a broader social base. The perspective of society can manifest itself in the personality. It can personify the future society, get ahead of it state of the art. Isolation of the personality means its independence from the narrow framework of a closed group, it is an indicator of the development of the personality.

Personal development - the formation of a system of its social positive qualities- requires certain social prerequisites, social demand, neutralization of factors leading to the alienation of the individual.

In the formation of an individual as a personality, processes are essential personal identification(the formation of an individual's identification with other people and human society in general) and personalization(consciousness by an individual of the need for a certain representation of his personality in the life of other people, personal self-realization in this social community).

Personality interacts with other people based on "I-concepts", personal reflection - their ideas about themselves, their capabilities, their significance. Personal reflection may correspond to the real Self, but may not correspond to it. Overestimated and underestimated levels of personal claims can give rise to various intrapersonal conflicts.

life path personality lies in a concrete historical social space. The peculiarity of the production of material conditions, the sphere of consumption, social relations determines the way of life of a person, the stable originality of his behavior and, ultimately, the type of personality.

Each personality creates its own life strategy– a stable system of generalized methods for transforming current life situations according to their hierarchy value orientations. life strategy - general direction personality affirmation. A socially valuable strategy is the highly moral self-realization of the individual, the development of a spiritual-ethnic and spiritual-ethical lifestyle. At the same time, the life activity of the individual becomes internally determined not situational. A person begins to live his socially meaningful life prospects.

In the absence of a life strategy, the individual obeys only current meanings and tasks, his life is not realized with the necessary fullness, the motivation of his life activity is reduced, his spiritual and intellectual needs are narrowed.

All significant deformations of the personality are associated with its self-reflection, defects in its self-awareness, shifts in its meaning formation, with personal depreciation objectively. significant areas vital activity.

The most important indicator the state of the individual is the level of her mental self-regulation, the mediation of her behavior by socially formed standards.

Personality is characterized by a complex sustainable properties- sensitivity to external influences, a stable system of motivation, attitudes, interests, the ability to interact with the environment, moral principles of self-regulation of behavior. All these personality traits are an integration of genetic, hereditary and socio-cultural factors.

Along with the concept personality We also use terms such as person, individual and individuality. All these concepts have specifics, but they are all interconnected. The most general, integrative concept is the concept Human - a being embodying the highest stage of development of life, a product of social and labor processes, an indissoluble unity of the natural and the social. But bearing in itself a social and generic essence, each person is a single natural being, an individual.

Individual- this is a specific person as a representative of the genus Homo sapiens, the bearer of the prerequisites (inclinations) of human development.

Individuality- the unique originality of a particular person, ᴇᴦο natural and socially acquired properties.

In concept personality the system of socially significant qualities of a person comes to the fore. The ᴇᴦο social essence is formed and manifested in the connections of a person with society.

Each society forms its own standard of personality. The sociology of society determines the psychological types of a given society.

The personality has a multi-level organization. The highest and leading level of the psychological organization of the personality - its need-motivational sphere - is personality orientation, its attitude to society, to individuals, to itself and its labor duties. For a person, not only his position is essential, but also the ability to realize his relations. It depends on the level of development of a person's activity capabilities, ᴇᴦο abilities, knowledge and skills, ᴇᴦο emotional-volitional and intellectual qualities.

A person is not born with ready-made abilities, character, etc. These properties are formed during life, but on a certain natural basis. The hereditary basis of the human body (genotype) determines the anatomical and physiological features, the main qualities of the nervous system, the dynamics of nervous processes. In the biological organization of man, ᴇᴦο nature, there are possibilities for ᴇᴦο mental development. But a human being becomes a human being only through mastering the experience of previous generations, enshrined in knowledge, traditions, objects of material and spiritual culture. The natural side of a person should not be opposed to the ᴇᴦο social essence. The very nature of man is not only a product of biological evolution, but also a product of history. The biological in man cannot be understood as the presence in him of some "animal" side. All natural biological inclinations of a person are human, not animal inclinations. But the formation of a person as a person occurs only in specific social conditions.


1. Man, Individual, Personality

2. Personality as a subject and product of social relations

2.1 The social essence of the individual

2.2 Personal socialization

2.3 Interpersonal relationships


List of used literature


The problem of personality is one of the main ones in the system of sciences that study man and society. Personality is a separate person, characterized by its integrity, conscious-volitional manifestations. Modern society involves a person in the cycle of various processes, connections, relationships. Consequently, personality is a system of social qualities of a person, which is formed on the basis of its inclusion in the system of social relations. .

Man is the main subject and product public relations. Due to the fact that it is a multifaceted and multifaceted being, consideration of its nature, essence and relationship with society is of particular interest. Man and society arose and formed in an inseparable unity. This was holistic process lasting several million years. That is why the study of society is impossible without penetrating the mystery of man. It will not be an exaggeration that the essence of the problem of social relations and personality in modern society- this is the question of how exactly social relations affect the individual and, on the other hand, how it transforms its social environment. In one respect, the individual acts as a product of social and cultural conditions, but in another - she is the creator of her own conditions existence, i.e. social subject.

