Homework on the theme of space preparatory group. "Space flight"

Homework for parents on the lexical topic Space

Prepared Kozina Olga Viktorovna

  1. Explain to the child why April 12 is celebrated as Cosmonautics Day all over the world. Consider pictures and illustrations in books, newspapers, magazines depicting space, astronauts and space technology. Tell your child about the first cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin. Explain to the child what a rocket, satellite, spaceport, spacesuit, telescope are.
  2. Check how the child remembers what you talked to him about. Ask him to answer the questions on his own, and if he is at a loss, help him with the answers.

– What is space? Space is what surrounds the earth and other planets.

What do people launch into space? People launch satellites, rockets, spaceships and stations into space.

What is the name of a person who flies a rocket into space? A person who flies on a rocket into space is called an astronaut.

Who was the first astronaut? Yuri Gagarin was the first cosmonaut.

What is the name of the place where spaceships are launched into space? This place is called the spaceport.

What does an astronaut wear to fly into space? The astronaut puts on a space suit.

What is the name of the planet we live on? Our planet is called Earth.

- What device does a person need to see the moon, distant stars and planets? To view the moon, stars and planets, a person needs a telescope.

3. word game"Give me a word." An adult reads poetic lines, but before last word pauses, inviting the child to finish the rhyme himself. If the child finds it difficult to answer, tell him yourself. The game can be repeated several times.

On an airship
Cosmic, obedient,
We, overtaking the wind,
Let's go to… (rocket).
planet blue,
Beloved, dear,
She is yours, she is mine
And it's called... (Earth).
There is a special pipe
In it the universe is visible,
See the stars kaleidoscope
Astronomers in... (telescope).

The very first in space
flew with great speed
brave Russian boy
Our astronaut... (Gagarin).

Lights the way at night
The stars won't sleep
Let everyone sleep, she can't sleep
Will not fall asleep in the sky ... (moon).

There is a special spacecraft,
He sends signals to the Earth to everyone,
And like a lonely traveler
Flying in orbit... (satellite).

The rocket has a driver

Weightlessness lover.

English: astronaut

And in Russian … (astronaut).

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The final game - the lesson "Journey into space" in the preparatory group

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Material Description: I offer you a summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "Journey into space". This material will be useful to educators of the preparatory group.

Target: To form children's ideas about space.
Continue to develop children's ideas about prominent people Russia: the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.
Develop Creative skills children in different types activities.
Cultivate a sense of pride in their homeland.
Equipment: Portrait of Yuri Gagarin; illustrations depicting the first satellite of the Earth, Belka and Strelka, rockets; portraits of astronauts, books on the theme of the week.
Preliminary work: learning poems, looking at illustrations. Given to the house homework: do crafts on the topic "Space".

Educator: Guys this year on April 12, our whole country celebrates significant date? Who can tell which one?
Educator: Let's remember who was the first to fly into space?
Educator: Can you tell me the names of astronauts you know?
Educator: And let's all remember the names of the planets together? How many planets do you know?
children read poem about planets
All the planets in order
Call any of us:
Once - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four is Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
Educator: Guys, what do you think the rocket looks like?
Educator: I suggest you lay out a rocket from Gyenesh blocks? Look carefully and say which geometric shapes did you make a rocket?


Educator: And remember the titles of the books that we read on the topic "Space"?

Educator: And what is the solar system?
Answer. The child tells.

Educator: I want to invite you to a physical minute, but not a simple one, but a cosmic one.
We'll go to the spaceport, (Walk)
Together we walk in step
A fast rocket is waiting for us (Hands above your head, keep walking)
To fly to the planet.
Let's go to Mars (Hands to the side)
Stars of the sky, wait for us.
To become strong and dexterous
Let's start the workout: (stop and follow the text)
Hands up, hands down
Lean left and right
Turn your head
And spread your shoulder blades.
Right step and left step
And now jump like this.

Educator: Listen to the riddles and name the answers.
- A man is sitting in a rocket.
Boldly he flies into the sky,
And on us in your spacesuit
He looks from space (cosmonaut)
- The very first in space
Flying at great speed
Brave Russian boy
Our cosmonaut ... (Gagarin)
- On an airship
Cosmic, obedient,
We, overtaking the wind,
We are rushing on ... (rocket)
Educator: You guessed the riddles, let's go to space trip but to travel, you need transportation. I propose to build a rocket and travel on it.
(we build a rocket from the designer).
Educator: Guys, what kind of rocket?
Answers.(big, space, fast...)

