Three hypostases of the planet Nibiru. Preparing for a cataclysm

Information about the mythical planet Nibiru, which is also called "planet X" or "the twelfth planet", was first discovered in March 1843 in the crypts of the Assyrian palace on thousands of clay tablets depicting cuneiform writing. ancient civilization Sumerov. The Sumerians once inhabited southern territory Mesopotamia and Mesopotamia of the state of Iraq.

The planet Nibiru has very unusual astronomical conditions. It doesn't just revolve around the sun. According to the assumptions of some scientists, the sun has a twin, an extinguished star. This cooled star is the main center of rotation for Nibiru. The orbit of planet X is extremely elongated. For this reason, it enters the solar system only once every 3,600 years and passes very close to the Earth.

Life on the planet Nibiru

When rotating in its orbit, planet X moves away from the Earth at a distance of approximately 740 astronomical units, for comparison, Pluto is only 40 AU farther than the Earth. This means that the conditions for existence on Nibiru at the moment of moving away from the sun become far from normal, and extremely unfavorable for the development of all living things. Naturally, under such conditions, life on a mythical planet during this time period becomes impossible.

Having deciphered the texts with the hieroglyphs of the ancient people - the Sumerians, scientists were able to draw up a historical picture of life on Nibiru.

The cuneiform tablets spoke of divine beings called the Annunaki, who were the children of the god. The Annunaki came from a huge planet with purpose to extract useful substances in the surface of the Earth, including gold. The word "Annunaki" in Sumerian means "who came to earth from heaven."

In cuneiform texts, the Annunaki are described as humanoid creatures of enormous growth from 3.5 to 5 meters, whose life span reached 370 years. The Annunaki possessed great knowledge and power over the world. They possessed the greatest knowledge of all in the field of various sciences.

Seven Sumerian tablets described the myth of the creation of the first man by the Annunaki.

Proponents of the paleocontact theory are convinced that the Annunaki are not mythical creatures, but aliens with tremendous knowledge in the field of genetics.

The Anunnaki needed a reasonable labor force. By examining the genes of a woman, they changed the DNA of a person. With help genetic engineering primitive beings were transformed into the pinnacle of evolution. But how did it happen.

According to the paleocontact theory, our ancestors were given intelligence by intentionally altering their DNA. Perhaps the Annunaki created human race using your own DNA. The proof of this fact is the life span of the Sumerian kings. The cuneiform list of the kings of the Sumerians includes the names of 140 kings, the life expectancy of many of them reached several hundred years. The only explanation for this phenomenon could be that these people were descendants of the Annunaki, carriers of their genes that prolong life. Moreover, according to Christian biblical writings the first people also lived up to 800-900 years.

What threatens the approach of Nibiru to Earth

The very first scientifically confirmed evidence of the approach of Nibiru to Earth was the detection by the NASA equipment of the invisible celestial object in 1983.

Already today, the reaction of the Earth to the approach of Nibiru is observed.

It is believed that the planet Nibiru is more massive and more earth. Its invasion of near space can lead to colossal cataclysms. Nibiru, which has a powerful magnetic field, may be the reason for a change magnetic poles Earth. This, in turn, will lead to the disappearance magnetic field, thanks to which the Earth's atmosphere is kept, protecting it from deadly cosmic radiation.

Planet X has appeared more than once in history. There are confirmations devastating consequences approach of the twelfth planet to Earth's surface. For example, the largest anomalous event ancient world, Santorini volcano eruption 3 600 years ago.

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At all times, topics related to the end of the world were especially popular. And our days are no exception.

AT current news one can often hear the opinions of various experts talking about the approach of this or that cataclysm, and humanity is regularly predicted an imminent and inevitable death.

Some people think that life on earth will end as a result of nuclear war or global warming. Others are seriously concerned about the intervention of alien beings from unknown spaces.

Planet Nibiru

AT last years scientific and near-scientific publications are increasingly discussing the so-called the planet Nibiru, which allegedly poses a terrible threat to all mankind.

To understand what Nibiru is, and what is its real and potential danger, we bring to your attention this article.

Mentions of Nibiru

The very word "Nibiru" is a cosmogonic concept taken from Sumero-Akkadian mythology.

The modern history of Nibiru began with the discovery of Sumerian tablets with references to Nibiru in Mesopotamia. Nibiru was called the celestial body and was associated with the Babylonian deity Marduk.

After the experts studied all the Sumerian tablets, it turned out that the ancient Babylonians represented Nibiru as a kind of axis of the world or a “fixed point”.

