Tests on the theme of a military patriot. A selection of questionnaires on the topic "patriotic education"


“The use of a system-activity approach in pedagogical work on patriotic education of students within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard "


The results of the survey.

(conducted by the senior counselor of the FGKOU secondary school No. 24 of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Lapshina L.M.)

Pupils of 6th and 9th grades were offered the "Patriot" questionnaire, in which 52 people took part.

The purpose of the survey:

  • determination of the content side of the orientation of the individual, the basis of the attitude of students to the surrounding society;
  • determination of the relevance of patriotism issues in the system value orientation schoolchildren;
  • definition of gradation personal qualities included in the concept of "patriot".

1 . To the first question, “What do you understand by the word “patriotism”?” Most of the students answered - love for the Motherland. A few answered that this was loyalty, devotion to the fatherland, observance of the laws of the country and knowledge of its history.

2 . The guys chose the following qualities inherent in a patriot: courage, courage, determination, kindness, strength, honesty, to be smart, fair and responsible.

3. 95% of respondents consider themselves patriots.

4 . Analyzing the fourth question: “Who, in your opinion, influenced the formation of your patriotic qualities?” - 34 the person replied that it parents, and 26 people - school , 14 people - surrounding.

5 . 93% of the students surveyed know the customs and traditions of their people.

6 . In our school, various patriotic events are held, and the children, during the survey, chose the following events in which they would like to participate. In the first place are military sports games (29 people) and meetings with veterans (29 people), in the second place are festivals and competitions (11 people).

7 . To the question - "how do you understand the expression" Small Motherland» - only 50% of the students surveyed gave the answer - the place where the person was born.

8 . Probably every adult knows the history of our town. The situation is slightly different in this matter for children - 38 students know when our town was formed, and 13 students do not know.

9. It is pleasant to note that 98% of children answered with confidence that they love their town.

10 . With the same pleasure, the children indicated their favorite places in the village: 37 people - the count's park, the stadium - 3 people, the sports complex - 3 people, School of Music- 1 person, the whole town -1 person, school - 1 person.

11 . 100% of students know the name of the street they live on and 70% know who it is named after.

12 . What needs to be done for our town, so that it would be better? Answering this question, our well-educated students for the most part answered - do not litter. There were also such wishes: to plant trees, expand the territory of the town, open new sections for children and adults, build a school, repair everything, respect the people living in the village and just love your town.

These are the results of the survey. You can conduct a survey in your classes (distribute blank questionnaires to class teachers of grades 5-11).

This questionnaire was used in work with schoolchildren to determine the level of formation of the personal qualities of a patriotic citizen. Based on the results obtained, each class teacher and teaching staff, in general, adjustments can be made to the system educational work with the rising generation.


Patriotism (Greek πατριώτης - compatriot, πατρίς - fatherland) - moral and political principle, social feeling, the content of which is love for the Fatherland and the willingness to subordinate its private interests to its interests. Patriotism implies pride in the achievements and culture of one's Motherland, the desire to preserve its character and cultural characteristics and self-identification emotional experience their belonging to the country and their citizenship, language, traditions) with other members of the people, the desire to protect the interests of the Motherland and their people.

PATRIOTISM - devotion and love for one's Fatherland, one's people.

Questionnaire for students "Patriot"

  1. What do you understand by the word "patriotism"?
  2. What qualities should a patriot have?
  3. Do you consider yourself a patriot?
  4. Who, in your opinion, influenced the formation of your patriotic qualities?

- parents, school, environment(Underline whatever applicable)

  1. Do you know the traditions and customs of your people?

A) yes

B) no

B) I don't know at all

G) find it difficult to answer

  1. Do you celebrate family holidays at home, do you sing folk songs?

A) yes they sing

B) don't sing

  1. What activities would you like to participate in more?

BUT) patriotic clubs and centers;

B) festivals and competitions of a patriotic orientation;

AT) military sports games;

G) patriotic exhibitions;

D) meetings with veterans

  1. Have you participated in such events, if so, which ones?
  2. How do you understand the expression "Small Motherland"?
  3. Do you know when the city (village) in which you live was formed?

A) yes

B) no

  1. Do you love your city (town)?

A) yes

B) no

B) don't know

  1. What is the name of the street where you live?
  2. Who is she named after?
  3. Do you have a favorite place in our city (village)? Which?
  4. What needs to be done for the city (village) to make it better?

