The most grandiose buildings in the world. Project Genesis - the world's largest cruise ship

Architecture is a delicate matter. In order to build a banal block 12-storey house, you need to run through many instances, get a bunch of certificates and permits. And how many problems then arise with the implementation of the desired project! Search for specialists, builders, possible place accommodation, coordinating all this with the local authorities ... Of course, the face of any city is precisely architectural structures different scale and scope. However, not all ideas and developments are carried out in real life. Next, you can see various architectural projects that (fortunately or unfortunately) were not realized.

Palace of the Soviets. B. Iofan, V. Gelfreich, J. Belopolsky, V. Pelevin. Sculptor S. Merkulov. One of the variants of the approved project. 1946

History does not know such concepts: "what would happen if ...", however, the project of the Palace of Soviets was conceived as the construction of the big building on the ground. Its height was to reach 415 meters - higher than the tallest structures of its time: eiffel tower and Empire skyscraper state building. The pedestal building was to be crowned with a sculpture of Lenin 100 meters high. The construction of the Palace of Soviets has become an independent economic and research branch. Special laboratories for optics and acoustics functioned in this system, for the development of special materials: “D.S. steel”, “D.S. brick”, mechanical and expanded clay concrete plants operated, a separate railway line was brought to the construction site. By special resolutions of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Council of Labor and Defense, the construction of the Palace of Soviets was declared a shock construction site in 1934, by the end of 1939 the foundations of the high-rise part were ready. In 1941, due to the war, construction was suspended and never resumed. Work on the project of the Palace of Soviets continued until the end of the 1940s.
It's scary to even imagine how much space such a development would take! We could safely say goodbye to our current idea of ​​the architecture of Red Square. However, such an idea arose. And it arose in 1922, when the First Congress of Soviets met. Despite the fact that the building was never completed, the work on its project served as a powerful impetus for the development of domestic architecture, was born new style, called "Stalin classicism". It was the Palace of Soviets that was prophesied as the title of the best building of all times and peoples, it was supposed to decorate Moscow by combining all high-rise buildings into a single complex.
However, habits are changing. What was once considered monstrous is now considered quite ubiquitous, and vice versa. After all, the French also resisted the erection of a real "monster" - the Eiffel Tower in their small romantic capital. Now they consider the tower to be real national treasure. Probably got used to it.

Arch of Heroes. Monument to the heroic defenders of Moscow. L. Pavlov. 1942
Since October 1942, in the midst of the Great Patriotic War the Literature and Art newspaper reported: “The competition for monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War is ending. About 90 works were received from Moscow sculptors and architects. Information was received about the expulsion of projects from Leningrad, Kuibyshev, Sverdlovsk, Tashkent and other cities of the USSR. More than 140 projects are expected to arrive.” In order to acquaint the public with the materials of the competition in the winter and spring of 1943, three exhibitions were arranged in Moscow, at which the submitted projects were exhibited. The terms of the competition, among other topics, provided for the creation of the monument “ Heroic defenders Moscow". The choice of location for the monument was at the discretion of the contestants. The author of the Arch of Heroes, architect L. Pavlov, proposed placing his monument on Red Square. The monument was not built.

Who knows, we may have lost a great monument.

Aeroflot House. D. Chechulin. 1934

In 1934, the whole world followed the dramatic fate of the crew of the Chelyuskin icebreaker, which drifted on an ice floe after the ship was lost in the Chukchi Sea. In the summer of the same year, Moscow met the brave Chelyuskinites and the pilots who saved them, who were the first to be awarded the title of Hero. Soviet Union. New traditions of socialist life demanded perpetuation glorious feat Soviet people in monumental form. Aeroflot building, which was planned to be erected on the square near Belorussky railway station, was conceived by the architect D. Chechulin as a monument to the heroic Soviet aviation. Hence the acute silhouette solution, the “aerodynamic” form of the high-rise building and the sculptural figures of the heroes-pilots: A. Lyapidevsky, S. Levanevsky, V. Molokov, N. Kamanin, I. Slepnev, I. Vodopyanov, I. Doronin, crowning seven openwork arches , turned perpendicular to the main facade and making up a kind of portal. The sculptor I. Shadr took part in the work on the project, sculpting the figures of the pilots. The project in its original form and purpose was not implemented. Nearly half a century later general ideas of the project were implemented in the complex of the House of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR on Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment (now the Government House).

Having learned about such a project, one can understand how many residents of Moscow do not know about their city.

"Pyramid Mega-city" (Mega-City Pyramid) - a pyramidal city for 750,000 people - dreams of building someday in the Tokyo bay of the Japanese construction corporation Shimizu.

According to various sources, the height of the pyramid should be approximately from 700 to 2004 meters (by the way, another name for the project is TRY 2004). Although, according to the Discovery Channel, the first number is still real. But this is not so important. One way or another, Mega-City Pyramid will be several times higher Great Pyramid in Giza.