Satellite of the Brown Dwarf

Nowadays, new conspiracy theories and all kinds of versions of the end of the world associated with Nibiru are increasingly appearing in the media.

According to one of them, the planet Nibiru acts as a satellite of a certain Brown Dwarf ( Dark Star). And although the conditions on it are allegedly unsuitable for life, it may be an alien base or spaceship.

When the Brown Dwarf gets as close as possible to the Sun (which happens no more than once every 3600 years), Nibiru acts as a catalyst for cataclysms.

Some pseudoscientists suggest that it was Nibiru that caused Flood. Others are sure that the mysterious one described in the writings of Plato disappeared because of this planet.

Nibiru and Earth

Not so long ago, rumors began to appear on the Internet that Nibiru is an artificial ship moving in outer space.

steer the ship alien creatures living inside it. Proponents of this theory suggest that aliens can destroy life on at any time.

Planet Nibiru and the end of the world

For the first time, they started talking about the planet Nibiru in the middle of the 20th century, however, like about. It all started with a fantastic story told by an American lady.

So, one day, the aliens implanted a certain chip in the brain of Nancy Leader. By at least, so Nancy herself claimed. With the help of this chip, aliens could transmit any information to her, as well as closely monitor earthlings.

They soon discovered another space object, which, according to their calculations, was several times larger than the Earth.

At the same time, it is worth noting that although they managed to fix the celestial body, none of them knew what it was. Later, the Hubble telescope took a picture of the mysterious find.

Ultimately, NASA was forced to acknowledge the existence of a new planet, which the public immediately began calling Nibiru. Officially, astronomers call it Planet X.

Pseudoscientific theory

Learning about it scientific discovery, all the same American writer Zechariah Setchin, mentioned earlier, combined several versions of the existence of the planet Nibiru, and put forward his own.

Later, his theory gained quite a lot of popularity and began to be actively discussed in society. The source of all Setchin's ideas are the ancient Sumerian texts.

According to his theory, Nibiru passes between and once every 3600 years. He emphasizes that the Sumerians called Nibiru the twelfth planet, not the tenth.

What was the reaction of scientists to these near-scientific fantasies? Authoritative astronomers and physicists have refuted all of Setchin's claims. They proved that in principle there can be no planet with such a mass and orbit.

In addition, the experts recalled that without sunlight no life can exist. Archaeologists and experts studying the Sumerian tablets also spoke negatively about Setchin. They publicly stated that nowhere in the Sumerian texts is Nibiru explicitly referred to as a planet.

It is also worth noting that when looking for mysterious planet astronomers have used the most modern technology. In the end, they were able to detect 11 objects beyond Pluto, but none of them had anything to do with the declared characteristics of the planet Nibiru.

Interestingly, in 2009 information appeared that in the period 2001-2006, about 50% of the starry sky was scanned. As a result, scientists have not been able to detect any new objects with significant mass and volume.

It is also interesting that the next "end of the world", associated, of course, with Nibiru, was supposed to happen on August 16, 2018. However, this date has successfully passed, and our planet still exists.

At the same time, it should be said that it is quite possible that in the future there will be official data on possible planet Nibiru. But then we will write another article, where we will tell all the secrets of the mysterious space object.

Now you know everything about Nibiru. If you liked this article, please share it. social networks. If you like it at all - subscribe to the site website. It's always interesting with us!

On September 19, 2018, ufologists predicted another end of the world "at the hands" of the mysterious planet Nibiru, which supposedly will collide with the Earth. Conspiracy theorists have even reported latest news its location: the gaps between the clouds indicate that the space object has already entered the atmosphere of our planet, and the collision can lead to a catastrophe of great power, and that is why official sources do not disclose this information general public.

Around mysterious object There are a lot of speculations and conspiracy theories going around. The truth and myths about Nibiru are in the material.

Myth #1: Nibiru is the tenth planet in the solar system

Nibiru is a cosmogonic concept of the mythology of the population of Ancient Mesopotamia, appearing in the legends of the ancient Sumerians and associated with the god Marduk, the patron of Babylon. However, now this name is increasingly appearing in the reports of conspiracy theorists, ufologists and astrophysicists, and some even call it the tenth planet. solar system.

In 1978, scientists discovered a satellite of Pluto, and at the same time, astronomers Robert Harrington and Ton Van Flandern announced the discovery of another planet, which is 3-4 times larger than the Earth and has big period rotation around the sun.