Choose the most suitable option for you to evaluate the following statements. There can be three options:

a) you can agree with this;
b) this is a controversial idea;
c) it is impossible to agree with this.

  1. Go...
    Leave your land deaf and sinful,
    Leave Russia forever...
    (L. Akhmatova)
  2. She me over the years
    In his sovereign height.
    And we are proud of everything stubbornly:
    “And Russia is not the same, and we are not the same!”
    (N. Starshinov)
  3. Fatherland and smoke are sweet and pleasant to us.
    (G. G. Derzhavin)
  4. On the other side, and the spring is not red.
    (Folk wisdom)
  5. There are two troubles in Russia: fools and roads.
    (P. V. Gogol)
  6. Keep the fire of the native hearth
    And do not covet other people's fires
    - Our ancestors lived by this law.
    (O. Fokina)
  7. The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.
    (Folk wisdom)
  8. Motherland is where they pay more.
    (Contemporary media)
  9. I am not with those who left the earth
    At the mercy of enemies.
    (M. Tsvetaeva)
  10. The other side will add mind.
    (Folk wisdom)

In accordance with the table, summarize the points scored:

If you scored between 65 and 100 points, then you can say about yourself: “Yes, I am a patriot.”Such people, as a rule, see the meaning of life in serving the Fatherland, they do not think of their life outside the Motherland. Now you need to consolidate the good that you already have.

If you scored between 34 and 64 points,then love for the motherland is not the last place in your life plans.However, you also have feelings stronger than patriotism. But remember: "On the foreign side, the Motherland of thoughts is doubly."

If you scored between 10 and 33 points, then the Motherland occupies the last place in your thoughts about the future.This means that you do not know the feeling of patriotism.

But all is not lost yet, it is worth considering, because "on the other side and the eagle - the raven."

Here is my 300th post. To be honest, when I started my blogging, I could not even imagine what I would have to write about. Honestly, I did not think that I would write about patriotism. It's strange to write about it. But it is difficult to stay away from the events that are taking place in our country, and even more so, you yourself become an active participant in them, like millions of our fellow citizens.

Well, here is another confirmation that our celestials live in a different reality, and possibly in a parallel Russia, in which everything is fine, everyone is happy and all are “patriots”.

I was struck by the words of the highly respected press secretary Mr. Peskov - “I would not use the word “collapse”. The rate is really changing, the rate is volatile, but this is far from a collapse.” This is what it means to master the Russian language when you see black, and you say, if not white, then gray. Maybe he is right, and against the background of the words of our Government that we need to prepare for the worst, are these still flowers ??? If you look at the Euro exchange rate against $, then everything is really good there, stability compared to this pair and the ruble. Maybe Peskov did not mean the ruble, but the Euro or $?

I live in a ruble space, I don’t go abroad and apparently I won’t go soon now (I switched to economy mode), I don’t have a free premium class official car with a driver and free service, I go to an ordinary clinic with queues, I don’t have a free sanatorium treatment, I do not go to the Kremlin, government or State Duma buffet, I earn money with my hard work.

In recent days, I have been traveling around Moscow and the region a lot, communicating with people of completely different incomes and different companies. When you enter any office, you hear talk about only one thing - about the collapsed ruble and what to do next. People sit on sites with exchange rates and look where the ruble is running, or rather how much it has fallen again.

So here it is Dear sir Peskov, in our, ordinary Russia, the ruble is collapsing, very strongly, and the purchasing power of those crumbs that the majority of Russians receive tends to zero. When you (general appeal, without being tied to personalities) receive only one state salary of 200,000-500,000 rubles, then despite the fall of the ruble and all the modest bureaucratic social packages, you can buy yourself decent food, pay for housing and communal services, for parking, for toll roads, buy more expensive imported medicines and still have money left for trips to the decaying West, well, in a modest way, without yachts. And what about those who receive a salary or pension of 10,000–15,000 rubles. and you have to pay for everything, including trips to the doctors? There is not enough money for bread and pasta. The answer is simple - to fall into patriotism, hang a portrait of Ramzan and join United Russia.