The spacious square kilometers of the pyramid can accommodate residential areas, offices, cultural centers and all other infrastructure typical of an ordinary city. Only in terms of the density of the "packing of the people" will this pyramid surpass ordinary city- due to significant expansion upwards.

Why the Japanese are trying to surpass the Egyptian builders is not clear. However, the project still remains unfulfilled.

The construction was planned in the city of Scottsdale (USA). Estimated height of the house-city: 2100 meters.

"The Hexagonal City of Paolo Soleri" - one of the first projects of the city-building, dates back to the 60s of the XX century.

Bionic Tower II - this is the name of a no less grandiose project, developed this time by the Chinese.
At the base of the tower is a "green circle" - a garden or park with a diameter of about 90 meters. ECE Tower sticks out of it - a 24-storey building about 100 meters high with 25 thousand square meters usable area for housing (168 apartments with three bedrooms each) and offices.

The skyscraper is assembled from eight sections 12 meters high. Each section has three floors. From top to bottom, in a spiral, a vertical garden descends, through which a ladder runs for emergency evacuation (high-speed elevators are also provided, do not be alarmed).

most large area has an 11th floor, and the zero one under its dome should shelter shops, gyms, cinemas and so on. Somewhere below, parking for 208 cars is also provided.

The architect believes that one complex should be separated from the other at a distance of about 180 meters, which did not prevent him from connecting the "circles" of eight towers on the principle of the Olympic rings on one of the sketches.

Judging by the plan developed by the designers of the building, the colossal scale of construction exceeds all conceivable and unimaginable expectations. Despite the death of the American "Twins", architects are striving for ever greater grandiosity and pomposity of their designs. At this rate, you can come to a fantastic future from the movie "The Fifth Element", where the number of floors of high-rise buildings has long been uncountable.

Project: X-ceed 4000.

X-Seed 4000 is the tallest building ever conceived.

Its height should be 4,000 meters above sea level. Thanks to a 600-meter foundation, the structure will be able to be placed directly above the sea. X-Seed 4000 is to accommodate between 700,000 and 1,000,000 residents.

The project is being developed for the capital of Japan by the construction company Tasai Corporation as a building of the future, where ultra-modern life and interaction with nature will be combined. Unlike conventional skyscrapers, the X-Seed 4000 will protect its occupants from pressure surges and shifts. weather conditions throughout the height of the building. Its design includes the use solar energy for energy supply of the entire system for maintaining the microclimate in the building.

Elevators are designed for 200 passengers and deliver to the top floor in 30 minutes. In addition to thousands of apartments and offices, X-Seed 4000 will include entertainment centers, parks, and forests.

It is estimated that the cost of building X-Seed 4000 will be 300-900 billion.

The construction of the project is designed for 8 years. I wonder if the calculations are correct?

The Spiral project, developed in 1998, has never been seen by the residents of the city of Tokyo. The two-hundred-story architectural development, 1000 meters high, remained in the developers' drawings.

Sky City 1000 project

The structure would consist of 14 floors-microdistricts, each of which contains multi-storey residential, office and retail buildings, sports and entertainment complexes, recreational areas with ponds and green spaces, as well as local transport hubs and many other infrastructure of an ordinary modern city.

For reference:
More than 35 thousand people could live in the skyscraper-city "Sky City 1000", more than 100 thousand people could work;

The diameter of the base of the tower is 400 meters.

Is fantasy becoming reality?

Project "Great Pyramid"

The pyramid is conceived as a huge tomb with several million seats. The project of the German non-profit organization Freunde der Großen Pyramide suggests that the process of burial will mean the process of building a pyramid, until the addition of more and more tomb blocks after a few decades completes the monumental image of a tetrahedral pyramid.

A literal parody of the legendary Egyptian monuments in the German version looks very ridiculous and unacceptable for modern society. The project was not implemented.

Thus, looking at all these developments, we can conclude that from year to year, humanity, creating one project after another, striking the mind with its inclinations to gigantism, strives to be closer to the sky, away from the earth, trying to arrange huge territories inside the impressive buildings. The reasons for such desires of mankind can be different: either it is a cult of personality, or striving for excellence, or perhaps reaching new heights and a desire to "overtake" the past achievements of their colleagues. In a word: the best is the enemy of the good, and before embarking on grandiose projects, one must first of all think about the real possibilities and consequences of erecting such monuments.

AT recent decades Chinese cities actively developing and surprising the whole world grandiose construction projects. With their tall skyscrapers and with long bridges, the PRC wants to show that China is no longer what it used to be. This post will introduce you to the grandiose projects of Chinese builders.

The Qingdao Bay Bridge cost $16 billion and is an impressive 42.5 kilometers long. At the time of delivery in 2011 was the most long bridge in the world, but later lost this title.