Nibiru as seen by NASA

Then the infrared satellite really fixed some mysterious space object, but no one knew what it was. On the web you can find his photo with Hubble telescope, then NASA recognized that such a planet could indeed exist, but scientists did not give it the official name “Nibiru”, it has “folk roots”.

Myth #2: Nibiru will cause the end of the world

Earth and Nibiru,

News regularly appears in the press that after the collision with Nibiru, our Blue Planet will be destroyed. The end of the world was predicted December 2012, August 16 and September 19, 2018 and many other dates, but life on Earth is still thriving. Moreover, the rector of the Russian astrological school, Mikhail Borodachev, is sure that people have nothing to fear for the next 50-100 years.

The expert is sure that such things do not happen in a few years, days or months, and astrophysicists would have discovered a foreign body in the solar system long ago if it were there:

“Hubble-type orbiting telescopes are great at recognizing such objects. There is nothing like that there,” Borodachev said in an interview with Zvezda.

Myth #3: NASA is hiding the danger of Nibiru

The mysterious space object Nibiru has never been officially recognized as a planet, and scientists have no evidence of its existence, but talk about its danger has been going on for a very long time. This was first discussed in 1995, when a simple American Nancy Lieder stated that representatives extraterrestrial civilization from the star Zeta Reticuli warned her of the threat posed by a mysterious celestial body.

The American space agency claims that there is no planet Nibiru, which intends to destroy all life on Earth, actually exists. However, conspiracy theorists continue to spread theories that the authorities are deliberately hiding information about the deadly object from people in order not to sow panic.

“Every day I get a question about Nibiru. People are afraid to live, people cannot sleep for fear of it. I'm trying to convey that no Planet X is moving in our direction, but they just openly call me a liar, claiming that I am hiding publicly important information. Does it make sense to write and call me if everyone knows better than me how things are with this mystical Nibiru?” NASA astrophysicist David Morrison spoke about this.
David Morrison on Nibiru

In addition, as some experts rightly point out, NASA would not have been able to hide such serious information, because besides them, Roscosmos, ESA, JAXA, and also space agencies other countries.

In 2012 we were predicted terrible cataclysms. The most powerful earthquakes, huge tsunami, furious hurricanes were supposed to destroy everything that civilization created with such difficulty. It was argued that billions of people would die, and the planet itself would "tumble" 180 degrees and change poles. All living things will be on the verge of extinction, evolution will be thrown back millions of years ago, and an accidentally surviving person will turn into a primitive animal, overwhelmed by only two instincts: hunger and sex.

Why did people so guilty before the Creator, for which they were promised such terrible punishments? In any case, the punishment is hardly commensurate with the sins. But this is if you think rationally and logically. In this particular situation, little could depend on the Almighty, who can neither turn back time nor change the movement of cosmic bodies.

The whole thing was huge planet, which, allegedly, was steadily approaching the Earth. It is called Nibiru, and its size is 4 times the size of the blue planet. It's rushing cosmic body around the Sun in a very elongated orbit at a speed of 102 km / s and appears within the solar system once every 3600 years.

Someone qualifies her as the twelfth planet of the solar system, someone as the tenth. It does not change the essence of the question. She is like prodigal son, periodically returns from distant wanderings in Father's house, but does not ask for forgiveness, but brings grief, confusion and destruction to all planets that coexist comfortably and peacefully near the Sun.

Hypothesis of Zecharia Sitchin

This mysterious space object was first mentioned by Zecharia Sitchin. He is a journalist by profession, but speaks ancient Hebrew and other languages. Semitic languages. lived long time in the Middle East, studied the history and archeology of this region. He is the recognized authority of Sumero-Akkadian mythology. It was from her that he drew information about the twelfth planet.

Zecharia Sitchin claims that ancient people the Sumerians (lived in Mesopotamia in the III-II millennium BC) owned secret knowledge about history human civilization. In their legends, they told future generations of people about aliens that have been appearing on Earth since ancient times with a frequency of 3600 years. But they step onto the sinful earthly firmament not from a spaceship, but from the planet.

These aliens are called Anunnaki, and the main Anunak bears the name Marduk (the supreme deity in Sumero-Akkadian mythology). His title is nibiru. That is why, the mysterious planet on which the Anunaki fly to Earth is called Nibiru (in some sources it is called Marduk). Its image, along with other planets of the solar system, is clearly depicted on Akkadian cylinder seals.

One of these seals is kept in the Berlin state museum ancient east. On its lateral surface there is a disk with outgoing rays, and circles with small circles on them are skillfully applied around it. These are apparently planets with their orbits. Between the fourth and fifth planet is a large circle. Logically, this is the mysterious planet Nibiru.