Educator: Guys, we have the words mixed up in the sentences here, we need to put them in their places and read the sentences.
Didactic game: "Collect and read."
- Yuri flew into Gagarin space. (Yuri Gagarin flew into space)
- We celebrate the day in cosmonautics in April. (Cosmonautics Day is celebrated in April)
- and Belka Strelka flew into space. (Belka and Strelka flew into space)
Educator: We are going on a trip, I invite you to come to the table, look, what is it?
Educator: That's right - it's a globe, a small model of our Earth. Let's take a tour of our little model.
Children examine and study the globe.

Educator: And imagine yourself in the place of the astronauts and describe how you see the astronaut?
Educator: Our lesson today is not easy, I have another surprise for you. I want you to lay out the planets for me, but these planets are special. You have to come up with names for them, tell a little about them.

Educator: Guys, remember what we talked about today. To consolidate our material today, I suggest you answer the questions:
What is the name of the people who fly into space? (cosmonauts)
- What is the name of the astronaut's clothing? (space suit)
- What was the name of the spacecraft on which Yuri Gagarin flew? (East)
- Remember the name of the woman astronaut? (Valentina Tereshkova)
Educator: We talked a lot about space, and now I invite you on an excursion to the Planetarium. What do you think the planetarium is?

Educator: I wish you a good and interesting journey, watch and remember everything carefully, and then tell me everything.
In the meantime, we will visit an exhibition of your work (joint work of parents and children)

Thank you for your attention.

Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "Space travel"

Material Description: I offer you a summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "Space Journey". This material will be useful to educators of the preparatory group.
Purpose of the lesson: Expand and deepen children's knowledge of space. Continue to introduce children to Russian holiday- Happy Cosmonautics Day and space heroes. To teach children to be proud that the first astronaut was Russian man. To bring children to an understanding of such moral and volitional qualities Gagarin as kindness, perseverance, fearlessness, which helped him become famous person. To cultivate mutual assistance, friendly relations, the ability to work in a team, coordinate their actions. Activate superlative adjectives in speech.
To cultivate respect for the profession of an astronaut and pride in their country and for the people who glorified Russia: K. E. Tsiolkovsky, S. P. Korolev, Yu. A. Gagarin.
Dictionary Enrichment: Cosmodrome, astronaut, black hole.
Dictionary activation: Stargazer, starship, lunar rover, space velocity, galaxy.
Equipment: Map starry sky, spaceships depicted on the floor with duct tape, stargazer hat, ball, moon rover, Marsik box mask, 2 hoops.
Lesson progress:
- Dear children, on April 12 our country celebrates Cosmonautics Day. Why is such a holiday celebrated in Russia on this day?
(The fact is that it was on April 12, 1961 that the first cosmonaut of the planet made the world's first space flight).
- Do you know on what ship Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin flew around the earth?
(On the spacecraft "Vostok").
- And how many revolutions were made around the earth?
- And what was the call sign of Yuri Gagarin?
- What is the name of optical instrument for research and study of space bodies?
- What is the name of the first Russian designer of interplanetary spacecraft?
(Sergei Pavlovich Korolev).
Well done! Indeed, you know a lot, and I think that you are ready to go on a space journey. Do you agree? I am pleased to announce that you have been assigned to the Starship Troopers. But being an astronaut is not only an honor, it is also very difficult.
You have to be brave, resolute, persistent, kind, sympathetic, you need to know a lot, then you will be respected and loved. Yuri Gagarin cultivated these qualities in himself from childhood.
Let's listen to Vladimir Stepanov's poem "Yuri Gagarin".
In a space rocket
With the name "East"
He is the first in the world
I was able to climb to the stars.
Singing songs about it
Spring drops:
Forever will be together
Gagarin and April.
First, I propose to plot a flight course. Look closely at the starry sky..
Our course will be as follows: Earth, Moon, Venus, Mars, Earth.
So: The course is laid, the path is checked. Today we will go on a journey on 2 spaceships, and for this we will divide into two teams. Please line up in one line.
- On the first - second - pay off! The first numbers step forward. The first numbers - to the right, the second - to the left! Disperse in different directions.
Now attention! While in hourglass sand flows, each team chooses a captain.
This should be a person whom the team must respect and obey ..
Synopsis of the game - classes in the preparatory group "Flight into space".
- Captains, come to me and take the envelopes from the table. In envelopes 1 task.
Your missiles will be named Vostok and Soyuz-1. Teams will have to post the names of their ships.
Second task: In space everyone space object should have identification marks, i.e., the flags of the states to which this ship belongs are necessarily on the ship's plating. We are residents of what country, or what state? (Russia). Therefore, your ship should be depicted Russian flag. I give each team 3 colored stripes. What other countries on earth have the same colors as Russia on the flag. (France, the Netherlands, Slovakia). The children are doing the task.
- Before the launch of the ship, the anthem of the country whose astronauts will fly into space must be played. (The anthem of Russia sounds, the children sing).
- Get ready to start!
(Ready to start).
- Fasten your seat belts!
(There are fasten seat belts! (imitate the fastening of belts on the belt)).
- Let's start the countdown!
(Five, four, three, two, one - start! ( thumb simulate pressing the forward button.))
- How is the flight going?
(Earth, the flight is going well!)
- How are you feeling?
(Feeling great!)