The problem of human personality, its formation and development in contemporary literature is the most developed, while the understanding of a person as a subject and product of social relations has been studied less, which makes this topic of particular relevance.

The purpose of this essay: to reveal the essence of personality as a subject and product of social relations. To do this, it is necessary to consider the differences between the concepts of "man", "individual" and "personality", and then to identify the relationship with the individual and society.

The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references. The total amount of work is 18 pages.

1. Man, Individual, Personality

Man represents complex system, it is multidimensional. Here the biological, social and spirituality, consciousness and the sphere of the subconscious. With scientific point man is a unique product of the long development of living nature and at the same time the result of the cosmic evolution of nature itself. At the same time, a person is born and lives in society, in a social environment. He has a unique ability to think, thanks to which there is spiritual world man, his spiritual life. Society mediates the relationship of man to nature, and therefore man-born a being becomes truly human only by being included in social relations. These truths allow us to talk about essence of man as a unity of natural and social.

The combination of natural and social levels(elements) of the “man” system is a stable component in other concepts that characterize a person: “individual”, “personality”, “individuality”. In philosophy, there is one of the key collective terms - "subject". It covers the concepts listed above, since it characterizes the cognitive and practical activities person. Subject- actively acting man with his knowledge, experience and ability to change the objective situation of his being and himself (his qualities) in the process of social significant activities. "Subjectivity" - an important aspect of the individual being of a person, his connection with social being. This term should not be confused with " human subjectivity", by which is understood human the world of thought, will, feelings. The content of the concept of "subject" includes all social significant characteristics man, and first of all man as the creator of history. human needs, interests, abilities act as driving force socio-historical activity and in their totality form the content human nature. In other words, Man - it is the subject of socio-historical activity and culture, biosocial being, possessing consciousness, articulate speech, moral qualities and the ability to make tools.

The concept of "personality" is one of the most vague and controversial in science. Concept evolution personalities from the initial designation of the mask (Latin persona meant the mask worn by the actor in the ancient theater), then the actor himself and, finally, his role - gave impetus to the development of ideas about the individual as a system of role-playing behavior under the influence of social expectations.

Understanding that a person is a biosocial being is important point understanding of the concept of "personality". He is inseparable from his nature, corporeality, materiality. But at the same time, he is the owner of consciousness, soul. Therefore, a personality, as a complex awareness of a given biosocial nature of a person, characterizes what is under the influence of two laws: natural-biological and socio-historical. Those., biological principle: anatomy, physiology, course various processes in the body, is inextricably linked in it with social traits: collective work, thinking, speech, creativity.

The Philosophical Encyclopedia defines personality as follows: it is a human individual as a subject of relations and conscious activity.

Other meaning, personality - stable system socially significant features characterizing the individual as a member of a particular society, i.e. personality is system quality acquired by the individual in the process joint activities and communication.

Personality- this is a special quality acquired by an individual through social relations, emphasized A.N. Leontiev.

However, with all the variety of interpretations of the concept of "personality", their authors agree that a person is not born, but becomes, and for this a person must make considerable efforts: to master speech, a variety of motor, intellectual and sociocultural skills.

But, is every person a person? Obviously not. Was not a person in tribal system, since his life was completely subordinated to the interests of the primitive collective, dissolved in it, and his personal interests had not yet gained due independence. A person who has gone mad is not a person. The human child is not a person. It has a certain set biological properties and signs, but until a certain period of life is devoid of signs social order. Therefore, he cannot perform actions and actions, driven by a sense of social responsibility. A child is only a candidate for a person. In order to become a person, an individual goes through the necessary path for this. socialization , that is, the assimilation of the accumulated generations of people social experience accumulated in skills, abilities, habits, traditions, norms, knowledge, values, etc., familiarization with the existing system social connections and relationships.

The history of man begins when there is a turn in his attitude to changes in the environment. From the moment when the human ancestor stopped responding to environmental changes by changing its morphology, appearance, forms of adaptation and began to form its own built environment(clothes, use of fire, building a dwelling, preparing food, etc.), begins social history person. Such forms social adaptation demanded the division of labor, its specialization, the complication of the forms of the herd, and then the group organization. These forms of social adaptation have found their expression in the complication of the function brain activity, as evidenced by the data of anthropologists: the volume of the brain of human ancestors at that time grew incredibly, the forms became more complicated collective activity, developed verbal communication, speech arose as a means of communication, transmission of information, consolidation of labor skills.

All this allowed the human community to receive great opportunities in providing life. At the same time, the improvement of labor tools, the appearance of surplus products of primitive production immediately affected the forms of organization public life: it has become more complex, society has been structured. And what role can play specific person in resolving the contradictions that arise in social processes depends, first of all, on their scale, the ratio of the necessary and the accidental in them, and on the characteristics of society.

But the personality traits here belong not last place. Sometimes they are very significant influence to social processes. Involving in social processes, a person thereby changes the circumstances of his life, actively determines and develops the “line” of his own destiny. In other words, the main condition for the self-determination of the individual and the conscious regulation of his life activity is his social activity.