Nibiru top left

It should be noted that knowledge of this level, while ancient time were considered a great secret. Only a select caste of priests was dedicated to it. Therefore, it is strange that the map starry sky depicted on a regular seal, which was just the signature of a particular person.

Such small cylinders in countries Ancient Mesopotamia almost everyone had. They were made from natural minerals (amethyst, limestone, jade), richer citizens allowed themselves seals from semi-precious metals or faience. The seal was rolled with a pattern applied to it on a wet clay tablet, on which, apparently, some financial obligations were written in cuneiform.

Maybe that seal, which is stored in the Berlin Museum, belonged to an astronomer? It is no longer possible to get an answer to this question. In this situation, it remains only to believe or not to believe that it is the Sun with planets that flaunts on the side surface of an ordinary household item. Of course, it is impossible to assert anything specific, besides sphragistics (the science that studies images on seals) given fact both in favor of the space version and against it, does not comment in any way.

Discovery of planet X

Sumero-Akkadian mythology with its planet Nibiru (Marduk) and the Anunaki is only part of the question. The other part deals directly with astronomy. Here everything is more prosaic and is based on the fundamental laws of physics and mechanics. The fact is that in 1781 the planet Uranus was discovered. It became the seventh planet in the solar system.

Already in 1783, the French astronomer Pierre Simon Laplace mathematically calculated the expected orbit of this new space object. Time passed, Uranus moved in its orbit. In 1821, astronomical tables were published based on actual data on the movement of the seventh planet in space.

The result was that practice did not coincide with theory. Uranus categorically did not want to fly the way that Laplace predicted for him. The planet deviated from the intended route and went somewhat to the side. In this situation, there could be only one reason: the French astronomer did not take into account the gravitational effect of some other unknown planet.

This was publicly stated in 1841 by the British mathematician and astronomer John Couch Adams. But he not only suggested the presence of an unknown space object, but also calculated its expected orbit. The same calculations were made by some other researchers. The result of this painstaking work was the discovery in 1846 of the planet Neptune.

The calculations were corrected, everything seemed to calm down. Now Uranus had to fly as he was destined. But again, confusion. The brat categorically refused to strictly follow the laws of mechanics and move along a clearly calculated and more than once scrupulously verified orbit for him. The conclusion was unequivocal: there is another unknown cosmic body that acts with its gravitational forces to the ill-fated seventh planet.

This mysterious and mysterious object called " Planet X". Intrigued scientists began to carefully study the night sky. By that time, photography had already been invented, which became the determining factor in the discovery of the mysterious planet.

In 1930, the young American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh, looking through the next pictures of the distant outer space, discovered on them an object unknown to the village. After a number of additional surveys, he was convinced that he was not mistaken: the object was unfamiliar, new and moved in its orbit much further from the Sun than Neptune. Thus was discovered the ninth planet of the solar system, which was named Pluto.

The further chronology of events is in no way confirmed by official data, it is based on rumors and conjectures, but, as they say, there is no smoke without fire.

In 1983, an infrared astronomical satellite was launched, which saw a huge unknown space object in the direction of the constellation Orion.

In 1987, NASA made an official statement that this object could well belong to the solar system, although it moves in a very distant orbit from the Sun.

Secrets associated with planet X

In 1992, a meeting between Robert Harrington and Zecharia Sitchin took place. The result of it was that Harrington seemed to see the light and realized that the mysterious "Planet X" is nothing but Nibiru - twelfth planet in the solar system according to Sumero-Akkadian mythology. In addition, an employee of the US Navy Observatory came to the conclusion that, given the orbit of this planet, it must be sought below the plane of the ecliptic. The best option in this case- observe this mysterious body from the Southern Hemisphere.

Robert Harrington submits an application to higher management to use it powerful telescope installed in New Zealand. Almost immediately afterwards, he dies of fast-moving cancer. Even the date of death is named - January 23, 1993. This sad event is followed by unexpected deaths from cancer of several more NASA employees, and in various disasters, both current and retired employees of various departments, one way or another connected with the study of Planet X, die.

The conclusion suggests itself: high-ranking government officials want to hide the truth about the planet Nibiru from people. The hands of employees from the Agency for national security» all honest and decent citizens who are ready to present reliable facts to the public that shed light on true position of things. These pure, crystal clear people seek to warn the world of an impending global catastrophe, but the black forces ruthlessly destroy them.