At great speeds
Rockets fly into the distance.
We'll be visiting soon
On other planets.

While we are flying, I propose to perform a cheerful and cheerful song about astronauts.
Children sing a song.
1. From the heroes-cosmonauts
We don't want to be left behind.
We are falcon boys
We'll all be flying soon!
Astronauts will want - And they will fly to the stars!
astronauts, astronauts,
Greetings from all the guys2. We built a rocket, we fly away in it now.
Let high and far
The rocket will carry us.

Attention, Our spaceship is approaching the moon. Can you please tell me what the moon is? (This is a satellite of the Earth.) Tell me, did any of the earthlings manage to visit the moon? (This was American astronaut Neil Armstrong).
- Attention! Attention! We squatted. Put on your space suits and leave your ships. Caution, the moon is in a state of weightlessness. What it is? (Children explain). You can join hands so that no one flies away.
- Children, the surface of the Moon consists of large and small craters. Let's do a little experiment and see what they look like.
Experiment "Lunar craters".
Pour flour into a cup or plate. We throw a plasticine ball on a string there. Carefully take out the ball and get a semblance of a crater. This happens because the Moon is not protected by the atmosphere and all space debris hits it with great speed.
- Look guys, it's moving towards us. undefined object. If this is the Moon, then the Lunokhod is moving towards us. He is bringing us some kind of message. (Children read).
" Hello! We don't know who you are? But we Lunatics welcome you to the Moon. So that you do not get bored, we suggest playing the game "Stargazer".
Let's all form a circle. I have in my hands a ball with the image of the planet "Earth". According to the counting rhyme, we choose an astrologer.
An astrologer lived on the moon
He counted the planets.
One is Mercury, Two is Venus,
Three is Earth, four is Mars,
Five - Jupiter, Six - Saturn,
Seven is Uranus, eighth is Neptune,
Nine furthest from Pluto...
Who does not see, get out!
Children pronounce a rhyme while passing the ball in a circle. The chosen "astrologer" moves to the music in jumps, stops between two children who stand with their backs to each other, and at the expense of one, two, three - run! - run around different directions circle, trying to be the first to return to starting point and pick up the ball from the stargazer. The player who manages to do this becomes the "Stargazer" himself.
- Attention! All Crews urgently return to the ship! An alarm message came from space. (Sounds sound signal). Line up near your space rockets.
- It's a distress signal. SOS! We need to decipher this message. Only you and your captains can do it. Each letter corresponds to a number. Put the numbers in order and we'll see what happened.
Children write phrases.
- It's good that the planet Earth is protected by the atmosphere. Even if garbage flies to us, it burns up in the atmosphere.
We are flying to the planet Venus. That's where the alarm came from. Take seats in your spaceships
Warm up:
1 Get ready guys, stand still
The rocket is already waiting for us!
Let's go today
We are in space flight.
2. We check the equipment of the hand forward, up
Let's do a workout.
We float through space
We will take the path to Venus.
3. We are already flying in a rocket,
Weightlessness in the ship.
We know these overloads
We wave to the moon!
Stand up and wave your hands