We are waiting for the most powerful socio-economic protest, it has already begun and you have to be blind not to notice this, for the time being pointwise, but will it turn into a political one? Most likely, the people will again shrink, grind their teeth in the kitchen, but will not go out into the street. The authorities understand this too. Us for last years Weaned to defend their rights and interests, we were forbidden to express our point of view on the streets. And the last story with Ramzan Kadyrov and this idiotic flash mob in his support, this is the beginning of the mass patriotization of the country by force. Well, okay, Basque, everything is clear with him, but here are the others ??? Is everything so bad and without them nothing? I wrote yesterday that all these supportive moves show his weakness. Why does a strong man need all this circus? We must prove our patriotism not with actions and words, but with deeds - raising the economy, developing high technology, the opening of universities and medical centers, paying taxes to the budget and without any optimizations.

So, I suggest that all officials, including Messrs. Dmitry Medvedev, Ramzan Kadyrov and Dmitry Peskov, pass the following test for patriotism:

1. Do you feel like a real patriot or what?

2. Do you drive a domestic car or what?

3. Do you wear domestic watches or what?

4. Do you buy exclusively domestic products or what?

5. Are you treated with domestic medicines or what?

6. Do you NOT use iPhone, iPad or what?

7. Do you wear local clothes or what?

9. Do you rest exclusively in Russian resorts or what?

10. Do you live modestly, like all Russians, or what?

11. Do your incomes match your expenses and is everything paid as taxes?

12. How many needy have you helped?

The list of questions for the test for patriotism can be expanded, but I am sure that our political elite will not pass even three or four points of this questionnaire. To be honest, I answered yes to only 9 questions. Am I a patriot or what?

I am sure that soon our patriotic scientists will invent a high-tech test for patriotism, well, as for women for pregnancy. I went, urinated ... and everything will immediately be clear there, well, according to the stripes, already or you have to try further.

7-11 grades

Target: to determine the level of awareness of the concept of patriotism and the attitude towards it on the part of pupils

Experiment progress: it is proposed to write an essay on the topic: "Patriotism and how I understand it."

^ Data processing:

The answers are analyzed according to the following aspects of patriotism:

- love to motherland;

- awareness of difficulties, shortcomings in society;

- readiness for self-giving;

- patriotism as a source of labor and feats of arms;

- feeling national pride;

– lack of nationalism and cosmopolitanism;

- the international character of Russian patriotism.

Each of the listed indicators can be estimated at 1,2,3 or 4 points in accordance with the scale.

1 point - low level, misunderstanding of the essence key parties patriotism or negative attitude to the duties that flow from them;

2 points - average level: shallow, partial understanding of the essence of the relevant signs, unstable, indifferent, passive attitude to the duties that follow from them.

3 points - correct understanding the essence of patriotism, the attitude to the corresponding duties, although active, is unstable.

4 points - high level, a complete understanding of the essence of the leading features of certain aspects of patriotism.

Application No. 5

Test "You must be a citizen"

middle classes

^ Purpose: to reveal the ideas of pupils about the qualities of a person that characterize his civil sphere.

Experiment progress: Students are given a list of words:

patriotism, diligence, exactingness, self-control, endurance, creative attitude to work, self-criticism, ideological conviction, adherence to principles, justice, perseverance, conscience, honor, courage, internationalism, cheerfulness, sincerity, citizenship, decisiveness, responsiveness, cordiality, restraint, political literacy, compassion, patience, perseverance, enthusiasm, enthusiasm.

It is necessary to write all these words in three columns:

  1. the most significant words for you that characterize its civic orientation;

  2. words that are inherent in you;

  3. words that don't mean anything to you.

Data processing: words from the 1st column are worth 5 points,

From the 2nd - to 4 points,

From the 3rd - 3 points.

The analysis of the data obtained allows us to establish and analyze the reasons for this or that arrangement of qualities by a given student and the class as a whole, to identify differences in this regard, to compare the assessment of qualities that are characteristic and uncharacteristic of civic maturity.

Application No. 6

Questionnaire "Patriot"

This questionnaire is recommended for use in work with schoolchildren in grades 8-11 to determine the level of formation of the personal qualities of a citizen-patriot. Based on the results obtained, adjustments can be made to the system of educational work of the class.

This questionnaire can be conducted by the class teacher.

Processing and interpretation of the results is carried out only socio-psychological service.(teacher - psychologist, social teacher) according to the method

context - analysis (according to the frequency of responses). Quantitative indicator

allows you to calculate the percentage.