The only good news is that the completely degraded and morally decomposed employees of the National Security Agency did not think of destroying hundreds of thousands of amateur astronomers who, absolutely freely and independently, almost all over the world, can observe the ominous planet Nibiru through their telescopes.

Well, sincerely rejoicing at the short-sightedness and even outright stupidity of the black forces, let's proceed to consider other issues directly related to the planet Nibiru.

What is the planet Nibiru

First of all, I would like to have an idea about that distant space world, from which Nibiru periodically emerges. There is no coherent, scientifically based theory about this. There are only hypotheses, conjectures and assumptions. The main one indicates that Nibiru is not a planet in the solar system.

It rotates around a brown (or brown) dwarf. This category includes space objects that are much smaller in size than stars. In their bowels go thermonuclear reactions, but the energy costs for radiation are not compensated. brown dwarfs very quickly cool down and turn into ordinary planets. There are a great many of them in the Milky Way, so it is not surprising that such a habitat was chosen for Nibiru.

In addition to the "Planet X" itself, in this system there are six more such space objects. Five of them are minor planets. The sixth in its mass exactly corresponds to the mass of the Earth. There is a similar earthly life on it, and, of course, highly developed civilization. Its representatives are just those very Anunaki from Sumerian mythology.

The very same planet Nibiru is a lifeless desert and revolves around a brown dwarf in a very elongated orbit. Due to this feature, the Anunnaki use it as an interplanetary spacecraft for their long-distance travels across the expanses of the universe.

By the way, the guys did a good job. Only one thing is not clear: if Nibiru is four times larger than the Earth, then the gravity of the planet makes it impossible for any living beings to stay on its surface. How the Anunaki deal with this issue is a mystery. Probably, after all, it would be much easier to design an ordinary large and solid spaceship. But is it possible for earthlings to judge the deeds of those who once gave them life, reason and intellect.

Orbit in which Nibiru moves

It is also unclear why Nibiru, having invaded the solar system and made various outrages in it, stubbornly returns to the brown dwarf. The point is that a lot of space education averages only 0.012-0.08 of the mass of a yellow star. The sun is just that yellow star, respectively, and its gravitational influence is many times greater than that of a brown dwarf.

But the mysterious planet, completely ignoring all the natural laws of the universe, does not remain within the solar system, but somehow manages to slip into a dull and dim native element and again take the appropriate place among its six brothers.

In a word, there are many ambiguities in this theory. There is actually another version. By her Nibiru itself appears to be a brown dwarf, which is also the twelfth object of the solar system. Around the Sun, this faint luminary rotates in a very elongated orbit that passes between Mars and Jupiter.

The brown dwarf spends most of its time in the vastness of space, but once every 3600 years it appears, like a clear sun, in its native land. It wedged unceremoniously between Mars and Jupiter, takes its rightful place in its orbit, and moves around the Sun within the solar system for a while.

After honoring the short attention of his brothers and sisters, Nibiru goes into open space and lost in the dark abyss. Where, why and why the brown dwarf flies away - there are no answers to this. But there is no answer to the question of how a fading star manages to overcome the gravitational influence of the Sun over millions of years. After all, it's no secret that the main characteristic of elongated elliptical orbits is their extreme instability.

Logically, "Planet X" should have long ago either taken a more compact circular orbit near the yellow dwarf, or got lost in space, falling into the zone of influence of another star. However, nothing of the kind is observed, just as the Sumerians did not observe in their time the absence of life on the surface of Nibiru. But how could the Anunaki descend to Earth from this ill-fated cosmic object, if the brown dwarf is not suitable not only for highly organized life, but even for the existence of the most primitive and simplest unicellular microorganisms on it.

So does the planet Nibiru exist or not?

Despite everything, adherents of Nibiru are trying in every possible way to find facts confirming its presence in space. So in February 2000, at the most remote boundaries of the solar system, French astronomers discovered a huge and very bright comet. We are talking about the comet 2000 CR/105. The distance to it is 7.9 billion km, and the orbit is very elongated. The size of the core of this cosmic body exceeds 400 km.

Specialists were interested in the comet as an object deviating in an incomprehensible way from the intended trajectory. It has been hypothesized that this deflection is the result of the impact on 2000 CR/105 of some unknown planet revolving around the Sun in a very distant orbit. The estimated distance to it is 10 billion km, and in size it is larger than the Moon, but smaller than Mars.

The fact that the alleged planet may be a hypothetical Nibiru - the conversation did not go at all. But, as they say, if there is a desire, the rest will follow. Immediately there was a categorical statement that this invisible large object is "Planet X". But these are not yet discovered planets there must be a great multitude in the same Kuiper belt. Their appearance on the map of the solar system is a matter of time. They all revolve in distant orbits around the Sun for billions of years and have never wedged themselves between Mars and Jupiter.