But we will still get to projects with tens of billions. For now, let's start with the "small". For example, the FAST radio telescope, the construction of which was completed just this month. It cost China 100 million US dollars, and its diameter is 500 meters.

The Guangzhou Opera House is one of the largest theaters in China. And it costs 200 million dollars.

The central building of no less than China Central Television is a bizarre figure of six "tribes". Square? 144.1 thousand sq. meters!

A pumped-storage power plant on one of the rivers flowing into Taihu Lake in the east of the country plays important role in providing the region with electricity. Budget - 900 million US dollars.

And here is the building of the Shanghai World financial center(pictured right) with a height of 492 meters - the first project in our top, exchanged a billion dollars. The building has 101 floors and is located almost at the very top of the Park Hyatt Shanghai.

The Tianxingzhou Bridge across the Yangtze River cost US$1.7 billion and was the longest cable-stayed road and rail bridge when it opened seven years ago.

The Nanjing Metro cost the same amount. And every day it transports more than half of the total population of Latvia, that is, 1.5 million people.

Shanghai bridge and tunnel across the Yangtze. The length is 22.5 kilometers, and the budget is 1.8 billion dollars. And there will be subway trains running along it!

Nuclear power plant in Kinshan. Probably one of the biggest nuclear power plants on the planet - seven reactors are already working, two are still under construction and two more are planned. The budget for the current construction alone is more than 2 billion US dollars.

shanghai tower 632 meters high - the third most high building in the world. It was built for an immodest 2.4 billion US dollars.

The Beijing Beijing Capital International Airport is the second busiest in the world. Its large-scale reconstruction and expansion in the 2000s cost 3.5 billion dollars, but it quickly became clear that this was not enough - it could not cope with the flow of passengers, so three years ago another giant airport began to be built near Beijing.

The Xiangjiaba HPP on the Jinsha River cost China $6.3 billion, and its installed capacity is 6,448 MW (almost 8 times more than the Plavinskaya HPP).

Beijing South Station was renovated in 2008 at a cost of $6.3 billion, is one of the largest in Asia and serves high-speed Chinese trains, developing speeds up to 350 km / h.

Sutong is the king of cable-stayed bridges, its length exceeds 8 kilometers and is only steeper than it cable-stayed bridge on Russky Island in Russia. Almost 8 billion dollars.

The Wenchang Satellite Launch Center cost China $12 billion. By the way, this is the fourth cosmodrome in the country. And the newest one was commissioned in 2014.

Yangshan Port is a deep water container port, part of Shanghai Port. Its capacity is 12.3 million TEU, and the total length is about 20 kilometers. Budget? Immodest 12 billion dollars.

“Only” 2 billion more expensive was the high-speed Railway Harbin - Dalian, able to serve high speed trains at the Alpine heights.

But the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway with a length of 1318 kilometers generally allows trains to accelerate to a cruising speed of 380 km / h. 35 billion dollars - that's how much it cost.

$43 billion is the budget for the Asian International Network, a project to improve the highway network in Asian countries. Wouldn't it be cool to "get up" on the highway somewhere outside of Istanbul and tear along good roads all the way to Tokyo?

January 15, 1943 started work Pentagon- the famous headquarters of the US Department of Defense, which has become the most largest office building in the world. Today we will talk about several objects from different countries, each of which is considered the largest in its industry on Earth. It will be about residential and factory buildings, shopping malls, airports, stadiums and other world record holders.

Built in 1943, the United States Department of Defense building is still the largest office building in the world. After all, its total area is 620 thousand square meters. The Pentagon consists of five concentric pentagons connected by ten corridors. At the same time, you can walk from one point of the structure to another in a maximum of 7 minutes.

Dubai is one of the largest aviation hubs in the world. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is here that the largest air terminal on the planet is located. Terminal 3 at Dubai International Airport alone has an area of ​​1,713,000 square meters, making it the second largest building on Earth.

The Izmailovo Hotel in Moscow has been holding the palm among the largest hotels in the world for more than thirty years. This complex of five 30-storey buildings has 7,500 rooms and is designed for simultaneous residence of 15,000 people. It was opened in 1980 for the Moscow Olympics.

Shopping center New South China The Mall was inaugurated in 2005, only to close a few months later. The huge building with an area of ​​659,612 square meters and designed for 2,500 stores turned out to be unnecessary for the residents of the poor and relatively small city of Dongguan by Chinese standards. Now it is mothballed in anticipation of population growth and living standards in the metropolis.

The Boeing Corporation owns the world's largest factory building. Its plant in Everett near Seattle has an area of ​​399,480 square meters. In addition to assembly shops, the building houses several establishments Catering, an aviation museum, a souvenir shop and even its own theater.