Venerated. We leave spaceships. Look, the whole planet is filled with garbage. Need help local residents remove it.
The game is upside down.
- Before starting this exercise, three chairs are put together for each team. Team members alternately lie down on them so that the head hangs from the last chair. Closing their eyes with a bandage, the participants for a certain period of time collect the designer in a box, scattered on the floor within reach. For safety reasons, two adults supervise the progress of this exercise.
- Well done, you have collected all the space debris and are a little tired. It wouldn't hurt to refresh.
The game "Weightlessness" is being played.
Prepare to eat in zero gravity. (Children eat a cooked treat. Hanging by a thread at different heights).
- Well, you've refreshed yourself and it's time to move on. The red planet is Mars.
The child reads a poem: Mars.
Mars is a mysterious planet.
It is slightly larger than the moon,
because of blood red colors
The planet was named after the god of war.
All the great commanders considered Mars their patron and hoped for his help in battles.
"Marsik" meets children on Mars
- Hello children. My name is Marsik. I am a citizen of the planet Mars. Who are you and what planet did you come from? Tell me please, what is your planet?
- Earthlings, do you like to play?
Let's play the game "Bouncers".
-Our planet is beautiful.
- And ours is even more beautiful.
We have deep seas.
- And we have even deeper.
Our mountains are high.
- And ours are higher.
Our rivers are clean.
- And ours are cleaner.
- Our bread is delicious.
- And ours is tastier.
- Our apples are sweet.
- And ours are sweeter.
- Great! I like your planet more and more.
- Do you know how to solve riddles? I have not just riddles, but a chain of riddles. Listen carefully.

To arm the eye
And make friends with the stars
Milky way to see
We need a powerful one. . .
Telescope hundreds of years
Studying the life of the planets.
Will tell us everything
smart uncle...

Astronomer - he is an astrologer,
Knows everything!
Only better than the stars visible
The sky is full...

A bird cannot reach the moon
Fly and land
But he can do it
Make a quick...

The rocket has a driver
Weightlessness lover.
In English "astronaut",
And in Russian …

Astronaut sits in a rocket
Studying everything in the world -
In orbit as luck would have it
Appeared. . .

UFO flies to a neighbor
From the constellation Andromeda
It howls like a wolf from boredom
Evil green. . .

Humanoid has strayed off course
AT three planets lost if star map no,
Speed ​​won't help. . .

Light flies the fastest
Doesn't count kilometers
The Sun gives life to the planets
We are warm, tails. . .

The comet circled around
I looked at everything in the sky.
Sees a hole in space -
This is black. . .

Darkness in black holes
Something black is busy.
There he completed his flight
Interplanetary. . .

Starship - a steel bird,
He faster than light rushes.
Learns in practice
Star. . .

And the galaxies fly
Loose as they want.
Very hefty
It's the whole universe!

Ouch! Marsik! How interesting you are. Let's fly to visit us on our planet.
- I cant. I have a lot of things to do here on my home planet. And suddenly more guests will arrive. They will need to be met. And with you I will let go of mine younger brother Marsyulik. Let him live on earth. And if he wants to go back to Mars, here's a rocket for him. (Marsik gives Marsyulik and the rocket to the children.) Excuse me. I have to go. Domarsidania.

Well guys, it's time for us to return to our beautiful Earth. Take seats in your rockets. Let's start the countdown: 10,9,8, ...
While we are flying home planet I propose to sing another cheerful song. "Young astronauts". Words and music by Elena Ponomarenko.
(children sing a song).
- Here we are on our home planet. You can relax a little. The flight is over. We all love our planet. We are proud of our great country called Russia. We are proud of the people who glorified Russia by devoting their entire lives to space exploration.
These are Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev and, of course, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. You will grow up soon. and I have no doubt that someone will become a famous designer or astronaut and fly into space.
Today you have successfully completed the flight. Well done.
- Maksimkin Vasya will now read you a poem about returning to earth.
Cosmonaut Vladimir Orlov.
When the last turn is rounded.
So good to come down to Earth again.
And plunge after all the worries
In the living beauty of everything earthly.
Galaxy in the glow of star trails,
We look at her, do not look enough,
But, rising into the sky every time,
We leave our heart to our Earth.

And at the end of our lesson, I want to give you coloring pages with models of spaceships and space technology of the future.

Today we offer you to conduct a thematic lesson, dedicated to the Day Cosmonautics. This will not be an ordinary activity, but a real journey into space.

Space has always attracted people. In ancient times, people watched the stars. With the development of science, everything began to appear more possibilities study space. But so far, a lot remains a mystery.

On April 12, our country celebrates a holiday - Cosmonautics Day. It was on this day in 1961 that cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin went on a flight in the Vostok 1 spacecraft. He flew around the planet Earth, the planet on which we live. At the time, this was a huge achievement. Since then, many spacecraft have been in space. Every year people discover new opportunities to study space.

Thematic lesson on the theme of Space

He is an example for all children. They call him a hero. Proudly wears an astronaut The title is. To become an astronaut - You have to work hard: Start the day with exercises, Study well!