^ The purpose of the survey :

  • determine the content side of the student's orientation, the basis of his attitude to the surrounding society;

  • determine the relevance of patriotism issues in the system value orientations in students;

  • determine the gradation of personal qualities included in the concept of "patriot"

The questionnaire consists of 8 main blocks with judgments, questions and unfinished sentences. For each of the judgments or question, several alternative options answers.

F.I. __________optional____________ Class _________mandatory

You need to complete the following tasks. Please answer the questions and

1 .Do you consider yourself a patriot?

  1. Yes 3. Partly

  2. No 4. Don't know
2. Who do you think is more influenced the formation of your patriotic feelings?

1. School 4. Media

2. Parents 5. Authorities

3. People around, friends 6. Other _______________________________

3 . By what signs or statements do you define the concept of "patriotism" for yourself?

1. National self-knowledge, pride in belonging to one's country, people.

2. Intransigence towards representatives of other nations, peoples.

3. Willingness to cooperate with representatives of other nations in the interests of their homeland.

4. Selfless love and service to the motherland.

5. Love for home, village, country, fidelity national culture, traditions.

6. The desire to work for the prosperity of the Motherland, so that the state in which you

7. Patriotism is not relevant today, not modern, not for today and youth

8. Patriotism is just a romantic image, a literary fiction.

9. Other ____________________________________________________________________________.

4 . If you could not define the concept of "patriotism" for yourself, what is the reason for your misunderstanding?

1. No desire 2. No opportunity 3. I don’t think it’s relevant

5 . Determine for yourself the qualities and values ​​that a patriot should possess. (required

1) active life position _____ 11) happy family life ___

2) health (physical and mental) _____ 12) creativity (opportunity for creative work) ___

3) interesting job _____ 13) upbringing ( good manners) ___

4) beauty of nature and art _____ 14) honesty (truthfulness, sincerity) ___

5) love (spiritual and physical) _____ 15) efficiency in business ___

6) material support life _____ 16) sensitivity (caring) ___

7) the presence of good and faithful friends _____ 17) tolerance (to the views of others, the ability to forgive) _

8) public recognition _____ 18) self-control (restraint, self-discipline) ___

9) knowledge (education, outlook) _____ 19) responsibility (sense of duty, keep one's word) ___

10) entertainment _____ 20) rationalism (the ability to think sensibly and logically) ___

6 . Mark what your friends value above all?

1) the ability to appreciate true friendship 8) courage

2) willingness to help each other in Hard time 9) determination

3) mutual understanding 10) interest, knowledge of literature, music

4) honesty, decency, adherence to principles 11) interest in politics

5) pleasant appearance 12) the presence of good things, disks, etc.

6) good manners 13) having money, pocket money

7) the ability to dress fashionably 14) abilities

7 .From the proposed options, select those that are in most express your point


    1. I love when other people appreciate me

    2. I enjoy a job well done

    3. I like to have a good time with my friends
8. Complete the sentences:

1) When I think about the future of my country, then ... ___________________________________________________________________________


2) To be a worthy citizen of your country means to be ... ___________________________________________________________________________________________



3) You can defend your homeland not only with weapons in your hands, but also ... ________________________________________________________________________________________

Application No. 7

Questionnaire for determining attitudes towards military service boys 10-11 classes

1. Do you consider military service an honorable duty of a citizen? A. yes b. no in. Difficult to answer

2. Do you think the guys need military service? A. yes b. no. B. Difficult to answer

3. Do you consider it necessary for yourself in the RF Armed Forces? A. yes b. no. B. Difficult to answer

4. Is it possible to name the ratio ks modern army positive? A. yes b. no. B. Difficult to answer

5. Are you interested military equipment? A. yes b. no. B. Difficult to answer

6. Would you like to own military specialty? A. yes b. no. B. Difficult to answer

7. Are you physically preparing yourself for military service? A. yes b. no. B. Difficult to answer

8. Do you think discipline is essential condition military service? A. yes b. no. B. Difficult to answer

9. Are you ready to do military service away from home A. yes b. no. B. Difficult to answer

10. Do you justify the soldiers who ran away from their units when they were sent to hot spots? A. yes b. no. B. Difficult to answer

11. Do you admit that during the service you can suffer from "hazing"? A. yes b. no. B. Difficult to answer

12. Do you think that military service impossible without danger and risk? A. yes b. no. B. Difficult to answer

13. List what military establishments do you know?

14. Do you know in which troops your grandfather, father served?

15. Emphasize the most important skills and skills that a defender of the Fatherland should have?

A. combat training (defense, discipline) B. physical training(strength. dexterity) B. Education (mind, ingenuity) D. Medicine (health) E. personal qualities (courage, courage)

Application No. 8

Test "How tolerant are you?" (O. I. Tushkanova)

^ 1. Do you think that you have interesting idea but it was not supported. Get upset?
a) yes; b) no.
2. You meet up with friends and someone offers to start a game. What would you prefer?
a) that only those who play well participate;
b) so that those who do not know the rules can play.
^ 3. Do you take the bad news with ease?
a) yes; b) no.