The excitement raised around the planet Nibiru has given rise to a whole galaxy of professional researchers and amateur astronomers who, in the most thorough and meticulous way, are looking for a huge object in Space that is inexorably approaching the solar system.

This task is very difficult and complex. AT vast space billions of stars shine, planets move in their orbits, asteroids flicker. Immortal life of the boundless Cosmos, in all its diversity, appears before the eyes of those who doomed themselves to such a complex and laborious task.

At vast distances from the solar system there are boundless oceans of stars. From the Earth, they are seen as small nebulae, which, due to inexperience or inattention, may well be mistaken for individual planets. One of these nebulae, with a sufficiently rich imagination, can always be qualified as Nibiru, which is moving inexorably towards the blue planet.

Nowadays, all trans-Neptunian objects are carefully studied. By them are meant planets that are located beyond the orbit of Neptune in the Kuiper belt and in Oort cloud. Now 11 such objects are known, the diameters of which exceed 800 km, but none of them is a mysterious cosmic body.

Nibiru is four times bigger than Earth

At the beginning of 2009, 50% of the sky was scrupulously examined. At a distance of 22 billion 440 million km from the Sun, there are no objects larger than 1500 km in diameter. At a distance of 44 billion 880 million km from the Sun, there are no cosmic bodies the size of Mars, and planets equal to Jupiter do not exist in a space of 1000 astronomical units (1 AU is equal to 149.6 million km).

The dimensions of the orbit of Nibiru are easy to calculate, knowing the period of its rotation, which, as stated, is equal to 3600 earth years. Major axis(average distance celestial body from the focus) of such an orbit should be 35 billion 156 million km. But "Planet X" is four times the size of the Earth, that is, it is a huge space object, none of which, as already noted, is observed at a distance closer than 45 billion km. from the sun.

It would not be superfluous to also say that back in 1989, spacecraft NASA "Voyager 2" was near Neptune at a distance of only 48 thousand km from its surface. The data collected by the apparatus were transmitted to the ground. They were processed and determined that the mass gas giant was calculated incorrectly. It was recalculated, and it decreased by 0.5%. After these calculations, all inconsistencies in the gravitational influence of Neptune on Uranus disappeared. The need for "Planet X" has also disappeared.

How did the sinister legend of Nibiru come about?

Despite everything, to all the winds for evil, the mysterious planet Nibiru stubbornly continues to visit its ardent adherents in a dream and in reality. More recently, with an unhealthy twinkle in their eyes, they categorically stated that on December 21, 2012, this space object would, as it were, emerge from the Earth, passing through the plane of the ecliptic, and shine in the form of a bright red star in the sky next to the Sun in front of everyone shocked humanity. This will entail terrible cataclysms and the death of 70% of the population of the blue planet.

But how could the date be calculated so accurately? Why, say, not 04/16/2014 or 07/05/2016. These figures are no worse, but for some reason they chose a gloomy December day, and even on the eve of Christmas. The answer is quite simple and prosaic. In 1960, in the south of Mexico, a fragment of the Mayan stone calendar was found. Last date on it - 12/23/2012. For some reason, the found calendar was associated with Bolon Yokte Ku - the god of war and rebirth.

Time passed, all this mess with "Planet X" began, and someone remembered that the Mayans determined the existence of the Universe within the framework of the great cycles. The fifth cycle or the fifth Sun (Sun of Movement) is ending today. Here the date is clear - 12/23/2012. She was immediately tied to mysterious planet Nibiru, logically reasoning that the Sumerians, Anunaki and Mayans are one Satan.

True, the Maya indicated the length of each cycle at 25,800 years, and the Nibiru cycle is 3600 years, but who pays attention to such trifles. In addition, very opportunely, various unpleasant disasters have arrived, which have been shaking the planet with enviable regularity for the last ten years. Are they not the first, faint signs of the gravitational influence of "Planet X" on our dear and beloved mother earth.

Maybe something there is some kind of signs, but there is a more serious and scientifically verified concept, which in a plausible and evidence-based form explains the cause of the climate disturbances observed recent times on the blue planet.

The cause of climate disturbances on planet Earth

According to supporters of this theory, it's all about the gravitational influence of other planets in the solar system on Earth. Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter try to bring down blue planet from the intended course along which it moves in its orbit. In this regard, the path of Mother Earth is not clearly defined and straight, but thorny and winding. It constantly deviates in one direction, then in the other, and, as it were, "floats" in space, making its revolutions around the Sun.