Invite the child to look at the sky. Ask what he sees. Perhaps you will see blue sky and perhaps clouds or even stars. Ask if he knows what is behind these clouds? What will we see if we rise higher, higher than planes fly?

Tell the child: “Actually, beyond the clouds there is a huge wonderful world which is called "space". It is very interesting to explore. It's very beautiful there. A lot of boys and girls dream of flying there. Do you want to go on a space trip?

1. Physical education

Tell your child that in order to become a real astronaut, you need to be healthy, train a lot, because flying into space is not simple work. You need to be strong and resilient. Therefore, all astronauts do exercises every day.

Let's stand up straight, legs wider, Hands up, stay straight. Let's make bends now, bend over, don't be shy. And now another jump, One, two, three, come on, my friend. We walk on our toes, We walk on our heels. Here we will check the posture And bring the shoulder blades together. Let's stomp our feet, clap our hands. 2. The game "I want to become an astronaut"

We did exercises, prepared for space travel. But what else do we need to go into space? Of course we need a space suit!

I want to become an astronaut! (hands up)

I put on a spacesuit (touch your fingertips and go up)

I will fly on a rocket (stretch out your arms and connect over your head)

And I will open all the planets (make a big circle with my hands)

Try to make a space suit from what you have at home. Imagine with your child.

Or use the master class from.

3. The game "Build a rocket"

Now we are fully prepared for our space journey. But what are we going to fly?

From the Earth it takes off into the clouds Like a silvery arrow. Flies to other planets Rapidly .... (rocket)

That's right, astronauts fly into space on a rocket. Where is this rocket? Where does she take off from?

The launch of the rocket takes place at the cosmodrome - this is special place where the rockets take off. Let's make our spaceport and build a rocket.

Make a "rocket" out of chairs. As musical accompaniment you can turn on space music. Think about what an astronaut needs to take with him on a rocket.

Do you need, for example, pillows, blankets, spoons, forks. Encourage your child to take whatever they need. And in the following tasks, we will analyze whether these items are really necessary for an astronaut.

Fast rockets are waiting for us To fly to the planets. On what we want - On such we will fly! 4. Riddles about Space So our rocket flew "UUUUU!"

Look how people are waving downstairs. How fast we fly up. Hold on tight! We have a long flight ahead of us. In the meantime, let's discuss what we will see in space. I will guess riddles, and you guess.

Look out the window at night

High in the sky We light up like the sun, Very far away. (Stars)

These stars are like sparks

They fall and fade quickly.

Light up in the middle of the night

Starry rain in the sky

Like these lights

Painted by the artist. (Meteorites)

I'm flying around the earth

I reflect down the signal,

So that viewers can

Receive a TV channel. (Satellite)

There are no wings, but this bird

Arrive and land on the moon (lunar rover)

Miracle bird, scarlet tail,

Arrived in a flock of stars.

Our people built this

Interplanetary ... (rocket).

5. The game "Weightlessness" Here we are in space. But look what is it?

Get up from your chairs and move freely throughout the space.

Explain to the child that this phenomenon is called “weightlessness”. In the Cosmos, the forces that act on the planet Earth cease to act on a person. On Earth, we are very firmly on our feet, because the Earth attracts us. And in space there is no gravity, so astronauts cannot stand on their feet, they seem to “float” in the air.

Now look at what items you took with you on your space trip. And tell your child that eating with a spoon and fork in space will not work. It is also impossible to impose food on ordinary plates, because it will scatter throughout the ship. Therefore, astronauts take food in special tubes, similar to toothpaste.

You won’t be able to sleep on pillows either, it will simply fly away from under your head. There are no ordinary beds in space either. Astronauts sleep in special sleeping bags that are attached to the walls of the ship.

6. The game "We study the planets"

We will need a telescope - a spyglass that can be made from a paper towel base.

And pre-cut circles from colored paper (planets solar system).

yellow circle- The sun, - a small brown circle - Mercury, - a larger circle Pink colour- Venus - blue circle (slightly larger than Venus) - Earth - red circle (same size as Venus) - Mars - gray circle (larger than Earth) - Jupiter - white circle with a ring (the same size as Jupiter) - Saturn, - a blue circle (the same size as the Earth) - Uranus, - purple (the same size as Uranus) - Neptune,

- a small white circle (Same size as Mercury) - Pluto (according to the latest data, Pluto is no longer considered a planet, so decide for yourself whether to do it or not).