4 . Do people annoy you when in public places show up drunk?
a) if they do not cross the permissible boundaries, I am not interested at all;
b) I always dislike people who do not know how to control themselves.
^ 5 . Can you easily find contact with other people?
a) it would be difficult for me to do it;
b) I don't pay attention to such things.
6. How do you react to a joke that you become the object of?
a) I don't like the jokes themselves or the pranksters;
b) even if the joke is unpleasant to me, I will answer in the same manner.
^ 7 . Do you agree with the opinion that many people are “sitting in the wrong place”, “doing their own thing”?
a) yes; b) no.
8 . You bring a friend (girlfriend) to the company, who becomes the object of everyone's attention. How do you react to this?
a) frankly speaking, it is unpleasant for me that attention is diverted from me in this way;
b) I'm just happy for him (her).
9 . On a visit, you meet an elderly man who criticizes the modern young generation, extols old days. How do you react?
a) leave early under a plausible pretext;
b) get into an argument.

Now let's count the points. Record two points for the answers: 16, 26, 36.4a, 56, 66, 76, 86, 9a. Sum result

^ 0 to 4 points. You are relentless and stubborn. There is an impression that you seek to impose your Opinion on others at all costs. Raise your voice frequently. Because of your character, it is difficult for you to maintain normal relations with people) who think differently than you, disagree with what you say and think
6-12 points. You are capable of firmly lagging behind your beliefs. You can certainly have a dialogue, change your mind if necessary. They are sometimes capable of excessive harshness and disrespect for the interlocutor. And at such a moment you can really win an argument with a person who has weak character But is it worth it to “take it by the throat” when you can win more worthily?
14-18 points. The firmness of your convictions goes well with the great subtlety and flexibility of your mind. You can accept any idea, treat with understanding a rather paradoxical, at first glance, act, even if you do not approve of it. You are quite critical of your opinion and are able, with respect and tact towards the interlocutor, to abandon views that, as it turned out, were erroneous.

Application No. 9

Indicative minimum diagnostic study program

levels of upbringing elementary school student

^ Basic relationships.

Education indicators.

Signs and levels of emerging qualities (from 3 to 0)

^ Attitude towards society


1. Attitude towards native nature

3 - loves and protects nature, encourages others to respect

2 - loves and protects nature

1 - participates in nature conservation activities under the guidance of a teacher

0 - does not value nature and does not protect

2. Pride in your country

3 - is interested in the historical past of the Fatherland, tells others about it

2 - interested in the historical past

1 - gets acquainted with the historical past at the prompting of adults

0 - not interested in the historical past

3 Serving in one's own strength

3- finds things for the benefit of the small Fatherland and organizes them

2 - finds things to benefit the small Fatherland

1 - participates in affairs for the benefit of the small Fatherland with the organization and support from teachers

0 - does not take part in affairs for the benefit of the small Fatherland

4. Taking care of your school

3 - participates in the affairs of the class and involves others in this

2 - takes pride in his school, participates in class activities

1 - participates in class affairs when prompted

0 - does not participate in the affairs of the class, does not feel pride in his school

^ Attitude to physical labor


1Initiative and creativity in work

3- finds useful things in the classroom, school and organizes comrades for creative work

2 - finds useful things to do in the classroom. The school fulfills them with interest

1 - participates in useful deeds in the classroom, school, organized by others

0 - does not participate in useful activities, positive initiative and creativity does not show

6. Independence in work

3 - works well without the control of elders and encourages comrades to do this

2 - he works well himself, but is indifferent to the work of others

1 - works in the presence of control

0 - in labor affairs does not take part

7. Careful attitude to the results of labor

3 - protects personal and public property, encourages others to do so

2 - protects personal and public property

1 - requires control in relation to personal and public property

0 - not thrifty, allows damage to personal and public property

8. Awareness of the importance of work

3 - realizes the importance of labor, he finds work according to his own strength and helps his comrades