The core of the blue planet, having a huge mass, cannot instantly respond to such oscillatory movements and timely "dump" the energy that is released in this case. As is known from physics, energy does not disappear anywhere, therefore it is forced to accumulate in the bowels of the Earth. Moreover, this process takes more than one millennium.

In the end, the amount of unused energy reaches a critical value, which is quite capable of competing with the mass of the nucleus. To get rid of such harmful effects, rotating in earthly depths the core starts oscillatory motion around its axis, trying to waste excess energy and discharge the voltage on its surface. This is the reason for the displacement of the magnetic poles and all those cataclysms that prevent human civilization from peacefully existing on the earth's surface.

After some time, when the energy is wasted, the core will calm down, the deviation of the magnetic poles in one direction or the other will stop, the climate will normalize, and earthquakes, hurricanes and tsunamis will order to live long. Everything will return to normal, leaving in the souls of people bad taste from the turmoil.


This theory is quite nice and explains everything at once. Its only drawback is it has no place for the planet Nibiru. But is this mysterious cosmic body really missing in reality? The main argument in his favor is the Akkadian-Sumerian mythology. She cannot be discounted. Now at least one thing is clear: in 2012, "Planet X" did not appear within the solar system in the same way that it did not appear contrary to forecasts in 1998, 2000, 2004 and 2006. Therefore, in this situation, it remains only to wait for another date, which, apparently, will be announced very soon by irrepressible supporters of the mysterious cosmic body.

The article was written by ridar-shakin

Based on materials from foreign and Russian publications

Recently, more and more often you can read and see on TV various "sensational" materials about the next end of the world. A certain planet Nibiru will be to blame for this. She was supposed to fly to us in 2012, but something delayed her. Now, all clairvoyants, enlightened and other astrologers expect it every year.

"We all die! The planet Nibiru is near! End of the world from day to day!” - prophesy all sorts of "doctors of science" from the TV screen. News about this mysterious body periodically appears, then disappears, only to reappear a few months later. Is it worth it to start digging a shelter, or is it better to get out of the solar system altogether.

This is a kind of hypothetical body, 4 times the size of the Earth. It appears in the solar system once every 3600 years, bringing with it great confusion and catastrophes on a large scale.

This wandering planet has a highly elongated orbit, inclined to the plane of the ecliptic, which passes just between and. There is an asteroid belt. According to legend, it is Nibiru that is guilty of its formation, destroying the planet Phaethon that was once located there.

How did you know about Nibiru?

We note right away that none of the sane people, that is, scientists, have seen Nibiru. There is no documentary evidence of its existence - neither photographs nor any indirect data. It also did not fall into the field of view of telescopes. So where did the planet Nibiru come from, and why is there so much talk around it?

Some "competent people" not only know physical parameters of this celestial body, its orbit, but also accurately predict the dates of passage through the solar system. Where did they get all this from?

It all started with the Sumerians, or rather, with their records on the famous clay tablets. These tablets were found at the end of the 19th century where ancient mesopotamia and were big cities Babylon type. The Sumerians lived there 2-3 thousand years ago, and now there is Iraq. Records of the history of civilization of that time were found there, moreover, for a very long period,

By the way, the first to mention Nibiru was a certain journalist Zakharia Sitchin, who lived in that region for a long time and was fond of archeology and history in general. Note that he was, however, a journalist, and had nothing to do with official scientists. It's like comparing the work of an amateur astronomer (armed with the simplest instrument and making "discoveries" every day) and a professional astronomer in an observatory.

So, this Zecharia Sitchin discovered in the Sumerian records a mention of a planet that appears nearby once every 3600 years. It is inhabited by a people called the Anunnaki. The chief Anunnaki is called Marduk, and he has highest title- Nibiru, from which the name of the planet came.

These Anunaki, according to the chronicle, not only visited the Earth, having descended from this planet, but also remained here. This explains the sudden appearance of a fairly advanced civilization in Mesopotamia. Some here even find a connection with the sudden transformation of monkeys into people - the Anunnaki had a hand in this, deriving a race of people from monkeys to serve themselves.

Planet Nibiru now

Okay, the Sumerians and the discoveries of Zecharia Sitchin are a long-standing thing. What do scientists say about this, armed with everything - from powerful computers to large observatories and space telescopes? Now they are able to see an exoplanet near a distant star. So can't they find major planet in our own solar system?