It is unlikely that the people who built a huge airship hangar 60 kilometers from Berlin in 1938 suspected that they were creating the basis for the world's largest entertainment center. Nevertheless, it was here, in a building that had been empty for several decades, that the Tropical Islands Resort water park was opened in 2005. total area of this facility is 70 thousand square meters.

In 2012, the largest and tallest residential building in the world was commissioned in Dubai. The height of the 101-storey skyscraper Princess Tower is 414 meters, and the total area is 171,175 sq.m. There are 763 apartments and 957 parking spaces for residents and guests of the building.

The largest private house built for a single family is a 27-storey 173-meter building in the Indian city of Mumbai. It was built in 2010 by order of local billionaire Mukesh Ambani, the richest man in the country. This skyscraper has 9 elevators, a small theater for 50 spectators, parking for 168 cars, a spa with several pools, hanging gardens and many other wonders. The building has 600 employees.

For many years, the Sultan of Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah, was considered richest man on the planet until it was overtaken by Bill Gates in the mid-90s. But even now, the Asian monarch holds several world records, for example, the largest collection of cars or the largest palace on Earth. The Istana Nurul Iman residence has 1788 halls and rooms, three times more than English queen. The total area of ​​the building is about 200 thousand square meters.

The May 1st Stadium in the North Korean capital of Pyongyang has several records at once. For example, this is the largest stadium in the world, because 150 thousand spectators can gather in its stands at the same time. And this arena regularly hosts the Arirang musical and gymnastic show, which has a record number of participants. It is believed that in this representation patriotic theme involved about 100 thousand people.

The Greatest Man-Made Structures to See


Sometimes tourists want something grandiose, majestic and unusual so much that they are ready to go around the whole world in search of the most amazing sights. We offer you to get acquainted with the list of the largest structures in the world. Perhaps you have already seen something, and some building you are just going to see.

Great Wall of China (China) ©

This building total length 6350 km, built at the turn of the XV-XVI centuries. Perhaps the Great Wall of China is the most grandiose sight of all that has ever been created by human hands. And what only people are not able to create for the sake of self-preservation.

  • Taj Mahal (Agra, India)

Taj Mahal (Agra, India) ©

Very beautiful mosque-mausoleum built in mid-seventeenth century on the banks of the Jamna River by the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in honor of his wife. This largest building of its kind is called the Indian pearl. And not in vain, because up to 5 million tourists visit the Taj Mahal a year. Here it is, a symbol of true and eternal love!

  • Machu Picchu (Peru)

Machu Picchu (Peru) ©

Although a lot has been written about the lost city of the Incas, and tourists are increasingly coming to see the stronghold of one of ancient civilizations, a complex of unique structures is still full of mysteries and secrets. And who knows if Machu Picchu will ever reveal all its secrets. Maybe ask the Temple of the Sun about it?

  • Angkor Wat (Cambodia)

Angkor Wat (Cambodia) ©

This huge temple complex was built in the 12th century in honor of the god Vishnu. Angkor Wat, the greatest religious building, is considered one of the most important archaeological sites in the world.

  • Stonehenge (Wiltshire, England)

Stonehenge (Wiltshire, England) ©

To this day, scientists around the world are arguing about the purpose of this structure. Someone believed that the "stone fence" many millennia ago was the sanctuary of the Druids. Others have linked Stonehenge to astronomy. Of course, the building is very similar to astronomical observatory, but scientific evidence this is not.

  • Pyramids (Giza, Egypt)

Pyramids (Giza, Egypt) ©

The one-of-a-kind complex of tombs of the pharaohs is not in vain one of the seven wonders of the world. It is even difficult to imagine how all this was built in the 2nd millennium BC. e. And the interest of tourists in this greatest building of all time will not fade away, probably never.

  • Eiffel Tower (Paris, France)

Eiffel Tower (Paris, France) ©

Everyone knows this building. Even those who have never been to France. After all, the Eiffel Tower has long been a kind of symbol of the country. By the way, this unusual building is the most visited attraction in the world. Since its construction - 1889 - the tower has been visited by about 250 million people.

  • Big Ben (London, UK)

Big Ben (London, UK) ©

If you think that Big Ben is the name of the clock tower in the UK, then you are not quite right. In fact, Big Ben is the largest bell in the clockwork. But traditionally Big Ben is called both the clock and the tower itself.

  • Chrysler Corporation Building (New York, USA)


Yes, the Chrysler corporation is known not only for its cars, but also for its original skyscraper, which has become one of the symbols of New York. This building, 319 m high, was built in 1930, and for some time now it no longer belongs to the automobile corporation.

Mount Rushmore National Memorial (South Dakota, USA) ©

You may have seen Mount Rushmore in many movies and TV shows. Huge images of four US presidents are carved on a huge array of granite rock: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. Overall Height bas-relief - 18.6 m.