2 - realizes the importance of labor, he finds work according to his own strength

1 - does not have a clear idea of ​​the importance of labor, needs guidance when performing work according to his strength

0 - does not realize the importance of labor,

does not know how and does not like to work

^ Attitude towards people

Kindness and responsiveness

9. Respectful attitude to the elders.

3 - respects elders, does not tolerate disrespectful attitude towards them from peers

2 - respects elders

1 - not always respectful of the elderly, needs guidance

0 - does not respect elders, allows rudeness

10. Friendly attitude towards peers

3 - responsive to friends and relatives, friendly to peers, condemns rudeness.

2 - responsive to friends, relatives and peers.

1 - shows friendliness, needs encouragement from comrades and elders

0 - not responsive, sometimes cruel.

11 Mercy

3 - sympathizes and helps the weak, sick, helpless and sets others up for this

2 - sympathizes and helps the weak and sick

1 - helps the weak, sick in the presence of control

0 - not responsive, sometimes cruel

12 Honesty in dealing with peers and adults

3 - honest in relations with comrades and adults, does not tolerate lies and deceit from others

2 - - honest in relations with comrades and adults,

1 - not always honest

0 - not honest

^ Attitude towards yourself


13. Developed good will

3 - shows goodwill and seeks to develop it, supports the manifestation of goodwill by peers

2 - shows goodwill and seeks to develop it

1 - develops will in situations organized by adults, often obeying the will of others

0 - does not have willpower and does not seek to develop it

14. Self-respect, compliance with the rules of conduct

3 - voluntarily observes the rules of conduct, requires it from others

2 - voluntarily follows the rules of conduct, does not care about others

1 - complies with the rules and regulations in case of control from the side

0 - does not comply with the rules and regulations

15. Originality and punctuality

3 - timely and efficiently performs any business, requires it from others

2 - timely and efficiently performs any business

1 - when performing tasks and tasks, it needs control

0 - does not complete the started cases

16. Demanding on yourself

3 - demanding of himself and his comrades, strives to prove himself in good deeds and deeds

2 - - demanding of himself and strives to prove himself in good deeds and deeds

1 - not always demanding of himself, does not seek to prove himself in good deeds and deeds

0 - not demanding of himself, manifests himself in negative actions.

Application No. 10


(To help class teachers)

1st class 2nd class
1. "The history of my name and surname" 1. "The history of my street"
2. “Coat of arms, flag, anthem of Russia” 2. “My family heirlooms
3. “Here it is, what a great Motherland!” 3. " Glorious sons our Fatherland
4. "I am a Russian"

3rd grade 4th grade
1. "History of my village" 1. My ancestors in work and battle
2. "My genealogy" 2. Customs and traditions of the peoples of Russia
3. Customs and traditions of the Russian people" 3. Discipline and responsibility
4. "Rules of conduct for educated children" 4. Protect nature - protect

5th grade 6th grade
1. "What does it mean to love the Motherland?" 1 "Defending the Motherland is an honorable duty"
2. "Spiritual Heritage of Russia" 2. "Father, Fatherland, Fatherland"
3. "My Odessa region" 3. " literary heritage Russia"
4. "Our rights and obligations" 4. "Holidays of the Russian people"

Grade 7 Grade 8
1. "What does it mean to be responsible?" 1. "Defend your rights,
without forgetting the rights of others
2. "Holidays of the peoples of Russia" 2. "Am I a Russian citizen?"
3. “Our city of Omsk” 3. “What do we know about the peoples inhabiting

Our village and region?
4. "Great Patriotic War 4. "Russians abroad"
Odessa land” Heroes of Odessa.

Grade 9 Grade 10
1. “Obligation, duty, oath” 1. “Can I be called a citizen
2. "Am I a patriot of my Motherland?" 2. “Achievements of Russian scientists and
3. “Our ancestors are pioneers 3. “My wonderful countrymen in Siberia”
4. "Children in defense of the Fatherland" 4. " Memorable places city ​​of Omsk
5. " Family holidays and traditions"

Grade 11

1. "Who will I become, who should I be in order to serve the Motherland?"
2. "Why do I love Russia?"
3. "The people and I are one family"
4. “How can I help those who need my help?”