There were some discoveries when it seemed that scientists had already "caught Nibiru by the tail." For example, when Uranus was discovered, Neptune was mathematically calculated and discovered from its anomalous movement. However, the movement of Uranus in its orbit did not obey mathematical calculations even after Pluto was discovered. Something must have been affecting him! And then it was suggested that there is another large unknown object in the solar system - planet X, or Nibiru.

In 1983, the Washington Post newspaper even published an article that the existence of Nibiru was proven, even the distance to this planet was calculated. At the same time, an infrared satellite found a certain moving body in the direction of the constellation Orion.

However, the joy of the supporters of Nibiru was not very long. When Voyager 2 visited the distant planets and refined their masses, the orbits of Uranus and Neptune were recalculated. All the anomalies of their movement simply disappeared - just in the initial calculations there were incorrect masses of the planets, therefore their calculated orbits did not coincide with the real movement!

Either way, neither visual evidence, no calculations confirming the existence of the planet Nibiru yet. No one has seen it, and its impact on other planets has not yet been discovered. The Voyager probes, which flew through the entire solar system and even flew out of it, also found nothing of the kind. But, logically, moving away from us, they are approaching Nibiru, which means that their orbit should deviate. However, this did not happen either.

Theories on the nature of Nibiru

As for what a rogue planet X is, there is something to be said. There are even different options here.

Theory 1

Let's start with the Sumerian theory. According to ancient texts, Nibiru is simply a planet inhabited by the Anunaki. This is huge body fiery red color had several satellites of its own, and rotated in reverse direction compared to other planets in the solar system. Its orbit is strongly elongated, inclined to the ecliptic, with a period of revolution of approximately 3600 years.

It is curious that the atmosphere on Nibiru began to deplete over time, especially ozone layer, and the Anunaki did not think of anything better than spraying golden sand into it. But their own reserves of gold are not endless, and it was for him that they came to Earth. Mining was carried out in the Persian Gulf and in southeast africa- there are indeed found deposits where gold was mined back in the Stone Age. It lasted 100-150 thousand years, and the transfer of gold occurred at the next approach of the planet. Then there was an uprising of the Anunaki workers, and a labor force was created in the form of a man.

Theory 2

According to another theory, the planet Nibiru is just one of seven planets orbiting some kind of brown dwarf. This brown dwarf is an object that less star, however, thermonuclear reactions take place in its depths. Due to the extreme dimness and great remoteness, we do not see it.

So, Nibiru has such an orbit that periodically passes in the plane of the planets of the solar system. Appears once every 3600 years and flies again to its brown dwarf.

So does the planet Nibiru exist or not? Truth or fiction?

The planet Nibiru, fact or fiction, is still unknown. This question has not yet been answered. Although a lot of facts have already been heaped around Nibiru, they are all nothing more than fiction. There is not a single confirmation, even indirect, of the existence of this planet. So where did all these details about orbit, size, and so on come from? They took from clay tablets Sumerians. We have fairy tales, we have the Bible and other stories... Didn't we just read a Sumerian fairy tale or some other entertaining fictional story?

Well, let's say Nibiru exists, and moves as the Sumerians wrote, and some Anunaki live on it ... Several questions arise:

  • Why all modern facilities find no sign of the existence of this planet X? Judging by the forecasts, it is literally on the threshold, and no gravitational effect from such a massive body has yet been noticed. And it should be.
  • How can an acceptable climate be maintained on the planet while moving in such an orbit? Even on minimum distance- between and , it should not be very comfortable there, and how will the Anunaki feel in the orbit of Pluto and beyond? It is unlikely that under such conditions any kind of life is possible at all, especially a highly organized one, more complicated than a viral one, and then in a frozen form.
  • Let's say Nibiru's orbit is really so elongated, and it regularly flies into the solar system. Why then did it not change under the influence of powerful solar gravity and Jupiter - much more massive planet that knocks down everything in its path? Nibiru would have become part of the solar system long ago if it actually existed. It is unlikely that she would return to her brown dwarf or somewhere else, in just a few turns.

This is probably enough, although there are a lot of oddities in this whole case. Although there is another factor that brought to life not only Nibiru, but also many other phenomena. This is the general illiteracy of the population, constantly aggravated by the simplification and collapse of education. Therefore, now it is more likely to see the performance of another psychic or a "certified" astrologer than a serious scientist.

Ufologists, astrologers, soothsayers and their persuasive speeches are what we see every day, and people gradually begin to believe all this. We are waiting for your opinion in the comments. And report your news about the planet Nibiru - suddenly it is already somewhere nearby ...