Personality formation factors are presented in Fig. 1

Figure 1 - Personality formation factors

So, personality called a human individual who is the subject of conscious activity, possessing a set of socially significant features, properties and qualities that he implements in public life.

Personality is impossible outside social activities and communication, only by being included in the process of historical practice, the individual shows social entity, forms its social qualities, develops value orientations.

The first social condition for the formation of society is the individual. The concept of "personality" in social sciences ah - one of the basic ones. Despite the presence of many other terms ("person", "individual", "individuality"), they are not interchangeable. Them semantic features in the social sciences are well distinguished.

Man (Homo sapiens ) is a generic concept denoting the highest stage of development of living organisms on Earth. It has gone through a long evolution (anthroposociogenesis), during which not only its appearance, but also needs, abilities, activities, basic human qualities: intellect, memory, emotions, feelings, will, without which the spiritual life of a person would be impossible.

By nature, man is biosocial creature. This means that, as a living organism, it is included in the natural connection of phenomena and is subject to biological (biophysical, biochemical, physiological) laws. In the process of long evolution, his brain and nervous system were formed, which led to the rapid development of intelligence. The structure of the hand and larynx contributed to the emergence of articulate speech and helped in the labor process. Long-term dependence on parents made it possible to master the required volume social information: social norms, activity skills, knowledge, experience. A person has a biological program that is inherited, he is endowed with instincts, reflexes that help him adapt to the environment. But life in society has led to the fact that its social component began to dominate. Like all living things, man came out of natural environment, but farthest away from his cradle.

AT last years geneticists have published a number sensational discoveries helping to shed light on the origin of man. Having deciphered the human genome, scientists were amazed at its similarity with the genes of other living beings: 90% of it coincides with the genes of the mouse, and only 1% differs from the chimpanzee. Moreover, the loss of several important genes (of those that chimpanzees have) reduced the human immune defense against bacterial and viral infections, but at the same time removed the restriction on brain development.

Modern zoopsychology has established the fact that highly developed animals have the rudiments of intelligence. It has been established that monkeys and dolphins can perform simple mental operations, solve intellectual tasks that require the involvement of memory mechanisms and concentration of attention. Although animals can use some objects and even tools through the main mechanism of imitation, they are not able to create new tools and means to satisfy their needs. The main thing that distinguishes ordinary person from the most highly developed animal, the ability of man to be creative.

Unlike animals, the orientation of a person in the world around him is determined not by instincts, but by consciously chosen goals and values. The child inherits the stock genetic information through the structure of the body, the structure of the brain, the nervous system, the makings. But his natural inclinations develop and are realized only in society. The animal simply adapts to the world around it or dies, while a person is able to change not only environment, but also of himself: He acquired these characteristics in society, and the social “component” prevails in him.

It is she who is of greatest interest to the social sciences and is designated by the concept of "personality".

Personality is a stable system of socially significant features that characterize an individual as a member of a particular society.

Humans are born and become individuals. However, the one who believes that personality is necessarily positive or negative is mistaken. outstanding person. This opinion is widespread in everyday life, but from a scientific point of view, it is incorrect. The term "personality" is not yet applicable to a newborn child, although each newborn child already has some prerequisites for personality - natural inclinations. The main condition and decisive mechanism for the formation of a personality is the development of the world of things and social relations, in which the activities of previous generations of people are embodied. Personality begins from the moment a person realizes himself and from the beginning of the conscious correlation of his actions with accepted norms, and the formation of personality continues throughout life, along with the development of society and culture. Therefore, one can speak of outstanding personality, which embodies the bright universal and individual characteristics, and about the identity of the criminal, alcoholic, terrorist or homeless person. An obstacle to being a person for an adult is only irreversible organic damage to the brain.

Individual- this is a separate person, a single representative of the human race, a carrier of both biological and social qualities. More than five billion people live on Earth, and each of them combines not only typical, common in society social traits but also unique and unrepeatable. We all differ in skin color or eye shape, height or physique, fingerprints, gait, as well as character traits, value systems - our inner world. This originality, what makes us different from other people, is called individuality.

Each person is simultaneously a person, an individual and an individuality.

For example, L. N. Tolstoy in the image of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky showed typical features a Russian person from high society - an educated person with secular manners, a patriot, a nobleman. These qualities characterize him as an individual.

In addition, Prince Andrei is a bright personality, which allows us to distinguish him from other characters and remember him. His character was shaped by social conditions, and life personal circumstances, accompanied by reflections, experiences, individually learned lessons. We remember him as an honest, noble man. He took the French invasion as a personal tragedy, he was bold and courageous in the fight against the invaders. Having gone through severe trials, he did not become hardened, he retained good human qualities in his heart - longing for small homeland, tender feelings to the woman you love.

Typical social characteristics and individual qualities character allow us to conclude that he is a mature person with an active social position.

Thus, a person appears before us in the unity of natural and social, individual and typical characteristics.