Have your child take a look at space. While he is looking through the telescope, show him the circles and tell him about the planets.

Say that all the planets in the solar system revolve around the sun. And show the sun (circle yellow color).

All planets different color and different sizes. Show the planets and read the poem: In order, all the planets Will name any of us: One - Mercury, Two - Venus, Three - Earth, Four - Mars. Five - Jupiter, Six - Saturn, Seven - Uranus, Behind him - Neptune. He is eighth in a row. And behind him already, then, And the ninth planet Called Pluto. 7. We make the application "Planets of the solar system"

We will need: black colored paper, gouache white color, brush, circles pre-cut from colored paper.

Invite the child to now make his own application, which will depict all the planets.

First glue the Sun, and then glue the planets in order. Tell me about each planet:


This smallest planet is closest to the Sun. At the same time, almost all the time it turns to the Sun on one side. Therefore, it is very hot on one side of Mercury and very cold on the other.

There is absolutely no air on Venus. Its surface is very, very hot. There are no plants or animals on this planet.

This is the planet we live on. Animals, people, fish live here. There is great amount the oxygen we breathe.

Red little planet. It has very little oxygen and almost no water, although scientists suggest that Mars once had a lot of water. This is one of the mysteries of this planet.

The most big planet solar system. Storms and whirlwinds of winds constantly occur on its surface, and the planet itself, despite its size, rotates very quickly around its axis.

Beautiful and unusual planet, the sixth from the Sun. Its amazing feature, which can be seen from Earth through a telescope, is a ring around the planet. The ring looks like a disk, but in fact it is not a solid disk, but thousands upon thousands of small stones, asteroid fragments and dust.

Uranus has an unusual Blue colour and it looks like it's round flat surface ball.

Icy very cold planet, is very far from the Sun, so Sun rays almost never reach the surface of this planet.

It is the planet farthest from the sun and the smallest in size.

Now take a brush and white paint and draw stars.

8. Cartoon

At the end of the lesson, watch the cartoon about Space "Why: What are the planets"

We wish you a pleasant space journey!

If you liked the space journey, then we invite you to another one, along with the girl Dasha.

The child is interested in the topic of space, then I propose to spend a thematic week about space. TN "Cosmos" and others abstracts for thematic weeks.

Well, flew to explore space?

I have collected here a lot of developmental and creative tasks from various resources in which the baby could show his artistic qualities, study a little celestial objects and practice handwriting. All pictures are ready for printing - download and play!


Cards for children "Space"

Print out a sheet of cards and either laminate it or stick it on cardboard. Then cut along the gray lines. To make the game with cards educational, show the baby the cards and tell what is shown on them, describe these objects, what is special about them. Show only 1 card at a time.


Lotto "Solar System"

Round small cards with planets, sun and moon. The planets of the solar system are not named to save space, but you can easily label them with reverse side cards.

The order is: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

*To download the image in its original size, press the right mouse button and select "save image as ..."

How to play loto?

  • Tell your child what is on the cards.
  • Show how to overlay cards on the same items on the playing field.
  • Ask him to lay out the cards on the field himself.
  • Try each time to tell something new about the depicted subject.
  • If the baby already knows how to speak, then let him name the object with which he picked up the card.


Space coloring pages: Earth and Moon, Rocket, Saturn, flying saucer.

*To download the image in its original size, press the right mouse button and select "save image as ..."


Task for preparing the hand for the letter “To the start! Attention! March!".

Have your toddler help the rocket take off by drawing a line from the ground to the rocket. If you hide this printout in a file corner and give your baby a dry erase marker (whiteboard marker), you can do the task many times.

*To download the image in its original size, press the right mouse button and select "save image as ..."


Find identical rockets and match them.

This game is about attention. The child needs to find the same rockets among many similar ones. it difficult task, so do not worry if the baby does not immediately cope with it. Hide the sheet in the file corner, like the previous task, and the next day invite the baby to play this game again.

*To download the image in its original size, press the right mouse button and select "save image as ..."


Draw half.

This task prepares the hand for writing and develops creative thinking. If the child is still small and it is difficult for him to complete this task on his own, try to draw with him hand in hand.

*To download the image in its original size, press the right mouse button and select "save image as ..."


Draw wings and tails for the rockets.

This game develops creative thinking, because, you see, it’s quite difficult to come up with different beautiful wings for all rockets

*To download the image in its original size, press the right mouse button and select "save image as ..."


Help Belka and Strelka find their way!